需求: 在11.0的产品开发中,对于定制功能的需求很多,有些机型要求可以修改系统属性值,对于系统本身在10.0以后为了系统安全性,不允许修改ro开头的SystemProperties的值,所以如果要求修改ro的相关系统属性,就得看在设置SystemProperties的相关值的要求,修改这部分要求就可以了
2.1 关于系统属性SystemProperty分析
系统属性,肯定对整个系统全局共享。通常程序的执行以进程为单位各自相互独立,如何实现全局共享呢?属性系统是android的一个重要特性。它作为一个服务运行,管理系统配置和状态。所有这些配置和状态都是属性。SystemProperties.java每个属性是一个键值对(key/value pair),其类型都是字符串
private static native String native_get(String key);private static native String native_get(String key, String def);private static native int native_get_int(String key, int def);@UnsupportedAppUsageprivate static native long native_get_long(String key, long def);private static native boolean native_get_boolean(String key, boolean def);private static native void native_set(String key, String def);/*** Get the String value for the given {@code key}.** @param key the key to lookup* @param def the default value in case the property is not set or empty* @return if the {@code key} isn't found, return {@code def} if it isn't null, or an empty* string otherwise* @hide*/@NonNull@SystemApi@TestApipublic static String get(@NonNull String key, @Nullable String def) {if (TRACK_KEY_ACCESS) onKeyAccess(key);return native_get(key, def);}/*** Get the value for the given {@code key}, and return as an integer.** @param key the key to lookup* @param def a default value to return* @return the key parsed as an integer, or def if the key isn't found or* cannot be parsed* @hide*/@SystemApipublic static int getInt(@NonNull String key, int def) {if (TRACK_KEY_ACCESS) onKeyAccess(key);return native_get_int(key, def);}/*** Get the value for the given {@code key}, and return as a long.** @param key the key to lookup* @param def a default value to return* @return the key parsed as a long, or def if the key isn't found or* cannot be parsed* @hide*/@SystemApipublic static long getLong(@NonNull String key, long def) {if (TRACK_KEY_ACCESS) onKeyAccess(key);return native_get_long(key, def);}@SystemApi@TestApipublic static boolean getBoolean(@NonNull String key, boolean def) {if (TRACK_KEY_ACCESS) onKeyAccess(key);return native_get_boolean(key, def);}/*** Set the value for the given {@code key} to {@code val}.** @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code val} exceeds 91 characters* @hide*/@UnsupportedAppUsagepublic static void set(@NonNull String key, @Nullable String val) {if (val != null && !val.startsWith("ro.") && val.length() > PROP_VALUE_MAX) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("value of system property '" + key+ "' is longer than " + PROP_VALUE_MAX + " characters: " + val);}if (TRACK_KEY_ACCESS) onKeyAccess(key);native_set(key, val);}
通过上述get()和set()发现 最终是通过jni的方法设置相关的值
最终通过查阅资料发现是在property_service.cpp中来设置系统相关属性的 接下来看下property_service.cpp
static uint32_t PropertySet(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, std::string* error) {size_t valuelen = value.size();if (!IsLegalPropertyName(name)) {*error = "Illegal property name";return PROP_ERROR_INVALID_NAME;}if (auto result = IsLegalPropertyValue(name, value); !result.ok()) {*error = result.error().message();return PROP_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE;}prop_info* pi = (prop_info*) __system_property_find(name.c_str());if (pi != nullptr) {// ro.* properties are actually "write-once".// 判断是否ro开头的属性 这只为读的属性 不能修改值if (StartsWith(name, "ro.")) {*error = "Read-only property was already set";return PROP_ERROR_READ_ONLY_PROPERTY;}__system_property_update(pi, value.c_str(), valuelen);} else {int rc = __system_property_add(name.c_str(), name.size(), value.c_str(), valuelen);if (rc < 0) {*error = "__system_property_add failed";return PROP_ERROR_SET_FAILED;}}// Don't write properties to disk until after we have read all default// properties to prevent them from being overwritten by default values.if (persistent_properties_loaded && StartsWith(name, "persist.")) {WritePersistentProperty(name, value);}// If init hasn't started its main loop, then it won't be handling property changed messages// anyway, so there's no need to try to send them.auto lock = std::lock_guard{accept_messages_lock};if (accept_messages) {PropertyChanged(name, value);}return PROP_SUCCESS;}// This returns one of the enum of PROP_SUCCESS or PROP_ERROR*.uint32_t HandlePropertySet(const std::string& name, const std::string& value,const std::string& source_context, const ucred& cr,SocketConnection* socket, std::string* error) {if (auto ret = CheckPermissions(name, value, source_context, cr, error); ret != PROP_SUCCESS) {return ret;}if (StartsWith(name, "ctl.")) {return SendControlMessage(name.c_str() + 4, value, cr.pid, socket, error);}// sys.powerctl is a special property that is used to make the device reboot. We want to log// any process that sets this property to be able to accurately blame the cause of a shutdown.if (name == "sys.powerctl") {std::string cmdline_path = StringPrintf("proc/%d/cmdline", cr.pid);std::string process_cmdline;std::string process_log_string;if (ReadFileToString(cmdline_path, &process_cmdline)) {// Since cmdline is null deliminated, .c_str() conveniently gives us just the process// path.process_log_string = StringPrintf(" (%s)", process_cmdline.c_str());}LOG(INFO) << "Received sys.powerctl='" << value << "' from pid: " << cr.pid<< process_log_string;if (value == "reboot,userspace" && !is_userspace_reboot_supported().value_or(false)) {*error = "Userspace reboot is not supported by this device";return PROP_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE;}}// If a process other than init is writing a non-empty value, it means that process is// requesting that init performs a restorecon operation on the path specified by 'value'.// We use a thread to do this restorecon operation to prevent holding up init, as it may take// a long time to complete.if (name == kRestoreconProperty && cr.pid != 1 && !value.empty()) {static AsyncRestorecon async_restorecon;async_restorecon.TriggerRestorecon(value);return PROP_SUCCESS;}return PropertySet(name, value, error);}uint32_t InitPropertySet(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) {uint32_t result = 0;ucred cr = {.pid = 1, .uid = 0, .gid = 0};//获取cr参数std::string error;result = HandlePropertySet(name, value, kInitContext, cr, nullptr, &error);if (result != PROP_SUCCESS) {LOG(ERROR) << "Init cannot set '" << name << "' to '" << value << "': " << error;}return result;}
在进入property_service修改系统属性时,先调用InitPropertySet(const std::string& name, const std::string& value)
在通过HandlePropertySet(name, value, kInitContext, cr, nullptr, &error) 来获取返回值
在HandlePropertySet()中根据参数name的值分别调用相关的方法来设置值ro 开头的值 最终是由
PropertySet(name, value, error);来设置值时会判断ro开头的值 只读不让修改 所以要修改就去了这个限制
static uint32_t PropertySet(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, std::string* error) {size_t valuelen = value.size();if (!IsLegalPropertyName(name)) {*error = "Illegal property name";return PROP_ERROR_INVALID_NAME;}if (auto result = IsLegalPropertyValue(name, value); !result.ok()) {*error = result.error().message();return PROP_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE;}prop_info* pi = (prop_info*) __system_property_find(name.c_str());if (pi != nullptr) {// ro.* properties are actually "write-once".// 判断是否ro开头的属性 这只为读的属性 不能修改值// 修改开始 注释掉这部分代码/* if (StartsWith(name, "ro.")) {*error = "Read-only property was already set";return PROP_ERROR_READ_ONLY_PROPERTY;}*/// 修改完毕__system_property_update(pi, value.c_str(), valuelen);} else {int rc = __system_property_add(name.c_str(), name.size(), value.c_str(), valuelen);if (rc < 0) {*error = "__system_property_add failed";return PROP_ERROR_SET_FAILED;}}// Don't write properties to disk until after we have read all default// properties to prevent them from being overwritten by default values.if (persistent_properties_loaded && StartsWith(name, "persist.")) {WritePersistentProperty(name, value);}// If init hasn't started its main loop, then it won't be handling property changed messages// anyway, so there's no need to try to send them.auto lock = std::lock_guard{accept_messages_lock};if (accept_messages) {PropertyChanged(name, value);}return PROP_SUCCESS;}

Android 11.0 动态修改SystemProperties中ro开头系统属性的值
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