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艾睿网站建设,互联网营销师证书查询入口,商城网站建设-,php政府网站Python typing函式庫和torch.types 前言typingSequence vs IterableCallableUnionOptionalFunctionsCallableIterator/generator位置參數 & 關鍵字參數 Classesself自定義類別ClassVar\_\_setattr\_\_ 與 \__getattr\_\_ torch.typesbuiltins 參數前的* …

Python typing函式庫和torch.types

  • 前言
  • typing
    • Sequence vs Iterable
    • Callable
    • Union
    • Optional
    • Functions
      • Callable
      • Iterator/generator
      • 位置參數 & 關鍵字參數
    • Classes
      • self
      • 自定義類別
      • ClassVar
      • \_\_setattr\_\_ 與 \__getattr\_\_
  • torch.types
    • builtins
  • 參數前的*



def rand(size: Sequence[Union[_int, SymInt]], *, generator: Optional[Generator], names: Optional[Sequence[Union[str, ellipsis, None]]], dtype: Optional[_dtype] = None, layout: Optional[_layout] = None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]] = None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool] = False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool] = False) -> Tensor: ...
def rand(*size: _int, generator: Optional[Generator], names: Optional[Sequence[Union[str, ellipsis, None]]], dtype: Optional[_dtype] = None, layout: Optional[_layout] = None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]] = None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool] = False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool] = False) -> Tensor: ...
def rand(size: Sequence[Union[_int, SymInt]], *, generator: Optional[Generator], out: Optional[Tensor] = None, dtype: Optional[_dtype] = None, layout: Optional[_layout] = None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]] = None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool] = False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool] = False) -> Tensor: ...
def rand(*size: _int, generator: Optional[Generator], out: Optional[Tensor] = None, dtype: Optional[_dtype] = None, layout: Optional[_layout] = None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]] = None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool] = False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool] = False) -> Tensor: ...
def rand(size: Sequence[Union[_int, SymInt]], *, out: Optional[Tensor] = None, dtype: Optional[_dtype] = None, layout: Optional[_layout] = None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]] = None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool] = False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool] = False) -> Tensor: ...
def rand(*size: _int, out: Optional[Tensor] = None, dtype: Optional[_dtype] = None, layout: Optional[_layout] = None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]] = None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool] = False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool] = False) -> Tensor: ...
def rand(size: Sequence[Union[_int, SymInt]], *, names: Optional[Sequence[Union[str, ellipsis, None]]], dtype: Optional[_dtype] = None, layout: Optional[_layout] = None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]] = None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool] = False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool] = False) -> Tensor: ...
def rand(*size: _int, names: Optional[Sequence[Union[str, ellipsis, None]]], dtype: Optional[_dtype] = None, layout: Optional[_layout] = None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]] = None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool] = False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool] = False) -> Tensor: ...

當中的Sequence, Iterable, Optional, Union以及_int, _bool都是什麼意思呢?可以從torch/_C/_VariableFunctions.pyi.in中一窺端倪:

from torch import Tensor, Generator, strided, memory_format, contiguous_format, strided, inf
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional, Union, Any, ContextManager, Callable, overload, Iterator, NamedTuple, Sequence, Literal, TypeVarfrom torch.types import _int, _float, _bool, Number, _dtype, _device, _qscheme, _size, _layout, SymInt, Device

所以Sequence, Iterable, Optional, Union等是從一個叫做typing的庫中導入的。typing是Python的標準庫之一,作用是提供對類型提示的運行時支持。

_int, _bool等則是PyTorch中自行定義的類型。


Sequence vs Iterable

根據Type hints cheat sheet - Standard “duck types”,Sequence代表的是支持__len____getitem__方法的序列類型,例如list, tuple和str。dict和set則不屬於此類型。

# Use Iterable for generic iterables (anything usable in "for"),
# and Sequence where a sequence (supporting "len" and "__getitem__") is
# required

根據Python Iterable vs Sequence:


r = range(4)
r.__getitem__(0) # 0
r.__iter__() # <range_iterator object at 0x0000015AE7945D30>
l = [1, 2, 3]
rv = reversed(l)
rv.__iter__() # <list_reverseiterator object at 0x0000015AE7980E20>
rv.__getitem__() # 不支援__getitem__方法,但因為支持__iter__所以依然可以歸類為Iterable
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# AttributeError: 'list_reverseiterator' object has no attribute '__getitem__'


l = []
l.__iter__ # <method-wrapper '__iter__' of list object at 0x7f15bb50b5c0>
l.__getitem__ # <built-in method __getitem__ of list object at 0x7f15bb50b5c0>


typing - Callable

Frameworks expecting callback functions of specific signatures might be type hinted using Callable[[Arg1Type, Arg2Type], ReturnType].


Type hints cheat sheet - Functions中給出了例子:

# This is how you annotate a callable (function) value
x: Callable[[int, float], float] = f

如果先不看類型提示的代碼,這句其實就是x = f,把x這個變數設定為f這個函數。當中的Callable[[int, float], float]說明了f是一個接受int, float,輸出float的函數。


typing - Union

Union type; Union[X, Y] is equivalent to X | Y and means either X or Y.To define a union, use e.g. Union[int, str] or the shorthand int | str. Using that shorthand is recommended.

Union[X, Y]表示型別可以是XY,從Python 3.10以後,可以使用X | Y這種更簡潔的寫法。

Type hints cheat sheet - Useful built-in types中給出的例子:

# On Python 3.10+, use the | operator when something could be one of a few types
x: list[int | str] = [3, 5, "test", "fun"]  # Python 3.10+
# On earlier versions, use Union
x: list[Union[int, str]] = [3, 5, "test", "fun"]


typing - Optional

Optional type.Optional[X] is equivalent to X | None (or Union[X, None]).


Type hints cheat sheet - Useful built-in types中給出了一個很好的例子:

# Use Optional[X] for a value that could be None
# Optional[X] is the same as X | None or Union[X, None]
x: Optional[str] = "something" if some_condition() else None



mypy - Functions


from typing import Callable, Iterator, Union, Optional# This is how you annotate a function definition
def stringify(num: int) -> str:return str(num)


# And here's how you specify multiple arguments
def plus(num1: int, num2: int) -> int:return num1 + num2


# If a function does not return a value, use None as the return type
# Default value for an argument goes after the type annotation
def show(value: str, excitement: int = 10) -> None:print(value + "!" * excitement)


# Note that arguments without a type are dynamically typed (treated as Any)
# and that functions without any annotations not checked
def untyped(x):x.anything() + 1 + "string"  # no errors



# This is how you annotate a callable (function) value
x: Callable[[int, float], float] = f
def register(callback: Callable[[str], int]) -> None: ...



# A generator function that yields ints is secretly just a function that
# returns an iterator of ints, so that's how we annotate it
def gen(n: int) -> Iterator[int]:i = 0while i < n:yield ii += 1

將function annotation分成多行:

# You can of course split a function annotation over multiple lines
def send_email(address: Union[str, list[str]],sender: str,cc: Optional[list[str]],bcc: Optional[list[str]],subject: str = '',body: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> bool:...

位置參數 & 關鍵字參數

# Mypy understands positional-only and keyword-only arguments
# Positional-only arguments can also be marked by using a name starting with
# two underscores
def quux(x: int, /, *, y: int) -> None:passquux(3, y=5)  # Ok
quux(3, 5)  # error: Too many positional arguments for "quux"
quux(x=3, y=5)  # error: Unexpected keyword argument "x" for "quux"

注意到此處參數列表中有/*兩個符號,參考What Are Python Asterisk and Slash Special Parameters For?:

Left sideDividerRight side
Positional-only arguments/Positional or keyword arguments
Positional or keyword arguments*Keyword-only arguments





# This says each positional arg and each keyword arg is a "str"
def call(self, *args: str, **kwargs: str) -> str:reveal_type(args)  # Revealed type is "tuple[str, ...]"reveal_type(kwargs)  # Revealed type is "dict[str, str]"request = make_request(*args, **kwargs)return self.do_api_query(request)


mypy - Classes


class BankAccount:# The "__init__" method doesn't return anything, so it gets return# type "None" just like any other method that doesn't return anythingdef __init__(self, account_name: str, initial_balance: int = 0) -> None:# mypy will infer the correct types for these instance variables# based on the types of the parameters.self.account_name = account_nameself.balance = initial_balance# For instance methods, omit type for "self"def deposit(self, amount: int) -> None:self.balance += amountdef withdraw(self, amount: int) -> None:self.balance -= amount




# User-defined classes are valid as types in annotations
account: BankAccount = BankAccount("Alice", 400)
def transfer(src: BankAccount, dst: BankAccount, amount: int) -> None:src.withdraw(amount)dst.deposit(amount)
# Functions that accept BankAccount also accept any subclass of BankAccount!
class AuditedBankAccount(BankAccount):# You can optionally declare instance variables in the class bodyaudit_log: list[str]def __init__(self, account_name: str, initial_balance: int = 0) -> None:super().__init__(account_name, initial_balance)self.audit_log: list[str] = []def deposit(self, amount: int) -> None:self.audit_log.append(f"Deposited {amount}")self.balance += amountdef withdraw(self, amount: int) -> None:self.audit_log.append(f"Withdrew {amount}")self.balance -= amountaudited = AuditedBankAccount("Bob", 300)
transfer(audited, account, 100)  # type checks!




# You can use the ClassVar annotation to declare a class variable
class Car:seats: ClassVar[int] = 4passengers: ClassVar[list[str]]

__setattr__ 與 __getattr__

# If you want dynamic attributes on your class, have it
# override "__setattr__" or "__getattr__"
class A:# This will allow assignment to any A.x, if x is the same type as "value"# (use "value: Any" to allow arbitrary types)def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: int) -> None: ...# This will allow access to any A.x, if x is compatible with the return typedef __getattr__(self, name: str) -> int: ...a.foo = 42  # Works
a.bar = 'Ex-parrot'  # Fails type checking





import torch
from typing import Any, List, Sequence, Tuple, Unionimport builtins# Convenience aliases for common composite types that we need
# to talk about in PyTorch_TensorOrTensors = Union[torch.Tensor, Sequence[torch.Tensor]]# In some cases, these basic types are shadowed by corresponding
# top-level values.  The underscore variants let us refer to these
# types.  See https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/4146 for why these
# workarounds is necessary
_int = builtins.int
_float = builtins.float
_bool = builtins.bool_dtype = torch.dtype
_device = torch.device
_qscheme = torch.qscheme
_size = Union[torch.Size, List[_int], Tuple[_int, ...]]
_layout = torch.layout
_dispatchkey = Union[str, torch._C.DispatchKey]class SymInt:pass# Meta-type for "numeric" things; matches our docs
Number = Union[builtins.int, builtins.float, builtins.bool]# Meta-type for "device-like" things.  Not to be confused with 'device' (a
# literal device object).  This nomenclature is consistent with PythonArgParser.
# None means use the default device (typically CPU)
Device = Union[_device, str, _int, None]# Storage protocol implemented by ${Type}StorageBase classesclass Storage(object):_cdata: intdevice: torch.devicedtype: torch.dtype_torch_load_uninitialized: booldef __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> 'Storage':...def _new_shared(self, int) -> 'Storage':...def _write_file(self, f: Any, is_real_file: _bool, save_size: _bool, element_size: int) -> None:...def element_size(self) -> int:...def is_shared(self) -> bool:...def share_memory_(self) -> 'Storage':...def nbytes(self) -> int:...def cpu(self) -> 'Storage':...def data_ptr(self) -> int:...def from_file(self, filename: str, shared: bool = False, nbytes: int = 0) -> 'Storage':...def _new_with_file(self, f: Any, element_size: int) -> 'Storage':......

torch.types中的_int, _float, _bool就是Python內建的builtins.int, builtins.float, builtins.bool

PyTorch中定義的Number則是_int, _float, _bool中的其中一個。


builtins — Built-in objects

This module provides direct access to all ‘built-in’ identifiers of Python; for example, builtins.open is the full name for the built-in function open().



參考What does the Star operator mean in Python?

Single asterisk as used in function declaration allows variable number of arguments passed from calling environment. Inside the function it behaves as a tuple.


def function(*arg):print (type(arg))for i in arg:print (i)
# <class 'tuple'>
# 1
# 2
# 3


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SQL Monitor Crack,PostgreSQL监控的传入复制图表

SQL Monitor Crack,PostgreSQL监控的传入复制图表  现在&#xff0c;您可以在从Estate页面导出的Microsoft Excel报告的摘要标题中看到UTC偏移量。 添加了PostgreSQL监控的传入复制图表。 Microsoft PowerShell API现在支持将使用New-SqlMonitorWindowsHost和New-SqlMonitorin…...

软件测试技术之单元测试—工程师 Style 的测试方法(3)

如何设计单元测试&#xff1f; 单元测试设计方法 单元测试用例&#xff0c;和普通测试用例的设计&#xff0c;没有太多不同&#xff0c;常见的就是等价类划分、边界值分析等。而测试用例的设计其实也是开发者应该掌握的基本技能。 等价类划分 把所有输入划分为若干分类&…...


文章目录 一、前期准备1.1 压缩包下载1.2 gcc, make等的安装二、安装配置 一、前期准备 1.1 压缩包下载 在安装openssl之前&#xff0c;我们需要下载对应的压缩包 https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-3.0.1.tar.gz 此压缩包可以选择win上下载后解压再复制到本地虚拟机中…...