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郑州专业手机网站制作,百度站长平台账号购买,公司做网站费用计入什么科目,企业电子商务网站建设规划方案文章目录 A - Ultra-QuickSortB - Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! [找规律递归]C - Fibonacci Again[找规律]E - [Fire Net](https://programmerall.com/article/7276104269/)[DFS 搜索 ⭐⭐]F - Gridland[找规律]G - Maximum Subarray Sum[动态规划/分治..经典⭐]I - Quoit Desi…


  • A - Ultra-QuickSort
  • B - Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! [找规律+递归]
  • C - Fibonacci Again[找规律]
  • E - [Fire Net](https://programmerall.com/article/7276104269/)[DFS 搜索 ⭐⭐]
  • F - Gridland[找规律]
  • G - Maximum Subarray Sum[动态规划/分治..经典⭐]
  • I - Quoit Design[最近点对距离]

A - Ultra-QuickSort

In this problem, you have to analyze a particular sorting algorithm. The algorithm processes a sequence of n distinct integers by swapping two adjacent sequence elements until the sequence is sorted in ascending order. For the input sequence
9 1 0 5 4 ,

Ultra-QuickSort produces the output
0 1 4 5 9 .

Your task is to determine how many swap operations Ultra-QuickSort needs to perform in order to sort a given input sequence.
here 🙋‍ 查看归并算法总结

if(l>=r) return;


using namespace std;
int arr[500010];
int tmp[500010];
int sum=0;
void mergesort(int l,int r){if(l>=r) return;int mid=(l+r)/2;mergesort(l,mid);mergesort(mid+1,r);int i=l,j=mid+1,k=l;while(i<=mid && j<=r){// cout<<"f";       while(arr[i]<=arr[j] && i<=mid) tmp[k++]=arr[i++];while(arr[i]>arr[j] && j<=r) {tmp[k++]=arr[j++];sum+=mid+1-i;}}while(i<=mid) tmp[k++]=arr[i++];while(j<=r) tmp[k++]=arr[j++];for(int k=l;k<=r;k++)arr[k]=tmp[k];
int main(){int n;while(cin>>n && n){for(int i=0;i<n;i++){cin>>arr[i];}sum=0;mergesort(0,n-1);cout << sum << endl;}

B - Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! [找规律+递归]

People stopped moving discs from peg to peg after they know the number of steps needed to complete the entire task. But on the other hand, they didn’t not stopped thinking about similar puzzles with the Hanoi Tower. Mr.S invented a little game on it. The game consists of N pegs and a LOT of balls. The balls are numbered 1,2,3… The balls look ordinary, but they are actually magic. If the sum of the numbers on two balls is NOT a square number, they will push each other with a great force when they’re too closed, so they can NEVER be put together touching each other.
The player should place one ball on the top of a peg at a time. He should first try ball 1, then ball 2, then ball 3… If he fails to do so, the game ends. Help the player to place as many balls as possible. You may take a look at the picture above, since it shows us a best result for 4 pegs.


递推公式: H a n o i ( i ) = H a n o i ( i − 1 ) + i + i % 2 Hanoi(i)=Hanoi(i-1)+i+i \% 2 Hanoi(i)=Hanoi(i1)+i+i%2

void Hanoi(){table[1]=1;table[2]=3;for(int i=3;i<N;i++)table[i]=table[i-1]+i+i%2;


using namespace std;
#define N 55
int table[N];
//打表过程 避免重复计算
void Hanoi(){table[1]=1;table[2]=3;for(int i=3;i<N;i++)table[i]=table[i-1]+i+i%2;
int main(){int n,x;cin>>n;Hanoi();for(int i=0;i<n;i++){cin>>x;cout<<table[x]<<endl;}


  • 宏定义格式
    #define 宏名 替换文本
#define N 10;               // 宏定义
int c[N];                   // 会被替换为: int c[10;]; 

C - Fibonacci Again[找规律]

There are another kind of Fibonacci numbers: F(0) = 7, F(1) = 11, F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) (n>=2)


Input consists of a sequence of lines, each containing an integer n. (n < 1,000,000)


Print the word “yes” if 3 divide evenly into F(n).

Print the word “no” if not.

分析:注意 斐波那契数列会议非常快的速度增长,因此直接计算出结果并和3运算取余的做法不可取。我们考虑列出前面部分结果,试图找规律。嘿,还真成功了!



int main(){int n;int f[4]={0,0,1,0};while(cin>>n){if(f[n%4]) cout<<"yes"<<endl;else cout<<"no"<<endl;}

E - Fire Net[DFS 搜索 ⭐⭐]

Suppose that we have a square city with straight streets. A map of a city is a square board with n rows and n columns, each representing a street or a piece of wall.
A blockhouse is a small castle that has four openings through which to shoot. The four openings are facing North, East, South, and West, respectively. There will be one machine gun shooting through each opening.
Here we assume that a bullet is so powerful that it can run across any distance and destroy a blockhouse on its way. On the other hand, a wall is so strongly built that can stop the bullets.
The goal is to place as many blockhouses in a city as possible so that no two can destroy each other. A configuration of blockhouses is legal provided that no two blockhouses are on the same horizontal row or vertical column in a map unless there is at least one wall separating them. In this problem we will consider small square cities (at most 4x4) that contain walls through which bullets cannot run through.
The following image shows five pictures of the same board. The first picture is the empty board, the second and third pictures show legal configurations, and the fourth and fifth pictures show illegal configurations. For this board, the maximum number of blockhouses in a legal configuration is 5; the second picture shows one way to do it, but there are several other ways.
Your task is to write a program that, given a description of a map, calculates the maximum number of blockhouses that can be placed in the city in a legal configuration.



1.递归下去 2.回溯上来。




using namespace std;
int n,ans=0;
char arr[5][5];int check(int x,int y){for(int i=x-1;i>=0;i--){if(arr[i][y]=='%') return false;if(arr[i][y]=='X') break;}for(int i=x+1;i<n;i++){if(arr[i][y]=='%') return false;if(arr[i][y]=='X') break;}for(int i=y-1;i>=0;i--){if(arr[x][i]=='%') return false;if(arr[x][i]=='X') break;}for(int i=x+1;i<n;i++){if(arr[x][i]=='%') return false;if(arr[x][i]=='X') break;}return true;
void dfs(int s,int sum){if(s==n*n){ans=max(ans,sum);return;}int x=s/n;int y=s%n;if(arr[x][y]=='.' && check(x,y)){arr[x][y]='%'; //表示成功加入一个碉堡dfs(s+1,sum+1); //继续深度搜索arr[x][y]='.'; //!还原标记!}dfs(s+1,sum);
}int main(){while(cin>>n && n){ans=0;for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cin>>arr[i]; dfs(0,0);cout<<ans<<endl;}

F - Gridland[找规律]

For years, computer scientists have been trying to find efficient solutions to different computing problems. For some of them efficient algorithms are already available, these are the “easy” problems like sorting, evaluating a polynomial or finding the shortest path in a graph. For the “hard” ones only exponential-time algorithms are known. The traveling-salesman problem belongs to this latter group. Given a set of N towns and roads between these towns, the problem is to compute the shortest path allowing a salesman to visit each of the towns once and only once and return to the starting point.

The president of Gridland has hired you to design a program that calculates the length of the shortest traveling-salesman tour for the towns in the country. In Gridland, there is one town at each of the points of a rectangular grid. Roads run from every town in the directions North, Northwest, West, Southwest, South, Southeast, East, and Northeast, provided that there is a neighbouring town in that direction. The distance between neighbouring towns in directions North–South or East–West is 1 unit. The length of the roads is measured by the Euclidean distance. For example, Figure 7 shows 2 × 3-Gridland, i.e., a rectangular grid of dimensions 2 by 3. In 2 × 3-Gridland, the shortest tour has length 6.

#include<math.h>using namespace std;int main(){int N;double ans;cin>>N;for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){int n,m;cin>>m>>n;if((m*n)%2) ans=m*n*1.0-1+sqrt(2);else ans=m*n*1.0;cout<<"Scenario #"<<i<<":\n";printf("%.2f\n\n",ans);}


  • prinf输出浮点数

>% - 0 m.n 格式字符

G - Maximum Subarray Sum[动态规划/分治…经典⭐]

Given an integer array nums, find the contiguous subarray (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum and return its sum.
dp[i]=max(dp[i-1]+arr[i],arr[i]) dp是维护的局部最优解,arr是输入的数组。

using namespace std;
#define N 200100
int main(){int dp[N];int arr[N];int ans=INT_MIN;//INT_MIN:-2147483648 || INT_MAX:2147483647int n;cin>>n;for(int i=0;i<n;i++)cin>>arr[i];dp[0]=arr[0];for(int i=1;i<n;i++){dp[i]=max(dp[i-1]+arr[i],arr[i]);ans=max(ans,dp[i]);}cout<<ans<<endl;}


  1. 做题时候遇到了:runtime error (运行时错误)就是程序运行到一半,程序就崩溃了。可能有以下几种情况:

    ②数组越界:int a[3]; a[10000000]=10;
    ③指针越界:int * p; p=(int *)malloc(5 * sizeof(int)); *(p+1000000)=10;
    ④使用已经释放的空间:int * p; p=(int *)malloc(5 * sizeof(int));free§; *p=10;
    ⑤数组开得太大,超出了栈的范围,造成栈溢出:int a[100000000];

I - Quoit Design[最近点对距离]

Have you ever played quoit in a playground? Quoit is a game in which flat rings are pitched at some toys, with all the toys encircled awarded.
In the field of Cyberground, the position of each toy is fixed, and the ring is carefully designed so it can only encircle one toy at a time. On the other hand, to make the game look more attractive, the ring is designed to have the largest radius. Given a configuration of the field, you are supposed to find the radius of such a ring.

Assume that all the toys are points on a plane. A point is encircled by the ring if the distance between the point and the center of the ring is strictly less than the radius of the ring. If two toys are placed at the same point, the radius of the ring is considered to be 0.
The input consists of several test cases. For each case, the first line contains an integer N (2 <= N <= 100,000), the total number of toys in the field. Then N lines follow, each contains a pair of (x, y) which are the coordinates of a toy. The input is terminated by N = 0.
For each test case, print in one line the radius of the ring required by the Cyberground manager, accurate up to 2 decimal places.

分析:这道题的难点在于读懂题!想要最大的圈直径,使得圈只能套到一个物品。其实就是找最近的两个点,之间的距离就是目标圈的直径。那么就变成了最近点对问题。链接 这个链接展示了详细的求解过程,可以仔细研究。


【OJ for Divide and Conquer】OJ题解

文章目录 A - Ultra-QuickSortB - Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! [找规律递归]C - Fibonacci Again[找规律]E - [Fire Net](https://programmerall.com/article/7276104269/)[DFS 搜索 ⭐⭐]F - Gridland[找规律]G - Maximum Subarray Sum[动态规划/分治..经典⭐]I - Quoit Desi…...

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【AD9361 数字接口CMOS LVDSSPI】C 并行数据 LVDS

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