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Most Common American Idioms: Part 54


本文是学习李笑来的Most Common American Idioms这本书的学习笔记,自用。


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1061. Something is killing me

“某事正在折磨我” 或 “某事令我非常痛苦”。


This phrase is often used to express that something is causing extreme pain or discomfort, whether physically or mentally. It emphasizes the severity of the situation, indicating that the burden has exceeded bearable limits.

  • This headache is killing me.这头痛真要命。

  • The suspense of waiting for the results is killing me.等待结果的悬念让我痛苦不堪。

  • This deadline is killing me.这个截止日期快把我压垮了。

1062. Something sucks

“某事很糟糕” 或 “某事很差劲”。

这个短语起源于 20 世纪的美国俚语,主要用于表达对某事的不满意或不快感。虽然其确切的起源尚不明确,但该短语开始于比较粗俗的语言表达。在日常生活中,人们习惯用 “sucks” 来形容令人失望或不好的事情。

This phrase originated from American slang in the 20th century, primarily used to express dissatisfaction or unpleasantness about something. Though its exact origin is somewhat unclear, the phrase began as a more vulgar form of expression. In daily life, people often use “sucks” to describe disappointing or unsatisfactory situations.

  • This rainy weather really sucks.这鬼天气真糟糕。

  • Waiting in long lines at the DMV sucks.在机动车管理局排长队真是糟透了。

  • It sucks that we missed the concert.我们错过了音乐会,真是太糟糕了。

1063. Something to crow about

crow: 美 [kroʊ] (雄鸡)啼叫;打鸣

“值得炫耀的事情” 或 “引以为豪的事情”。

这个短语来源于公鸡打鸣的行为,公鸡一大早打鸣显示其存在和力量。同样,人们如果有值得骄傲的事情,也会 “打鸣” 或炫耀来展示自己的成就。因此,“Something to crow about” 用于描述让人感到非常自豪,值得拿出来炫耀的事。

This phrase originates from the behavior of roosters crowing, which they do to announce their presence and strength. Similarly, people who have something to be proud of might “crow” or boast to show off their achievements. Thus, “Something to crow about” is used to describe something that makes one feel very proud and worthy of boasting about.

  • Winning the championship is definitely something to crow about.赢得冠军绝对是一件值得炫耀的事情。

  • She finally got her degree, and it’s something to crow about.她终于拿到了学位,这的确是一件引以为豪的事情。

  • After months of hard work, securing that big client was something to crow about.经过几个月的努力,成功拿下那个大客户的确是一件值得炫耀的事情。

1064. Sour grapes

“酸葡萄” 或 “假装不在乎其实得不到的东西”。


This phrase originates from Aesop’s fable “The Fox and the Grapes”. In the story, a fox tries to reach some grapes hanging high on a vine but fails after several attempts. The fox then declares that the grapes are sour and not worth eating. This fable is used to describe people who belittle something they cannot have.

  • After losing the game, he said it wasn’t worth playing, but that sounded like sour grapes.比赛输了之后他说这个比赛并不值得玩,但这听起来像是酸葡萄心理。

  • She called the job boring after not getting it, but it seemed like sour grapes to me.她在没有得到那份工作后说那工作很无聊,但在我看来这显然是酸葡萄心理。

  • It’s just sour grapes when he says he didn’t want the promotion anyway.他说他根本就不想升职,这只是酸葡萄心理罢了。

1065. Speak of the devil

“说曹操,曹操到” 或 “说到某人,某人就出现”。

这个短语源于古老的欧洲谚语,“talk of the devil and he is sure to appear”(谈论魔鬼,他必定会出现),后来逐渐演变成了现代的 “speak of the devil”。用来表示刚刚提到某人,这个人就出现了,通常带有轻松和有趣的氛围。

This phrase originates from an old European proverb, “talk of the devil and he is sure to appear”, which has gradually evolved into the modern “speak of the devil”. It’s used to indicate that the person just mentioned has appeared, often carrying a light and humorous tone.

  • We were just talking about John, and speak of the devil, here he comes!我们刚刚在谈论约翰,说曹操曹操到,他来了!

  • Speak of the devil! I was just about to call you.说曹操曹操到!我正准备给你打电话呢。

  • We were discussing her new job, and speak of the devil, she walked in.我们正在讨论她的新工作,说曹操曹操到,她走进来了。

1066. Spice things up


“给事情增添趣味” 或 “让生活更有趣”。


This idiom literally means adding spices to food to make it taste better. In everyday conversation, it is used metaphorically to mean adding new elements or making changes to something to make it more interesting or exciting.

  • We need to spice things up with some new activities at our next meeting.我们下次会议需要用一些新活动来增添趣味。

  • They decided to spice things up in their relationship by traveling together more often.他们决定通过更多一起旅行来为他们的关系增添趣味。

  • Adding a dash of unexpected humor can really spice things up in a speech.在演讲中加入一点出人意料的幽默确实能增添趣味。

1067. Spill the beans

“泄漏秘密” 或 “透露真相”。

这个短语的起源尚不十分明确,但最广为接受的解释与古希腊的投票制度有关。在古希腊,投票通常使用不同颜色的豆子进行。如果有人打翻了装豆子的罐子,投票的结果就会被提前泄露。因此,“spill the beans”(打翻豆子)成为了泄露秘密的代名词。

The origin of this phrase is not entirely clear, but the most widely accepted explanation links it to an ancient Greek voting system. In ancient Greece, votes were often cast using different colored beans. If someone knocked over the container holding the beans, the results of the vote would be prematurely revealed. Hence, “spill the beans” became synonymous with revealing secrets.

  • He accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party.他不小心把关于惊喜派对的秘密泄漏了。

  • Don’t spill the beans on the project; it’s confidential.别透露关于这个项目的秘密;这是机密。

  • She finally spilled the beans about why she left the company.她最终透露了她离开公司的原因。

1068. Spin doctor

spin:美 [spɪn] 编造;歪曲;

“政治公关” 或 “新闻发言人”。

这个短语起源于政治和公关行业,尤其是指那些专门负责将不利新闻事件或丑闻通过巧妙用词或信息操控得体处理,以改变公众看法、减少负面影响的专业人员。“Spin” 这个词本身在这里代表了扭曲或转变事实、事件的含义。

This phrase originates from the field of politics and public relations, particularly referring to professionals who skillfully manage and manipulate adverse news events or scandals to change public perception and minimize negative impact. The term “spin” here represents the twisting or transforming of facts and events.

  • The politician hired a spin doctor to handle the press after the scandal broke.政客在丑闻曝光后雇了一位政治公关来处理媒体。

  • Every major company has a spin doctor to manage its public image.每个大公司都有一名新闻发言人来管理其公共形象。

  • The CEO’s spin doctor issued a statement to clarify the misunderstanding.总裁的新闻发言人发布了一份声明来澄清误会。

1069. Spineless

spineless:美 [ˈspaɪnləs] 无脊椎的;懦弱的;没有骨气的;

“懦弱的” 或 “没有骨气的”。

这个短语源自 “spineless” 一词,字面意思是 “没有脊椎骨的”。在比喻的意义上,则指代没有勇气、胆怯或缺乏骨气的人。

The idiom comes from the word “spineless,” which literally means “lacking a spine.” Figuratively, it refers to someone who is cowardly, lacks courage, or is without backbone.

  • He was too spineless to stand up to his boss.他太懦弱了,不敢与老板对抗。

  • Don’t be so spineless when making decisions.做决定时别那么没有骨气。

  • She called him spineless for not defending her.她因为他没有为她辩护而称他为懦夫。

1070. Spitting image

“酷似” 或 “一模一样”。

这个短语的来历可以追溯到 17 世纪,最初是 “spit and image” 的缩写,意指某人看起来就像是从某个模具中 “吐出来的” 和那人本身一模一样。它现今用来形容某人外貌与另一人非常相似,就像是一个模子刻出来的。

This idiom originates from the 17th century and is a shortened form of “spit and image,” meaning someone looks as if they were “spat out” of a mold of someone else. It is now used to describe someone who looks very similar to another person, as if they were made from the same mold.

  • Tim is the spitting image of his father; they look exactly alike.提姆和他的父亲长得一模一样;他们看起来极为相似。

  • She’s the spitting image of her grandmother in that old photo.她在那张旧照片里和她的奶奶长得一模一样。

  • Everyone says you are the spitting image of your brother.每个人都说你和你的兄弟长得一模一样。

1071. Splitting hairs

“斤斤计较” 或 “过分在意细节”。

这个短语源自于英文,原意是指把头发从中央劈开的行动,象征着对非常细微不重要的事物进行过度的关注和争论。在日常使用中,“Splitting hairs” 被用来形容某人在琐碎并且无关紧要的细节上过于挑剔和纠缠。

This phrase originates from the English language, where it literally means to split a hair down the middle, symbolizing paying excessive attention to trivial, unimportant details. In everyday usage, “Splitting hairs” is used to describe someone being overly picky and arguing about insignificant points.

  • They spent hours splitting hairs over the wording of the contract.他们花了几个小时在合同的措辞上斤斤计较。

  • Stop splitting hairs and focus on the big issues.别再斤斤计较了,专注于重要的问题吧。

  • Arguing about this minor difference is just splitting hairs.争论这个微小的差别简直就是在斤斤计较。

1072. Spread too thin

“摊得太薄” 或 “分散精力太多”。


This phrase originates from the idea of spreading butter or jam too thinly on a piece of bread, where the overall taste and experience are diminished. By extension, it implies that if someone is involved in too many tasks, their focus and resources are spread too thin to perform well in any single task.

  • He’s spread too thin with all his commitments and can’t dedicate enough time to any one project.他有太多的承诺,精力分散,无法专注于任何一个项目。

  • If you spread yourself too thin, you won’t be able to give your best effort to any of your tasks.如果你让自己摊得太薄,就无法在任何任务上尽全力。

  • She realized she had spread herself too thin by trying to balance work, school, and social life.她意识到自己试图平衡工作、学业和社交生活,从而让自己摊得太薄了。

1073. Square meal

“一顿丰盛的饭” 或 “营养均衡的一餐”。

这个短语最早出现在 19 世纪,被认为是源自航海术语。船上的水手们用方形的餐盘进餐,被称为 “square meal”。后来,引申为一种全面、丰富的餐食。这种表达强调了吃一顿美味且营养的饭的重要性。

This phrase first appeared in the 19th century and is believed to originate from nautical terminology. Sailors on ships used square wooden plates, which were called “square meal”. Over time, it was extended to mean a complete, nourishing meal. This expression highlights the importance of having a tasty and nutritious meal.

  • After working all day, he looks forward to having a square meal at home.工作了一整天后,他期待着回家吃一顿丰盛的饭。

  • Many people do not get a square meal every day, which is a serious issue.有很多人每天都吃不上营养均衡的饭,这确实是一个严重的问题。

  • You can order a square meal from this restaurant’s special menu.你可以从这家餐厅的特别菜单上点一顿丰盛的饭。

1074. Squeaky clean

squeaky:美 [ˈskwiki]

“非常干净” 或 “一尘不染”。


This phrase originates from the squeaky sound that dishes or objects make when they are thoroughly cleaned. In daily life, this phrase is not only used to describe physical cleanliness but also to refer to a person’s behavior or reputation being spotless and without any blemishes.

  • After hours of cleaning, my kitchen is now squeaky clean.经过几小时的打扫,我的厨房现在一尘不染。

  • He has a squeaky clean record with no criminal history.他有一份无犯罪记录的清白档案。

  • She always presents herself as squeaky clean in public.她在公众面前总是表现得非常清白。

1075. Stab someone in the back

stab:美 [stæb] 捅;(用刀等锐器)戳;(用手指或尖物)刺

“在背后捅刀子” 或 “背叛某人”。


This phrase originated from ancient wars and crimes where an attacker would stab their opponent in the back to win or assassinate. In contemporary usage, it refers to someone betraying or harming another person who trusted them. It’s typically used between friends, coworkers, or business partners to denote severe acts of betrayal.

  • I can’t believe he would stab me in the back after all we’ve been through.我无法相信他在我们经历了这么多之后会在背后捅我一刀。

  • She pretended to be my friend, but ended up stabbing me in the back.她假装是我的朋友,但最后却在背后捅了我一刀。

  • In the corporate world, you have to be careful of those who will stab you in the back for their own gain.在职场上,你必须提防那些为了自己利益而在背后捅你刀子的人。

1076. Stand my ground

“坚持立场” 或 “坚守立场”。


This phrase originates from a military term, meaning that soldiers do not retreat and hold their position during a battle. It is broadly used in daily life to mean standing by one’s opinion or position firmly when facing challenges or pressure, not easily giving in or retreating.

  • Despite the criticism, he decided to stand his ground on the project.尽管面对批评,他决定在这个项目上坚守立场。

  • She always stands her ground in arguments, no matter how tough they get.不管争论多么激烈,她总是坚持自己的立场。

  • It’s important to stand your ground when negotiating with a difficult client.在与难缠的客户谈判时,坚守立场是非常重要的。

1077. Stay in touch



This phrase originates from the common way people expressed their desire to remain connected, especially before electronic mails and telephones became prevalent. Whether it was friends, family, or colleagues, the phrase is frequently used to express the mutual hope to keep in touch. In modern society, although communication methods have become more diverse and convenient, this phrase still carries a warm and caring undertone.

  • Let’s stay in touch after you move to New York.你搬去纽约以后,让我们保持联系。

  • I always make an effort to stay in touch with my old friends from college.我总是努力和大学期间的老朋友保持联系。

  • Even though we’ve moved to different cities, we still stay in touch through social media.尽管我们搬到了不同的城市,我们仍通过社交媒体保持联系。

1078. Stay on budget

“控制预算” 或 “按预算行事”。

这个短语起源于财务管理中,意指在计划的预算范围内进行花费或开销。无论是个人、家庭还是企业都需要 “stay on budget” 来确保收支平衡,避免超支。

This phrase originates from financial management, meaning to make expenses or expenditures within the planned budget. Whether it’s for an individual, a family, or a business, “stay on budget” is essential to ensure balance between income and expenses and avoid overspending.

  • We need to stay on budget for this project to be profitable.我们需要保持在预算范围内,使这个项目有利可图。

  • It’s important to stay on budget during holidays to avoid debt.假日期间保持在预算范围内很重要,以避免债务。

  • Families must stay on budget with their monthly expenses.家庭需要在他们的月度开支中保持预算。

1079. Steal someone’s thunder


这个短语起源于 17 世纪初,当时英国剧作家约翰·丹尼斯发明了一种在舞台上制造雷声的特殊效果。然而,他的剧并没有成功。后来他发现其他剧院在他们的演出中使用了他的发明,他愤怒地说他们 “偷走了他的雷声”。这个短语逐渐演变为现在的意思,即抢了别人的功劳或风头。

The phrase originates from the early 18th century. British playwright John Dennis invented a method for creating thunder sound effects for his play. When his play failed, he later found other theatres using his sound effect. Furious, he exclaimed they had “stolen his thunder”. The phrase has evolved to mean taking credit for someone else’s idea or glory.

  • She announced her engagement at my birthday party, totally stealing my thunder.她在我的生日派对上宣布了她的订婚,完全抢了我的风头。

  • When he presented the same idea to the boss, he stole my thunder.当他向老板提出同样的想法时,他抢了我的功劳。

  • I didn’t mean to steal your thunder by telling everyone about the project first.我并不是故意在大家面前先提到这个项目来抢你的风头。

1080. Step up your game

“提升你的表现” 或 “加把劲儿”。


This idiom originates from sports, where coaches or players use it to encourage team members to enhance their performance. Over time, it has been widely used in various contexts, indicating the need to improve one’s performance in a certain area, be it work, study, or any aspect of daily life.

  • If you want to get that promotion, you’ll need to step up your game.如果你想获得晋升,你需要提升你的表现。

  • Our competitors are getting better, so we have to step up our game.我们的竞争对手变得越来越强,所以我们必须加把劲儿。

  • She decided to step up her game in her studies to get into a good college.她决定在学习上加把劲儿,以考上好大学。




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如何解决压测过程中JMeter堆内存溢出问题 背景一、为什么会堆内存溢出?二、解决堆内存溢出措施三、堆内存参数应该怎么调整?四、堆内存大小配置建议 背景 Windows环境下使用JMeter压测运行一段时间后,JMeter日志窗口报错“java.lang.OutOfMe…...


文章目录 Python爬虫项目基础知识一、爬虫与数据分析1.1 Python中的requests库Requests 库的安装Requests 库的 get() 方法爬取网页的通用代码框架HTTP 协议及 Requests 库方法Requests 库主要方法解析 1.2 python中的json库1.3 xpath学习之python中lxml库html了解html结构html…...

uniapp 微信小程序webview 和 h5数据通信

项目是uniapp编写,因为是先开发了h5和app,小程序是突然要用的,做兼容开发已经来不及,由于微信小程序webview载入h5 因为通信必须要特殊限制(网页向小程序 postMessage 时,会在以下特定时机触发并收到消息&a…...


Mybatis框架 一、Mybatis框架简介 1.1 传统JDBC的缺陷 (1)数据库连接创建、释放频繁会造成系统资源浪费 【MyBatis通过在核心配置文件中配置数据路连接池解决此问题】 (2) SQL语句在代码中硬编码(PreparedStatement向占位符传…...


一、状态图的组成部分 状态:对象在其生命周期内可能处于的条件或情形,使用 state "State Name" as Statename 表示。初始状态:表示对象生命周期的开始,使用 [*] 表示。最终状态:表示对象生命周期的结束&…...




使用 Flink 消费 Kafka 中 ProduceRecord 主题的数据,统计在已经检验的产品中,各设备每 5 分钟 生产产品总数,将结果存入HBase 中的 gyflinkresult:Produce5minAgg 表, rowkey“...

C 库中的断言与 FreeRTOS 中的 trace 宏

在 C 编程领域,断言和 FreeRTOS 中的 trace 宏都有着独特而重要的作用。 一、断言(assert) 断言在一般的 C 库中是一个非常有用的工具,它以函数的形式存在。其核心作用在于对程序中的逻辑条件进行检查,确保特定的表达…...


一 Servlet简介 1.1动态资源和静态资源 静态资源 无需在程序运行时通过代码运行生成的资源,在程序运行之前就写好的资源.例如:html css js img ,音频文件和视频文件 动态资源 需要在程序运行时通过代码运行生成的资源,在程序运行之前无法确定的数据,运行时动态生成,例如Servle…...


docker先下载镜像,目前最新版是v6.7.6 也可以csdn资源下载 再导入dockers https://download.csdn.net/download/u014756339/90096748 docker load -i ddns-go.tar 启动 docker run -d --name ddns-go --restartalways --nethost -v /opt/ddns-go:/root jeessy/…...


时间复杂度是衡量算法性能的重要指标,用来描述算法随着输入规模 n 增大,运行时间的增长趋势。以下是时间复杂度的核心概念与常见分类的详细讲解。 1. 时间复杂度的定义 时间复杂度反映了算法执行的 基本操作数量 与输入规模 n 的关系。它通常使用大 O表示法来表示,即: 其中…...


如何处理和优化大文件上传和下载 简单来说 文件过大会导致内存溢出,上传和下载过慢会影响用户体验,不合理的设计可能引发安全问题,还有网络问题,数据完整性,服务器压力等 文件过大,内存溢出,…...

QT 线程锁

在 Qt 中,线程锁是用来同步多线程访问共享资源的机制,防止数据竞争和线程安全问题。Qt 提供了几种线程锁和同步工具,主要包括以下几种: 1. QMutex 功能:QMutex 是 Qt 中最常用的互斥锁(mutex)…...


本教程以移动光猫未例,具体操作以实际光猫为准 1、登录移动光猫管理后台 打开浏览器,在浏览器地址栏输入移动光猫登录管理地址192.168.1.1或者tplogin.cn 按“回车键”打开登录页面,然后输入路由器管理密码登录。 移动光猫登录页面 超级密…...

分区之间的一种度量方法-覆盖度量(Covering Metric)

分区之间的一种度量方法——覆盖度量(Covering Metric),用于量化一个分区如何被另一个分区覆盖或近似。以下是逐步详细解释: 1. 背景与符号说明 分区的概念: 分区是将一个集合(这里是 { 1 , … , n } \{…...

cocos creator接入字节跳动抖音小游戏JSAPI敏感词检测(进行文字输入,但输入敏感词后没有替换为*号)

今天更新了某个抖音小游戏的版本,增加了部分剧情,半天过后一条短信审核未通过,emmm…抖音总是能给开发者惊喜…打开电脑看看这次又整什么幺蛾子… 首先是一脸懵逼,后端早已接入了官方的内容安全检测能力了(https://de…...

13.Java IO 流(文件流、字符流、字符处理流、字节处理流、对象处理流、标准流、转换流、打印流、Properties 配置文件、其他流)

一、文件引入 1、文件的概念 文件是保存数据的地方(例如,文档,图片,音视频等) 2、文件流 流:数据在数据源(文件)和程序(内存)之间经历的路径 输入流&…...

掌握 DOM 操作:让你的网页动起来

文章目录 前言一、什么是 DOM?二、DOM 树的结构三、使用 JavaScript 操作 DOM总结前言 在现代 Web 开发中,动态交互几乎是每个网站的标配。而这种交互的实现,离不开 DOM(Document Object Model) 的操作。本次课程深入讲解了 DOM 的基础知识以及如何使用 JavaScript 操作 …...