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Continuous understanding of distributed systems design
On the one hand
In Spanner中的设计说明
- 候选者选举:候选者是一组被选定的节点,他们有资格成为Leader。当Leader失效时,这些候选者之间进行选举,通过选举出一个新的Leader来维持系统的连续性。
- 租约的获取:Leader角色通过使用租约来保持其领导地位。租约是一种授权,它授予一个节点在一段时间内称为Leader的权利。Leader定期续约以保持其地位。
- 租约的续约:Leader在租约即将过期时会向候选者发送续约请求。候选者通过接受续约请求来确认Leader的地位。这样,Leader可以持续地保持其地位并继续发挥其职责。
- 租约的失效处理:如果一个Leader无法续约或者租约过期,那么它将被认为已失效。此时,候选者中的一个节点将被选举为新的Leader。这个过程通常很快,以确保在Leader失效后系统尽快恢复。
- 高可用性:通过选举新的leader来保证系统在leader节点失效时的持续可用性。
- 系统一致性:通过租约机制来防止多个节点同时进行操作,保证系统的一致性。
- 故障转移:当leader节点失效时,能够快速选举新的leader,使系统能够继续正常运行。
- 防止脑裂问题:租约机制可以限制只有一个节点成为leader,避免多个节点同时负责处理系统操作导致的冲突和不一致性。
- 高可用性:定时租约机制可以确保在leader节点出现故障或失去连接时,系统能够及时选举新的leader节点。这样可以保持系统的高可用性,避免服务中断。
- 数据一致性:定时租约机制可以保证在任何时间点上只有一个leader节点。这样可以避免多个leader节点同时对数据进行修改,确保数据的一致性和正确性。
- 提高性能:只有一个leader节点负责处理客户端的请求和事务处理,而其他节点则作为follower节点进行数据同步。这样可以避免冲突和竞争,提高系统的性能和吞吐量。
- 单点故障:当leader节点出现故障或失去连接时,系统需要选举新的leader节点。在选举期间,系统可能会出现服务不可用或性能下降的情况。
- 延迟增加:定时租约机制需要进行leader选举,这会增加系统的延迟。特别是在网络条件较差或选举过程较长的情况下,延迟可能会更高。
- 实现复杂:定时租约机制需要实现一套复杂的算法和协议来进行leader选举和租约管理。这需要额外的工作和资源,增加系统的开发和维护成本。
TrueTime API为什么值得信赖
TrueTime API是Google Spanner数据库系统中的一个重要组件,它是一种高精度的时钟同步机制。TrueTime API提供了一种可信赖的时间服务,能够确保全球分布的Spanner节点之间的时间一致性。
TrueTime API值得信赖的原因包括以下几点:
- 全球时钟同步:TrueTime API使用了全球性的时间同步协议,并与GPS和原子钟等可靠的时间源进行校准。这使得Spanner节点能够获得高度同步的时间信息,保证全球范围内的时间一致性。
- 客观的时间范围:TrueTime API不仅提供了当前时间的值,还提供了一个时间范围。这个时间范围表示了可能的时间偏移量,即节点间时间的不确定性。Spanner在数据复制和事务处理中会考虑到这个时间范围,以确保数据的顺序性和一致性。
- 一致性保证:Spanner使用TrueTime API来保证分布式事务的一致性。TrueTime API能够确保在分布式事务中的各个节点使用近似相同的时间戳,以实现可串行化的一致性级别。这样可以避免数据冲突和不一致的问题。
- 容错性设计:TrueTime API在设计上考虑了网络延迟和节点故障等因素。它提供了弹性时间范围,以容忍节点间的时钟偏移和重启等情况。这使得Spanner能够在节点失效或网络异常的情况下仍然保持可用性和数据一致性。
On the other hand
Maintaining leader role through timed lease mechanism
The design idea of maintaining the leader role through the timed lease mechanism is a solution for ensuring high availability and consistency in distributed systems. In a distributed system, there is typically a role elected as the leader, responsible for coordinating and handling operations in the system.
However, due to network latency, node failures, or other reasons, the leader node may become unavailable, which can lead to inconsistency or downtime in the system. To address this problem, the lease mechanism can be introduced.
The basic idea of the lease mechanism is to maintain the leader role through a time constraint. Specifically, each node in the system can request a lease from a central node, with a limited duration. When a node acquires the lease, it becomes the leader and can handle operations in the system.
To maintain the validity of the lease, nodes need to periodically send heartbeat signals to the central node to renew the lease. If a node fails to send a heartbeat signal within a certain period, the central node will consider it to have lost the lease and initiate a new election.
Through the lease mechanism, the problem of failover when the leader node fails can be solved. When a leader node fails, other nodes can compete to become the new leader, and only one node can acquire the lease. This ensures system consistency and availability.
Design in Spanner
In Spanner, the timed lease mechanism is used to maintain the continuity and reliability of the leader role. This mechanism ensures that there is only one leader in the system and quickly elects a new leader in case of leader failure.
Here are the design ideas for the timed lease mechanism in Spanner:
- Candidate election: Candidates are a set of nodes eligible to become the leader. When the leader fails, an election is conducted among these candidates to select a new leader and maintain the continuity of the system.
- Lease acquisition: The leader role is maintained by using leases. A lease is a authorization that grants a node the right to be the leader for a certain period of time. The leader periodically renews the lease to maintain its role.
- Lease renewal: When the lease is about to expire, the leader sends lease renewal requests to the candidates. Candidates accept the renewal requests to acknowledge the leader’s role. This allows the leader to continue holding its role and fulfilling its functions.
- Lease expiration handling: If a leader fails to renew the lease or the lease expires, it is considered to have lost the lease. At this point, one of the candidates is elected as the new leader. This process usually happens quickly to ensure a fast recovery after leader failure.
Through the timed lease mechanism, Spanner can quickly elect a new leader when the current leader fails and maintain the continuity and reliability of the system. This mechanism is crucial in distributed systems to ensure high availability and stability.
Problems solved by the lease mechanism in distributed systems:
The lease mechanism based on timed leases is a commonly used method to address the following problems in distributed systems:
- High availability: It ensures the continuous availability of the system by quickly electing a new leader when the current leader fails.
- System consistency: The lease mechanism prevents multiple nodes from simultaneously operating on the system, ensuring consistency and correctness of the data.
- Failover: When a leader node fails, a new leader can be quickly elected, allowing the system to continue functioning normally.
- Prevention of split-brain problems: The lease mechanism limits only one node to become the leader, avoiding conflicts and inconsistencies caused by multiple nodes simultaneously handling system operations.
Benefits and drawbacks of the lease mechanism in distributed systems:
The benefits and drawbacks of the lease mechanism, used to maintain the leader role, include:
- High availability: The timed lease mechanism ensures the continuous availability of the system by quickly electing a new leader when the current leader fails or becomes unreachable. This avoids service interruptions.
- Data consistency: The lease mechanism guarantees that at any given time, there is only one leader node. This prevents multiple leader nodes from simultaneously modifying data, ensuring consistency and correctness of the data.
- Performance improvement: With only one leader node handling client requests and transaction processing, while other nodes act as followers for data synchronization, conflicts and contention can be avoided, improving system performance and throughput.
- Single point of failure: When the leader node fails or becomes unreachable, the system needs to elect a new leader. During the election, the system may experience service unavailability or performance degradation.
- Increased latency: The timed lease mechanism requires leader election, which can introduce additional latency to the system. Especially in cases of poor network conditions or long election processes, the latency may be higher.
- Complexity of implementation: The timed lease mechanism requires the implementation of a complex set of algorithms and protocols for leader election and lease management. This involves additional work and resource requirements, increasing the development and maintenance costs of the system.
In summary, the lease mechanism based on timed leases can bring benefits such as high availability, data consistency, and performance improvement, but it also has drawbacks such as single point of failure, increased latency, and complexity of implementation. When designing and implementing it, it is necessary to consider the system’s requirements and performance needs, carefully balancing these pros and cons, and choose a suitable mechanism.
Why is the TrueTime API trustworthy?
The TrueTime API is an important component of the Google Spanner database system. It is a high-precision clock synchronization mechanism that provides a reliable time service, ensuring time consistency among Spanner nodes distributed globally.
The TrueTime API is trustworthy for the following reasons:
- Global clock synchronization: The TrueTime API uses global time synchronization protocols and is calibrated with reliable time sources such as GPS and atomic clocks. This enables Spanner nodes to obtain highly synchronized time information, ensuring time consistency globally.
- Objective time range: The TrueTime API provides not only the current time value but also a time range. This time range represents the potential time offsets, indicating the uncertainty of time between nodes. Spanner takes into account this time range in data replication and transaction processing to ensure the order and consistency of data.
- Consistency guarantee: Spanner uses the TrueTime API to ensure the consistency of distributed transactions. The TrueTime API can ensure that the timestamps used by various nodes in a distributed transaction are approximately the same, achieving serialization isolation level. This avoids data conflicts and inconsistencies.
- Fault-tolerant design: The TrueTime API takes into consideration factors such as network latency and node failures. It provides an elastic time range to tolerate clock offsets and node restarts. This allows Spanner to maintain availability and data consistency even in the event of node failures or network anomalies.

Maintaining leader role through timed lease mechanism
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