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valgrind massif 详解(内存分配释放分析)




valgrind --tool=massif [--massif-opts] prog [prog-args]


记录每一次的malloc, free;

概念: malloc申请内存, 实际分配内存(字节对齐, 分配器的记录头, 等等原因)

对内存进行分析, 优化, 以达到资源优化, 性能优化(减少缺页, 提高缓存命中)


massif记录信息; 有一些参数

# 是否对 malloc, new, free, delete 等动态分配内存的函数进行采样? 默认采样;
--heap=<yes|no> [default: yes]
Specifies whether heap profiling should be done.# 如何指定内存分配对齐
--heap-admin=<size> [default: 8]
If heap profiling is enabled, gives the number of administrative bytes per block to use. This should be an estimate of the average, since it may vary. For example, the allocator used by glibc on Linux requires somewhere between 4 to 15 bytes per block, depending on various factors. That allocator also requires admin space for freed blocks, but Massif cannot account for this.# 栈上内存是否也进行跟踪: 临时变量内存分配释放;
--stacks=<yes|no> [default: no]
Specifies whether stack profiling should be done. This option slows Massif down greatly, and so is off by default. Note that Massif assumes that the main stack has size zero at start-up. This is not true, but doing otherwise accurately is difficult. Furthermore, starting at zero better indicates the size of the part of the main stack that a user program actually has control over.--pages-as-heap=<yes|no> [default: no]
Tells Massif to profile memory at the page level rather than at the malloc'd block level. See above for details.# 最大堆栈数量
--depth=<number> [default: 30]
Maximum depth of the allocation trees recorded for detailed snapshots. Increasing it will make Massif run somewhat more slowly, use more memory, and produce bigger output files.# 添加其他内存分配函数: 分配函数实际是 brk 系统调用, 也可以自己写一个分配器; 不用 glibc 的 malloc, free
Functions specified with this option will be treated as though they were a heap allocation function such as malloc. This is useful for functions that are wrappers to malloc or new, which can fill up the allocation trees with uninteresting information. This option can be specified multiple times on the command line, to name multiple functions.Note that the named function will only be treated this way if it is the top entry in a stack trace, or just below another function treated this way. For example, if you have a function malloc1 that wraps malloc, and malloc2 that wraps malloc1, just specifying --alloc-fn=malloc2 will have no effect. You need to specify --alloc-fn=malloc1 as well. This is a little inconvenient, but the reason is that checking for allocation functions is slow, and it saves a lot of time if Massif can stop looking through the stack trace entries as soon as it finds one that doesn't match rather than having to continue through all the entries.Note that C++ names are demangled. Note also that overloaded C++ names must be written in full. Single quotes may be necessary to prevent the shell from breaking them up. For example:--alloc-fn='operator new(unsigned, std::nothrow_t const&)'
Any direct heap allocation (i.e. a call to malloc, new, etc, or a call to a function named by an --alloc-fn option) that occurs in a function specified by this option will be ignored. This is mostly useful for testing purposes. This option can be specified multiple times on the command line, to name multiple functions.Any realloc of an ignored block will also be ignored, even if the realloc call does not occur in an ignored function. This avoids the possibility of negative heap sizes if ignored blocks are shrunk with realloc.The rules for writing C++ function names are the same as for --alloc-fn above.# 控制输出详细信息的阈值
--threshold=<m.n> [default: 1.0]
The significance threshold for heap allocations, as a percentage of total memory size. Allocation tree entries that account for less than this will be aggregated. Note that this should be specified in tandem with ms_print's option of the same name.--peak-inaccuracy=<m.n> [default: 1.0]
Massif does not necessarily record the actual global memory allocation peak; by default it records a peak only when the global memory allocation size exceeds the previous peak by at least 1.0%. This is because there can be many local allocation peaks along the way, and doing a detailed snapshot for every one would be expensive and wasteful, as all but one of them will be later discarded. This inaccuracy can be changed (even to 0.0%) via this option, but Massif will run drastically slower as the number approaches zero.# x轴的单位: i: 指令, 一行指令 x + 1; ms 按毫秒 + 1, B: 按malloc free的总字节数 + 1, 某个节点的 x 坐标位置表示当前采样前 malloc 和 free的内存总量, 如下案例; 
--time-unit=<i|ms|B> [default: i]
The time unit used for the profiling. There are three possibilities: instructions executed (i), which is good for most cases; real (wallclock) time (ms, i.e. milliseconds), which is sometimes useful; and bytes allocated/deallocated on the heap and/or stack (B), which is useful for very short-run programs, and for testing purposes, because it is the most reproducible across different machines.# 详细采样频率: 默认10; 每次都采样可以设置为 1, 更多的内容, 但是有很多可能重复的, 但是更加详细, 推荐;
--detailed-freq=<n> [default: 10]
Frequency of detailed snapshots. With --detailed-freq=1, every snapshot is detailed.# 最大采样数量: 超过会丢弃之前的, 可以设置大一点;
--max-snapshots=<n> [default: 100]
The maximum number of snapshots recorded. If set to N, for all programs except very short-running ones, the final number of snapshots will be between N/2 and N.# 输出文件名; 不推荐修改, 推荐默认;
--massif-out-file=<file> [default: massif.out.%p]
Write the profile data to file rather than to the default output file, massif.out.<pid>. The %p and %q format specifiers can be used to embed the process ID and/or the contents of an environment variable in the name, as is the case for the core option --log-file.

采样内容解析ms_print: mvc, 数据和表示分离;

-h --help
Show the help message.--version
Show the version number.# 显示详情阈值
--threshold=<m.n> [default: 1.0]
Same as Massif's --threshold option, but applied after profiling rather than during.# x 轴的长度
--x=<4..1000> [default: 72]
Width of the graph, in columns.# y 轴的长度
--y=<4..1000> [default: 20]
Height of the graph, in rows.

各有各的参数: 采样参数控制采样行为, 输出参数控制输出格式;




valgrind --tool=massif prog

采样控制: 输出文件名

--massif-out-file, 指定输出文件名;
默认 massif.out.<pid>

采样输出: 表:执行时的各种参数; 表: 采样数据输出(周期采样, 可控制周期)

ms_print massif.out.12345


Command:            example
Massif arguments:   (none)
ms_print arguments: massif.out.12797
  • 程序和参数
  • 采样参数
  • ms_print执行参数

采样: 柱状图

19.63^                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                       #|                                                                      :#|                                                                      :#|                                                                      :#0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->ki0                                                                   113.4Number of snapshots: 25Detailed snapshots: [9, 14 (peak), 24]
  • 时间轴, 采样, 详细采样
  • 时间轴x轴, 采样: 在某个时间进行采样, 这次采样有详细堆栈; :无堆栈, @有堆栈, #有堆栈且峰值;

时间轴: i指令为时间轴; ms为时间轴; B:累计涉及内存malloc free的内存都进行累加;

Command:            ./a.out
Massif arguments:   --detailed-freq=1 --threshold=0 --max-snapshots=256 --heap-admin=0 --time-unit=B
ms_print arguments: --threshold=0 massif.out.277019
1.000^                                    #                                   |                                  @@#@                                  |                                @@@@#@@@                                |                              @@@@@@#@@@@@                              |                             @@@@@@@#@@@@@@                             |                           @@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@                          |                         @@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@                         |                       @@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@                       |                     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                     |                    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                    |                  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                 |                @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                |              @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@              |            @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@            |           @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@           |         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@        |       @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@       |     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     |   @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   |  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->KB0                                                                   2.000Number of snapshots: 130Detailed snapshots: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 (peak), 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 8
4, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 
123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n        time(B)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0              0                0                0             0            0
00.00% (0B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n        time(B)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1             16               16                1            15            0

分配释放配对, 可以看到x轴刚好是y轴的两倍;

int main() {void* s[100]{};
for(int i = 0 ; i < 64; i++)s[i] = malloc(1);
for(int i = 0 ; i < 64; i++)free(s[i]);

每一次分配1字节, 15字节对齐, 64*16 == 1024, malloc + free = 2048

默认采样规则: 有上线, 超过就丢弃, 周期性详细采样;

输出所有: --threashold=0

峰值统计, 不准确

  • free触发峰值统计;
  • <1不显示堆栈, --peak-inaccuracy


  • n: 采样编号
  • time: 时间轴对应位置; 等于之前所有free + malloc字节和;
  • total: 全部申请
  • useful-heap: 实际申请;
  • extra-heap: 对齐或分配器标记分配额外的; --heap-admin影响; --alignmentx=对齐;
  • stack堆栈内存, 即分析静态变量的申请释放;



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------n        time(B)         total(B)   useful-heap(B) extra-heap(B)    stacks(B)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10         10,080           10,080           10,000            80            011         12,088           12,088           12,000            88            012         16,096           16,096           16,000            96            013         20,104           20,104           20,000           104            014         20,104           20,104           20,000           104            0
99.48% (20,000B) (heap allocation functions) malloc/new/new[], --alloc-fns, etc.
->49.74% (10,000B) 0x804841A: main (example.c:20)
->39.79% (8,000B) 0x80483C2: g (example.c:5)
| ->19.90% (4,000B) 0x80483E2: f (example.c:11)
| | ->19.90% (4,000B) 0x8048431: main (example.c:23)
| |   
| ->19.90% (4,000B) 0x8048436: main (example.c:25)
->09.95% (2,000B) 0x80483DA: f (example.c:10)->09.95% (2,000B) 0x8048431: main (example.c:23)


  • 14次采样有详细信息记录;


前面说了, 因为对齐, 头等信息, 申请内存和实际申请内存有些许差异;


最顶层是内存分配函数: 即new,malloc, --alloc-fun=xx指定的函数等;
往下是当前这些内存的分配堆栈; 虽然可以一个堆栈一行, 但是因为有很多相同的栈; 所以节省空间, 更好显示;


free也会采样, 但是用的是分配的堆栈, free的堆栈不会记录;


每一层的内存总和相同, 越往下拆分得越多;


因为--threashold=1, 即少于1%的内存堆栈不显示;可以通过选项修改;


最初状态, 0; 终止状态, 终止的状态可以确定是否有内存泄漏;


valgrind massif 详解(内存分配释放分析)

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% 创建Figure窗口和滑块 figure;Id_slider uicontrol(Style, slider, Position, [100 50 120 20], ...Min, -5, Max, 5, Value, 1.5, Callback, updateVoltage); Id_text uicontrol(Style, text, Position, [100 80 120 20], String, d轴电流: 1.5);Iq_slider uicontrol(Sty…...


1.1 概念界定 自动驾驶发展过程中&#xff0c;中国出现了诸多专注于研发L3级以上自动驾驶的公司&#xff0c;其在业界地位也越来越重要。本报告围绕“高等级自动驾驶” 展开&#xff0c;并聚焦于该技术2020-2023年在中国市场的变化趋势进行研究。 1.1.1 什么是自动驾驶 自动驾驶…...

ICPC 2022 网络赛 h (模拟

#include<bits/stdc.h> using namespace std; using VI vector<int>; using ll long long; const int mod 20220911;//枚举数位&#xff0c;枚举这一位余数是几 //每一位的限制&#xff0c; //如果有repeat 就下一个 int change(string x){int res 0 ;for(int …...




一、设计模式_工厂模式实现 设计模式是面向对象语言特有的内容&#xff0c;是我们在面临某一类问题时候固定的做法&#xff0c;设计模式有很多种&#xff0c;比较流行的是&#xff1a;GOF&#xff08;Goup Of Four&#xff09;23种设计模式。当然&#xff0c;我们没有必要全部学…...


原文&#xff1a;http://coolketang.com/staticOffice/5a97f1019f54542163dc2f49.html 1. 本节课将为您演示&#xff0c;如何给当前的工作表添加背景图片&#xff0c;以增加工作表的趣味性和亲和力。首先点击[页面布局]选项卡&#xff0c;显示页面布局功能面板。 2. 在页面设置…...


作为过来人这个报错之前出现过好多次,但还是记录一下怎么解决这个问题 删除node-modules(快速删除node-modules之前有做记录),然后在重新instll 一遍就好了...


相信很多从事js开发的朋友都或多或少了解一些有关js闭包&#xff08;closure&#xff09;的知识。 本篇文章是从小编个人角度&#xff0c;简单地介绍一下有关js闭包&#xff08;closure&#xff09;的相关知识。目的是帮助一些对js开发经验不是很多的朋友&#xff0c;使他们可以…...


函数&#xff1a;startswith()作用&#xff1a;判断字符串是否以指定字符或子字符串开头一、函数说明语法&#xff1a;string.startswith(str, beg0,endlen(string))或string[beg:end].startswith(str)参数说明&#xff1a;string&#xff1a; 被检测的字符串str&#xff1a; …...


读者的约束&#xff1a;需要读者对TCP/IP有较深入的理解。为什么要VXLAN&#xff1f;● 虚拟机规模受网络规格限制虚拟机规模受网络规格限制在大二层网络环境下&#xff0c;数据报文是通过查询MAC地址表进行二层转发&#xff0c;而MAC地址表的容量限制了虚拟机的数量。● 网络…...


&#xfeff;&#xfeff;&#xfeff;&#xfeff;&#xfeff;&#xfeff;&#xfeff;&#xfeff;题目解决代码及点评 /************************************************************************/ /* 81. SHELL排序程序。 该方法的特征是&#xff1a;一个元素与它间隔…...