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北京网站建设外包,深圳网站优化公司,做最精彩的绳艺网站,化妆品网站的建设方案目录 65分备考建议 WE模版 范文 Supporting ideas: SWT 65分备考建议 RA重在多听标准的正确的示范,RS重在抓大放小,WFD重在整理错题,以及反反复复的车轮战,FIBRW重在“以对代记” 就是直接看答案,节约时间&#…





Supporting ideas:








Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about 题目关键词 all over the world.
However,whether 辩论两边观点(单边观点也行) is a controversial issue.
From my perspective, it exerts an adverse/ a profound impact on (government, environment,关键词涉及的人事物都可以)
Therefore, sb should pay more attention to … rather than …


To begin with, it is undeniable that… plays a significant role in…, such as…
That is,… (改写第一句话)
As a result,… (表结果,可以跟给的例子有关,没关也行), which will lead to…


In addition, there is no doubt that…
This is simply because …
For example, …
Consequently, …


To conclude, I concede that… server a positive function… (让步句, 给个反方观点)
Nevertheless, I am fully convinced that … (重声自己的观点)
Only if … can we … (倒装句,加语法分,还是正方观点,可以是一句废话)


In contemporary society, the debate surrounding whether an individual's accomplishments are shaped by their upbringing remains contentious. While some argue that one's environment significantly impacts their success, others maintain a contrasting view. From my perspective, the environment in which a person grows up undoubtedly influences their accomplishments, and several factors can elucidate this assertion.

Firstly, it is evident that individuals are inherently influenced by the world around them. Human beings are social creatures, inclined to observe and learn from their surroundings. Consequently, if one is raised in a family that values reading, there exists a substantial likelihood that they too will develop a penchant for reading. Surroundings, especially during formative years, play a pivotal role in shaping one's inclinations and behaviors.

Moreover, individuals tend to emulate others. While some succeed, others may encounter setbacks. These disparities often stem from the divergent paths chosen in their early years. Children exposed to differing influences and role models are inclined to forge distinctive life trajectories. For instance, one child might be inspired by a successful figure in their environment, steering their aspirations toward similar achievements, while another child might lack such influences, impacting their choices and subsequent life outcomes.

In conclusion, I staunchly support the notion that an individual’s environment significantly influences their accomplishments. The decisions made in our early years, often influenced by our surroundings, set the course for the patterns of emulation and behavior that shape our lives. It is evident that the environment, especially during our formative stages, significantly impacts our choices and aspirations, thereby contributing to the varied accomplishments individuals achieve.

Supporting ideas:

1.A conducive environment provides individuals with opportunities for growth, learning, and skill development. Access to quality education, training programs, employment prospects, and resources can enhance their abilities and increase the likelihood of success.

2.Positive social connections within an environment can provide support, guidance, mentorship, and networking opportunities that contribute to personal and professional growth. Connections with peers, mentors, colleagues or community members can offer valuable insights and assistance along the journey towards accomplishment.

3.An environment that offers diverse career paths or industries allows individuals to explore different fields of interest while fostering continuous learning and professional development.

4.The cultural values, norms, and expectations within a particular environment may shape individuals' beliefs about achievement and success. Cultural diversity may foster creativity by exposing individuals to different perspectives and approaches.

Nowadays , an increasing number of scientists are concerned about  the impact of nature and nurture on people's personality and behavior. However, whether which has a greater influence on people's personality and behavior is a controversial issue . My view is that the impact of nature has a greater influence on people's personality and behavior .
To begin with , it is obvious that most people are not a genius , but they are successful.Moreover , you would like to know people always say that the successful people have the same personality and behavior . But I do not agree that at the first time, they have the same personality and behavior . With the times goes by, they have changed a lot , so they seem like have the same personality and behavior .
Moreover,  the outer world might change your personality and behavior . For example , a woman came from the west , and you know  the people live in west has a slow speaking speed  . When she went to the university at the north where they have a quickly speaking speed . So , she became talk less , but when she at the west she were so  chatty . The reason is that she can not catch others' normal speaking speed , so she speaks less .
In conclusion, I believe the impact of nurture has greater influence.

Currently, an increasing number of scientists are probing the influence of nature and nurture on individuals' personality and behavior. The debate over which exerts a greater impact on these aspects remains a subject of controversy. In my view, the impact of nature has a more pronounced influence on people's personality and behavior.

To commence, it is evident that most individuals are not geniuses, yet they achieve success. Furthermore, the common belief that successful people share identical personality traits and behaviors doesn’t resonate with my perspective. Initially, these individuals might not exhibit similar traits; however, over time, their characteristics may appear comparable due to the changes they undergo.

Moreover, the external environment can significantly mold an individual's personality and behavior. For instance, consider a scenario where a woman hailing from a region with a slower speaking pace relocates to a university in a region characterized by a faster speaking speed. Consequently, she adjusts her communication style, speaking less due to the difficulty in keeping up with the faster pace of speech.

In conclusion, my standpoint favors the impact of nature in shaping personality and behavior.

The debate surrounding the relative influence of nature and nurture on human personality and behavior has remained a contentious subject among scientists and psychologists. While both factors play pivotal roles in shaping who we are, the question persists: which carries a more substantial influence on an individual's personality and behavior?

Nature, encompassing genetic predispositions and inherent traits, undoubtedly sets the foundation for an individual's behavioral and psychological makeup. Our genetic inheritance determines characteristics such as temperament, intelligence, and certain predispositions that contribute significantly to shaping who we are. Studies examining twins separated at birth and raised in different environments have demonstrated the enduring impact of genetic predispositions on various aspects of personality and behavior.

On the other hand, nurture, the environmental and societal influences, holds equal importance in shaping an individual's personality. The environment in which one is raised, the cultural values, family dynamics, educational opportunities, and social interactions, significantly mold behavioral patterns and personality traits. Children growing up in nurturing, supportive environments tend to exhibit different behavioral traits compared to those raised in more adverse conditions.

However, attributing superiority to one over the other in influencing personality and behavior is a complex matter. The interaction between nature and nurture is dynamic and intertwined. While genetics lay the groundwork, the environment can act as a catalyst or suppressor, modifying the expression of these inherent traits.

Moreover, individual differences add another layer of complexity. Some may be more susceptible to environmental influences, while others might display a stronger adherence to their inherited characteristics. Personal experiences, choices, and resilience in the face of adversity all contribute to the intricate interplay between nature and nurture in shaping an individual's personality and behavior.

In conclusion, the impact of both nature and nurture on an individual's personality and behavior cannot be isolated or understated. Each exerts a significant influence, working in tandem to shape who we are. Rather than seeking a definitive answer regarding which holds a greater sway, it is essential to recognize and appreciate the intricate fusion of both nature and nurture in molding our complex human identities. Understanding this interplay allows us to appreciate the uniqueness of each individual's journey of self-development and adaptation in the world.

PTE写作分数不只是看作文,SST和SWT也很重要,这两部分不能有单词拼写错误,不会写的单词就不要写了,然后不能全是简单句,特别是SST,也需要有些从句和高级语法的体现。(SST: summary spoken text, SWT: summary written text)



有时候最后几分钟了时间紧,逻辑上并不一定是因果,或者没有完美的结论句子其实也没关系,因为机器在逻辑判断方面不强。有人觉得写作没过是不是跑题了,其实它的评分系统编程应该是基于你选词汇跟关键词之间的关联度,出现频率和概率来判断内容的。就跟你在Google搜索内容它会根据你的关键词和它大数据和数学模型判断你正确想要查找的内容一样。 所以这里作文跑题不是特别远,机器是判断不出来的,只要你用的词汇跟关键词有一定的关联度就好了,逻辑的连贯机器没有办法判断。




The extraordinary flying ability of dandelion seeds is possible thanks to a form of flight that has not been seen before in nature, research has revealed. The discovery, which confirms the common plant among the natural world's best fliers, shows that movement of air around and within its parachute-shaped bundle of bristles enables seeds to travel great distances --often a kilometer or more, kept afloat entirely by wind power. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh carried out experiments to better understand why dandelion seeds fly so well, despite their parachute structure being largely made up of empty space. Their study revealed that a ring-shaped air bubble forms as air moves through the bristles, enhancing the drag that slows each seed's descent to the ground. This newly found form of air bubble --which the scientists have named the separated vortex ring --is physically detached from the bristles and is stabilized by air flowing through it. The amount of air flowing through, which is critical for keeping the bubble stable and directly above the seed in flight, is precisely controlled by the spacing of the bristles. This flight mechanism of the bristly parachute underpins the seeds' steady flight. It is four times more efficient than what is possible with conventional parachute design, according to the research. Researchers suggest that the dandelion's porous parachute might inspire the development of small-scale drones that require little or no power consumption. Such drones could be useful for remote sensing or air pollution monitoring.

Sample answer: The extraordinary flying ability of dandelion seeds is possible thanks to a form of flight that has not been seen before in nature, and a ring-shaped air bubble forms as air moves through the bristles, enhancing the drag that slows each seed's descent to the ground, and the dandelion's porous parachute might inspire the development of small-scale drones that require little or no power consumption.(65 words)

这里说的不就是 , 把每个主体干的事情说了一遍吗?

The extraordinary flying ability of dandelion seeds

Their study

Researchers suggest that




目录 65分备考建议 WE模版 范文 Supporting ideas: SWT 65分备考建议 RA重在多听标准的正确的示范,RS重在抓大放小,WFD重在整理错题,以及反反复复的车轮战,FIBRW重在“以对代记” 就是直接看答案,节约时间&#…...


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