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「TCG 规范解读」词汇表

 可信计算组织(Ttrusted Computing Group,TCG)是一个非盈利的工业标准组织,它的宗旨是加强在相异计算机平台上的计算环境的安全性。TCG于2003年春成立,并采纳了由可信计算平台联盟(the Trusted Computing Platform Alliance,TCPA)所开发的规范。现在的规范都不是最终稿,都还在不断的更新中,比如:TPM的规范就从原来的v1.0更新到v1.2,现在还在不断的修订。





词汇表包含了 TCG 文档中常用到的术语,但是可能不会覆盖 TCG 文档立全部的词汇。比如,词汇表中可能不会包含具体技术或者只有在某一个文档中用到的术语。



AIK Credential私有 CA 签发的包含 AIK 公开部分内容,由私有 CA 私钥签名。签名及其签名区域的含义以及重要程度由策略决定,通常它会陈述该公钥与一个可用的 TPM 关联。


Attestation by the TPMTPM 对自己一致数据提供证据的操作,这是通过 AIK 对内部数据进行签名实现的,验证方接收、验证数据完整性以及 AIK 本身有效性, AIK 凭证可以通过私有 CA 或者 DAA 协议获得。
AIKAttestation Identity Key

在 TPMv1.2中,AIK 是 TPM 创建的一个特殊目的的签名,AIK 是非对称密钥,私有部分是不可迁移的并且由 TPM 保护。公开部分是 AIK 凭证的一部分,由私有 CA 或者 DAA 协议签发。AIK 只能由 TPM 拥有者或者拥有者的授权代理创建。AIK 能用于平台认证、平台证明、密钥证明。

AIK 在平台识别的过程中保证了隐私性,AIK 凭证能够保证 AIK 和一个授权的 TPM 绑定,但是除了用户本身和 CA,没有人知道和哪个 TPM 绑定的。

Attestation of the Platform对一组平台完整性度量值提供证据的过程,通过 TPM 的 AIK 对 PCRs进行签名实现。
Attestation to the PlatformAn operation that provides proof that a platform can be trusted to report integrity
measurements; performed using the set or subset of the credentials
associated with the platform; used to create an AIK credential.
Authenticated BootA boot after which the platform's Root-of-Trust-for-Reporting (RTR) can report
an accurate record of the way that the platform booted.
ACAuthenticated CodeAuthenticated code is comprised of an executable module plus a value that
attests to the authenticity of the module. The value is signed with a private
key corresponding to a public key known to a computing device that is to execute
the module. If the module is able to verify the signature, the computing
device may execute the module.
AuthenticationThe process of verifying the claimed attributes, such as an identity, of an entity
or user
Authentication of the
Provides proof of a claimed platform identity. The claimed identity may or
may not be related to the user or any actions performed by the user. Platform
Authentication is performed using any non-migratable signing key (e.g.,
an AIK). Since there are an unlimited number of non-migratable keys associated
with the TPM there are an unlimited number of identities that can be authenticated.
AuthorizationGranting access to a resource based on an authenticated identity
BLOBBinary Large OBjectEncrypted or opaque data of fixed or variable size. The meaning and interpretation
of the data is outside the scope and context of any entity other than
the Subsystem (the TPM in this case) that created the BLOB.
BOREBreak Once Run EverywhereA security design that includes a critical security value that is the same on all
instances of the design. If an attacker can access that critical security value
on any instance of the design, that information can be used to compromise
every instance of the design. For example, a product is designed to use encryption
to protect user information and the same encryption key is hardcoded
in all instances of the product. If the attacker can acquire the key
from one copy of the product, he can use that key to access personal information
in all copies of the product.
CMKCertified Migration KeyA key whose migration from a TPM requires an authorization token created
with private keys. The corresponding public keys are incorporated in the
CMK and referenced when a TPM produces a credential describing the
CMK. If a CMK credential is signed by an AIK, an external entity has evidence
that a particular key (1) is protected by a valid TPM and (2) requires
permission from a specific authority before it can be copied.
(Identity Challenger)
An entity that requests and has the ability to interpret integrity metrics. See
also “Integrity Challenge”
CRTMCode Root of Trust for
The instructions executed by the platform when it acts as the RTM. [Formerly
described as “Core Root of Trust for Measurement”. Code Root of
Trust for Measurement is the preferred expansion.] This acronym expansion
is preferred.
DAA IssuerA known and recognized entity that interacts with the TPM to install a set of
DAA-credentials in the TPM. The DAA issuer provides certification that the
holder of such DAA-credentials meets some criteria defined by the Issuer. In
many cases the Issuer will be the platform manufacturer, but other entities
can become issuers.
DelegationA process that allows the Owner to delegate a subset of the Owner's privileges
(to perform specific TPM operations).
DAADirect Anonymous AttestationA protocol for vouching for an AIK using zero-knowledge-proof technology.
DMA MappingControls how hardware devices access Host Platform memory; DMA requests
to access memory may be mapped to an alternate memory address.
Similar to user mode processes use of virtual memory where page tables
control the mapping to physical memory pages. Examples are IOMMU or
DMA ProtectionsProvide a mechanism to allow a Host Platform to prevent hardware devices
from accessing certain Host Platform memory. Examples are a DMA exclusion
scheme or DMA mapping.
Duplicable ObjectIn TPM 2.0, a key or data object that is not bound to a specific TPM and with
suitable authorization can be used outside a TPM or moved (copied) to another
TPM. (See Migratable)
D-HRTMDynamic Hardware
Root of Trust for Measurement
A D-RTM implemented using an HRTM.
DLDynamic LaunchThis describes the process of starting a software environment at an arbitrary
time in the runtime of a system.
D-RTMDynamic Root of Trust
for Measurement
A platform-dependent function that initializes the state of the platform and
provides a new instance of a root of trust for measurement without rebooting
the platform. The initial state establishes a minimal Trusted Computing
Base.This is a function that is built into the Host Platform and is started by the Dynamic
Launch Event (DL Event). This function is a Trusted Process. Even
though the D-RTM executes after the S-RTM, the D-RTM’s transitive trust
chain will not necessarily have a trust dependency on the S-RTM’s transitive
trust chain.
DCEDynamic Root of Trust
for Measurement Configuration
The software/firmware that executes between the instantiation of the D-RTM
CPU instruction and the transfer of control to the Dynamically Launched
Measured Environment (DLME). The DCE is responsible for ensuring the
platform is in a trustworthy state. Normally this is defined by the CPU manufacturer,
chipset manufacturer, and the platform manufacturer.
DLMEDynamically Launched
Measured Environment
The software executed after the DCE- instantiated TCB is established. The
DLME would nominally be supplied by an OS vendor.
EKEndorsement KeyAn asymmetric Key pair composed of a public key (PubEK) and private (PrivEK).
The EK is used to prove the TPM is genuine.
Endorsement Key CredentialA credential associated with an PubEK. The credential asserts that the associated
PrivEK is unique to a security device conforming to TCG specifications.
H-CRTMA synonym for the S-HRTM. The preferred term is S-HRTM.
HRTMHardware Root of Trust
for Measurement
An RTM where hardware performs the initial measurement.
ILPInitiating Logical ProcessorThe processor that initiates the D-RTM
Integrity ChallengeA process used to send accurate integrity measurements and PCR values to
a challenger.
Integrity LoggingThe storage of integrity metrics in a log for later use.
Integrity Measurement
A value representing a platform characteristic that affects the integrity of a
Integrity ReportingThe process of attesting to the contents of integrity storage.
LocalityA mechanism for supporting a privilege hierarchy in the platform
Migratable (key)A key which is not bound to a specific TPM and with suitable authorization
can be used outside a TPM or moved to another TPM.
Non-duplicable ObjectIn TPM 2.0, a statistically unique object (usually a key) that may only be
used on the TPM that created the object.
Non-migratable (key)A key which is bound to a single TPM; a key that is (statistically) unique to a
single TPM. In TPM 1.2, the key may be moved between TPMs using the
maintenance process
NV (storage)Non-volatile (shielded
A shielded storage location whose contents are guaranteed to persist between
uses by Protected Capabilities.
OperatorAnyone who has physical access to a platform
OwnerThe entity that has administrative rights over the TPM
PlatformA platform is a collection of resources that provides a service
PCRPlatform Configuration
A shielded location containing a digest of integrity measurements
Platform CredentialA credential, typically a digital certificate, attesting that a specific platform
contains a unique TPM and TBB.A credential that states that a specific platform contains a genuine
TCG Subsystem.
PCAPrivacy CAAn entity that issues an Identity Credential for a TPM based on trust in the
entities that vouch for the TPM via the Endorsement Credential, the Conformance
Credential, and the Platform Credential.
PrivEKPrivate Endorsement
The private portion of the EK.
Protected CapabilitiesThe set of commands with exclusive permission to access shielded locations
PubEKPublic Endorsement
The public portion of the EK.
RoTRoot of TrustA component that performs one or more security-specific functions, such as
measurement, storage, reporting, verification, and/or update. It is trusted always
to behave in the expected manner, because its misbehavior cannot be
detected (such as by measurement) under normal operation.
RTCRoot of Trust for ConfidentialityAn RoT providing confidentiality for data stored in TPM Shielded Locations.
RTIRoot of Trust for IntegrityAn RoT providing integrity for data stored in TPM Shielded Locations
RTMRoot of Trust for MeasurementAn RoT that makes the initial integrity measurement, and adds it to a tamper-
resistant log. Note: A PCR in a TPM is normally used to provide tamper
evidence because the log is not in a shielded location.
RTRRoot of Trust for ReportingAn RoT that reliably provides authenticity and non-repudiation services for
the purposes of attesting to the origin and integrity of platform characteristics.
RTSRoot of Trust for StorageThe combination of an RTC and an RTI
RTURoot of Trust for UpdateAn RTV that verifies the integrity and authenticity of an update payload before
initiating the update process.
RTVRoot of Trust for VerificationAn RoT that verifies an integrity measurement against a policy.
Shielded LocationA place (memory, register, etc.) where it is safe to operate on sensitive data;
data locations that can be accessed only by Protected Capabilities.
S-CRTMStatic Code Root of
Trust for Measurement
An S-RTM implemented using a CRTM.
S-HRTMStatic Hardware Root of
Trust for Measurement
An S-RTM implemented using an HRTM. [NOTE: The TPM 2 Library Specification
uses the term H-CRTM introduced in Revision 116.]
S-RTMStatic Root of Trust for
An RTM where the initial integrity measurement occurs at platform reset.
The S-RTM is static because the PCRs associated with it cannot be re-initialized
without a platform reset.
SRKStorage Root KeyA key with no parent that is the root key of a hierarchy of keys associated
with a TPM's Protected Storage function.
TSSTCG Software StackUntrusted software services that facilitate the use of the TPM and do not require
the protections afforded to the TPM.
TPM Shielded LocationA location within a TPM that contains data that is shielded from access by
any entity other than the TPM and which may only be operated on by a Protected
TSSTPM Software StackAn unofficial alias of the term TCG Software Stack. TCG specifications
should not use the term TPM Software Stack when referring to the TSS
TPM-Protected CapabilityAn operation performed by a TPM on data in a Shielded Location, usually in
response to a command sent to the TPM
Transitive TrustAlso known as "Inductive Trust", in this process a Root of Trust gives a trustworthy
description of a second group of functions. Based on this description,
an interested entity can determine the trust it is to place in this second group
of functions. If the interested entity determines that the trust level of the second
group of functions is acceptable, the trust boundary is extended from the
Root of Trust to include the second group of functions. In this case, the process
can be iterated. The second group of functions can give a trustworthy
description of the third group of functions, etc. Transitive trust is used to provide
a trustworthy description of platform characteristics, and also to prove
that non-migratable keys are non-migratable
TrustTrust is the expectation that a device will behave in a particular manner for a
specific purpose.
TBBTrusted Building BlockThe parts of the Root of Trust that do not have shielded locations or protected
capabilities. Typically platform-specific. An example of a TBB is the
combination of the CRTM, connection of the CRTM storage to a motherboard,
the connection of the TPM to a motherboard, and a mechanisms for
determining Physical Presence.
Trusted ComponentA Trusted Device within a Trusted Platform or another Trusted Device.
Trusted Computing
A Trusted Computing Platform is a computing platform that can be trusted to
report its properties
Trusted DeviceA Trusted Platform that is not intended to reprogrammed except through a
maintenance process.
Trusted PlatformA platform that uses Roots of Trust to provide reliable reporting of the characteristics
that determine its trustworthiness.
TPMTrusted Platform ModuleA composite of the RTR and the RTS
TPMTrusted Platform ModuleAn implementation of the functions defined in the TCG Trusted Platform
Module Specification; the set of Roots of Trust with Shielded Locations and
Protected Capabilities. Normally includes just the RTS and the RTR.
The set of functions and data that are common to all types of platform, which
must be trustworthy if the Subsystem is to be trustworthy; a logical definition
in terms of protected capabilities and shielded locations.
TPSTrusted-Platform Support
The set of functions and data that are common to all types of platform, which
are not required to be trustworthy (and therefore do not need to be part of
the TPM).
UserAn entity that is making use of the TPM capabilities.
An entity that uses the platform in which a TPM is installed. The only rights
that a User has over a TPM are the rights given to the User by the Owner.
These rights are expressed in the form of authentication data, given by the
Owner to the User, which permits access to entities protected by the TPM.
The User of the platform is not necessarily the “owner” of the platform (e.g.,
in a corporation, the owner of the platform might be the IT department while
the User is an employee). There can be multiple Users.
Validation CredentialA credential that states values of measurements that should be obtained
when measuring a particular part of the platform when the part is functioning
as expected.
Validation DataData inside a Validation Credential; the values that the integrity measurements
should produce when the part of a platform described by the Validation
Credential is working correctly.
Validation EntityAn entity that issues a Validation Certificate for a component; the manufacturer
of that component; an agent of the manufacturer of that component
VerifierAn entity that evaluates credentials to produce a credential.
Example 1: the entity that interacts with the TPM using the DAA protocol to
verify that the TPM has a valid set of DAA-credentials. The verifier may then
produce an AIK credential, without reference to the platform EK.
Example 2: the entity that requests, receives, and evaluates attestation information
based on the EK. A trusted third party (such as a Privacy CA) may
then produce an AIK credential, after verifying the platform EK.




「TCG 规范解读」词汇表

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最近更新的博客 【华为OD机试模拟题】用 C++ 实现 - 最多获得的短信条数(2023.Q1)) 文章目录 最近更新的博客使用说明简易压缩算法题目输入输出示例一输入输出说明示例二输入输出说明示例三输入输出说明...

MATLAB R2022b 安装教程

MATLAB R2022b 安装教程MathWorks 于2022年9月发布了 MATLAB 和 Simulink 产品系列的最新版本 Matlab R2022b版本 &#xff0c;加入两个新产品&#xff1a; Medical Imaging Toolbox — 可视化、配准、分割和标注二维及三维医学图像Simscape Battery — 设计和仿真电池和储能系…...


很多网络接口卡都是外围组件互联&#xff08;Peripheral Compaonent Interconnect&#xff09;设备&#xff0c;必须与Linux PCI子系统协同工作&#xff0c;并非所有的网络接口都是PCI设备&#xff0c;很多嵌入式设备的网络接口连接的就不是PCI总线&#xff0c;这些设备的初始化…...


在百度控制台发布自定义样式并复制样式ID 添加 setMapStyleV2 功能 map.setMapStyleV2({styleId:76c03cdd35fa1e24f39edeb18849f04e}) 完整代码如下&#xff1a; <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang"en"> <head><script type"text/javascript&…...


眨眼间已经到了12月9号啦&#xff0c;昨天教资笔试出成绩&#xff0c;过啦嘿嘿&#xff0c;不过很快就要面试了&#xff0c;现在还是毫无准备 的状态&#xff0c;但我觉得应该开始准备起来了。 还是先学习前端的东西叭。 原来路由的权限设置跟工厂模式有关呢。 链接&#xff…...


前言&#xff1a;既然选择使用域控制器管理局域网&#xff0c;那么搭建域服务器只是开始&#xff0c;最关键的是要控制起来。下面介绍一组基础控制策略&#xff1b;企业策略需求&#xff1a;1. 禁止域用户修改ip地址。2. 禁止域用户自动更新。3. 确保用户密码复杂性要求。4. 域…...


原因是前台文件太大&#xff0c;nginx不通过。修改Nginx就可以了&#xff0c;在http中加入。 client_max_body_size 8M; client_body_buffer_size 128k; fastcgi_intercept_errors on;...


leetCode题目-删除排序数组中都重复项给定一个排序数组&#xff0c;你需要在 原地 删除重复出现的元素&#xff0c;使得每个元素只出现一次&#xff0c;返回移除后数组的新长度。 不要使用额外的数组空间&#xff0c;你必须在 原地 修改输入数组 并在使用 O(1) 额外空间的条件下…...


需要用到的命令 #查看挂载df -h#磁盘状态查看fdisk -l#磁盘分区fdisk /dev/adb#格式化磁盘或磁盘分区mkfs.ext4 /dev/adb#挂载磁盘mount /dev/adb /data直接说操作 fdisk -l 查看可挂载磁盘 df -h 查看已经挂在的磁盘 如果对磁盘做分区 fdisk /dev/vdb 输入m&#xff0c;可以查…...