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定制开发网站,河源今日头条新闻最新,酒店做爰视频网站,网址我的上网主页查看字符串 使用rabin2 -z /home/burning/010editor/010editor | tee 22.txt 查看字符串。 6698 0x003ba380 0x007ba380 68 69 .rodata ascii The password you entered is for an earlier version of this program. 6699 0x003ba3c8 0x007ba3c8 70 71 .rodata ascii You will…


使用rabin2 -z /home/burning/010editor/010editor | tee 22.txt 查看字符串。

6698 0x003ba380 0x007ba380 68 69 .rodata ascii The password you
entered is for an earlier version of this program. 6699 0x003ba3c8
0x007ba3c8 70 71 .rodata ascii You will have to purchase an
upgrade to continue using this software. 6700 0x003ba410 0x007ba410
57 58 .rodata ascii You may continue to use this program as a
trial version. 6701 0x003ba450 0x007ba450 95 96 .rodata ascii
If you decide to purchase an upgrade, please click the “Purchase an
upgrade” link below or you 6702 0x003ba4b0 0x007ba4b0 63 64
.rodata ascii may download previous versions of 010 Editor from the
website " 6703 0x003ba4f0 0x007ba4f0 55 56 .rodata ascii
Password accepted. Your trial period has been extended. 6704
0x003ba528 0x007ba528 55 56 .rodata ascii Password accepted but
the trial period is already over.
6705 0x003ba560 0x007ba560 144 145 .rodata ascii Invalid name or password. Please enter your name and password exactly as given when
you purchased 010 Editor (make sure no quotes are included).

5205 0x003b1640 0x007b1640 35 36 .rodata ascii More Information 5206 0x003b1668 0x007b1668 40 41
.rodata ascii View Release Notes 5207
0x003b1698 0x007b1698 35 36 .rodata ascii Download Now
5208 0x003b16c0 0x007b16c0 58 59 .rodata ascii Thank you for using 010 Editor! 5209
0x003b1700 0x007b1700 36 37 .rodata ascii &Keep me informed
about new versions 5210 0x003b1725 0x007b1725 13 14 .rodata ascii
FormOpenDrive 5211 0x003b1733 0x007b1733 16 17 .rodata ascii
LabelSelectDrive 5212 0x003b1744 0x007b1744 17 18 .rodata ascii

6678  0x003b9ba8 0x007b9ba8 73   74   .rodata ascii   Your registration has been accepted. Thank you for purchasing 010 Editor.
6679  0x003b9bf8 0x007b9bf8 179  180  .rodata ascii   Your free 30-day trial period has now ended. To continue using this program, you will need to purchase a license. For more information, please click on "Purchase a license" below 
6680  0x003b9cb0 0x007b9cb0 63   64   .rodata ascii   010 Editor has detected that you are using an invalid license. 
6681  0x003b9cf0 0x007b9cf0 37   38   .rodata ascii   Upgrade Required - Evaluation Expired
6682  0x003b9d18 0x007b9d18 181  182  .rodata ascii   Your free 30-day trial period has now ended. To continue using this program, you will need to purchase an upgrade. For more information, please click on "Purchase an upgrade" below 
6683  0x003b9dd0 0x007b9dd0 129  130  .rodata ascii   Your license is for an earlier version of this program and you will have to purchase an upgrade to continue using this software. 
6684  0x003b9e58 0x007b9e58 57   58   .rodata ascii   To use this program as a 30-day trial version click the "
6685  0x003b9e98 0x007b9e98 54   55   .rodata ascii   or to purchase an upgrade click the first link below. 
6686  0x003b9ed0 0x007b9ed0 44   45   .rodata ascii   http://www.sweetscape.com/download/previous/
6687  0x003b9f00 0x007b9f00 55   56   .rodata ascii   You may download previous versions of 010 Editor from "
6688  0x003b9f38 0x007b9f38 60   61   .rodata ascii   Free Upgrades, Support, and Repository Updates Expire:\n     
6689  0x003b9f78 0x007b9f78 58   59   .rodata ascii   http://www.sweetscape.com/010editor/retrieve_password.html
6690  0x003b9fb8 0x007b9fb8 174  175  .rodata ascii   Removing this license from this machine means that you will no longer be able to run 010 Editor until you install a new license. Are you sure you want to remove this license?
6691  0x003ba068 0x007ba068 97   98   .rodata ascii   Could not remove license. You may need to be logged in as an administrator to remove the license.
6692  0x003ba0d0 0x007ba0d0 39   40   .rodata ascii   1On_HttpCheckLicenseFinished(char*,int)
6693  0x003ba0f8 0x007ba0f8 38   39   .rodata ascii   Please completely enter your password.
6694  0x003ba120 0x007ba120 223  224  .rodata ascii   Could not contact the webserver. Please check your internet connection. If your internet connection is currently working, the server may be down. If this problem persists, please visit 'http://www.sweetscape.com/support/' (
6695  0x003ba200 0x007ba200 214  215  .rodata ascii   010 Editor has detected that you have entered an invalid license. Please check to see if your license is entered correctly and try again. If this problem persists, please visit 'http://www.sweetscape.com/support/'.
6696  0x003ba2d8 0x007ba2d8 120  121  .rodata ascii   Password accepted. This license entitles you to:\n\n  - Free Upgrades\n  - Free Support\n  - Free Repository Updates\n\nuntil 
6697  0x003ba358 0x007ba358 37   38   .rodata ascii    Thank you for purchasing 010 Editor!
6698  0x003ba380 0x007ba380 68   69   .rodata ascii   The password you entered is for an earlier version of this program. 
6699  0x003ba3c8 0x007ba3c8 70   71   .rodata ascii   You will have to purchase an upgrade to continue using this software. 



0x0076c1c0 437 2415586 -> 8130 sym.TFormRegister::qt_static_metacall_QObject___QMetaObject::Call__int__void_____clone_.part.0

[0x006f8e60]> pd
│ ╎╎╎╎ 0x006f8e60 488d35f1140c. lea rsi, str.Thank_you_for_purchasing_010_Editor ; 0x7ba358 ; " Thank you for purchasing 010 Editor!"

[0x006f8950]> pd
│ ╎╎╎╎╎ 0x006f8950 488d3d091c0c. lea rdi, str.Invalid_name_or_password.Please_enter_your_name_and_password_exactly_as_given_when_you_purchased_010_Editor__make_sure_no_quotes_are_included. ; 0x7ba560 ; “Invalid name or password. Please enter your name and password exactly as given when you purchased 010 Editor (make sure no quotes are included).”

0x006f7bc0 66 1905 -> 1862 method.TFormRegister.ValidateLicenseOnline_int

axt @@ str.*
r2 -c=H /bin/ls



查看字符串 使用rabin2 -z /home/burning/010editor/010editor | tee 22.txt 查看字符串。 6698 0x003ba380 0x007ba380 68 69 .rodata ascii The password you entered is for an earlier version of this program. 6699 0x003ba3c8 0x007ba3c8 70 71 .rodata ascii You will…...

Ubuntur编译ROS报错:error PCL requires C++14 or above

ubuntu20.04 编译ROS包 报错: error: PCL requires C14 or above: 修改Cmakelists.txt文件: set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) 再次编译成功....


1.容器-我的小世界 不知道大家看没看过小说《完美时间》,里面石昊经常进入一个小世界在里面与世隔绝的修炼或者战斗,总之就是在一个完全封闭的空间里做他想做的事情而与外界隔离,不受侵扰。通过前面的分析我们知道,Namepace让应用…...


文章目录 前言正文一、POM依赖二、核心Java文件2.1 自定义表头注解 ExcelColumnTitle2.2 自定义标题头的映射接口2.3 自定义有序map存储表内数据2.4 表头工厂2.5 表flag和表头映射枚举2.6 测试用的实体2.6.1 NameAndFactoryDemo2.6.2 StudentDemo 2.7 启动类2.8 测试控制器 三、…...

代码随想录算法训练营第四十二天 _ 动态规划_01背包问题、416.分割等和子集。

学习目标: 动态规划五部曲: ① 确定dp[i]的含义 ② 求递推公式 ③ dp数组如何初始化 ④ 确定遍历顺序 ⑤ 打印递归数组 ---- 调试 引用自代码随想录! 60天训练营打卡计划! 学习内容: 二维数组处理01背包问题 听起来…...


Aspera作为一个高速文件传输方案曾经非常受欢迎,但是其昂贵的价格却限制了许多用户的选择,因此市场上出现了众多Aspera替代方案,本文将会介绍市场上最好的Aspera替代方案。 最近几年,网络传输已成为现代商业运作中必不可少的一部…...


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一、防火墙: 在 Linux 中,关闭防火墙可以使用不同的命令,这取决于你所使用的防火墙软件。在一些常见的 Linux 发行版中,防火墙可能是 iptables 或 firewalld两种: centos6使用iptables作为默认防火墙;cento…...


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摘 要 互联网发展至今,无论是其理论还是技术都已经成熟,而且它广泛参与在社会中的方方面面。它让信息都可以通过网络传播,搭配信息管理工具可以很好地为人们提供服务。针对小型企业办公信息管理混乱,出错率高,信息安全…...

CasADi - 最优控制开源 Python/MATLAB 库

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有服务提供商和用户两类实体,其中服务提供商部署合约,默认诚信为true,用户负责使用智能合约接受服务及评价,服务提供商的评价信息存储在一个映射中,可以根据服务提 供商的地址来查找评价信息。用户评价信息&#xff0c…...


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1 函数定义 void Filter2D (Mat src, Mat dst, int ddepth, InputArray kernel, Point anchor Point(-1,-1), double delta 0, int borderType BORDER_DEFAULT ) 1.1 原型 #include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> Convolves an image wit…...


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一、创建新项目 首先新建一个新的项目&#xff0c;并按如下操作 二、实现代码 界面ChatFrame类 package 群聊; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.net.InetAddress; public abstract class ChatFrame extends JFrame { p…...


要声明一个模板对象&#xff0c;应将存储html模板的文件夹作为参数提供。在当前工作目录中&#xff0c;我们将创建一个 “templates “目录。 templates Jinja2Templates(directory“templates”) 我们现在要把这个页面的HTML代码渲染成HTMLResponse。让我们修改一下hello()函…...


CSDN给了这么一个话题&#xff1a; 还记得当初自己为什么选择计算机&#xff1f; 当初你问我为什么选择计算机&#xff0c;我笑着回答&#xff1a;“因为我梦想成为神奇的码农&#xff01;我想像编织魔法一样编写程序&#xff0c;创造出炫酷的虚拟世界&#xff01;”谁知道&…...


l利用gdal读取tif中的地理信息和波段数组&#xff0c;然后保存想要的格式即可。 from osgeo import gdal from PIL import Image import numpy as np import cv2 as cv from matplotlib import pyplot as plt# 读取.tif文件 def read_tif(file_path):dataset gdal.Open(file_…...


文章目录 1. 训练过程中的可视化1.1. alive_progress1.2. rich.progress 2. 训练结束后的可视化2.1. tensorboardX2.1.1. 安装2.1.2. 使用 1. 训练过程中的可视化 主要是监控训练的进度。 1.1. alive_progress 安装 pip install alive_progress使用 from alive_progress i…...


1、Go 1.3之前的标记-清除&#xff08;mark and sweep&#xff09;算法 Go 1.3之前的时候主要用的是普通的标记-清除算法&#xff0c;此算法主要由两个主要的步骤&#xff1a; 标记&#xff08;Mark phase&#xff09;清除&#xff08;Sweep phase&#xff09; 1&#xff09…...


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