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What is IT-business alignment and why is it important? 什么是IT-业务一致性?为什么它很重要?

It’s more important than ever that IT and the business operate from the same playbook(剧本). So why do so many organizations struggle to achieve IT-business alignment?

Like many leading IT executives, RJ Juliano doesn’t distinguish between technology objectives and business objectives but views them as one and the same.
与许多领先的IT高管一样,RJ Juliano并不区分技术目标和业务目标,而是将它们视为同一个目标。

“We need to be well past alignment(对齐) to where the objectives are unified and indistinguishable,” said Juliano, senior vice president and chief information and marketing officer at Parkway Corp., a parking garage operator and real estate developer in Philadelphia.
Parkway Corp.是费城的一家停车场运营商和房地产开发商,该公司高级副总裁兼首席信息和营销官Juliano说:“我们需要很好地保持一致,以实现统一和不可区分的目标。”

In Juliano’s experience, a combined IT-business approach builds stronger teams and promotes meaningful dialogue as well as delivers competitive advantages and long-term sustainability of the company and brand.

“The right relationship accelerates(加速) and enables the achievement of company goals, engages customers and employees, and drives innovation in both product and process,” he said, adding that separating technology from business outcomes typically does the opposite.

Sharon Stufflebeme, managing director in the technology consulting(咨询) practice at the consultancy Protiviti(Protiviti咨询公司), said the CIO’s role today is to anticipate(预期), influence and deliver on the company’s business strategy.
咨询公司Protiviti的技术咨询业务总经理Sharon Stufflebeme表示,CIO如今的角色是预测、影响并实现公司的业务战略。

“But CIOs can’t anticipate(预期), influence or deliver on things if they don’t know what those needs are,” she said. For that to happen, there needs to be IT-business alignment(对齐) throughout the organization.

What is IT-business alignment? 什么是IT-业务一致性?

Executives(高管), management consultants and researchers have long stressed the need for IT and the other business functions to align(排列) their priorities(优先事项) and strategies.
Information technology is no longer a supporting player within the enterprise but part of the main engine. Indeed, computer technology has driven business growth for decades, with the internet and digitalization(数字化) transforming both how people work and how they engage with organizations and each other. That makes IT-business alignment paramount to business success.
“It’s the assurance(保证) that the technology being delivered enables the business to succeed,” said Rebecca Gasser, CIO of Omnicom Health Group, of the benefits of IT-business alignment. “Some of this is foundational(基础的) like networks and infrastructure(基础设施), but a lot of this is the technology that provides a competitive advantage to the business,” she said.
Omnicom Health Group首席信息官Rebecca Gasser在谈到IT业务整合的好处时表示:"这是一种保证,即所交付的技术能够使业务取得成功。她说:“其中一些是基础性的,如网络和基础设施,但大部分是为企业提供竞争优势的技术。”

IT-business alignment(对齐), although widely recognized as critical today, has not been the norm within most organizations until recent years, said Darren Topham, a senior research director at Gartner, a tech research and advisory firm.
技术研究和咨询公司高德纳(Gartner)的高级研究总监达伦·托普汉姆(Darren Topham)说,IT与业务的一致性虽然在今天被广泛认为是至关重要的,但直到最近几年才成为大多数组织的规范。

In its earliest decades, the IT department focused on delivering computing hardware, software and services as a utility. Under this paradigm(范式), technology was a tool that aided workers in their usual tasks, with reliability and uptime(正常运行时间) being the main measures of IT’s success, Topham said.
However, that paradigm evolved over the years, and in particular in the 21st century, as more technology executives teamed with their C-level and business colleagues to use technology to reengineer work, products and services.

This led to a slew of disruption(破坏), as startups(初创公司) introduced entirely new business models and as legacy companies transformed their own processes and market offerings.

CIOs and their IT teams must still deliver utilitarian(功利的) technology services, Topham said. But they must also now have the capacity(容量) to strategize how technology can shape what the enterprise offers for products and services as well as how it delivers those offerings.

“This is where alignment(对齐) is manifested(显化/表现),” he explained. “It’s where everyone from both sides is bringing something to the table for communal (公社的/公共的)benefits. There’s no ‘them’ and ‘us.’”

Topham added: “The ultimate expression for this is the term digital business.”


Why is IT business alignment important? 为什么IT业务一致性很重要?

IT-business alignment ensures that the IT organization and business units are working together and moving in the same direction at the required speed.

Technology can be exciting, but oftentimes(往往) it is expensive and not as fit for purpose as originally hoped. By partnering and being aligned, the business and the technology team can ensure the ROI is present, it is supported and it is the right fit for the business," Gasser said.

Surveys and studies back up the importance of IT-business alignment(对齐/一致).

According to the Gartner report “The CIO’s Role in Preparing for Digital Business Acceleration(加速),” more than 70% of senior leaders “recognize digital technology as integral to revenue achievement, product development, customer engagement and advancing strategic operational processes.”

In its “2021 Evolution of CIO Responsibilities(职责) Survey,” Gartner noted that 83% of responding CIOs said they “increasingly work on enterprise-level initiatives(主动行动) beyond their traditional IT delivery executive roles.”

Meanwhile, “IT’s changing mandate in an age of disruption,” a 2021 report from The Economist Intelligence Unit based on a survey of more than 1,000 IT decision-makers and senior business executives高级业务主管, found that 83% believe adapting to external change requires moderate-to-considerable IT infrastructure and apps improvement.

“IT has to serve every business function as technology has now become pervasive(普遍的),” said Protiviti’s Stufflebeme. IT-business alignment(一致性) helps ensure that the organization gets the right technology at the right time so it can meet its key performance indicators and reach its business transformation goals and objectives – whether those are improving customer service or developing new revenue streams.

Stufflebeme said the lack of IT-business alignment creates significant barriers to market success for organizations.

“When alignment is missing, the technology might work but it might not deliver an outcome the business needs,” she said. “You have solutions that end up being bridges to nowhere, you have business problems that aren’t properly solved, or you have business initiatives – whether it’s a cost saving or efficiency improving [program] – that aren’t properly executed.”

The alignment of IT and business brings many benefits, but challenges abound.

What are the benefits of IT-business alignment? IT-业务一致性的好处是什么?

Experts cited the following benefits that come with having the IT department aligned with the business functions:
It reduces digital friction because IT is able to deliver technology that is easier for workers, customers and partners to use. “This has a huge impact on an organization’s achievement of objectives and productivity,” Topham noted.
Customer engagement, cost reduction and productivity improve.
Organizations gain more visibility into pain points in both business processes and the technology that supports them.
It fuels innovation, as teams are better able to identify problems and opportunities that can be addressed through the use of technology. “You’re getting to the concept of co-creation, and that creates more value for the organization,” Stufflebeme said.
It results in faster delivery times and improves speed to market due to increased collaboration and innovation.
It increases ability to deliver technology that drives business strategy and goals.
It provides a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Jo Ann Saitta
IT-business alignment allows an organization to have an edge, said Jo Ann Saitta, managing director, EY Business Transformation Consulting, Health Sciences. “It allows [the enterprise] to stay current or even ahead of the curve.”






安永健康科学业务转型咨询部董事总经理Jo Ann Saitta表示,IT-业务整合可让企业拥有优势。“它允许(企业)保持在当前甚至领先的曲线。”

What are the challenges of IT business alignment? IT业务一致性的挑战是什么?

Despite the criticality of having a strategic alignment between IT and the business functions, Stufflebeme said plenty of organizations still struggle to do that.


She and others cited a number of obstacles(障碍) and challenges that executives and their teams face on this front, including the following:

lack of trust and credibility between IT and business leaders: “The biggest challenges are having a CIO who pursues and creates unity [between IT and the business] and having a corporate culture that also expects and fosters that unity,” Juliano said;
reluctance by IT or the business to cede control or invite input into one’s respective functional domains: Some CIOs still have a command-and-control approach, while some organizations still have a culture that views technology as only the realm of IT, Topham explained, adding that both mentalities need to change to achieve alignment;
lack of business acumen within the IT department;
lack of technology knowledge throughout the business functions;
inability of IT to understand how technology initiatives can support business goals;
inability of IT to communicate how technology initiatives can support business goals; and
inability of IT to calculate the financial impacts (costs and ROIs) of technology initiatives.

IT business alignment best practices IT业务协调最佳实践

o overcome such challenges, experts offered the following best practices:

Create shared accountability(有责任) and shared value realization between IT and the business. “This can no longer sit just on the shoulders of the CIO,” Topham said, adding that CIOs should train functional executives to manage their own technology portfolio to support shared accountability.

In addition to becoming good communicators, develop good listening skills. “It helps you understand what the current state is and what would look great in a future state,” Saitta said.

Embed technologists within the business units and have IT workers engage directly with their business unit counterparts by attending meetings and adopting Agile and DevOps practices that promote collaboration. “Then technology becomes a natural part of the business,” Saitta said.

Create incentives for employees throughout the organization to work toward IT-business unit collaboration.


Such practices, Juliano said, can eliminate any gaps between IT and its business counterparts and help the organization reach a place where the two are – in his words – “unified and indistinguishable.”
All important goals are shared goals, he underscored, adding that the joint collaboration between IT and the business must go beyond just buy-in to common goals to include joint accountability for the results.


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