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Most Common American Idioms: Part 63


本文是学习李笑来的Most Common American Idioms这本书的学习笔记,自用。


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1241. To stand up for

“为……挺身而出” 或 “支持”。


This phrase is used to describe the act of defending or supporting someone or something in the face of challenges or pressure. Its origin can be traced back to the times when people would physically stand up to speak out against dangers or injustices.

  • He always stands up for his friends when they are in trouble.当他的朋友遇到麻烦时,他总是挺身而出支持他们。

  • She decided to stand up for what she believes in, even if it means losing her job.她决定为她的信仰挺身而出,即使这意味着会失去她的工作。

  • It’s important to stand up for your rights.维护自己的权利很重要。

1242. To start over from scratch

“从头开始” 或 “从零开始”。


This phrase originates from the field of cooking, particularly baking, where all ingredients had to be prepared from scratch, with no pre-mixed flour or ready-made components. This process of preparing everything from the beginning eventually evolved into an expression that means to restart something completely anew.

  • After losing all the data, we had to start over from scratch with the project.在丢失所有数据后,我们不得不从头开始这个项目。

  • He decided to start over from scratch after his business failed.他的生意失败后,他决定从零开始。

  • Learning a new language means starting over from scratch in many ways.学习一种新语言意味着在许多方面从零开始。

1243. To stonewall


“阻挠” 或 “故意拖延”。

这个短语起源于 “墙” 的概念,意指像一堵坚固的墙一样阻挡或拖延进展。最初是在美国南北战争时,邦联将军托马斯·“石墙”·杰克逊因在战斗中坚决防守而得名”Stonewall Jackson”,之后演变为指故意拖延或阻挠某事进展,特别是在讨论或谈判中。

The phrase originates from the concept of a “wall,” meaning to block or delay progress as firmly as a wall would. It first became popular during the American Civil War when Confederate General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson earned his nickname for his firm defensive stance in battle. Over time, it evolved to describe the act of deliberately delaying or obstructing progress, especially in discussions or negotiations.

  • The committee was accused of stonewalling the investigation.委员会被指控在调查中故意拖延。

  • Whenever we ask for details, they just stonewall us.每当我们要求细节时,他们总是故意拖延。

  • She tried to stonewall the press conference by not answering questions directly.她试图通过不直接回答问题来拖延新闻发布会。

1244. To take a load off someone’s back

“为某人减轻负担” 或 “替某人分担压力”。


This phrase likely originates from physical labor situations, especially when carrying heavy loads; if someone helps take part of the weight, it significantly reduces the burden for the carrier. In modern contexts, it is often used to indicate the relief of mental or responsibility burdens for someone.

  • Her kind words really took a load off his back during the stressful time.她的暖心话语在他压力大的时候真的为他减轻了不少负担。

  • Helping her with the project took a load off her back.帮她完成这个项目为她减轻了不少压力。

  • By finishing some of his tasks, she took a load off his back.通过完成他的一些任务,她替他分担了不少压力。

1245. To take it easy

“放松一下” 或 “不那么辛苦”。

这个短语起源于英语中的 “easy” 一词,其意为 “轻松的,容易的”。当人们告诉别人 “to take it easy” 时,他们是建议放松心情,减轻压力或者放缓当前的节奏。这可以用在大多数日常情境中,不论是工作、学习还是生活中。

This phrase originates from the English word “easy,” which means “relaxed or without difficulty.” When people tell someone “to take it easy,” they are advising them to relax, reduce stress, or slow down their current pace. This can be used in most daily situations, whether at work, in school, or in life.

  • He just had surgery, so the doctor told him to take it easy for a few weeks.他刚做完手术,所以医生建议他放松一段时间。

  • After the busy season, we can finally take it easy and relax.繁忙的季节过后,我们终于可以放松了。

  • Don’t stress out about the test; just take it easy and do your best.不要为考试紧张,放轻松,尽力而为。

1246. To take something for granted

“认为…理所当然” 或 “不珍惜、忽视”。

这个短语的起源可以追溯到早期英语中的 “for granted”,表示某件事情被认为是理所当然的,毋庸置疑的,因此常被忽视或不被珍惜。在现代社会中,这个短语通常用于描述那些未被适当重视或未被感激的事物或人。

This phrase can be traced back to early English usage of “for granted,” implying that something is assumed to be certain or unquestionable and hence often overlooked or not appreciated. In contemporary society, the phrase is typically used to describe things or people that are not adequately valued or appreciated.

  • She feels her efforts at work are taken for granted.她感觉自己的工作努力被认为是理所当然的。

  • Don’t take your family’s support for granted.不要认为家庭的支持是理所当然的。

  • Many people take clean water for granted until it’s gone.很多人认为清洁的水是理所当然的,直到它消失。

1247. To the hilt

hilt:美 [hɪlt] 刀(或剑等的)柄;把手;武器的握把;

“全力以赴” 或 “彻底地”。

这个短语来源于剑的结构,所谓”剑柄”(hilt)是剑的手柄,而”to the hilt”意指将剑完全刺入,直至剑柄无法再进。后来这个短语被引申来表示 “全力以赴” 或 “彻底地” 完成某事,不留余地。

This phrase originates from the structure of a sword, where the “hilt” is the handle of the sword. “To the hilt” means to thrust the sword in completely until only the hilt is left visible. The metaphor was extended to mean doing something fully or completely, without holding back.

  • He backed his friend’s idea to the hilt.他全力支持朋友的想法。

  • She is committed to the hilt to achieving her goals.她全力以赴地致力于实现自己的目标。

  • They fought to the hilt to protect their rights.他们全力以赴地争取自己的权利。

1248. Tongue-in-cheek

“俏皮话” 或 “无伤大雅的玩笑”。

这个短语源自一种面部表情 —— 人们通常会把舌头顶在脸颊内侧以表示他们在开玩笑或讽刺。该短语起源于 19 世纪,最早指一些嘲讽性的幽默表达。在现代英语中,“tongue-in-cheek” 用来形容那些带有幽默意味的、不太认真的言论或行为。

This phrase originates from a facial expression where one puts their tongue in their cheek to indicate they are joking or being sarcastic. It dates back to the 19th century, initially referring to sarcastic comments. In modern English, “tongue-in-cheek” is used to describe humorous remarks or actions that are not meant to be taken seriously.

  • His comments about the new policy were clearly tongue-in-cheek.他对新政策的评论显然是俏皮话。

  • The movie has a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor that only adults will understand.这部电影包含很多只有成年人能理解的俏皮幽默。

  • She made a tongue-in-cheek remark about his cooking skills.她对他的烹饪技艺开了个俏皮的玩笑。

1249. Too big for one’s boots

“自负” 或 “目中无人”。


This phrase originates from Britain and originally referred to boots being too large for their wearer. The expanded meaning is that someone has an overly high opinion of their abilities or importance, becoming arrogant or conceited. In modern usage, it’s often used to describe someone who has become difficult to deal with due to their arrogance.

  • Ever since his promotion, John has become too big for his boots.自从升职以来,约翰就变得有些自负了。

  • Don’t get too big for your boots just because you won one game.不要因为赢了一场比赛就变得自负。

  • She became too big for her boots after receiving all those compliments.受到那么多的称赞后,她变得有些目中无人。

1250. Too many irons in the fire

“同时做太多事情” 或 “摊子铺得太大”。


This phrase comes from the work of blacksmiths, who might put multiple iron tools in the fire at once to heat them and then shape them. If there are too many irons in the fire, the blacksmith may not be able to manage them all effectively, risking incomplete or poor-quality work. In modern use, it describes a situation where someone has too many tasks or plans to manage effectively.

  • She has too many irons in the fire and can’t focus on any single project.她同时在做太多事情,无法专注于任何一个项目。

  • John realized he had too many irons in the fire when he started missing deadlines.约翰意识到自己承担的事情太多了,因为他开始错过最后期限。

  • It’s important not to have too many irons in the fire or you’ll get overwhelmed.不要让自己摊子铺得太大,否则你会觉得应接不暇。

1251. Top dog

“领头地位” 或 “领导者”。

这个短语起源于 19 世纪,最初是指在比赛或竞争中胜出或占上风的那个人或动物。因此,“top dog” 被用来描述在某特定领域里拥有最高权力或地位的人。

This phrase originated in the 19th century, initially referring to the person or animal that came out on top in a competition or fight. Hence, “top dog” is used to describe someone who holds the highest authority or status in a particular field.

  • In the tech industry, she is considered the top dog.在科技行业,她被认为是领头人物。

  • After years of hard work, he finally became the top dog of the company.经过多年的努力,他终于成为公司的领导者。

  • Everyone in the group looks up to him as the top dog.小组中的每个人都把他当作领头人。

1252. Top-notch

“顶尖的” 或 “一流的”。

这个短语起源于 19 世纪,最初用于指代老式手摇钟上的闹钟调节杆。调节杆的力度是分级的,最高一等级的调节被称为 “top-notch”,意指最高质量。由此引申,“top-notch” 用来形容某物的质量等各方面都堪称一流,处于顶尖水平。

This phrase originates from the 19th century, initially referring to the adjustment levers on old-fashioned hand-cranked clocks. The levers had levels of adjustment, with the highest setting being called “top-notch,” indicating the highest quality. Thus, “top-notch” has come to describe something of the best quality, top-tier in all aspects.

  • The restaurant is known for its top-notch service.这家餐馆以顶尖的服务闻名。

  • She gave a top-notch presentation at the meeting.她在会议上做了一个一流的演讲。

  • Their new product is absolutely top-notch in the market.他们的新产品在市场上绝对是顶尖的。

1253. Touch and go

“危险的” 或 “情况不确定的”。

这个短语源自于飞行术语,其中 “touch and go” 描述的是飞机在跑道上短暂停留然后立即起飞的动作。这种情况经常用来形容比较危险或者结果非常不确定的事情。

This phrase originates from aviation terminology, where “touch and go” describes a maneuver where an aircraft briefly touches down on the runway and immediately takes off again. It is often used to describe situations that are perilous or highly uncertain.

  • It was touch and go for a while after the surgery.在手术之后,有段时间情况非常不稳定。

  • The rescue mission was touch and go due to the severe weather conditions.由于恶劣的天气条件,救援任务非常危险。

  • It’s touch and go whether the company will survive the financial crisis.公司是否能渡过财务危机还是个未知数。

1254. Touch base

“联系” 或 “联络”。

这个短语源自于棒球,原指队员要触碰垒包确保安全。在现代英语中, “touch base” 已扩展用来表示与某人简短联系或沟通,以确认某事或更新信息。

This idiom originates from baseball, where players are required to touch the base to be safe. In modern English, “touch base” has been extended to mean briefly contacting someone to check in or update them on something.

  • Let’s touch base next week to finalize the details.咱们下周联系一下,确认细节。

  • I wanted to touch base with you about the project progress.我想跟你联络一下,了解项目的进展。

  • Before the meeting, I’ll touch base with her to ensure everything is on track.在会议之前,我会跟她联系一下,确保一切进展顺利。

1255. Track record

“记录” 或 “业绩”。

Track record” 起源于赛马或田径比赛中的 “赛道记录”。它用来描述某个人、公司或组织在某领域内的表现历史和成就。通常用来表示一个人的过往表现和成就的综合记录,这样一来可以帮助其他人评估他的信任度和能力。

The term “track record” originates from horse racing or track and field competitions where it referred to the recorded times on a track. It is used to describe the historical performance and achievements of a person, company, or organization in a specific field. This helps others evaluate someone’s credibility and capabilities based on their past achievements.

  • She has an impressive track record in sales.她在销售方面有着令人印象深刻的业绩。

  • The company needs a CEO with a strong track record of leadership.这家公司需要一位有着优秀领导业绩的 CEO。

  • Before hiring, we should check his track record in previous jobs.在雇用之前,我们应该查看他以前工作的记录。

1256. Train of thought

“思路” 或 “思维的轨迹”。

这个短语是由 “train” 和 “thought” 组合而来,字面意思是 “思维列车”。它形象地比喻了思维像列车一样沿着轨迹前进,不断推进。在日常对话中,当人们想表达某人思维的连续性或逻辑思维流程时,会使用这个表达。

This phrase is a combination of “train” and “thought”, literally meaning a “thought train”. It metaphorically suggests that thoughts move along a track like a train, advancing continuously. In daily conversations, people use this idiom to refer to someone’s sequence of thoughts or logical thinking process.

  • I lost my train of thought during the presentation.在演讲过程中,我的思路中断了。

  • Let me finish my train of thought before you ask a question.在你提问之前,让我先把我的思路讲完。

  • His train of thought was difficult to follow.他的思路很难跟上。

1257. Train wreck

“车祸现场” 或 “灾难性的局面”。


This idiom literally refers to a train collision causing severe accident. In colloquial usage, it is often used to describe something or someone in a state of extreme chaos or failure, carrying a very negative connotation.

  • The meeting was a complete train wreck; nothing got resolved.会议简直是个车祸现场,一点问题都没解决。

  • His life turned into a train wreck after he lost his job.他失去工作后,生活变得一团糟。

  • Trying to cook without a recipe was like watching a train wreck.不按食谱做饭就像看一场车祸现场一样。

1258. Travel light

“轻装旅行” 或 “尽量减少行李”。


This phrase originates from the idea of minimizing baggage while traveling to make the journey easier and more convenient. It is particularly applicable to those who enjoy a pure travel experience without being burdened by heavy luggage.

  • When we go camping, we always try to travel light.我们去露营时,总是尽量轻装上阵。

  • You should travel light if you’re going to be moving around a lot.如果你要频繁移动,最好轻装旅行。

  • It’s easier to catch flights when you travel light.轻装旅行更容易赶上航班。

1259. Treat someone to something

“请某人某物” 或 “款待某人”。

这个短语源自英语中的 “treat”,意思是给予某人特别的享受,通常是通过支付某人的消费来表示的。在不同场合,这个短语可以表示不同的形式,例如请客吃饭、赠送礼物或是提供某种体验。

This idiom originates from the word “treat,” which means to give someone special enjoyment, usually by paying for them. It can be used in various contexts, such as treating someone to a meal, giving a gift, or providing an experience.

  • I’ll treat you to dinner tonight.今晚我请你吃晚饭。

  • She treated her friends to a movie.她请她的朋友们看电影。

  • They treated us to a wonderful vacation at the seaside.他们请我们去海边度过了一个美好的假期。

1260. Treat/handle someone with kid gloves

“温柔地对待某人” 或 “小心翼翼地处理某人的问题”。

这个短语的起源可以追溯到 17 世纪,当时 “kid gloves” 是用小山羊皮制成的手套。这种手套质地非常柔软,不容易损坏。因此,这个短语后来被用来表示对待某人时非常小心和温柔,如同使用小山羊皮手套那样。

This phrase can be traced back to the 17th century when “kid gloves” were made from the soft and delicate leather of young goats. Because these gloves were so soft and not likely to damage anything they touched, the phrase came to mean treating someone very carefully and gently, as if handling something fragile.

  • He has been very stressed lately, so please handle him with kid gloves.他最近压力很大,所以请温柔地对待他。

  • The manager decided to treat the new intern with kid gloves to make sure she felt comfortable.经理决定对新实习生小心翼翼地处理,以确保她感到舒服。

  • When discussing sensitive topics, it’s best to handle the subject with kid gloves.讨论敏感话题时,最好小心翼翼地处理。




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Datawhale AI冬令营(第一期)--零基础定制你的专属大模型

本文主要简述如何快速完成和一些小细节 第一步下载嬛嬛数据集 数据来源&#xff1a;self-llm/dataset/huanhuan.json at master datawhalechina/self-llm GitHub 注意:1.一定是数据集下载完成一定是.json结尾的 2.这个是github的网址&#xff0c;可能会遇到打不开的情况 …...

LLMs之APE:基于Claude的Prompt Improver的简介、使用方法、案例应用之详细攻略

LLMs之APE&#xff1a;基于Claude的Prompt Improver的简介、使用方法、案例应用之详细攻略 目录 Prompt Improver的简介 0、背景痛点 1、优势 2、实现思路 Prompt优化 示例管理 提示词评估 Prompt Improver的使用方法 1、使用方法 Prompt Improver的案例应用 1、Kap…...

【Unity人形布娃娃插件】Ragdoll Animator

Ragdoll Animator 是一款为 Unity 引擎开发的插件&#xff0c;专注于让角色在运行时动态地切换到布娃娃物理系统&#xff08;Ragdoll Physics&#xff09;。该插件帮助开发者轻松创建逼真的角色动画过渡效果&#xff0c;尤其适用于需要角色碰撞、摔倒、受击或其他物理反应的场景…...


在团队协作的复杂拼图里&#xff0c;目标一致性是那根贯穿始终的主线&#xff0c;缺之则拼图难成&#xff0c;团队亦难达预期之效。 且看这样一个实例&#xff1a;部门承接了业务方一项紧急的数据处理需求&#xff0c;此任务犹如一座亟待攀登的险峰&#xff0c;落在了 A 团队…...


Excel的文件导入向导如何把已导入数据排除 入起始行&#xff0c;选择从哪一行开始导入。 比如&#xff0c;前两行已经导入了&#xff0c;第二次导入的时候排除前两行&#xff0c;从第三行开始&#xff0c;就将导入起始行设置为3即可&#xff0c;且不勾选含标题行。 但遇到大文…...


在你的程序中&#xff0c;你想要执行各种计算&#xff0c;例如计算卫星的总数。 此外&#xff0c;当你进行更高级的编程时&#xff0c;你可能会发现你需要从文件或数据库中加载此类信息&#xff0c;而不是直接编码到 Python 中。 为了帮助支持这些场景&#xff0c;Python 使你…...


机器学习02-发展历史补充 文章目录 机器学习02-发展历史补充1-机器学习个人理解1-初始阶段&#xff1a;统计学习和模式识别&#xff08;20世纪50年代至80年代&#xff09;2-第二阶段【集成时代】【核方法】&#xff08;20世纪90年代至2000年代初期&#xff09;3-第三阶段【特征…...


学习背景&#xff1a; 在现实生活中一些需要计数的场景下我们会用到计数器&#xff0c;如空姐手里记录乘客的计数器&#xff0c;跳绳手柄上的计数器等。累加器是累加器求和&#xff0c;以得到最后的结果。计数器和累加器它们虽然是基础知识&#xff0c;但是应用广泛&#xff0…...


文章目录 前言一、什么是SurfaceView &#xff1f;1.1 SurfaceView 使用示例1.2 SurfaceView 源码概述1.3 SurfaceView 的构造与初始化1.4 SurfaceHolder.Callback 回调接口1.5 SurfaceView 渲染机制 二、什么是TextureView&#xff1f;2.1 TextureView 使用示例2.2 TextureVie…...


1 集合简介 1&#xff09;Scala 的集合有三大类&#xff1a;序列 Seq、集 Set、映射 Map&#xff0c;所有的集合都扩展自 Iterable 特质。 2&#xff09;对于几乎所有的集合类&#xff0c;Scala 都同时提供了可变和不可变的版本&#xff0c;分别位于以下两 个包 不可变集合&am…...

1. Flink自定义Source

一. Source 简介 DataStream是Flink的低级API&#xff0c;用于进行数据的实时处理&#xff0c;Flink编程模型分为Source、Transformation、Sink三个部分&#xff0c;如下图所示。 默认Flink提供了大量的内置Source&#xff0c;常见的Source如下&#xff1a; 基于文件的Sour…...


问题描述类似于&#xff1a;Verifying shim SBAT data failed: If you are, this is caused by a reported problem in the August update if you can get into Windows, either uninstall the August update, or open Command Prompt as administrator and run this command,…...


打开虚拟机&#xff1a;【编辑】【虚拟机网络设置】 其中填入的虚拟机IP地址是虚拟机中centos的IP地址&#xff0c;虚拟机端口为需要映射的centos端口 配置好之后保存&#xff0c;打开宿主机 win cmd telnet 22 如果出现上述窗口&#xff0c;则说明已经成功开放…...


背景 最近用windows的【远程桌面连接】登录ubuntu后&#xff08;xrdp协议&#xff09;&#xff0c;发现gl环境是集显的&#xff0c;但是本地登录ubuntu桌面后是独显&#xff08;英伟达&#xff09;&#xff0c;想要在远程桌面上也用独显渲染环境。 一、查看是独显还是集显环境…...


&#x1f9e0;&#x1f4a1;从小学题到技术选型哲学&#xff1a;以智能客服系统为例&#xff0c;解读相关AI技术栈 引言&#xff1a;从小学数学题到技术智慧 &#x1f4da;✨ 在小学数学题中&#xff0c;有这样一道问题&#xff1a; “一个长方形变成平行四边形后&#xff0c…...


C语言练习&#xff08;5&#xff09; 文章目录 C语言练习&#xff08;5&#xff09;前言问题问题解析结果总结 前言 通过回文数练习&#xff0c;巩固数字取余和取商如何写代码 问题 输入一个五位数判断是否为回文数&#xff1f; 问题解析 回文数是指正读反读都一样的整数。…...