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  • 一、Interface
    • 1. Declaring and implementing an interface
    • 2. Practical use of an interface
    • 3. Nterface internal representation
    • 4. Empty interface
    • 5. Type assertion
    • 6. Type switch
    • 7. Implementing interfaces using pointer receivers VS value receivers
    • 8. Implementing multiple interfaces
    • 9. Embedding interfaces
    • 10. Zero value of Interface
  • 二、Goroutines
    • 1. How to start a Goroutine?
    • 2. Starting multiple Goroutines
  • 三、Channels
    • 1. Declaring channels
    • 2. Channel example program
    • 3. Another example for channels
    • 4. Deadlock
    • 5. Unidirectional channels
    • 6. Closing channels and for range loops on channels


1. Declaring and implementing an interface

        package mainimport "fmt"type VowelsFinder interface {FindVowels() []rune}type MyString stringfunc (ms MyString) FindVowels() []rune {var vowels []runefor _, rune := range ms {if rune == 'a' || rune == 'e' || rune == 'i' || rune == 'o' || rune == 'u' {vowels = append(vowels, rune)}}return vowels}func main() {name := MyString("LiangXiaoQing")var v VowelsFinderv = namefmt.Printf("vowels are %c", v.FindVowels())}// vowels are [i a i a o i]

2. Practical use of an interface

        type SalaryCalculator interface {CalculateSalary() int}type Permanent struct {empId    intbasicapy intpf       int}type Contract struct {empId    intbasicapy int}type Freelancer struct {empId       intratePerHour inttotalHours  int}func (p Permanent) CalculateSalary() int {return p.basicapy + p.pf}func (c Contract) CalculateSalary() int {return c.basicapy}func (f Freelancer) CalculateSalary() int {return f.ratePerHour * f.totalHours}func totalExpense(s []SalaryCalculator) {expense := 0for _, v := range s {expense = expense + v.CalculateSalary()		// 循环添加每个值}fmt.Printf("Total Expense Per Month $%d", expense)}func main() {p1 := Permanent{empId:    1,basicapy: 4999,pf:       10,}p2 := Permanent{empId:    2,basicapy: 5999,pf:       20,}c1 := Contract{empId:    3,basicapy: 3000,}f1 := Freelancer{empId:       4,ratePerHour: 77,totalHours:  666,}f2 := Freelancer{empId:       5,ratePerHour: 66,totalHours:  111,}employees := []SalaryCalculator{p1, p2, c1, f1, f2}fmt.Println(employees)totalExpense(employees)}// [{1 4999 10} {2 5999 20} {3 3000} {4 77 666} {5 66 111}]// Total Expense Per Month $72636

3. Nterface internal representation

        type Worker interface {Work()}type Person struct {name string}func (p Person) Work() {fmt.Println(p.name, "is Working")}func describe(w Worker) {fmt.Printf("Interface type %T value %v\n", w, w)}func main() {p := Person{name: "Like",}var w Worker = pdescribe(w)w.Work()}// Interface type main.Person value {Like}// Like is Working

4. Empty interface

        func describe(i interface{}) {fmt.Printf("type = %T, value= %v\n", i, i)}func main() {s := "Hello World"describe(s)i := 55describe(i)strt := struct {name string}{name: "Like",}describe(strt)}// type = string, value= Hello World// type = int, value= 55// type = struct { name string }, value= {Like}

5. Type assertion

        func assert(i interface{}) {s := i.(int)fmt.Println(s)//v, s := i.(int)//fmt.Println(v, s) // 56, true 如果是两个值 则是值和true or false}func main() {var i interface{} = 56assert(i) // 56var s interface{} = "Like"assert(s) // panic: interface conversion: interface {} is string, not int}

6. Type switch

        func findType(i interface{}) {switch i.(type) {case string:fmt.Printf("I am string and my value is %s\n", i.(string))case int:fmt.Printf("I am an int and my value is %d\n", i.(int))default:fmt.Printf("Unknown type\n")}}func main() {findType("Like")findType(666)findType(66.99)}// I am string and my value is Like// I am an int and my value is 666// Unknown type

7. Implementing interfaces using pointer receivers VS value receivers

        package mainimport "fmt"type Describer interface {Describe()}type Person struct {name stringage  int}type Address struct {state   stringcountry string}func (p Person) Describe() {fmt.Printf("%s is %d years old\n", p.name, p.age)}func (a *Address) Describe() {fmt.Printf("State %s Counrty %s", a.state, a.country)}func main() {var d1 Describerp1 := Person{"Like", 11}d1 = p1d1.Describe() // Like is 11 years oldp2 := Person{"Jack", 22}d1 = &p2      //{Jack 22}d1.Describe() // Jack is 22 years oldvar d2 Describera := Address{"LiangXiaoXiao", "China"}d2 = &ad2.Describe() // State LiangXiaoXiao Counrty China}// Like is 11 years old// Jack is 22 years old// State LiangXiaoXiao Counrty China`

8. Implementing multiple interfaces

        type SalaryCalculators interface {DisplaySalary()}type LeaveCalculator interface {CalculateLeavesLeft() int}type Employee struct {firstName   stringlastName    stringbasicPay    intpf          inttotalLeaves intleavesTaken int}func (e Employee) DisplaySalary() {fmt.Printf("%s %s has salary $%d", e.firstName, e.lastName, (e.basicPay + e.pf))}func (e Employee) CalculateLeavesLeft() int {return e.totalLeaves - e.leavesTaken}func main() {e := Employee{firstName:   "Naveen",lastName:    "Ramanathan",basicPay:    5000,pf:          200,totalLeaves: 30,leavesTaken: 5,}var s SalaryCalculators = es.DisplaySalary()var l LeaveCalculator = efmt.Println("\nLeaves left =", l.CalculateLeavesLeft())}// Naveen Ramanathan has salary $5200// Leaves left = 25

9. Embedding interfaces

        type SalaryCalculators interface {DisplaySalary()}type LeaveCalculator interface {CalculateLeavesLeft() int}type EmployeeOperations interface {SalaryCalculatorsLeaveCalculator}type Employee struct {firstName   stringlastName    stringbasicPay    intpf          inttotalLeaves intleavesTaken int}func (e Employee) DisplaySalary() {fmt.Printf("%s %s has salary $%d", e.firstName, e.lastName, (e.basicPay + e.pf))}func (e Employee) CalculateLeavesLeft() int {return e.totalLeaves - e.leavesTaken}func main() {e := Employee{firstName:   "Naveen",lastName:    "Ramanathan",basicPay:    5000,pf:          200,totalLeaves: 30,leavesTaken: 5,}var s EmployeeOperations = es.DisplaySalary()fmt.Println("\nLeaves left =", s.CalculateLeavesLeft())}// Naveen Ramanathan has salary $5200// Leaves left = 25

10. Zero value of Interface

        package mainimport "fmt"type Describer interface {  Describe()}func main() {  var d1 Describerif d1 == nil {fmt.Printf("d1 is nil and has type %T value %v\n", d1, d1)}}// d1 is nil and has type <nil> value <nil> 


1. How to start a Goroutine?

        package mainimport ("fmt""time")func hello() {fmt.Println("Hello world goroutine")}func main() {go hello()                  // 没有等待完成就下一步了time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // 优化添加io操作 则看见了运行hello的输入fmt.Println("main function")}

2. Starting multiple Goroutines

        package mainimport (  "fmt""time")func numbers() {  for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)fmt.Printf("%d ", i)}}func alphabets() {  for i := 'a'; i <= 'e'; i++ {time.Sleep(400 * time.Millisecond)fmt.Printf("%c ", i)}}func main() {  go numbers()go alphabets()time.Sleep(3000 * time.Millisecond)fmt.Println("main terminated")}// 1a23b4c5deMain Terminated


1. Declaring channels

        package mainimport "fmt"func main() {var a chan intif a == nil {fmt.Println("Channel a is nil, going to define it")a = make(chan int)fmt.Printf("Type of a is %T", a)}}// Channel a is nil, going to define it// Type of a is chan int

2. Channel example program

        package mainimport ("fmt""time")func hello(done chan bool) {fmt.Println("Hello go routine is going to sleep")time.Sleep(4 * time.Second)fmt.Println("hello go routine awake and going to write to done")done <- true // 将 true发送给done通道 表示hello结束运行}func main() {done := make(chan bool) // 创建done通道 bool类型fmt.Println("Main going to call hello go goroutine")go hello(done) // 启动goroutine线程并发 不会阻塞主线程 运行hello<-done         //  done 通道接收数据 阻塞操作 直到接收到数据为止 hello发送了true解除阻塞time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)fmt.Println("Main received data")}// Main going to call hello go goroutine// Hello go routine is going to sleep// hello go routine awake and going to write to done// Main received data

3. Another example for channels

        package mainimport (  "fmt")func calcSquares(number int, squareop chan int) {  sum := 0for number != 0 {digit := number % 10sum += digit * digitnumber /= 10}squareop <- sum}func calcCubes(number int, cubeop chan int) {  sum := 0 for number != 0 {digit := number % 10sum += digit * digit * digitnumber /= 10}cubeop <- sum} func main() {  number := 589sqrch := make(chan int)cubech := make(chan int)go calcSquares(number, sqrch)go calcCubes(number, cubech)squares, cubes := <-sqrch, <-cubechfmt.Println("Final output", squares + cubes)}// Final output 1536  

4. Deadlock

        package mainfunc main() {  ch := make(chan int)ch <- 5}// fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!// goroutine 1 [chan send]:// main.main()//        D:/one/channel.go:34 +0x31

5. Unidirectional channels

        func sendData(sendch chan<- int) {sendch <- 10}func main() {chnl := make(chan int)go sendData(chnl)fmt.Println(<-chnl) // 接收数据 并打印}// 10

6. Closing channels and for range loops on channels

        func producer(chnl chan int) {for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {chnl <- i}close(chnl)}func main() {ch := make(chan int)go producer(ch)for {v, ok := <-chfmt.Println(v, ok)if ok == false {break}fmt.Println("Received", v, ok)}}// Received  0 true  // Received  1 true  // Received  2 true  // Received  3 true  // Received  4 true  // Received  5 true  // Received  6 true  // Received  7 true  // Received  8 true  // Received  9 true 



目录标题 一、Interface1. Declaring and implementing an interface2. Practical use of an interface3. Nterface internal representation4. Empty interface5. Type assertion6. Type switch7. Implementing interfaces using pointer receivers VS value receivers8. Impl…...

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一、申请https证书 可以在阿里云申请免费ssl证书&#xff0c;一年更换一次 二、Nginx配置ssl upstream tomcat_web{server; }server {listen 443 ssl;server_name www.xxx.com;## 配置日志文件access_log /var/log/nginx/web/xxx-ssl-access.log main;er…...

Log4net在.Net Winform项目中的使用

引言&#xff1a; Log4net是一个流行的日志记录工具&#xff0c;可以帮助开发人员在应用程序中实现高效的日志记录。本文将提供一个详细的分步骤示例&#xff0c;来帮助您在.Net Winform项目中使用Log4net。 目录 一、安装Log4net二、配置Log4net三、在项目中使用Log4net四、初…...


什么是扫雷游戏&#xff1f; 扫雷游戏作为一种老少咸宜的益智游戏&#xff0c; 它的游戏目标十分简单&#xff0c;就是要求玩家在最短的时间内&#xff0c; 根据点击格子之后所出现的数字来找出所有没有炸弹的格子&#xff0c; 同时在找的时候要避免点到炸弹&#xff0c;一…...

Python 数据挖掘与机器学习教程

详情点击链接&#xff1a;Python 数据挖掘与机器学习教程 模块一&#xff1a;Python编程 Python编程入门 1、Python环境搭建&#xff08; 下载、安装与版本选择&#xff09;。 2、如何选择Python编辑器&#xff1f;&#xff08;IDLE、Notepad、PyCharm、Jupyter…&#xff…...


一、插入排序是什么&#xff1f; 它是一种简单直观的排序算法。类似于整理扑克牌&#xff0c;想象你手上有一堆未排序的牌&#xff0c;你将它们逐个插入已排序的牌堆中的正确位置。拿起一张牌&#xff0c;与已排序的牌进行比较&#xff0c;将它插入到合适的位置。重复这个过程…...


1. png24位的图片在iE6浏览器上出现背景 解决方案&#xff1a;做成PNG8&#xff0c;也可以引用一段脚本处理. 2. 浏览器默认的margin和padding不同 解决方案&#xff1a;加一个全局的 *{margin:0;padding:0;} 来统一。 3. IE6双边距bug&#xff1a;在IE6下&#xff0c;如果对…...

Docker实战:docker compose 搭建Redis

1、配置文件准备 redis 配置文件&#xff1a;https://pan.baidu.com/s/1YreI9_1BMh8XRyyV9BH08g2、创建目录并赋权 mkdir -p /home/docker/redis/data /home/redis/logs /home/redis/conf chmod -R 777 /home/docker/redis/data* chmod -R 777 /home/docker/redis/logs*3、re…...

Debian11 Crontab

Crontab用户命令 可执行文件 crontab命令的可执行文件在哪儿&#xff1f; $ which -a crontab /usr/bin/crontab /bin/crontabcrontab命令的可执行文件有2个&#xff1a;/usr/bin/crontab 和 /bin/crontab $ diff /usr/bin/crontab /bin/crontab $diff 发现这两个文件并无区…...

css 文字排版-平铺

序&#xff1a; 1、表格的宽度要有&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01; 2、容器不能是display:inline 3、扩展---》node全栈框架 代码 text-align-last: justify; width: 70px; display: inline-block; 主要是用于表单左侧文字排序&#xff01;...


随着互联网的快速发展&#xff0c;小程序成为了人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。尤其在服装行业&#xff0c;定制化已经成为了一种趋势。为了满足消费者个性化的需求&#xff0c;服装定制小程序应运而生。 为了方便开发者的设计和制作&#xff0c;我们可以使用第三方的制作平台来创…...

Go 安装配置

介绍Ubuntu20.04 安装和配置Go 可以参考官网的这个为 Go 开发配置Visual Studio Code - Go on Azure | Microsoft Learn 1.安装Go 去这个地方下载Go https://go.dev/doc/install 如果之前安装过&#xff0c;可以参考这个&#xff08;没有可以忽略&#xff09; 下载完成后执…...

镜像底层原理详解和基于Docker file创建镜像

目录 一、镜像底层原理 1.联合文件系统(UnionFS) 2.镜像加载原理 3.为什么Docker里的centos的大小才200M? 二、Dockerfile 1.简介 2.Dockerfile操作常用命令 &#xff08;1&#xff09;FORM 镜像 &#xff08;2&#xff09;MAINTAINER 维护人信息 &#xff08;3&…...


使用kubectl run创建应用 kubectl run kubernetes-bootcamp \> --imagedocker.io/jocatalin/kubernetes-bootcamp:v1 \> --port8080 端口暴露出去 kubectl expose pod kubernetes-bootcamp --type"NodePort" --port 8080 使用kubectl create创建应用 kubect…...


启动过程 把小程序的代码包下载到本地解析app.json全局配置文件执行app.js小程序入口文件&#xff0c;调用App()创建小程序的实例渲染小程序首页小程序启动完成 页面渲染过程 加载解析页面的.json配置文件加载页面.wxml模板和.scss样式执行页面的.ts文件&#xff0c;调用Pag…...