Updates on Function Calling were a major highlight at OpenAI DevDay.
In another world,原来的function call都不再正常工作了,必须全部重写。
function和function call全部由tool和tool_choice取代。2023年11月之前关于function call的代码都准备翘翘。
import json
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()# Example dummy function hard coded to return the same weather
# In production, this could be your backend API or an external API
def get_current_weather(location, unit="fahrenheit"):"""Get the current weather in a given location"""if "beijing" in location.lower():return json.dumps({"location": location, "temperature": "10", "unit": "celsius"})elif "tokyo" in location.lower():return json.dumps({"location": location, "temperature": "22", "unit": "celsius"})elif "shanghai" in location.lower():return json.dumps({"location": location, "temperature": "21", "unit": "celsius"})elif "san francisco" in location.lower():return json.dumps({"location": location, "temperature": "72", "unit": "fahrenheit"})else:return json.dumps({"location": location, "temperature": "22.22", "unit": "celsius"})
def run_conversation():# Step 1: send the conversation and available functions to the modelmessages = [{"role": "user", "content": "What's the weather like in San Francisco, Tokyo, Beijing and Paris?"}]tools = [{"type": "function","function": {"name": "get_current_weather","description": "Get the current weather in a given location","parameters": {"type": "object","properties": {"location": {"type": "string","description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",},"unit": {"type": "string", "enum": ["celsius", "fahrenheit"]},},"required": ["location"],},},}]response = client.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",messages=messages,tools = tools,tool_choice="auto", # auto is default, but we'll be explicit)response_message = response.choices[0].messagetool_calls = response_message.tool_calls
response是返回的object,message里包含一个tool_calls array.
tool_calls array The tool calls generated by the model, such as function calls.
id string The ID of the tool call.
type string The type of the tool. Currently, only function is supported.
function object: The function that the model called.name: string The name of the function to call.arguments: string The arguments to call the function with, as generated by the model in JSON format. Note that the model does not always generate valid JSON, and may hallucinate parameters not defined by your function schema. Validate the arguments in your code before calling your function.
# Step 2: check if the model wanted to call a functionif tool_calls:# Step 3: call the function# Note: the JSON response may not always be valid; be sure to handle errorsavailable_functions = {"get_current_weather": get_current_weather,} # only one function in this example, but you can have multiplemessages.append(response_message) # extend conversation with assistant's reply# Step 4: send the info for each function call and function response to the modelfor tool_call in tool_calls:function_name = tool_call.function.namefunction_to_call = available_functions[function_name]function_args = json.loads(tool_call.function.arguments)function_response = function_to_call(location=function_args.get("location"),unit=function_args.get("unit"),)messages.append({"tool_call_id": tool_call.id,"role": "tool","name": function_name,"content": function_response,}) # extend conversation with function responsesecond_response = openai.chat.completions.create(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106",messages=messages,) # get a new response from the model where it can see the function responsereturn second_response
choices=[Choice(finish_reason='stop', index=0, logprobs=None, message=ChatCompletionMessage(
content="Currently, the weather in San Francisco, California is 72°F (22°C) with a slight breeze. In Tokyo, Japan, the temperature is 22°C with partly cloudy skies. In Beijing, China, it's 10°C with overcast conditions. And in Paris, France, the temperature is 22.22°C with clear skies.",
role='assistant', function_call=None, tool_calls=None))],
created=1704239774, model='gpt-3.5-turbo-1106', object='chat.completion', system_fingerprint='fp_772e8125bb', usage=CompletionUsage(completion_tokens=71, prompt_tokens=229, total_tokens=300))
tool和tool_choice,取代了过去的function和function calling。

OpenAI ChatGPT-4开发笔记2024-03:Chat之Function Calling/Function/Tool/Tool_Choice
Updates on Function Calling were a major highlight at OpenAI DevDay. In another world,原来的function call都不再正常工作了,必须全部重写。 function和function call全部由tool和tool_choice取代。2023年11月之前关于function call的代码都准备翘翘。 干嘛…...

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