之前一直在做ThreeJS方向,整理了两篇R3F(React Three Fiber)的文档,这是基础篇,如果您的业务场景需要使用R3F,您又对R3F不太了解,或者不想使用R3F全英文文档,您可以参考一下这篇,作为学习R3F的基础教程使用。
R3F(React Three Fiber)经验篇
- 一、R3F基础
- 一、React Three Fiber基础
- 1. 基础场景搭建
- 2. 自定义Geometry
- 3. useFrame
- 4. toneMapping (色调映射)
- 二、@react-three/drei
- 1. OrbitControls
- 2. TransformControls
- 3. PivotControls
- 4. Html
- 5. Text
- 6. Float
- 7. 镜面反射材质
- 三、Debugger
- 1. leva
- 2. r3f-perf
- 3. useHelper
- 三、Environment
- 1. 设置背景颜色
- 2. 配置阴影
- 3. 天空盒
- 4. 场景HDR文件
- 四、Load Models
- 1. useLoader
- 2. Suspense
- 3. useGLTF
- 4. GLTF Clone(模型克隆)
- 5. GLTF Animation
- 6. Text3D
- 7. useMatcapTexture
- 8. Multiple model processing
- 五、Mouse Event
- 1. EventHandler
- 2. Event Kind
- 六、Post Processing
- 1. Install
- 2. multisampling 多重采样
- 3. vignette 晕映
- 4. Glitch 失灵
- 5. Noise 噪点
- 6. Bloom
- 7. DepthOfField 景深
- 七、Physics
- 1. Installation
- **2. RigidBody:刚体**
- 3. Controll rigidbody movement
- 4. grvity 重力
- 5. gravityScale,restitution,friction
- 6. RigidBody mass 刚体重力
一、React Three Fiber基础
1. 基础场景搭建
function App() {const cameraSettings = {fov: 1,zoom: 100,near: 0.1,far: 200,position: new Vector3(3, 2, 6)}return (<><Canvasorthographic={true}camera={{ ...cameraSettings }}><Experience /></Canvas></>)
const cameraSettings = {// fov: 1,// zoom: 100,near: 0.1,far: 200,position: new Vector3(3, 2, 6)
}<Canvasgl={ {antialias: true,toneMapping: ACESFilmicToneMapping,outputEncoding: LinearEncoding} }// orthographic={true} // orthographic 会影响Environment组件camera={{ ...cameraSettings }}shadows={true}onCreated={created}
><Experience />
import "@react-three/fiber";
import { useRef } from "react";
import { Group } from "three";
import {extend, useFrame, useThree} from "@react-three/fiber";
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js';
import CustomObject from "./CustomObject.tsx";extend({ OrbitControls })export default function Experience() {const { camera, gl } = useThree();const cubeRef = useRef<any>(null!);const groupRef = useRef<Group>(null!);useFrame(() => {cubeRef.current.rotation.y += 0.01;})return <>{/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment */}{/* @ts-ignore */}<orbitControls args={ [camera, gl.domElement] } /><directionalLight position={ [ 1, 2, 3 ] } intensity={ 1.5 } /><ambientLight intensity={ 0.5 } /><group ref={groupRef}><mesh><sphereGeometry/><meshStandardMaterial color={'orange'}/></mesh><mesh ref={cubeRef} rotation-y={Math.PI * 0.25} position-x={2} scale={1.5}><boxGeometry/><meshStandardMaterial color={"mediumpurple"} wireframe={false}/></mesh><mesh position-y={-1} rotation-x={-Math.PI * 0.5} scale={10}><planeGeometry/><meshStandardMaterial color={"greenyellow"}/></mesh></group></>
2. 自定义Geometry
import { DoubleSide, BufferGeometry } from "three";
import {useEffect, useMemo, useRef} from "react";export default function CustomObject() {const geometryRef = useRef<BufferGeometry>(null!);const verticesCount = 10 * 3;const positions = useMemo(() => {const positions = new Float32Array(verticesCount * 3);for (let i = 0; i < verticesCount; i++) {positions[i] = (Math.random() - 0.5) * 3;}return positions;}, [verticesCount]);useEffect(() => {geometryRef.current.computeVertexNormals();}, []);return <mesh><bufferGeometry ref={geometryRef}><bufferAttributeattach={"attributes-position"}count={verticesCount}itemSize={3}array={positions}/></bufferGeometry><meshBasicMaterial color={"red"} side={ DoubleSide } /></mesh>
3. useFrame
useFrame((state, delta) => {// delta 一直是 1.33console.log(delta);// 开始渲染时间console.log(state.clock.getElapsedTime());console.log(state.clock.elapsedTime);cubeRef.current.rotation.y += delta;
useFrame((state, delta) => {const angle = state.clock.elapsedTime;state.camera.position.x = Math.sin(angle);state.camera.position.z = Math.cos(angle);state.camera.lookAt(0, 0, 0);
<Canvasgl={ {antialias: true // 抗锯齿} }orthographic={true} // 效果不详camera={{ ...cameraSettings }}
4. toneMapping (色调映射)
<Canvasgl={ {antialias: true,toneMapping: ACESFilmicToneMapping} }orthographic={true}camera={{ ...cameraSettings }}
1. OrbitControls
import {extend, useFrame, useThree} from "@react-three/fiber";
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls.js';extend({ OrbitControls })const { camera, gl } = useThree();
<orbitControls args={ [camera, gl.domElement] } />
import {OrbitControls} from "@react-three/drei";
<OrbitControls />
2. TransformControls
import { TransformControls } from "@react-three/drei";
<TransformControls><mesh ref={cubeRef} rotation-y={Math.PI * 0.25} position-x={2} scale={1.5}><boxGeometry/><meshStandardMaterial color={"mediumpurple"} wireframe={false}/></mesh>
<TransformControls object={ cubeRef } />
<OrbitControls makeDefault={true}/>
TransformControlsProps:mode?: 'translate' | 'rotate' | 'scale';
3. PivotControls
<PivotControls anchor={[2, 0, 0]} depthTest={false}>
PivotControlsPropsscale?: number;lineWidth?: number;rotation?: [number, number, number];axisColors?: [string | number, string | number, string | number];anchor?: [number, number, number];depthTest?: boolean;
4. Html
<mesh position-x={-2}><sphereGeometry/><meshStandardMaterial color={'orange'}/><HtmlwrapperClass={ 'label' } // label > div { color: white }position={ [1, 1, 0] }centerdistanceFactor={ 0.01 } // 越大,字体越大occlude={ [ cubeRef ] } // 文字遮挡效果>This is sphere.</Html>
Generating a 3D text geometry has its limits
- We can notice the polygons
- Takes a lot of CPU resources
- Some fonts won’t look very good
- Doesn’t support line breaks
5. Text
<Textfont={ '' }fontSize={ 1 }color={'salmon'}position-y={ 2 }maxWidth={ 3 }textAlign={ 'center' }
>I Love R3F
6. Float
让一个物体 飘来飘去
<Float speed={4}><Textfont={''}fontSize={ 1 }color={'salmon'}position-y={ 2 }maxWidth={ 3 }textAlign={ 'center' }>I Love R3F</Text>
7. 镜面反射材质
<mesh rotation={[-Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]} position={[-10, 0, 25]}><planeGeometry args={[250, 250]} /><MeshReflectorMaterialblur={[300, 100]}resolution={2048}mixBlur={1}mixStrength={80}roughness={1}depthScale={1.2}minDepthThreshold={0.4}maxDepthThreshold={1.4}color="#050505"metalness={0.5}mirror={0}/>
1. leva
import { useControls, button } from 'leva';
const {position: ct_position,color: ct_color,visible: ct_visible,
} = useControls('sphere', {position: {value: { x: -2, y: 0 },step: 0.01,joystick: 'invertY'},color: '#ff0000',visible: true,myInterval: {min: 0,max: 10,value: [ 4, 5 ]},choice: { options: ['a', 'b', 'c'] },clickMe: button(() => console.log('ok'))
2. r3f-perf
import { Perf } from "r3f-perf";
<Perf position={'top-left'}/>
3. useHelper
import { useHelper, } from "@react-three/drei";
import { DirectionalLightHelper, DirectionalLight } from "three";const directionalLight = useRef<DirectionalLight>(null!);
useHelper(directionalLight, DirectionalLightHelper);
1. 设置背景颜色
- 通过 color 标签
<Canvasgl={ {antialias: true,toneMapping: ACESFilmicToneMapping,outputEncoding: LinearEncoding} }orthographic={true}camera={{ ...cameraSettings }}shadows={true}
><color args={ ['#ff0000'] } attach={"background"} /><Experience />
- 通过 onCreated 钩子函数
const created = (state: RootState) => {console.log('canvas created! ');const { gl, scene } = state;gl.setClearColor('#ff0000', 1);scene.background = new Color('red');
}<Canvasgl={ {antialias: true,toneMapping: ACESFilmicToneMapping,outputEncoding: LinearEncoding} }orthographic={true}camera={{ ...cameraSettings }}shadows={true}onCreated={created}
><Experience />
- 通过CSS样式
*, html, body {padding: 0;margin: 0;
#root {position: fixed;top: 0;left: 0;width: 100%;height: 100%;overflow: hidden;
2. 配置阴影
- 阴影参数
{/*shadow-camera-top,right,bottom,left 阴影是否柔和,越大阴影越柔和*/}
<directionalLightref={ directionalLight }position={ [ 1, 2, 3 ] }intensity={ 1.5 }castShadow={ true }shadow-mapSize={ [1024 * 4, 1024 * 4] }shadow-camera-near={ 1 }shadow-camera-far={ 10 }shadow-camera-top={ 200 }shadow-camera-right={ 200 }shadow-camera-bottom={ - 200 }shadow-camera-left={ - 200 }
- 阴影烘焙,在适当的场景下 添加BakeShadows组件
<BakeShadows />
- 柔和阴影
- 累积阴影
<AccumulativeShadowsposition={ [ 0, - 0.99, 0 ] }scale={ 10 }color={ '#316d39' }opacity={ 0.8 }// frames={ Infinity }// temporal={ true }// blend={ 100 }
><RandomizedLightamount={ 8 }radius={ 1 }ambient={ 0.5 }intensity={ 1 }position={ [ 1, 2, 3 ] }bias={ 0.001 }/>
- 接触阴影
const {position: cs_position,color: cs_color,opacity: cs_opacity,blur: cs_blur,
} = useControls('ContactShadows', {position: { value: { x: 0, y: - 0.99 }, step: 0.01, joystick: 'invertY' },color: '#000000',opacity: { value: 0.5, min: 0, max: 1 },blur: { value: 1, min: 0, max: 10 },clickMe: button(() => console.log('ok'))
})<ContactShadowsposition={ [cs_position.x, cs_position.y, 0] }scale={ 10 }resolution={ 128 }far={ 5 }color={ cs_color }blur={ cs_blur }opacity={ cs_opacity }
3. 天空盒
<Sky distance={20} />
4. 场景HDR文件
<Environmentbackgroundfiles={ '/industrial.hdr' }// ground={{// radius: 1,// scale: 100,// height: 0// }}// preset="apartment" 预设场景
import { suspend } from 'suspend-react'
const city = import('@pmndrs/assets/hdri/city.exr').then((module) => module.default)<Environment files={suspend(city)} />
四、Load Models
1. useLoader
import {GLTFLoader} from "three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader.js";const modelCyberpunk = useLoader(GLTFLoader, './cyberpunk.glb');
Draco是一个用于压缩和解压缩 3D 网格和点云的开源库。压缩后的几何图形可以明显更小,但代价是客户端设备上需要额外的解码时间。
const modelCyberpunk = useLoader(GLTFLoader, './cyberpunk.glb', loader => {const dracoLoader = new DRACOLoader()dracoLoader.setDecoderPath('./draco/')loader.setDRACOLoader(dracoLoader);
2. Suspense
<Suspense fallback={<PlaceHolder scale={5}/>}><ModelCyberpunk />
const PlaceHolder = (props: MeshProps) => {return <mesh {...props}><boxGeometry /><meshStandardMaterial wireframe={true} color={ 'red' } /></mesh>
}export default PlaceHolder;
3. useGLTF
Secondary Encapsulation of useLoadler(useLoadler的二次封装)
export declare function useGLTF<T extends string | string[]>(path: T, useDraco?: boolean | string, useMeshOpt?: boolean, extendLoader?: (loader: GLTFLoader) => void): T extends any[] ? import("three-stdlib").GLTF[] : import("three-stdlib").GLTF;
Extend the useGLTF return value type(对useGLTF 的返回值类型进行拓展)
declare type GLTFEnhance = import('three-stdlib').GLTF & {nodes: Record<string, import("three").Mesh>;materials: Record<string, import("three").MeshStandardMaterial>;
};const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF('/cyberpunk.glb', true) as C_GLTF;
GLTF 预加载(preload)
// Remember to write outside the component.
4. GLTF Clone(模型克隆)
/*** Returns a clone of `this` object and optionally all descendants.* @param recursive If true, descendants of the object are also cloned. Default `true`** clone(recursive?: boolean): this;*/
<primitive object={scene.clone()}></primitive>
Clone Component
Declarative abstraction around THREE.Object3D.clone. This is useful when you want to create a shallow copy of an existing fragment (and Object3D, Groups, etc) into your scene, for instance a group from a loaded GLTF. This clone is now re-usable, but it will still refer to the original geometries and materials.
import {Clone} from "@react-three/drei";<group {...props} dispose={null}><Clone object={scene.clone()} position-x={ -10 }></Clone><Clone object={scene.clone()} position-x={ 0 }></Clone><Clone object={scene.clone()} position-x={ 10 }></Clone>
5. GLTF Animation
const { animations: gAnimations, scene} = useGLTF('./dog.glb', true) as GLTFEnhance;
const { actions } = useAnimations(gAnimations, scene);useEffect(() => {const play_dead = actions["0|play_dead_0"]!const rollover = actions["0|rollover_0"]!const shake = actions["0|shake_0"]!const sitting = actions["0|sitting_0"]!const standing = actions["0|standing_0"]!shake.play();window.setTimeout(() => {rollover.play();rollover.crossFadeFrom(shake, 1, false)}, 10000)}, []);
const { animations: gAnimations, scene
} = useGLTF('./dog.glb', true) as GLTFEnhance;const { actions, names } = useAnimations(gAnimations, scene);
const { animationName } = useControls({ animationName: { options: names } })useEffect(() => {const action = actions[animationName]!action.fadeIn(0.5).play()return () => { action.fadeOut(0.5) }
}, [animationName]);
6. Text3D
const [ matcapTexture ] = useMatcapTexture('3E2335_D36A1B_8E4A2E_2842A5', 256);<Text3Dfont={'./Regular.json'}size={ 0.75 }height={ 0.2 }curveSegments={ 12 }bevelEnabled={ true }bevelThickness={ 0.02 }bevelSize={ 0.02 }bevelOffset={ 0 }bevelSegments={ 5 }
The purpose of bevel-ralated properties is to make the font smoother.
bevel 的作用是让字体变得更加圆滑。
font属性需要填写一个被称作 typeface.json的字体文件,可在这个网站 https://gero3.github.io/facetype.js/ 将原始的ttf文件经过转化后得到。
The font props requires filling in a font file called typeface.json,which can be obtained by converting the orignal ttf file on https://gero3.github.io/facetype.js website.
7. useMatcapTexture
The built in Texture can use in testing, not in the production environment.
/*** The name of seconds parameters is format, we can choose between 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024* In our case, 256 is more than enough and you should try to use the smallest possible size for performance reasons.*/
const [ matcapTexture ] = useMatcapTexture('3E2335_D36A1B_8E4A2E_2842A5', 256);
8. Multiple model processing
You shoud write the geometry, materal in mesh property when repeatedly rendering a model of the same geometry with the same materal. It performance better this way.
{[...Array(100)].map((_, index) =><meshkey={new Date().toString() + index}position={[(Math.random() - 0.5) * 10,(Math.random() - 0.5) * 10,(Math.random() - 0.5) * 10,]}scale={0.2 + Math.random() * 0.2}rotation={[Math.random() + Math.PI,Math.random() + Math.PI,Math.random() + Math.PI,]}geometry={torusGeometry}material={material}><torusGeometry args={[1, 0.6, 16, 32]} /><meshMatcapMaterial matcap={matcapTexture}/></mesh>)
const Text3DHello: FC = memo(() => {const [matcapTexture] = useMatcapTexture('3E2335_D36A1B_8E4A2E_2842A5', 256);const [torusGeometry, setTorusGeometry] = useState<TorusGeometry>();const [material, setMaterial] = useState<MeshMatcapMaterial>();return <><torusGeometry ref={(torusGeometry) => setTorusGeometry(torusGeometry!)} args={[1, 0.6, 16, 32]} /><meshMatcapMaterial ref={(material) => setMaterial(material!) } matcap={matcapTexture}/><Center><Text3Dfont={'./Regular.json'}size={0.75}height={0.2}curveSegments={12}bevelEnabled={true}bevelThickness={0.02}bevelSize={0.02}bevelOffset={0}bevelSegments={5}>你好,React Three Fiber !<meshMatcapMaterial matcap={matcapTexture}/></Text3D></Center>{[...Array(100)].map((_, index) =><meshkey={new Date().toString() + index}position={[(Math.random() - 0.5) * 10,(Math.random() - 0.5) * 10,(Math.random() - 0.5) * 10,]}scale={0.2 + Math.random() * 0.2}rotation={[Math.random() + Math.PI,Math.random() + Math.PI,Math.random() + Math.PI,]}geometry={torusGeometry}material={material}/>)}</>
The better approach is to use OOP.
import {FC, memo, useEffect} from "react";
import {Center, Text3D, useMatcapTexture} from "@react-three/drei";
import {MeshMatcapMaterial, TorusGeometry} from "three";const torusGeometry = new TorusGeometry(1, 0.6, 16, 32);
const material = new MeshMatcapMaterial();const Text3DHello: FC = memo(() => {const [matcapTexture] = useMatcapTexture('3E2335_D36A1B_8E4A2E_2842A5', 256);useEffect(() => {matcapTexture.needsUpdate = true;material.matcap = matcapTexture;material.needsUpdate = true;}, [matcapTexture]);return <><Center><Text3Dfont={'./Regular.json'}size={0.75}height={0.2}curveSegments={12}bevelEnabled={true}bevelThickness={0.02}bevelSize={0.02}bevelOffset={0}bevelSegments={5}>你好,React Three Fiber !<meshMatcapMaterial matcap={matcapTexture}/></Text3D></Center>{[...Array(100)].map((_, index) =><meshkey={new Date().toString() + index}position={[(Math.random() - 0.5) * 10,(Math.random() - 0.5) * 10,(Math.random() - 0.5) * 10,]}scale={0.2 + Math.random() * 0.2}rotation={[Math.random() + Math.PI,Math.random() + Math.PI,Math.random() + Math.PI,]}geometry={torusGeometry}material={material}/>)}</>
});export default Text3DHello;
Use useFrame and useRef to add animation.
const donuts = useRef<Mesh[]>([]);useFrame((_, delta) => {for (const donut of donuts.current) donut.rotation.y += delta * 0.5
})// ...
<mesh ref={(mesh) => { donuts.current[index] = mesh! }}
// ...
or use group tag**(not recommanded)**
const donutsGroup = useRef<Group>(null!);useFrame((_, delta) => {for (const donut of donutsGroup.current.children) donut.rotation.y += delta * 0.1
}<group ref={ donutsGroup }>{ [...Array(100)].map((_, index) => <mesh // ... }
五、Mouse Event
1. EventHandler
const eventHandler = (event: ThreeEvent<MouseEvent>) => {console.log('event.uv', event.distance) // distance between camera and hit point.console.log('event.uv', event.uv)console.log('event.point', event.point) // Hit point coordinates (坐标).console.log('event.object', event.object)console.log('event.eventObject', event.eventObject) // Usually, eventObject is the same as objectconsole.log('event.x', event.x) // 2D Screen coordinates of the pointerconsole.log('event.y', event.y)console.log('event.shiftKey', event.shiftKey)console.log('event.ctrlKey', event.ctrlKey)console.log('event.metaKey', event.metaKey) // Click while holding down command / win key.
2. Event Kind
- On a mobile, by pressing down for some time.
- It works bisically the same as onClick.
- The delay between the first and second click/tap is defined by the OS
onPointerOver and onPointerEnter
- When the cursor or finger just went above the object
- When the user clicks outside of the object. ( Cannot get the event.object parameter ).
六、Post Processing
1. Install
We need tow dependencies,@react-three/postprocessing,
postprocesssing, But for now, the only we neeed to install is @react-three/postprocessing
since the dependency will also install postprocesssing
"@react-three/drei": "^9.85.1",
"@react-three/fiber": "^8.14.2",
"@react-three/postprocessing": "2.6",
"postprocessing": "~6.31.2",
"r3f-perf": "^7.1.2",
"three": "~0.151.0",
"three-stdlib": "^2.27.0"
2. multisampling 多重采样
The default value is 8.
<EffectComposer multisampling={16} />
3. vignette 晕映
The default effect is add a black mask around the sceen.
<Vignette offset={0.3} darkness={0.9} />
You can specify the blending(混合、交融) method.
import { BlendFunction } from "postprocessing";
<Vignetteoffset={0.3}darkness={0.9}blendFunction={ BlendFunction.ALPHA }
4. Glitch 失灵
Create snowflake(雪花) glitch effect like an old-fashioned TV.
<Glitch delay={ new Vector2(1, 1) } mode={ GlitchMode.SPORADIC } />
Delay attribute reviews a value of type Vector2.It represents the delay time for the horizontal and vertical axes.
The same effect to other attributes.
delay?: import("three").Vector2;
duration?: import("three").Vector2;
strength?: import("three").Vector2;
Effect Mode
mode: typeof GlitchMode[keyof typeof GlitchMode];export enum GlitchMode {DISABLED,SPORADIC,CONSTANT_MILD,CONSTANT_WILD,
5. Noise 噪点
<Noise blendFunction={ BlendFunction.SOFT_LIGHT } premultiply // effect overlay
BlendFunction.OVERLAY // 叠加
BlendFunction.SCREEN // It doesn't work well in bright scenes
6. Bloom
Bloom can be used to build an object glow(发光,同luminescence)effect
1、Set material attriblue.
Set larger value for color attriblue.
<meshStandardMaterial color={ [ 1.5 * 30, 1 * 30, 4 * 30 ] } toneMapped={ false }
Or set standard color, and set emissive attriblue and emissiveIntensity attibute.
<meshStandardMaterial color={ 'white' } emissive={ 'yellow' } emissiveIntensity={ 10 } toneMapped={ false }
2、Set Bloom effect component attriblue.
<BloommipmapBlur={ true } // always trueintensity={ 1 }luminanceSmoothing={ 2 } // 滤波luminanceThreshold={ 10 } // 阈值
7. DepthOfField 景深
<DepthOfFieldfocusDistance={ 0.025 }focalLength={ 0.025 }bokehScale={ 6 }
1. Installation
pnpm install @react-three/rapier
2. RigidBody:刚体
colliders:对撞机,设置刚体碰撞形状,ball 球,cuboid 矩形,hull Mesh的船体形状,trimesh Mesh网线形状
export declare type RigidBodyAutoCollider = "ball" | "cuboid" | "hull" | "trimesh" | false;
Scene Example:
<Physics debug={true}><RigidBody colliders={'ball'} type={"dynamic"}><mesh castShadow={true} position={[0, 10, 0]}><sphereGeometry /><meshStandardMaterial color={'orange'} /></mesh></RigidBody><RigidBody colliders={'trimesh'}><mesh castShadow={true} position={[0, 1, 0]} rotation={[Math.PI * 0.5, 0, 0]}><torusGeometry args={[1, 0.5, 16, 32]} /><meshStandardMaterial color={'mediumpurple'} /></mesh></RigidBody><RigidBody type={"fixed"}><mesh receiveShadow={true} position={[0, 0, 0]} scale={1}><boxGeometry args={[10, 0.5, 10]}/><meshStandardMaterial color={"greenyellow"}/></mesh></RigidBody></Physics>
You can use CuboidCollider Component to add rigid body shape manually.
<RigidBody colliders={false} position={[0, 1, 0]} rotation={[Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]}><CuboidCollider args={[1.5, 1.5, 0.5]} /><CuboidCollider args={[1, 1, 1]} /><mesh castShadow={true}><torusGeometry args={[1, 0.5, 16, 32]} /><meshStandardMaterial color={'mediumpurple'} /></mesh>
BallCollider, the ball shape of rigid bidy.
<RigidBody colliders={false} position={[0, 1, 0]} rotation={[Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]}><BallCollider args={[1.5]} /><mesh castShadow={true}>n<torusGeometry args={[1, 0.5, 16, 32]} /><meshStandardMaterial color={'mediumpurple'} /></mesh>
3. Controll rigidbody movement
const cubeRigid = useRef<RapierRigidBody>(null!);const { camera } = useThree();const cubeJump = (event: ThreeEvent<MouseEvent>) => {cubeRigid.current.applyImpulse({ x: 0, y: 2, z: 0 }, false)cubeRigid.current.applyTorqueImpulse({ x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 }, false)const { eventObject } = event;// console.log(eventObject.position)const [epx,epy,epz] = eventObject.positioncamera.position.set(epx, epy - 4, epz + 4);camera.rotation.set(0, 0, 0);
}<Physics debug={true}><RigidBodycolliders={'cuboid'}type={"dynamic"}ref={cubeRigid}><meshcastShadow={true}position={[0, 10, 0]}onClick={cubeJump}><boxGeometry/><meshStandardMaterial color={'orange'} /></mesh></RigidBody><RigidBody type={"fixed"}><mesh receiveShadow={true} position={[0, 0, 0]} scale={1}><boxGeometry args={[10, 0.5, 10]}/><meshStandardMaterial color={"greenyellow"}/></mesh></RigidBody></Physics>
4. grvity 重力
You can set the gravity size and direction.
<Physicsdebug={true}gravity={[0, -1.6, 0]}
5. gravityScale,restitution,friction
- gravityScale 重力倍率
- restitution 恢复原状
- friction 摩擦力(摩擦力是两个对象作用)
<RigidBodycolliders={'cuboid'}type={"dynamic"}ref={cubeRigid}gravityScale={ 1 }restitution={ 1 }
6. RigidBody mass 刚体重力
const cubeRigid = useRef<RapierRigidBody>(null!);
const cubeMesh = useRef<Mesh>(null!);
const cubeJump = (_: ThreeEvent<MouseEvent>) => {const mass = cubeRigid.current.mass();cubeRigid.current.applyImpulse({ x: 0, y: 5 * mass, z: 0 }, false)cubeRigid.current.applyTorqueImpulse({ x: 0, y: 1 * mass, z: 0 }, false)
return <Physicsdebug={true}gravity={[0, -8, 0]}
><RigidBodycolliders={false}type={"dynamic"}ref={cubeRigid}gravityScale={ 1 }restitution={ 1 }friction={1}><CuboidColliderargs={[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]}position={[0, 10, 0]}mass={10}/><meshref={cubeMesh}castShadow={true}position={[0, 10, 0]}onClick={cubeJump}><boxGeometry/><meshStandardMaterial color={'orange'} /></mesh></RigidBody>

R3F(React Three Fiber)基础篇
之前一直在做ThreeJS方向,整理了两篇R3F(React Three Fiber)的文档,这是基础篇,如果您的业务场景需要使用R3F,您又对R3F不太了解,或者不想使用R3F全英文文档,您可以参考一下这篇&…...

文章目录 torch\tensorflow在大语言模型LLM中的作用 torch\tensorflow在大语言模型LLM中的作用 在大型语言模型(LLM)中,PyTorch和TensorFlow这两个深度学习框架起着至关重要的作用。它们为构建、训练和部署LLM提供了必要的工具和基础设施。 …...

0 引言 创建型模式(Creational Pattern)关注对象的创建过程,是一类最常用的设计模式,每个创建型模式都通过采用不同的解决方案来回答3个问题:创建什么(What),由谁创建(W…...

备战蓝桥杯—— 双指针技巧巧答链表1
对于单链表相关的问题,双指针技巧是一种非常广泛且有效的解决方法。以下是一些常见问题以及使用双指针技巧解决: 合并两个有序链表: 使用两个指针分别指向两个链表的头部,逐一比较节点的值,将较小的节点链接到结果链表…...

文章目录 前言一、获取小程序栈二、生命周期触发总结 前言 界面由A到B,在由B返回A,触发刷新动作 一、获取小程序栈 界面A代码 shuaxin(){//此处可进行接口请求从而实现更新数据的效果console.log("刷新本页面数据啦")},界面B代码 // 返回触…...

文章目录 5. Spring⼯⼚创建复杂对象5.1 什么是复杂对象5.2 Spring⼯⼚创建复杂对象的3种⽅式5.2.1 FactoryBean 接口5.2.2 实例⼯⼚5.2.3 静态工厂 5.3 Spring 工厂的总结 6. 控制Spring⼯⼚创建对象的次数6.1 如何控制简单对象的创建次数6.2 如何控制复杂对象的创建次数6.3 为…...

Top-N 泛型工具类
一、代码实现 通过封装 PriorityQueue 实现,PriorityQueue 本质上是完全二叉树实现的小根堆(相对来说,如果比较器反向比较则是大根堆)。 public class TopNUtil<E extends Comparable<E>> {private final PriorityQ…...

Java 后端面试指南
面试指南 TMD,一个后端为什么要了解那么多的知识,真是服了。啥啥都得了解 MySQL MySQL索引可能在以下几种情况下失效: 不遵循最左匹配原则:在联合索引中,如果没有使用索引的最左前缀,即查询条件中没有包含…...

142.环形链表 ||
给定一个链表的头节点 head ,返回链表开始入环的第一个节点。 如果链表无环,则返回 null。 如果链表中有某个节点,可以通过连续跟踪 next 指针再次到达,则链表中存在环。 为了表示给定链表中的环,评测系统内部使用整…...

Nacos、Eureka和Zookeeper都是常用的注册中心,它们在功能和实现方式上存在一些不同。 Nacos除了作为注册中心外,还提供了配置管理、服务发现和事件通知等功能。Nacos默认情况下采用AP架构保证服务可用性,CP架构底层采用Raft协议保证数据的一…...

目录 1 平面位移 1.1 基本使用 1.2 单独方向的位移 1.3 使用平面位移实现绝对位置居中 2 平面旋转 2.1 基本使用 2.2 圆点转换 2.3 多重转换 3 平面缩放 3.1 基本使用 3.2 渐变的使用 4 空间转换 4.1 空间位移 4.1.1 基本使用 4.1.2 透视 4.2 空间旋转 4.3 立…...

【LangchainStreamlit】旅游聊天机器人_langchain streamlit-CSDN博客 视频讲解地址:【Langchain Agent】带推销功能的旅游聊天机器人_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 体验地址: github地址:GitHub - jerry1900/langcha…...

并查集 1. 概念 并查集主要用于解决一些 元素分组 问题,通过以下操作管理一系列不相交的集合: 合并(Union):把两个不相交的集合合并成一个集合 查询(Find):查询两个元素是否在同一…...

TensorRT及CUDA自学笔记003 NVCC及其命令行参数
TensorRT及CUDA自学笔记003 NVCC及其命令行参数 各位大佬,这是我的自学笔记,如有错误请指正,也欢迎在评论区学习交流,谢谢! NVCC是一种编译器,基于一些命令行参数可以将使用PTX或C语言编写的代码编译成可…...

数据库管理-第154期 Oracle Vector DB AI-06(20240223)
数据库管理154期 2024-02-23 数据库管理-第154期 Oracle Vector DB & AI-06(20240223)1 环境准备创建表空间及用户TNSNAME配置 2 Oracle Vector的DML操作创建示例表插入基础数据DML操作UPDATE操作DELETE操作 3 多Vector列表4 固定维度的向量操作5 不…...

解决uni-app vue3 nvue中使用pinia页面空白问题
main.js中,最关键的就是Pinia要return出去的问题,至于原因嘛! 很忙啊,先用着吧 import App from ./App import * as Pinia from pinia import { createSSRApp } from vue export function createApp() {const app createSSRApp(App);app.us…...

1.题目: 写一个函数,求两个整数之和,要求在函数体内不得使用、-、*、/四则运算符号。 数据范围:两个数都满足 −10≤�≤1000−10≤n≤1000 进阶:空间复杂度 �(1)O(1),时间复杂度 &am…...

旅游组团自驾游拼团系统 微信小程序python+java+node.js+php

LeetCode 第41天 | 背包问题 二维数组 一维数组 416.分割等和子集 动态规划
46. 携带研究材料(第六期模拟笔试) 题目描述 小明是一位科学家,他需要参加一场重要的国际科学大会,以展示自己的最新研究成果。他需要带一些研究材料,但是他的行李箱空间有限。这些研究材料包括实验设备、文献资料和实…...

Ubuntu20.04和Windows11下配置StarCraft II环境
1.Ubuntu20.04 根据下面这篇博客就可以顺利安装: 强化学习实战(九) Linux下配置星际争霸Ⅱ环境https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_39059031/article/details/117247635?spm1001.2014.3001.5506 Ubuntu下显示游戏界面目前还没有解决掉。 大家可以根据以下链接看看能…...

摘要:在这项工作中,我们比较了通过两种方法制备的 Pt 单原子催化剂(SAC)的 CO 氧化性能:(1)传统的湿化学合成(强静电吸附strong electrostatic adsorption–SEA)…...

git 将一个分支的提交移动到另一个分支
假设想把分支A上的最后一部分commit移动到分支B之上: 首先切到分支B git checkout B然后执行如下指令,commit id 为A分支上,需要移动的那些提交 git cherry-pick <commit id> ( <commit id> 可多个)中途可能遇到一些…...

vue3 实现 el-pagination页面分页组件的封装以及调用
示例图 一、组件代码 <template><el-config-provider :locale"zhCn"><el-pagination background class"lj-paging" layout"prev, pager, next, jumper" :pager-count"5" :total"total":current-page"p…...

1.IDE:Quartus II 2.设备:Cyclone II EP2C8Q208C8N 3.实验:IRDA(仿真接收一个来自0x57地址的数据0x22 (十进制34)) 4.时序图: 5.步骤 6.代码: irda_receive.v module irda_receive ( input wire…...

这里没办法发视频,发几个图片感受感受吧 OpenAI发布了Sora,一种文字生成视频的技术,从演示看,效果还是相当不错的。 Sora的强大之处在于其能够根据文本描述,生成长达 60秒的视频,其中包含精细复杂的场景…...

VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol 基于IP的语音传输)介绍(网络电话、ip电话)
文章目录 VoIP(基于IP的语音传输)1. 引言2. VoIP基础2.1 VoIP工作原理2.2 VoIP协议 3. VoIP的优势和挑战3.1 优势3.2 挑战 4. VoIP的应用5. 总结 VoIP(基于IP的语音传输) 1. 引言 VoIP,全称Voice over Internet Prot…...

编程笔记 Golang基础 027 结构体
编程笔记 Golang基础 027 结构体 一、结构体的定义二、结构体的实例化1. 直接初始化2. 使用键值对初始化(即使字段顺序不一致也能正确赋值)3. 部分初始化(未指定的字段会得到它们类型的零值)4. 使用var声明和初始化5. 结构体字面量…...

#include "DisplayScene.h" // 包含显示场景的头文件 #include "Viewer.h" // 包含查看器的头文件// OpenCascade 包含 #include <BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder.hxx> // 创建圆柱体 #include <BinXCAFDrivers.hxx> // 二进制XCAF驱动程序 #includ…...

文章目录 前言一、什么是模板方法模式?二、模板方法模式的结构1. 抽象类定义2. 具体实现 三、模板方法模式的应用场景1. 算法重用2. 操作中的固定步骤3. 扩展框架的功能4. 提供回调方法5. 遵循开闭原则 四、模板方法模式的优缺点1. 优点代码复用扩展性好符合开闭原则…...

Spring Boot项目怎么对System.setProperty(key, value)设置的属性进行读取加解密
一、前言 之前我写过一篇文章使用SM4国密加密算法对Spring Boot项目数据库连接信息以及yaml文件配置属性进行加密配置(读取时自动解密),对Spring Boot项目的属性读取时进行加解密,但是没有说明对System.setProperty(key, value)设…...