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手机网站自动跳转,百度知道网页入口,做网站送给女友意义,手机表格制作app11.函数原型有参数时需要填写对应参数进行调用 这里原先call_me函数没有填写参数导致报错 添加一个usize即可 // functions3.rs // Execute rustlings hint functions3 or use the hint watch subcommand for a hint.fn main() {call_me(10); }fn call_me(num: u32) {for i i…


这里原先call_me函数没有填写参数导致报错 添加一个usize即可

// functions3.rs
// Execute `rustlings hint functions3` or use the `hint` watch subcommand for a hint.fn main() {call_me(10);
}fn call_me(num: u32) {for i in 0..num {println!("Ring! Call number {}", i + 1);}


fn sale_price(price: i32) -> i32前面括号内是传入参数类型,后面是返回值类型

// functions4.rs
// Execute `rustlings hint functions4` or use the `hint` watch subcommand for a hint.// This store is having a sale where if the price is an even number, you get
// 10 Rustbucks off, but if it's an odd number, it's 3 Rustbucks off.
// (Don't worry about the function bodies themselves, we're only interested
// in the signatures for now. If anything, this is a good way to peek ahead
// to future exercises!)fn main() {let original_price = 51;println!("Your sale price is {}", sale_price(original_price));
}fn sale_price(price: i32) -> i32{if is_even(price) {price - 10} else {price - 3}
}fn is_even(num: i32) -> bool {num % 2 == 0



// functions5.rs
// Execute `rustlings hint functions5` or use the `hint` watch subcommand for a hint.// I AM NOT DONEfn main() {let answer = square(3);println!("The square of 3 is {}", answer);
}fn square(num: i32) -> i32 {num * num


这里使用if判断a>b的情况 然后分情况讨论

// if1.rs
// Execute `rustlings hint if1` or use the `hint` watch subcommand for a hint.pub fn bigger(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {// Complete this function to return the bigger number!// Do not use:// - another function call// - additional variablesif a>b {a}else {b}
}// Don't mind this for now :)
mod tests {use super::*;#[test]fn ten_is_bigger_than_eight() {assert_eq!(10, bigger(10, 8));}#[test]fn fortytwo_is_bigger_than_thirtytwo() {assert_eq!(42, bigger(32, 42));}


// if2.rs// Step 1: Make me compile!
// Step 2: Get the bar_for_fuzz and default_to_baz tests passing!
// Execute `rustlings hint if2` or use the `hint` watch subcommand for a hint.pub fn foo_if_fizz(fizzish: &str) -> &str {if fizzish == "fizz" {"foo"} else {if fizzish =="fuzz"{"bar"}else {"baz"}}
}// No test changes needed!
mod tests {use super::*;#[test]fn foo_for_fizz() {assert_eq!(foo_if_fizz("fizz"), "foo")}#[test]fn bar_for_fuzz() {assert_eq!(foo_if_fizz("fuzz"), "bar")}#[test]fn default_to_baz() {assert_eq!(foo_if_fizz("literally anything"), "baz")}




// quiz1.rs
// This is a quiz for the following sections:
// - Variables
// - Functions
// - If// Mary is buying apples. The price of an apple is calculated as follows:
// - An apple costs 2 rustbucks.
// - If Mary buys more than 40 apples, each apple only costs 1 rustbuck!
// Write a function that calculates the price of an order of apples given
// the quantity bought. No hints this time!// Put your function here!
fn calculate_price_of_apples(price:i32)->i32 {if (price<=40){return price*2;}return price;}// Don't modify this function!
fn verify_test() {let price1 = calculate_price_of_apples(35);let price2 = calculate_price_of_apples(40);let price3 = calculate_price_of_apples(41);let price4 = calculate_price_of_apples(65);assert_eq!(70, price1);assert_eq!(80, price2);assert_eq!(41, price3);assert_eq!(65, price4);


// primitive_types1.rs
// Fill in the rest of the line that has code missing!
// No hints, there's no tricks, just get used to typing these :)fn main() {// Booleans (`bool`)let is_morning = true;if is_morning {println!("Good morning!");}let is_evening = false;// let // Finish the rest of this line like the example! Or make it be false!if is_evening {println!("Good evening!");}



// primitive_types2.rs
// Fill in the rest of the line that has code missing!
// No hints, there's no tricks, just get used to typing these :)fn main() {// Characters (`char`)// Note the _single_ quotes, these are different from the double quotes// you've been seeing around.let my_first_initial = 'C';if my_first_initial.is_alphabetic() {println!("Alphabetical!");} else if my_first_initial.is_numeric() {println!("Numerical!");} else {println!("Neither alphabetic nor numeric!");}let your_character='u';// Finish this line like the example! What's your favorite character?// Try a letter, try a number, try a special character, try a character// from a different language than your own, try an emoji!if your_character.is_alphabetic() {println!("Alphabetical!");} else if your_character.is_numeric() {println!("Numerical!");} else {println!("Neither alphabetic nor numeric!");}


// primitive_types3.rs
// Create an array with at least 100 elements in it where the ??? is.
// Execute `rustlings hint primitive_types3` or use the `hint` watch subcommand for a hint.fn main() {let a = "99999999999999999999999999999999";if a.len() >= 100 {println!("Wow, that's a big array!");} else {println!("Meh, I eat arrays like that for breakfast.");}


使用&引用变量 [leftIndex..rightIndex)区间内切片

// primitive_types4.rs
// Get a slice out of Array a where the ??? is so that the test passes.
// Execute `rustlings hint primitive_types4` or use the `hint` watch subcommand for a hint.#[test]
fn slice_out_of_array() {let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];let nice_slice = &a[1..4];assert_eq!([2, 3, 4], nice_slice)



11.函数原型有参数时需要填写对应参数进行调用 这里原先call_me函数没有填写参数导致报错 添加一个usize即可 // functions3.rs // Execute rustlings hint functions3 or use the hint watch subcommand for a hint.fn main() {call_me(10); }fn call_me(num: u32) {for i i…...


文章目录 前言一、psutil包1.1 安装psutil包1.2 psutil 使用方式获取CPU使用率获取内存使用情况将内存的获取的使用情况变成GB和MB获取磁盘使用情况磁盘内存进行转换获取网络信息网络info 二、platform2.1 platform的介绍2.2 platform 使用方式获取操作系统的名称获取架构的名称…...


文章目录 选择题1选择题2选择题3选择题4选择题5选择题6选择题7应用题7 选择题1 选择题2 选择题3 需要深究 选择题4 选择题5 选择题6 选择题7 应用题7...


依赖的特性 scope标签在dependencies/dependency标签内,可选值有compile(默认值),test,provided,system,runtime,import compile&#xff1a;在项目实际运行时真正要用到的jar包都是以compile的范围进行依赖 ,比如第三方框架SSM所需的jar包test&#xff1a;测试过程中使用的j…...





代码随想录算法训练营第23期day22|669. 修剪二叉搜索树、108.将有序数组转换为二叉搜索树、538.把二叉搜索树转换为累加树

目录 一、&#xff08;leetcode 669&#xff09;修剪二叉搜索树 二、&#xff08;leetcode 108&#xff09;将有序数组转换为二叉搜索树 三、&#xff08;leetcode 538&#xff09;把二叉搜索树转换为累加树 一、&#xff08;leetcode 669&#xff09;修剪二叉搜索树 力扣题…...


第一步&#xff1a;File--》New--》Project 第二步&#xff1a;填写信息&#xff0c;点击Create 第三步&#xff1a;点击File,点击Project Structure 出现该界面 选择相应的版本&#xff0c;这里我用jdk17&#xff0c;点击apply &#xff0c;点击ok 第三步&#xff1a;右键文件…...


&#x1f4d8;End-to-End Unsupervised Deformable ImageRegistration with a Convolutional NeuralNetwork &#x1f4d5;《基于卷积神经的端到端无监督变形图像配准》 文章目录 摘要 Abstract. 1.导言 Introduction 附录 References未完待续 to be continued ... 摘要 Abstr…...


文章目录 包和模块包 CrateRust 的标准目录结构 模块 Module用路径引用模块使用super引用模块使用self引用模块结构体和枚举的可见性 使用 use 引入模块及受限可见性基本引入方式绝对路径引入模块相对路径引入模块中的函数 避免同名引用 注释和文档文档注释包和模块级别的注释注…...


最大正方形 可以使用动态规划降低时间复杂度。用 dp(i,j) 表示以 (i,j)为右下角&#xff0c;且只包含 111 的正方形的边长最大值。能计算出所有 dp(i,j)的值&#xff0c;那么其中的最大值即为矩阵中只包含 111 的正方形的边长最大值&#xff0c;其平方即为最大正方形的面积。 …...


前言 什么是低代码技术&#xff1f; 低代码是一种可视化软件开发方法&#xff0c;通过最少的编码更快地交付应用程序。图形用户界面和拖放功能使开发过程的各个方面自动化&#xff0c;消除了对传统计算机编程方法的依赖。 文章目录 前言低代码平台怎么选&#xff1f;用友Yonbu…...


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Sql Server 数据库中的所有已定义的唯一约束 (列名称 合并过了)

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Linux部署kubeedge 1.4

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Linux- DWARF调试文件格式

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大数据学习(11)-hive on mapreduce详解

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8、docker 安装 nginx

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关于Skywalking Agent customize-enhance-trace对应用复杂参数类型取值

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手机路径、Windows路径知识 及delphiXE跨设备APP自动下载和升级 一、APP安装程序文件版本和权限信息 1、运行时动态调用Android apk的AndroidManifest.xml获取versionName 2、运行时动态调用IOS ipa的info.plist获取CFBundleVersion &#xff08;和entitlements&#xff09…...

GitLab 502问题解决方案

由于最近 gitlab 切换到另一台服务器上部署的 gitlab 后&#xff0c;经常出现 502。平时重启 gitlab 后都能解决&#xff0c;今天突然重启多次后都还是 502&#xff08;重启日志是正常的&#xff09;&#xff0c;遂通过 gitlab-ctl tail 查看日志进行排查。 gitlab-ctl tail通…...