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asp.net企业网站框架,以营销推广为主题的方案,c 做网站简单还是java,有哪些网站有做网页用的小图片参考文章:datax mysql 和hbase的 相互导入 目录 0、软件版本说明 1、hbase数据同步至mysql 1.1、hbase数据 1.2、mysql数据 1.3、json脚本(hbase2mysql.json) 1.4、同步成功日志 2、mysql数据同步至hbase 1.1、hbase数据 1.2、mysql…

参考文章:datax mysql 和hbase的 相互导入















  1. hbase版本:2.0.5
  2. mysql版本:8.0.34



hbase(main):018:0> scan "bigdata:student"
ROW                                                              COLUMN+CELL                                                                                                                                                                                  1001                                                            column=info:age, timestamp=1712562704820, value=18                                                                                                                                           1001                                                            column=info:name, timestamp=1712562696088, value=lisi                                                                                                                                        1002                                                            column=info:age, timestamp=1712566667737, value=222                                                                                                                                          1002                                                            column=info:name, timestamp=1712566689576, value=\xE5\xAE\x8B\xE5\xA3\xB9                                                                                                                    
2 row(s)
Took 0.0805 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
[atguigu@node001 hbase]$ cd hbase-2.0.5/
[atguigu@node001 hbase-2.0.5]$ bin/hbase shellFor more on the HBase Shell, see http://hbase.apache.org/book.html
hbase(main):002:0> create_namespace 'bigdata'
Took 3.4979 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):003:0> list_namespace
5 row(s)
Took 0.1244 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):004:0> create_namespace 'bigdata2'
Took 0.5109 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):005:0> list_namespace
6 row(s)
Took 0.0450 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):006:0> create 'bigdata:student', {NAME => 'info', VERSIONS =>5}, {NAME => 'msg'}
Created table bigdata:student
Took 4.7854 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
=> Hbase::Table - bigdata:student
hbase(main):007:0> create 'bigdata2:student', {NAME => 'info', VERSIONS =>5}, {NAME => 'msg'}
Created table bigdata2:student
Took 2.4732 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
=> Hbase::Table - bigdata2:student
hbase(main):008:0> list
22 row(s)
Took 0.0711 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):009:0> put 'bigdata:student','1001','info:name','zhangsan'
Took 0.8415 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):010:0> put 'bigdata:student','1001','info:name','lisi'
Took 0.0330 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):011:0> put 'bigdata:student','1001','info:age','18'
Took 0.0201 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):012:0> get 'bigdata:student','1001'
COLUMN                                                           CELL                                                                                                                                                                                         info:age                                                        timestamp=1712562704820, value=18                                                                                                                                                            info:name                                                       timestamp=1712562696088, value=lisi                                                                                                                                                          
1 row(s)
Took 0.4235 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):013:0> scan student
NameError: undefined local variable or method `student' for main:Objecthbase(main):014:0> scan bigdata:student
NameError: undefined local variable or method `student' for main:Objecthbase(main):015:0> scan "bigdata:student"
ROW                                                              COLUMN+CELL                                                                                                                                                                                  1001                                                            column=info:age, timestamp=1712562704820, value=18                                                                                                                                           1001                                                            column=info:name, timestamp=1712562696088, value=lisi                                                                                                                                        
1 row(s)
Took 0.9035 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):016:0> put 'bigdata:student','1002','info:age','222'
Took 0.0816 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):017:0> put 'bigdata:student','1002','info:name','宋壹'
Took 0.0462 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):018:0> scan "bigdata:student"
ROW                                                              COLUMN+CELL                                                                                                                                                                                  1001                                                            column=info:age, timestamp=1712562704820, value=18                                                                                                                                           1001                                                            column=info:name, timestamp=1712562696088, value=lisi                                                                                                                                        1002                                                            column=info:age, timestamp=1712566667737, value=222                                                                                                                                          1002                                                            column=info:name, timestamp=1712566689576, value=\xE5\xAE\x8B\xE5\xA3\xB9                                                                                                                    
2 row(s)
Took 0.0805 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


SELECT VERSION(); -- 查看mysql版本/*Navicat Premium Data TransferSource Server         : 大数据-node001Source Server Type    : MySQLSource Server Version : 80034 (8.0.34)Source Host           : node001:3306Source Schema         : testTarget Server Type    : MySQLTarget Server Version : 80034 (8.0.34)File Encoding         : 65001Date: 08/04/2024 17:11:56
*/SET NAMES utf8mb4;
SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for student
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `student`  (`info` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,`msg` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic;-- ----------------------------
-- Records of student
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('111', '111111');
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('222', '222222');
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('18', 'lisi');
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('222', '宋壹');SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;


{"job": {"content": [{"reader": {"name": "hbase11xreader","parameter": {"hbaseConfig": {"hbase.zookeeper.quorum": "node001:2181"},"table": "bigdata:student","encoding": "utf-8","mode": "normal","column": [{"name": "info:age","type": "string"},{"name": "info:name","type": "string"}],"range": {"startRowkey": "","endRowkey": "","isBinaryRowkey": true}}},"writer": {"name": "mysqlwriter","parameter": {"column": ["info","msg"],"connection": [{"jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://node001:3306/test","table": ["student"]}],"username": "root","password": "123456","preSql": [],"session": [],"writeMode": "insert"}}}],"setting": {"speed": {"channel": "1"}}}


[atguigu@node001 datax]$ python bin/datax.py job/hbase/hbase2mysql.jsonDataX (DATAX-OPENSOURCE-3.0), From Alibaba !
Copyright (C) 2010-2017, Alibaba Group. All Rights Reserved.2024-04-08 17:02:00.785 [main] INFO  VMInfo - VMInfo# operatingSystem class => sun.management.OperatingSystemImpl
2024-04-08 17:02:00.804 [main] INFO  Engine - the machine info  => osInfo: Red Hat, Inc. 1.8 25.372-b07jvmInfo:        Linux amd64 3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64cpu num:        4totalPhysicalMemory:    -0.00GfreePhysicalMemory:     -0.00GmaxFileDescriptorCount: -1currentOpenFileDescriptorCount: -1GC Names        [PS MarkSweep, PS Scavenge]MEMORY_NAME                    | allocation_size                | init_size                      PS Eden Space                  | 256.00MB                       | 256.00MB                       Code Cache                     | 240.00MB                       | 2.44MB                         Compressed Class Space         | 1,024.00MB                     | 0.00MB                         PS Survivor Space              | 42.50MB                        | 42.50MB                        PS Old Gen                     | 683.00MB                       | 683.00MB                       Metaspace                      | -0.00MB                        | 0.00MB                         2024-04-08 17:02:00.840 [main] INFO  Engine - 
}2024-04-08 17:02:00.875 [main] WARN  Engine - prioriy set to 0, because NumberFormatException, the value is: null
2024-04-08 17:02:00.881 [main] INFO  PerfTrace - PerfTrace traceId=job_-1, isEnable=false, priority=0
2024-04-08 17:02:00.881 [main] INFO  JobContainer - DataX jobContainer starts job.
2024-04-08 17:02:00.885 [main] INFO  JobContainer - Set jobId = 0
2024-04-08 17:02:03.040 [job-0] INFO  OriginalConfPretreatmentUtil - table:[student] all columns:[
2024-04-08 17:02:03.098 [job-0] INFO  OriginalConfPretreatmentUtil - Write data [
insert INTO %s (info,msg) VALUES(?,?)
], which jdbcUrl like:[jdbc:mysql://node001:3306/test?yearIsDateType=false&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&tinyInt1isBit=false&rewriteBatchedStatements=true]
2024-04-08 17:02:03.099 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - jobContainer starts to do prepare ...
2024-04-08 17:02:03.099 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Reader.Job [hbase11xreader] do prepare work .
2024-04-08 17:02:03.099 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Writer.Job [mysqlwriter] do prepare work .
2024-04-08 17:02:03.100 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - jobContainer starts to do split ...
2024-04-08 17:02:03.100 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - Job set Channel-Number to 1 channels.
四月 08, 2024 5:02:03 下午 org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader <clinit>
警告: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
四月 08, 2024 5:02:03 下午 org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.RecoverableZooKeeper <init>
信息: Process identifier=hconnection-0x50313382 connecting to ZooKeeper ensemble=node001:2181
2024-04-08 17:02:03.982 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:zookeeper.version=3.4.6-1569965, built on 02/20/2014 09:09 GMT
2024-04-08 17:02:03.983 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:host.name=node001
2024-04-08 17:02:03.983 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.version=1.8.0_372
2024-04-08 17:02:03.983 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.vendor=Red Hat, Inc.
2024-04-08 17:02:03.983 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
2024-04-08 17:02:03.983 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.class.path=/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-io-2.4.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/groovy-all-2.1.9.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/datax-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/fluent-hc-4.4.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-beanutils-1.9.2.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-codec-1.9.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/httpclient-4.4.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-lang-2.6.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/logback-core-1.0.13.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/fastjson-1.1.46.sec01.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/janino-2.5.16.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-configuration-1.10.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/datax-common-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/datax-transformer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/logback-classic-1.0.13.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/httpcore-4.4.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-math3-3.1.1.jar:.
2024-04-08 17:02:03.984 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.library.path=/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib
2024-04-08 17:02:03.984 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.io.tmpdir=/tmp
2024-04-08 17:02:03.984 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.compiler=<NA>
2024-04-08 17:02:03.984 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:os.name=Linux
2024-04-08 17:02:03.984 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:os.arch=amd64
2024-04-08 17:02:03.984 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:os.version=3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64
2024-04-08 17:02:03.987 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:user.name=atguigu
2024-04-08 17:02:03.988 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:user.home=/home/atguigu
2024-04-08 17:02:03.988 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:user.dir=/opt/module/datax
2024-04-08 17:02:03.990 [job-0] INFO  ZooKeeper - Initiating client connection, connectString=node001:2181 sessionTimeout=90000 watcher=hconnection-0x503133820x0, quorum=node001:2181, baseZNode=/hbase
2024-04-08 17:02:04.069 [job-0-SendThread(node001:2181)] INFO  ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server node001/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
2024-04-08 17:02:04.092 [job-0-SendThread(node001:2181)] INFO  ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to node001/, initiating session
2024-04-08 17:02:04.139 [job-0-SendThread(node001:2181)] INFO  ClientCnxn - Session establishment complete on server node001/, sessionid = 0x200000707b70025, negotiated timeout = 40000
2024-04-08 17:02:06.334 [job-0] INFO  Hbase11xHelper - HBaseReader split job into 1 tasks.
2024-04-08 17:02:06.335 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Reader.Job [hbase11xreader] splits to [1] tasks.
2024-04-08 17:02:06.336 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Writer.Job [mysqlwriter] splits to [1] tasks.
2024-04-08 17:02:06.366 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - jobContainer starts to do schedule ...
2024-04-08 17:02:06.394 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - Scheduler starts [1] taskGroups.
2024-04-08 17:02:06.402 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - Running by standalone Mode.
2024-04-08 17:02:06.426 [taskGroup-0] INFO  TaskGroupContainer - taskGroupId=[0] start [1] channels for [1] tasks.
2024-04-08 17:02:06.457 [taskGroup-0] INFO  Channel - Channel set byte_speed_limit to -1, No bps activated.
2024-04-08 17:02:06.458 [taskGroup-0] INFO  Channel - Channel set record_speed_limit to -1, No tps activated.
2024-04-08 17:02:06.529 [taskGroup-0] INFO  TaskGroupContainer - taskGroup[0] taskId[0] attemptCount[1] is started
四月 08, 2024 5:02:06 下午 org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.RecoverableZooKeeper <init>
信息: Process identifier=hconnection-0x3b2eec42 connecting to ZooKeeper ensemble=node001:2181
2024-04-08 17:02:06.680 [0-0-0-reader] INFO  ZooKeeper - Initiating client connection, connectString=node001:2181 sessionTimeout=90000 watcher=hconnection-0x3b2eec420x0, quorum=node001:2181, baseZNode=/hbase
2024-04-08 17:02:06.740 [0-0-0-reader-SendThread(node001:2181)] INFO  ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server node001/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
2024-04-08 17:02:06.773 [0-0-0-reader-SendThread(node001:2181)] INFO  ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to node001/, initiating session
2024-04-08 17:02:06.808 [0-0-0-reader-SendThread(node001:2181)] INFO  ClientCnxn - Session establishment complete on server node001/, sessionid = 0x200000707b70026, negotiated timeout = 40000
2024-04-08 17:02:06.960 [0-0-0-reader] INFO  HbaseAbstractTask - The task set startRowkey=[], endRowkey=[].
2024-04-08 17:02:07.262 [taskGroup-0] INFO  TaskGroupContainer - taskGroup[0] taskId[0] is successed, used[738]ms
2024-04-08 17:02:07.263 [taskGroup-0] INFO  TaskGroupContainer - taskGroup[0] completed it's tasks.
2024-04-08 17:02:16.483 [job-0] INFO  StandAloneJobContainerCommunicator - Total 2 records, 11 bytes | Speed 1B/s, 0 records/s | Error 0 records, 0 bytes |  All Task WaitWriterTime 0.000s |  All Task WaitReaderTime 0.248s | Percentage 100.00%
2024-04-08 17:02:16.483 [job-0] INFO  AbstractScheduler - Scheduler accomplished all tasks.
2024-04-08 17:02:16.484 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Writer.Job [mysqlwriter] do post work.
2024-04-08 17:02:16.485 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Reader.Job [hbase11xreader] do post work.
2024-04-08 17:02:16.485 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX jobId [0] completed successfully.
2024-04-08 17:02:16.487 [job-0] INFO  HookInvoker - No hook invoked, because base dir not exists or is a file: /opt/module/datax/hook
2024-04-08 17:02:16.491 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - [total cpu info] => averageCpu                     | maxDeltaCpu                    | minDeltaCpu                    -1.00%                         | -1.00%                         | -1.00%[total gc info] => NAME                 | totalGCCount       | maxDeltaGCCount    | minDeltaGCCount    | totalGCTime        | maxDeltaGCTime     | minDeltaGCTime     PS MarkSweep         | 1                  | 1                  | 1                  | 0.136s             | 0.136s             | 0.136s             PS Scavenge          | 1                  | 1                  | 1                  | 0.072s             | 0.072s             | 0.072s             2024-04-08 17:02:16.491 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - PerfTrace not enable!
2024-04-08 17:02:16.493 [job-0] INFO  StandAloneJobContainerCommunicator - Total 2 records, 11 bytes | Speed 1B/s, 0 records/s | Error 0 records, 0 bytes |  All Task WaitWriterTime 0.000s |  All Task WaitReaderTime 0.248s | Percentage 100.00%
2024-04-08 17:02:16.495 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - 
任务启动时刻                    : 2024-04-08 17:02:00
任务结束时刻                    : 2024-04-08 17:02:16
任务总计耗时                    :                 15s
任务平均流量                    :                1B/s
记录写入速度                    :              0rec/s
读出记录总数                    :                   2
读写失败总数                    :                   0[atguigu@node001 datax]$ 




hbase(main):019:0> scan "bigdata2:student"
ROW                                                              COLUMN+CELL                                                                                                                                                                                  
0 row(s)
Took 1.6445 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
hbase(main):020:0> scan "bigdata2:student"
ROW                                                              COLUMN+CELL                                                                                                                                                                                  111111111                                                       column=info:age, timestamp=123456789, value=111                                                                                                                                              111111111                                                       column=info:name, timestamp=123456789, value=111111                                                                                                                                          18lisi                                                          column=info:age, timestamp=123456789, value=18                                                                                                                                               18lisi                                                          column=info:name, timestamp=123456789, value=lisi                                                                                                                                            222222222                                                       column=info:age, timestamp=123456789, value=222                                                                                                                                              222222222                                                       column=info:name, timestamp=123456789, value=222222                                                                                                                                          333\xE5\xAE\x8B\xE5\xA3\xB9                                     column=info:age, timestamp=123456789, value=333                                                                                                                                              333\xE5\xAE\x8B\xE5\xA3\xB9                                     column=info:name, timestamp=123456789, value=\xE5\xAE\x8B\xE5\xA3\xB9                                                                                                                        
4 row(s)
Took 0.3075 seconds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


SELECT VERSION(); -- 查看mysql版本/*Navicat Premium Data TransferSource Server         : 大数据-node001Source Server Type    : MySQLSource Server Version : 80034 (8.0.34)Source Host           : node001:3306Source Schema         : testTarget Server Type    : MySQLTarget Server Version : 80034 (8.0.34)File Encoding         : 65001Date: 08/04/2024 17:11:56
*/SET NAMES utf8mb4;
SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for student
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `student`  (`info` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL,`msg` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic;-- ----------------------------
-- Records of student
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('111', '111111');
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('222', '222222');
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('18', 'lisi');
INSERT INTO `student` VALUES ('222', '宋壹');SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;


{"job": {"setting": {"speed": {"channel": 1}},"content": [{"reader": {"name": "mysqlreader","parameter": {"column": ["info","msg"],"connection": [{"jdbcUrl": ["jdbc:mysql://"],"table": ["student"]}],"username": "root","password": "123456","where": ""}},"writer": {"name": "hbase11xwriter","parameter": {"hbaseConfig": {"hbase.zookeeper.quorum": "node001:2181"},"table": "bigdata2:student","mode": "normal","rowkeyColumn": [{"index": 0,"type": "string"},{"index": 1,"type": "string","value": "_"}],"column": [{"index": 0,"name": "info:age","type": "string"},{"index": 1,"name": "info:name","type": "string"}],"versionColumn": {"index": -1,"value": "123456789"},"encoding": "utf-8"}}}]}


[atguigu@node001 datax]$ python bin/datax.py job/hbase/mysql2hbase.json DataX (DATAX-OPENSOURCE-3.0), From Alibaba !
Copyright (C) 2010-2017, Alibaba Group. All Rights Reserved.2024-04-08 17:44:45.536 [main] INFO  VMInfo - VMInfo# operatingSystem class => sun.management.OperatingSystemImpl
2024-04-08 17:44:45.552 [main] INFO  Engine - the machine info  => osInfo: Red Hat, Inc. 1.8 25.372-b07jvmInfo:        Linux amd64 3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64cpu num:        4totalPhysicalMemory:    -0.00GfreePhysicalMemory:     -0.00GmaxFileDescriptorCount: -1currentOpenFileDescriptorCount: -1GC Names        [PS MarkSweep, PS Scavenge]MEMORY_NAME                    | allocation_size                | init_size                      PS Eden Space                  | 256.00MB                       | 256.00MB                       Code Cache                     | 240.00MB                       | 2.44MB                         Compressed Class Space         | 1,024.00MB                     | 0.00MB                         PS Survivor Space              | 42.50MB                        | 42.50MB                        PS Old Gen                     | 683.00MB                       | 683.00MB                       Metaspace                      | -0.00MB                        | 0.00MB                         2024-04-08 17:44:45.579 [main] INFO  Engine - 
}2024-04-08 17:44:45.615 [main] WARN  Engine - prioriy set to 0, because NumberFormatException, the value is: null
2024-04-08 17:44:45.618 [main] INFO  PerfTrace - PerfTrace traceId=job_-1, isEnable=false, priority=0
2024-04-08 17:44:45.619 [main] INFO  JobContainer - DataX jobContainer starts job.
2024-04-08 17:44:45.622 [main] INFO  JobContainer - Set jobId = 0
Loading class `com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'. This is deprecated. The new driver class is `com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver'. The driver is automatically registered via the SPI and manual loading of the driver class is generally unnecessary.
2024-04-08 17:44:47.358 [job-0] INFO  OriginalConfPretreatmentUtil - Available jdbcUrl:jdbc:mysql://
2024-04-08 17:44:47.734 [job-0] INFO  OriginalConfPretreatmentUtil - table:[student] has columns:[info,msg].
2024-04-08 17:44:47.761 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - jobContainer starts to do prepare ...
2024-04-08 17:44:47.762 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Reader.Job [mysqlreader] do prepare work .
2024-04-08 17:44:47.763 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Writer.Job [hbase11xwriter] do prepare work .
2024-04-08 17:44:47.764 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - jobContainer starts to do split ...
2024-04-08 17:44:47.764 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - Job set Channel-Number to 1 channels.
2024-04-08 17:44:47.773 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Reader.Job [mysqlreader] splits to [1] tasks.
2024-04-08 17:44:47.774 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Writer.Job [hbase11xwriter] splits to [1] tasks.
2024-04-08 17:44:47.815 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - jobContainer starts to do schedule ...
2024-04-08 17:44:47.821 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - Scheduler starts [1] taskGroups.
2024-04-08 17:44:47.825 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - Running by standalone Mode.
2024-04-08 17:44:47.839 [taskGroup-0] INFO  TaskGroupContainer - taskGroupId=[0] start [1] channels for [1] tasks.
2024-04-08 17:44:47.846 [taskGroup-0] INFO  Channel - Channel set byte_speed_limit to -1, No bps activated.
2024-04-08 17:44:47.846 [taskGroup-0] INFO  Channel - Channel set record_speed_limit to -1, No tps activated.
2024-04-08 17:44:47.870 [taskGroup-0] INFO  TaskGroupContainer - taskGroup[0] taskId[0] attemptCount[1] is started
2024-04-08 17:44:47.876 [0-0-0-reader] INFO  CommonRdbmsReader$Task - Begin to read record by Sql: [select info,msg from student 
] jdbcUrl:[jdbc:mysql://].
2024-04-08 17:44:48.010 [0-0-0-reader] INFO  CommonRdbmsReader$Task - Finished read record by Sql: [select info,msg from student 
] jdbcUrl:[jdbc:mysql://].
四月 08, 2024 5:44:49 下午 org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader <clinit>
警告: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
四月 08, 2024 5:44:50 下午 org.apache.hadoop.hbase.zookeeper.RecoverableZooKeeper <init>
信息: Process identifier=hconnection-0x26654712 connecting to ZooKeeper ensemble=node001:2181
2024-04-08 17:44:50.143 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:zookeeper.version=3.4.6-1569965, built on 02/20/2014 09:09 GMT
2024-04-08 17:44:50.143 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:host.name=node001
2024-04-08 17:44:50.143 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.version=1.8.0_372
2024-04-08 17:44:50.143 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.vendor=Red Hat, Inc.
2024-04-08 17:44:50.143 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
2024-04-08 17:44:50.144 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.class.path=/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-io-2.4.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/groovy-all-2.1.9.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/datax-core-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/fluent-hc-4.4.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-beanutils-1.9.2.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-codec-1.9.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/httpclient-4.4.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-lang-2.6.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/logback-core-1.0.13.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/fastjson-1.1.46.sec01.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/janino-2.5.16.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-configuration-1.10.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/datax-common-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/datax-transformer-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/logback-classic-1.0.13.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/httpcore-4.4.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-collections-3.2.1.jar:/opt/module/datax/lib/commons-math3-3.1.1.jar:.
2024-04-08 17:44:50.144 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.library.path=/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib
2024-04-08 17:44:50.144 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.io.tmpdir=/tmp
2024-04-08 17:44:50.144 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:java.compiler=<NA>
2024-04-08 17:44:50.144 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:os.name=Linux
2024-04-08 17:44:50.144 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:os.arch=amd64
2024-04-08 17:44:50.144 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:os.version=3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64
2024-04-08 17:44:50.144 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:user.name=atguigu
2024-04-08 17:44:50.144 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:user.home=/home/atguigu
2024-04-08 17:44:50.144 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Client environment:user.dir=/opt/module/datax
2024-04-08 17:44:50.145 [0-0-0-writer] INFO  ZooKeeper - Initiating client connection, connectString=node001:2181 sessionTimeout=90000 watcher=hconnection-0x266547120x0, quorum=node001:2181, baseZNode=/hbase
2024-04-08 17:44:50.256 [0-0-0-writer-SendThread(node001:2181)] INFO  ClientCnxn - Opening socket connection to server node001/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
2024-04-08 17:44:50.381 [0-0-0-writer-SendThread(node001:2181)] INFO  ClientCnxn - Socket connection established to node001/, initiating session
2024-04-08 17:44:50.427 [0-0-0-writer-SendThread(node001:2181)] INFO  ClientCnxn - Session establishment complete on server node001/, sessionid = 0x200000707b70028, negotiated timeout = 40000
2024-04-08 17:44:53.794 [taskGroup-0] INFO  TaskGroupContainer - taskGroup[0] taskId[0] is successed, used[5930]ms
2024-04-08 17:44:53.795 [taskGroup-0] INFO  TaskGroupContainer - taskGroup[0] completed it's tasks.
2024-04-08 17:44:57.857 [job-0] INFO  StandAloneJobContainerCommunicator - Total 4 records, 29 bytes | Speed 2B/s, 0 records/s | Error 0 records, 0 bytes |  All Task WaitWriterTime 0.000s |  All Task WaitReaderTime 0.000s | Percentage 100.00%
2024-04-08 17:44:57.858 [job-0] INFO  AbstractScheduler - Scheduler accomplished all tasks.
2024-04-08 17:44:57.858 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Writer.Job [hbase11xwriter] do post work.
2024-04-08 17:44:57.859 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX Reader.Job [mysqlreader] do post work.
2024-04-08 17:44:57.859 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - DataX jobId [0] completed successfully.
2024-04-08 17:44:57.862 [job-0] INFO  HookInvoker - No hook invoked, because base dir not exists or is a file: /opt/module/datax/hook
2024-04-08 17:44:57.866 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - [total cpu info] => averageCpu                     | maxDeltaCpu                    | minDeltaCpu                    -1.00%                         | -1.00%                         | -1.00%[total gc info] => NAME                 | totalGCCount       | maxDeltaGCCount    | minDeltaGCCount    | totalGCTime        | maxDeltaGCTime     | minDeltaGCTime     PS MarkSweep         | 1                  | 1                  | 1                  | 0.120s             | 0.120s             | 0.120s             PS Scavenge          | 1                  | 1                  | 1                  | 0.095s             | 0.095s             | 0.095s             2024-04-08 17:44:57.867 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - PerfTrace not enable!
2024-04-08 17:44:57.868 [job-0] INFO  StandAloneJobContainerCommunicator - Total 4 records, 29 bytes | Speed 2B/s, 0 records/s | Error 0 records, 0 bytes |  All Task WaitWriterTime 0.000s |  All Task WaitReaderTime 0.000s | Percentage 100.00%
2024-04-08 17:44:57.876 [job-0] INFO  JobContainer - 
任务启动时刻                    : 2024-04-08 17:44:45
任务结束时刻                    : 2024-04-08 17:44:57
任务总计耗时                    :                 12s
任务平均流量                    :                2B/s
记录写入速度                    :              0rec/s
读出记录总数                    :                   4
读写失败总数                    :                   0[atguigu@node001 datax]$ 






参考文章&#xff1a;datax mysql 和hbase的 相互导入 目录 0、软件版本说明 1、hbase数据同步至mysql 1.1、hbase数据 1.2、mysql数据 1.3、json脚本&#xff08;hbase2mysql.json&#xff09; 1.4、同步成功日志 2、mysql数据同步至hbase 1.1、hbase数据 1.2、mysql…...

ubuntu spdlog 封装成c++类使用

安装及编译方法&#xff1a;ubuntu spdlog 日志安装及使用_spdlog_logger_info-CSDN博客 h文件&#xff1a; #ifndef LOGGING_H #define LOGGING_H#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <memor…...


【C语言】——字符串函数 前言一、 s t r l e n strlen strlen 函数1.1、函数功能1.2、函数的使用1.3、函数的模拟实现&#xff08;1&#xff09;计数法&#xff08;2&#xff09;递归法&#xff08;3&#xff09;指针 - 指针 二、 s t r c p y strcpy strcpy 函数2.1、函数功能…...


目录 1.什么是事务&#xff1f;事务的基本特性ACID&#xff1f; 2.数据库中并发一致性问题&#xff1f; 3.数据的隔离等级&#xff1f; 4.ACID靠什么保证的呢&#xff1f; 5.SQL优化的实践经验&#xff1f; 1.什么是事务&#xff1f;事务的基本特性ACID&#xff1f; 事务指…...

VirtualBox - 与 Win10 虚拟机 与 宿主机 共享文件

原文链接 https://www.cnblogs.com/xy14/p/10427353.html 1. 概述 需要在 宿主机 和 虚拟机 之间交换文件复制粘贴 貌似不太好使 2. 问题 设置了共享文件夹之后, 找不到目录 3. 环境 宿主机 OS Win10开启了 网络发现 略虚拟机 OS Win10开启了 网络发现 略Virtualbox 6 4…...

深入浅出 useEffect:React 函数组件中的副作用处理详解

useEffect 是 React 中的一个钩子函数&#xff0c;用于处理函数组件中的副作用操作&#xff0c;如发送网络请求、订阅消息、手动修改 DOM 等。下面是 useEffect 的用法总结&#xff1a; 基本用法 import React, { useState, useEffect } from react;function Example() {cons…...


1、概述 源码放在文章末尾 该项目实现通过回车键让光标从一个编辑框跳转到另一个编辑框&#xff0c;下面是demo演示&#xff1a; 项目部分代码如下&#xff1a; #ifndef WIDGET_H #define WIDGET_H#include <QWidget>namespace Ui { class Widget; }class Widget : p…...


1、目前常用的机器都是32位和64位的&#xff0c;但是有时候会考虑16位机。总结一下在三种位数下常用的数据类型所占的字节大小。 数据类型16位(byte)32位(byte)64位(byte)取值范围char111-128 ~ 127unsigned char1110 ~ 255short int / short222-32768~32767unsigned short222…...

关注招聘 关注招聘 关注招聘

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Linux ARM平台开发系列讲解(QEMU篇) 1.2 新添加一个Linux kernel设备树

1. 概述 上一章节我们利用QEMU成功启动了Linux kernel,但是细心的小伙伴就会发现,我们用默认的defconfig是没有找到设备树源文件的,但是又发现kernel启动时候它使用了设备树riscv-virtio,qemu,这是因为qemu用了一个默认的设备树文件,该章节呢我们就把这个默认的设备树文件…...


华为设备参考&#xff1a; 一&#xff0c;技术简介 OSPF&#xff08;Open Shortest Path First&#xff09;是一种内部网关协议&#xff0c;主要用于在单一自治系统内决策路由。它是一种基于链路状态的路由协议&#xff0c;通过链路状态路由算法来实现动态路由选择。 OSPF的…...

MyBatis 等类似的 XML 映射文件中,当传入的参数为空字符串时,<if> 标签可能会导致 SQL 语句中的条件判断出现意外结果。

问题 传入的参数为空字符串&#xff0c;但还是根据参数查询了。 原因 在 XML 中使用 标签进行条件判断时&#xff0c;需要明确理解其行为。在 MyBatis 等类似的 XML 映射文件中&#xff0c; 标签通常用于动态拼接 SQL 语句的条件部分。当传入的参数 riskLevel 为空字符串时…...


git的安装 在CentOS系统上安装git时&#xff0c;我们可以选择yum安装或者源码编译安装两种方式。Yum的安装方式的好处是比较简单&#xff0c;直接输入”yum install git”命令即可。但是Yum的安装的话&#xff0c;不好控制安装git的版本。如果我们想选择安装git的版本&#xf…...


LED 引脚PC8~PC15&#xff0c;默认高电平&#xff08;灭&#xff09;。 此外还要配置PD2为输出引脚&#xff08;控制LED锁存&#xff09; &#xff0c;默认低电平&#xff08;锁住&#xff09;&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01; #include "led.h"void led_disp…...

ELFK (Filebeat+ELK)日志分析系统

一. 相关介绍 Filebeat&#xff1a;轻量级的开源日志文件数据搜集器。通常在需要采集数据的客户端安装 Filebeat&#xff0c;并指定目录与日志格式&#xff0c;Filebeat 就能快速收集数据&#xff0c;并发送给 logstash 进或是直接发给 Elasticsearch 存储&#xff0c;性能上相…...

HttpClient、OKhttp、RestTemplate接口调用对比( Java HTTP 客户端)

文章目录 HttpClient、OKhttp、RestTemplate接口调用对比HttpClientOkHttprestTemplate HttpClient、OKhttp、RestTemplate接口调用对比 HttpClient、OkHttp 和 RestTemplate 是三种常用的 Java HTTP 客户端库&#xff0c;它们都可以用于发送 HTTP 请求和接收 HTTP 响应&#…...

[旅游] 景区排队上厕所


三 maven的依赖管理

一 maven依赖管理 Maven 依赖管理是 Maven 软件中最重要的功能之一。Maven 的依赖管理能够帮助开发人员自动解决软件包依赖问题&#xff0c;使得开发人员能够轻松地将其他开发人员开发的模块或第三方框架集成到自己的应用程序或模块中&#xff0c;避免出现版本冲突和依赖缺失等…...

iperf3 网络性能测试

iperf3测试 1、iperf3简介 iperf3是一个主动测试网络带宽的工具&#xff0c;可以测试iTCP、UDP、SCTP等网络带宽&#xff1b;可以通过参数修改网络协议、缓冲区、测试时间、数据大小等&#xff0c;每个测试结果会得出吞吐量、带宽、重传数、丢包数等测试结果 2、参数详解 通…...

08 Php学习:if语句、Switch语句

PHP 条件语句 当您编写代码时&#xff0c;您常常需要为不同的判断执行不同的动作。您可以在代码中使用条件语句来完成此任务。 在 PHP 中&#xff0c;提供了下列条件语句&#xff1a; if 语句 - 在条件成立时执行代码 if…else 语句 - 在条件成立时执行一块代码&#xff0c;…...


总结&#xff1a;二分查找的目标有两个&#xff0c;一个是左区件的右边界&#xff0c;一个是右区间的左边界 如何去理解二分的过程&#xff1f; 如果要查找的是左区间的右边界&#xff1a; 可以将[l, r]理解一个集合&#xff0c;这个集合范围内的数都有可能是最后需要得到的…...

华为 2024 届校园招聘-硬件通⽤/单板开发——第十套

华为 2024 届校园招聘-硬件通⽤/单板开发——第十套 部分题目分享&#xff0c;完整版带答案(有答案和解析&#xff0c;答案非官方&#xff0c;未仔细校正&#xff0c;仅供参考&#xff09;&#xff08;共十套&#xff09;获取&#xff08;WX:didadidadidida313&#xff0c;加我…...


关注公号“微澜网络”获取完整源代码&#xff01; 效果展示&#xff1a; 目录 效果展示&#xff1a; 导语&#xff1a; 游戏介绍&#xff1a; 程序设计&#xff1a; 1.游戏规则和功能&#xff1a; 2.用户界面设计&#xff1a; 3.程序架构设计&#xff1a; 4.可扩展性和灵…...


使用Vue和CSS动画创建滚动列表 在这篇文章中&#xff0c;我们将探讨如何使用Vue.js和CSS动画创建一个动态且视觉上吸引人的滚动列表。这个列表将自动滚动显示项目&#xff0c;类似于轮播图的方式&#xff0c;非常适合用于仪表盘、排行榜或任何需要在有限空间内展示项目列表的应…...


文章目录 设计动机与目标数据模型行列时间戳 系统架构主服务器Chubby作用子表服务器SSTable结构子表实际组成子表地址组成子表数据存储及读/写操作数据压缩 性能优化局部性群组&#xff08;Locality groups&#xff09;压缩布隆过滤器 Bigtable是Google开发的基于GFS和Chubby的…...

langchain 加载 csv,json

csv from langchain_community.document_loaders.csv_loader import CSVLoaderloader CSVLoader(file_pathdata/专业描述.csv, csv_args{delimiter: ,,quotechar: ",fieldnames: [专业, 描述] }, encodingutf8, source_column专业)data loader.load() print(data)quote…...


二十二 Redis 1 Redis 作用 Redis&#xff0c;全称Remote Dictionary Server&#xff0c;即远程字典服务&#xff0c;是一个开源的使用ANSI C语言编写的、支持网络的、基于内存亦可持久化的日志型、Key-Value数据库&#xff0c;并提供多种语言的API。它主要用于缓存数据的计算…...

第二证券策略:股指预计维持震荡格局 关注汽车、工程机械等板块


hcia datacom课程学习(6):路由与路由表基础

1.路由的作用 不同网段的设备互相通信需要具有路由功能的设备进行转发 具有路由功能的设备不一定是路由器&#xff0c;交换机可以有路由功能&#xff0c;同样的&#xff0c;路由器也可以有交换功能&#xff0c;像家里常用的路由器就是集路由功能和交换功能于一体的 2.路由相…...