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网站开发属于软件吗,做神马seo快速排名软件,优设网app,新县城乡规划建设局网站要求 今天分享一个之前辅导留学生的作业,作业要求如下: Project E: Airways Management System Overall description: Your team is employed by an Airways company for the implementation of a computer system responsible for a large part of th…



Project E: Airways Management System
Overall description:
Your team is employed by an Airways company for the implementation of a computer
system responsible for a large part of the operation of the company.
Customer specifications:
The system must be able to store the information of planes, flights and passengers of
the company during the years of its operation. There are two types of planes P62 &
P124 with rectangular arrangements of 6*2 & 12*4 seats, respectively. The sources
and destinations of the currently available flights of the company (for simplicity,
assume only direct flights) are allocated from a set of city airports which can be
potentially extended. The different passengers can be allocated to specific flights and
The system should be able to provide functionality to the different users listed below:
1. An administrator who can include new flights, prices, dates, airports and perhaps
new planes for each of the two available types.
2. A ticket agent who can flexibly search for a specific flight inquired by a customer.
When the customer reserves or books a ticket, then the required details must be stored.
Such information includes flight id, payment details, expiration date of reservation,
route, allocated seat, viewing facilities of the seating plan, etc. Facilities to amend this
information must be provided.
3. A manager who can retrieve statistics about the company’s operation, such as the
number of planes for each type, total passengers per flight, total revenue, etc.









struct Plane{string ID;int type;//the type of the plane, 1-P62,2-P124string src;//start citystring dst;//destination citystring time;//time to set outint seatNum;//number of seats in a compartmentint remainTicket;//the remain ticket of a planeint price;//the price of a ticketPlane *next;Plane(){ next = NULL; }
};struct Ticket
{string passengerName;//the passenger namestring  planeID;int price;string expirationDate;//the expiration date of the ticketstring src;//start citystring dst;//destination cityint seatNum; Ticket* next;Ticket(){ next = NULL; }
};struct PlaneHead{Plane *head;int num;
};struct TicketHead{Ticket *head;int num;


void addNewPlane(PlaneHead *pchead){string ID;Plane *temp;Plane *pc = pchead->head;int loopFlag = 0;cout << "Add a new plane!" << endl;cout << "input the new plane's ID:";cin >> ID;if (searchByPlaneID(pchead, ID) != NULL){cout << "This plane ID is existed! Fail to add a new plane, please retry!" << endl;return;}temp = new Plane;temp->ID = ID;do{cout << "Please input the new plane's type(1 or 2):";cin >> temp->type;loopFlag = 0;if (temp->type != 1 && temp->type != 2){cout << "error type!the type should be either 1 or 2,re-input." << endl;loopFlag = 1;}} while (loopFlag);do{cout << "Please input the new plane's start city:";cin >> temp->src;cout << "Please input the new plane's destination city:";cin >> temp->dst;loopFlag = 0;if (temp->src == temp->dst){cout << "the start city %s and destination %s are the same!,please re-input!" << endl;loopFlag = 1;}} while (loopFlag);cout << "Please input the new plane's start time(eg. 12:00 ):";cin >> temp->time;cout << "Please input the new plane's ticket price:";cin >> temp->price;if (temp->type == P62)temp->seatNum = 6 * 2;elsetemp->seatNum = 12 * 4;temp->remainTicket = temp->seatNum;temp->next = NULL;if (pc == NULL)pchead->head = temp;else{while (pc->next)pc = pc->next;pc->next = temp;}pchead->num++;cout << "Add the new plane successfully!" << endl;


void changePlaneInfo(PlaneHead *pchead){int loopFlag = 0;string ID;char choose;Plane *pc;cout << "please input the plane's ID you want to change: ";cin >> ID;pc = searchByPlaneID(pchead, ID);if (pc == NULL){cout << "The plane ID is not existed!" << endl;return;}cout << "Tips:  you can only change a plane's ticket price,start time,start city and destination city information!" << endl;do{cout << "The plane " << ID << "'s start city: " << pc->src << " ,you want to change?(y/n) ";cin >> choose;if (choose == 'Y' || choose == 'y'){cout << "Please input the new start city: ";cin >> pc->src;}cout << "The plane " << ID << "'s destination: " << pc->dst << " ,you want to change?(y/n) ";cin >> choose;if (choose == 'Y' || choose == 'y'){cout << "Please input the new destination: ";cin >> pc->dst;}if (pc->src == pc->dst){cout << "the start city and destination are the same!" << endl;loopFlag = 1;}} while (loopFlag);cout << "The plane " << ID << "'s start time: " << pc->time << " ,you want to change?(y/n) ";cin >> choose;if (choose == 'Y' || choose == 'y'){cout << "Please input the new start time: ";cin >> pc->time;}cout << "The plane " << ID << "'s price: " << pc->price << " ,you want to change?(y/n) ";cin >> choose;if (choose == 'Y' || choose == 'y'){cout << "Please input the new price: ";cin >> pc->price;}cout << "change successfully!" << endl;


Plane *searchByPlaneID(PlaneHead *pchead, string ID){Plane *pc = pchead->head;while (pc){if (pc->ID == ID)return pc;//find the IDpc = pc->next;}return NULL;







要求 今天分享一个之前辅导留学生的作业&#xff0c;作业要求如下&#xff1a; Project E: Airways Management System Overall description: Your team is employed by an Airways company for the implementation of a computer system responsible for a large part of th…...


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