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golang 命令行 command line (flag,os,arg,args)


  • 1. golang 命令行 command line
    • 1.1. Introduction
    • 1.2. Parsing Arguments from the command line (os package)
      • 1.2.1. Get the number of args
      • 1.2.2. Iterate over all arguments
    • 1.3. Using flags package
      • 1.3.1. Parse Typed Flags
      • 1.3.2. Set flags from the script
      • 1.3.3. Use Reference to arguments (pointers)
      • 1.3.4. Parse Arguments
      • 1.3.5. Get Help text with PrintDefaults
      • 1.3.6. Get the number of arguments
    • 1.4. Conclusion

1. golang 命令行 command line

1.1. Introduction

In the 25th post of the series, we will be taking a look into parsing of command line arguments in golang. We will be exploring how to do the basics of parsing and using the positional parameters or arguments from the command line in the program. By using standard library packages like os and flag, we can make powerful yet easy-to-build CLI apps and programs.

1.2. Parsing Arguments from the command line (os package)

We can use the os package to get the arguments from the command line in a go script. We have to use the Args variable in the os package. The Args variable is a slice of strings which thereby is the parsed arguments from the command line.

  • The first (0 index) Argument is the path to the program
  • The 1st index onwards are the actual arguments passed.
package mainimport ("fmt""os"
)func main() {args := os.Argsfmt.Printf("Type of Args = %T\n", args)fmt.Println(args[0], args[1])
$ go run main.go hello
Type of Args = []string
/tmp/go-build1414795487/b001/exe/main hello

In the above example, we can see that the Args is a slice of string and we can get the indices as per the arguments passed from the command line.

If you don’t parse any arguments and access the 1st argument as os.Args[1] it will result in an index out of range error. So, you need to first check if the argument is parsed and set a default value otherwise.

package mainimport ("fmt""os""strconv"
)func main() {var port intvar err errorif len(os.Args) > 1 {port, err = strconv.Atoi(args[1])if err != nil {panic(err)}} else {port = 8000}fmt.Println(port)
$ go run main.go
8000$ go run main.go 7000
7090$ go run main.go h
panic: strconv.Atoi: parsing "h": invalid syntax

In the above example, we have declared the port variable as an integer and tried to see if we had an argument parsed from the command line using the len function and if there was a variable, we will simply cast it into an integer using the strconv.Atoi function. If there are any errors in the process, we log an error message and panic out of the program. So, this is how we can set default values or check for any arguments from the command line in golang.

1.2.1. Get the number of args

We can use the len function with the Args slice to get the total number of arguments from the command line. To ignore the first argument which would be the path to the program, we simply can slice the first element as os.Args[1:] . This will slice the list of the arguments from the first index till the last element in the slice.

package mainimport ("fmt""os"
)func main() {total_args := len(os.Args[1:])fmt.Println("Total Args =", total_args)
$ go run main.go hello world 56Total Args = 3

This will simply give us the number of arguments passed from the command line, excluding the first(0th) argument which is the default argument as the execution path of the current program.

1.2.2. Iterate over all arguments

We can use the simple for loop with range over the os.Args or os.Args[1:] for iterating over each of the arguments passed from the command line.

package mainimport ("fmt""os"
)func main() {for n, args := range os.Args {fmt.Println("Arg", n, "->", args)}/* // For excluding the 0th argumentfor n, args := range os.Args[1:] {fmt.Println("Arg", n, "->", args)}*/
$ go run main.go hello world 56
Arg 0 -> /tmp/go-build2248205073/b001/exe/main
Arg 1 -> hello
Arg 2 -> world
Arg 3 -> 56

We can now iterate over the arguments passed from the command line using a simple for loop. We can further process these arguments per the program’s requirements and need.

1.3. Using flags package

Golang has a package in its standard library called flags which allows us to parse flags and arguments from the command line with a lot of built-in features. For instance, a default value is easily parsed with a simple function parameter, help text in case of an error in parsing the arguments or flag, customization and freedom for choosing a data type for the type of argument, and so on. For a bare-bones and quick CLI program, the flag package is a great choice.

1.3.1. Parse Typed Flags

We can use typed flag values using the functions provided in the flags package like IntVar for an integer value, StringVar for string, BoolVar for boolean values and so on. Each function takes in 4 parameters and they set the value of the parsed variable from the parsed argument/flag from the command line.

  • The first parameter is a reference to the variable to store the value.
  • The second parameter is the name of the argument/flag to be read from the command line.
  • The third parameter is the default value of the variable.
  • The fourth parameter is the help text for that argument/flag.

So, let’s take the previous example of port number parsing from the command line. We can use the flag.IntVar(&port, "p", 8000, "Provide a port number") , this will set the value of the variable port from the command line as the value of -p 6789 or the default value as 8000 . The help text will be used if the user has provided a non-integer or an invalid value as an error message.

package mainimport ("flag""fmt"
)func main() {var port intvar dir stringvar publish boolflag.IntVar(&port, "p", 8000, "Provide a port number")flag.StringVar(&dir, "dir", "output_dir", "Directory")flag.BoolVar(&publish, "publish", false, "Publish the article")flag.Parse()fmt.Println(port)fmt.Println(dir)fmt.Println(publish)if publish {fmt.Println("Publishing article...")} else {fmt.Println("Article saved as Draft!")}
$ go run flag.go8000
Article saved as Draft!$ go run flag.go -p 12341234
Article saved as Draft!$ go run flag.go -p 1234 -dir site_out1234
Article saved as Draft!$ go run flag.go -publish8000
Publishing article...

So, in the above, example, we have used a few types of values like IntegerVar for port , StringVar for dir , and BoolVar for publish . As explained earlier, the functions take 4 parameters in the same format, the reference to the variable to hold the parsed value, the name of the argument/flag, the default value the variable will hold, and the help text or usage string. The BoolVar is slightly different but it works logically well, if we parse -publish the value will be set as true and false otherwise. You can manually add the value like -publish true and so on but it is not mandatory and understood as true.

In the above example, we have parsed different arguments in the output and displayed the values of these flags. If we don’t specify a value, we can see the default value being parsed, in the case of the bool variable, the default value is taken as false . Hence we can see how easily we can use and parse flags from the command line in golang, it’s simple, quick, and also extensible.

For other data types, the flag package has functions like Float64Var for float64 values, DurationVar for time duration values and TextVar for other types as inferred by the unmarshalling of the text.

1.3.2. Set flags from the script

We can set the value of a flag/argument from the script rather than from the command line using the Set method in the flag package. The Set method takes in two values as parameters the name of the argument and the value of that argument to set as. It returns an error if any arise during the setting of the argument.

package mainimport ("flag""fmt"
)func main() {var port intvar dir stringvar publish boolflag.IntVar(&port, "p", 8000, "Provide a port number")flag.StringVar(&dir, "dir", "output_dir", "Directory")flag.Parse()fmt.Println(port)fmt.Println(dir)flag.Set("dir", "dumps")fmt.Println(dir)
$ go run flag.go -p 8080

So, it is clearly visible that the value of an argument can be changed within the script, it also changes the value of the associated variable. Remember, we gave the two-parameter as strings so the first parameter is the name of the argument and not necessarily the variable name.

1.3.3. Use Reference to arguments (pointers)

Also, there are functions like Int , Float64 , String , Bool in the flag package that can allow getting the values of the arguments without using the Parse method. We use the reference of the value stored in as the arguments instead of defining the variables as a data value; we have a pointer to that value of data.

package mainimport ("flag""fmt"
)func main() {port := flag.Int("p", 8000, "Provide a port number")dir := flag.String("dir", "output_dir", "Directory")publish := flag.Bool("publish", false, "Publish the article")help := flag.Bool("help", false, "Help")if *help {flag.PrintDefaults()} else {fmt.Println(*port)fmt.Println(*dir)flag.Set("dir", "dumps")fmt.Println(*dir)fmt.Println(flag.NFlag())fmt.Println(flag.NArg())fmt.Println(*publish)if *publish {fmt.Println("Publishing article...")} else {fmt.Println("Article saved as Draft!")}vals := flag.Args()fmt.Println(vals)}
$ go run flag.go -p 80 -dir node_mods 1234
Article saved as Draft!

As we can it performs the same task, but we have to use pointers as references to the arguments instead of storing them in an actual memory address. We have performed the same set of operations on the arguments and flags as we do with the other examples.

We first, use the Int method or other methods appropriate that String can be used in general use cases, the function returns a reference (memory address) of the actual stored value of the arguments/flag. We can access the value from its memory address using the * operator. We have covered the pointer arithmetic in the last part of the series. When we use *port we get the value from the memory address and thereby we can use it for the required task in the program, we can also store a copy of the variable by creating a new variable with the value of that argument.

1.3.4. Parse Arguments

So, if we want to parse flags, with a single value, we have seen the use of the flag.Args function to get the values of the arguments passed from the command line which don’t have any flag labels attached to them(just raw arguments from the CMD). Just as we used the os.Args variable but this function is much clean and filtered out the path to the program argument. So we can directly have the arguments which are clearly passed by the user from the command line.

package mainimport ("flag""fmt"
)func main() {var port intflag.IntVar(&port, "p", 8000, "Provide a port number")flag.Parse()fmt.Println(port)vals := flag.Args()fmt.Println(vals)
$ go run flag.go -p 8123
[]$ go run flag.go -p 8123 1234 hello true
[1234 hello true]$ go run flag.go -p 8123 1234 hello true -p 9823 world
[1234 hello true -p 9823 world]

In the above example, we can see that we have used a few non-flagged arguments from the command line. The return value of the Args function is a slice of string, we can then convert it into appropriate types using type casting and functions. Once the flagged arguments are parsed, if we use the Args function, it won’t be possible to again use flagged arguments in the command line. It will be considered a simple string thereafter.

That’s it from this part. Reference for all the code examples and commands can be found in the 100 days of Golang GitHub repository.

1.3.5. Get Help text with PrintDefaults

We can use the flag.PrintDefaults method for just printing the default values and the help text for the expected arguments from the command line in the script. We can simply use it as a help flag or use it in error messages for guiding the user to the proper arguments and flags.

package mainimport ("flag""fmt"
)func main() {var port intvar help boolflag.IntVar(&port, "p", 8000, "Provide a port number")flag.BoolVar(&help, "help", false, "Help")flag.Parse()if help {flag.PrintDefaults()} else {fmt.Println(port)vals := flag.Args()fmt.Println(vals)}
$ go run help.go -hUsage of /tmp/go-build121267600/b001/exe/help:-helpHelp-p intProvide a port number (default 8000)$ go run help.go8000

So, we can see the PrintDefaults function will simply print the helper text for the flags expected in the script and the default value of those flags as well. This can be used to provide a good user-friendly interface for a simple terminal application.

1.3.6. Get the number of arguments

We can use the NFlag method in the flag package. The function returns an integer that indicates a count of the arguments that have been set from the command line.

package mainimport ("flag""fmt"
)func main() {var port intvar dir stringvar publish boolflag.IntVar(&port, "p", 8000, "Provide a port number")flag.StringVar(&dir, "dir", "output_dir", "Directory")flag.Parse()fmt.Println(port)fmt.Println(dir)fmt.Println(flag.NFlag())
$ go run flag.go
0$ go run flag.go -p 8080 8999 false hello
1$ go run flag.go -p 8080 -dir dumps hello 1234

The port flag has been set from the command line, so we just have one argument set, hence the function NFlag returns 1 as the number of set flags.

Also, the NArg method will return an integer that will count the number of arguments that have been provided leaving out the flag arguments.

package mainimport ("flag""fmt"
)func main() {var port intvar dir stringvar publish boolflag.IntVar(&port, "p", 8000, "Provide a port number")flag.StringVar(&dir, "dir", "output_dir", "Directory")flag.Parse()fmt.Println(port)fmt.Println(dir)fmt.Println(flag.NArg())
$ go run flag.go 1234
1$ go run flag.go -p 8080 -dir dumps hello 1234
2$ go run flag.go -p 8080 hello 1234 false

In the first example, we don’t have any flag arguments set, we just have one unflagged argument as 1234 , hence the NArg function returns 1 . The second example has 2 values that are not flagged, we have set the values of port and dir as 8080 and dumps respectively, so the remaining unflagged values are hello and 1234 hence the return value as 2 . The third example has 3 unflagged values as hello 1234 false , hence we return 3 .

That’s it from this part. Reference for all the code examples and commands can be found in the 100 days of Golang GitHub repository.

1.4. Conclusion

We have seen how to parse command line arguments in golang with the os and the flag packages. Though these two are not the only options for building CLI applications, they provide a clean and easy-to-start approach, also they come with the standard library which makes it even better as we don’t have to mingle with third-party libraries. We saw the basics of parsing flags and arguments from a command line program.

Thank you for reading. If you have any queries, questions, or feedback, you can let me know in the discussion below or on my social handles. Happy Coding 😃


golang 命令行 command line (flag,os,arg,args)

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Android WakefulBroadcastReceiver的使用

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前言 嗨喽&#xff0c;大家好呀~这里是爱看美女的茜茜呐 我们的MySQL使用latin1的默认字符集&#xff0c; 也就是说&#xff0c;对汉字字段直接使用GBK内码的编码进行存储&#xff0c; 当需要对一些有汉字的字段进行拼音排序时&#xff08;特别涉及到类似于名字这样的字段时…...


Vue2中使用Pinia 1.初始化配置 # main.jsimport Vue from vue import App from ./App.vue import pinia from ./stores/index import { PiniaVuePlugin } from piniaVue.use(PiniaVuePlugin)new Vue({render: h > h(App),pinia, }).$mount(#app)2.模块化开发 新建stores文…...


系列文章目录 文章目录 系列文章目录前言一、安装Docker并配置镜像加速器二、下载系统镜像&#xff08;Ubuntu、 centos&#xff09;三、基于下载的镜像创建两个容器 &#xff08;容器名一个为自己名字全拼&#xff0c;一个为首名字字母&#xff09;四、容器的启动、 停止及重启…...

穿越网络迷雾的神奇通道 - WebSocket详解

WebSocket&#xff0c;作为一项前端技术&#xff0c;已经成为现代Web应用不可或缺的一部分。本文将深入解析WebSocket&#xff0c;介绍其工作原理和用途&#xff0c;并通过简单的代码示例&#xff0c;让你对这个神奇的网络通信协议有更深入的了解。 WebSocket是什么&#xff1…...

无脑入门pytorch系列(五)—— nn.Dropout



Python 求解代码如下&#xff1a; 1. import math 2. 3. # 输入参数 4. L 2.0 # 试验段长度&#xff0c;m 5. Q 120.0 # 第三阶段计算流量&#xff0c;L/min 6. p 1.5 # 第三阶段试验段压力&#xff0c;MPa 7. r0 0.05 # 钻孔半径&#xff0c;m 8. 9. # 计算透…...


一、安装相关软件 1.下载vmware (很容易下载,搜一下官网 ) 在cmd敲入 ncpa.cpl &#xff0c;查看是否有vmware 2.下载centos 下面是镜像源网站&#xff0c;当然你可以选择其他的镜像源&#xff0c;像清华镜像源和阿里镜像源。 Index of /centos/7.9.2009/isos/x86_64/ | …...


众所周知使用ChatGPT3.5需要使用魔法且不稳定&#xff0c;订阅ChatGPT4.0每月需要支付20美元&#xff0c;并且使用次数有限制。对于那些不想每年花费240美元&#xff08;超过1500元人民币&#xff09;来使用GPT4.0的朋友们来说&#xff0c;还有别的办法吗&#xff1f; 答案是&…...

Dubbo Spring Boot Starter 开发微服务应用

环境要求 系统&#xff1a;Windows、Linux、MacOS JDK 8 及以上&#xff08;推荐使用 JDK17&#xff09; Git IntelliJ IDEA&#xff08;可选&#xff09; Docker &#xff08;可选&#xff09; 项目介绍 在本任务中&#xff0c;将分为 3 个子模块进行独立开发&#xff…...


RTOS 对于目前主流的RTOS的任务&#xff0c;大部分都属于并发的线程。 因为MCU上的资源每个任务都是共享的&#xff0c;可以认为是单进程多线程模型。 【freertos】003-任务基础知识 在没有操作系统的时候两个应用程序进行消息传递一般使用全局变量的方式&#xff0c;但是如…...


文章目录 1.安装docker服务&#xff0c;配置镜像加速器2.下载系统镜像&#xff08;Ubuntu、 centos&#xff09;3.基于下载的镜像创建两个容器 &#xff08;容器名一个为自己名字全拼&#xff0c;一个为首名字字母&#xff09;4.容器的启动、 停止及重启操作5.怎么查看正在运行…...

CF 896 C Willem, Chtholly and Seniorious(珂朵莉树模板)

CF 896 C. Willem, Chtholly and Seniorious(珂朵莉树模板) Problem - C - Codeforces 大意&#xff1a;给出一个区间 &#xff0c; 要求进行四种操作 &#xff0c; 区间加 &#xff0c; 区间第k大 &#xff0c; 区间推平 &#xff0c; 区间求和。 珂朵莉树模板题 &#xff…...

Android Jetpack组件的全方位分析

Jetpack是一个用于简化Android应用程序开发的工具包&#xff0c;包含了一系列的组件和工具。Jetpack包含了很多组件&#xff0c;如LiveData、ViewModel、Room、Data Binding、Navigation等。 Jetpack组件是一种更高级别的抽象&#xff0c;它们可以提供更简洁、更易于使用的API。…...


文章目录 PrometheusGrafanaAlertManager监控平台搭建新建SpringBoot项目为Prometheus提供指标新建项目&#xff0c;引入依赖新建接口&#xff0c;运行程序 推送指标到pushgateway 开始监控Grafana连接Prometheus数据源导入Grafana模板监控SpringBoot项目 邮件告警通知同系列文…...

猿辅导Motiff亮相IXDC 2023国际体验设计大会,发布新功能获行业高度关注

近日&#xff0c;“IXDC 2023国际体验设计大会”在北京国家会议中心拉开序幕&#xff0c;3000设计师、1000企业、200全球商业领袖&#xff0c;共襄为期5天的用户体验创新盛会。据了解&#xff0c;此次大会是以“设计领导力”为主题&#xff0c;分享全球设计、科技、商业的前沿趋…...


qt提供了几个视图来进行信息的列表显示&#xff0c;QListView可以用来显示继承QStractListModel的字符串列表中的字符串&#xff0c;默认的模型里面只包含一列的内容&#xff1a; 这里以qml为例子&#xff0c;先新建一个qml的项目&#xff0c;示例代码如下&#xff1a; 先创建一…...

【从零学习python 】64. Python正则表达式中re.compile方法的使用详解

文章目录 re.compile方法的使用进阶案例 re.compile方法的使用 在使用正则表达式时&#xff0c;我们可以直接调用re模块的match、search、findall等方法&#xff0c;并传入指定的正则表达式进行匹配。另外&#xff0c;我们还可以使用re.compile方法生成一个正则表达式对象&…...



基于Spring Boot的社区诊所就医管理系统的设计与实现(Java+spring boot+MySQL)

获取源码或者论文请私信博主 演示视频&#xff1a; 基于Spring Boot的社区诊所就医管理系统的设计与实现&#xff08;Javaspring bootMySQL&#xff09; 使用技术&#xff1a; 前端&#xff1a;html css javascript jQuery ajax thymeleaf 微信小程序 后端&#xff1a;Java …...


一 前言 MySQL 的主从复制作为一项高可用特性&#xff0c;用于将主库的数据同步到从库&#xff0c;在维护主从复制数据库集群的时候&#xff0c;作为专职的MySQL DBA&#xff0c;笔者相信大多数人都会遇到“Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary …...