Model | Resolution | Sensor | Frame rate GigE USB3 | ||
VCXG-50MP | 5 MP | 2448 × 2048 | Sony IMX250MZR (2/3″, 3.45 µm) | 35|24 | - |
VCXU-50MP | 5 MP | 2448 × 2048 | Sony IMX250MZR (2/3″, 3.45 µm) | - | 77 |
该示例描述了如何使用所提供的堡盟GAPI API功能来配置相机并计算所需的偏振数据(AOL、DOP、ADOLP、Intensity)
下面的例子描述了如何从VCXU-50MP 和 VCXG-50MP 获得偏振数据。
描述了所有如何使用提供的 Baumer GAPI API 功能来配置相机和计算所需的偏振数据(AOL,DOP,ADOLP,亮度)如果需要多于一种可用的偏振数据格式,使用多部分图像进行计算会更有效。
这在示例021 _ Polalization _ MultiPart 中进行了描述
/*This example describes how to obtain polarisation data from the Baumer VCXU-50MP and VCXG-50MP.The example describes all how to use the provided Baumer GAPI API functionality to configurethe camera and calculate the required polarisation data (AOL, DOP, ADOLP, Intensity)If more than one of the available polarisation data format is needed it is more efficient to usea multi-part image for the calculation. This is described in the example 021_Polarized_MultiPart.cpp
*/#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "bgapi2_genicam/bgapi2_genicam.hpp"// handles the command line argument parsing
#include "Arguments.h"using namespace BGAPI2;//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static double g_aopOffset = 0.0;
static bool g_bAopOffset = false;struct DeviceMatch {BGAPI2::System* pSystem;BGAPI2::Interface* pInterface;BGAPI2::Device* pDevice;
/* Read the polarization calibration matrix and angle of polarization offset from the cameraused to calculated the required polarisation data in the Baumer GAPI image processor */
static void SetDeviceCalibrationToImageProcessor(BGAPI2::Device* const pDevice, BGAPI2::ImageProcessor* const pImageProcessor);/* Setup the Baumer GAPI to calculate the requested polarization component from the rawpolarized image */
static void EnableSingleComponent(BGAPI2::Image* const pImage, const std::string sComponent);/* Get the Angle Offset from the command line parameter (if provided) and use it for the calculation */
static void argumentAopOffset(const Argument& argument, const ArgumentMode mode, const char* const pParam);/* connect to the first polarisation camera found on the system */
static int GetFirstDevice(DeviceMatch* const pMatch, bool(*pSystemFilter)(BGAPI2::System* pSystem), bool(*pInterfaceFilter)(BGAPI2::Interface* pInterface), bool(*pDeviceFilter)(BGAPI2::Device* pDevice), std::ostream& log);/* Helper to Display various information of the camera */
static void GetDeviceInfo(std::ostream& log, BGAPI2::Device* const pDevice, const bool bOpen);/* Helper to filter found cameras devices and select only polarization camera for this example */
static bool PolarizationDeviceFilter(BGAPI2::Device* const pDevice);/* Release all allocated resources */
static int ReleaseAllResources(BGAPI2::System* pSystem, BGAPI2::Interface* pInterface, BGAPI2::Device* pDevice, BGAPI2::DataStream* pDataStream, BGAPI2::ImageProcessor* pImageProcessor);//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{// Declaration of variablesBGAPI2::System* pSystem = NULL;BGAPI2::Interface* pInterface = NULL;BGAPI2::Device* pDevice = NULL;BGAPI2::ImageProcessor* pImageProcessor = NULL;BGAPI2::DataStreamList *datastreamList = NULL;BGAPI2::DataStream * pDataStream = NULL;BGAPI2::String sDataStreamID;BGAPI2::BufferList *bufferList = NULL;BGAPI2::Buffer * pBuffer = NULL;BGAPI2::String sBufferID;int returncode = 0;std::string sComponent = "ADOLP";bool bBufferedLog = true;std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << "###########################################################" << std::endl;std::cout << "# PROGRAMMER'S GUIDE Example 020_Polarized_SinglePart.cpp #" << std::endl;std::cout << "###########################################################" << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;static const Argument argumentList[] = {{ &sComponent, "c", "component", false, argumentString, 0, "<component>", "enable component (Intensity/AOP/DOLP/ADOLP)" },{ NULL, "o", "offsetAOP", false, argumentAopOffset, 0, "<aop offset>", "angle of polarization offset" },};parseArguments(argumentList, sizeof(argumentList) / sizeof(argumentList[0]), argc, argv);// Check if the polarisation format provided as command line parameter is a valid polarisation formattry{pImageProcessor = new BGAPI2::ImageProcessor();// Create dummy image to check if requested component is availablechar dummyBuffer[1];BGAPI2::Image* pImage = pImageProcessor->CreateImage(1, 1, "BaumerPolarized8", dummyBuffer, sizeof(dummyBuffer));BGAPI2::Node* pComponentSelector = pImage->GetNode("ComponentSelector");pComponentSelector->SetValue(sComponent.c_str());pImage->Release();}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl << "Component '" << sComponent << "' not supported" << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl << "Supported Formats are Intensity, AOP, DOP and ADOLP" << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl << "End" << std::endl << "Input any number to close the program:";int endKey = 0;std::cin >> endKey;ReleaseAllResources(pSystem, pInterface, pDevice, pDataStream, pImageProcessor);return returncode;}// Find and open the first polarisation cameraDeviceMatch match = { NULL, NULL, NULL };std::stringstream bufferedLog;const int code = GetFirstDevice(&match, NULL, NULL, PolarizationDeviceFilter, bBufferedLog ? bufferedLog : std::cout);pSystem = match.pSystem;pInterface = match.pInterface;pDevice = match.pDevice;if ((code != 0) || (pDevice == NULL)){// Error or no device foundif (bBufferedLog != false){// Display full device searchstd::cout << bufferedLog.str();}returncode = (returncode == 0) ? code : returncode;if (returncode == 0){std::cout << " No Polarized Device found " << sDataStreamID << std::endl;}std::cout << std::endl << "End" << std::endl << "Input any number to close the program:";int endKey = 0;std::cin >> endKey;ReleaseAllResources(pSystem, pInterface, pDevice, pDataStream, pImageProcessor);return returncode;}GetDeviceInfo(std::cout, pDevice, false);/* Determine the polarized pixel format for processingAs the camera sends the raw polarized data as a Mono8/10/12 pixelformat we need to pick thecorresponding Baumer polarized pixelformat depending on the camera setting for thecalculation of the polarized image.*/std::string sPixelFormatRaw = "";try {BGAPI2::String sPixelFormat = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("PixelFormat")->GetValue();if (sPixelFormat == "Mono8"){sPixelFormatRaw = "BaumerPolarized8";}else if (sPixelFormat == "Mono10"){sPixelFormatRaw = "BaumerPolarized10";}else if (sPixelFormat == "Mono12"){sPixelFormatRaw = "BaumerPolarized12";}else if (sPixelFormat == "Mono12p"){sPixelFormatRaw = "BaumerPolarized12p";}else{std::cout << " Pixel format not supported" << sDataStreamID << std::endl;}}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}if (sPixelFormatRaw == ""){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << std::endl << "End" << std::endl << "Input any number to close the program:";int endKey = 0;std::cin >> endKey;ReleaseAllResources(pSystem, pInterface, pDevice, pDataStream, pImageProcessor);return returncode;}std::cout << "DEVICE PARAMETER SETUP" << std::endl;std::cout << "######################" << std::endl << std::endl;// Set angle of polarization offset to device, if command line parameter passedif (g_bAopOffset){try{BGAPI2::Node* const pAngleOfPolarizationOffset = pDevice->GetRemoteNode("CalibrationAngleOfPolarizationOffset");pAngleOfPolarizationOffset->SetDouble(g_aopOffset);std::cout << " AngleOfPolarizationOffset: " << pAngleOfPolarizationOffset->GetValue() << std::endl;}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}}try{// Set trigger mode to off (FreeRun)pDevice->GetRemoteNode("TriggerMode")->SetString("Off");std::cout << " TriggerMode: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("TriggerMode")->GetValue() << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}std::cout << "IMAGE PROCESSOR SETUP" << std::endl;std::cout << "#####################" << std::endl << std::endl;// Configure the Image Processor to use the calibration values from the camera devicetry{SetDeviceCalibrationToImageProcessor(pDevice, pImageProcessor);}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;std::cout << "DATA STREAM LIST" << std::endl;std::cout << "################" << std::endl << std::endl;try{// Get information for all available data streamsdatastreamList = pDevice->GetDataStreams();datastreamList->Refresh();std::cout << "5.1.8 Detected datastreams: " << datastreamList->size() << std::endl;for (DataStreamList::iterator dstIterator = datastreamList->begin(); dstIterator != datastreamList->end(); dstIterator++){std::cout << " 5.2.4 DataStream ID: " << dstIterator->first << std::endl << std::endl;}}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}std::cout << "DATA STREAM" << std::endl;std::cout << "###########" << std::endl << std::endl;// Open the first datastreamtry{for (DataStreamList::iterator dstIterator = datastreamList->begin(); dstIterator != datastreamList->end(); dstIterator++){std::cout << "5.1.9 Open first datastream " << std::endl;std::cout << " DataStream ID: " << dstIterator->first << std::endl << std::endl;dstIterator->second->Open();sDataStreamID = dstIterator->first;std::cout << " Opened datastream - NodeList Information " << std::endl;std::cout << " StreamAnnounceBufferMinimum: " << dstIterator->second->GetNode("StreamAnnounceBufferMinimum")->GetValue() << std::endl;if( dstIterator->second->GetTLType() == "GEV" ){std::cout << " StreamDriverModel: " << dstIterator->second->GetNode("StreamDriverModel")->GetValue() << std::endl;}std::cout << " " << std::endl;break;}}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}if (sDataStreamID == ""){std::cout << " No DataStream found " << sDataStreamID << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl << "End" << std::endl << "Input any number to close the program:";int endKey = 0;std::cin >> endKey;ReleaseAllResources(pSystem, pInterface, pDevice, pDataStream, pImageProcessor);return returncode;}else{pDataStream = (*datastreamList)[sDataStreamID];}std::cout << "BUFFER LIST" << std::endl;std::cout << "###########" << std::endl << std::endl;try{// get the BufferListbufferList = pDataStream->GetBufferList();// allocate 4 buffers using internal buffer modefor(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){pBuffer = new BGAPI2::Buffer();bufferList->Add(pBuffer);}std::cout << "5.1.10 Announced buffers: " << bufferList->GetAnnouncedCount() << " using " << pBuffer->GetMemSize() * bufferList->GetAnnouncedCount() << " [bytes]" << std::endl;}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}try{for (BufferList::iterator bufIterator = bufferList->begin(); bufIterator != bufferList->end(); bufIterator++){bufIterator->second->QueueBuffer();}std::cout << "5.1.11 Queued buffers: " << bufferList->GetQueuedCount() << std::endl;}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}std::cout << " " << std::endl;std::cout << "CAMERA START" << std::endl;std::cout << "############" << std::endl << std::endl;// Start DataStream acquisitiontry{pDataStream->StartAcquisitionContinuous();std::cout << "5.1.12 DataStream started " << std::endl;}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}// Start aquisition from camera devicetry{std::cout << "5.1.12 " << pDevice->GetModel() << " started " << std::endl;pDevice->GetRemoteNode("AcquisitionStart")->Execute();}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}// Capture 12 imagesstd::cout << " " << std::endl;std::cout << "CAPTURE 12 IMAGES BY IMAGE POLLING" << std::endl;std::cout << "##################################" << std::endl << std::endl;// Create the image object to store the calculated polarisation dataBGAPI2::Image* pImagePolarized = NULL;try{// Set to true to save result of the first captured image as a Baumer RAW imagebool bSaveBrw = true;for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++){BGAPI2::Buffer* pBufferFilled = pDataStream->GetFilledBuffer(1000); // timeout 1000 msecif (pBufferFilled == NULL){std::cout << "Error: Buffer Timeout after 1000 msec" << std::endl;}else{try{if (pBufferFilled->GetIsIncomplete() == true){std::cout << "Error: Image is incomplete" << std::endl;}else if (pBufferFilled->GetImagePresent() != true){std::cout << "Error: Image not present" << std::endl;}else{// get information about the image from the buffer objectbo_uint width = static_cast<bo_uint>(pBufferFilled->GetWidth());bo_uint height = static_cast<bo_uint>(pBufferFilled->GetHeight());void* pBufferData = pBufferFilled->GetMemPtr();bo_uint64 bufferDataSize = pBufferFilled->GetMemSize();bo_uint64 imageOffset = pBufferFilled->GetImageOffset();bo_uint64 imageDataSize = (bufferDataSize > imageOffset) ? (bufferDataSize - imageOffset) : 0;void* pImageData = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pBufferData) + imageOffset;std::cout << " Image " << std::setw(5) << pBufferFilled->GetFrameID() << " received in memory address " << std::hex << pBufferData << std::dec << std::endl;/* For the first image, a new image object is created, all further images reuse the object andtherefore just initialize it with new data */if (pImagePolarized == NULL){pImagePolarized = pImageProcessor->CreateImage(width, height, sPixelFormatRaw.c_str(), pImageData, imageDataSize);// Enable the component to be calculated, disable all othersEnableSingleComponent(pImagePolarized, sComponent);}else{pImagePolarized->Init(width, height, sPixelFormatRaw.c_str(), pImageData, imageDataSize);/* As the pixel format is the same for all images captured, the enabled components and the active component selectorare preserved, so you don't need to enable components on every image. */}// Calculate the required Polarisation format using a direct transformation from raw polarized image.BGAPI2::Image* pComponent = pImageProcessor->CreateTransformedImage(pImagePolarized, (sComponent != "ADOLP") ? "Mono8" : "RGB8");std::cout << " component image: " << pComponent->GetNode("ComponentSelector")->GetValue().get() << std::endl;if (bSaveBrw) {std::string sFilename = sComponent + ".brw";pComponent->GetNode("SaveBrw")->SetValue(sFilename.c_str());}pComponent->Release();bSaveBrw = false;}}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}}if (pBufferFilled){// Queue buffer againpBufferFilled->QueueBuffer();}}}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}std::cout << " " << std::endl;if (pImagePolarized){try{pImagePolarized->Release();}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}}std::cout << "CAMERA STOP" << std::endl;std::cout << "###########" << std::endl << std::endl;// Stop the cameratry{if (pDevice->GetRemoteNodeList()->GetNodePresent("AcquisitionAbort")){pDevice->GetRemoteNode("AcquisitionAbort")->Execute();std::cout << "5.1.12 " << pDevice->GetModel() << " aborted " << std::endl;}pDevice->GetRemoteNode("AcquisitionStop")->Execute();std::cout << "5.1.12 " << pDevice->GetModel() << " stopped " << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;BGAPI2::String sExposureNodeName = "";if (pDevice->GetRemoteNodeList()->GetNodePresent("ExposureTime")){sExposureNodeName = "ExposureTime";}else if (pDevice->GetRemoteNodeList()->GetNodePresent("ExposureTimeAbs")){sExposureNodeName = "ExposureTimeAbs";}std::cout << " ExposureTime: " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0) << pDevice->GetRemoteNode(sExposureNodeName)->GetDouble() << " [" << pDevice->GetRemoteNode(sExposureNodeName)->GetUnit() << "]" << std::endl;if (pDevice->GetTLType() == "GEV"){if(pDevice->GetRemoteNodeList()->GetNodePresent("DeviceStreamChannelPacketSize"))std::cout << " DeviceStreamChannelPacketSize: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("DeviceStreamChannelPacketSize")->GetInt() << " [bytes]" << std::endl;elsestd::cout << " GevSCPSPacketSize: " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("GevSCPSPacketSize")->GetInt() << " [bytes]" << std::endl;std::cout << " GevSCPD (PacketDelay): " << pDevice->GetRemoteNode("GevSCPD")->GetInt() << " [tics]" << std::endl;}std::cout << std::endl;}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}// Stop DataStream acquisitiontry{if (pDataStream->GetTLType() == "GEV"){// DataStream Statisticstd::cout << " DataStream Statistics " << std::endl;std::cout << " DataBlockComplete: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("DataBlockComplete")->GetInt() << std::endl;std::cout << " DataBlockInComplete: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("DataBlockInComplete")->GetInt() << std::endl;std::cout << " DataBlockMissing: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("DataBlockMissing")->GetInt() << std::endl;std::cout << " PacketResendRequestSingle: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("PacketResendRequestSingle")->GetInt() << std::endl;std::cout << " PacketResendRequestRange: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("PacketResendRequestRange")->GetInt() << std::endl;std::cout << " PacketResendReceive: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("PacketResendReceive")->GetInt() << std::endl;std::cout << " DataBlockDroppedBufferUnderrun: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("DataBlockDroppedBufferUnderrun")->GetInt() << std::endl;std::cout << " Bitrate: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("Bitrate")->GetDouble() << std::endl;std::cout << " Throughput: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("Throughput")->GetDouble() << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;}if (pDataStream->GetTLType() == "U3V"){// DataStream Statisticstd::cout << " DataStream Statistics " << std::endl;std::cout << " GoodFrames: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("GoodFrames")->GetInt() << std::endl;std::cout << " CorruptedFrames: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("CorruptedFrames")->GetInt() << std::endl;std::cout << " LostFrames: " << pDataStream->GetNodeList()->GetNode("LostFrames")->GetInt() << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;}// BufferList Informationstd::cout << " BufferList Information " << std::endl;std::cout << " DeliveredCount: " << bufferList->GetDeliveredCount() << std::endl;std::cout << " UnderrunCount: " << bufferList->GetUnderrunCount() << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;pDataStream->StopAcquisition();std::cout << "5.1.12 DataStream stopped " << std::endl;bufferList->DiscardAllBuffers();}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << "RELEASE" << std::endl;std::cout << "#######" << std::endl << std::endl;// Release buffersstd::cout << "5.1.13 Releasing the resources " << std::endl;try{while (bufferList->size() > 0){pBuffer = bufferList->begin()->second;bufferList->RevokeBuffer(pBuffer);delete pBuffer;}std::cout << " buffers after revoke: " << bufferList->size() << std::endl;ReleaseAllResources(pSystem, pInterface, pDevice, pDataStream, pImageProcessor);}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}std::cout << std::endl;std::cout << "End" << std::endl << std::endl;std::cout << "Input any number to close the program:";int endKey = 0;std::cin >> endKey;return returncode;
/* Setup the Baumer GAPI to calculate the requested polarization component from the rawpolarized image */
void EnableSingleComponent(BGAPI2::Image* const pImage, const std::string sComponent)
{BGAPI2::Node* pComponentSelector = pImage->GetNode("ComponentSelector");BGAPI2::Node* pComponentEnable = pImage->GetNode("ComponentEnable");BGAPI2::NodeMap*pComponents = pComponentSelector->GetEnumNodeList();const bo_uint64 componentsAvailable = pComponents->GetNodeCount();for (bo_uint64 i = 0; i < componentsAvailable; i++) {pComponentSelector->SetInt(i);pComponentEnable->SetBool(sComponent == pComponentSelector->GetValue().get());}
/* Read the polarization calibration matrix and angle of polarization offset from the cameraused to calculated the required polarisation data in the Baumer GAPI image processor */
void SetDeviceCalibrationToImageProcessor(BGAPI2::Device* const pDevice, BGAPI2::ImageProcessor* const pImageProcessor)
{struct CalibrationEntry {const char* pSelector;unsigned int row;unsigned int col;};static const CalibrationEntry calibrationEntry[] = {{ "Gain00", 0, 0 },{ "Gain01", 0, 1 },{ "Gain02", 0, 2 },{ "Gain03", 0, 3 },{ "Gain10", 1, 0 },{ "Gain11", 1, 1 },{ "Gain12", 1, 2 },{ "Gain13", 1, 3 },{ "Gain20", 2, 0 },{ "Gain21", 2, 1 },{ "Gain22", 2, 2 },{ "Gain23", 2, 3 },};BGAPI2::NodeMap* const pDeviceMap = pDevice->GetRemoteNodeList();BGAPI2::Node* pDeviceCalibrationMatrixValueSelector = pDeviceMap->GetNode("CalibrationMatrixValueSelector");BGAPI2::Node* pDeviceCalibrationMatrixValue = pDeviceMap->GetNode("CalibrationMatrixValue");BGAPI2::Node* pCalibrationMatrixRowSelector = pImageProcessor->GetNode("CalibrationMatrixRowSelector");BGAPI2::Node* pCalibrationMatrixColSelector = pImageProcessor->GetNode("CalibrationMatrixColumnSelector");BGAPI2::Node* pCalibrationMatrixValue = pImageProcessor->GetNode("CalibrationMatrixValue");const std::streamsize precision = std::cout.precision(5);const std::ios_base::fmtflags flags = std::cout.flags();std::cout.setf(std::ios_base::fixed | std::ios_base::right);// Set calibration matrix from device to image processorfor (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(calibrationEntry) / sizeof(calibrationEntry[0]); i++){pDeviceCalibrationMatrixValueSelector->SetValue(calibrationEntry[i].pSelector);double value = pDeviceCalibrationMatrixValue->GetDouble();std::cout << " CalibrationMatrix " << calibrationEntry[i].pSelector << ": "<< std::setw(8) << value << std::endl;pCalibrationMatrixRowSelector->SetInt(calibrationEntry[i].row);pCalibrationMatrixColSelector->SetInt(calibrationEntry[i].col);pCalibrationMatrixValue->SetDouble(value);}std::cout.precision(2);// Set angle of polarisation offset from device to image processorconst double aopOffset = pDeviceMap->GetNode("CalibrationAngleOfPolarizationOffset")->GetDouble();std::cout << " CalibrationAngleOfPolarizationOffset: " << std::setw(6) << aopOffset << std::endl << std::endl;pImageProcessor->GetNode("CalibrationAngleOfPolarizationOffset")->SetDouble(aopOffset);std::cout.precision(precision);std::cout.flags(flags);
/* Get the Angle Offset from the command line parameter (if provided) and use it for the calculation */
void argumentAopOffset(const Argument& argument, const ArgumentMode mode, const char* const pParam)
{if (mode == eArgumentInit){g_aopOffset = 0.0;g_bAopOffset = false;}else{double value = 0.0;
#if _WIN32if ((pParam != NULL) && (sscanf_s(pParam, "%lf", &value) == 1))
#elseif ((pParam != NULL) && (sscanf(pParam, "%lf", &value) == 1))
#endif{g_aopOffset = value;g_bAopOffset = true;}}
/* Helper to filter found cameras devices and select only polarization camera for this example */
bool PolarizationDeviceFilter(BGAPI2::Device* const pDevice)
{if (pDevice->GetRemoteNodeList()->GetNodePresent("ComponentSelector")){if (pDevice->GetRemoteNode("ComponentSelector")->GetValue() == "PolarizedRaw"){return true;}}return false;
int GetFirstDevice(DeviceMatch* const pMatch, bool(*pSystemFilter)(BGAPI2::System* pSystem), bool(*pInterfaceFilter)(BGAPI2::Interface* pInterface), bool(*pDeviceFilter)(BGAPI2::Device* pDevice), std::ostream& log)
{int returncode = 0;log << "SYSTEM LIST" << std::endl;log << "###########" << std::endl << std::endl;try {BGAPI2::SystemList* pSystemList = SystemList::GetInstance();// Counting available systems (TL producers)pSystemList->Refresh();log << "5.1.2 Detected systems: " << pSystemList->size() << std::endl;// System device informationfor (SystemList::iterator sysIterator = pSystemList->begin(); sysIterator != pSystemList->end(); sysIterator++){BGAPI2::System* const pSystem = sysIterator->second;log << " 5.2.1 System Name: " << pSystem->GetFileName() << std::endl;log << " System Type: " << pSystem->GetTLType() << std::endl;log << " System Version: " << pSystem->GetVersion() << std::endl;log << " System PathName: " << pSystem->GetPathName() << std::endl << std::endl;}for (SystemList::iterator sysIterator = pSystemList->begin(); sysIterator != pSystemList->end(); sysIterator++){log << "SYSTEM" << std::endl;log << "######" << std::endl << std::endl;BGAPI2::System* const pSystem = sysIterator->second;pMatch->pSystem = pSystem;try{pSystem->Open();log << "5.1.3 Open next system " << std::endl;log << " 5.2.1 System Name: " << pSystem->GetFileName() << std::endl;log << " System Type: " << pSystem->GetTLType() << std::endl;log << " System Version: " << pSystem->GetVersion() << std::endl;log << " System PathName: " << pSystem->GetPathName() << std::endl << std::endl;log << " Opened system - NodeList Information " << std::endl;log << " GenTL Version: " << pSystem->GetNode("GenTLVersionMajor")->GetValue() << "." << pSystem->GetNode("GenTLVersionMinor")->GetValue() << std::endl << std::endl;const char* pCloseSystemReason = "???";if ((pSystemFilter != NULL) && (pSystemFilter(pSystem) == false)){pCloseSystemReason = "skipped";}else{log << "INTERFACE LIST" << std::endl;log << "##############" << std::endl << std::endl;try{BGAPI2::InterfaceList* pInterfaceList = pSystem->GetInterfaces();// Count available interfacespInterfaceList->Refresh(100); // timeout of 100 mseclog << "5.1.4 Detected interfaces: " << pInterfaceList->size() << std::endl;// Interface informationfor (InterfaceList::iterator ifIterator = pInterfaceList->begin(); ifIterator != pInterfaceList->end(); ifIterator++){BGAPI2::Interface* const pInterface = ifIterator->second;log << " 5.2.2 Interface ID: " << ifIterator->first << std::endl;log << " Interface Type: " << pInterface->GetTLType() << std::endl;log << " Interface Name: " << pInterface->GetDisplayName() << std::endl << std::endl;}log << "INTERFACE" << std::endl;log << "#########" << std::endl << std::endl;for (InterfaceList::iterator ifIterator = pInterfaceList->begin(); ifIterator != pInterfaceList->end(); ifIterator++){try{// Open the next interface in the listBGAPI2::Interface* const pInterface = ifIterator->second;pMatch->pInterface = pInterface;log << "5.1.5 Open interface " << std::endl;log << " 5.2.2 Interface ID: " << ifIterator->first << std::endl;log << " Interface Type: " << pInterface->GetTLType() << std::endl;log << " Interface Name: " << pInterface->GetDisplayName() << std::endl;pInterface->Open();const char* pReason = "???";if ((pInterfaceFilter != NULL) && (pInterfaceFilter(pInterface) == false)){pReason = "skipped";}else{// Search for any camera is connected to this interfaceBGAPI2::DeviceList* const pDeviceList = pInterface->GetDevices();pDeviceList->Refresh(100);if (pDeviceList->size() == 0){pReason = "no camera found";}else{log << " " << std::endl;log << " Opened interface - NodeList Information " << std::endl;if (pInterface->GetTLType() == "GEV"){log << " GevInterfaceSubnetIPAddress: " << pInterface->GetNode("GevInterfaceSubnetIPAddress")->GetValue() << std::endl;log << " GevInterfaceSubnetMask: " << pInterface->GetNode("GevInterfaceSubnetMask")->GetValue() << std::endl;}if (pInterface->GetTLType() == "U3V"){// log << " NodeListCount: " << pInterface->GetNodeList()->GetNodeCount() << std::endl;}// Open the first matching camera in the listtry{// Counting available cameraslog << "5.1.6 Detected devices: " << pDeviceList->size() << std::endl;// Device information before openingfor (DeviceList::iterator devIterator = pDeviceList->begin(); devIterator != pDeviceList->end(); devIterator++){BGAPI2::Device* const pDevice = devIterator->second;log << " 5.2.3 Device DeviceID: " << pDevice->GetID() << std::endl;log << " Device Model: " << pDevice->GetModel() << std::endl;log << " Device SerialNumber: " << pDevice->GetSerialNumber() << std::endl;log << " Device Vendor: " << pDevice->GetVendor() << std::endl;log << " Device TLType: " << pDevice->GetTLType() << std::endl;log << " Device AccessStatus: " << pDevice->GetAccessStatus() << std::endl;log << " Device UserID: " << pDevice->GetDisplayName() << std::endl << std::endl;}for (DeviceList::iterator devIterator = pDeviceList->begin(); devIterator != pDeviceList->end(); devIterator++){try{BGAPI2::Device* const pDevice = devIterator->second;pMatch->pDevice = pDevice;GetDeviceInfo(log, pDevice, true);if ((pDeviceFilter == NULL) || (pDeviceFilter(pDevice) == true)){return returncode;}log << " Close device (skipped) " << std::endl << std::endl;pDevice->Close();pMatch->pDevice = NULL;}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::ResourceInUseException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;log << " Device " << devIterator->first << " already opened " << std::endl;log << " ResourceInUseException: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::AccessDeniedException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;log << " Device " << devIterator->first << " already opened " << std::endl;log << " AccessDeniedException " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;}}}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;log << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;log << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;log << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}pReason = "no camera match";}}log << "5.1.13 Close interface (" << pReason << ") " << std::endl << std::endl;pInterface->Close();pMatch->pInterface = NULL;}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::ResourceInUseException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;log << " Interface " << ifIterator->first << " already opened " << std::endl;log << " ResourceInUseException: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;}}}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;log << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;log << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;log << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}pCloseSystemReason = "no camera match";}log << " Close system (" << pCloseSystemReason << ") " << std::endl << std::endl;pSystem->Close();pMatch->pSystem = NULL;}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::ResourceInUseException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;log << " System " << sysIterator->first << " already opened " << std::endl;log << " ResourceInUseException: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;}}}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){returncode = (returncode == 0) ? 1 : returncode;log << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;log << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;log << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;}return returncode;
/* Helper to Display various information of the camera */
void GetDeviceInfo(std::ostream& log, BGAPI2::Device* const pDevice, const bool bOpen)
{log << "5.1.7 Open device " << std::endl;log << " Device DeviceID: " << pDevice->GetID() << std::endl;log << " Device Model: " << pDevice->GetModel() << std::endl;log << " Device SerialNumber: " << pDevice->GetSerialNumber() << std::endl;log << " Device Vendor: " << pDevice->GetVendor() << std::endl;log << " Device TLType: " << pDevice->GetTLType() << std::endl;log << " Device AccessStatus: " << pDevice->GetAccessStatus() << std::endl;log << " Device UserID: " << pDevice->GetDisplayName() << std::endl << std::endl;if (bOpen)pDevice->Open();log << " Opened device - RemoteNodeList Information " << std::endl;log << " Device AccessStatus: " << pDevice->GetAccessStatus() << std::endl;BGAPI2::NodeMap* const pRemoteNodeList = pDevice->GetRemoteNodeList();// Serial numberif (pRemoteNodeList->GetNodePresent("DeviceSerialNumber"))log << " DeviceSerialNumber: " << pRemoteNodeList->GetNode("DeviceSerialNumber")->GetValue() << std::endl;else if (pRemoteNodeList->GetNodePresent("DeviceID"))log << " DeviceID (SN): " << pRemoteNodeList->GetNode("DeviceID")->GetValue() << std::endl;elselog << " SerialNumber: Not Available " << std::endl;// Display DeviceManufacturerInfoif (pRemoteNodeList->GetNodePresent("DeviceManufacturerInfo"))log << " DeviceManufacturerInfo: " << pRemoteNodeList->GetNode("DeviceManufacturerInfo")->GetValue() << std::endl;// Display DeviceFirmwareVersion or DeviceVersionif (pRemoteNodeList->GetNodePresent("DeviceFirmwareVersion"))log << " DeviceFirmwareVersion: " << pRemoteNodeList->GetNode("DeviceFirmwareVersion")->GetValue() << std::endl;else if (pRemoteNodeList->GetNodePresent("DeviceVersion"))log << " DeviceVersion: " << pRemoteNodeList->GetNode("DeviceVersion")->GetValue() << std::endl;elselog << " DeviceVersion: Not Available " << std::endl;if (pDevice->GetTLType() == "GEV") {log << " GevCCP: " << pRemoteNodeList->GetNode("GevCCP")->GetValue() << std::endl;log << " GevCurrentIPAddress: " << pRemoteNodeList->GetNode("GevCurrentIPAddress")->GetValue() << std::endl;log << " GevCurrentSubnetMask: " << pRemoteNodeList->GetNode("GevCurrentSubnetMask")->GetValue() << std::endl;}log << std::endl;
/* Release all allocated resources */
int ReleaseAllResources(BGAPI2::System* pSystem, BGAPI2::Interface* pInterface, BGAPI2::Device* pDevice, BGAPI2::DataStream* pDataStream, BGAPI2::ImageProcessor* pImageProcessor)
{try{if (pDataStream)pDataStream->Close();if (pImageProcessor){delete pImageProcessor;}if (pDevice){pDevice->Close();}if (pInterface){pInterface->Close();}if (pSystem){pSystem->Close();}BGAPI2::SystemList::ReleaseInstance();}catch (BGAPI2::Exceptions::IException& ex){std::cout << "ExceptionType: " << ex.GetType() << std::endl;std::cout << "ErrorDescription: " << ex.GetErrorDescription() << std::endl;std::cout << "in function: " << ex.GetFunctionName() << std::endl;return 1;}return 0;

项目场景: Baumer工业相机堡盟相机是一种高性能、高质量的工业相机,可用于各种应用场景,如物体检测、计数和识别、运动分析和图像处理。 Baumer的万兆网相机拥有出色的图像处理性能,可以实时传输高分辨率图像。此外࿰…...

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进程/线程 状态模型详解

数据结构与算法之队列: Leetcode 621. 任务调度器 (Typescript版)
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pytest - Getting Start
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( 字符串) 205. 同构字符串 ——【Leetcode每日一题】
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开发语言:Python 框架:django Python版本:python3.7.7 数据库:mysql 数据库工具:Navicat 开发软件:PyCharm 层随着移动应用技术的发展,越来越多的消防单位借助于移动手机、电脑完成生活中的事…...

分析 改造 1、接口调用 2、创建新注解 3、自动注册核心 4、自动装配 测试 测试后 XXL-Job是一款非常优秀的任务调度中间件,其轻量级、使用简单、支持分布式等优点,被广泛应用在我们的项目中,解决了不少定时任务的调度问题。不仅如此&a…...

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Python小姿势 - 线程和进程:
线程和进程: Python里面线程是真正的并行执行,进程是可以并行执行的。 所谓进程,就是操作系统中执行一个程序的独立单元,它是系统进行资源分配和调度的基本单位。一个进程可以创建和撤销另一个进程,同一个进程内可以并…...

Mysql 锁
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基于ssm的论坛系统的设计与实现 摘 要 早期的网络论坛系统已经诞生一段时间,随着互联网技术的发展,它已经从最初的简单电子公告板系统变成了一种丰富的论坛系统社区模型。人们通过论坛系统进行信息的获取、发布和交流已经成为一种普遍的社交方式&#x…...