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电子商务网站建设所需要的经费,百度指数入口,内江做网站,做教育网站需要规划哪些内容解决 Flutter 在 Mac 上的编译错误 在使用 Flutter 进行项目开发并尝试在 Mac 设备上进行编译时,遇到了一系列的错误信息,这些错误信息给项目的构建与部署带来了阻碍。 一、错误详情 在编译过程中,Xcode 输出了大量的信息,其中…

解决 Flutter 在 Mac 上的编译错误

在使用 Flutter 进行项目开发并尝试在 Mac 设备上进行编译时,遇到了一系列的错误信息,这些错误信息给项目的构建与部署带来了阻碍。


在编译过程中,Xcode 输出了大量的信息,其中关键的错误提示为:

error: Target aot_assembly_release failed: Error: Flutter failed to run "/Users/admin/fvm/versions/3.22.3/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios-release/gen_snapshot_arm64 --deterministic --snapshot_kind=app-aot-assembly
--assembly=/Users/admin/Projects/Flutter/xxx/.dart_tool/flutter_build/fa350296ce3d4b22efd0f1ee596e2159/arm64/snapshot_assembly.S --dwarf-stack-traces --resolve-dwarf-paths
--save-debugging-info=./build/split-debug-info/app.ios-arm64.symbols --obfuscate /Users/admin/Projects/Flutter/xxx/.dart_tool/flutter_build/fa350296ce3d4b22efd0f1ee596e2159/app.dill".
The binary was built with the incorrect architecture to run on this machine.
If you are on an ARM Apple Silicon Mac, Flutter requires the Rosetta translation environment. Try running:sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

从这个错误信息可以看出,是由于生成的二进制文件架构与当前机器不匹配导致的编译失败。因为当前使用的是 ARM Apple Silicon Mac,而编译过程中可能存在一些针对不同架构的问题,Flutter 提示需要安装 Rosetta 翻译环境来解决。

除此之外,还出现了许多关于 Swift 版本和优化级别设置的提示信息,例如:

note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'ffmpeg-kit-ios-https-gpl' from project 'Pods')


warning: Run script build phase '[firebase_crashlytics] Crashlytics Upload Symbols' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this issue, either add output dependencies to the script
phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the script phase. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')


warning: no rule to process file '/Users/admin/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dev/flutter_native_splash-2.4.3/ios/flutter_native_splash/Sources/flutter_native_splash/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy' of type 'text.xml' for architecture 'arm64'
(in target 'flutter_native_splash' from project 'Pods')


sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license

根据错误提示,尝试使用 sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license 命令来安装 Rosetta 翻译环境。在执行该命令后,系统会自动下载并安装 Rosetta。安装过程可能需要一些时间,具体取决于网络速度和系统性能。

在 Rosetta 安装完成后,重新进行 Flutter 项目的编译操作。这次编译过程中,之前由于架构不匹配导致的错误不再出现,项目能够顺利地进行编译,并且成功生成了相应的可执行文件或应用程序包。

对于那些关于 Swift 版本、脚本构建阶段以及文件处理的警告信息,虽然它们在此次解决架构不匹配问题后仍然存在,但这些警告暂时未对项目的正常编译和运行产生实质性的影响。不过,为了项目的稳定性和可维护性,后续可以进一步深入研究这些警告信息,根据具体情况进行相应的调整和优化。例如,对于脚本构建阶段的警告,可以按照提示添加输出依赖或者调整脚本运行设置;对于文件处理警告,可以检查相关文件的引用和处理逻辑是否正确等。

通过这次经历,我们了解到在使用 Flutter 开发并在 Mac 设备上编译时,需要注意架构兼容性问题。尤其是在 ARM Apple Silicon Mac 上,若遇到类似的二进制架构不匹配错误,安装 Rosetta 翻译环境是一种有效的解决方法。同时,对于编译过程中出现的各种警告信息也不能忽视,应在合适的时机进行排查和处理,以确保项目的高质量开发与部署。


error: Target aot_assembly_release failed: Error: Flutter failed to run "/Users/admin/fvm/versions/3.22.3/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/ios-release/gen_snapshot_arm64 --deterministic --snapshot_kind=app-aot-assembly--assembly=/Users/admin/Projects/Flutter/xxx/.dart_tool/flutter_build/fa350296ce3d4b22efd0f1ee596e2159/arm64/snapshot_assembly.S --dwarf-stack-traces --resolve-dwarf-paths--save-debugging-info=./build/split-debug-info/app.ios-arm64.symbols --obfuscate /Users/admin/Projects/Flutter/xxx/.dart_tool/flutter_build/fa350296ce3d4b22efd0f1ee596e2159/app.dill".The binary was built with the incorrect architecture to run on this machine.If you are on an ARM Apple Silicon Mac, Flutter requires the Rosetta translation environment. Try running:sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-licenseFailed to package /Users/admin/Projects/Flutter/xxx.note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'ffmpeg-kit-ios-https-gpl' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseAnalytics' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'WebRTC-SDK' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'ObjectBox' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'JPush' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'JCore' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleAppMeasurement' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')note: Run script build phase 'Run Script' will be run during every build because the option to run the script phase "Based on dependency analysis" is unchecked. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')note: Run script build phase 'Thin Binary' will be run during every build because the option to run the script phase "Based on dependency analysis" is unchecked. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')warning: Run script build phase '[firebase_crashlytics] Crashlytics Upload Symbols' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this issue, either add output dependencies to the scriptphase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the script phase. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')warning: Run script build phase 'Firebase Run Script' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this issue, either add output dependencies to the script phase, or configure it to runin every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the script phase. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')warning: Run script build phase 'Copy GoogleServices-Info.plist to the correct location' will be run during every build because it does not specify any outputs. To address this issue, either add output dependencies to thescript phase, or configure it to run in every build by unchecking "Based on dependency analysis" in the script phase. (in target 'Runner' from project 'Runner')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'Pods-Runner' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'wakelock_plus-thermal' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'wakelock_plus' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'webview_flutter_wkwebview-webview_flutter_wkwebview_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'webview_flutter_wkwebview' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'volume_controller' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'video_player_avfoundation-video_player_avfoundation_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'video_player_avfoundation' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'video_compress' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'vibration' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'url_launcher_ios-url_launcher_ios_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'url_launcher_ios' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'system_proxy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'sqflite-sqflite_darwin_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'sqflite' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'social_share' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'sign_in_with_apple' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'shared_preferences_foundation-shared_preferences_foundation_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'shared_preferences_foundation' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'share_plus-share_plus_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'share_plus' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'screen_protector' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'screen_brightness_ios' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'saver_gallery-saver_gallery' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'saver_gallery' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'permission_handler_apple-permission_handler_apple_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'permission_handler_apple' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'path_provider_foundation-path_provider_foundation_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'path_provider_foundation' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'package_info_plus-package_info_plus_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'package_info_plus' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'objectbox_flutter_libs' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'nanopb-nanopb_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'nanopb' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'mobile_scanner-mobile_scanner_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'mobile_scanner' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'media_kit_video' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'media_kit_native_event_loop' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'media_kit_libs_ios_video' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'libwebp' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'just_audio' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'jpush_flutter' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'image_pickers-image_pickers_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'image_pickers' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'google_sign_in_ios-google_sign_in_ios_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'google_sign_in_ios' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'google_mlkit_commons' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'google_mlkit_barcode_scanning' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'geolocator_apple-geolocator_apple_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'geolocator_apple' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'geocoding_ios-geocoding_ios_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'geocoding_ios' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'fluttertoast-fluttertoast_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'fluttertoast' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'flutter_webrtc' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'flutter_pdfview' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'flutter_native_splash-flutter_native_splash_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'flutter_native_splash' from project 'Pods')warning: no rule to process file '/Users/admin/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dev/flutter_native_splash-2.4.3/ios/flutter_native_splash/Sources/flutter_native_splash/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy' of type 'text.xml' for architecture 'arm64'(in target 'flutter_native_splash' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'flutter_local_notifications-flutter_local_notifications_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'flutter_local_notifications' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'flutter_image_compress_common' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'flutter_app_badger' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'firebase_messaging-firebase_messaging_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'firebase_messaging' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'firebase_crashlytics' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'firebase_core' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'firebase_auth' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'firebase_analytics' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'ffmpeg_kit_flutter_https_gpl' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'device_info_plus-device_info_plus_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'device_info_plus' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'connectivity_plus-connectivity_plus_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'connectivity_plus' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'chat_bottom_container' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'audioplayers_darwin' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'audio_session' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'app_links-app_links_ios_privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'app_links' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'aliyun_log_dart_sdk' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'ZLPhotoBrowser-ZLPhotoBrowser_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'ZLPhotoBrowser' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'Toast-Toast' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'Toast' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'ScreenProtectorKit' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'SDWebImageWebPCoder' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'SDWebImage-SDWebImage' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'SDWebImage' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'RecaptchaInterop' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'PromisesSwift-Promises_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'PromisesSwift' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'PromisesObjC-FBLPromises_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'PromisesObjC' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'Mantle' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleUtilitiesComponents' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleUtilities-GoogleUtilities_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleUtilities' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleToolboxForMac-GoogleToolboxForMac_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleToolboxForMac-GoogleToolboxForMac_Logger_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleToolboxForMac' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleSignIn-GoogleSignIn' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleSignIn' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleDataTransport-GoogleDataTransport_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleDataTransport' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GTMSessionFetcher-GTMSessionFetcher_Full_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GTMSessionFetcher-GTMSessionFetcher_Core_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GTMSessionFetcher' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GTMAppAuth-GTMAppAuth_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GTMAppAuth' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseSessions' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseRemoteConfigInterop' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseMessaging-FirebaseMessaging_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseMessaging' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseInstallations-FirebaseInstallations_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseInstallations' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseCrashlytics-FirebaseCrashlytics_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseCrashlytics' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseCoreInternal-FirebaseCoreInternal_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseCoreInternal' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseCoreExtension-FirebaseCoreExtension_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseCoreExtension' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseCore-FirebaseCore_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseCore' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseAuth-FirebaseAuth_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseAuth' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'FirebaseAppCheckInterop' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'AppAuth-AppAuthCore_Privacy' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'AppAuth' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'AliyunLogProducer-AliyunLogProducer' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'AliyunLogProducer' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'AFNetworking' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'MLKitBarcodeScanning' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'Flutter' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'MLKitCommon' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'MLKitVision' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'Firebase' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'MLImage' from project 'Pods')note: Disabling previews because SWIFT_VERSION is set and SWIFT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL=-O, expected -Onone (in target 'GoogleMLKit' from project 'Pods')


解决 Flutter 在 Mac 上的编译错误

解决 Flutter 在 Mac 上的编译错误 在使用 Flutter 进行项目开发并尝试在 Mac 设备上进行编译时,遇到了一系列的错误信息,这些错误信息给项目的构建与部署带来了阻碍。 一、错误详情 在编译过程中,Xcode 输出了大量的信息,其中…...


导读 氢能被誉为21世纪最具发展潜力的清洁能源,氢能科技创新和产业发展持续得到各国青睐。氢能低碳环保,燃烧的产物只有水,是用能终端实现绿色低碳转型的重要载体。氢能产业链分别为上游制氢、中游储运以及下游用氢。上游制氢工艺目前大部分…...


wx.ListCtrl是一个列表组件,可以以列表视图(list view)、报表视图(report view)、图标视图(icon view)和小图标视图(small icon view)等多种模式显示列表。 一、方法 __…...

kubernetes 资源汇总

kubernetes 资源汇总 官网 英文文档 官方英文文档 中文文档 官方中文文档 github github源码地址 培训认证 也就是linux基金会的认证,上面也提供培训课程 下载资源 官网下载资源,国内的话k8s镜像下载不了,要去镜像站 在线练习 killer…...


编程题 题目描述: 小杨为数字4,5,6和7设计了一款表示形式,每个数字占用了66的网格。数字4,5,6和7的表示形式如下(此处自行设计复杂一些的表示形式示例): 数字4: …. …. …. …. *… 数字5: …...

让 Win10 上网本 Debug 模式 QUDPSocket 信号槽 收发不丢包的方法总结

在前两篇文章里,我们探讨了不少UDP丢包的解决方案。经过几年的摸索测试,其实方法非常简单, 无需修改代码。 1. Windows 下设置UDP缓存 这个方法可以一劳永逸解决UDP的收发丢包问题,只要添加注册表项目并重启即可。即使用Qt的信号与槽&#…...

Python爬虫之使用BeautifulSoup进行HTML Document文档的解析

BeautifulSoup 是一个用于解析 HTML 和 XML 文档的 Python 库,它为开发者提供了一种简单的方式来查找、遍历和修改文档树。BeautifulSoup 特别擅长处理不规则或格式不佳的标记语言,可以自动更正无效的 HTML,因此在网页抓取(Web Sc…...


这篇文章主要是对vue.config.js配置文件的主要参数进行一下说明,方便使用时的查询, 下面进行介绍 1、vue.config.js vue.config.js 是一个可选的配置文件,如果项目的 (和 package.json 同级的) 根目录中存在这个文件,那么它会被…...

C# 关于加密技术以及应用(二)

AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)和 RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)是两种不同的加密算法,它们各自有特定的使用场景和优势。下面是它们的主要区别和适用场景: AES(高级加密标准) 特…...


动态表情包(GIF)已经成为我们日常沟通中不可或缺的一部分。GIF(Graphics Interchange Format),即图形交换格式,是一种支持多帧图像和透明度的位图文件格式。它最初由 CompuServe 公司在 1987 年推出&#x…...

图像识别 | Matlab基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的宝可梦识别源程序,GUI界面。附详细的运行说明。

图像识别 | Matlab基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的宝可梦识别源程序,GUI界面。附详细的运行说明。 目录 图像识别 | Matlab基于卷积神经网络(CNN)的宝可梦识别源程序,GUI界面。附详细的运行说明。预测效果基本介绍程序设计参考资料 预测效果 基本介绍 Matlab基…...


🏆 作者简介:席万里 ⚡ 个人网站:https://dahua.bloggo.chat/ ✍️ 一名后端开发小趴菜,同时略懂Vue与React前端技术,也了解一点微信小程序开发。 🍻 对计算机充满兴趣,愿意并且希望学习更多的技…...


1 top中的字段说明 top是一个实时系统监视工具,可以动态展现出 CPU 使用率、内存使用情况、进程状态等信息,注意这些显示的文本不能直接使用 > 追加到文件中。 [rootvv~]# top -bn 1 | head top - 20:08:28 up 138 days, 10:29, 4 users, load av…...

ES6 混合 ES5学习记录

基础 数组 let arr [数据1,数据2,...数组n] 使用数组 数组名[索引] 数组长度 arr.length 操作数组 arr.push() 尾部添加一个,返回新长度 arr.unshift() 头部添加一个,返回新长度 arr.pop() 删除最后一个,并返回该元素的值 shift 删除第一个单元…...

HTTP 状态码大全

常见状态码 200 OK # 客户端请求成功 400 Bad Request # 客户端请求有语法错误 不能被服务器所理解 401 Unauthorized # 请求未经授权 这个状态代码必须和WWW- Authenticate 报头域一起使用 403 Forbidden # 服务器收到请求但是拒绝提供服务 404 Not Found # 请求资源不存…...

Redis学习(13)| Redisson 看门狗机制深度解析

文章目录 摘要1. 引言2. 看门狗的工作原理2.1 自动续期2.2 防止意外释放2.3 合理配置 3. 应用场景4. 最佳实践4.1 设置合理的lockWatchdogTimeout4.2 避免死锁4.3 监控和日志 5. 实现方式6. 使用示例7. 结论 摘要 Redisson 是一个用于 Redis 的 Java 客户端,它提供…...


积木 BI 重磅推出免费大屏设计器!功能超强大,操作超流畅,体验超酷炫。快来体验一下吧。 让我们一起来看一下如何从0到1设计一个大屏。 一、积木BI大屏介绍 积木BI可视化数据大屏 是一站式数据可视化展示平台,旨在帮助用户快速通…...



PAT--1035 插入与归并

题目描述 根据维基百科的定义: 插入排序是迭代算法,逐一获得输入数据,逐步产生有序的输出序列。每步迭代中,算法从输入序列中取出一元素,将之插入有序序列中正确的位置。如此迭代直到全部元素有序。 归并排序进行如…...


在Ubuntu20.04.6编译OpenWRT23.05.5时,会出现如下提示: fatal error: asm/types.h: No such file or directory 如果我们执行如下命令: sudo ln -s /usr/include/asm-generic /usr/include/asm 此时再次编译,会有如下提示&…...


引言:目前flink的文章比较多,但一般都关注某一特定方面,很少有一个文章,从一个简单的例子入手,说清楚从编码、构建、部署全流程是怎么样的。所以编写本文,自己做个记录备查同时跟大家分享一下。本文以简单的mysql cdc为例展开说明。 环境说明:MySQL:5.7;flink:1.14.0…...

【5G】5G Physical Layer物理层(一)


GauHuman阅读笔记【3D Human Modelling】

笔记目录 1. 基本信息2. 理解(个人初步理解,随时更改)3. 精读SummaryResearch Objective(s)Background / Problem StatementMethod(s)EvaluationConclusionReferences1. 基本信息 题目:GauHuman: Articulated Gaussian Splatting from Monocular Human Videos时间:2023.12…...


qemu虚拟化软件,可以在一个平台上模拟另一个硬件平台,可以支持多种处理器架构。 一、安装 安装教程:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36035382/article/details/125308044 下载链接:https://qemu.weilnetz.de/w64/2024/ 我下载的是 …...

在Elasticsearch (ES) 中,integer 和 integer_range的区别

在Elasticsearch (ES) 中,integer 和 integer_range 是两种不同的字段类型,它们用于存储和查询不同类型的数据。 Integer: integer 类型是用于存储32位整数值的简单数据类型。这个类型的字段适合用来表示单一的整数数值,例如用户的年龄、商品的数量等。支持标准的数值操作,…...


导航和页面操作 goto(url: str, **kwargs: Any): 导航到一个URL。 reload(**kwargs: Any): 重新加载当前页面。 go_back(**kwargs: Any): 导航到会话历史记录中的前一个页面。 go_forward(**kwargs: Any): 导航到会话历史记录中的下一个页面。 set_default_navigation_tim…...


硬链接方式重建mysql大表 操作步骤 选择数据库 select datadir; 进入数据文件目录 cd /data/mysql/mydata/testdb 创建硬连接 ln test_trans_msg_xx.ibd test_service_trans_msg_xx.ibd.bak ll test_trans_msg_xx* 进库删除表 DROP TABLE test_trans_msg_xx; 重建表 CREATE T…...


GPIO MASK DATA LSW和 MASK DATA MSW LSW和MSW分别是LSW (Least Significant Word)和MSW (Most Significant Word)。 因为DATA是u32,所以如果寄存器的基址是XGPIOPS_DATA_LSW_OFFSET,那么32位就能同时让高16位的MASK DATA MSW]31:16和 MASK DATA LSW的bit7同时为…...

Qt Xlsx安装教程

Qt Xlsx安装教程 安装perl 如果没有安装perl,请参考perl Window安装教程 下载QtXlsxWriter源码 下载地址 ming32-make编译32 lib库 C:\Qt\Qt5.12.12\5.12.12\mingw73_32>d: D:\>cd D:\Code\QtXlsxWriter-master\QtXlsxWriter-master D:\Code\QtXlsxWrit…...


前言:笔者上一篇内容已经部署好了Certimate开源系统,于是开始搭建部署至Linux和Windows服务器,Linux服务器十分的顺利,申请证书-部署证书很快的完成了,但是部署至Windows Server的IIS服务时,遇到一些阻碍&a…...