- 如果编译器能知道怎么优化是最好的(绝大多数情况下),那么不要复杂化代码。
- 编译器的优势是聪明,但你的优势是知道的多,因此提示编译器而不是手写汇编/SIMD。
- 99%的情况下不要使用SIMD,如果你发现无法成功提示编译器,并且这里的性能_真的_很重要,那么可以使用SIMD,但是要注意跨平台的问题,并测试你的代码真的超过了-O3下的编译器(因为流水线和CPU性能问题,性能可能并没有提高)。
- 不要使用汇编,除非你找到了SIMD库的问题(https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/docs/intrinsics-guide/index.html)
-fschedule-insns2 -fsched-interblock:对指令进行调度以提高执行效率。
计算一个数字的二进制中有多少个 1
void f(int *a, int *b, int *c)
{*a += *c;*b += *c;
}// f(int*, int*, int*):
// movl (%rdx), %eax
// addl %eax, (%rdi)
// movl (%rdx), %eax
// addl %eax, (%rsi)
// retvoid f(int * __restrict__ a, int* __restrict__ b, int* __restrict__ c)
{*a += *c;*b += *c;
}// f(int*, int*, int*):
// movl (%rdx), %eax
// addl %eax, (%rdi)
// addl %eax, (%rsi)
// ret
除了可以用 __restrict 让编译器放心做 SIMD 优化外,还可以用 OpenMP 的这条指令来迫使编译器无视指针别名的问题,并启用 SIMD 优化。不过得给编译器打开 -fopenmp 这个选项。:
对小的循环体进行 unroll 可能是划算的,但最好不要 unroll 大的循环体,否则会造成指令缓存的压力反而变慢。
比如使用avx-512,将数据与64个字节对齐时可以通过_mm512_load_pd将数据直接加载到zmmm寄存器中,并在其上应用SIMD指令,然后通过_mm512 _stream_pd将其存储回。如果不进行大量的向量化计算,只会造成内存浪费。
- 遮罩 Masking
- 排列
- 选择性加载 / 存储
- 压缩 / 扩展
- 选择性聚集 / 散开
对于每个通道,将索引向量中指定的偏移量处的输入向量的值复制到目标向量中。在 AVX-512 之前,数据库管理系统必须将数据从 SIMD 寄存器写入内存,然后再写回 SIMD 寄存器。而 AVX-512 指令集引入了新的 PERMUTE 操作,可以直接在 SIMD 寄存器内部完成元素重排,大大提高了性能。
在SIMD(Single Instruction, Multiple Data)编程中,Blend(混合)是一种操作,用于将两个向量按照指定的规则进行混合。混合操作通常是将两个向量的对应元素进行混合,生成一个新的向量。
选择性加载 / 存储
压缩 / 扩展
选择性聚集 / 散开
Make the most out of your SIMD investments: counter control flow divergence in compiled query pipelines
#ifdef __SSE2__
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <immintrin.h>
#endif#if defined(__aarch64__) && defined(__ARM_NEON)
# include <arm_neon.h>
# pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-identifier"
- 如果用 -ftree-loop-distribute-patterns可能会导致编译器优化为自带的memcpy,而又会重新调用到重写的memcpy,导致递归调用,所以必须禁用掉。
- 用AVX512有两个问题:一个是降频,第二个是SSE切换AVX512的性能开销。
- 然后作者列了几个影响性能的因素:
- 预取指令,因为预取指令的大小不确定,而且在ARM中性能比较差,所以这里没有预取
- 对齐,这里使用不对齐的加载和对齐的存储
- 循环展开次数,这里固定为8次
- attribute((no_sanitize(“coverage”)))禁用行数统计
- 最后作者提到memcpy可能会在编译时被优化为循环赋值,使用**-fbuiltin-memcpy**
#include <stddef.h>#include <emmintrin.h>/** Custom memcpy implementation for ClickHouse.* It has the following benefits over using glibc's implementation:* 1. Avoiding dependency on specific version of glibc's symbol, like memcpy@@GLIBC_2.14 for portability.* 2. Avoiding indirect call via PLT due to shared linking, that can be less efficient.* 3. It's possible to include this header and call inline_memcpy directly for better inlining or interprocedural analysis.* 4. Better results on our performance tests on current CPUs: up to 25% on some queries and up to 0.7%..1% in average across all queries.** Writing our own memcpy is extremely difficult for the following reasons:* 1. The optimal variant depends on the specific CPU model.* 2. The optimal variant depends on the distribution of size arguments.* 3. It depends on the number of threads copying data concurrently.* 4. It also depends on how the calling code is using the copied data and how the different memcpy calls are related to each other.* Due to vast range of scenarios it makes proper testing especially difficult.* When writing our own memcpy there is a risk to overoptimize it* on non-representative microbenchmarks while making real-world use cases actually worse.** Most of the benchmarks for memcpy on the internet are wrong.** Let's look at the details:** For small size, the order of branches in code is important.* There are variants with specific order of branches (like here or in glibc)* or with jump table (in asm code see example from Cosmopolitan libc:* https://github.com/jart/cosmopolitan/blob/de09bec215675e9b0beb722df89c6f794da74f3f/libc/nexgen32e/memcpy.S#L61)* or with Duff device in C (see https://github.com/skywind3000/FastMemcpy/)** It's also important how to copy uneven sizes.* Almost every implementation, including this, is using two overlapping movs.** It is important to disable -ftree-loop-distribute-patterns when compiling memcpy implementation,* otherwise the compiler can replace internal loops to a call to memcpy that will lead to infinite recursion.** For larger sizes it's important to choose the instructions used:* - SSE or AVX or AVX-512;* - rep movsb;* Performance will depend on the size threshold, on the CPU model, on the "erms" flag* ("Enhansed Rep MovS" - it indicates that performance of "rep movsb" is decent for large sizes)* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43343231/enhanced-rep-movsb-for-memcpy** Using AVX-512 can be bad due to throttling.* Using AVX can be bad if most code is using SSE due to switching penalty* (it also depends on the usage of "vzeroupper" instruction).* But in some cases AVX gives a win.** It also depends on how many times the loop will be unrolled.* We are unrolling the loop 8 times (by the number of available registers), but it not always the best.** It also depends on the usage of aligned or unaligned loads/stores.* We are using unaligned loads and aligned stores.** It also depends on the usage of prefetch instructions. It makes sense on some Intel CPUs but can slow down performance on AMD.* Setting up correct offset for prefetching is non-obvious.** Non-temporary (cache bypassing) stores can be used for very large sizes (more than a half of L3 cache).* But the exact threshold is unclear - when doing memcpy from multiple threads the optimal threshold can be lower,* because L3 cache is shared (and L2 cache is partially shared).** Very large size of memcpy typically indicates suboptimal (not cache friendly) algorithms in code or unrealistic scenarios,* so we don't pay attention to using non-temporary stores.** On recent Intel CPUs, the presence of "erms" makes "rep movsb" the most beneficial,* even comparing to non-temporary aligned unrolled stores even with the most wide registers.** memcpy can be written in asm, C or C++. The latter can also use inline asm.* The asm implementation can be better to make sure that compiler won't make the code worse,* to ensure the order of branches, the code layout, the usage of all required registers.* But if it is located in separate translation unit, inlining will not be possible* (inline asm can be used to overcome this limitation).* Sometimes C or C++ code can be further optimized by compiler.* For example, clang is capable replacing SSE intrinsics to AVX code if -mavx is used.** Please note that compiler can replace plain code to memcpy and vice versa.* - memcpy with compile-time known small size is replaced to simple instructions without a call to memcpy;* it is controlled by -fbuiltin-memcpy and can be manually ensured by calling __builtin_memcpy.* This is often used to implement unaligned load/store without undefined behaviour in C++.* - a loop with copying bytes can be recognized and replaced by a call to memcpy;* it is controlled by -ftree-loop-distribute-patterns.* - also note that a loop with copying bytes can be unrolled, peeled and vectorized that will give you* inline code somewhat similar to a decent implementation of memcpy.** This description is up to date as of Mar 2021.** How to test the memcpy implementation for performance:* 1. Test on real production workload.* 2. For synthetic test, see utils/memcpy-bench, but make sure you will do the best to exhaust the wide range of scenarios.** TODO: Add self-tuning memcpy with bayesian bandits algorithm for large sizes.* See https://habr.com/en/company/yandex/blog/457612/*/__attribute__((no_sanitize("coverage")))
static inline void * inline_memcpy(void * __restrict dst_, const void * __restrict src_, size_t size)
{/// We will use pointer arithmetic, so char pointer will be used./// Note that __restrict makes sense (otherwise compiler will reload data from memory/// instead of using the value of registers due to possible aliasing).char * __restrict dst = reinterpret_cast<char * __restrict>(dst_);const char * __restrict src = reinterpret_cast<const char * __restrict>(src_);/// Standard memcpy returns the original value of dst. It is rarely used but we have to do it./// If you use memcpy with small but non-constant sizes, you can call inline_memcpy directly/// for inlining and removing this single instruction.void * ret = dst;tail:/// Small sizes and tails after the loop for large sizes./// The order of branches is important but in fact the optimal order depends on the distribution of sizes in your application./// This order of branches is from the disassembly of glibc's code./// We copy chunks of possibly uneven size with two overlapping movs./// Example: to copy 5 bytes [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] we will copy tail [1, 2, 3, 4] first and then head [0, 1, 2, 3].// 不对齐的加载 两个重叠的movsif (size <= 16){if (size >= 8){/// Chunks of 8..16 bytes.__builtin_memcpy(dst + size - 8, src + size - 8, 8);__builtin_memcpy(dst, src, 8);}else if (size >= 4){/// Chunks of 4..7 bytes.__builtin_memcpy(dst + size - 4, src + size - 4, 4);__builtin_memcpy(dst, src, 4);}else if (size >= 2){/// Chunks of 2..3 bytes.__builtin_memcpy(dst + size - 2, src + size - 2, 2);__builtin_memcpy(dst, src, 2);}else if (size >= 1){/// A single byte.*dst = *src;}/// No bytes remaining.}else{// 这里src和dst不可能同时128对齐,因此/// Medium and large sizes.if (size <= 128){/// Medium size, not enough for full loop unrolling./// We will copy the last 16 bytes._mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(dst + size - 16), _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(src + size - 16)));/// Then we will copy every 16 bytes from the beginning in a loop./// The last loop iteration will possibly overwrite some part of already copied last 16 bytes./// This is Ok, similar to the code for small sizes above.while (size > 16){_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(dst), _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(src)));dst += 16;src += 16;size -= 16;}}else{/// Large size with fully unrolled loop./// Align destination to 16 bytes boundary.size_t padding = (16 - (reinterpret_cast<size_t>(dst) & 15)) & 15;/// If not aligned - we will copy first 16 bytes with unaligned stores.if (padding > 0){__m128i head = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src));_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst), head);dst += padding;src += padding;size -= padding;}/// Aligned unrolled copy. We will use half of available SSE registers./// It's not possible to have both src and dst aligned./// So, we will use aligned stores and unaligned loads.__m128i c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7;while (size >= 128){c0 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src) + 0);c1 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src) + 1);c2 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src) + 2);c3 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src) + 3);c4 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src) + 4);c5 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src) + 5);c6 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src) + 6);c7 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src) + 7);src += 128;_mm_store_si128((reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst) + 0), c0);_mm_store_si128((reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst) + 1), c1);_mm_store_si128((reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst) + 2), c2);_mm_store_si128((reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst) + 3), c3);_mm_store_si128((reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst) + 4), c4);_mm_store_si128((reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst) + 5), c5);_mm_store_si128((reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst) + 6), c6);_mm_store_si128((reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst) + 7), c7);dst += 128;size -= 128;}/// The latest remaining 0..127 bytes will be processed as usual.goto tail;}}return ret;
有些实现还会用预取指令,比如韦大佬写的FastMemcpy,clickhouse里面也有完整代码作为benchmark https://github.com/skywind3000/FastMemcpy/blob/master/FastMemcpy.h
这段代码是 ClickHouse 项目中的一段,它定义了一个名为 optimize 的方法,该方法在读取 ClickHouse 表的数据时优化读取的顺序和方式。具体来说,它在读取 ClickHouse 的 MergeTree 表时,对表中的数据进行预过滤,以减少读取的数据量,从而提高查询性能。https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/blob/4279dd2bf11841d8f68bdea78f3d8668a2c4289b/src/Storages/MergeTree/MergeTreeRangeReader.cpp#L495
首先,它将 current_filter 和已有的 final_filter (如果存在)进行组合,创建一个新的过滤条件 filter,这个过滤条件将被应用在每个数据块的开头。
using Filter = PaddedPODArray<UInt8>;
/// Transform 64-byte mask to 64-bit mask
inline UInt64 bytes64MaskToBits64Mask(const UInt8 * bytes64)
#if defined(__AVX512F__) && defined(__AVX512BW__)const __m512i vbytes = _mm512_loadu_si512(reinterpret_cast<const void *>(bytes64));UInt64 res = _mm512_testn_epi8_mask(vbytes, vbytes);
#elif defined(__AVX__) && defined(__AVX2__)const __m256i zero32 = _mm256_setzero_si256();UInt64 res =(static_cast<UInt64>(_mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cmpeq_epi8(_mm256_loadu_si256(reinterpret_cast<const __m256i *>(bytes64)), zero32))) & 0xffffffff)| (static_cast<UInt64>(_mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cmpeq_epi8(_mm256_loadu_si256(reinterpret_cast<const __m256i *>(bytes64+32)), zero32))) << 32);
#elif defined(__SSE2__)const __m128i zero16 = _mm_setzero_si128();UInt64 res =(static_cast<UInt64>(_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(bytes64)), zero16))) & 0xffff)| ((static_cast<UInt64>(_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(bytes64 + 16)), zero16))) << 16) & 0xffff0000)| ((static_cast<UInt64>(_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(bytes64 + 32)), zero16))) << 32) & 0xffff00000000)| ((static_cast<UInt64>(_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(_mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(bytes64 + 48)), zero16))) << 48) & 0xffff000000000000);
#elif defined(__aarch64__) && defined(__ARM_NEON)const uint8x16_t bitmask = {0x01, 0x02, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x01, 0x02, 0x4, 0x8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80};const auto * src = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(bytes64);const uint8x16_t p0 = vceqzq_u8(vld1q_u8(src));const uint8x16_t p1 = vceqzq_u8(vld1q_u8(src + 16));const uint8x16_t p2 = vceqzq_u8(vld1q_u8(src + 32));const uint8x16_t p3 = vceqzq_u8(vld1q_u8(src + 48));uint8x16_t t0 = vandq_u8(p0, bitmask);uint8x16_t t1 = vandq_u8(p1, bitmask);uint8x16_t t2 = vandq_u8(p2, bitmask);uint8x16_t t3 = vandq_u8(p3, bitmask);uint8x16_t sum0 = vpaddq_u8(t0, t1);uint8x16_t sum1 = vpaddq_u8(t2, t3);sum0 = vpaddq_u8(sum0, sum1);sum0 = vpaddq_u8(sum0, sum0);UInt64 res = vgetq_lane_u64(vreinterpretq_u64_u8(sum0), 0);
#elseUInt64 res = 0;for (size_t i = 0; i < 64; ++i)res |= static_cast<UInt64>(0 == bytes64[i]) << i;
#endifreturn ~res;
本文主要结合15721和clickhouse源码来聊聊向量化,正好我最近也在用Eigen做算子加速,了解下还是有好处的。 提示编译器 提示编译器而不是复杂化简单的代码 什么时候使用汇编,什么时候使用SIMD?下面有几个基本原则: …...
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Labview Vision 机器视觉使用,从下载程序安装应用,到实战找硬币并输出值
1.前言 大家好,今天我要和机器人一起配合来打算 做机器视觉 用Labview 和 Vision 联动实现机器的视觉 2.下载软件-软件的安装 我们除了基础款的labview软件 还要安装视觉四件套 1.Labview 编程平台(我是 2023 q3) 2. NI - IMAQdx (驱动软…...
目录 基础组件 1. TButton(按钮) 2. TLabel(标签) 3. TEdit(编辑框) 4. TMemo(多行编辑框) 5. TComboBox(组合框) 6. TCheckBox(复选框&…...
react hooks浅谈
一.useEffect useEffect是hooks中的生命周期函数 1.只要页面更新就触发回调: useEffect(() > { // 执行逻辑 }) 2.只运行一次(组件挂载和卸载时执行),第二个参数传空数组[]: useEffect(() > { // },[]) 3. 条件…...
stable diffusion webui之lora调用
1.触发词底模lora效果最好(分数不一定要取到1,0.8也行); 2.引用时一定要使用<lora:>,例如<lora:C4D_geometry_bg_v2.5:0.8>; "prompt": "(masterpiece:1.3), (best quality:1.…...
一、简介 通常情况下,前端在使用post请求提交数据的时候,请求都是采用application/json 或 application/x-www-form-urlencoded编码类型,分别是借助JSON字符串来传递参数或者keyvalue格式字符串(多参数通过&进行连接&#…...
TCP和UDP的概念、特点、区别和对应的使用场景? 我的回答: 概念: TCP是传输控制协议,是面向连接、可靠的、基于字节流的传输层通信协议。 UDP是用户数据报协议,是无连接、不可靠的,基于数据报的传输层通信…...
1 安装python环境 这一步请自行安装,这边不做介绍。 2 安装anaconda 下载路径:Index of /,用户自行选择自己的需要的版本。 3 环境配置 3.1 anaconda环境配置 找到设置,点击系统->系统信息->高级系统设置->环境变量…...
文章目录 唠嗑部分背景说明idea查看maven配置 言归正传安装mavenidea配置maven 结语及资料获取 唠嗑部分 背景说明 很多新手伙伴们在导入项目源码时,都会遇到大片依赖爆红,项目跑不起来,小白也是把自己电脑重新配置了一番,复现了…...
快速排序算法最早是由图灵奖获得者Tony Hoare设计出来的,他在形式化方法理论以 及ALGOL.60编程语言的发明中都有卓越的贡献,是20世纪最伟大的计算机科学家之—。 而这快速排序算法只是他众多贡献中的—个小发明而已。 快速排序(Quick Sort)的基本算法思…...
第二节TypeScript 基础语法
1、typescript程序由以下几个部分组成: 模块函数变量语句和表达式注释 2、开始第一个typescript程序 创建一个typescript程序,使之输出“hello typescript”: 代码: var message:string "hello typescript" cons…...
余数符号规则: Go(%): 余数与被除数符号一致 Java(%): 余数与被除数符号一致 JavaScript(%): 余数与被除数符号一致 Python(%)…...
scrapy数据建模与请求 学习目标: 应用 在scrapy项目中进行建模应用 构造Request对象,并发送请求应用 利用meta参数在不同的解析函数中传递数据 1. 数据建模 通常在做项目的过程中,在items.py中进行数据建模 1.1 为什么建模 定义item即提前…...
目录 一、浅拷贝 1.定义 2.示例 3.问题 二、深拷贝 1.定义 2.示例 3.优点 三、考虑场景 浅拷贝的考虑 1.性能要求 2.简单地数据结构 3.资源管理 深拷贝的考虑 1.动态内存分配 2.复杂数据结构 3.资源管理 总结 一、浅拷贝 1.定义 浅拷贝是指对对象进行复制时…...
wordpress 讨论主题/google国际版
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,转载请标明出处。 https://blog.csdn.net/lyhhj/article/details/47731439 最近做了选择多图并且上传服务器,在网上找了一些demo,适当的做了一下调整,用过了不能忘记,记下来以…...
vmware中为虚拟机添加硬盘空间 Vmware有自己的硬盘管理工具,其所在位置是/vmware/vmware workstation/,名称为vmware-vdiskmanager.exe,具体的参数及命令格式可以参照帮助文档。其使用方法如下:假设虚拟机装有Linux操作系统&#…...
《面向对象》 你知道吗? 自从那次不经意间把你导入我的心。 就从此再也无法导出了。 真的希望从此你便是我私有的。 别人无论如何也无法访问你的心。 不过你放心,我会精心的保护它。 我能抽象出整个世界。 但是我不能抽象你。 因为你在我心中是…...
【单选题】以下程序的输出结果是: def hub(ss, x 2.0,y 4.0): ss x * y ss 10 print(ss, hub(ss, 3…...
MinGW---Minimalist GNU for Windows.qmake -project 生成.pro文件; qmake -makefile xxx.pro 生成makefile文件; mingw32-make 执行makefile....
V831在jupyter 显示拍摄图像使用方法遇到的问题及解决方法折腾了好久终于成功了。不废话看效果 使用方法 怎么做到的呢?一起来吧,先复习一下jupyter怎么用。 本机CMD 输入jupyter notebook 启动jupyter V831启动服务 maixpy3_rpycs 在jupyter建一个网…...