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Unity URP 2021 Release-Notes

🌈Unity URP 2021 Release-Notes


2021.3.32URP: Vulkan URP will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4.(UUM-741)
2021.3.29URP: 2D - Fix additional draw call when Foremost Sorting Layer is enabled during unlit.(UUM-37441)
2021.3.28URP: 2D - Remove serialization and cache vertices and indices for sprite lights causing bloat in prefabs.(UUM-33700)
2021.3.28URP: Fixed redundant blit is used due to postFX, although it is disabled in rendererData.(UUM-31474)
2021.3.28URP: Fixed ShaderGraph preview window not showing anything when using DepthNormals pass.(UUM-31643)
2021.3.25URP: Fixed, URP & core package leaking materials when entering/exiting Play Mode.(UUM-27587)
2021.3.22URP: Fixed incorrect Depth for Camera Stacks.(UUM-24943)
2021.3.21URP: Fixed XR vsync is disabled when focus is lost.(UUM-16846)
2021.3.20URP: 2D - Fixes 2D Sprite Light & Freeform Light fast normal map quality setting to correctly use normal map(UUM-4613)
2021.3.20URP: 2D - Fixes a bug with ShadowCaster2D’s shadow mesh bounds which was causing shadows to disappear(UUM-19090)
2021.3.17URP: Fixed 2D game view flickering when using URP Pixel Perfect and Cinemachine Pixel Perfect Extension.(UUM-20343)
2021.3.17URP: Fixed errors related to the lack of support of native shadow maps on WebGL1.(UUM-2270)
2021.3.16URP: Fixed a bug where lights with different blend styles may have missing shadows.(UUM-1872)
2021.3.14URP: Avoid using Depth32Stencil8 format on Android.
2021.3.13URP: Fixed URP Deferred Fog pass does not work in XR singlepass. (UUM-9229)
2021.3.13URP: Materials that use Autodesk Interactive shader are now converted correctly. (UUM-5501)
2021.3.12URP: Added force depth prepass option when requesting the Depth Texture. (UUM-8273)
2021.3.12URP: Shaders correctly fallback to error shader. (UUM-1417)
2021.3.11URP: Fixed Gizmos in Game View when using Viewports (UUM-7069).
2021.3.9URP: Fixed alpha discard on Unlit Sprite targets for Shadergraph. (UUM-6998)
2021.3.9URP: Fixed an additional light performance regression on Quest. (UUM-9423)
2021.3.8URP: Updated Burst dependency to 1.7.3.
2021.3.7URP: URP 2D - Fixes vertex color for sprite shapes. (UUM-1921)
2021.3.6URP: URP 2D - Fix Light2D upgrading issue with m_AlphaBlendOnOverlap property (UUM-1845)
2021.3.5URP: URP 2D - Fix bug when upgrading parametric lights to freeform lights. (UUM-1869)
2021.3.4URP: Fixed an issue of Renderer2D using the incorrect render path when lights are out of the scene view. (1400566)
2021.3.4URP: Fixed errors when using Native RenderPass and Render Objects feature after Post Processing.
2021.3.4URP: Fixed smooth material lighting banding issues on mobile platforms. (1375791)
2021.3.2URP: Fixed Blit and MotionVectors shader compilation errors with GLES2 API. (1388668)
2021.3.1URP: Fixed Android Vulkan issues with depth prepass and copy depth pass. (1386503)
2021.2.19URP: Fixed an intermediate texture mode SSAO compatibility issue and updated default intermediate texture mode to always.
2021.2.16URP: Added support for FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 upscaling filter.
2021.2.16URP: Added support for user-selected upscaling filters. Current options are automatic, bilinear, and nearest-neighbor.
2021.2.16URP: Fixed an incorrect shadow batching and shadow length.
2021.2.16URP: Fixed an issue in where the _ScreenParams was not setup correctly.
2021.2.16URP: Fixed an issue where 2D global lights with shadows enabled could break light layer batching.
2021.2.16URP: Fixed an issue where Light2D Sprite Light was not updating when Sprite properties were modified. (1396418, 1396422)
2021.2.16URP: Fixed decal automatic technique to correctly work with webgl. (1370326)
2021.2.16URP: Fixed FXAA quality issues when render scale was not 1.0.
2021.2.16URP: Fixed several Native RenderPass issues regarding input attachments, DepthOnly pass, and Decals.
2021.2.14URP: Fixed an incorrect blending of ParticleUnlit. (1373188)
2021.2.14URP: Fixed an issue where the menu button to be able to convert selected materials was missing.
2021.2.14URP: Fixed an issue with too many variants were being included in ShaderGraph shaders used in URP. []. (1378545)
2021.2.14URP: Fixed max light count cpu/gpu mismatch in Editor with Android target. (1392965)
2021.2.14URP: Fixed single channel compressed (BC4) cookies on main light.
2021.2.9URP: Fixed a performance regression in the 2D renderer regarding the PostProcessPass.
2021.2.9URP: Fixed a regression where filtering the scene view yielded incorrect visual results.
2021.2.9URP: Fixed decal compilation issue on mac.
2021.2.9URP: Fixed incorrect light indexing on Windows Editor with Android target. (1378103)
2021.2.9URP: Fixed mismatch on some platforms between Editor-side and Runtime-side implementations of UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal.DecalRendererFeature.IsAutomaticDBuffer(). (1364134)
2021.2.9URP: VFX: Incorrect Decal rendering when rendescale is different than one. (1343674)
2021.2.8URP: Fixed a broken soft shadow filtering issue. (1374960)
2021.2.8URP: Fixed an issue where shadow rendering was not working correctly with shader stripping in WebGl. (1381881)
2021.2.8URP: Fixed an issue with MSAA falling back to the incorrect value when sample count 2 was not supported on some Android GPUs.
2021.2.5URP: Fixed a performance regression for 2D shaders where alpha discard was disabled. (1335648)
2021.2.5URP: Fixed an issue where installing the Adaptive Performance package caused errors to the inspector UI. (1368161)
2021.2.5URP: Fixed an issue where the Convert Renderering Settings would cause a freeze. (1353885)
2021.2.5URP: Fixed disabled debug lighting modes on Vulkan and OpenGL following a shader compiler fix.
2021.2.5URP: Fixed incorrect behavior of Reflections with Smoothness lighting debug mode.
2021.2.5URP: Fixed post processing with Pixel Perfect camera. (1363763)
2021.2.2URP: Added: URP global setting for stripping off shader variants.
2021.2.2URP: Added: URP global setting for stripping post processing shader variants.
2021.2.2URP: Main light shadow, additional light shadow and additional light keywords are now enabled based on urp setting instead of existence in scene. This allows better variant stripping.
2021.2.2URP: Added “Conservative Enclosing Sphere” setting to fix shadow frustum culling issue where shadows are erroneously culled in corners of cascades (1153151)
2021.2.2URP: Fixed a regression bug where XR camera postion can not be modified in beginCameraRendering (1365000)
2021.2.2URP: Fixed an issue where screen space shadows has flickering with deferred mode (1354681)
2021.2.2URP: Fixed for rendering thumbnails. (1348209)
2021.2.2URP: Fixed ShaderGraph needing updated normals for ShadowCaster in URP.
2021.2.0URP: Added: “Allow Material Override” option to Lit and Unlit ShaderGraph targets. When checked, allows Material to control the surface options (transparent/opaque, blend mode, etc).
2021.2.0URP: Added: Added a help button on material editor to show the shader documentation page.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Added GetUniversalAdditionalLightData, a method that returns the additional data component for a given light or create one if it doesn’t exist yet.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Added Lights 2D to the Light Explorer window.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Added Motion Vector render pass for URP.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Added Render Settings Converter to the Render Pipeline Converter, this tool creates and assigns URP Assets based off rendering settings of a Builtin project.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Added support for default sprite mask shaders for the 2D Renderer in URP.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Blending and box projection for reflection probes.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Decal support. This includes new Decal Projector component, Decal renderer feature and Decal shader graph.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Fixed incorrect shadow fade in deferred rendering mode.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Light cookies support to directional, point and spot light. Directional light cookie is main light only feature.
2021.2.0URP: Added: New UI for Render Pipeline Converters. Used now for Built-in to Universal conversion.
2021.2.0URP: Added: New URP Debug Views under Window/Analysis/Rendering Debugger.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Optional Depth Priming. Allows the forward opaque pass of the base camera to skip shading certain fragments if they don’t contribute to the final opaque output.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Possibility to rename light layer values.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Sections on Light Inspector.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Store Actions’ option that enables bandwidth optimizations on mobile GPU architectures.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Support for controlling Volume Framework Update Frequency in UI on Cameras and URP Asset as well as through scripting.
2021.2.0URP: Added: Two new URP specific scene templates, Basic which has a camera and directional light, then Standard which has the addition of a global volume with basic post effects setup.
2021.2.0URP: Added: URP global setting for stripping off shader variants.
2021.2.0URP: Added: URP global setting for stripping post processing shader variants.
2021.2.0URP: Added: URP Global Settings Asset to the Graphics Settings - a common place for project-wide URP settings.
2021.2.0URP: Added: VFX: Basic support of Lit output.
2021.2.0URP: Added: VFX: Fix light cookies integration.
2021.2.0URP: Added: XR: Added Late Latching support to reduce VR latency (Quest).
2021.2.0URP: Changed: Reorder camera inspector to be in the same order as HDRP.
2021.2.0URP: Added shadergraph support for VFX directly on Universal target.
2021.2.0URP: Changed 2D Lights to inherit from Light2DBase.
2021.2.0URP: Changed material upgrader to upgrade AnimationClips in projects that have curves bound to renamed material properties.
2021.2.0URP: Changed Pixel Snapping and Upscale Render Texture in the PixelPerfectCamera to a dropdown.
2021.2.0URP: Changed process to stripping shader variants per renderer feature instead of combined renderer features.
2021.2.0URP: Changed the default name of new URP assets.
2021.2.0URP: Changed the opaque pass depth to be copied instead of scheduling a depth prepass when MSAA is enabled and a depth texture is required.
2021.2.0URP: Improved PixelPerfectCamera UI/UX.
2021.2.0URP: Made 2D shadow casting more efficient.
2021.2.0URP: Modified the behavior of setting a camera’s Background Type to “Dont Care” on mobile. “Dont Care” now fills the render target with arbitrary data at the beginning of the frame, which might be faster in some situations. Note that there are no guarantees for the exact content of the render target, so projects should only use “Dont care” if they are guaranteed to render to, or otherwise write every pixel every frame.
2021.2.0URP: Moved all 2D APIs out of the experimental namespace.
2021.2.0URP: Moved the advanced settings in eachg section of the the URP Asset Inspector to Show Additional Properties.
2021.2.0URP: Refactored some of the array resizing code around decal projector rendering to use new APIs in render core.
2021.2.0URP: Reversed UniversalRendererData and ForwardRendererData GUIDs to improve the upgrade experience from Unity versions 2019LTS, 2020LTS and 2021.1. Issues upgrading 2021.2 Alpha/Beta versions and are recommended to start with a fresh library if initial upgrade fails.
2021.2.0URP: Updated URP to no longer render via an intermediate texture unless actively required by a Renderer Feature. See the upgrade guide for compatibility options and how assets are upgraded.
2021.2.0URP: URP Asset Inspector - General section has been renamed to Rendering.
2021.1.27URP: Added: Support for controlling Volume Framework Update Frequency in UI on Cameras and URP Asset as well as through scripting.
2021.1.27URP: Fixed an issue in Sprite-Lit-Default.shader that caused 2D lighting in perspective to be incorrect. (1315645)
2021.1.27URP: Fixed an issue where camera dimension could be zero. (1321168)
2021.1.27URP: Fixed an issue where depth texture was not available when ScriptableRenderPasses had configured it as input and MSAA were disabled.
2021.1.27URP: Fixed an issue where Opacity as Density blending artifacts on Terrain that that caused Terrain to have modified splat weights of zero in some areas and greater than one in others.
2021.1.27URP: Fixed an issue where the 2D Renderer was not rendering depth and stencil in the normal rendering pass. (1259874)
2021.1.27URP: Fixed an issue where UniversalRenderPipeineAsset could not use multi-edit.
2021.1.23URP: Fixed an issue where soft shadows shader variants did not set to multi_compile_fragment on some shaders (gbuffer pass, speedtree shaders, WavingGrass shader).
2021.1.23URP: Fixed artifacts in Speed Tree 8 billboard LODs due to SpeedTree LOD smoothing/crossfading. (1348407)
2021.1.23URP: VFX: Fixed a soft particles issue when HDR or Opaque texture wasn’t enabled.
2021.1.23URP: VFX: Fixed an OpenGL soft particles fallback issue when depth texture wasn’t available.
2021.1.19URP: Fixed an error where multisampled texture was being bound to a non-multisampled sampler in XR.
2021.1.19URP: Fixed an issue with terrain hole shadowing. (1349305)
2021.1.16URP: Fixed an issue where the SRP batcher was not working on OpenGL.
2021.1.14URP: Added: Added a SpeedTree 8 Shader Graph but did not set it as the default when importing or upgrading Speed Tree 8 assets. Because URP doesn’t yet support per-material culling, this Shader Graph does not yet behave in the same way as the existing handwritten SpeedTree 8 shader for URP.
2021.1.12URP: Fixed a performance issue in Hololens when using renderer with custom render passes.
2021.1.12URP: Fixed an issue where Particle Lit shader had an incorrect fallback shader. (1312459)
2021.1.12URP: Fixed an issue where SMAA did not work for OpenGL. (1318214)


Unity URP 2021 Release-Notes

🌈Unity URP 2021 Release-Notes 本文信息收集来自自动搜集工具👈 版本更新内容2021.3.32URP: Vulkan URP will use MSAA samples count fallback from player settings. Prior to this x2 fallback would have been to upgrade to x4.(UUM-741)2021.3.…...

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将多个相近的机器学习模型融合到一个Web APP中 FUSE-ML是一个用于预测腰椎融合术后效果的APP,它可以做出三个不同的结论,分别评价术后的腰痛、腿痛和日常功能是否提高。 这估计是部署了三个机器学习模型在这个APP中,因为一个机器学习模型仅…...


C语言#define的用法,C语言宏定义 #define 叫做宏定义命令,它也是C语言预处理命令的一种。所谓宏定义,就是用一个标识符来表示一个字符串,如果在后面的代码中出现了该标识符,那么就全部替换成指定的字符串。 我们先通…...

wordpress page width/百度热搜电视剧

模板介绍 本套医院干部述职报告PPT模板,模板编号:P18242,大小10MB,共27页,比例为16:9,由封面、目录、转场页、内容、结尾5个部分构成。 内含蓝色,灰色多种配色,精美风格设计,动态播放效果,精美实用。 一份设计精美的…...


算法提高 三角形面积 时间限制:1.0s 内存限制:256.0MB 问题描述   由三角形的三边长,求其面积。   提示:由三角形的三边a,b,c求面积可以用如下的公式:   s(abc)/2    输入格式   由空…...


注:该笔记来自于视频Node.JS-黑马程序员 概述 express是高度封装了http的第三方框架。 express官网:http://expressjs.com/ 只需要像安装其他包那样,直接执行npm install express --save命令安装后就可以使用了。 Hello World Hello Wor…...


Linux内核编译概述 Linux 2.6内核编译概述 Linux 2.6内核使用kbuild机制——使用make menuconfig将配置信息保存在.config文件中,当该文件被改变后再重新编译内核,以保证最小化的编译。 Linux 2.6 编译系统 主要包括的文件有: 交互配置工…...


.创建数据库create database 库名create database if not exists 库名创建库的同时指定字符集,校对规则create database mydb character set utf8collate utf8-general_ci;显示所有数据库show databases;显示创建数据库的定义信息show create dabasese 库名2.修改数据库&#…...