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如何具备阅读JAVA JDK虚拟机源码能力




/* * Copyright (c) 1995, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. *//* * This file contains the main entry point into the launcher code * this is the only file which will be repeatedly compiled by other * tools. The rest of the files will be linked in. */
#include "defines.h"#include "jli_util.h"#include "jni.h"
/* * Entry point. */#ifdef JAVAW
char **__initenv;
int WINAPIWinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE previnst, LPSTR cmdline, int cmdshow){    int margc;    char** margv;    int jargc;    char** jargv;    const jboolean const_javaw = JNI_TRUE;
    __initenv = _environ;
#else /* JAVAW */JNIEXPORT intmain(int argc, char **argv){    int margc;    char** margv;    int jargc;    char** jargv;    const jboolean const_javaw = JNI_FALSE;#endif /* JAVAW */    {        int i, main_jargc, extra_jargc;        JLI_List list;
        main_jargc = (sizeof(const_jargs) / sizeof(char *)) > 1            ? sizeof(const_jargs) / sizeof(char *)            : 0; // ignore the null terminator index
        extra_jargc = (sizeof(const_extra_jargs) / sizeof(char *)) > 1            ? sizeof(const_extra_jargs) / sizeof(char *)            : 0; // ignore the null terminator index
        if (main_jargc > 0 && extra_jargc > 0) { // combine extra java args            jargc = main_jargc + extra_jargc;            list = JLI_List_new(jargc + 1);
            for (i = 0 ; i < extra_jargc; i++) {                JLI_List_add(list, JLI_StringDup(const_extra_jargs[i]));            }
            for (i = 0 ; i < main_jargc ; i++) {                JLI_List_add(list, JLI_StringDup(const_jargs[i]));            }
            // terminate the list            JLI_List_add(list, NULL);            jargv = list->elements;         } else if (extra_jargc > 0) { // should never happen            fprintf(stderr, "EXTRA_JAVA_ARGS defined without JAVA_ARGS");            abort();         } else { // no extra args, business as usual            jargc = main_jargc;            jargv = (char **) const_jargs;         }    }
    JLI_InitArgProcessing(jargc > 0, const_disable_argfile);
#ifdef _WIN32    {        int i = 0;        if (getenv(JLDEBUG_ENV_ENTRY) != NULL) {            printf("Windows original main args:\n");            for (i = 0 ; i < __argc ; i++) {                printf("wwwd_args[%d] = %s\n", i, __argv[i]);            }        }    }
    // Obtain the command line in UTF-16, then convert it to ANSI code page    // without the "best-fit" option    LPWSTR wcCmdline = GetCommandLineW();    int mbSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,        WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS | WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_DEFAULTCHAR,        wcCmdline, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);    // If the call to WideCharToMultiByte() fails, it returns 0, which    // will then make the following JLI_MemAlloc() to issue exit(1)    LPSTR mbCmdline = JLI_MemAlloc(mbSize);    if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS | WC_COMPOSITECHECK | WC_DEFAULTCHAR,        wcCmdline, -1, mbCmdline, mbSize, NULL, NULL) == 0) {        perror("command line encoding conversion failure");        exit(1);    }
    JLI_CmdToArgs(mbCmdline);    JLI_MemFree(mbCmdline);
    margc = JLI_GetStdArgc();    // add one more to mark the end    margv = (char **)JLI_MemAlloc((margc + 1) * (sizeof(char *)));    {        int i = 0;        StdArg *stdargs = JLI_GetStdArgs();        for (i = 0 ; i < margc ; i++) {            margv[i] = stdargs[i].arg;        }        margv[i] = NULL;    }#else /* *NIXES */    {        // accommodate the NULL at the end        JLI_List args = JLI_List_new(argc + 1);        int i = 0;
        // Add first arg, which is the app name        JLI_List_add(args, JLI_StringDup(argv[0]));        // Append JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS        if (JLI_AddArgsFromEnvVar(args, JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS)) {            // JLI_SetTraceLauncher is not called yet            // Show _JAVA_OPTIONS content along with JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS to aid diagnosis            if (getenv(JLDEBUG_ENV_ENTRY)) {                char *tmp = getenv("_JAVA_OPTIONS");                if (NULL != tmp) {                    JLI_ReportMessage(ARG_INFO_ENVVAR, "_JAVA_OPTIONS", tmp);                }            }        }        // Iterate the rest of command line        for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {            JLI_List argsInFile = JLI_PreprocessArg(argv[i], JNI_TRUE);            if (NULL == argsInFile) {                JLI_List_add(args, JLI_StringDup(argv[i]));            } else {                int cnt, idx;                cnt = argsInFile->size;                for (idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++) {                    JLI_List_add(args, argsInFile->elements[idx]);                }                // Shallow free, we reuse the string to avoid copy                JLI_MemFree(argsInFile->elements);                JLI_MemFree(argsInFile);            }        }        margc = args->size;        // add the NULL pointer at argv[argc]        JLI_List_add(args, NULL);        margv = args->elements;    }#endif /* WIN32 */    return JLI_Launch(margc, margv,                   jargc, (const char**) jargv,                   0, NULL,                   VERSION_STRING,                   DOT_VERSION,                   (const_progname != NULL) ? const_progname : *margv,                   (const_launcher != NULL) ? const_launcher : *margv,                   jargc > 0,                   const_cpwildcard, const_javaw, 0);}


intCallJavaMainInNewThread(jlong stack_size, void* args) {    int rslt;    pthread_t tid;    pthread_attr_t attr;    pthread_attr_init(&attr);    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);    size_t adjusted_stack_size;
    if (stack_size > 0) {        if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stack_size) == EINVAL) {            // System may require stack size to be multiple of page size            // Retry with adjusted value            adjusted_stack_size = adjustStackSize(stack_size);            if (adjusted_stack_size != (size_t) stack_size) {                pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, adjusted_stack_size);            }        }    }    pthread_attr_setguardsize(&attr, 0); // no pthread guard page on java threads
    if (pthread_create(&tid, &attr, ThreadJavaMain, args) == 0) {        void* tmp;        pthread_join(tid, &tmp);        rslt = (int)(intptr_t)tmp;    } else {       /*        * Continue execution in current thread if for some reason (e.g. out of        * memory/LWP)  a new thread can't be created. This will likely fail        * later in JavaMain as JNI_CreateJavaVM needs to create quite a        * few new threads, anyway, just give it a try..        */        rslt = JavaMain(args);    }
    pthread_attr_destroy(&attr);    return rslt;}
## Copyright (c) 2004, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.# DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.## This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as# published by the Free Software Foundation.## This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License# version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that# accompanied this code).## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version# 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,# Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.## Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any# questions.#
#include "defs.S.inc"
        # NOTE WELL!  The _Copy functions are called directly        # from server-compiler-generated code via CallLeafNoFP,        # which means that they *must* either not use floating        # point or use it in the same manner as does the server        # compiler.
        .align 16DECLARE_FUNC(SpinPause):        rep        nop        movq   $1, %rax        ret
        # Support for void Copy::arrayof_conjoint_bytes(void* from,        #                                               void* to,        #                                               size_t count)        # rdi - from        # rsi - to        # rdx - count, treated as ssize_t        #        .p2align 4,,15DECLARE_FUNC(_Copy_arrayof_conjoint_bytes):        movq     %rdx,%r8             # byte count        shrq     $3,%rdx              # qword count        cmpq     %rdi,%rsi        leaq     -1(%rdi,%r8,1),%rax  # from + bcount*1 - 1        jbe      acb_CopyRight        cmpq     %rax,%rsi        jbe      acb_CopyLeftacb_CopyRight:        leaq     -8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rax # from + qcount*8 - 8        leaq     -8(%rsi,%rdx,8),%rcx # to + qcount*8 - 8        negq     %rdx        jmp      7f        .p2align 4,,151:      movq     8(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,8(%rcx,%rdx,8)        addq     $1,%rdx        jnz      1b2:      testq    $4,%r8               # check for trailing dword        jz       3f        movl     8(%rax),%esi         # copy trailing dword        movl     %esi,8(%rcx)        addq     $4,%rax        addq     $4,%rcx              # original %rsi is trashed, so we                                      #  can't use it as a base register3:      testq    $2,%r8               # check for trailing word        jz       4f        movw     8(%rax),%si          # copy trailing word        movw     %si,8(%rcx)        addq     $2,%rcx4:      testq    $1,%r8               # check for trailing byte        jz       5f        movb     -1(%rdi,%r8,1),%al   # copy trailing byte        movb     %al,8(%rcx)5:      ret        .p2align 4,,156:      movq     -24(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-24(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     -16(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-16(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     -8(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-8(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     (%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,(%rcx,%rdx,8)7:      addq     $4,%rdx        jle      6b        subq     $4,%rdx        jl       1b        jmp      2bacb_CopyLeft:        testq    $1,%r8               # check for trailing byte        jz       1f        movb     -1(%rdi,%r8,1),%cl   # copy trailing byte        movb     %cl,-1(%rsi,%r8,1)        subq     $1,%r8               # adjust for possible trailing word1:      testq    $2,%r8               # check for trailing word        jz       2f        movw     -2(%rdi,%r8,1),%cx   # copy trailing word        movw     %cx,-2(%rsi,%r8,1)2:      testq    $4,%r8               # check for trailing dword        jz       5f        movl     (%rdi,%rdx,8),%ecx   # copy trailing dword        movl     %ecx,(%rsi,%rdx,8)        jmp      5f        .p2align 4,,153:      movq     -8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,-8(%rsi,%rdx,8)        subq     $1,%rdx        jnz      3b        ret        .p2align 4,,154:      movq     24(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,24(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     16(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,16(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,8(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     (%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,(%rsi,%rdx,8)5:      subq     $4,%rdx        jge      4b        addq     $4,%rdx        jg       3b        ret
        # Support for void Copy::arrayof_conjoint_jshorts(void* from,        #                                                 void* to,        #                                                 size_t count)        # Equivalent to        #   conjoint_jshorts_atomic        #        # If 'from' and/or 'to' are aligned on 4- or 2-byte boundaries, we        # let the hardware handle it.  The tow or four words within dwords        # or qwords that span cache line boundaries will still be loaded        # and stored atomically.        #        # rdi - from        # rsi - to        # rdx - count, treated as ssize_t        #        .p2align 4,,15DECLARE_FUNC(_Copy_arrayof_conjoint_jshorts):DECLARE_FUNC(_Copy_conjoint_jshorts_atomic):        movq     %rdx,%r8             # word count        shrq     $2,%rdx              # qword count        cmpq     %rdi,%rsi        leaq     -2(%rdi,%r8,2),%rax  # from + wcount*2 - 2        jbe      acs_CopyRight        cmpq     %rax,%rsi        jbe      acs_CopyLeftacs_CopyRight:        leaq     -8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rax # from + qcount*8 - 8        leaq     -8(%rsi,%rdx,8),%rcx # to + qcount*8 - 8        negq     %rdx        jmp      6f1:      movq     8(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,8(%rcx,%rdx,8)        addq     $1,%rdx        jnz      1b2:      testq    $2,%r8               # check for trailing dword        jz       3f        movl     8(%rax),%esi         # copy trailing dword        movl     %esi,8(%rcx)        addq     $4,%rcx              # original %rsi is trashed, so we                                      #  can't use it as a base register3:      testq    $1,%r8               # check for trailing word        jz       4f        movw     -2(%rdi,%r8,2),%si   # copy trailing word        movw     %si,8(%rcx)4:      ret        .p2align 4,,155:      movq     -24(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-24(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     -16(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-16(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     -8(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-8(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     (%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,(%rcx,%rdx,8)6:      addq     $4,%rdx        jle      5b        subq     $4,%rdx        jl       1b        jmp      2bacs_CopyLeft:        testq    $1,%r8               # check for trailing word        jz       1f        movw     -2(%rdi,%r8,2),%cx   # copy trailing word        movw     %cx,-2(%rsi,%r8,2)1:      testq    $2,%r8               # check for trailing dword        jz       4f        movl     (%rdi,%rdx,8),%ecx   # copy trailing dword        movl     %ecx,(%rsi,%rdx,8)        jmp      4f2:      movq     -8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,-8(%rsi,%rdx,8)        subq     $1,%rdx        jnz      2b        ret        .p2align 4,,153:      movq     24(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,24(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     16(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,16(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,8(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     (%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,(%rsi,%rdx,8)4:      subq     $4,%rdx        jge      3b        addq     $4,%rdx        jg       2b        ret
        # Support for void Copy::arrayof_conjoint_jints(jint* from,        #                                               jint* to,        #                                               size_t count)        # Equivalent to        #   conjoint_jints_atomic        #        # If 'from' and/or 'to' are aligned on 4-byte boundaries, we let        # the hardware handle it.  The two dwords within qwords that span        # cache line boundaries will still be loaded and stored atomically.        #        # rdi - from        # rsi - to        # rdx - count, treated as ssize_t        #        .p2align 4,,15DECLARE_FUNC(_Copy_arrayof_conjoint_jints):DECLARE_FUNC(_Copy_conjoint_jints_atomic):        movq     %rdx,%r8             # dword count        shrq     %rdx                 # qword count        cmpq     %rdi,%rsi        leaq     -4(%rdi,%r8,4),%rax  # from + dcount*4 - 4        jbe      aci_CopyRight        cmpq     %rax,%rsi        jbe      aci_CopyLeftaci_CopyRight:        leaq     -8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rax # from + qcount*8 - 8        leaq     -8(%rsi,%rdx,8),%rcx # to + qcount*8 - 8        negq     %rdx        jmp      5f        .p2align 4,,151:      movq     8(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,8(%rcx,%rdx,8)        addq     $1,%rdx        jnz       1b2:      testq    $1,%r8               # check for trailing dword        jz       3f        movl     8(%rax),%esi         # copy trailing dword        movl     %esi,8(%rcx)3:      ret        .p2align 4,,154:      movq     -24(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-24(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     -16(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-16(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     -8(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-8(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     (%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,(%rcx,%rdx,8)5:      addq     $4,%rdx        jle      4b        subq     $4,%rdx        jl       1b        jmp      2baci_CopyLeft:        testq    $1,%r8               # check for trailing dword        jz       3f        movl     -4(%rdi,%r8,4),%ecx  # copy trailing dword        movl     %ecx,-4(%rsi,%r8,4)        jmp      3f1:      movq     -8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,-8(%rsi,%rdx,8)        subq     $1,%rdx        jnz      1b        ret        .p2align 4,,152:      movq     24(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,24(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     16(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,16(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,8(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     (%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,(%rsi,%rdx,8)3:      subq     $4,%rdx        jge      2b        addq     $4,%rdx        jg       1b        ret
        # Support for void Copy::arrayof_conjoint_jlongs(jlong* from,        #                                                jlong* to,        #                                                size_t count)        # Equivalent to        #   conjoint_jlongs_atomic        #   arrayof_conjoint_oops        #   conjoint_oops_atomic        #        # rdi - from        # rsi - to        # rdx - count, treated as ssize_t        #        .p2align 4,,15DECLARE_FUNC(_Copy_arrayof_conjoint_jlongs):DECLARE_FUNC(_Copy_conjoint_jlongs_atomic):        cmpq     %rdi,%rsi        leaq     -8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rax # from + count*8 - 8        jbe      acl_CopyRight        cmpq     %rax,%rsi        jbe      acl_CopyLeftacl_CopyRight:        leaq     -8(%rsi,%rdx,8),%rcx # to + count*8 - 8        negq     %rdx        jmp      3f1:      movq     8(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,8(%rcx,%rdx,8)        addq     $1,%rdx        jnz      1b        ret        .p2align 4,,152:      movq     -24(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-24(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     -16(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-16(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     -8(%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,-8(%rcx,%rdx,8)        movq     (%rax,%rdx,8),%rsi        movq     %rsi,(%rcx,%rdx,8)3:      addq     $4,%rdx        jle      2b        subq     $4,%rdx        jl       1b        ret4:      movq     -8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,-8(%rsi,%rdx,8)        subq     $1,%rdx        jnz      4b        ret        .p2align 4,,155:      movq     24(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,24(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     16(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,16(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     8(%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,8(%rsi,%rdx,8)        movq     (%rdi,%rdx,8),%rcx        movq     %rcx,(%rsi,%rdx,8)acl_CopyLeft:        subq     $4,%rdx        jge      5b        addq     $4,%rdx        jg       4b        ret



JAVA JDK的源码是C,C++,ASM实现,其中编译原理,算法,数据结构,JIT等技术点知识已经融入到代码里。





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talk is cheap, show me the code




如何具备阅读JAVA JDK虚拟机源码能力

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内容概要 在虚拟现实&#xff08;VR&#xff09;技术的浪潮中&#xff0c;我们见证了其从实验室的奇想逐渐走向日常生活的非凡旅程。技术发展的背后是不断突破的创新&#xff0c;早期的设备虽然笨重&#xff0c;但如今却趋向精致、轻巧&#xff0c;用户体验显著提升。想象一下…...


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使用代理IP的有效性和可用性直接关系到用户的工作效率&#xff0c;尤其是在进行数据抓取、网络爬虫和保护个人隐私等场景中。 一、测试代理IP的必要性 代理IP的可用性测试是确保代理服务正常运行的重要步骤。测试代理IP的必要性主要体现在以下几个方面&#xff1a; 提升工作…...


散列表:为什么经常把散列表和链表放在一起使用? 在计算机科学中,散列表(哈希表)和链表是两种常见的数据结构。你可能会好奇,为什么它们经常被放在一起使用呢?让我们一起来深入探讨这个问题。 一、散列表的特点 散列表是一种根据关键码值(Key value)而直接进行访问的…...

计算机网络:网络层 —— IPv4 地址与 MAC 地址 | ARP 协议

文章目录 IPv4地址与MAC地址的封装位置IPv4地址与MAC地址的关系地址解析协议ARP工作原理ARP高速缓存表 IPv4地址与MAC地址的封装位置 在数据传输过程中&#xff0c;每一层都会添加自己的头部信息&#xff0c;最终形成完整的数据包。具体来说&#xff1a; 应用层生成的应用程序…...


文章目录 技巧一模10.沟通管理--1.规划沟通管理--文化意识--军事背景和非军事背景人员有文化差异文化意识&#xff1a;题干关键词 “两拨人的背景不同、文化差异、风格差异”。5、 [单选] 项目团队由前军事和非军事小组成员组成。没有军事背景的团队成员认为前军事团队成员在他…...


FileReader 使用read()方法读取单个字符&#xff0c;下面是如何修改使程序性能更好的过程。 第一种&#xff1a;处理异常方式为throws Testpublic void test() throws IOException {//读取hello.txt&#xff0c;并显示内容// 创建文件对象File file new File("hello.txt…...


因为马上就要进入下一个阶段&#xff0c;制作动态编辑体积纹理的模块。 但在这之前&#xff0c;要在这一章做最后一些整理。 首先&#xff0c;我们完成没完成的部分。其次&#xff0c;最后整理一下图表。最后&#xff0c;本文附上正在用的贴图 完善Shader 还记得我们之前注…...


地球村上一些可能有助于赚钱的20个思维方式&#xff1a; 1. 目标导向思维&#xff1a;明确自己的财务目标&#xff0c;并制定详细、可执行的计划来逐步实现。 2. 创新思维&#xff1a;不断寻求新的商业机会和独特的解决方案&#xff0c;以在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出。 3. 价值…...


目录 一、命令 二、变量命名 三、数据类型 数字 字符和字符串 矩阵 rand、randi和randn的区别&#xff1f; 元胞数组和结构体 MAGIC 结构体 四、矩阵构造、四则运算、矩阵下标 五、MATLAB逻辑与流程控制 六、MATLAB绘图 二维平面绘图 三维平面绘图 导出图片 内…...


1. 关闭vue中组件名字的多词校验 (1) package.json文件中修改eslint配置 "eslintConfig": {"rules": {"vue/multi-word-component-names":"off" }}, &#xff08;2&#xff09;.eslintrc.js或者.eslintrc配置文件中进行配置 modu…...

基于Springboot+Vue 传统文化管理系统(源码+LW+部署讲解+数据库+ppt)

&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01;&#xff01; 会持续一直更新下去 有问必答 一键收藏关注不迷路 源码获取&#xff1a;https://pan.baidu.com/s/1aRpOv3f2sdtVYOogQjb8jg?pwdjf1d 提取码: jf1d &#…...



个体化神经调控 Neurolnavigation介绍

神经调控技术包括DBS, TMS, rTMS, tDCS等等。今天主要说一下TMS。 TMS全程经颅磁刺激&#xff0c;通过对头皮放置磁场线圈&#xff0c;可以定向的往局部头皮发送脉冲信号&#xff0c;抑制局部神经元活动。 TMS的优点是精准刺激&#xff0c;tDCS的优点是刺激范围比较宽泛。近期有…...

02-RT1060 双ADC采样+eDMA传输

RT1060-双ADC+eDMA外设的配合使用 该项目是基于MIMXRT1060-EVKB官方开发板编写的驱动。 一、头文件包含介绍 #include "pin_mux.h" #include "clock_config.h" #include "board.h" #include "fsl_adc.h" #include "fsl_adc_et…...


1&#xff1a;Object类的核心方法复习 Object 是所有类【引用数据类型】的 直接 / 间接 父类 toString(): 将一个 引用数据类型的对象 转换成 String 类型 class Object{//Sun //toString()不需要参数&#xff1a;将一个对象转换成字符串 将调用者转换成字符串 public String …...

Pyside6 布局管理器(4)--- QGridLayout的使用

一、QGridLayout的介绍&#xff08;官翻&#xff09; QGridLayout 获得可用的空间&#xff08;由其父布局或 parentWidget() 提供&#xff09;&#xff0c;将其划分为行和列&#xff0c;并将其管理的每个小部件放入正确的单元格中。 列和行的行为是相同的&#xff1b;我们将…...

从GPT定制到Turbo升级再到Assistants API,未来AI世界,你准备好了吗?

引言 在OpenAI DevDay发布会上&#xff0c;OpenAI再次震撼整个人工智能行业&#xff0c;为AI领域带来了重大的更新。CEO Sam Altman宣布推出了定制版本的ChatGPT&#xff0c;这意味着用户现在可以根据自己的需求打造个性化的GPT&#xff0c;并分享至GPT Store。这一消息对于受…...

「漏洞复现」BladeX企业级开发平台 tenant/list SQL 注入漏洞复现(CVE-2024-33332)

0x01 免责声明 请勿利用文章内的相关技术从事非法测试&#xff0c;由于传播、利用此文所提供的信息而造成的任何直接或者间接的后果及损失&#xff0c;均由使用者本人负责&#xff0c;作者不为此承担任何责任。工具来自网络&#xff0c;安全性自测&#xff0c;如有侵权请联系删…...


基于SSM的消防物资存储系统 效果如下&#xff1a; 用户功能界面 仓库管理界面 物资入库管理界面 物资出库管理界面 物资详情管理界面 报警通知管理界面 安全检查提醒管理界面 管理员功能界面 研究背景 21世纪&#xff0c;我国早在上世纪就已普及互联网信息&#xff0c;互联网…...

Pseudo Multi-Camera Editing 数据集:通过常规视频生成的伪标记多摄像机推荐数据集,显著提升模型在未知领域的准确性。







n个串长度为m 然后n个串 问可以最少移动多少次 然后是密码中有数字 字母 然后其他的 都至少一个 光标最初在左边 可以直接往右移到最后一个 处理出每行到数字 字母 其他的最小移动数目 然后暴力 列举 数字 字母 其他 出现的行 #include<stdio.h> #include<algorithm…...




springboot学习比较总结&#xff1a;https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dYwvpk spring STS工具安装&#xff1a;https://blog.51cto.com/qinbin/2067347Java系统部署脚本&#xff1a;当想把程序放到后台运行&#xff1a; nohup ./your_command &部署Java&#xff1a;1. 在eclips…...

