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一级门户网站建设费用,个人网站制作模板主页,响应式网页设计与实现,推几个学习网站题目 现有村落间道路的统计数据表中,列出了有可能建设成标准公路的若干条道路的成本,求使每个村落都有公路连通所需要的最低成本。 输入格式: 输入数据包括城镇数目正整数N(≤1000)和候选道路数目M(≤3N)…





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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 1000
#define INFINITY 65535
#define ERROR -1typedef int Vertex;
typedef int WeightType;struct _Edge
{Vertex V, W;WeightType weight;
typedef struct _Edge *Edge;typedef struct _AdjNode *AdjNode;
struct _AdjNode
{Vertex adjV;WeightType weight;AdjNode next;
};typedef struct AdjTable
{AdjNode firstEdge;
} AdjTable[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];struct _LGraph
{int Nv, Ne;AdjTable graph;
typedef struct _LGraph *LGraph;LGraph CreateGraph(int vertexNum);
void InsertEdge(LGraph graph, Edge E);
LGraph BuildGraph(int vertexNum, int edgeNum);
Vertex FindMinDist(LGraph G, WeightType dist[]);
int Prim(LGraph graph, Vertex S);/*
08-图7 公路村村通
难度:1星6 15
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602 1
1 2 107 21
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6 7 137 21
1 2 14
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6 7 13*/int main()
{int N, M;scanf("%d %d", &N, &M);LGraph G = BuildGraph(N, M);printf("%d\n", Prim(G, 0));free(G);return 0;
}LGraph CreateGraph(int vertexNum)
{LGraph G;G = (LGraph)malloc(sizeof(struct _LGraph));G->Nv = vertexNum;G->Ne = 0;for (int V = 0; V < G->Nv; V++){G->graph[V].firstEdge = NULL;}return G;
}void InsertEdge(LGraph G, Edge E)
{AdjNode NewNode;NewNode = (AdjNode)malloc(sizeof(struct _AdjNode));NewNode->adjV = E->W;NewNode->weight = E->weight;NewNode->next = G->graph[E->V].firstEdge;G->graph[E->V].firstEdge = NewNode;NewNode = (AdjNode)malloc(sizeof(struct _AdjNode));NewNode->adjV = E->V;NewNode->weight = E->weight;NewNode->next = G->graph[E->W].firstEdge;G->graph[E->W].firstEdge = NewNode;
}LGraph BuildGraph(int vertexNum, int edgeNum)
{LGraph G = CreateGraph(vertexNum);G->Ne = edgeNum;Edge E;E = (Edge)malloc(sizeof(struct _Edge));for (int i = 0; i < G->Ne; i++){scanf("%d %d %d", &E->V, &E->W, &E->weight);E->V--;E->W--;InsertEdge(G, E);}free(E);return G;
}Vertex FindMinDist(LGraph G, WeightType dist[])
{ /* 返回未被收录顶点中dist最小者 */Vertex minV, V;WeightType minDist = INFINITY;for (V = 0; V < G->Nv; V++){if (dist[V] != 0 && dist[V] < minDist){/* 若V未被收录,且dist[V]更小 */minDist = dist[V]; /* 更新最小距离 */minV = V;          /* 更新对应顶点 */}}if (minDist < INFINITY) /* 若找到最小dist */return minV;        /* 返回对应的顶点下标 */elsereturn ERROR; /* 若这样的顶点不存在,返回-1作为标记 */
}int Prim(LGraph G, Vertex S)
{ // 只计算TotalWeight,无需实际创建生成树WeightType dist[G->Nv], totalWeight;Vertex V;AdjNode W;int vCount;for (V = 0; V < G->Nv; V++)dist[V] = INFINITY;for (W = G->graph[S].firstEdge; W; W = W->next)dist[W->adjV] = W->weight;totalWeight = 0;vCount = 0;dist[S] = 0;vCount++;while (1){V = FindMinDist(G, dist);if (V == ERROR)break;totalWeight += dist[V];dist[V] = 0;vCount++;for (W = G->graph[V].firstEdge; W; W = W->next){if (dist[W->adjV] != 0){if (W->weight < dist[W->adjV]){dist[W->adjV] = W->weight;}}}}if (vCount < G->Nv) /* MST中收的顶点少于|V|-1个 */totalWeight = ERROR;return totalWeight;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>#define MIN_DATA -1000
#define ELEMENT_TYPE int
#define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 1000
#define INFINITY 65535
#define ERROR -1typedef int Vertex;
typedef int WeightType;struct _MinHeap
{ELEMENT_TYPE *Elements;int Size;int Capacity;
typedef struct _MinHeap *MinHeap;struct _Edge
{Vertex V, W;WeightType weight;
typedef struct _Edge *Edge;typedef struct _AdjNode *AdjNode;
struct _AdjNode
{Vertex adjV;WeightType weight;AdjNode next;
};typedef struct AdjTable
{AdjNode firstEdge;
} AdjTable[MAX_VERTEX_NUM];struct _LGraph
{int Nv, Ne;AdjTable graph;
typedef struct _LGraph *LGraph;MinHeap CreateHeap(int MaxSize);
bool isEmpty(MinHeap H);
bool isFull(MinHeap H);
ELEMENT_TYPE DelMin(MinHeap H, int dist[]);
void BuildMinHeap(MinHeap H, int dist[]);
void PercUp(MinHeap H, int p, int dist[]);LGraph CreateGraph(int vertexNum);
void InsertEdge(LGraph graph, Edge E);
LGraph BuildGraph(int vertexNum, int edgeNum);void UpdateHeap(MinHeap H, int dist[], Vertex V);
Vertex FindMinDist(MinHeap H, int dist[]);
int Prim(LGraph graph, Vertex S);/*
08-图7 公路村村通
难度:2星6 15
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2 3 4
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2 5 2
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3 5 1
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4 6 8
5 6 3126 4
1 2 5
1 3 3
1 4 7
5 6 24 4
1 2 10
2 3 20
3 4 30
1 4 404 6
1 2 10
1 3 40
1 4 50
2 3 60
2 4 20
3 4 30607 21
1 2 14
1 3 11
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1 6 17
1 7 20
2 3 16
2 4 15
2 5 13
2 6 10
2 7 18
3 4 20
3 5 12
3 6 11
3 7 16
4 5 14
4 6 17
4 7 19
5 6 10
5 7 15
6 7 13*/int main()
{int N, M;scanf("%d %d", &N, &M);LGraph G = BuildGraph(N, M);printf("%d\n", Prim(G, 0));free(G);return 0;
}LGraph CreateGraph(int vertexNum)
{LGraph G;G = (LGraph)malloc(sizeof(struct _LGraph));G->Nv = vertexNum;G->Ne = 0;for (int V = 0; V < G->Nv; V++){G->graph[V].firstEdge = NULL;}return G;
}void InsertEdge(LGraph G, Edge E)
{AdjNode newNode;newNode = (AdjNode)malloc(sizeof(struct _AdjNode));newNode->adjV = E->W;newNode->weight = E->weight;newNode->next = G->graph[E->V].firstEdge;G->graph[E->V].firstEdge = newNode;newNode = (AdjNode)malloc(sizeof(struct _AdjNode));newNode->adjV = E->V;newNode->weight = E->weight;newNode->next = G->graph[E->W].firstEdge;G->graph[E->W].firstEdge = newNode;
}LGraph BuildGraph(int vertexNum, int edgeNum)
{LGraph G = CreateGraph(vertexNum);G->Ne = edgeNum;Edge E;E = (Edge)malloc(sizeof(struct _Edge));for (int i = 0; i < G->Ne; i++){ // 用E->V--,E->W--解决顶点序号从1开始的问题scanf("%d %d %d", &E->V, &E->W, &E->weight);E->V--;E->W--;InsertEdge(G, E);}free(E);return G;
}Vertex FindMinDist(MinHeap H, int dist[])
{Vertex minV = ERROR;// 从堆中取出最小值,并维护最小堆的有效性。minV = DelMin(H, dist);return minV;
}int Prim(LGraph G, Vertex S)
{ // 只计算TotalWeight,无需实际创建生成树WeightType dist[G->Nv], totalWeight;Vertex V;AdjNode W;int vCount;for (V = 0; V < G->Nv; V++)dist[V] = INFINITY;for (W = G->graph[S].firstEdge; W; W = W->next)dist[W->adjV] = W->weight;totalWeight = 0;vCount = 0;dist[S] = 0;vCount++;// 根据dist对未收录顶点创建最小堆MinHeap H = CreateHeap(G->Nv);for (V = 0; V < G->Nv; V++){if (dist[V] != 0){ // H->Elements保存的是未收集顶点的编号,本例依次是1,2,3H->Elements[++H->Size] = V;}}BuildMinHeap(H, dist);while (1){V = FindMinDist(H, dist);if (V == ERROR)break;totalWeight += dist[V];dist[V] = 0;vCount++;for (W = G->graph[V].firstEdge; W; W = W->next){if (dist[W->adjV] != 0){if (W->weight < dist[W->adjV]){ /*目标是调整H->Elements,改了吗?没有,也没有必要H-Elements保存的是顶点。现在要做的是定位到W->adjV对应顶点,做percup*/dist[W->adjV] = W->weight;UpdateHeap(H, dist, W->adjV);}}}}if (vCount < G->Nv) /* MST中收的顶点少于|V|-1个 */totalWeight = ERROR;return totalWeight;
}MinHeap CreateHeap(int MaxSize)
{MinHeap H = (MinHeap)malloc(sizeof(struct _MinHeap));H->Elements = (ELEMENT_TYPE *)malloc((MaxSize + 1) * sizeof(ELEMENT_TYPE));H->Elements[0] = MIN_DATA;H->Size = 0;H->Capacity = MaxSize;return H;
}bool isEmpty(MinHeap H)
{return H->Size == 0;
}bool isFull(MinHeap H)
{return H->Size == H->Capacity;
}ELEMENT_TYPE DelMin(MinHeap H, int dist[])
{if (!isEmpty(H)){ELEMENT_TYPE min, last;int parent, child;min = H->Elements[1];last = H->Elements[H->Size--];for (parent = 1; 2 * parent <= H->Size; parent = child){child = 2 * parent;if ((child != H->Size) && (dist[H->Elements[child]] > dist[H->Elements[child + 1]])){child++;}if (dist[last] <= dist[H->Elements[child]]){break;}else{H->Elements[parent] = H->Elements[child];}}H->Elements[parent] = last;if (dist[min] < INFINITY)return min;elsereturn ERROR;}else{return ERROR;}
}void PercUp(MinHeap H, int p, int dist[])
{ /*根据顶点的dist值,决定顶点在堆中的存储位置。对dist[H->Elements[child]] > dist[H->Elements[child + 1]]的理解dist[x] > dist[y],本质是比较两个顶点之间的dist值,x,y是顶点序号。dist[x]的初始值通过dist[V] = G->dist[S][V]获得,并用dist[W] = dist[V] + G->dist[V][W]更新child是顶点在堆中的索引,H->Elements[child]存储的是顶点序号所以dist[H->Elements[child]]是顶点的dist值。*/int parent, child;ELEMENT_TYPE X;X = H->Elements[p];for (parent = p; 2 * parent <= H->Size; parent = child){child = 2 * parent;if ((child != H->Size) && (dist[H->Elements[child]] > dist[H->Elements[child + 1]])){child++;}if (dist[X] <= dist[H->Elements[child]]){break;}else{H->Elements[parent] = H->Elements[child];}}H->Elements[parent] = X;
}void BuildMinHeap(MinHeap H, int dist[])
{ // p表示顶点在堆中的位置int p;for (p = H->Size / 2; p > 0; p--){PercUp(H, p, dist);}
}void UpdateHeap(MinHeap H, int dist[], Vertex V)
{int i, idx, x;// 找到V在堆中的位置for (i = 1; i <= H->Size; i++){if (H->Elements[i] == V){idx = i;x = dist[H->Elements[idx]];break;}}// 更新V的dist值,并向上调整堆// dist[V] = dist[H->Elements[i]];/* 是否需要条件i>1?*/for (i = idx; i > 1 && dist[H->Elements[i / 2]] > x; i /= 2){H->Elements[i] = H->Elements[i / 2];}H->Elements[i] = V;




浙大陈越何钦铭数据结构08-图7 公路村村通【循环和最小堆版】

题目 现有村落间道路的统计数据表中&#xff0c;列出了有可能建设成标准公路的若干条道路的成本&#xff0c;求使每个村落都有公路连通所需要的最低成本。 输入格式: 输入数据包括城镇数目正整数N&#xff08;≤1000&#xff09;和候选道路数目M&#xff08;≤3N&#xff09;…...

Linux 部署1Panel现代化运维管理面板远程访问

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webserver 同步 I/O 模拟 Proactor 模式的工作流程

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选择OpenCL平台并创建一个上下文 建立OpenCL的第一步是选择一个平台。第2章介绍过&#xff0c;OpenCL使用了ICD模型&#xff0c;其中可以有多个OpenCL实现在一个系统上并存。类似于HelloWorld示例&#xff0c;这个矢量相加程序展示了选择OpenCL平台的一种最简单的方法&#xf…...

mysql数据库,字符串使用双引号““导致报错,使用单引号‘‘不报错,Unknown column ‘user-test‘ in ‘where clause‘

文章目录 一、完整报错二、报错数据三、报错原因四、解决方式1、更改执行sql2、更改sql数据校验模式&#xff08;改为默认校验&#xff09; 一、完整报错 > 1054 - Unknown column user-test in where clause二、报错数据 SELECT * FROM config_info WHERE config_info.da…...

[华为云云服务器评测] 华为云耀云服务器 Java、node环境配置

系列文章目录 第一章 [linux实战] 华为云耀云服务器L实例 Java、node环境配置 文章目录 系列文章目录前言一、任务拆解二、修改密码三、配置安全规则四、远程登录并更新apt五、安装、配置JDK环境5.1、安装openjdk,选择8版本5.2、检查jdk配置 六、安装、配置git6.1、安装git6.2…...

中企绕道突破封锁,防不胜防 | 百能云芯

韩国的财经媒体Business Korea最新报道指出&#xff0c;尽管美方在《通胀削减法案》&#xff08;IRA&#xff09;的补贴中排除了中国&#xff0c;但中国企业正通过多种方式积极应对美国在半导体和电动汽车电池领域的封锁&#xff0c;这包括建立合资企业、设立生产基地以及开展技…...

动手实践:从栈帧看字节码是如何在 JVM 中进行流转的

Java全能学习面试指南&#xff1a;https://www.javaxiaobear.cn/ 前面我们提到&#xff0c;类的初始化发生在类加载阶段&#xff0c;那对象都有哪些创建方式呢&#xff1f;除了我们常用的 new&#xff0c;还有下面这些方式&#xff1a; 使用 Class 的 newInstance 方法。使用…...