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手机版网站模板下载地址,火星时代教育培训机构学费多少,中山网站建设怎么样,做h5的网站eup本文仅供学习使用 本文参考: B站:CLEAR_LAB 笔者带更新-运动学 课程主讲教师: Prof. Wei Zhang 课程链接 : https://www.wzhanglab.site/teaching/mee-5114-advanced-control-for-robotics/ 南科大高等机器人控制课 Ch12 Robotic …

Prof. Wei Zhang
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南科大高等机器人控制课 Ch12 Robotic Motion Control

  • 1. Basic Linear Control Design
    • 1.1 Error Response
    • 1.2 Standard Second-Order Systems
    • 1.3 Second-Order Response Characteristics
    • 1.4 State-Space Controller Design
  • 2. Motion Control Problems
    • 2.1 Robotic Motion Control Problem
    • 2.2 Variations in Robot Motion Control
  • 3. Motion Control with Velocity/Acceleration as Input
    • 3.1 Velocity-Resolved Control
      • 3.2.1 Velocity-Resolved Joint Space Control
      • 3.2.2 Velocity-Resolved Task Space Control
    • 3.2 Acceleration-Resolved Control
      • 3.2.1 Acceleration-Resolved Control in Joint Space
      • 3.2.2 Acceleration-Resolved Control in Task Space
  • 4. Motion Control with Torque as Input and Task Space Inverse Dynamics
    • 4.1 Recall Properties of Robot Dynamics
    • 4.2 Computed Torque Control
    • 4.3 Inverse Dynamics Control

机器人——运动能力、计算能力、感知决策能力 的机电系统

1. Basic Linear Control Design

1.1 Error Response

Steady-state error : e s s = lim ⁡ t → ∞ θ e ( t ) e_{\mathrm{ss}}=\underset{t\rightarrow \infty}{\lim}\theta _{\mathrm{e}}\left( t \right) ess=tlimθe(t)

Precent overshoot : P.O.

Rise time / Peak time :

Settling time : T s T_{\mathrm{s}} Ts

1.2 Standard Second-Order Systems

详细推导见 : (待补充)

1.3 Second-Order Response Characteristics

详细推导见 : (待补充)

1.4 State-Space Controller Design


  • Eigenvalue assignment : Find control gain K K K such that e i g ( A − B K ) = e i g d e s i r e d eig\left( A-BK \right) =eig_{\mathrm{desired}} eig(ABK)=eigdesired
  • Solvability : We can always find such K K K if ( A , B ) \left( A,B \right) (A,B) is controllable ( r a n k ( m c ) = n rank\left( m_{\mathrm{c}} \right) =n rank(mc)=n)
  • How to choose desired eigs? —— refer to 2nd-order system
    specification (P.O. T s T_{\mathrm{s}} Ts T p T_{\mathrm{p}} Tp) ⇒ a r t \overset{art}{\Rightarrow} art dominant poles + other poles ⇒ \Rightarrow e i g d e s i r e d eig_{\mathrm{desired}} eigdesired ⇒ s c i e n c e \overset{science}{\Rightarrow} science K K K

2. Motion Control Problems

2.1 Robotic Motion Control Problem

Dynamic equation of fully-acuated robot (with external force) : { τ = M ( q ) q ¨ + c ( q , q ˙ ) q ˙ + g ( q ) + J T ( q ) F e x t y = h ( q ) \begin{cases} \tau =M\left( q \right) \ddot{q}+c\left( q,\dot{q} \right) \dot{q}+g\left( q \right) +J^{\mathrm{T}}\left( q \right) \mathcal{F} _{\mathrm{ext}}\\ y=h\left( q \right)\\ \end{cases} {τ=M(q)q¨+c(q,q˙)q˙+g(q)+JT(q)Fexty=h(q)
q ∈ R n q\in \mathbb{R} ^n qRn : joint positions (generalized coordinate)
τ ∈ R n \tau \in \mathbb{R} ^n τRn : joint torque (generalized input)
y y y : output (variable to be controlled) —— can be any func of q q q , e.g. y = q , y = [ T ( q ) ] ∈ S E ( 3 ) y=q,y=\left[ T\left( q \right) \right] \in SE\left( 3 \right) y=q,y=[T(q)]SE(3)

  • Motion Control Problems : Let y y y track given reference y d y_{\mathrm{d}} yd
    often times q d q_{\mathrm{d}} qd is given by planner represented by polynomials , so that q ˙ d , q ¨ d \dot{q}_{\mathrm{d}},\ddot{q}_{\mathrm{d}} q˙d,q¨d can be easily obtained

2.2 Variations in Robot Motion Control

  • Joint-space vs. Task-space control
    Joint-space : y ( t ) = q ( t ) y\left( t \right) =q\left( t \right) y(t)=q(t) , i.e. , want q ( t ) q\left( t \right) q(t) to track a given q d ( t ) q_{\mathrm{d}}\left( t \right) qd(t) joint reference
    Task-space : y ( t ) = [ T ( q ( t ) ) ] ∈ S E ( 3 ) y\left( t \right) =\left[ T\left( q\left( t \right) \right) \right] \in SE\left( 3 \right) y(t)=[T(q(t))]SE(3) denotes end-effector pose/configuration, we want y ( t ) y\left( t \right) y(t) to track y d ( t ) y_{\mathrm{d}}\left( t \right) yd(t)

  • Actuation models:
    Velocity source : u = q ˙ u=\dot{q} u=q˙ —— directly control velocity
    Acceleration sources : u = q ¨ u=\ddot{q} u=q¨ —— directly control acceleration
    Torque sources : u = τ u=\tau u=τ —— directly control torque
    Acutation model make sense if for ant given u u u , the joint velocity q ˙ \dot{q} q˙ can immediatly reach u u u

Motion Control Problem
Design u u u to set y y y track desired reference y d y_{\mathrm{d}} yd

  • Depending on our assumption on u / y u/y u/y
    output y y y —— 6大基本问题
    y ↔ q ∈ R n y\leftrightarrow q\in \mathbb{R} ^n yqRn - joint variable : Joint space motion control (Velocity-resolved Joint-space control ; Acceleration-resolved Joint-space control ; Torque-resolved Joint-space control ; )
    y ↔ [ T ( q ) ] ∈ S E ( 3 ) y\leftrightarrow \left[ T\left( q \right) \right] \in SE\left( 3 \right) y[T(q)]SE(3) or y = f ( q ) y=f\left( q \right) y=f(q) - task space variable - e.g. origin of end-effector frame : Task space motion control (Velocity-resolved Task-space ; Acceleration-resolved Task-space ; Torque-resolved Task-space ; )

Linear control / feedback lineariazation

3. Motion Control with Velocity/Acceleration as Input

3.1 Velocity-Resolved Control

Each joints’ velocity q ˙ i \dot{q}_{\mathrm{i}} q˙i can be directly controlled

Good approximation for hydraulic actuators

Common approxiamtion of the outer-loop control for the Inner / outer loop control setup

3.2.1 Velocity-Resolved Joint Space Control

Joint-space ‘dynamics’ : single integrator q ˙ = u \dot{q}=u q˙=u

Joint-space tracking becomes standard linear tracking control problem : u = q ˙ d + K 0 q ¨ ⇒ q ~ ˙ + K 0 q ¨ = 0 u=\dot{q}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_0\ddot{q}\Rightarrow \dot{\tilde{q}}+K_0\ddot{q}=0 u=q˙d+K0q¨q~˙+K0q¨=0 , where q ~ = q d − q \tilde{q}=q_{\mathrm{d}}-q q~=qdq is the joint position error. —— stable if e i g ( − K 0 ) ∈ O L H P eig\left( -K_0 \right) \in OLHP eig(K0)OLHP

The error dynamic is stable if − K 0 -K_0 K0 is Hurwitz

3.2.2 Velocity-Resolved Task Space Control

For task space control , y = [ T ( q ) ] y=\left[ T\left( q \right) \right] y=[T(q)] needs to track y d y_{\mathrm{d}} yd , y y y can be ant function of q q q, in particular , it can represents position and/or the end-effector frame

Taking derivatives of y y y , and letting u = q ˙ u=\dot{q} u=q˙ , we have : y ˙ = J a ( q ) u \dot{y}=J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) u y˙=Ja(q)u
Note that q q q is function of y y y through inverse kinematics ( q = I K ( y ) q=IK\left( y \right) q=IK(y))
So the above dynamics can be written in terms of y y y and u u u only. The detailed form can be quite complex in general y ˙ = J a ( I K ( y ) ) u \dot{y}=J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( IK\left( y \right) \right) u y˙=Ja(IK(y))u

  1. Let v y v_{\mathrm{y}} vy be virtual control y ˙ = v y \dot{y}=v_{\mathrm{y}} y˙=vy design v y v_{\mathrm{y}} vy to track y d y_{\mathrm{d}} yd (same as above)
  2. Find actual control u u u such that J a ( I K ( y ) ) u ≈ v y J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( IK\left( y \right) \right) u\approx v_{\mathrm{y}} Ja(IK(y))uvy

We can design outer-loop controller as if we can directly control y ˙ \dot{y} y˙
y ˙ = v y = y ˙ d + K ( y d − y ) ⟹ p l u g i n y ˙ = v y y ~ ˙ = − K y ~ \dot{y}=v_{\mathrm{y}}=\dot{y}_{\mathrm{d}}+K\left( y_{\mathrm{d}}-y \right) \overset{plug\,\,in\,\,\dot{y}=v_{\mathrm{y}}\,\,}{\Longrightarrow}\dot{\tilde{y}}=-K\tilde{y} y˙=vy=y˙d+K(ydy)pluginy˙=vyy~˙=Ky~
We can select K K K such that − K -K K is Hurtwiz , object of inner loop : determine u = q ˙ u=\dot{q} u=q˙ such that y ˙ ≈ v y \dot{y}\approx v_{\mathrm{y}} y˙vy

System(2) is nonlinear system , a commeon way is to break it into inner-outer loop , where the outer loop directly control velocity of y y y, and the inner loop tries to find u u u to generate desired task space velocity

Outer loop : y ˙ = v y \dot{y}=v_{\mathrm{y}} y˙=vy , where control v y = y ˙ d + K 0 y ~ v_{\mathrm{y}}=\dot{y}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_0\tilde{y} vy=y˙d+K0y~ , resulting in task-space closed-loop error dynamics: y ~ ˙ + K 0 y ~ = 0 \dot{\tilde{y}}+K_0\tilde{y}=0 y~˙+K0y~=0

Above task space tracking relies on a fictitious control v y v_{\mathrm{y}} vy , i.e. , it assumes y ˙ \dot{y} y˙ can be arbitrarily controlled by selecting appropriate u = q ˙ u=\dot{q} u=q˙ , which is true if J a J_{\mathrm{a}} Ja is full-row rank

Inner loop : Given v y v_{\mathrm{y}} vy from the outer loop, find the joint velocity control by solving
{ min ⁡ u ∥ v y − J a ( q ) u ∥ 2 + r e g u l a r i z a t i o n t e r m s u b j . t o : C o n s t r a i n t s o n u , e . g . { q ˙ min ⁡ ⩽ u ⩽ q ˙ max ⁡ q min ⁡ ⩽ q + u Δ t ⩽ q max ⁡ \begin{cases} \min _{\mathrm{u}}\left\| v_{\mathrm{y}}-J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) u \right\| ^2+regularization\,\,term\\ subj.to\,\,: Constraints\,\,on\,\,u\,\,, e.g.\begin{cases} \dot{q}_{\min}\leqslant u\leqslant \dot{q}_{\max}\\ q_{\min}\leqslant q+u\varDelta t\leqslant q_{\max}\\ \end{cases}\\ \end{cases} minuvyJa(q)u2+regularizationtermsubj.to:Constraintsonu,e.g.{q˙minuq˙maxqminq+uΔtqmax
Inner-loop is essentially a differential IK controller
One can also use the pseudo-inverse control u = J a † v y u={J_{\mathrm{a}}}^{\dagger}v_{\mathrm{y}} u=Javy

3.2 Acceleration-Resolved Control

3.2.1 Acceleration-Resolved Control in Joint Space

Joint acceleration cna be directly controlled , resulting in double-integrator dynamics q ¨ = u \ddot{q}=u q¨=u . Given q d q_{\mathrm{d}} qd reference , we want q → q d q\rightarrow q_{\mathrm{d}} qqd (double integartor)

Joint-space tracking becomes standard linear tracking control problem for double-integrator system:
u = q ¨ d + K 1 q ~ ˙ + K 0 q ~ = 0 , q ~ ∈ R n u=\ddot{q}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{q}}+K_0\tilde{q}=0,\tilde{q}\in \mathbb{R} ^n u=q¨d+K1q~˙+K0q~=0,q~Rn
—— PD control , closed-loop system , where q ~ = q d − q \tilde{q}=q_{\mathrm{d}}-q q~=qdq is the joint position error.

Stablility condition : Let x = [ q ~ q ~ ˙ ] ∈ R 2 n x=\left[ \begin{array}{c} \tilde{q}\\ \dot{\tilde{q}}\\ \end{array} \right] \in \mathbb{R} ^{2n} x=[q~q~˙]R2n , [ 0 E − K 0 − K 1 ] [ q ~ q ~ ˙ ] , x ˙ = A x \left[ \begin{matrix} 0& E\\ -K_0& -K_1\\ \end{matrix} \right] \left[ \begin{array}{c} \tilde{q}\\ \dot{\tilde{q}}\\ \end{array} \right] ,\dot{x}=Ax [0K0EK1][q~q~˙],x˙=Ax
closed-loop system is stable . if e i g ( A ) ∈ O L H P eig\left( A \right) \in OLHP eig(A)OLHP or A A A is Hurwitz

3.2.2 Acceleration-Resolved Control in Task Space

For task space control , y = [ T ( q ) ] ∈ S E ( 3 ) y=\left[ T\left( q \right) \right] \in SE\left( 3 \right) y=[T(q)]SE(3) needs to track y d y_{\mathrm{d}} yd
Note : For y = f ( q ) y=f\left( q \right) y=f(q) y ˙ = J a ( q ) q ˙ \dot{y}=J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q} y˙=Ja(q)q˙ and y ¨ = J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ + J a ( q ) q ¨ ⇒ y ¨ = J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ + J a ( q ) u ⇐ \ddot{y}=\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}+J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \ddot{q}\Rightarrow \ddot{y}=\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}+J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) u\Leftarrow y¨=J˙a(q)q˙+Ja(q)q¨y¨=J˙a(q)q˙+Ja(q)u nonlinear dynamics

Following the same inner-outer loop strategy deiscussed before . Introduce virtual control , a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay such that y ¨ = a y \ddot{y}=a_{\mathrm{y}} y¨=ay , we can design controller for a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay to let y → y d y\rightarrow y_{\mathrm{d}} yyd

Outer-loop dynamics : y ¨ = a y \ddot{y}=a_{\mathrm{y}} y¨=ay , with a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay being the outer-loop control input a y = y ¨ d + K 1 y ~ ˙ + K 0 y ~ ⇒ y ~ ¨ + K 1 y ~ ˙ + K 0 y ~ = 0 a_{\mathrm{y}}=\ddot{y}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{y}}+K_0\tilde{y}\Rightarrow \ddot{\tilde{y}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{y}}+K_0\tilde{y}=0 ay=y¨d+K1y~˙+K0y~y~¨+K1y~˙+K0y~=0
—— PD control , stable if [ 0 E − K 0 − K 1 ] \left[ \begin{matrix} 0& E\\ -K_0& -K_1\\ \end{matrix} \right] [0K0EK1] Hurwitz

Inner-loop : given a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay from outer loop , find the “best” joint acceleration:
{ min ⁡ u ∥ a y − J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ − J a ( q ) u ∥ 2 + r e g u l a r i z a t i o n t e r m s u b j . t o : C o n s t r a i n t s o n u \begin{cases} \min _{\mathrm{u}}\left\| a_{\mathrm{y}}-\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}-J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) u \right\| ^2+regularization\,\,term\\ subj.to\,\,: Constraints\,\,on\,\,u\,\,\\ \end{cases} minu ayJ˙a(q)q˙Ja(q)u 2+regularizationtermsubj.to:Constraintsonu
—— u u u : optimization variable , J ˙ a ( q ) , q ˙ , q \dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) ,\dot{q},q J˙a(q),q˙,q - known
{ A c c : q ¨ min ⁡ ⩽ u ⩽ q ¨ max ⁡ V e l : q ˙ min ⁡ ⩽ q + u Δ t ⩽ q ˙ max ⁡ \begin{cases} Acc\,\,: \ddot{q}_{\min}\leqslant u\leqslant \ddot{q}_{\max}\\ Vel\,\,: \dot{q}_{\min}\leqslant q+u\varDelta t\leqslant \dot{q}_{\max}\\ \end{cases} {Acc:q¨minuq¨maxVel:q˙minq+uΔtq˙max

Mathematically , the above problem is the same as the Differential IK problem

At any given time , q ˙ , q \dot{q},q q˙,q can be measured , and then y , y ˙ y,\dot{y} y,y˙ can be computed, which allows us to compute outer loop control a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay and inner loop control u u u

4. Motion Control with Torque as Input and Task Space Inverse Dynamics

4.1 Recall Properties of Robot Dynamics

For fully actuated robot :
τ = M ( q ) q ¨ + C ( q , q ˙ ) q ˙ + g ( q ) \tau =M\left( q \right) \ddot{q}+C\left( q,\dot{q} \right) \dot{q}+g\left( q \right) τ=M(q)q¨+C(q,q˙)q˙+g(q)
M ( q ) = ∑ J i T [ I i ] 6 × 6 J i ∈ R n × n M\left( q \right) =\sum{{J_{\mathrm{i}}}^{\mathrm{T}}\left[ \mathcal{I} _{\mathrm{i}} \right] _{6\times 6}J_{\mathrm{i}}}\in \mathbb{R} ^{n\times n} M(q)=JiT[Ii]6×6JiRn×n

There are many valid difinitions of C ( q , q ˙ ) C\left( q,\dot{q} \right) C(q,q˙) , typical choice for C C C include:
C i j = ∑ k 1 2 ( ∂ M i j ∂ q k + ∂ M i k ∂ q j − ∂ M j k ∂ q i ) C_{\mathrm{ij}}=\sum_k^{}{\frac{1}{2}\left( \frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{ij}}}{\partial q_{\mathrm{k}}}+\frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{ik}}}{\partial q_{\mathrm{j}}}-\frac{\partial M_{\mathrm{jk}}}{\partial q_{\mathrm{i}}} \right)} Cij=k21(qkMij+qjMikqiMjk)
For the above defined C C C , we have M ˙ − 2 C \dot{M}-2C M˙2C is skew symmetric
For all valid C C C, we have q ˙ T [ M ˙ − 2 C ] q ˙ = 0 \dot{q}^{\mathrm{T}}\left[ \dot{M}-2C \right] \dot{q}=0 q˙T[M˙2C]q˙=0
These properties play improtant role in designing motion controller

4.2 Computed Torque Control

For fully-actuated robot, we have M ( q ) ≻ 0 M\left( q \right) \succ 0 M(q)0 and q ¨ \ddot{q} q¨ can be arbitrarily specified through torque control u = τ u=\tau u=τ
q ¨ = M − 1 ( q ) [ u − C ( q , q ˙ ) q ˙ − g ( q ) ] \ddot{q}=M^{-1}\left( q \right) \left[ u-C\left( q,\dot{q} \right) \dot{q}-g\left( q \right) \right] q¨=M1(q)[uC(q,q˙)q˙g(q)]

we know how to design controller if u = q ¨ u=\ddot{q} u=q¨
Thus , for fully-acuated robot, torque controlled case can be reduced to the acceleration-resolved case

Outer loop: q ¨ = a q \ddot{q}=a_{\mathrm{q}} q¨=aq with joint acceleration as control input
a q = q ¨ + K 1 y ~ ˙ + K 0 y ~ ⇒ q ~ ¨ + K 1 q ~ ˙ + K 0 q ~ = 0 a_{\mathrm{q}}=\ddot{q}+K_1\dot{\tilde{y}}+K_0\tilde{y}\Rightarrow \ddot{\tilde{q}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{q}}+K_0\tilde{q}=0 aq=q¨+K1y~˙+K0y~q~¨+K1q~˙+K0q~=0

Inner loop : since M ( q ) M\left( q \right) M(q) is square and nonsingular , inner loop control u u u can be found analytically:
u = M ( q ) ( q ¨ d + K 1 q ~ ˙ + K 0 q ~ ) + C ( q , q ˙ ) q ˙ + g ( q ) u=M\left( q \right) \left( \ddot{q}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{q}}+K_0\tilde{q} \right) +C\left( q,\dot{q} \right) \dot{q}+g\left( q \right) u=M(q)(q¨d+K1q~˙+K0q~)+C(q,q˙)q˙+g(q)
The control law is a function of q , q ˙ q,\dot{q} q,q˙ and the reference q d q_{\mathrm{d}} qd. It is called computed-torque control.

The control law also relies on system model M , C , g M,C,g M,C,g if these model information are not accurate, the control will not perform well.
y = f ( q ) , y ¨ = J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ + J a ( q ) M − 1 ( u − C − g ) y=f\left( q \right) ,\ddot{y}=\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}+J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) M^{-1}\left( u-C-g \right) y=f(q),y¨=J˙a(q)q˙+Ja(q)M1(uCg)
Idea easily extends to task space : y ˙ = J a ( q ) q ˙ \dot{y}=J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q} y˙=Ja(q)q˙ and y ¨ = J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ + J a ( q ) q ¨ \ddot{y}=\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}+J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \ddot{q} y¨=J˙a(q)q˙+Ja(q)q¨ —— τ = u = τ , q ¨ = M − 1 [ u − C − g ] \tau =u=\tau ,\ddot{q}=M^{-1}\left[ u-C-g \right] τ=u=τ,q¨=M1[uCg]

Outer loop : y ¨ = a y \ddot{y}=a_{\mathrm{y}} y¨=ay and a y = y ¨ d + K 1 y ~ ˙ + K 0 y ~ a_{\mathrm{y}}=\ddot{y}_{\mathrm{d}}+K_1\dot{\tilde{y}}+K_0\tilde{y} ay=y¨d+K1y~˙+K0y~

Inner loop : sekect torque control u = τ u=\tau u=τ by
{ min ⁡ u ∥ a y − J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ − J a ( q ) M − 1 ( u − C q ˙ − g ) ∥ 2 s u b j . t o : C o n s t r a i n t s \begin{cases} \min _{\mathrm{u}}\left\| a_{\mathrm{y}}-\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}-J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) M^{-1}\left( u-C\dot{q}-g \right) \right\| ^2\\ subj.to\,\,: Constraints\,\,\\ \end{cases} minu ayJ˙a(q)q˙Ja(q)M1(uCq˙g) 2subj.to:Constraints
If J a J_{\mathrm{a}} Jais invertible and we don’t impose additional torque constraints, analytical control law can be easily obtained —— u = ( J a ( q ) M − 1 ) − 1 ( a y − J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ . . . ) u=\left( J_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) M^{-1} \right) ^{-1}\left( a_{\mathrm{y}}-\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}... \right) u=(Ja(q)M1)1(ayJ˙a(q)q˙...)

4.3 Inverse Dynamics Control

The computed-torque controller above is also canned inverse dynamics control

Forward dynamics : given τ \tau τ to compute q ¨ \ddot{q} q¨ —— from torque to motion

Inverse dynamics : given desired acceleration a q a_{\mathrm{q}} aq, we inverted it to find the required control by u = M a q + C q ˙ + g u=Ma_{\mathrm{q}}+C\dot{q}+g u=Maq+Cq˙+g

Task space case can be viewed as inverting the task space dynamics —— Given a y a_{\mathrm{y}} ay ( y y y task space) , find τ \tau τ such that y ¨ = a y \ddot{y}=a_{\mathrm{y}} y¨=ay

With recent advances in optimization , it is often preferred to do ID with quedratic program
For example, above equation can be viewed as task-space ID. We can incorporate torque contraints explicitly as follows:
{ min ⁡ u ∥ a y − J ˙ a ( q ) q ˙ − J a M − 1 ( u − C q ˙ − g ) ∥ 2 s u b j . t o : u − ⩽ u ⩽ u + \begin{cases} \min _{\mathrm{u}}\left\| a_{\mathrm{y}}-\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\left( q \right) \dot{q}-J_{\mathrm{a}}M^{-1}\left( u-C\dot{q}-g \right) \right\| ^2\\ subj.to\,\,: u_-\leqslant u\,\,\leqslant u_+\,\,\\ \end{cases} minu ayJ˙a(q)q˙JaM1(uCq˙g) 2subj.to:uuu+
optimization variable u ∈ R n u\in \mathbb{R} ^n uRn

This is equivalent to the following more popular form:
{ min ⁡ u , q ¨ ∥ a y − J ˙ a q ˙ − J a q ¨ ∥ 2 s u b j . t o : M q ¨ + C q ˙ + g = u u − ⩽ u ∈ R n ⩽ u + \begin{cases} \underset{u,\ddot{q}}{\min}\left\| a_{\mathrm{y}}-\dot{J}_{\mathrm{a}}\dot{q}-J_{\mathrm{a}}\ddot{q} \right\| ^2\\ subj.to\,\,: \begin{array}{c} M\ddot{q}+C\dot{q}+g=u\\ u_-\leqslant u\in \mathbb{R} ^n\,\,\leqslant u_+\,\,\\ \end{array}\\ \end{cases} u,q¨min ayJ˙aq˙Jaq¨ 2subj.to:Mq¨+Cq˙+g=uuuRnu+
optimization variable u , q ¨ ∈ R n u,\ddot{q}\in \mathbb{R} ^n u,q¨Rn


[足式机器人]Part4 南科大高等机器人控制课 CH12 Robotic Motion Control

本文仅供学习使用 本文参考: B站:CLEAR_LAB 笔者带更新-运动学 课程主讲教师: Prof. Wei Zhang 课程链接 : https://www.wzhanglab.site/teaching/mee-5114-advanced-control-for-robotics/ 南科大高等机器人控制课 Ch12 Robotic …...


C知识点复习上 一、C 概述1. 基本数据类型2. 变量定义和访问3. 常量与约束访问 二、程序控制结构详解与示例1. 表达式2. 选择控制2.1 if 语句2.2 switch 语句 3. 循环控制3.1 for 循环3.2 while 循环3.3 do-while 循环 4. goto 语句5. 控制语句的嵌套 三、函数1. 函数的定义和调…...


背景 小程序的发短信服务挂了,随查看日志,该报错日志如下 Error 111 connecting to Connection refused. 6379是监听redis服务的端口,那大概是redis出错了。 首先查看了redis是否正常启动,检查出服务正常。 由于小…...

43 tmpfs/devtmpfs 文件系统

前言 在 linux 中常见的文件系统 有很多, 如下 基于磁盘的文件系统, ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs, btrfs, jfs, ntfs 内存文件系统, procfs, sysfs, tmpfs, squashfs, debugfs 闪存文件系统, ubifs, jffs2, yaffs 文件系统这一套体系在 linux 有一层 vfs 抽象, 用户程序不用…...


介绍常用C语言编译器的安装、配置和使用。 十二、VS2010下载地址和安装教程(图解) 为了更好地支持 Win7 程序的开发,微软于2010年4月12日发布了 VS2010,它的界面被重新设计,变得更加简洁。需要注意的是,V…...

【VRTK】【VR开发】【Unity】18-VRTK与Unity UI控制的融合使用

课程配套学习项目源码资源下载 https://download.csdn.net/download/weixin_41697242/88485426?spm=1001.2014.3001.5503 【背景】 VRTK和Unity自身的UI控制包可以配合使用发挥效果。本篇就讨论这方面的实战内容。 之前可以互动的立体UI并不是传统的2D UI对象,在实际使用中…...

BERT(从理论到实践): Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers【3】

这是本系列文章中的第3弹,请确保你已经读过并了解之前文章所讲的内容,因为对于已经解释过的概念或API,本文不会再赘述。 本文要利用BERT实现一个“垃圾邮件分类”的任务,这也是NLP中一个很常见的任务:Text Classification。我们的实验环境仍然是Python3+Tensorflow/Keras…...


前言 声明:该文章只是做技术分享,若侵权请联系我删除。!! 使用技术:HTMLCSSJS 主要内容:对学校官网的结构进行模仿,对布局进行模仿。 主要内容 1、首页 首页以多个div对页面进行分割和布局…...

phpstudy_pro 关于多版本php的问题

我在phpstudy中安装了多个PHP版本 我希望不同的网站可以对应不同的PHP版本,则在nginx配置文件中需要知道不同的PHP版本的监听端口是多少,如下图所示 然而找遍了php.ini配置,并未对listen进行设置,好奇是怎么实现不同的PHP监听不同…...


最近在用本地SD安装temporalkit插件 本地安装插件最常见的问题就是,GitCommandError:… 原因就是,没有科学上网,而且即使搭了ladder,在SD的“从网址上安装”或是“插件安装”都不行,都不行!!&am…...


前言: 人生重开模拟器是前段时间非常火的一个小游戏,接下来我们将一起学习使用c语言写一个简易版的人生重开模拟器。 网页版游戏: 人生重开模拟器 (ytecn.com) 1.实现一个简化版的人生重开模拟器 (1) 游戏开始的时…...


编程实现优化算法,并3D可视化 1. 函数3D可视化 分别画出 和 的3D图 import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import torch# 画出x**2 class Op(object):def __init__(self):passdef __call__(self, inputs):return self.forward(inputs)def for…...


1.魔术表演(20分) 评判标准: 4分:满足"具体要求"中的1); 8分:满足"具体要求"中的2); 8分,满足"具体要求"中的3&#xff09…...

LLM 中的长文本问题

近期,随着大模型技术的发展,长文本问题逐渐成为热门且关键的问题,不妨简单梳理一下近期出现的典型的长文本模型: 10 月上旬,Moonshot AI 的 Kimi Chat 问世,这是首个支持 20 万汉字输入的智能助手产品; 10 月下旬,百川智能发布 Baichuan2-192K 长窗口大模型,相当于一次…...


在现代软件开发中,提供清晰全面的 API 文档 至关重要。ApiModel 和 ApiModelProperty 这样的代码注解在此方面表现出色,通过增强模型及其属性的元数据来丰富文档内容。它们的主要功能是为这些元素命名和描述,使生成的 API 文档更加明确。 Api…...

Linux学习第48天:Linux USB驱动试验:保持热情,保持节奏,持续学习是作为一个技术人员应有的基本素质和要求

Linux版本号4.1.15 芯片I.MX6ULL 大叔学Linux 品人间百味 思文短情长 最近更新的速度和频率大不如以前,主要原因还是自己有些懈怠了。学习是一个持续努力的过程,一旦中断,再想保持以往的状态可能要…...


文章目录 前言一、索引是什么二、索引的有什么用三、索引的分类四、索引的数据结构总结 前言 在我们使用数据库的过程中,往往会碰到一个叫做索引的东西,不管是表的设计,还是数据库性能的优化往往都会涉及到索引。那么他是个什么东西&#xff…...


738.单调递增的数字 给定一个非负整数 N&#xff0c;找出小于或等于 N 的最大的整数&#xff0c;同时这个整数需要满足其各个位数上的数字是单调递增。 &#xff08;当且仅当每个相邻位数上的数字 x 和 y 满足 x < y 时&#xff0c;我们称这个整数是单调递增的。&#xff…...

如何在win7同样支持Webview2 在 WPF 中使用本地 Webview2 ,如何不依赖系统 Runtime

项目运行环境&#xff1a; .Net Framework 4.5.2 Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1 WebView2 Microsoft.WebView2.FixedVersionRuntime.120.0.2210.91.x64 考虑到很多老项目&#xff0c;本项目使用的是.Net Framework 4.5.2&#xff0c;.Net 更高版本的其实也是可以支持的。 …...


目录 一、Docker网络实现原理 二、Docker的网络模式 1、host模式 1.1 host模式原理 1.2 host模式实操 2、Container模式 2.2 container模式实操 3、none模式 4、bridger模式 4.1 bridge模式的原理 4.2 bridge实操 5、overlay模式 6、自定义网络模式 6.1 为什么需要…...


LiveGBS国标级联中作为下级平台对接海康大华宇视华为政务公安内网等GB28181国标平台查看级联状态及会话 1、GB/T28181级联是什么2、搭建GB28181国标流媒体平台3、获取上级平台接入信息3.1、如何提供信息给上级3.2、上级国标平台如何添加下级域3.2、接入LiveGBS示例 4、配置国标…...


未来编程语言的走向可能会受到多种因素的影响&#xff0c;包括技术进步、市场需求、开发人员的偏好和生态系统的演变等。以下是一些可能的发展趋势&#xff1a; 简洁性和易用性 随着技术的进步&#xff0c;编程语言可能会变得越来越简洁和易于使用。一些语言可能会引入更高级的…...

tp5+workman(GatewayWorker) 安装及使用

一、安装thinkphp5 1、宝塔删除php禁用函数putenv、pcntl_signal_dispatch、pcntl_wai、pcntl_signal、pcntl_alarm、pcntl_fork&#xff0c;执行安装命令。 composer create-project topthink/think5.0.* tp5 --prefer-dist 2、配置好站点之后&#xff0c;浏览器打开访问成…...


之前vscode因为安装了Vue Language Features (Volar)插件&#xff0c;导致Prettier格式化失效&#xff0c;今天有空&#xff0c;又重新设置了一下 1. 插件要先安装上 2. 打开settings.json {"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode","…...

macOS跨进程通信: XPC 创建实例

一&#xff1a;简介 XPC 是 macOS 里苹果官方比较推荐和安全的的进程间通信机制。 集成流程简单&#xff0c;但是比较绕。 主要需要集成 XPC Server 这个模块&#xff0c;这个模块最终会被 apple 的根进程 launchd 管理和以独立进程的方法唤起和关闭&#xff0c; 我们主app 进…...

Ubuntu18.04 升级Ubuntu20.04

文章目录 背景升级方法遇到的问题 背景 因项目环境需要&#xff0c;欲将Ubuntu18.04升级至Ubuntu20.04&#xff0c;参考网上其他小伙伴的方法&#xff0c;也遇到了一个问题&#xff0c;特此记录一下&#xff0c;希望能帮助其他有同样问题的小伙伴。 升级方法 参考&#xff1a…...


前言 我想应该有很多测试人员应该有这样的疑虑&#xff0c;自动化测试要怎么去做&#xff0c;现在我把自己的一些学习经验分享给大家&#xff0c;希望对你们有帮助&#xff0c;有说的不好的地方&#xff0c;还请多多指教&#xff01; 对于测试人员来说&#xff0c;不管进行功…...


opencv_core和 opencv_imgcodecs是 OpenCV&#xff08;开源计算机视觉库&#xff09;的两个主要模块 【如何使用cv::erode()函数对图像进行腐蚀操作】 头文件用途 用OpenCV创建一张类型为CV_8UC1的单通道随机灰度图像 用OpenCV创建一张灰度黑色图像并设置某一列为白色 OpenCV创…...


回忆录 2023年&#xff0c;经历非常多的大事情&#xff0c;找工作、实习、研究生毕业、堂哥结婚、大姐买车、申博、读博、参加马拉松&#xff0c;有幸这一年全家人平平安安&#xff0c;在稳步前进。算是折腾的一年&#xff0c;杭州、赣州、武汉、澳门、珠海、遵义来回跑。完成…...


本文将按照transformer的结构图依次对各个模块进行讲解&#xff1a; 可以看一下模型的大致结构&#xff1a;主要有encode和decode两大部分组成&#xff0c;数据经过词embedding以及位置embedding得到encode的时输入数据 输入部分 embedding就是从原始数据中提取出单词或位置&…...