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1. 数学运算
1.1 类型定义以及结构体
typedef unsigned int IUINT32;//=====================================================================
// 数学库:此部分应该不用详解,熟悉 D3D 矩阵变换即可
typedef struct { float m[4][4]; } matrix_t;
typedef struct { float x, y, z, w; } vector_t;
typedef vector_t point_t;
1.2 基础判断方法
int CMID(int x, int min, int max) { return (x < min)? min : ((x > max)? max : x); }// 计算插值:t 为 [0, 1] 之间的数值
float interp(float x1, float x2, float t) { return x1 + (x2 - x1) * t; }
1.3 向量(点)运算
// | v |
float vector_length(const vector_t *v) {float sq = v->x * v->x + v->y * v->y + v->z * v->z;return (float)sqrt(sq);
}// z = x + y
void vector_add(vector_t *z, const vector_t *x, const vector_t *y) {z->x = x->x + y->x;z->y = x->y + y->y;z->z = x->z + y->z;z->w = 1.0;
}// z = x - y
void vector_sub(vector_t *z, const vector_t *x, const vector_t *y) {z->x = x->x - y->x;z->y = x->y - y->y;z->z = x->z - y->z;z->w = 1.0;
}// 矢量点乘
float vector_dotproduct(const vector_t *x, const vector_t *y) {return x->x * y->x + x->y * y->y + x->z * y->z;
}// 矢量叉乘
void vector_crossproduct(vector_t *z, const vector_t *x, const vector_t *y) {float m1, m2, m3;m1 = x->y * y->z - x->z * y->y;m2 = x->z * y->x - x->x * y->z;m3 = x->x * y->y - x->y * y->x;z->x = m1;z->y = m2;z->z = m3;z->w = 1.0f;
}// 矢量插值,t取值 [0, 1]
void vector_interp(vector_t *z, const vector_t *x1, const vector_t *x2, float t) {z->x = interp(x1->x, x2->x, t);z->y = interp(x1->y, x2->y, t);z->z = interp(x1->z, x2->z, t);z->w = 1.0f;
}// 矢量归一化
void vector_normalize(vector_t *v) {float length = vector_length(v);if (length != 0.0f) {float inv = 1.0f / length;v->x *= inv; v->y *= inv;v->z *= inv;}
1.4 矩阵运算
1.4.1 矩阵间运算
// c = a + b
void matrix_add(matrix_t *c, const matrix_t *a, const matrix_t *b) {int i, j;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)c->m[i][j] = a->m[i][j] + b->m[i][j];}
}// c = a - b
void matrix_sub(matrix_t *c, const matrix_t *a, const matrix_t *b) {int i, j;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)c->m[i][j] = a->m[i][j] - b->m[i][j];}
}// c = a * b
void matrix_mul(matrix_t *c, const matrix_t *a, const matrix_t *b) {matrix_t z;int i, j;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {z.m[j][i] = (a->m[j][0] * b->m[0][i]) +(a->m[j][1] * b->m[1][i]) +(a->m[j][2] * b->m[2][i]) +(a->m[j][3] * b->m[3][i]);}}c[0] = z;
1.4.2 矩阵与常数
// c = a * f
void matrix_scale(matrix_t *c, const matrix_t *a, float f) {int i, j;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) c->m[i][j] = a->m[i][j] * f;}
1.4.3 矩阵与向量
// y = x * m
void matrix_apply(vector_t *y, const vector_t *x, const matrix_t *m) {float X = x->x, Y = x->y, Z = x->z, W = x->w;y->x = X * m->m[0][0] + Y * m->m[1][0] + Z * m->m[2][0] + W * m->m[3][0];y->y = X * m->m[0][1] + Y * m->m[1][1] + Z * m->m[2][1] + W * m->m[3][1];y->z = X * m->m[0][2] + Y * m->m[1][2] + Z * m->m[2][2] + W * m->m[3][2];y->w = X * m->m[0][3] + Y * m->m[1][3] + Z * m->m[2][3] + W * m->m[3][3];
1.4.4 初始化矩阵
// 设置为单位矩阵
void matrix_set_identity(matrix_t *m) {m->m[0][0] = m->m[1][1] = m->m[2][2] = m->m[3][3] = 1.0f; m->m[0][1] = m->m[0][2] = m->m[0][3] = 0.0f;m->m[1][0] = m->m[1][2] = m->m[1][3] = 0.0f;m->m[2][0] = m->m[2][1] = m->m[2][3] = 0.0f;m->m[3][0] = m->m[3][1] = m->m[3][2] = 0.0f;
// 设置为全0矩阵
void matrix_set_zero(matrix_t *m) {m->m[0][0] = m->m[0][1] = m->m[0][2] = m->m[0][3] = 0.0f;m->m[1][0] = m->m[1][1] = m->m[1][2] = m->m[1][3] = 0.0f;m->m[2][0] = m->m[2][1] = m->m[2][2] = m->m[2][3] = 0.0f;m->m[3][0] = m->m[3][1] = m->m[3][2] = m->m[3][3] = 0.0f;
1.5 缩放、平移、旋转
// 平移变换
void matrix_set_translate(matrix_t *m, float x, float y, float z) {matrix_set_identity(m);m->m[3][0] = x;m->m[3][1] = y;m->m[3][2] = z;
// 缩放变换
void matrix_set_scale(matrix_t *m, float x, float y, float z) {matrix_set_identity(m);m->m[0][0] = x;m->m[1][1] = y;m->m[2][2] = z;
// 旋转矩阵
void matrix_set_rotate(matrix_t *m, float x, float y, float z, float theta) {float qsin = (float)sin(theta * 0.5f);float qcos = (float)cos(theta * 0.5f);vector_t vec = { x, y, z, 1.0f };float w = qcos;vector_normalize(&vec);x = vec.x * qsin;y = vec.y * qsin;z = vec.z * qsin;m->m[0][0] = 1 - 2 * y * y - 2 * z * z;m->m[1][0] = 2 * x * y - 2 * w * z;m->m[2][0] = 2 * x * z + 2 * w * y;m->m[0][1] = 2 * x * y + 2 * w * z;m->m[1][1] = 1 - 2 * x * x - 2 * z * z;m->m[2][1] = 2 * y * z - 2 * w * x;m->m[0][2] = 2 * x * z - 2 * w * y;m->m[1][2] = 2 * y * z + 2 * w * x;m->m[2][2] = 1 - 2 * x * x - 2 * y * y;m->m[0][3] = m->m[1][3] = m->m[2][3] = 0.0f;m->m[3][0] = m->m[3][1] = m->m[3][2] = 0.0f; m->m[3][3] = 1.0f;
四元数和旋转(Quaternion & rotation)https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/78987582
也可以看之前的笔记,关于绕任意轴旋转的笔记: VTK笔记-几何变换-绕任意轴旋转https://blog.csdn.net/liushao1031177/article/details/119829226
2. MVP变换
2.1 模型视图变换
// 设置摄像机
void matrix_set_lookat(matrix_t *m, const vector_t *eye, const vector_t *at, const vector_t *up) {vector_t xaxis, yaxis, zaxis;vector_sub(&zaxis, at, eye);vector_normalize(&zaxis);vector_crossproduct(&xaxis, up, &zaxis);vector_normalize(&xaxis);vector_crossproduct(&yaxis, &zaxis, &xaxis);m->m[0][0] = xaxis.x;m->m[1][0] = xaxis.y;m->m[2][0] = xaxis.z;m->m[3][0] = -vector_dotproduct(&xaxis, eye);m->m[0][1] = yaxis.x;m->m[1][1] = yaxis.y;m->m[2][1] = yaxis.z;m->m[3][1] = -vector_dotproduct(&yaxis, eye);m->m[0][2] = zaxis.x;m->m[1][2] = zaxis.y;m->m[2][2] = zaxis.z;m->m[3][2] = -vector_dotproduct(&zaxis, eye);m->m[0][3] = m->m[1][3] = m->m[2][3] = 0.0f;m->m[3][3] = 1.0f;
光栅化渲染器 学习笔记 - 知乎https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/74510058
// D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH
void matrix_set_perspective(matrix_t *m, float fovy, float aspect, float zn, float zf) {float fax = 1.0f / (float)tan(fovy * 0.5f);matrix_set_zero(m);m->m[0][0] = (float)(fax / aspect);m->m[1][1] = (float)(fax);m->m[2][2] = zf / (zf - zn);m->m[3][2] = - zn * zf / (zf - zn);m->m[2][3] = 1;
// 坐标变换
typedef struct { matrix_t world; // 世界坐标变换matrix_t view; // 摄影机坐标变换matrix_t projection; // 投影变换matrix_t transform; // transform = world * view * projectionfloat w, h; // 屏幕大小
} transform_t;
// 矩阵更新,计算 transform = world * view * projection
void transform_update(transform_t *ts) {matrix_t m;matrix_mul(&m, &ts->world, &ts->view);matrix_mul(&ts->transform, &m, &ts->projection);
// 初始化,设置屏幕长宽
void transform_init(transform_t *ts, int width, int height) {float aspect = (float)width / ((float)height);matrix_set_identity(&ts->world);matrix_set_identity(&ts->view);matrix_set_perspective(&ts->projection, 3.1415926f * 0.5f, aspect, 1.0f, 500.0f);ts->w = (float)width;ts->h = (float)height;transform_update(ts);
// 将矢量 x 进行 project
void transform_apply(const transform_t *ts, vector_t *y, const vector_t *x) {matrix_apply(y, x, &ts->transform);
// 检查齐次坐标同 cvv 的边界用于视锥裁剪
int transform_check_cvv(const vector_t *v) {float w = v->w;int check = 0;if (v->z < 0.0f) check |= 1;if (v->z > w) check |= 2;if (v->x < -w) check |= 4;if (v->x > w) check |= 8;if (v->y < -w) check |= 16;if (v->y > w) check |= 32;return check;
// 归一化,得到屏幕坐标
void transform_homogenize(const transform_t *ts, vector_t *y, const vector_t *x) {float rhw = 1.0f / x->w;y->x = (x->x * rhw + 1.0f) * ts->w * 0.5f;y->y = (1.0f - x->y * rhw) * ts->h * 0.5f;y->z = x->z * rhw;y->w = 1.0f;
// 几何计算:顶点、扫描线、边缘、矩形、步长计算
// 颜色
typedef struct { float r, g, b; } color_t;
// 纹理uv坐标
typedef struct { float u, v; } texcoord_t;
// 顶点信息
typedef struct { point_t pos; // 三维坐标点texcoord_t tc; // 纹理坐标color_t color; // RGB颜色float rhw; // W的倒数} vertex_t;typedef struct {vertex_t v; // 边上的某一个点,用作输出或者标识;vertex_t v1; // vertex_t v2; // 边的两个端点} edge_t;
typedef struct { float top; // 梯形上边的y值 float bottom; // 梯形底边的y值edge_t left; // 梯形左腰边信息edge_t right; // 梯形右腰边信息} trapezoid_t;
typedef struct { vertex_t v, step; int x, y, w; } scanline_t;
Reciprocal of Homogeneous W的缩写是rhw,是齐次矩阵中的w的倒数;
void vertex_rhw_init(vertex_t *v) {float rhw = 1.0f / v->pos.w;v->rhw = rhw;v->tc.u *= rhw;v->tc.v *= rhw;v->color.r *= rhw;v->color.g *= rhw;v->color.b *= rhw;
// 齐次坐标中所有元素的插值;
void vertex_interp(vertex_t *y, const vertex_t *x1, const vertex_t *x2, float t) {vector_interp(&y->pos, &x1->pos, &x2->pos, t);y->tc.u = interp(x1->tc.u, x2->tc.u, t);y->tc.v = interp(x1->tc.v, x2->tc.v, t);y->color.r = interp(x1->color.r, x2->color.r, t);y->color.g = interp(x1->color.g, x2->color.g, t);y->color.b = interp(x1->color.b, x2->color.b, t);y->rhw = interp(x1->rhw, x2->rhw, t);
// 顶点之间的除法,可以看做是做了一个变相的插值;
void vertex_division(vertex_t *y, const vertex_t *x1, const vertex_t *x2, float w) {float inv = 1.0f / w;y->pos.x = (x2->pos.x - x1->pos.x) * inv;y->pos.y = (x2->pos.y - x1->pos.y) * inv;y->pos.z = (x2->pos.z - x1->pos.z) * inv;y->pos.w = (x2->pos.w - x1->pos.w) * inv;y->tc.u = (x2->tc.u - x1->tc.u) * inv;y->tc.v = (x2->tc.v - x1->tc.v) * inv;y->color.r = (x2->color.r - x1->color.r) * inv;y->color.g = (x2->color.g - x1->color.g) * inv;y->color.b = (x2->color.b - x1->color.b) * inv;y->rhw = (x2->rhw - x1->rhw) * inv;
// 两个顶点的加法,即使齐次坐标的各个元素的加法;
void vertex_add(vertex_t *y, const vertex_t *x) {y->pos.x += x->pos.x;y->pos.y += x->pos.y;y->pos.z += x->pos.z;y->pos.w += x->pos.w;y->rhw += x->rhw;y->tc.u += x->tc.u;y->tc.v += x->tc.v;y->color.r += x->color.r;y->color.g += x->color.g;y->color.b += x->color.b;
// 根据三角形生成 0-2 个梯形,并且返回合法梯形的数量
int trapezoid_init_triangle(trapezoid_t *trap, const vertex_t *p1, const vertex_t *p2, const vertex_t *p3) {const vertex_t *p;float k, x;// 三个点按照y,从小到大排列;if (p1->pos.y > p2->pos.y) p = p1, p1 = p2, p2 = p;if (p1->pos.y > p3->pos.y) p = p1, p1 = p3, p3 = p;if (p2->pos.y > p3->pos.y) p = p2, p2 = p3, p3 = p;// 如果三点在同一y方向上,或者在同一个x方向上,即共线,返回个数为0;if (p1->pos.y == p2->pos.y && p1->pos.y == p3->pos.y) return 0;if (p1->pos.x == p2->pos.x && p1->pos.x == p3->pos.x) return 0;// 如果前面两个点y相等,就以这两个点为三角形的底边;if (p1->pos.y == p2->pos.y) { // triangle down// 底边上的两个点根据x坐标排序if (p1->pos.x > p2->pos.x) p = p1, p1 = p2, p2 = p;// 梯形的上下两个y值trap[0].top = p1->pos.y;trap[0].bottom = p3->pos.y;// 左侧腰,边上两个顶点;trap[0].left.v1 = *p1;trap[0].left.v2 = *p3;// 右侧腰,边上两个顶点;trap[0].right.v1 = *p2;trap[0].right.v2 = *p3;// 应该是用来判别方向的,感觉和梯形数据没啥关系;// 不对,由于已经根据Y排序了,这里不应该出现top小于bottom的情况;// 因此是用来验证结果的合法性;return (trap[0].top < trap[0].bottom)? 1 : 0;}// 如果后面两个点相等,则可以用这两个点作为倒三角的上边;if (p2->pos.y == p3->pos.y) { // triangle up// 上边上的两个点根据x坐标排序if (p2->pos.x > p3->pos.x) p = p2, p2 = p3, p3 = p;trap[0].top = p1->pos.y;trap[0].bottom = p3->pos.y;trap[0].left.v1 = *p1;trap[0].left.v2 = *p2;trap[0].right.v1 = *p1;trap[0].right.v2 = *p3;// 同上return (trap[0].top < trap[0].bottom)? 1 : 0;}// 如果没有两个点在一个水平方向上,则三角形为斜着的;// 根据中间的点的Y坐标分割三角形;// 分为上三角和下三角trap[0].top = p1->pos.y;trap[0].bottom = p2->pos.y;trap[1].top = p2->pos.y;trap[1].bottom = p3->pos.y;k = (p3->pos.y - p1->pos.y) / (p2->pos.y - p1->pos.y);x = p1->pos.x + (p2->pos.x - p1->pos.x) * k;if (x <= p3->pos.x) { // triangle lefttrap[0].left.v1 = *p1;trap[0].left.v2 = *p2;trap[0].right.v1 = *p1;trap[0].right.v2 = *p3;trap[1].left.v1 = *p2;trap[1].left.v2 = *p3;trap[1].right.v1 = *p1;trap[1].right.v2 = *p3;} else { // triangle righttrap[0].left.v1 = *p1;trap[0].left.v2 = *p3;trap[0].right.v1 = *p1;trap[0].right.v2 = *p2;trap[1].left.v1 = *p1;trap[1].left.v2 = *p3;trap[1].right.v1 = *p2;trap[1].right.v2 = *p3;}// 会有两个三角形return 2;
使用 trapezoid_edge_interp方法可以计算到y=y的直线与梯形的左腰和右腰边的交点,这里是分别计算了用y分割两个边的比例,然后插值得到目标点的坐标;
// 按照 Y 坐标计算出左右两条边纵坐标等于 Y 的顶点
void trapezoid_edge_interp(trapezoid_t *trap, float y) {float s1 = trap->left.v2.pos.y - trap->left.v1.pos.y;float s2 = trap->right.v2.pos.y - trap->right.v1.pos.y;float t1 = (y - trap->left.v1.pos.y) / s1;float t2 = (y - trap->right.v1.pos.y) / s2;vertex_interp(&trap->left.v, &trap->left.v1, &trap->left.v2, t1);vertex_interp(&trap->right.v, &trap->right.v1, &trap->right.v2, t2);
// 根据左右两边的端点,初始化计算出扫描线的起点和步长
void trapezoid_init_scan_line(const trapezoid_t *trap, scanline_t *scanline, int y) {float width = trap->right.v.pos.x - trap->left.v.pos.x;scanline->x = (int)(trap->left.v.pos.x + 0.5f);scanline->w = (int)(trap->right.v.pos.x + 0.5f) - scanline->x;scanline->y = y;scanline->v = trap->left.v;if (trap->left.v.pos.x >= trap->right.v.pos.x) scanline->w = 0;vertex_division(&scanline->step, &trap->left.v, &trap->right.v, width);
// 渲染设备
typedef struct {transform_t transform; // 坐标变换器int width; // 窗口宽度int height; // 窗口高度IUINT32 **framebuffer; // 像素缓存:framebuffer[y] 代表第 y行float **zbuffer; // 深度缓存:zbuffer[y] 为第 y行指针IUINT32 **texture; // 纹理:同样是每行索引int tex_width; // 纹理宽度int tex_height; // 纹理高度float max_u; // 纹理最大宽度:tex_width - 1float max_v; // 纹理最大高度:tex_height - 1int render_state; // 渲染状态IUINT32 background; // 背景颜色IUINT32 foreground; // 线框颜色
} device_t;#define RENDER_STATE_WIREFRAME 1 // 渲染线框
#define RENDER_STATE_TEXTURE 2 // 渲染纹理
#define RENDER_STATE_COLOR 4 // 渲染颜色
// 设备初始化,fb为外部帧缓存,非 NULL 将引用外部帧缓存(每行 4字节对齐)
void device_init(device_t *device, int width, int height, void *fb) {int need = sizeof(void*) * (height * 2 + 1024) + width * height * 8;char *ptr = (char*)malloc(need + 64);char *framebuf, *zbuf;int j;assert(ptr);device->framebuffer = (IUINT32**)ptr;device->zbuffer = (float**)(ptr + sizeof(void*) * height);ptr += sizeof(void*) * height * 2;device->texture = (IUINT32**)ptr;ptr += sizeof(void*) * 1024;framebuf = (char*)ptr;zbuf = (char*)ptr + width * height * 4;ptr += width * height * 8;if (fb != NULL) framebuf = (char*)fb;for (j = 0; j < height; j++) {device->framebuffer[j] = (IUINT32*)(framebuf + width * 4 * j);device->zbuffer[j] = (float*)(zbuf + width * 4 * j);}device->texture[0] = (IUINT32*)ptr;device->texture[1] = (IUINT32*)(ptr + 16);memset(device->texture[0], 0, 64);device->tex_width = 2;device->tex_height = 2;device->max_u = 1.0f;device->max_v = 1.0f;device->width = width;device->height = height;device->background = 0xc0c0c0;device->foreground = 0;transform_init(&device->transform, width, height);device->render_state = RENDER_STATE_WIREFRAME;
}// 删除设备
void device_destroy(device_t *device) {if (device->framebuffer) free(device->framebuffer);device->framebuffer = NULL;device->zbuffer = NULL;device->texture = NULL;
// 设置当前纹理
void device_set_texture(device_t *device, void *bits, long pitch, int w, int h) {char *ptr = (char*)bits;int j;assert(w <= 1024 && h <= 1024);for (j = 0; j < h; ptr += pitch, j++) // 重新计算每行纹理的指针device->texture[j] = (IUINT32*)ptr;device->tex_width = w;device->tex_height = h;device->max_u = (float)(w - 1);device->max_v = (float)(h - 1);
IUINT32 device_texture_read(const device_t *device, float u, float v) {int x, y;u = u * device->max_u;v = v * device->max_v;x = (int)(u + 0.5f);y = (int)(v + 0.5f);x = CMID(x, 0, device->tex_width - 1);y = CMID(y, 0, device->tex_height - 1);return device->texture[y][x];
// 画点
void device_pixel(device_t *device, int x, int y, IUINT32 color) {if (((IUINT32)x) < (IUINT32)device->width && ((IUINT32)y) < (IUINT32)device->height) {device->framebuffer[y][x] = color;}
}// 绘制线段
void device_draw_line(device_t *device, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, IUINT32 c) {int x, y, rem = 0;if (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2) {device_pixel(device, x1, y1, c);} else if (x1 == x2) {int inc = (y1 <= y2)? 1 : -1;for (y = y1; y != y2; y += inc) device_pixel(device, x1, y, c);device_pixel(device, x2, y2, c);} else if (y1 == y2) {int inc = (x1 <= x2)? 1 : -1;for (x = x1; x != x2; x += inc) device_pixel(device, x, y1, c);device_pixel(device, x2, y2, c);} else {int dx = (x1 < x2)? x2 - x1 : x1 - x2;int dy = (y1 < y2)? y2 - y1 : y1 - y2;if (dx >= dy) {if (x2 < x1) x = x1, y = y1, x1 = x2, y1 = y2, x2 = x, y2 = y;for (x = x1, y = y1; x <= x2; x++) {device_pixel(device, x, y, c);rem += dy;if (rem >= dx) {rem -= dx;y += (y2 >= y1)? 1 : -1;device_pixel(device, x, y, c);}}device_pixel(device, x2, y2, c);} else {if (y2 < y1) x = x1, y = y1, x1 = x2, y1 = y2, x2 = x, y2 = y;for (x = x1, y = y1; y <= y2; y++) {device_pixel(device, x, y, c);rem += dx;if (rem >= dy) {rem -= dy;x += (x2 >= x1)? 1 : -1;device_pixel(device, x, y, c);}}device_pixel(device, x2, y2, c);}}
}// 绘制扫描线
void device_draw_scanline(device_t *device, scanline_t *scanline) {IUINT32 *framebuffer = device->framebuffer[scanline->y];float *zbuffer = device->zbuffer[scanline->y];int x = scanline->x;int w = scanline->w;int width = device->width;int render_state = device->render_state;for (; w > 0; x++, w--) {if (x >= 0 && x < width) {float rhw = scanline->v.rhw;if (rhw >= zbuffer[x]) { float w = 1.0f / rhw;zbuffer[x] = rhw;if (render_state & RENDER_STATE_COLOR) {float r = scanline->v.color.r * w;float g = scanline->v.color.g * w;float b = scanline->v.color.b * w;int R = (int)(r * 255.0f);int G = (int)(g * 255.0f);int B = (int)(b * 255.0f);R = CMID(R, 0, 255);G = CMID(G, 0, 255);B = CMID(B, 0, 255);framebuffer[x] = (R << 16) | (G << 8) | (B);}if (render_state & RENDER_STATE_TEXTURE) {float u = scanline->v.tc.u * w;float v = scanline->v.tc.v * w;IUINT32 cc = device_texture_read(device, u, v);framebuffer[x] = cc;}}}vertex_add(&scanline->v, &scanline->step);if (x >= width) break;}
// 清空 framebuffer 和 zbuffer
void device_clear(device_t *device, int mode) {int y, x, height = device->height;for (y = 0; y < device->height; y++) {IUINT32 *dst = device->framebuffer[y];IUINT32 cc = (height - 1 - y) * 230 / (height - 1);cc = (cc << 16) | (cc << 8) | cc;if (mode == 0) cc = device->background;for (x = device->width; x > 0; dst++, x--) dst[0] = cc;}for (y = 0; y < device->height; y++) {float *dst = device->zbuffer[y];for (x = device->width; x > 0; dst++, x--) dst[0] = 0.0f;}
// 主渲染函数
void device_render_trap(device_t *device, trapezoid_t *trap) {scanline_t scanline;int j, top, bottom;top = (int)(trap->top + 0.5f);bottom = (int)(trap->bottom + 0.5f);for (j = top; j < bottom; j++) {if (j >= 0 && j < device->height) {trapezoid_edge_interp(trap, (float)j + 0.5f);trapezoid_init_scan_line(trap, &scanline, j);device_draw_scanline(device, &scanline);}if (j >= device->height) break;}
}// 根据 render_state 绘制原始三角形
void device_draw_primitive(device_t *device, const vertex_t *v1, const vertex_t *v2, const vertex_t *v3) {point_t p1, p2, p3, c1, c2, c3;int render_state = device->render_state;// 按照 Transform 变化transform_apply(&device->transform, &c1, &v1->pos);transform_apply(&device->transform, &c2, &v2->pos);transform_apply(&device->transform, &c3, &v3->pos);// 裁剪,注意此处可以完善为具体判断几个点在 cvv内以及同cvv相交平面的坐标比例// 进行进一步精细裁剪,将一个分解为几个完全处在 cvv内的三角形if (transform_check_cvv(&c1) != 0) return;if (transform_check_cvv(&c2) != 0) return;if (transform_check_cvv(&c3) != 0) return;// 归一化transform_homogenize(&device->transform, &p1, &c1);transform_homogenize(&device->transform, &p2, &c2);transform_homogenize(&device->transform, &p3, &c3);// 纹理或者色彩绘制if (render_state & (RENDER_STATE_TEXTURE | RENDER_STATE_COLOR)) {vertex_t t1 = *v1, t2 = *v2, t3 = *v3;trapezoid_t traps[2];int n;t1.pos = p1; t2.pos = p2;t3.pos = p3;t1.pos.w = c1.w;t2.pos.w = c2.w;t3.pos.w = c3.w;vertex_rhw_init(&t1); // 初始化 wvertex_rhw_init(&t2); // 初始化 wvertex_rhw_init(&t3); // 初始化 w// 拆分三角形为0-2个梯形,并且返回可用梯形数量n = trapezoid_init_triangle(traps, &t1, &t2, &t3);if (n >= 1) device_render_trap(device, &traps[0]);if (n >= 2) device_render_trap(device, &traps[1]);}if (render_state & RENDER_STATE_WIREFRAME) { // 线框绘制device_draw_line(device, (int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)p2.x, (int)p2.y, device->foreground);device_draw_line(device, (int)p1.x, (int)p1.y, (int)p3.x, (int)p3.y, device->foreground);device_draw_line(device, (int)p3.x, (int)p3.y, (int)p2.x, (int)p2.y, device->foreground);}
// Win32 窗口及图形绘制:为 device 提供一个 DibSection 的 FB
int screen_w, screen_h, screen_exit = 0;
int screen_mx = 0, screen_my = 0, screen_mb = 0;
int screen_keys[512]; // 当前键盘按下状态
static HWND screen_handle = NULL; // 主窗口 HWND
static HDC screen_dc = NULL; // 配套的 HDC
static HBITMAP screen_hb = NULL; // DIB
static HBITMAP screen_ob = NULL; // 老的 BITMAP
unsigned char *screen_fb = NULL; // frame buffer
long screen_pitch = 0;int screen_init(int w, int h, const TCHAR *title); // 屏幕初始化
int screen_close(void); // 关闭屏幕
void screen_dispatch(void); // 处理消息
void screen_update(void); // 显示 FrameBuffer// win32 event handler
static LRESULT screen_events(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); #ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma comment(lib, "gdi32.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "user32.lib")
#endif// 初始化窗口并设置标题
int screen_init(int w, int h, const TCHAR *title) {WNDCLASS wc = { CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT, (WNDPROC)screen_events, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _T("SCREEN3.1415926") };BITMAPINFO bi = { { sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), w, -h, 1, 32, BI_RGB, w * h * 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 } };RECT rect = { 0, 0, w, h };int wx, wy, sx, sy;LPVOID ptr;HDC hDC;screen_close();wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);wc.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);if (!RegisterClass(&wc)) return -1;screen_handle = CreateWindow(_T("SCREEN3.1415926"), title,WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX,0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, wc.hInstance, NULL);if (screen_handle == NULL) return -2;screen_exit = 0;hDC = GetDC(screen_handle);screen_dc = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);ReleaseDC(screen_handle, hDC);screen_hb = CreateDIBSection(screen_dc, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &ptr, 0, 0);if (screen_hb == NULL) return -3;screen_ob = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(screen_dc, screen_hb);screen_fb = (unsigned char*)ptr;screen_w = w;screen_h = h;screen_pitch = w * 4;AdjustWindowRect(&rect, GetWindowLong(screen_handle, GWL_STYLE), 0);wx = rect.right - rect.left;wy = rect.bottom - rect.top;sx = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - wx) / 2;sy = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - wy) / 2;if (sy < 0) sy = 0;SetWindowPos(screen_handle, NULL, sx, sy, wx, wy, (SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_SHOWWINDOW));SetForegroundWindow(screen_handle);ShowWindow(screen_handle, SW_NORMAL);screen_dispatch();memset(screen_keys, 0, sizeof(int) * 512);memset(screen_fb, 0, w * h * 4);return 0;
}int screen_close(void) {if (screen_dc) {if (screen_ob) { SelectObject(screen_dc, screen_ob); screen_ob = NULL; }DeleteDC(screen_dc);screen_dc = NULL;}if (screen_hb) { DeleteObject(screen_hb); screen_hb = NULL; }if (screen_handle) { CloseWindow(screen_handle); screen_handle = NULL; }return 0;
}static LRESULT screen_events(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {switch (msg) {case WM_CLOSE: screen_exit = 1; break;case WM_KEYDOWN: screen_keys[wParam & 511] = 1; break;case WM_KEYUP: screen_keys[wParam & 511] = 0; break;default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);}return 0;
}void screen_dispatch(void) {MSG msg;while (1) {if (!PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) break;if (!GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) break;DispatchMessage(&msg);}
}void screen_update(void) {HDC hDC = GetDC(screen_handle);BitBlt(hDC, 0, 0, screen_w, screen_h, screen_dc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);ReleaseDC(screen_handle, hDC);screen_dispatch();
// 主程序
vertex_t mesh[8] = {{ { -1, -1, 1, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, { 1.0f, 0.2f, 0.2f }, 1 },{ { 1, -1, 1, 1 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.2f }, 1 },{ { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, 1 }, { 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f }, 1 },{ { -1, 1, 1, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 1.0f, 0.2f, 1.0f }, 1 },{ { -1, -1, -1, 1 }, { 0, 0 }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f }, 1 },{ { 1, -1, -1, 1 }, { 0, 1 }, { 0.2f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, 1 },{ { 1, 1, -1, 1 }, { 1, 1 }, { 1.0f, 0.3f, 0.3f }, 1 },{ { -1, 1, -1, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.3f }, 1 },
};void draw_plane(device_t *device, int a, int b, int c, int d) {vertex_t p1 = mesh[a], p2 = mesh[b], p3 = mesh[c], p4 = mesh[d];p1.tc.u = 0, p1.tc.v = 0, p2.tc.u = 0, p2.tc.v = 1;p3.tc.u = 1, p3.tc.v = 1, p4.tc.u = 1, p4.tc.v = 0;device_draw_primitive(device, &p1, &p2, &p3);device_draw_primitive(device, &p3, &p4, &p1);
}void draw_box(device_t *device, float theta) {matrix_t m;matrix_set_rotate(&m, -1, -0.5, 1, theta);device->transform.world = m;transform_update(&device->transform);draw_plane(device, 0, 1, 2, 3);draw_plane(device, 7, 6, 5, 4);draw_plane(device, 0, 4, 5, 1);draw_plane(device, 1, 5, 6, 2);draw_plane(device, 2, 6, 7, 3);draw_plane(device, 3, 7, 4, 0);
}void camera_at_zero(device_t *device, float x, float y, float z) {point_t eye = { x, y, z, 1 }, at = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, up = { 0, 0, 1, 1 };matrix_set_lookat(&device->transform.view, &eye, &at, &up);transform_update(&device->transform);
}void init_texture(device_t *device) {static IUINT32 texture[256][256];int i, j;for (j = 0; j < 256; j++) {for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {int x = i / 32, y = j / 32;texture[j][i] = ((x + y) & 1)? 0xffffff : 0x3fbcef;}}device_set_texture(device, texture, 256 * 4, 256, 256);
}int main(void)
{device_t device;int states[] = { RENDER_STATE_TEXTURE, RENDER_STATE_COLOR, RENDER_STATE_WIREFRAME };int indicator = 0;int kbhit = 0;float alpha = 1;float pos = 3.5;TCHAR *title = _T("Mini3d (software render tutorial) - ")_T("Left/Right: rotation, Up/Down: forward/backward, Space: switch state");if (screen_init(800, 600, title)) return -1;device_init(&device, 800, 600, screen_fb);camera_at_zero(&device, 3, 0, 0);init_texture(&device);device.render_state = RENDER_STATE_TEXTURE;while (screen_exit == 0 && screen_keys[VK_ESCAPE] == 0) {screen_dispatch();device_clear(&device, 1);camera_at_zero(&device, pos, 0, 0);if (screen_keys[VK_UP]) pos -= 0.01f;if (screen_keys[VK_DOWN]) pos += 0.01f;if (screen_keys[VK_LEFT]) alpha += 0.01f;if (screen_keys[VK_RIGHT]) alpha -= 0.01f;if (screen_keys[VK_SPACE]) {if (kbhit == 0) {kbhit = 1;if (++indicator >= 3) indicator = 0;device.render_state = states[indicator];}} else {kbhit = 0;}draw_box(&device, alpha);screen_update();Sleep(1);}return 0;
从0开始制作软渲染器(三)本文开始编写渲染器的代码。 本着色器很大程度上参考了韦易笑大神的RenderHelp渲染器。我的渲染器的理论是跟着Games101和《Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Fourth Edition》这本书来的,和韦大神渲染器中的方程不太一样(尤其是透视投影,深度测试的地方),所以如果要跟着我这系列博客学习,请务必从头看到尾,以避免公式和细节不一致的情况出现。 最https://visualgmq.gitee.io/2022/03/08/%E4%BB%8E0%E5%BC%80%E5%A7%8B%E5%88%B6%E4%BD%9C%E8%BD%AF%E6%B8%B2%E6%9F%93%E5%99%A8%EF%BC%88%E4%B8%89%EF%BC%89/
主要是记录学习mini3d代码时,查的资料; 从github下载的代码: GitHub - skywind3000/mini3d: 3D Software Renderer in 700 Lines !!3D Software Renderer in 700 Lines !! Contribute to skywind3000/mini3d development by creating an a…...
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ssh登录jdkmavenvimpingcurlFROM ubuntu:22.04RUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get install -y \vim \inetutils-ping \openssh-server \curl \openjdk-8-jdk \mavenRUN mkdir /var/run/sshdRUN echo root:root |chpasswdRUN sed -ri s/^#?PermitRootLogin\s.*/PermitRootLogin yes…...
我的 System Verilog 学习记录(8)
引言 本文简单介绍 SystemVerilog 的接口。 前文链接: 我的 System Verilog 学习记录(1) 我的 System Verilog 学习记录(2) 我的 System Verilog 学习记录(3) 我的 System Verilog 学习记…...
目录 1.概述 2.字节码文件构成 2.1.魔数 2.2.版本号 2.3.常量池 2.4.访问标志 2.5.索引 2.6.字段表 2.7.方法表 3.字节码指令 3.1.概述 3.2.指令分类 3.2.1.加载存储指令 3.2.2.运算指令 3.2.3.其他指令 3.3.完整指令工作流程 4.字节码保护 1.概述 以往的编程…...
最近有一个需求,前端发送一个form表单到一个邮箱,找了一圈发现emailjs还不错就使用他了。首先emailjs官网注册一个账号注册完之后创建一个邮件服务(我这里使用的是谷歌邮箱)链接谷歌邮箱账户 然后创建服务接下来就要创建一个邮件的…...
我试图将我的外部JS文件(包含在资产目录中)注入WebView,然后再调用它.这是我用来注入它的代码:webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {Overridepublic void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {super.onPageFinished(view, url);webView.loadUrl(&…...
业务场景: 点击查看更多进行数据拼接显示 实现思路: 我们先在公共方法里边声明俩个属性,一个是页数page,一个是每次查询条数。 页数默认的是第一页,我们在小程序的data里边设置一个page变量,默认也是1 当发起请求的时…...
创建云上的数据恢复计划,很重要的一点是持续跟踪基础架构,DR需求和可能的故障转移持续时间。 公有云给IT部门提供了绝佳的机会来实现业务的持续性/灾难恢复计划,而无需花费巨资构建独享的数据中心。有了云数据恢复系统之后,云就可…...
点击pom.xml右键选择make as maven project 就可以了...
wordpress 主题添加小工具/米拓建站
我不确定是什么原因导致我对下面的kata的解决方案失败。在如果我能很容易地测试3个案例。但是,这些测试用例的输入不可用。在这是我的解决方案的代码,它不会因为斜船而失败,只是偶尔会漏掉一次命中。在def damaged_or_sunk(board, attacks):#…...
本文环境与前言之前写过一篇相关的文章:在.NET Core之前,实现.Net跨平台之MonoCentOSJexus初体验 当时的部署还是比较繁琐的,而且需要联网下载各种东西..有兴趣的可以看看,但是..已经过时了.. 虽然已经出了.NET Core2.0 但是目前是预览版本,而且部署来说 相对比较麻烦. 今天我们…...