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网站开发项目计划书,网店推广费用多少钱,aqq安装下载,wordpress新建文章页面一.被认为 is known to;it is known thatbe regarded asis characterized byis believed toit is generally acknowledged thathave been implicatedit has been shown that 二.表明 revel ; demonstrate ; appeared toreport ; considered as ; uncoverfound ; show ; impl…


  1. is known to;
  2. it is known that
  3. be regarded as
  4. is characterized by
  5. is believed to
  6. it is generally acknowledged that
  7. have been implicated
  8. it has been shown that


  1. revel ; demonstrate ; appeared to
  2. report ; considered as ; uncover
  3. found ; show ; imply
  4. suggested ; validated; illustrate
  5. postulate ; identified
  6. proposed ; display
  7. indicate ; revealed
  8. implicated ; reflect
  9. assume ; exhibit
  10. states ; hinted


  1. aim to
  2. with the aim to
  3. the purposed of the study is to
  4. to address the genetic burdens
  5. to better understand the association
  6. to test for the presence of data
  7. testing and verification of the presence to overcome the limitation
  8. to investigate ; to further prioritize
  9. to verify; to eliminate the likelihood of
  10. to cross-check; to initially test


  1. lead to
  2. result in
  3. is attributed to
  4. cause
  5. contribute to
  6. driven by
  7. in response to


  1. the most common form of
  2. make it one of the most common


  1. research studies; research;study
  2. recent study; prior study


  1. previous studies; as previously descibed
  2. from previously published studies
  3. deciphered using the framework developed by previously
  4. using previous described expression profiles
  5. for some of the previously published samples
  6. previously published data in peer-review journals
  7. following previous work


  1. our work; in this work
  2. our present study
  3. in this context
  4. current research
  5. our study; here; in this study
  6. these obsevations; these results


  1. there has been increasingly more attention
  2. with the increasing appreciation
  3. has inspired the development
  4. with the rapid emergence of
  5. recent findings that have greatly increased the number of

九. 包含

  1. containing
  2. including
  3. excluded from
  4. ranged from A to B
  5. be composed of
  6. consist of
  7. recruited

十. 引起注意的副词
8. clearly; accordingly; unfortunately
9. **notably;**typically; importantly
10. indeed; in particular
11. remarkably
12. intriguingly
13. in fact; unexpectedly
14. interestingly
15. surprisingly
16. mpre broadly
17. hightlight
18. primarily
19. remarkably


  1. additionally; in addition
  2. moreover; furthermore
  3. eventually; consequently
  4. firstly; finally; first;
  5. on the one hand
  6. initially; subsequently
  7. hereafter; briefly
  8. consistently; finally
  9. in practice; accordingly
  10. to this end; nevertheless
  11. however; followed by

十二. 连接词的表述方法

  1. as well as
  2. either or; neither nor
  3. since;while; whereas;
  4. in contrast; despite; whereby
  5. although; nonetheless

十三. 展望

  1. suggest several potential determinants(因素) of
  2. provide insights into
  3. inform the furture diagnosis and therapy
  4. provide new insights into
  5. ultimately reveal new molecular
  6. as an understudied and important potential next frontier
  7. shed light on the molecular basis of
  8. future investigations using strategies reported ** will likely illuminate novel function of
  9. will be an important question for future investigation
  10. can be another strategy for
  11. lays the groundwork for furture the therapeutic strategies

12. a massive number of
13. various; diverse
14. hundreds of
15. major
16. the large amount
17. multiple
18. a series of
19. a total of
20. a set of
21. extensive
22. an increasing body of
23. a wide range of
24. multiple
25. majority
26. a variety of

十五. 实验结果

  1. these findings
  2. these results
  3. these experiments
  4. in the analyses of data
  5. summarize the results


  1. more precise treatment
  2. facilicate more accurate detection
  3. increased the accuracy of the prognosis
  4. wide acceptance
  5. allow for a beter understanding of
  6. as previously described
  7. it was priviously found



一.被认为 is known to;it is known thatbe regarded asis characterized byis believed toit is generally acknowledged thathave been implicatedit has been shown that 二.表明 revel ; demonstrate ; appeared toreport ; considered as ; uncoverfound ; show ; impl…...


要使用 ref 获取到 input 标签中的值,首先需要创建一个 ref 对象并将其绑定到 input 标签上。然后,可以通过访问 ref 对象的 value 属性来获取标签中的值。 下面是一个示例代码: import React, { useRef } from react; function App() {cons…...

自定义Dynamics 365实施和发布业务解决方案 3. 开箱即用自定义

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for %i in (apks地址/*.apk); do adb install %i https://www.cnblogs.com/lihongtaoya/p/15084378.html adb install -r apks地址/1.apk && adb install -r apks地址/2.apk install-multi-package - 暂时nok https://adbshell.com/commands 最新版本的platform-tool…...


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go基础详解2-go run test

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【NVIDIA CUDA】2023 CUDA夏令营编程模型(三)

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💝💝💝欢迎来到我的博客,很高兴能够在这里和您见面!希望您在这里可以感受到一份轻松愉快的氛围,不仅可以获得有趣的内容和知识,也可以畅所欲言、分享您的想法和见解。 推荐:kuan 的首页,持续学…...

Ansible 自动化运维工具部署主从数据库+读写分离

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