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泸州做网站,广告推销,网站设计大公司,如何做kindle电子书下载网站智能提示&#xff1a; /// <summary>/// 迷宫/// </summary>internal class Maze : IDisposable{private MazeCell[,] cells;private readonly Stack<MazeCell> stack new Stack<MazeCell>();private readonly Random rand new Random();private int…


 /// <summary>/// 迷宫/// </summary>internal class Maze : IDisposable{private MazeCell[,] cells;private readonly Stack<MazeCell> stack = new Stack<MazeCell>();private readonly Random rand = new Random();private int _width, _height;private Bitmap mazeBitmap; // 用于保存迷宫的位图private float cellWidth;private float cellHeight;private Point playerPosition;private float playerRadius;private bool _isMove = true;private int _canvasWidth;private int _canvasHeight;private MazeType _mazeType = MazeType.Default;public Maze(){}public Bitmap MazeBitmap => mazeBitmap;public bool IsMove => _isMove;public MazeType MazeType => _mazeType;public int CanvasWidth{get => _canvasWidth;set{_canvasWidth = value;}}public int CanvasHeight{get => _canvasHeight;set { _canvasHeight = value; }}private void GenerateMaze(MazeType mazeType){switch(mazeType){case MazeType.Default:GenerateMaze_RecursiveBacktracking();break;case MazeType.DFS:GenerateMaze_DFS();break;case MazeType.Prim:GenerateMaze_Prim();break;case MazeType.RecursiveDivision:GenerateMaze_RecursiveDivision();break;case MazeType.RecursiveBacktracking:GenerateMaze_RecursiveBacktracking();break;}}/// <summary>/// 获取方向/// </summary>/// <returns></returns>private IEnumerable<Tuple<int, int>> GetDirections(){yield return Tuple.Create(-1, 0);yield return Tuple.Create(1, 0);yield return Tuple.Create(0, -1);yield return Tuple.Create(0, 1);}#region 深度优先搜索算法private void GenerateMaze_DFS(){// 选择迷宫的左上角的点作为起始点int startX = 0;int startY = 0;// 使用DFS生成迷宫GenerateMaze(startX, startY);// 将起始点的左面的墙壁设为入口cells[startX, startY].LeftWall = false;// 找到迷宫的一个最远的边缘点,将它的边缘的墙壁设为出口int maxDist = 0;int endX = 0, endY = 0;bool isBottomEdge = false;for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++){for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++){int dist = Math.Abs(x - startX) + Math.Abs(y - startY);if (dist > maxDist && (x == 0 || y == 0 || x == _width - 1 || y == _height - 1)){maxDist = dist;endX = x;endY = y;isBottomEdge = (y == _height - 1);}}}if (isBottomEdge)cells[endX, endY].BottomWall = false;elsecells[endX, endY].RightWall = false;}private void GenerateMaze(int x, int y){// 标记当前点已被访问cells[x, y].Visited = true;var tempData = GetDirections().OrderBy(_ => rand.Next());// 随机访问四个方向foreach (var dir in tempData){int newX = x + dir.Item1, newY = y + dir.Item2;if (newX >= 0 && newX < _width && newY >= 0 && newY < _height && !cells[newX, newY].Visited){// 移除两个单元格之间的墙壁if (dir.Item1 == -1){cells[x, y].LeftWall = false;cells[newX, newY].RightWall = false;}else if (dir.Item1 == 1){cells[x, y].RightWall = false;cells[newX, newY].LeftWall = false;}else if (dir.Item2 == -1){cells[x, y].TopWall = false;cells[newX, newY].BottomWall = false;}else if (dir.Item2 == 1){cells[x, y].BottomWall = false;cells[newX, newY].TopWall = false;}// 递归访问下一个点GenerateMaze(newX, newY);}}}#endregion#region 普里姆算法private void GenerateMaze_Prim(){// 选择迷宫的一个随机点作为起始点int startX = rand.Next(_width);int startY = rand.Next(_height);cells[startX, startY].Visited = true;// 初始化边缘列表,包含起始点的所有邻居Queue<MazeCell> frontier = new Queue<MazeCell>();AddUnvisitedNeighborsToFrontier(cells[startX, startY], frontier);// 使用Prim算法生成迷宫while (frontier.Count > 0){// 从边缘列表中选择一个单元格,更倾向于选择最早添加的单元格var cell = frontier.Dequeue();// 找到与这个单元格相邻的已访问的单元格var neighbors = GetVisitedNeighbors(cell);if (neighbors.Count > 0){// 随机选择一个已访问的邻居var neighbor = neighbors[rand.Next(neighbors.Count)];// 移除两个单元格之间的墙壁if (cell.X > neighbor.Item2.X) // 如果邻居在当前单元格的左侧{cell.LeftWall = false;neighbor.Item2.RightWall = false;}else if (cell.X < neighbor.Item2.X) // 如果邻居在当前单元格的右侧{cell.RightWall = false;neighbor.Item2.LeftWall = false;}else if (cell.Y > neighbor.Item2.Y) // 如果邻居在当前单元格的上方{cell.TopWall = false;neighbor.Item2.BottomWall = false;}else if (cell.Y < neighbor.Item2.Y) // 如果邻居在当前单元格的下方{cell.BottomWall = false;neighbor.Item2.TopWall = false;}// 将这个单元格标记为已访问,并将它的所有未访问的邻居添加到边缘列表中cell.Visited = true;AddUnvisitedNeighborsToFrontier(cell, frontier);}}}private void AddUnvisitedNeighborsToFrontier(MazeCell cell, Queue<MazeCell> frontier){foreach (var dir in GetDirections()){int newX = cell.X + dir.Item1, newY = cell.Y + dir.Item2;if (newX >= 0 && newX < _width && newY >= 0 && newY < _height && !cells[newX, newY].Visited && !frontier.Contains(cells[newX, newY]))frontier.Enqueue(cells[newX, newY]);}}private List<Tuple<int, MazeCell>> GetVisitedNeighbors(MazeCell cell){var visitedNeighbors = new List<Tuple<int, MazeCell>>();foreach (var dir in GetDirections()){int newX = cell.X + dir.Item1, newY = cell.Y + dir.Item2;if (newX >= 0 && newX < _width && newY >= 0 && newY < _height && cells[newX, newY].Visited)visitedNeighbors.Add(Tuple.Create(dir.Item1, cells[newX, newY]));}return visitedNeighbors;}#endregion#region 递归除法算法private void GenerateMaze_RecursiveDivision(){// 初始化迷宫,所有的墙都被移除for (int x = 0; x < _width; ++x){for (int y = 0; y < _height; ++y){cells[x, y].TopWall = y == 0;cells[x, y].BottomWall = y == _height - 1;cells[x, y].LeftWall = x == 0;cells[x, y].RightWall = x == _width - 1;}}// 递归分割迷宫Divide(0, 0, _width - 1, _height - 1);}private void Divide(int x, int y, int width, int height){if (width < 3 || height < 3)return;bool horizontal = rand.Next(2) == 0;if (horizontal){// 横向分割int splitY = y + 2 + rand.Next(height - 3);int holeX = x + rand.Next(width);for (int i = x; i < x + width; ++i){if (i != holeX){cells[i, splitY].BottomWall = true;if (splitY + 1 < _height){cells[i, splitY + 1].TopWall = true;}}}Divide(x, y, width, splitY - y);Divide(x, splitY + 1, width, y + height - splitY - 1);}else{// 纵向分割int splitX = x + 2 + rand.Next(width - 3);int holeY = y + rand.Next(height);for (int i = y; i < y + height; ++i){if (i != holeY){cells[splitX, i].RightWall = true;if (splitX + 1 < _width){cells[splitX + 1, i].LeftWall = true;}}}Divide(x, y, splitX - x, height);Divide(splitX + 1, y, x + width - splitX - 1, height);}}#endregion#region 时间回溯算法private void GenerateMaze_RecursiveBacktracking(){// 初始化迷宫,所有的墙都存在for (int x = 0; x < _width; ++x){for (int y = 0; y < _height; ++y){cells[x, y].TopWall = true;cells[x, y].BottomWall = true;cells[x, y].LeftWall = true;cells[x, y].RightWall = true;}}// 递归生成迷宫VisitCell(rand.Next(_width), rand.Next(_height));}private void VisitCell(int x, int y){// 标记当前单元格为已访问cells[x, y].Visited = true;// 对邻居单元格的顺序进行随机排序foreach (var dir in GetDirections().OrderBy(d => rand.Next())){int nx = x + dir.Item1;int ny = y + dir.Item2;// 如果邻居单元格在迷宫内并且未被访问过,则移除墙并递归访问邻居单元格if (nx >= 0 && ny >= 0 && nx < _width && ny < _height && !cells[nx, ny].Visited){RemoveWall(x, y, dir);RemoveWall(nx, ny, Tuple.Create(-dir.Item1, -dir.Item2));VisitCell(nx, ny);}}}private void RemoveWall(int x, int y, Tuple<int, int> direction){if (direction.Equals(Tuple.Create(-1, 0))) // Left{cells[x, y].LeftWall = false;}else if (direction.Equals(Tuple.Create(1, 0))) // Right{cells[x, y].RightWall = false;}else if (direction.Equals(Tuple.Create(0, -1))) // Up{cells[x, y].TopWall = false;}else if (direction.Equals(Tuple.Create(0, 1))) // Down{cells[x, y].BottomWall = false;}}#endregionpublic void CreateMaze(int width, int height, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight, MazeType mazeType= MazeType.Default,bool createOrUpdate=true){mazeBitmap?.Dispose();_isMove = true;if (createOrUpdate){playerPosition = new Point(0, 0); // 初始位置在迷宫的左上角stack.Clear();_width = width;_height = height;cells = new MazeCell[width, height];mazeBitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);_mazeType = mazeType;for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){for (int y = 0; y < height; y++){cells[x, y] = new MazeCell(x, y);}}}GenerateMaze(mazeType);// 生成迷宫后,将其绘制到位图上mazeBitmap = new Bitmap(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(mazeBitmap)){DrawMaze(g, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);}}private void DrawMaze(Graphics g, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight){int tempW = canvasWidth - 1;_canvasWidth = tempW;_canvasHeight = canvasHeight - 1;cellWidth = (float)_canvasWidth / _width;cellHeight = (float)_canvasHeight / _height;playerRadius = Math.Min(cellWidth, cellHeight) / 4;float lineWidth = 1f; // 线条的宽度float halfLineWidth = lineWidth / 2f; // 线条宽度的一半g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;//g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;// 先绘制所有的垂直线for (int x = 0; x <= _width; x++){float left = x * cellWidth;for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++){var cell = cells[Math.Min(x, _width - 1), y];float top = y * cellHeight;float bottom = (y + 1) * cellHeight;if ((cell.LeftWall || x == _width) && !(x == _width && y == _height - 1))g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left, top - halfLineWidth, left, bottom + halfLineWidth);}}// 再绘制所有的水平线for (int y = 0; y <= _height; y++){float top = y * cellHeight;for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++){var cell = cells[x, Math.Min(y, _height - 1)];float left = x * cellWidth;float right = (x + 1) * cellWidth;if ((cell.TopWall || y == _height) && !(x == _width - 1 && y == _height))g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, left - halfLineWidth, top, right + halfLineWidth, top);}}}public void Draw(Graphics g, int canvasWidth, int canvasHeight){if (cells == null)return;int tempW = canvasWidth - 1;if (tempW != _canvasWidth){CreateMaze(_width, _height, canvasWidth, canvasHeight, MazeType,false);}// 首先,绘制保存的迷宫位图g.DrawImage(mazeBitmap, 0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);// 在玩家位置处绘制一个小黑圆float playerX = (playerPosition.X + 0.5f) * cellWidth; // 玩家的X坐标float playerY = (playerPosition.Y + 0.5f) * cellHeight; // 玩家的Y坐标g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, playerX - playerRadius, playerY - playerRadius, 2 * playerRadius, 2 * playerRadius);// 在出口处写上"出口"//Font font = new Font("Arial", 16); // 设置字体和大小//float exitX = (_width - 2f) * cellWidth; // 出口的X坐标//float exitY = (_height - 1f) * cellHeight; // 出口的Y坐标//g.DrawString("出口", font, Brushes.Black, exitX, exitY);}public MoveResult Move(KeyEventArgs e){if (cells == null || !_isMove)return new MoveResult();Point newPosition = playerPosition;switch (e.KeyCode){case Keys.Up:newPosition.Y--;break;case Keys.Down:newPosition.Y++;break;case Keys.Left:newPosition.X--;break;case Keys.Right:newPosition.X++;break;}return Move(newPosition);}public MoveResult Move(Point newPosition){// 计算小黑点移动前后的矩形区域Rectangle oldRect = GetPlayerRect(playerPosition);bool status = false;if (newPosition.X < 0 || newPosition.Y < 0){goto Result;}int directionX = newPosition.X - playerPosition.X;if (directionX != 0){if (directionX > 0){if (newPosition.X < _width && !cells[playerPosition.X, playerPosition.Y].RightWall && !cells[newPosition.X, newPosition.Y].LeftWall){playerPosition = newPosition;status = true;goto Result;}}else{if (newPosition.X >= 0 && !cells[playerPosition.X, playerPosition.Y].LeftWall && !cells[newPosition.X, newPosition.Y].RightWall){playerPosition = newPosition;status = true;goto Result;}}}int directionY = newPosition.Y - playerPosition.Y;if (directionY != 0){if (directionY > 0){if (newPosition.Y < _height && !cells[playerPosition.X, playerPosition.Y].BottomWall && !cells[newPosition.X, newPosition.Y].TopWall){playerPosition = newPosition;status = true;goto Result;}}else{if (newPosition.Y >= 0 && !cells[playerPosition.X, playerPosition.Y].TopWall && !cells[newPosition.X, newPosition.Y].BottomWall){playerPosition = newPosition;status = true;goto Result;}}}// goto Result;Result:Rectangle newRect = GetPlayerRect(newPosition);bool isWin = playerPosition.X == _width - 1 && playerPosition.Y == _height - 1;_isMove = !isWin;return new MoveResult{IsInvalidate = status,IsWin = isWin,OldRect = oldRect,NewRect = newRect};}private Rectangle GetPlayerRect(Point position){int x = (int)Math.Round(position.X * cellWidth, 0);int y = (int)Math.Round(position.Y * cellHeight, 0);return new Rectangle(x, y, (int)Math.Round(cellWidth, 0), (int)Math.Round(cellHeight, 0));}public Bitmap DrawPath(Bitmap bitmap){if (mazeBitmap == null)return null;var path = FindPath();if (bitmap == null)bitmap = new Bitmap(_canvasWidth, _canvasHeight);// 创建一个Graphics对象using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)){// 绘制路径if (path != null){var pathPen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2);  // 使用红色画笔来绘制路径for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++){float x1 = (path[i].X + 0.5f) * cellWidth;float y1 = (path[i].Y + 0.5f) * cellHeight;float x2 = (path[i + 1].X + 0.5f) * cellWidth;float y2 = (path[i + 1].Y + 0.5f) * cellHeight;g.DrawLine(pathPen, x1, y1, x2, y2);}}}return bitmap;}public List<MazeCell> FindPath(){var start = cells[0, 0];var end = cells[_width - 1, _height - 1];var queue = new Queue<MazeCell>();var prev = new Dictionary<MazeCell, MazeCell>();queue.Enqueue(start);while (queue.Count > 0){var cell = queue.Dequeue();if (cell == end){var path = new List<MazeCell>();while (cell != start){path.Add(cell);cell = prev[cell];}path.Add(start);path.Reverse();return path;}foreach (var neighbor in GetNeighbors(cell)){if (prev.ContainsKey(neighbor))continue;prev[neighbor] = cell;queue.Enqueue(neighbor);}}return null;  // 没有找到路径}private IEnumerable<MazeCell> GetNeighbors(MazeCell cell){var neighbors = new List<MazeCell>();if (cell.X > 0 && !cell.LeftWall)neighbors.Add(cells[cell.X - 1, cell.Y]);if (cell.X < _width - 1 && !cell.RightWall)neighbors.Add(cells[cell.X + 1, cell.Y]);if (cell.Y > 0 && !cell.TopWall)neighbors.Add(cells[cell.X, cell.Y - 1]);if (cell.Y < _height - 1 && !cell.BottomWall)neighbors.Add(cells[cell.X, cell.Y + 1]);return neighbors;}public void Dispose(){mazeBitmap?.Dispose();}~Maze(){Dispose();}}public class MazeCell{public int X { get; set; }public int Y { get; set; }public bool Visited { get; set; }public bool TopWall = true, BottomWall = true, LeftWall = true, RightWall = true;public MazeCell(int x, int y){X = x;Y = y;Visited = false;TopWall = BottomWall = LeftWall = RightWall = true;}}public class MoveResult{public bool IsInvalidate { get; set; }public Rectangle OldRect { get; set; }public Rectangle NewRect { get; set; }public bool IsWin { get; set; }}public enum MazeType{/// <summary>/// 默认RecursiveBacktracking/// </summary>Default,/// <summary>/// 深度优先搜索算法/// </summary>DFS,/// <summary>/// 普里姆算法/// </summary>Prim,/// <summary>/// 递归除法算法/// </summary>RecursiveDivision,/// <summary>/// 递归回溯算法/// </summary>RecursiveBacktracking}




 public partial class FrmMain : Form{private readonly Maze _maze;private System.Windows.Forms.Timer _timer;public FrmMain(){InitializeComponent();this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer |ControlStyles.UserPaint |ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint,true);this.UpdateStyles();_maze = new Maze();}private void FrmGame_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){this.KeyPreview = true;BindType(typeof(MazeType), this.cbMazeType, "Default");}private void BindType(Type type, ComboBox comboBox, string defaultValue){var enumValues = Enum.GetValues(type);var list = new List<IdValues>();int index = 0, curIndex = 0;foreach (Enum value in enumValues){int hc = value.GetHashCode();list.Add(new IdValues{Id = hc.ToString(),Value = value.ToString(),Standby = hc});if (value.ToString() == defaultValue)index = curIndex;curIndex++;}comboBox.ValueMember = "Id";comboBox.DisplayMember = "Value";comboBox.DataSource = list;comboBox.SelectedIndex = index;}private void FrmGame_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e){_maze.Dispose();this.Dispose();}private bool _isPlayGame = false;public bool IsPlayGame{get => _isPlayGame;set{if (_isPlayGame == value)return;_isPlayGame = value;if (value){btnPlayGame.ExecBeginInvoke(() =>{btnPlayGame.Text = "重新开始";});}else{btnPlayGame.ExecBeginInvoke(() =>{btnPlayGame.Text = "开启游戏";});}}}private void btnPlayGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){if (IsPlayGame){if (MessageBox.Show("正在游戏中,确认重新开始吗?", "迷宫游戏提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Cancel){plGame.Focus();return;}}if (_timer != null){_timer.Stop();_timer.Dispose();_timer = null;}_isAutoMove = false;IsPlayGame = true;int w = 10, h = 8;if (rbEasy.Checked){w = 30;h = 21;}else if (rbMedium.Checked){w = 66;h = 45;}else{w = 100;h = 67;}using var g = plGame.CreateGraphics();MazeType mazeType = (MazeType)(this.cbMazeType.Items[cbMazeType.SelectedIndex] as IdValues).Standby;_maze.CreateMaze(w, h, plGame.Width, plGame.Height, mazeType);plGame.Controls.Clear();g.Clear(plGame.BackColor);_maze.Draw(g, plGame.Width, plGame.Height);_timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();_timer.Interval = 1000;time = 0;_timer.Tick += timer_Tick;_timer.Start();plGame.Focus();}long time = 0;private void timer_Tick(object? sender, EventArgs e){lblTime.ExecBeginInvoke(() =>{lblTime.Text = Compute(++time);});}public string Compute(long time){if (time < 60)return $"00:{ChangeString(time)}";long minute = time / 60;if (minute < 60)return $"{ChangeString(minute)}:{ChangeString(time % 60)}";long hour = minute / 60;return $"{ChangeString(hour)}:{Compute(time - hour * 3600)}";}private string ChangeString(long val){return val.ToString("D2");}private void plGame_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e){plGame.Controls.Clear();e.Graphics.Clear(plGame.BackColor);_maze.Draw(e.Graphics, plGame.Width, plGame.Height);}protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e){if (_isAutoMove)return;base.OnKeyDown(e);var result = _maze.Move(e);RefreshResult(result);}private void RefreshResult(MoveResult result){if (result.IsInvalidate){plGame.ExecInvoke(() =>{// 重绘迷宫plGame.Invalidate(result.OldRect);plGame.Invalidate(result.NewRect);});if (result.IsWin){IsPlayGame = false;if (_timer != null){_timer.Stop();_timer.Dispose();_timer = null;}MessageBox.Show("通过", "迷宫通过提示");}}}private void FrmMain_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e){plGame.Focus();}/// <summary>/// 提示/// </summary>/// <param name="sender"></param>/// <param name="e"></param>private void btnPrompt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){if (_maze.MazeBitmap == null){return;}Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(plGame.Width, plGame.Height);plGame.DrawToBitmap(bmp, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height));int size = 0;if (rbEasy.Checked)size = 0;else if (rbMedium.Checked)size = 1;elsesize = 2;FrmPrompt frmPrompt = new FrmPrompt(_maze.DrawPath(bmp), size);frmPrompt.Show();plGame.Focus();}private bool _isAutoMove = false;/// <summary>/// 一键通过/// </summary>/// <param name="sender"></param>/// <param name="e"></param>private void btnPass_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){if (!_maze.IsMove)return;_isAutoMove = true;Task.Run(() =>{var path = _maze.FindPath();if (path != null){Point point = new Point(0, 0);foreach (var item in path){if (!_isAutoMove)break;point.X = item.X;point.Y = item.Y;var result = _maze.Move(point);RefreshResult(result);plGame.ExecInvoke(() =>{plGame.Update();});Thread.Sleep(50);}}_isAutoMove = false;});}private void plGame_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e){}}public class IdValues{public string Id { get; set; }public string Value { get; set; }public string Value2 { get; set; }public string Value3 { get; set; }public string Value4 { get; set; }public string Value5 { get; set; }public int Standby { get; set; }public static bool operator ==(IdValues idValues, IdValues idValues2){return idValues.Equals(idValues2);}public static bool operator !=(IdValues idValues, IdValues idValues2){return !idValues.Equals(idValues2);}public override int GetHashCode(){var code = (Id, Value, Value2, Value3, Value4, Value5, Standby).GetHashCode();return code;}public override bool Equals(object? obj){return obj?.GetHashCode() == GetHashCode();}const int TARGET = 0x1F;/// <summary>/// 将连续字段的哈希代码左移两位或更多位来加权各个哈希代码(最佳情况下,超出位 31 的位应环绕,而不是被丢弃)/// </summary>/// <param name="value"></param>/// <param name="positions"></param>/// <returns></returns>public int ShiftAndWrap(int value, int positions = 3){positions &= TARGET;uint number = BitConverter.ToUInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 0);uint wrapped = number >> (32 - positions);return BitConverter.ToInt32(BitConverter.GetBytes((number << positions) | wrapped), 0);}}



C# 实现迷宫游戏

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pod的创建过程 定义 Pod 的规范&#xff1a; apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata:name: my-pod spec:containers:- name: my-containerimage: nginx:latest创建 Pod 对象&#xff1a; 使用 kubectl 命令行工具或其他客户端工具创建 Pod 对象&#xff1a; kubectl create -f…...

[网鼎杯 2020 朱雀组]phpweb call_user_func()

时间一跳一跳的 抓个包 很奇怪 结合上面的 date() 认为第一个是函数 我们随便输一个看看 发现过滤了 随便输一个 linux指令 发现报错了 call_user_func() 看看是啥 很容易理解 第一个参数是函数名 后面是 参数 那么这里就是 func 函数 p 数值 所以我们看看有什么办法可以…...


有时候&#xff0c;我们的电脑会出现一个磁盘爆满&#xff0c;但另一个却空着&#xff0c;这时我们可以通过取消磁盘分区来进行调整&#xff0c;那么&#xff0c;这该怎么操作呢&#xff1f;下面我们就来了解一下。 磁盘管理取消磁盘分区 磁盘管理是Windows自带的磁盘管理工具…...

Cascade-MVSNet CVPR-2020 学习笔记总结 译文 深度学习三维重建

文章目录 4 Cascade-MVSNet CVPR-20204.0 主要特点4.1 背景介绍4.2 代价体构造回顾4.3 Cascade-MVSNet4.4 Loss的设置4.5 Cascade-MVSNet实战操作4.6 总结MVSNet系列最新顶刊 对比总结4 Cascade-MVSNet CVPR-2020 深度学习三维重建 cascade-MVSNet-CVPR-202(源码、原文、译文 …...


一、类的生命周期 类加载过程包含&#xff1a;加载、验证、准备、解析和初始化 &#xff0c;一共包括5 个阶段。 &#xff08;1&#xff09;加载&#xff1a; 简单来说就是将java类的字节码文件加载到机器内存中。在加载类时&#xff0c;Java虚拟机必须完成以下3件事情&…...


文章目录 Postman导入数据Collections导出数据Environments导出数据Postman导出所有数据 Postman导入数据 可以导入collections&#xff08;接口集&#xff09;、Environments&#xff08;环境配置&#xff09;通过分享的链接或导出的JSON文件导入数据&#xff08;还可以从第三…...


由于项目需要使用爬虫&#xff0c;爬虫框架支撑3.8以上版本。而linux自带的python版本是2.7.*&#xff0c;所以需要升级python版本至3.8 键脚本安装Python3.6-Python3.10 bash <(curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/midoks/choose-linux-python/main/install.sh…...


在 Python 中&#xff0c;有一个特殊的常量 None&#xff08;N 必须大写&#xff09;。和 False 不同&#xff0c;它不表示 0&#xff0c;也不表示空字符串&#xff0c;而表示没有值&#xff0c;也就是空值。 这里的空值并不代表空对象&#xff0c;即 None 和 [] 以及 "&q…...


1、什么是无线传输技术&#xff0c;如Wi-Fi、蓝牙和NFC的特点和应用场景。 无线传输技术是指通过无线电波进行数据传输的技术。Wi-Fi、蓝牙和NFC都是常见的无线传输技术&#xff0c;它们的特点和应用场景如下&#xff1a; Wi-Fi&#xff1a;Wi-Fi是一种基于802.11协议的无线传…...

RUST 每日一省:全局变量

Rust中允许存在全局变量。它们一般有两种&#xff1a;常数和静态值。 常量 我们使用关键字 const 来创建常量。由于常量未使用关键字 let 声明&#xff0c;因此在创建它们时必须指定类型。常量只能进行简单赋值&#xff0c;并且没有固定的内存地址&#xff0c;无论它们在何处使…...


Arduino与Proteus网络(WiFi)仿真环境搭建 文章目录 Arduino与Proteus网络(WiFi)仿真环境搭建1、软件准备2、硬件准备3、仿真电路原理图4、仿真代码实现5、仿真结果本文将详细介绍如何在Proteus搭建Arduino的WiFi仿真环境。 1、软件准备 1)Arduino IDE或 VSCode + PlatformIO …...




目录 1. 软件包管理器 yum 1.1 安装软件的方式 1.2 yum 指令 2. vim&#xff08;编辑器&#xff09; 2.1 vim 的简单操作 2.1.1 方向键&#xff08;HJKL&#xff09; 2.1.2 退出 vim 2.2 vim 文本批量化操作(命令模式) 2.2.1 复制.粘贴.删除.剪贴.撤销 2.2.2 光标跳转…...


在MySQL中&#xff0c;将字段的默认值设置为NULL在建表时对存储和索引可能会产生一些影响&#xff0c;具体取决于数据类型、索引设计和查询模式等因素。以下是可能的影响&#xff1a; 存储空间&#xff1a;如果将默认值设置为NULL&#xff0c;并且该字段允许存储NULL值&#xf…...


API名称&#xff1a;item_get 响应数据 item: { num_iid: "698291711589", title: "美洋MEIYANG【现货】大嫂的西装 内有乾坤率性撞色TR垫肩直筒西服", desc_short: "", price: 439.12, total_price: 0, suggestive_price: 0, orginal_price: …...


目录 蓝桥杯2023年第十四届省赛真题-买瓜 题目描述 输入格式 输出格式 样例输入 样例输出 提示 【思路解析】 【代码实现】 蓝桥杯2023年第十四届省赛真题-买瓜 时间限制: 3s 内存限制: 320MB 提交: 796 解决: 69 题目描述 小蓝正在一个瓜摊上买瓜。瓜摊上共有 n 个…...


文章目录 1. 如何何请求解析url2. 如何获取标签里面的文本3. 如何解析JSON格式4. 如何添加常用的header5. 如何合并两个div6. 如何删除html dom的部分结构7. 如何一次性获取所有div标签里的文本8. python爬虫如何改变响应文本字符集编码9. 如何进行字符集转码11. response.text…...


全文目录 网络发展协议OSI七层模型TCP/IP五层(或四层)模型 网络传输网络地址IP地址MAC地址 网络通信的本质 网络发展 网络没有出来之前计算机都是相互独立的&#xff1a; 网络就是将独立的计算机连接在一起&#xff0c;局域网和广域网的区别只是范围上的大小&#xff1a; 局域…...


flutter聊天界面-TextField输入框实现功能等匹配正则表达式展示高亮功能 一、简要描述 描述&#xff1a; 最近有位朋友讨论的时候&#xff0c;提到了输入框的高亮展示。在flutter TextField中需要插入特殊样式的标签&#xff0c;比如&#xff1a;“请 张三 回答一下”&#x…...

【C语言】指针的进阶(二)—— 回调函数的讲解以及qsort函数的使用方式

目录 1、函数指针数组 1.1、函数指针数组是什么&#xff1f; 1.2、函数指针数组的用途&#xff1a;转移表 2、扩展&#xff1a;指向函数指针的数组的指针 3、回调函数 3.1、回调函数介绍 3.2、回调函数的案例&#xff1a;qsort函数 3.2.1、回顾冒泡排序 3.2.1、什么是qso…...


Set Set接口、HashSet类、TreeSet类 Set&#xff08;组、集&#xff09;&#xff1a;表示无序&#xff0c;元素不能重复的集合&#xff0c;组中的元素必须唯一 Set接口 Set接口定义了组/集/集合&#xff08;Set&#xff09;。他扩展了Collection接口&#xff0c;并声明了不允…...

uniapp----微信小程序 日历组件(周日历 月日历)【Vue3+ts+uView】

uniapp----微信小程序 日历组件&#xff08;周日历&& 月日历&#xff09;【Vue3tsuView】 用Vue3tsuView来编写日历组件&#xff1b;存在周日历和月日历两种显示方式&#xff1b;高亮显示当天日期&#xff0c;红点渲染有数据的日期&#xff0c;点击显示数据 1. calenda…...


1080面对Transformer连勉强也算不上了&#xff0c;还是要去用小组的卡 完整记一个环境配置&#xff0c;方便后面自用✍️ 目前要简单许多&#xff0c;因为显卡驱动已经装好&#xff0c;后安装的库版本与其对应即可。 nvidia-smi查看GPU信息 ** CUDA版本12.2 conda -V查询conda…...


将项目推送到 GitHub 仓库并管理相关操作&#xff0c;遵循以下步骤&#xff1a; 创建 GitHub 账户&#xff1a;如果您没有 GitHub 账户&#xff0c;首先需要在 GitHub 官网 上创建一个账户。 创建新仓库&#xff1a;在 GitHub 页面上&#xff0c;点击右上角的加号图标&#xf…...

数据库直连提示 No suitable driver found for jdbc:postgresql

背景&#xff1a;我在代码里使用直连的方式在数据库中创建数据库等&#xff0c;由于需要适配各个数据库服务所以我分别兼容了mysql、postgresql、oracal等。但是在使用过程中会出现错误&#xff1a; No suitable driver found for jdbc:postgresql 但是我再使用mysql的直连方式…...