第100+16步 ChatGPT学习:R实现Xgboost分类
基于R 4.2.2版本演示
# Load necessary libraries
library(xgboost)# Assume 'data' is your dataframe containing the data
# Set seed to ensure reproducibility
set.seed(123)# Split data into training and validation sets (80% training, 20% validation)
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(data$X, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
trainData <- data[trainIndex, ]
validData <- data[-trainIndex, ]# Prepare matrices for XGBoost
dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(trainData[, -which(names(trainData) == "X")]), label = trainData$X)
dvalid <- xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(validData[, -which(names(validData) == "X")]), label = validData$X)# Define parameters for XGBoost
params <- list(booster = "gbtree", objective = "binary:logistic", eta = 0.1, gamma = 0, max_depth = 6, min_child_weight = 1, subsample = 0.8, colsample_bytree = 0.8)# Train the XGBoost model
model <- xgb.train(params = params, data = dtrain, nrounds = 100, watchlist = list(eval = dtrain), verbose = 1)# Predict on the training and validation sets
trainPredict <- predict(model, dtrain)
validPredict <- predict(model, dvalid)# Convert predictions to binary using 0.5 as threshold
#trainPredict <- ifelse(trainPredict > 0.5, 1, 0)
#validPredict <- ifelse(validPredict > 0.5, 1, 0)# Calculate ROC curves and AUC values
#trainRoc <- roc(response = trainData$X, predictor = as.numeric(trainPredict))
#validRoc <- roc(response = validData$X, predictor = as.numeric(validPredict))
trainRoc <- roc(response = as.numeric(trainData$X) - 1, predictor = trainPredict)
validRoc <- roc(response = as.numeric(validData$X) - 1, predictor = validPredict)# Plot ROC curves with AUC values
ggplot(data = data.frame(fpr = trainRoc$specificities, tpr = trainRoc$sensitivities), aes(x = 1 - fpr, y = tpr)) +geom_line(color = "blue") +geom_area(alpha = 0.2, fill = "blue") +geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +ggtitle("Training ROC Curve") +xlab("False Positive Rate") +ylab("True Positive Rate") +annotate("text", x = 0.5, y = 0.1, label = paste("Training AUC =", round(auc(trainRoc), 2)), hjust = 0.5, color = "blue")ggplot(data = data.frame(fpr = validRoc$specificities, tpr = validRoc$sensitivities), aes(x = 1 - fpr, y = tpr)) +geom_line(color = "red") +geom_area(alpha = 0.2, fill = "red") +geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +ggtitle("Validation ROC Curve") +xlab("False Positive Rate") +ylab("True Positive Rate") +annotate("text", x = 0.5, y = 0.2, label = paste("Validation AUC =", round(auc(validRoc), 2)), hjust = 0.5, color = "red")# Calculate confusion matrices based on 0.5 cutoff for probability
confMatTrain <- table(trainData$X, trainPredict >= 0.5)
confMatValid <- table(validData$X, validPredict >= 0.5)# Function to plot confusion matrix using ggplot2
plot_confusion_matrix <- function(conf_mat, dataset_name) {conf_mat_df <- as.data.frame(as.table(conf_mat))colnames(conf_mat_df) <- c("Actual", "Predicted", "Freq")p <- ggplot(data = conf_mat_df, aes(x = Predicted, y = Actual, fill = Freq)) +geom_tile(color = "white") +geom_text(aes(label = Freq), vjust = 1.5, color = "black", size = 5) +scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue") +labs(title = paste("Confusion Matrix -", dataset_name, "Set"), x = "Predicted Class", y = "Actual Class") +theme_minimal() +theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))print(p)
}# Now call the function to plot and display the confusion matrices
plot_confusion_matrix(confMatTrain, "Training")
plot_confusion_matrix(confMatValid, "Validation")# Extract values for calculations
a_train <- confMatTrain[1, 1]
b_train <- confMatTrain[1, 2]
c_train <- confMatTrain[2, 1]
d_train <- confMatTrain[2, 2]a_valid <- confMatValid[1, 1]
b_valid <- confMatValid[1, 2]
c_valid <- confMatValid[2, 1]
d_valid <- confMatValid[2, 2]# Training Set Metrics
acc_train <- (a_train + d_train) / sum(confMatTrain)
error_rate_train <- 1 - acc_train
sen_train <- d_train / (d_train + c_train)
sep_train <- a_train / (a_train + b_train)
precision_train <- d_train / (b_train + d_train)
F1_train <- (2 * precision_train * sen_train) / (precision_train + sen_train)
MCC_train <- (d_train * a_train - b_train * c_train) / sqrt((d_train + b_train) * (d_train + c_train) * (a_train + b_train) * (a_train + c_train))
auc_train <- roc(response = trainData$X, predictor = trainPredict)$auc# Validation Set Metrics
acc_valid <- (a_valid + d_valid) / sum(confMatValid)
error_rate_valid <- 1 - acc_valid
sen_valid <- d_valid / (d_valid + c_valid)
sep_valid <- a_valid / (a_valid + b_valid)
precision_valid <- d_valid / (b_valid + d_valid)
F1_valid <- (2 * precision_valid * sen_valid) / (precision_valid + sen_valid)
MCC_valid <- (d_valid * a_valid - b_valid * c_valid) / sqrt((d_valid + b_valid) * (d_valid + c_valid) * (a_valid + b_valid) * (a_valid + c_valid))
auc_valid <- roc(response = validData$X, predictor = validPredict)$auc# Print Metrics
cat("Training Metrics\n")
cat("Accuracy:", acc_train, "\n")
cat("Error Rate:", error_rate_train, "\n")
cat("Sensitivity:", sen_train, "\n")
cat("Specificity:", sep_train, "\n")
cat("Precision:", precision_train, "\n")
cat("F1 Score:", F1_train, "\n")
cat("MCC:", MCC_train, "\n")
cat("AUC:", auc_train, "\n\n")cat("Validation Metrics\n")
cat("Accuracy:", acc_valid, "\n")
cat("Error Rate:", error_rate_valid, "\n")
cat("Sensitivity:", sen_valid, "\n")
cat("Specificity:", sep_valid, "\n")
cat("Precision:", precision_valid, "\n")
cat("F1 Score:", F1_valid, "\n")
cat("MCC:", MCC_valid, "\n")
cat("AUC:", auc_valid, "\n")
①booster: 选择每一步的模型类型,常用的有:
- gbtree:基于树的模型(默认)
- gblinear:线性模型
- dart:Dropouts meet Multiple Additive Regression Trees
②nthread: 并行线程数,默认为最大可用线程数。
③verbosity: 打印消息的详细程度,0 (silent), 1 (warning), 2 (info), 3 (debug)。
2)Booster 参数:
①eta (或 learning_rate): 学习率,控制每步的收缩以防止过拟合。
②min_child_weight: 决定最小叶子节点样本权重和,用于控制过拟合。
③max_depth: 树的最大深度,限制树的增长以避免过拟合。
④max_leaf_nodes: 最大叶子节点数。
⑤gamma (或 min_split_loss): 分裂节点所需的最小损失函数下降值。
⑥subsample: 训练每棵树时用于随机采样的部分数据比例。
⑦colsample_bytree/colsample_bylevel/colsample_bynode: 构建树时每个级别的特征采样比例。
⑧lambda (或 reg_lambda): L2 正则化项权重。
⑨alpha (或 reg_alpha): L1 正则化项权重。
⑩scale_pos_weight: 在类别不平衡的情况下加权正类的权重。
n_estimators / nrounds:Boosting 过程中的树的数量,或者说是提升迭代的轮数。每轮迭代通常会产生一个新的模型(通常是一棵树)。
①objective: 定义学习任务和相应的学习目标,如:
②binary:logistic: 二分类的逻辑回归,返回预测概率。
③multi:softmax: 多分类的softmax,需要设置 num_class(类别数)。
④reg:squarederror: 回归任务的平方误差。
⑤eval_metric: 验证数据的评估指标,如 rmse、mae、logloss、error (分类错误率)、auc 等。
⑥seed: 随机数种子,用于结果的可重复性。
5)DART Booster特有参数
当 booster 设置为 dart 时:
①sample_type: 采样类型。
②normalize_type: 归一化类型。
③rate_drop: 每次迭代中树的丢弃率。
④skip_drop: 跳过丢弃的概率。
调参的一般策略是,可以先使用网格搜索(Grid Search)、随机搜索(Random Search)或更高级的方法如贝叶斯优化来粗略地确定合适的参数范围,然后在这些范围内细致地调整和验证,以找到最优的模型配置。
主要调的参数:max_depth、min_child_weight、gamma、subsample、colsample_bytree / colsample_bylevel / colsample_bynode、eta、lambda、alpha和n_estimators (或 nrounds)。
lambda 和 alpha(L2和L1正则化项):在成本函数中添加正则化项。0到10的范围通常效果不错。
# Load necessary libraries
library(xgboost)# Assume 'data' is your dataframe containing the data
# Set seed to ensure reproducibility
set.seed(123)# Convert the target variable to factor if not already
data$X <- factor(data$X)# Split data into training and validation sets (80% training, 20% validation)
trainIndex <- createDataPartition(data$X, p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
trainData <- data[trainIndex, ]
validData <- data[-trainIndex, ]# Prepare matrices for XGBoost
dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(trainData[, -which(names(trainData) == "X")]), label = as.numeric(trainData$X) - 1)
dvalid <- xgb.DMatrix(data = as.matrix(validData[, -which(names(validData) == "X")]), label = as.numeric(validData$X) - 1)# Define parameter grid
depths <- c(4, 6, 10)
weights <- c(1, 5, 10)
gammas <- c(0, 0.2, 0.5)
subsamples <- c(0.5, 0.8, 0.9)
colsamples <- c(0.5, 0.8, 0.9)
etas <- c(0.01, 0.1, 0.2)
lambdas <- c(0, 5, 10)
alphas <- c(0, 1, 5)
nrounds <- c(100, 250, 500)best_auc <- 0
best_params <- list()# Loop through parameter grid
for (max_depth in depths) {for (min_child_weight in weights) {for (gamma in gammas) {for (subsample in subsamples) {for (colsample_bytree in colsamples) {for (eta in etas) {for (lambda in lambdas) {for (alpha in alphas) {for (nround in nrounds) {# Set parameters for this iterationparams <- list(booster = "gbtree",objective = "binary:logistic",eta = eta,gamma = gamma,max_depth = max_depth,min_child_weight = min_child_weight,subsample = subsample,colsample_bytree = colsample_bytree,lambda = lambda,alpha = alpha)# Train the modelmodel <- xgb.train(params = params, data = dtrain, nrounds = nround, watchlist = list(eval = dtrain), verbose = 0)# Predict on the validation setvalidPredict <- predict(model, dvalid)validPredictBinary <- ifelse(validPredict > 0.5, 1, 0)# Calculate AUCvalidRoc <- roc(response = as.numeric(validData$X) - 1, predictor = validPredictBinary)auc_score <- auc(validRoc)# Update best model if current AUC is betterif (auc_score > best_auc) {best_auc <- auc_scorebest_params <- paramsbest_params$nrounds <- nround}}}}}}}}}
}# Print the best AUC and corresponding parameters
print(paste("Best AUC:", best_auc))
print("Best Parameters:")
print(best_params)# After parameter tuning, train the model with best parameters
model <- xgb.train(params = best_params, data = dtrain, nrounds = best_params$nrounds, watchlist = list(eval = dtrain), verbose = 0)# Predict on the training and validation sets using the final model
trainPredict <- predict(model, dtrain)
validPredict <- predict(model, dvalid)# Convert predictions to binary using 0.5 as threshold
#trainPredictBinary <- ifelse(trainPredict > 0.5, 1, 0)
#validPredictBinary <- ifelse(validPredict > 0.5, 1, 0)# Calculate ROC curves and AUC values
#trainRoc <- roc(response = trainData$X, predictor = as.numeric(trainPredict))
#validRoc <- roc(response = validData$X, predictor = as.numeric(validPredict))
trainRoc <- roc(response = as.numeric(trainData$X) - 1, predictor = trainPredict)
validRoc <- roc(response = as.numeric(validData$X) - 1, predictor = validPredict)# Plot ROC curves with AUC values
ggplot(data = data.frame(fpr = trainRoc$specificities, tpr = trainRoc$sensitivities), aes(x = 1 - fpr, y = tpr)) +geom_line(color = "blue") +geom_area(alpha = 0.2, fill = "blue") +geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +ggtitle("Training ROC Curve") +xlab("False Positive Rate") +ylab("True Positive Rate") +annotate("text", x = 0.5, y = 0.1, label = paste("Training AUC =", round(auc(trainRoc), 2)), hjust = 0.5, color = "blue")ggplot(data = data.frame(fpr = validRoc$specificities, tpr = validRoc$sensitivities), aes(x = 1 - fpr, y = tpr)) +geom_line(color = "red") +geom_area(alpha = 0.2, fill = "red") +geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, linetype = "dashed", color = "black") +ggtitle("Validation ROC Curve") +xlab("False Positive Rate") +ylab("True Positive Rate") +annotate("text", x = 0.5, y = 0.2, label = paste("Validation AUC =", round(auc(validRoc), 2)), hjust = 0.5, color = "red")# Calculate confusion matrices based on 0.5 cutoff for probability
confMatTrain <- table(trainData$X, trainPredict >= 0.5)
confMatValid <- table(validData$X, validPredict >= 0.5)# Function to plot confusion matrix using ggplot2
plot_confusion_matrix <- function(conf_mat, dataset_name) {conf_mat_df <- as.data.frame(as.table(conf_mat))colnames(conf_mat_df) <- c("Actual", "Predicted", "Freq")p <- ggplot(data = conf_mat_df, aes(x = Predicted, y = Actual, fill = Freq)) +geom_tile(color = "white") +geom_text(aes(label = Freq), vjust = 1.5, color = "black", size = 5) +scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "steelblue") +labs(title = paste("Confusion Matrix -", dataset_name, "Set"), x = "Predicted Class", y = "Actual Class") +theme_minimal() +theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))print(p)
}# Now call the function to plot and display the confusion matrices
plot_confusion_matrix(confMatTrain, "Training")
plot_confusion_matrix(confMatValid, "Validation")# Extract values for calculations
a_train <- confMatTrain[1, 1]
b_train <- confMatTrain[1, 2]
c_train <- confMatTrain[2, 1]
d_train <- confMatTrain[2, 2]a_valid <- confMatValid[1, 1]
b_valid <- confMatValid[1, 2]
c_valid <- confMatValid[2, 1]
d_valid <- confMatValid[2, 2]# Training Set Metrics
acc_train <- (a_train + d_train) / sum(confMatTrain)
error_rate_train <- 1 - acc_train
sen_train <- d_train / (d_train + c_train)
sep_train <- a_train / (a_train + b_train)
precision_train <- d_train / (b_train + d_train)
F1_train <- (2 * precision_train * sen_train) / (precision_train + sen_train)
MCC_train <- (d_train * a_train - b_train * c_train) / sqrt((d_train + b_train) * (d_train + c_train) * (a_train + b_train) * (a_train + c_train))
auc_train <- roc(response = trainData$X, predictor = trainPredict)$auc# Validation Set Metrics
acc_valid <- (a_valid + d_valid) / sum(confMatValid)
error_rate_valid <- 1 - acc_valid
sen_valid <- d_valid / (d_valid + c_valid)
sep_valid <- a_valid / (a_valid + b_valid)
precision_valid <- d_valid / (b_valid + d_valid)
F1_valid <- (2 * precision_valid * sen_valid) / (precision_valid + sen_valid)
MCC_valid <- (d_valid * a_valid - b_valid * c_valid) / sqrt((d_valid + b_valid) * (d_valid + c_valid) * (a_valid + b_valid) * (a_valid + c_valid))
auc_valid <- roc(response = validData$X, predictor = validPredict)$auc# Print Metrics
cat("Training Metrics\n")
cat("Accuracy:", acc_train, "\n")
cat("Error Rate:", error_rate_train, "\n")
cat("Sensitivity:", sen_train, "\n")
cat("Specificity:", sep_train, "\n")
cat("Precision:", precision_train, "\n")
cat("F1 Score:", F1_train, "\n")
cat("MCC:", MCC_train, "\n")
cat("AUC:", auc_train, "\n\n")cat("Validation Metrics\n")
cat("Accuracy:", acc_valid, "\n")
cat("Error Rate:", error_rate_valid, "\n")
cat("Sensitivity:", sen_valid, "\n")
cat("Specificity:", sep_valid, "\n")
cat("Precision:", precision_valid, "\n")
cat("F1 Score:", F1_valid, "\n")
cat("MCC:", MCC_valid, "\n")
cat("AUC:", auc_valid, "\n")
第100+16步 ChatGPT学习:R实现Xgboost分类
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千呼新零售2.0系统是零售行业连锁店一体化收银系统,包括线下收银线上商城连锁店管理ERP管理商品管理供应商管理会员营销等功能为一体,线上线下数据全部打通。 适用于商超、便利店、水果、生鲜、母婴、服装、零食、百货、宠物等连锁店使用。 详细介绍请…...
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要判断鼠标是否在由QPainterPath或一系列QPointF点定义的多边形的线条上,你可以使用以下步骤: 获取鼠标当前位置:在鼠标事件中,使用QMouseEvent的pos()方法获取鼠标的当前位置。 检查点与线段的距离:遍历多边形的每条…...
目录 关键概念3D路径规划算法1. A*算法2. 快速随机锚点1. 初始化:2. 实例化搜索算法:3. 路径生成:4. 绘制图像: 3D路径规划是在三维空间中寻找从起点到终点的最短或最优路径的一种技术。它广泛应用于无人机导航、机器人运动规划、…...
ubuntu如何彻底卸载android studio?
最新版的ubuntu已经使用snap进行软件管理了,我用snap-store安装android studio以后,在安装plugin的时候强制退出后,直接再也进不去了,启动就报错。 先后进行了如下操作依然不行: 1 重装snap-store和android studio都…...
使用Windows Linux 子系统安装 Tensorflow,并使用GPU环境
在Microsoft Store商店安装Ubuntu 20.04 使用 nvidia-smi 命令查看GPU信息,查看支持的CUDA版本,这里最高支持11.7 安装cuda工具集 进入官网:CUDA Toolkit Archive | NVIDIA Developer,现在对应版本,点击 配置平台&…...
文章目录 介绍代码说明设置随机种子生成随机数猜测循环完整代码运行效果介绍 猜数字游戏是一个经典的编程练习,通过这个案例可以学习到基本的输入输出、随机数生成、条件判断和循环结构。 代码说明 设置随机种子 std::srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(nu…...
部署LNMP架构流程 1.安装Nginx(上传软件包,执行脚本) yum -y install pcre-devel zlib-devel gcc gcc useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin nginx tar zxf nginx-1.12.0.tar.gz cd nginx-1.12.0 ./configure --prefix/usr/local/nginx --usernginx…...
支持AI医学影像设备应用的工控主板 在我国人口老龄化问题不断加剧,对影像诊断需求持续增长,和国家利好高端医学影像市场发展的系列法规和政策接连出台的大环境下,AI医学影像设备产业迎来发展黄金期。紧跟发展大势,基于12/13代 In…...
博主介绍:✌全网粉丝20W,CSDN博客专家、Java领域优质创作者,掘金/华为云/阿里云/InfoQ等平台优质作者、专注于Java技术领域✌ 技术范围:SpringBoot、SpringCloud、Vue、SSM、HTML、Nodejs、Python、MySQL、PostgreSQL、大数据、物…...
目录 一、Linux的热插拔UDEV机制 二、守护进程 2.1 守护进程概念和基本特点: 2.2 显示进程信息: 2.3 守护进程和后台进程的区别: 2.4 创建守护进程的步骤和守护进程的特征: 2.4.1 创建守护进程的步骤: 2.4.2 守…...
常用目录及其解析 routes 该目录为路由目录 一般根据api uri可以反向查找对应路由及其controller,目录下的文件名一般和url的第一级对应为了规范,然后根据根据里面具体分组和别名对应拼接对应路由url,后面对应的则是controller,…...
c++ extern 关键字
C中的extern关键字和跨语言互操作 变量的声明与定义 extern关键字用于声明在另一个翻译单元(文件)中定义的变量或函数。通过extern关键字,可以在多个文件中访问全局变量或函数。 变量声明示例 文件:main.cpp #include <io…...
Meta KDD Cup 2024 CRAG: Comphrehensive RAG Benchmark参赛指南(写了一半跑去改大论文了所以没正式参赛)
诸神缄默不语-个人CSDN博文目录 因为比赛过程正好和我毕业答辩的时间段高度重合,所以我……最后其实还是相当于没有成功参赛。 呃反正现在已经咕咕咕了,就把当时写了一半(一小半)的参赛指南发一下吧。 官网:AIcrowd …...
1、安装 flexible和 postcss-px2rem 自适应的开发方式下,仍然可以如此:你在设计图上量到的像素(px)是多少你就可以写多少px。很方便你开发项目哦 有图有代码,简单明了 npm 同时装下面2个东西,你也可以分…...
💖SSL/TLS专栏说明💖本文的初衷是:随着数字信息时代的到来(DT), 生活中的方方面面几乎可以完全数字信息化,例如个人性别、地址、联系方式、财产、生活习惯、饮食习惯、工作情况、学历信息、健康状况、兴趣爱好等等都存储到互联网上…...
软件环境 Blender 2.80 参考教程 Blender 2.8 Beginner Textures and Materials Tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?vfZSD7pVIUkY Render Result 制作流程记录 材质 手柄使用木纹材质(Displacement材质结点,使材质看上去有凹凸感,效果…...
一、简介 HashTable是线程安全的HashMap,两个实现原理都是一样的,只是HashTable集合的所有方法都是synchronized方法,而ConcurrentHashMap就不一样了,他最底层的存储使用的也是和HashMap一样的但是,在线程安全处理上有很大区别&a…...
网站备案需要些什么/使用 ahrefs 进行 seo 分析
Retinaface 是一个人脸检测器,人脸检测天生存在强先验知识,比如近场人脸识别,人脸较大,监控视角下人脸识别通常人脸较小,两者天生对输入的分辨率有个假设,如果人脸很大,不需要大的分辨率&#x…...
Beyond Compare 是一个综合的比对工具。 下载链接: 那么如何使用呢?初入职场的小白,在同事推荐下用了这款工具。巨好用。 首先,我们要找到安装包,直接打开,傻瓜式安装。 建议选择language为中文…...