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Go In OOp
- 一、 Go是面向对象的吗?
- 二、Structs Instead of Classes 结构体 - OOP in Go
- 三、 Composition Instead of Inheritance 组合嵌套 - OOP in Go
- 1.Composition by embedding structs
- 2. Embedding slice of structs
- 四、Polymorphism 多态 - OOP in Go
- 1. Polymorphism using an interface
- 2. Adding a new income stream to the above program
一、 Go是面向对象的吗?
Go is not a pure object oriented programming language. This excerpt taken from Go's FAQs answers the question of whether Go is Object Oriented.
Yes and no. Although Go has types and methods and allows an object-oriented style of programming, there is no type hierarchy. The concept of “interface” in Go provides a different approach that we believe is easy to use and in some ways more general. There are also ways to embed types in other types to provide something analogous—but not identical—to subclassing. Moreover, methods in Go are more general than in C++ or Java: they can be defined for any sort of data, even built-in types such as plain, “unboxed” integers. They are not restricted to structs (classes)
In the upcoming tutorials, we will discuss how object oriented programming concepts can be implemented using Go. Some of them are quite different in implementation compared to other object oriented languages such as Java
二、Structs Instead of Classes 结构体 - OOP in Go
// 目录结构│ └── oop│ ├── employee│ │ └── employee.go│ ├── go.mod│ └── main.go// main.gopackage mainimport ("oop/employee")func main() {e := employee.Employee{FirstName: "Mei", LastName: "Jin", TotalLeaves: 666, LeavesTaken: 555}e.LeavesRemaining()var c employee.Employeec.LeavesRemaining()d := employee.New("Liang", "xiaoxiao", 888, 777)d.LeavesRemaining()}// employee.gopackage employeeimport "fmt"type Employee struct {FirstName stringLastName stringTotalLeaves intLeavesTaken int}func New(firstName string, lastName string, totalLeave int, leavesTaken int) Employee {e := Employee{firstName, lastName, totalLeave, leavesTaken}return e}func (e Employee) LeavesRemaining() {fmt.Printf("%s %s has %d leaves remaining\n", e.FirstName, e.LastName, (e.TotalLeaves - e.LeavesTaken))}// 运行结果// Mei Jin has 111 leaves remaining// has 0 leaves remaining// Liang xiaoxiao has 111 leaves remaining
三、 Composition Instead of Inheritance 组合嵌套 - OOP in Go
1.Composition by embedding structs
package mainimport ( "fmt")type author struct { firstName stringlastName stringbio string}func (a author) fullName() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", a.firstName, a.lastName)}type blogPost struct { title stringcontent stringauthor}func (b blogPost) details() { fmt.Println("Title: ", b.title)fmt.Println("Content: ", b.content)fmt.Println("Author: ", b.fullName())fmt.Println("Bio: ", b.bio)}func main() { author1 := author{"MeiJin","Liang","Golang Enthusiast",}blogPost1 := blogPost{"Inheritance in Go","Go supports composition instead of inheritance",author1,}blogPost1.details()}// Title: Inheritance in GO// Content: GO supports composition instead of inheritance// Author: MeiJin Liang// Bio: Golang Enthusiast
2. Embedding slice of structs
package mainimport "fmt"type Author struct {firstName stringlastName stringbio string}func (a Author) fullName() string {return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", a.firstName, a.lastName)}type BlogPost struct {title stringcontent stringAuthor}func (p BlogPost) details() {fmt.Println("Title:", p.title)fmt.Println("Content:", p.content)fmt.Println("Author:", p.fullName()) // 注意调用的是blogpost里author的fillName方法fmt.Println("Bio:", p.bio)}type WebSite struct {BlogPosts []BlogPost}func (w WebSite) contents() {fmt.Println("Contents of Website\n")for _, v := range w.BlogPosts {v.details()fmt.Println()}}func main() {author := Author{"MeiJin","Liang","Golang Enthusiast",}blogpost1 := BlogPost{"Inheritance in GO","GO supports composition instead of inheritance",author,}blogPost2 := BlogPost{"Struct instead of Classes in Go","Go does not support classes but methods can be added to structs",author,}blogPost3 := BlogPost{"Concurrency","Go is a concurrent language and not a parallel one",author,}w := WebSite{BlogPosts: []BlogPost{blogpost1, blogPost2, blogPost3},}w.contents()}// Contents of Website// Title: Inheritance in GO// Content: GO supports composition instead of inheritance// Author: MeiJin Liang// Bio: Golang Enthusiast// Title: Struct instead of Classes in Go// Content: Go does not support classes but methods can be added to structs// Author: MeiJin Liang// Bio: Golang Enthusiast// Title: Concurrency// Content: Go is a concurrent language and not a parallel one// Author: MeiJin Liang// Bio: Golang Enthusiast
四、Polymorphism 多态 - OOP in Go
1. Polymorphism using an interface
package mainimport "fmt"type Income interface {calculate() intsource() string}type FixedBilling struct {projectName stringbiddedAmount int}type TimeAndMaterial struct {projectName stringnoOfHours inthourlyRate int}func (fb FixedBilling) calculate() int {return fb.biddedAmount}func (fb FixedBilling) source() string {return fb.projectName}func (tm TimeAndMaterial) calculate() int {return tm.noOfHours * tm.hourlyRate}func (tm TimeAndMaterial) source() string {return tm.projectName}func calculateNetIncome(ic []Income) { // 设置一个变量 每次循环更新一次 最后为结果var netincome int = 0for _, income := range ic {fmt.Printf("Income From %s = $%d\n", income.source(), income.calculate())netincome += income.calculate()}fmt.Printf("Net income of organization = $%d", netincome)}func main() {project1 := FixedBilling{projectName: "Project 1", biddedAmount: 5000}project2 := FixedBilling{projectName: "Project 2", biddedAmount: 10000}project3 := TimeAndMaterial{projectName: "Project 3", noOfHours: 160, hourlyRate: 25}incomeStreams := []Income{project1, project2, project3}calculateNetIncome(incomeStreams)}// Income From Project 1 = $5000// Income From Project 2 = $10000// Income From Project 3 = $4000// Net income of organization = $19000
2. Adding a new income stream to the above program
package mainimport "fmt"type Income interface {calculate() intsource() string}type FixedBilling struct {projectName stringbiddedAmount int}type TimeAndMaterial struct {projectName stringnoOfHours inthourlyRate int}type Advertisement struct {adName stringCPC intnoOfClicks int}func (fb FixedBilling) calculate() int {return fb.biddedAmount}func (fb FixedBilling) source() string {return fb.projectName}func (tm TimeAndMaterial) calculate() int {return tm.noOfHours * tm.hourlyRate}func (tm TimeAndMaterial) source() string {return tm.projectName}func (a Advertisement) calculate() int {return a.CPC * a.noOfClicks}func (a Advertisement) source() string {return a.adName}func calculateNetIncome(ic []Income) {var netincome int = 0for _, income := range ic {fmt.Printf("Income From %s = $%d\n", income.source(), income.calculate())netincome += income.calculate()}fmt.Printf("Net income of organization = $%d", netincome)}func main() {project1 := FixedBilling{projectName: "Project 1", biddedAmount: 5000}project2 := FixedBilling{projectName: "Project 2", biddedAmount: 10000}project3 := TimeAndMaterial{projectName: "Project 3", noOfHours: 160, hourlyRate: 25}bannerAd := Advertisement{adName: "Banner Ad", CPC: 2, noOfClicks: 500}popupAd := Advertisement{adName: "Popup Ad", CPC: 5, noOfClicks: 750}incomeStreams := []Income{project1, project2, project3, bannerAd, popupAd}calculateNetIncome(incomeStreams)}// Income From Project 1 = $5000// Income From Project 2 = $10000// Income From Project 3 = $4000// Income From Banner Ad = $1000// Income From Popup Ad = $3750// Net income of organization = $23750
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Go In OOp 一、 Go是面向对象的吗?二、Structs Instead of Classes 结构体 - OOP in Go三、 Composition Instead of Inheritance 组合嵌套 - OOP in Go1.Composition by embedding structs2. Embedding slice of structs 四、Polymorphism 多态 - OOP in Go1. Polymorphism u…...

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