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【源码阅读】 Golang中的database/sql库源码探究


    • 前言
    • 一、整体目录结构
    • 二、driver包
      • 1、驱动相关driver.Driver
      • 2、驱动连接:driver.Conn
      • 3、预处理结构:Stmt
      • 4、执行结果 driver.Result
      • 5、查询结果:driver.Rows
      • 6、driver.RowsAffected
      • 7、driver.Value
      • 8、Value定义转换相关
    • 三、sql包
      • 1、Open方法
      • 2、驱动注册:sql.Register
      • 3、dsn驱动连接器:dsnConnector
      • 3、OpenDB方法
      • 4、数据库实例:sql.DB
      • 5、ExecContext
      • 6、QueryContext
      • 7、连接建立:db.conn
      • 8、连接重置:resetSession
      • 9、连接池相关可配置参数
      • 10、可监控指标
    • 二、结语
    • 三、参考








  • Connector:抽象的数据库连接器,需要具备创建数据库连接以及返回从属的数据库驱动的能力。
  • Driver:抽象的数据库驱动,具备创建数据库连接的能力。
  • Conn:抽象的数据库连接,具备预处理 sql 以及开启事务的能力。
  • Tx:抽象的事务,具备提交和回滚的能力。
  • Statement:抽象的请求预处理状态. 具备实际执行 sql 并返回执行结果的能力。
  • Result/Row:抽象的 sql 执行结果。


Driver是一个数据库驱动的接口,定义了 Open(name string) ,该方法返回一个数据库的Conn接口:

// Driver is the interface that must be implemented by a database
// driver.
// Database drivers may implement DriverContext for access
// to contexts and to parse the name only once for a pool of connections,
// instead of once per connection.
type Driver interface {// Open returns a new connection to the database.// The name is a string in a driver-specific format.//// Open may return a cached connection (one previously// closed), but doing so is unnecessary; the sql package// maintains a pool of idle connections for efficient re-use.//// The returned connection is only used by one goroutine at a// time.Open(name string) (Conn, error)



// If a Driver implements DriverContext, then sql.DB will call
// OpenConnector to obtain a Connector and then invoke
// that Connector's Connect method to obtain each needed connection,
// instead of invoking the Driver's Open method for each connection.
// The two-step sequence allows drivers to parse the name just once
// and also provides access to per-Conn contexts.
type DriverContext interface {// OpenConnector must parse the name in the same format that Driver.Open// parses the name parameter.OpenConnector(name string) (Connector, error)
}// A Connector represents a driver in a fixed configuration
// and can create any number of equivalent Conns for use
// by multiple goroutines.
// A Connector can be passed to sql.OpenDB, to allow drivers
// to implement their own sql.DB constructors, or returned by
// DriverContext's OpenConnector method, to allow drivers
// access to context and to avoid repeated parsing of driver
// configuration.
// If a Connector implements io.Closer, the sql package's DB.Close
// method will call Close and return error (if any).
type Connector interface {// Connect returns a connection to the database.// Connect may return a cached connection (one previously// closed), but doing so is unnecessary; the sql package// maintains a pool of idle connections for efficient re-use.//// The provided context.Context is for dialing purposes only// (see net.DialContext) and should not be stored or used for// other purposes. A default timeout should still be used// when dialing as a connection pool may call Connect// asynchronously to any query.//// The returned connection is only used by one goroutine at a// time.Connect(context.Context) (Conn, error)// Driver returns the underlying Driver of the Connector,// mainly to maintain compatibility with the Driver method// on sql.DB.Driver() Driver



type Conn interface {// Prepare returns a prepared statement, bound to this connection.Prepare(query string) (Stmt, error)// Close invalidates and potentially stops any current// prepared statements and transactions, marking this// connection as no longer in use.//// Because the sql package maintains a free pool of// connections and only calls Close when there's a surplus of// idle connections, it shouldn't be necessary for drivers to// do their own connection caching.//// Drivers must ensure all network calls made by Close// do not block indefinitely (e.g. apply a timeout).Close() error// Begin starts and returns a new transaction.//// Deprecated: Drivers should implement ConnBeginTx instead (or additionally).Begin() (Tx, error)

Begin: // 返回一个代表事务处理的Tx,通过它可以进行查询、更新等操作,或者对事务进行回滚、递交。

新版本中,Begin方法已经不推荐了,被ConnBeginTx代替了, 新版本中的Begin方法多提供了入参ctx和额外的可选参数opts,便于扩展和控制。

// ConnBeginTx enhances the Conn interface with context and TxOptions.
type ConnBeginTx interface {// BeginTx starts and returns a new transaction.// If the context is canceled by the user the sql package will// call Tx.Rollback before discarding and closing the connection.//// This must check opts.Isolation to determine if there is a set// isolation level. If the driver does not support a non-default// level and one is set or if there is a non-default isolation level// that is not supported, an error must be returned.//// This must also check opts.ReadOnly to determine if the read-only// value is true to either set the read-only transaction property if supported// or return an error if it is not supported.BeginTx(ctx context.Context, opts TxOptions) (Tx, error)


// Stmt is a prepared statement. It is bound to a Conn and not
// used by multiple goroutines concurrently.
type Stmt interface {// Close closes the statement.//// As of Go 1.1, a Stmt will not be closed if it's in use// by any queries.//// Drivers must ensure all network calls made by Close// do not block indefinitely (e.g. apply a timeout).Close() error// NumInput returns the number of placeholder parameters.//// If NumInput returns >= 0, the sql package will sanity check// argument counts from callers and return errors to the caller// before the statement's Exec or Query methods are called.//// NumInput may also return -1, if the driver doesn't know// its number of placeholders. In that case, the sql package// will not sanity check Exec or Query argument counts.NumInput() int// Exec executes a query that doesn't return rows, such// as an INSERT or UPDATE.//// Deprecated: Drivers should implement StmtExecContext instead (or additionally).Exec(args []Value) (Result, error)// Query executes a query that may return rows, such as a// SELECT.//// Deprecated: Drivers should implement StmtQueryContext instead (or additionally).Query(args []Value) (Rows, error)
}// StmtExecContext enhances the Stmt interface by providing Exec with context.
type StmtExecContext interface {// ExecContext executes a query that doesn't return rows, such// as an INSERT or UPDATE.//// ExecContext must honor the context timeout and return when it is canceled.ExecContext(ctx context.Context, args []NamedValue) (Result, error)
}// StmtQueryContext enhances the Stmt interface by providing Query with context.
type StmtQueryContext interface {// QueryContext executes a query that may return rows, such as a// SELECT.//// QueryContext must honor the context timeout and return when it is canceled.QueryContext(ctx context.Context, args []NamedValue) (Rows, error)

NumInput:返回当前预留参数的个数,当返回>=0时,数据库驱动会智能检查调用者的参数。 当数据库驱动包不知道预留参数的时候,返回-1。

4、执行结果 driver.Result

// Result is the result of a query execution.
type Result interface {// LastInsertId returns the database's auto-generated ID// after, for example, an INSERT into a table with primary// key.LastInsertId() (int64, error)// RowsAffected returns the number of rows affected by the// query.RowsAffected() (int64, error)


// Rows is an iterator over an executed query's results.
type Rows interface {// 该函数返回查询数据库表的字段信息,这个返回的slice和SQL查询的字段一一对应,// 而不是返回整张表的所有字段。Columns() []string// 用来关闭Rows迭代器Close() error// 该函数用来返回下一条数据,把数据赋值给dest .// dest里面元素必须是driver.Value的值(string除外),返回的数据里面所有的 string 都必须转换成// []byte.如果最后没有数据了,Next 函数返回 io.EOF。Next(dest []Value) error



RowsAffected 不是别的东西,实际上只是 int64 的别名,但它实现了Result接口,用于底层实现 Result 的表示方式,构建Exec方法返回的结果集。

// RowsAffected implements Result for an INSERT or UPDATE operation
// which mutates a number of rows.
type RowsAffected int64var _ Result = RowsAffected(0)func (RowsAffected) LastInsertId() (int64, error) {return 0, errors.New("LastInsertId is not supported by this driver")
}func (v RowsAffected) RowsAffected() (int64, error) {return int64(v), nil


Value 其实是一个空接口,可以容纳任何的数据。

// diver 的 Value 是驱动必须能够操作的 Value,Value要么是nil,要么是下面任意一种:
//   int64
//   float64
//   bool
//   []byte
//   string   [*] 除了Rows.Next,返回的不能是string
//   time.Time
type Value interface{}



// ValueConverter is the interface providing the ConvertValue method.
// Various implementations of ValueConverter are provided by the
// driver package to provide consistent implementations of conversions
// between drivers. The ValueConverters have several uses:
//   - converting from the Value types as provided by the sql package
//     into a database table's specific column type and making sure it
//     fits, such as making sure a particular int64 fits in a
//     table's uint16 column.
//   - converting a value as given from the database into one of the
//     driver Value types.
//   - by the sql package, for converting from a driver's Value type
//     to a user's type in a scan.
type ValueConverter interface {// ConvertValue converts a value to a driver Value.ConvertValue(v any) (Value, error)
}// Valuer is the interface providing the Value method.
// Types implementing Valuer interface are able to convert
// themselves to a driver Value.
type Valuer interface {// Value returns a driver Value.// Value must not panic.Value() (Value, error)





// Open opens a database specified by its database driver name and a
// driver-specific data source name, usually consisting of at least a
// database name and connection information.
// Most users will open a database via a driver-specific connection
// helper function that returns a *DB. No database drivers are included
// in the Go standard library. See https://golang.org/s/sqldrivers for
// a list of third-party drivers.
// Open may just validate its arguments without creating a connection
// to the database. To verify that the data source name is valid, call
// Ping.
// The returned DB is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines
// and maintains its own pool of idle connections. Thus, the Open
// function should be called just once. It is rarely necessary to
// close a DB.
func Open(driverName, dataSourceName string) (*DB, error) {driversMu.RLock()driveri, ok := drivers[driverName]driversMu.RUnlock()if !ok {return nil, fmt.Errorf("sql: unknown driver %q (forgotten import?)", driverName)}if driverCtx, ok := driveri.(driver.DriverContext); ok {connector, err := driverCtx.OpenConnector(dataSourceName)if err != nil {return nil, err}return OpenDB(connector), nil}return OpenDB(dsnConnector{dsn: dataSourceName, driver: driveri}), nil



driversMu sync.RWMutex
drivers   = make(map[string]driver.Driver)
// 驱动注册
func Register(name string, driver driver.Driver) {driversMu.Lock()defer driversMu.Unlock()if driver == nil {panic("sql: Register driver is nil")}if _, dup := drivers[name]; dup {panic("sql: Register called twice for driver " + name)}drivers[name] = driver



 sql.go dsn驱动连接器
type dsnConnector struct {dsn    stringdriver driver.Driver
}func (t dsnConnector) Connect(_ context.Context) (driver.Conn, error) {return t.driver.Open(t.dsn)
}func (t dsnConnector) Driver() driver.Driver {return t.driver



// OpenDB opens a database using a Connector, allowing drivers to
// bypass a string based data source name.
// Most users will open a database via a driver-specific connection
// helper function that returns a *DB. No database drivers are included
// in the Go standard library. See https://golang.org/s/sqldrivers for
// a list of third-party drivers.
// OpenDB may just validate its arguments without creating a connection
// to the database. To verify that the data source name is valid, call
// Ping.
// The returned DB is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines
// and maintains its own pool of idle connections. Thus, the OpenDB
// function should be called just once. It is rarely necessary to
// close a DB.
func OpenDB(c driver.Connector) *DB {ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())db := &DB{connector:    c,openerCh:     make(chan struct{}, connectionRequestQueueSize),lastPut:      make(map[*driverConn]string),connRequests: make(map[uint64]chan connRequest),stop:         cancel,}go db.connectionOpener(ctx)return db

同时,我们还注意到,OpenDB方法中,除了正常的构建一个DB实例外,还起了一个协程,并且传入ctx作为入参,这个协程主要作用就是在接收到通道 openerCh 有数据(在真正执行query、exec时候发现连接不够用或者driver.ErrBadConn错误时候给这个通道发送消息)的时候,调用openNewConnection创建一个新的连接。传入ctx主要是为了便于控制协程的退出。因此从这里我们知道,连接池中的连接并不是一开始就创建好了的,而是在真正执行sql的时候才会创建,因此,不必担心调用多次Open方法创建多个DB实例会导致创建很多连接。

// Runs in a separate goroutine, opens new connections when requested.
func (db *DB) connectionOpener(ctx context.Context) {for {select {case <-ctx.Done():returncase <-db.openerCh:db.openNewConnection(ctx)}}
// Open one new connection
func (db *DB) openNewConnection(ctx context.Context) {// maybeOpenNewConnections has already executed db.numOpen++ before it sent// on db.openerCh. This function must execute db.numOpen-- if the// connection fails or is closed before returning.ci, err := db.connector.Connect(ctx)db.mu.Lock()defer db.mu.Unlock()if db.closed {if err == nil {ci.Close()}db.numOpen--return}if err != nil {db.numOpen--db.putConnDBLocked(nil, err)db.maybeOpenNewConnections()return}dc := &driverConn{db:         db,createdAt:  nowFunc(),returnedAt: nowFunc(),ci:         ci,}if db.putConnDBLocked(dc, err) {db.addDepLocked(dc, dc)} else {db.numOpen--ci.Close()}
/maybeOpenNewConnections///// Assumes db.mu is locked.
// If there are connRequests and the connection limit hasn't been reached,
// then tell the connectionOpener to open new connections.
func (db *DB) maybeOpenNewConnections() {numRequests := len(db.connRequests)if db.maxOpen > 0 {numCanOpen := db.maxOpen - db.numOpenif numRequests > numCanOpen {numRequests = numCanOpen}}for numRequests > 0 {db.numOpen++ // optimisticallynumRequests--if db.closed {return}db.openerCh <- struct{}{}}



  • connector:用于创建数据库连接的抽象连接器,由第三方数据库提供具体实现。
  • freeConn:数据库连接池,缓存可用的连接以供后续复用。
  • connRequests:唤醒通道集合,和阻塞等待连接的协程是一对一的关系。
  • openerCh:创建连接信号通道. 用于向连接创建协程 opener goroutine 发送信号。
  • stop:连接创建协程 opener goroutine 的终止器,用于停止该协程。
// DB is a database handle representing a pool of zero or more
// underlying connections. It's safe for concurrent use by multiple
// goroutines.
// The sql package creates and frees connections automatically; it
// also maintains a free pool of idle connections. If the database has
// a concept of per-connection state, such state can be reliably observed
// within a transaction (Tx) or connection (Conn). Once DB.Begin is called, the
// returned Tx is bound to a single connection. Once Commit or
// Rollback is called on the transaction, that transaction's
// connection is returned to DB's idle connection pool. The pool size
// can be controlled with SetMaxIdleConns.
type DB struct {// Atomic access only. At top of struct to prevent mis-alignment// on 32-bit platforms. Of type time.Duration.waitDuration int64 // Total time waited for new connections.connector driver.Connector// numClosed is an atomic counter which represents a total number of// closed connections. Stmt.openStmt checks it before cleaning closed// connections in Stmt.css.numClosed uint64mu           sync.Mutex    // protects following fieldsfreeConn     []*driverConn // free connections ordered by returnedAt oldest to newestconnRequests map[uint64]chan connRequestnextRequest  uint64 // Next key to use in connRequests.numOpen      int    // number of opened and pending open connections// Used to signal the need for new connections// a goroutine running connectionOpener() reads on this chan and// maybeOpenNewConnections sends on the chan (one send per needed connection)// It is closed during db.Close(). The close tells the connectionOpener// goroutine to exit.openerCh          chan struct{}closed            booldep               map[finalCloser]depSetlastPut           map[*driverConn]string // stacktrace of last conn's put; debug onlymaxIdleCount      int                    // zero means defaultMaxIdleConns; negative means 0maxOpen           int                    // <= 0 means unlimitedmaxLifetime       time.Duration          // maximum amount of time a connection may be reusedmaxIdleTime       time.Duration          // maximum amount of time a connection may be idle before being closedcleanerCh         chan struct{}waitCount         int64 // Total number of connections waited for.maxIdleClosed     int64 // Total number of connections closed due to idle count.maxIdleTimeClosed int64 // Total number of connections closed due to idle time.maxLifetimeClosed int64 // Total number of connections closed due to max connection lifetime limit.stop func() // stop cancels the connection opener.



ExecContext主要用于执行delete、update、insert等语句,可以看到,在该方法中会对连接进行重试,如果连接过期了(exec方法返回了driver.ErrBadConn错误),那么将会重试。重试过程中携带的连接建立策略是cachedOrNewConn,如果重试次数达到上限并且连接被标记为isBadConn (一般是mysql server主动断开连接使得连接失效),那么将直接调用exec方法,将连接的建立策略修改为alwaysNewConn。

// ExecContext executes a query without returning any rows.
// The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
func (db *DB) ExecContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...any) (Result, error) {var res Resultvar err errorvar isBadConn boolfor i := 0; i < maxBadConnRetries; i++ {res, err = db.exec(ctx, query, args, cachedOrNewConn)isBadConn = errors.Is(err, driver.ErrBadConn)if !isBadConn {break}}if isBadConn {return db.exec(ctx, query, args, alwaysNewConn)}return res, err


  • alwaysNewConn:表示强制请求建立一个新的数据库连接。
  • cachedOrNewConn:表示从连接池中获取,如果没有,那么将会阻塞等待连接可用;或者也可以请求创建一个新的连接。
// connReuseStrategy determines how (*DB).conn returns database connections.
type connReuseStrategy uint8const (// alwaysNewConn forces a new connection to the database.alwaysNewConn connReuseStrategy = iota// cachedOrNewConn returns a cached connection, if available, else waits// for one to become available (if MaxOpenConns has been reached) or// creates a new database connection.cachedOrNewConn
)/ 核心exec方法
func (db *DB) exec(ctx context.Context, query string, args []any, strategy connReuseStrategy) (Result, error) {dc, err := db.conn(ctx, strategy)if err != nil {return nil, err}return db.execDC(ctx, dc, dc.releaseConn, query, args)



// QueryContext executes a query that returns rows, typically a SELECT.
// The args are for any placeholder parameters in the query.
func (db *DB) QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...any) (*Rows, error) {var rows *Rowsvar err errorvar isBadConn boolfor i := 0; i < maxBadConnRetries; i++ {rows, err = db.query(ctx, query, args, cachedOrNewConn)isBadConn = errors.Is(err, driver.ErrBadConn)if !isBadConn {break}}if isBadConn {return db.query(ctx, query, args, alwaysNewConn)}return rows, err
func (db *DB) query(ctx context.Context, query string, args []any, strategy connReuseStrategy) (*Rows, error) {dc, err := db.conn(ctx, strategy)if err != nil {return nil, err}return db.queryDC(ctx, nil, dc, dc.releaseConn, query, args)

在 queryDC 、execDC方法中,主要都是依赖于具体的驱动实现来完成请求的执行,主要完成下面几个动作:

  • 首先通过连接将 sql 预处理成 statement。
  • 向数据库发包执行请求,并返回对应的结果。
  • 最后需要将连接放回连接池,倘若连接池已满或者连接已过期,则需要关闭连接。
// queryDC executes a query on the given connection.
// The connection gets released by the releaseConn function.
// The ctx context is from a query method and the txctx context is from an
// optional transaction context.
func (db *DB) queryDC(ctx, txctx context.Context, dc *driverConn, releaseConn func(error), query string, args []any) (*Rows, error) {queryerCtx, ok := dc.ci.(driver.QueryerContext)var queryer driver.Queryerif !ok {queryer, ok = dc.ci.(driver.Queryer)}if ok {var nvdargs []driver.NamedValuevar rowsi driver.Rowsvar err errorwithLock(dc, func() {nvdargs, err = driverArgsConnLocked(dc.ci, nil, args)if err != nil {return}rowsi, err = ctxDriverQuery(ctx, queryerCtx, queryer, query, nvdargs)})if err != driver.ErrSkip {if err != nil {releaseConn(err)return nil, err}// Note: ownership of dc passes to the *Rows, to be freed// with releaseConn.rows := &Rows{dc:          dc,releaseConn: releaseConn,rowsi:       rowsi,}rows.initContextClose(ctx, txctx)return rows, nil}}var si driver.Stmtvar err errorwithLock(dc, func() {si, err = ctxDriverPrepare(ctx, dc.ci, query)})if err != nil {releaseConn(err)return nil, err}ds := &driverStmt{Locker: dc, si: si}rowsi, err := rowsiFromStatement(ctx, dc.ci, ds, args...)if err != nil {ds.Close()releaseConn(err)return nil, err}// Note: ownership of ci passes to the *Rows, to be freed// with releaseConn.rows := &Rows{dc:          dc,releaseConn: releaseConn,rowsi:       rowsi,closeStmt:   ds,}rows.initContextClose(ctx, txctx)return rows, nil




  • 在cachedOrNewConn策略下,a:如果有空闲连接可用,那么将从连接池中获取连接并调用expire方法检查连接是否有效,如果失效就返回driver.ErrBadConn,接下来会调用resetSession方法,检查这个连接是否需要重置session信息,如果需要则重置,重制失败并且返回driver.ErrBadConn会关闭当前连接,然后再进行重试。b:如果没有连接可用,且连接达到上限db.numOpen >= db.maxOpen,则会将当前协程挂起,建立对应的 channel 添加到 connRequests map 中,等待有连接释放时被唤醒。
  • 在alwaysNewConn策略下,a:如果没有连接可用,且连接达到上限db.numOpen >= db.maxOpen,则会将当前协程挂起,建立对应的 channel 添加到 connRequests map 中,等待有连接释放时被唤醒。b:如果连接数未达上限,则会调用第三方驱动的 connector 完成新连接的创建。
// conn returns a newly-opened or cached *driverConn.
func (db *DB) conn(ctx context.Context, strategy connReuseStrategy) (*driverConn, error) {db.mu.Lock()if db.closed {db.mu.Unlock()return nil, errDBClosed}// Check if the context is expired.select {default:case <-ctx.Done():db.mu.Unlock()return nil, ctx.Err()}lifetime := db.maxLifetime// Prefer a free connection, if possible.last := len(db.freeConn) - 1if strategy == cachedOrNewConn && last >= 0 {// Reuse the lowest idle time connection so we can close// connections which remain idle as soon as possible.conn := db.freeConn[last]db.freeConn = db.freeConn[:last]conn.inUse = trueif conn.expired(lifetime) {db.maxLifetimeClosed++db.mu.Unlock()conn.Close()return nil, driver.ErrBadConn}db.mu.Unlock()// Reset the session if required.if err := conn.resetSession(ctx); errors.Is(err, driver.ErrBadConn) {conn.Close()return nil, err}return conn, nil}// Out of free connections or we were asked not to use one. If we're not// allowed to open any more connections, make a request and wait.if db.maxOpen > 0 && db.numOpen >= db.maxOpen {// Make the connRequest channel. It's buffered so that the// connectionOpener doesn't block while waiting for the req to be read.req := make(chan connRequest, 1)reqKey := db.nextRequestKeyLocked()db.connRequests[reqKey] = reqdb.waitCount++db.mu.Unlock()waitStart := nowFunc()// Timeout the connection request with the context.select {case <-ctx.Done():// Remove the connection request and ensure no value has been sent// on it after removing.db.mu.Lock()delete(db.connRequests, reqKey)db.mu.Unlock()atomic.AddInt64(&db.waitDuration, int64(time.Since(waitStart)))select {default:case ret, ok := <-req:if ok && ret.conn != nil {db.putConn(ret.conn, ret.err, false)}}return nil, ctx.Err()case ret, ok := <-req:atomic.AddInt64(&db.waitDuration, int64(time.Since(waitStart)))if !ok {return nil, errDBClosed}// Only check if the connection is expired if the strategy is cachedOrNewConns.// If we require a new connection, just re-use the connection without looking// at the expiry time. If it is expired, it will be checked when it is placed// back into the connection pool.// This prioritizes giving a valid connection to a client over the exact connection// lifetime, which could expire exactly after this point anyway.if strategy == cachedOrNewConn && ret.err == nil && ret.conn.expired(lifetime) {db.mu.Lock()db.maxLifetimeClosed++db.mu.Unlock()ret.conn.Close()return nil, driver.ErrBadConn}if ret.conn == nil {return nil, ret.err}// Reset the session if required.if err := ret.conn.resetSession(ctx); errors.Is(err, driver.ErrBadConn) {ret.conn.Close()return nil, err}return ret.conn, ret.err}}db.numOpen++ // optimisticallydb.mu.Unlock()ci, err := db.connector.Connect(ctx)if err != nil {db.mu.Lock()db.numOpen-- // correct for earlier optimismdb.maybeOpenNewConnections()db.mu.Unlock()return nil, err}db.mu.Lock()dc := &driverConn{db:         db,createdAt:  nowFunc(),returnedAt: nowFunc(),ci:         ci,inUse:      true,}db.addDepLocked(dc, dc)db.mu.Unlock()return dc, nil



// resetSession checks if the driver connection needs the
// session to be reset and if required, resets it.
func (dc *driverConn) resetSession(ctx context.Context) error {dc.Lock()defer dc.Unlock()if !dc.needReset {return nil}if cr, ok := dc.ci.(driver.SessionResetter); ok {return cr.ResetSession(ctx)}return nil


func (db *DB) SetConnMaxIdleTime(d time.Duration)  // 空闲连接生存的最长时间
func (db *DB) SetConnMaxLifetime(d time.Duration) // 连接存活的最长时间,也就是这个连接能够重复使用的最长时间。设置为0表示永久复用,但可能真正执行的时候会收到BadConn的错误日志,因为mysql server可能设置了wait_timeout、超时后将主动断开这个连接。
func (db *DB) SetMaxOpenConns(n int) // 最大连接数
func (db *DB) SetMaxIdleConns(n int) // 最大空闲连接数,最大不能超过MaxOpenConns



// DBStats contains database statistics.
type DBStats struct {MaxOpenConnections int // Maximum number of open connections to the database.// Pool StatusOpenConnections int // The number of established connections both in use and idle.InUse           int // The number of connections currently in use.Idle            int // The number of idle connections.// CountersWaitCount         int64         // The total number of connections waited for.WaitDuration      time.Duration // The total time blocked waiting for a new connection.MaxIdleClosed     int64         // The total number of connections closed due to SetMaxIdleConns.MaxIdleTimeClosed int64         // The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxIdleTime.MaxLifetimeClosed int64         // The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxLifetime.
}// Stats returns database statistics.
func (db *DB) Stats() DBStats {wait := atomic.LoadInt64(&db.waitDuration)db.mu.Lock()defer db.mu.Unlock()stats := DBStats{MaxOpenConnections: db.maxOpen,Idle:            len(db.freeConn),OpenConnections: db.numOpen,InUse:           db.numOpen - len(db.freeConn),WaitCount:         db.waitCount,WaitDuration:      time.Duration(wait),MaxIdleClosed:     db.maxIdleClosed,MaxIdleTimeClosed: db.maxIdleTimeClosed,MaxLifetimeClosed: db.maxLifetimeClosed,}return stats


  • 创建数据库实例
    在这里插入图片描述* 请求执行流程在这里插入图片描述
  • 数据库连接的获取
  • 连接的清理



最后,非常感谢知乎小徐大佬的图,画的太赞了,传送链接:Golang sql 标准库源码解析


1、Go database/sql连接池 - 源码学习
2、强烈推荐看这篇:Golang sql 标准库源码解析


【源码阅读】 Golang中的database/sql库源码探究

文章目录 前言一、整体目录结构二、driver包1、驱动相关driver.Driver2、驱动连接&#xff1a;driver.Conn3、预处理结构&#xff1a;Stmt4、执行结果 driver.Result5、查询结果&#xff1a;driver.Rows6、driver.RowsAffected7、driver.Value8、Value定义转换相关 三、sql包1、…...

什么是容器微隔离 - 容器微隔离技术有哪些

如果您对容器安全有任何问题可以联系安全狗对您的容器进行安全防护。 容器微隔离是一种在容器化环境中实现安全隔离的技术。随着云计算和容器化技术的广泛应用&#xff0c;容器已成为企业IT架构中的重要组成部分。然而&#xff0c;随着容器数量的增加&#xff0c;容器之间的交…...


论文如下&#xff1a; 基于三球定位的多个火箭残骸的准确定位 针对问题一&#xff1a;为了进行单个残骸的精确定位&#xff0c;确定单个火箭残骸发生音爆 时的精确位置和时间&#xff0c;本文基于三球定位模型&#xff0c;考虑到解的存在性和唯一性&#xff0c; 选取了四个监测…...




情景再现 假设你现在有一个游戏客户端&#xff0c;客户端只打包了入口场景&#xff0c;游戏场景都存放在了AB包。 你打的热更包里使用了协程中的waituntil修复游戏场景中空投补给资源加载时机问题&#xff0c;但是打出来的热更在真机跑报如下错误&#xff1a; TypeLoadExcep…...


Quest Name Counterattack! | 人马无双&#xff01; Quest ID 4021 -- Adjust Conditions UPDATE world.conditions SET ConditionValue2 8, Comment Regthar Deathgate - On Quest State - Gossip Menu Option Available WHERE SourceTypeOrReferenceId 15 AND Source…...

torch.flatten(x, 1)”和“x.view(x.size(0), -1)”有什么区别?

这两个操作在 PyTorch 中都用于将张量展平为一维。它们的主要区别在于实现方式和适用情况&#xff1a; torch.flatten(x, 1)&#xff1a; 这是一个函数调用&#xff0c;其中 x 是输入张量&#xff0c;1 是指定要展平的起始维度。此函数会将张量 x 从指定的起始维度开始展平&…...


测试环境&#xff1a;实时主备数据库 1、在节点1向测试表aaa插入数据 如图可见&#xff0c;会话139695153554808向aaa表插入了10000行数据。事务id460520。 2、提交前在另一个窗口kill掉dmserver进程。 3、查看节点2的数据库日志 上图可见&#xff0c;系统执行alter database…...

JAVA:jsp+springboot 配置maven兼容版本

Java17 maven依赖&#xff1a;如果中央库和其他镜像找不到包&#xff0c; 可以访问下面的网址找替代包 <!-- Maven Repository: Search/Browse/Explore (mvnrepository.com) -->spring-boot版本号3.2.51.无需配置驱动&#xff0c;有内置数据库驱动 2.能自动扫描配置类。b…...


环境准备 docker&#xff1a; 虚拟机&#xff1a;4核4G systemctl stop firewalld systemctl disable firewalld setenforce 0 安装docker #安装依赖包 yum -y install yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2 #设置阿里云镜像 yum-config-manager --add…...


代码如下&#xff1a; int i 123; object o i; // Boxing int j (int)o; // Unboxing 缺点&#xff1a; 当装箱和拆箱发生时&#xff0c;该技术允许将值类型视为对象。虽然非常有益&#xff0c;但它们会带来性能开销。值类型和引用类型之间的转换过多可能会导致垃圾回收…...

JavaEE 初阶篇-深入了解 Junit 单元测试框架和 Java 中的反射机制(使用反射做一个简易版框架)

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rust语言tokio库spawn, blocking_spawn等的使用

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Remix框架实现 SSR

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02.0 基于Verilog控制LED灯每秒钟闪烁一次

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使用 Lua 协程模拟 Golang 的 go defer 编程模式

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UDP&#xff08;User Datagram Protocol&#xff09;和TCP&#xff08;Transmission Control Protocol&#xff09;是两种常见的网络通信协议&#xff0c;用于在计算机网络中进行数据传输。 1. TCP&#xff1a;Transmission Control Protocol&#xff08;传输控制协议&#xf…...


一.docker入门 1.docker为什么出现 问题&#xff1a;您使用的是一台笔记本开发并且有特定的配置环境&#xff0c;其他开发人员身处的配置环境也各有不同。您正在开发的应用依赖于您的目前配置环境且还要依赖于某些配置文件&#xff0c;您的企业还拥有标准化测试和生产环境&…...


源码&#xff1a;作者&#xff1a;john hollen最终效果不是特别漂亮&#xff0c;但作者给出了详细的笔记&#xff0c;这就是收录这项源码的原因。记笔记&#xff1a;TNM084&#xff0c;是Linkping University 的图像处理课程&#xff0c;github上有20有关多个项目&#xff0c;容…...


枚举型实质就是使用符号来表示的一组相互关联的数据. Season currentSeason,nextSeason; currentSeason Season.Spring; nextSeason currentSeason 1; Console.WriteLine("当前季节为&#xff1a;{0},{1}",int)currentSeason,currentSeason);Console.WriteLine(&q…...


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