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ceph 常用命令

bucket 常用命令

查看 realm (区域)

radosgw-admin realm list


{"default_info": "43c462f5-5634-496e-ad4e-978d28c2x9090","realms": ["myrgw"]
radosgw-admin realm get
{"id": "2cfc7b36-43b6-4a9b-a89e-2a2264f54733","name": "mys3","current_period": "4999b859-83e2-42f9-8d3c-c7ae4b9685ff","epoch": 2


radosgw-admin zonegroups list


 radosgw-admin zonegroup list


{"default_info": "f3a96381-12e2-4e7e-8221-c1d79708bc59","zonegroups": ["myrgw"]
radosgw-admin zonegroup get
{"id": "ad97bbae-61f1-41cb-a585-d10dd54e86e4","name": "mys3","api_name": "mys3","is_master": "true","endpoints": ["http://rook-ceph-rgw-mys3.rook-ceph.svc:80"],"hostnames": [],"hostnames_s3website": [],"master_zone": "9b5c0c9f-541d-4176-8527-89b4dae02ac2","zones": [{"id": "9b5c0c9f-541d-4176-8527-89b4dae02ac2","name": "mys3","endpoints": ["http://rook-ceph-rgw-mys3.rook-ceph.svc:80"],"log_meta": "false","log_data": "false","bucket_index_max_shards": 11,"read_only": "false","tier_type": "","sync_from_all": "true","sync_from": [],"redirect_zone": ""}],"placement_targets": [{"name": "default-placement","tags": [],"storage_classes": ["STANDARD"]}],"default_placement": "default-placement","realm_id": "2cfc7b36-43b6-4a9b-a89e-2a2264f54733","sync_policy": {"groups": []}

查看 zone

radosgw-admin zone list
{"default_info": "9b5c0c9f-541d-4176-8527-89b4dae02ac2","zones": ["mys3","default"]
radosgw-admin zone get
{"id": "9b5c0c9f-541d-4176-8527-89b4dae02ac2","name": "mys3","domain_root": "mys3.rgw.meta:root","control_pool": "mys3.rgw.control","gc_pool": "mys3.rgw.log:gc","lc_pool": "mys3.rgw.log:lc","log_pool": "mys3.rgw.log","intent_log_pool": "mys3.rgw.log:intent","usage_log_pool": "mys3.rgw.log:usage","roles_pool": "mys3.rgw.meta:roles","reshard_pool": "mys3.rgw.log:reshard","user_keys_pool": "mys3.rgw.meta:users.keys","user_email_pool": "mys3.rgw.meta:users.email","user_swift_pool": "mys3.rgw.meta:users.swift","user_uid_pool": "mys3.rgw.meta:users.uid","otp_pool": "mys3.rgw.otp","system_key": {"access_key": "","secret_key": ""},"placement_pools": [{"key": "default-placement","val": {"index_pool": "mys3.rgw.buckets.index","storage_classes": {"STANDARD": {"data_pool": "mys3.rgw.buckets.data"}},"data_extra_pool": "mys3.rgw.buckets.non-ec","index_type": 0,"inline_data": "true"}}],"realm_id": "","notif_pool": "mys3.rgw.log:notif"

查看bucket 名字

radosgw-admin bucket list

说明:对象 id ,有多少个对象,存储限制等信息都能查到。

radosgw-admin bucket stats --bucket=ceph-bkt-9
{"bucket": "ceph-bkt-9","num_shards": 9973,"tenant": "","zonegroup": "f3a96381-12e2-4e7e-8221-c1d79708bc59","placement_rule": "default-placement","explicit_placement": {"data_pool": "","data_extra_pool": "","index_pool": ""},"id": "af3f8be9-99ee-44b7-9d17-5b616dca80ff.45143.53","marker": "af3f8be9-99ee-44b7-9d17-5b616dca80ff.45143.53","index_type": "Normal","owner": "mys3-juicefs","ver": "0#536,1#475,省略","master_ver": "0#0,1#0,2#0,3#0,4#0,省略","mtime": "0.000000","creation_time": "2023-11-03T16:58:09.692764Z","max_marker": "0#,1#,2#,3#,省略","usage": {"rgw.main": {"size": 88057775893,"size_actual": 99102711808,"size_utilized": 88057775893,"size_kb": 85993922,"size_kb_actual": 96779992,"size_kb_utilized": 85993922,"num_objects": 4209803}},"bucket_quota": {"enabled": false,"check_on_raw": false,"max_size": -1,"max_size_kb": 0,"max_objects": -1}


radosgw-admin bucket limit check

radosgw-admin bucket limit check|head -50

[{"user_id": "dashboard-admin","buckets": []},{"user_id": "obc-default-ceph-bkt-openbayes-juicefs-6a2b2c57-d393-4529-8620-c0af6c9c30f8","buckets": [{"bucket": "ceph-bkt-20d5f58a-7501-4084-baca-98d9e68a7e57","tenant": "","num_objects": 355,"num_shards": 11,"objects_per_shard": 32,"fill_status": "OK"}]},{"user_id": "rgw-admin-ops-user","buckets": []},{"user_id": "mys3-user","buckets": [{"bucket": "ceph-bkt-caa8a9d1-c278-4015-ba2d-354e142c0","tenant": "","num_objects": 80,"num_shards": 11,"objects_per_shard": 7,"fill_status": "OK"},{"bucket": "ceph-bkt-caa8a9d1-c278-4015-ba2d-354e142c1","tenant": "","num_objects": 65,"num_shards": 11,"objects_per_shard": 5,"fill_status": "OK"},{"bucket": "ceph-bkt-caa8a9d1-c278-4015-ba2d-354e142c10","tenant": "","num_objects": 83,"num_shards": 11,"objects_per_shard": 7,"fill_status": "OK"},{


ceph df


hdd    900 GiB  834 GiB  66 GiB    66 GiB       7.29
TOTAL  900 GiB  834 GiB  66 GiB    66 GiB       7.29--- POOLS ---
POOL                     ID  PGS   STORED  OBJECTS     USED  %USED  MAX AVAIL
.mgr                      1    1  449 KiB        2  1.3 MiB      0    255 GiB
replicapool               2   32   19 GiB    5.87k   56 GiB   6.79    255 GiB
myfs-metadata             3   16   34 MiB       33  103 MiB   0.01    255 GiB
myfs-replicated           4   32  1.9 MiB        9  5.8 MiB      0    255 GiB
.rgw.root                26    8  5.6 KiB       20  152 KiB      0    383 GiB
default.rgw.log          27   32    182 B        2   24 KiB      0    255 GiB
default.rgw.control      28   32      0 B        8      0 B      0    255 GiB
default.rgw.meta         29   32      0 B        0      0 B      0    255 GiB
ceph osd df


ID  CLASS  WEIGHT   REWEIGHT  SIZE     RAW USE  DATA     OMAP     META     AVAIL    %USE  VAR   PGS  STATUS0    hdd  0.09769   1.00000  100 GiB  6.4 GiB  4.8 GiB  3.2 MiB  1.5 GiB   94 GiB  6.35  0.87   89      up3    hdd  0.19530   1.00000  200 GiB   15 GiB   14 GiB   42 MiB  1.1 GiB  185 GiB  7.61  1.04  152      up1    hdd  0.09769   1.00000  100 GiB  7.3 GiB  5.3 GiB  1.5 MiB  1.9 GiB   93 GiB  7.27  1.00   78      up4    hdd  0.19530   1.00000  200 GiB   15 GiB   14 GiB  4.2 MiB  1.1 GiB  185 GiB  7.32  1.00  157      up2    hdd  0.09769   1.00000  100 GiB  9.9 GiB  7.6 GiB  1.2 MiB  2.3 GiB   90 GiB  9.94  1.36   73      up5    hdd  0.19530   1.00000  200 GiB   12 GiB   11 GiB   43 MiB  1.1 GiB  188 GiB  6.18  0.85  158      upTOTAL  900 GiB   66 GiB   57 GiB   95 MiB  9.1 GiB  834 GiB  7.31                   
MIN/MAX VAR: 0.85/1.36  STDDEV: 1.24
rados df
.mgr                     1.3 MiB        2       0       6                   0        0         0   2696928  5.5 GiB     563117   29 MiB         0 B          0 B
.rgw.root                152 KiB       20       0      40                   0        0         0       428  443 KiB         10    7 KiB         0 B          0 B
default.rgw.control          0 B        8       0      24                   0        0         0         0      0 B          0      0 B         0 B          0 B
default.rgw.log           24 KiB        2       0       6                   0        0         0         0      0 B          0      0 B         0 B          0 B
default.rgw.meta             0 B        0       0       0                   0        0         0         0      0 B          0      0 B         0 B          0 B
myfs-metadata            103 MiB       33       0      99                   0        0         0  18442579   10 GiB     272672  194 MiB         0 B          0 B
myfs-replicated          5.8 MiB        9       0      27                   0        0         0        24   24 KiB         33  1.9 MiB         0 B          0 B
mys3.rgw.buckets.data    307 MiB    18493       0   36986                   0        0         0    767457  942 MiB    2713288  1.2 GiB         0 B          0 B
mys3.rgw.buckets.index    20 MiB     2827       0    5654                   0        0         0   7299856  6.2 GiB    1208180  598 MiB         0 B          0 B
mys3.rgw.buckets.non-ec      0 B        0       0       0                   0        0         0         0      0 B          0      0 B         0 B          0 B
mys3.rgw.control             0 B        8       0      16                   0        0         0         0      0 B          0      0 B         0 B          0 B
mys3.rgw.log              76 MiB      342       0     684                   0        0         0   4944901  4.5 GiB    3764847  1.1 GiB         0 B          0 B
mys3.rgw.meta            4.3 MiB      526       0    1052                   0        0         0   4617928  3.8 GiB     658074  321 MiB         0 B          0 B
mys3.rgw.otp                 0 B        0       0       0                   0        0         0         0      0 B          0      0 B         0 B          0 B
replicapool               56 GiB     5873       0   17619                   0        0         0   4482521   65 GiB  132312964  1.3 TiB         0 B          0 Btotal_objects    28143
total_used       65 GiB
total_avail      835 GiB
total_space      900 GiB
ceph osd tree
-1         0.87895  root default                              
-5         0.29298      host node01                           0    hdd  0.09769          osd.0        up   1.00000  1.000003    hdd  0.19530          osd.3        up   1.00000  1.00000
-3         0.29298      host node02                           1    hdd  0.09769          osd.1        up   1.00000  1.000004    hdd  0.19530          osd.4        up   1.00000  1.00000
-7         0.29298      host node03                           2    hdd  0.09769          osd.2        up   1.00000  1.000005    hdd  0.19530          osd.5        up   1.00000  1.00000
ceph osd find 1

说明:1为 osd 的 id 号

{"osd": 1,"addrs": {"addrvec": [{"type": "v2","addr": "","nonce": 701714258},{"type": "v1","addr": "","nonce": 701714258}]},"osd_fsid": "9b165ff1-1116-4dd8-ab04-59abb6e5e3b5","host": "node02","pod_name": "rook-ceph-osd-1-5cd7b7fd9b-pq76v","pod_namespace": "rook-ceph","crush_location": {"host": "node02","root": "default"}

pg 常用命令

ceph pg ls-by-osd 0|head -20
PG     OBJECTS  DEGRADED  MISPLACED  UNFOUND  BYTES      OMAP_BYTES*  OMAP_KEYS*  LOG   STATE         SINCE  VERSION        REPORTED       UP         ACTING     SCRUB_STAMP                      DEEP_SCRUB_STAMP                 LAST_SCRUB_DURATION  SCRUB_SCHEDULING                                               
2.5        185         0          0        0  682401810           75           8  4202  active+clean     7h  89470'3543578  89474:3900145  [2,4,0]p2  [2,4,0]p2  2023-11-15T01:09:50.285147+0000  2023-11-15T01:09:50.285147+0000                    4  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T12:33:31.356087+0000     
2.9        178         0          0        0  633696256          423          13  2003  active+clean   117m  89475'2273592  89475:2445503  [4,0,5]p4  [4,0,5]p4  2023-11-15T06:22:49.007240+0000  2023-11-12T21:00:41.277161+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T13:29:45.298222+0000     
2.c        171         0          0        0  607363106          178          12  4151  active+clean    14h  89475'4759653  89475:4985220  [2,4,0]p2  [2,4,0]p2  2023-11-14T17:41:46.959311+0000  2023-11-13T07:10:45.084379+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T23:58:48.840924+0000     
2.f        174         0          0        0  641630226          218           8  4115  active+clean    12h  89475'4064519  89475:4177515  [2,0,4]p2  [2,0,4]p2  2023-11-14T20:11:34.002882+0000  2023-11-13T13:19:50.306895+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T02:52:50.646390+0000     
2.11       172         0          0        0  637251602            0           0  3381  active+clean     7h  89475'4535730  89475:4667861  [0,4,5]p0  [0,4,5]p0  2023-11-15T00:41:28.325584+0000  2023-11-08T22:50:59.120985+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T05:10:15.810837+0000     
2.13       198         0          0        0  762552338          347          19  1905  active+clean     5h  89475'6632536  89475:6895777  [5,0,4]p5  [5,0,4]p5  2023-11-15T03:06:33.483129+0000  2023-11-15T03:06:33.483129+0000                    5  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T10:29:19.975736+0000     
2.16       181         0          0        0  689790976           75           8  3427  active+clean    18h  89475'5897648  89475:6498260  [0,2,1]p0  [0,2,1]p0  2023-11-14T14:07:00.475337+0000  2023-11-13T08:59:03.104478+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T01:55:30.581835+0000     
2.1b       181         0          0        0  686268416          437          16  1956  active+clean     5h  89475'4001434  89475:4376306  [5,0,4]p5  [5,0,4]p5  2023-11-15T02:36:36.002761+0000  2023-11-15T02:36:36.002761+0000                    4  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T09:15:09.271395+0000     
3.2          0         0          0        0          0            0           0    68  active+clean     4h       67167'68    89474:84680  [4,5,0]p4  [4,5,0]p4  2023-11-15T04:01:14.378817+0000  2023-11-15T04:01:14.378817+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T09:26:55.350003+0000     
3.3          2         0          0        0         34         4880          10    71  active+clean     6h       71545'71    89474:97438  [0,4,5]p0  [0,4,5]p0  2023-11-15T01:55:57.633258+0000  2023-11-12T07:28:22.391454+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T02:46:05.613867+0000     
3.6          1         0          0        0          0            0           0  1987  active+clean    91m    89475'54154   89475:145435  [4,0,5]p4  [4,0,5]p4  2023-11-15T06:48:38.818739+0000  2023-11-08T20:05:08.257800+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T15:08:59.546203+0000     
3.8          0         0          0        0          0            0           0    44  active+clean    16h       83074'44    89474:84245  [5,1,0]p5  [5,1,0]p5  2023-11-14T15:26:04.057142+0000  2023-11-13T03:51:42.271364+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T19:49:15.168863+0000     
3.b          3         0          0        0    8388608            0           0  2369  active+clean    24h    29905'26774  89474:3471652  [4,0,5]p4  [4,0,5]p4  2023-11-14T07:50:38.682896+0000  2023-11-10T20:06:19.530705+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T12:35:50.298157+0000     
3.f          4         0          0        0    4194880            0           0  4498  active+clean    15h    42287'15098   89474:905369  [0,5,4]p0  [0,5,4]p0  2023-11-14T17:15:38.681549+0000  2023-11-10T14:00:49.535978+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T22:26:56.705010+0000     
4.6          0         0          0        0          0            0           0   380  active+clean     2h      20555'380    89474:84961  [5,1,0]p5  [5,1,0]p5  2023-11-15T05:29:28.833076+0000  2023-11-09T09:41:36.198863+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T11:28:34.901957+0000     
4.a          0         0          0        0          0            0           0   274  active+clean    16h      20555'274    89474:91274  [0,1,2]p0  [0,1,2]p0  2023-11-14T16:09:50.743410+0000  2023-11-14T16:09:50.743410+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T18:12:35.709178+0000     
4.b          0         0          0        0          0            0           0   352  active+clean     6h      20555'352    89474:85072  [4,0,5]p4  [4,0,5]p4  2023-11-15T01:49:06.361454+0000  2023-11-12T12:44:50.143887+0000                    7  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T03:42:06.193542+0000     
4.10         1         0          0        0       2474            0           0   283  active+clean    17h      20555'283    89474:89904  [4,2,0]p4  [4,2,0]p4  2023-11-14T14:57:49.174637+0000  2023-11-09T18:56:58.241925+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T02:56:36.556523+0000     
4.14         0         0          0        0          0            0           0   304  active+clean    33h      20555'304    89474:85037  [5,1,0]p5  [5,1,0]p5  2023-11-13T22:55:24.034723+0000  2023-11-11T09:51:00.248512+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T09:18:55.094605+0000
ceph pg ls-by-pool myfs-replicated|head -10
PG    OBJECTS  DEGRADED  MISPLACED  UNFOUND  BYTES   OMAP_BYTES*  OMAP_KEYS*  LOG  STATE         SINCE  VERSION    REPORTED     UP         ACTING     SCRUB_STAMP                      DEEP_SCRUB_STAMP                 LAST_SCRUB_DURATION  SCRUB_SCHEDULING                                               
4.0         0         0          0        0       0            0           0  294  active+clean    14m  20555'294  89474:89655  [4,3,5]p4  [4,3,5]p4  2023-11-15T08:06:30.504646+0000  2023-11-11T14:10:37.423797+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T20:00:48.189584+0000     
4.1         0         0          0        0       0            0           0  282  active+clean    19h  20555'282  89474:91316  [2,3,4]p2  [2,3,4]p2  2023-11-14T13:11:39.095045+0000  2023-11-08T02:29:45.827302+0000                    1  periodic deep scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T23:05:45.143337+0000
4.2         0         0          0        0       0            0           0  228  active+clean    30h  20555'228  89474:84866  [5,3,4]p5  [5,3,4]p5  2023-11-14T01:51:16.091750+0000  2023-11-14T01:51:16.091750+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T13:37:08.420266+0000     
4.3         0         0          0        0       0            0           0  228  active+clean    12h  20555'228  89474:91622  [2,3,1]p2  [2,3,1]p2  2023-11-14T19:23:46.585302+0000  2023-11-07T22:06:51.216573+0000                    1  periodic deep scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T02:02:54.588932+0000
4.4         1         0          0        0    2474            0           0  236  active+clean    18h  20555'236  89474:35560  [1,5,3]p1  [1,5,3]p1  2023-11-14T13:42:45.498057+0000  2023-11-10T13:03:03.664431+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T22:08:15.399060+0000     
4.5         0         0          0        0       0            0           0  171  active+clean    23h  20555'171  89474:88153  [3,5,1]p3  [3,5,1]p3  2023-11-14T09:01:04.687468+0000  2023-11-09T23:45:29.913888+0000                    6  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T13:08:21.849161+0000     
4.6         0         0          0        0       0            0           0  380  active+clean     2h  20555'380  89474:84961  [5,1,0]p5  [5,1,0]p5  2023-11-15T05:29:28.833076+0000  2023-11-09T09:41:36.198863+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T11:28:34.901957+0000     
4.7         0         0          0        0       0            0           0  172  active+clean    18h  20555'172  89474:77144  [1,5,3]p1  [1,5,3]p1  2023-11-14T13:52:17.458837+0000  2023-11-09T16:56:57.755836+0000                   17  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T01:10:07.099940+0000     
4.8         0         0          0        0       0            0           0  272  active+clean    15h  20555'272  89474:84994  [5,3,4]p5  [5,3,4]p5  2023-11-14T17:14:47.534009+0000  2023-11-14T17:14:47.534009+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T19:30:59.254042+0000 
ceph pg ls-by-primary 0|head -10
PG     OBJECTS  DEGRADED  MISPLACED  UNFOUND  BYTES      OMAP_BYTES*  OMAP_KEYS*  LOG   STATE         SINCE  VERSION        REPORTED       UP         ACTING     SCRUB_STAMP                      DEEP_SCRUB_STAMP                 LAST_SCRUB_DURATION  SCRUB_SCHEDULING                                               
2.11       172         0          0        0  637251602            0           0  3375  active+clean     7h  89475'4536024  89475:4668155  [0,4,5]p0  [0,4,5]p0  2023-11-15T00:41:28.325584+0000  2023-11-08T22:50:59.120985+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T05:10:15.810837+0000     
2.16       181         0          0        0  689790976           75           8  3380  active+clean    18h  89475'5898101  89475:6498713  [0,2,1]p0  [0,2,1]p0  2023-11-14T14:07:00.475337+0000  2023-11-13T08:59:03.104478+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T01:55:30.581835+0000     
3.3          2         0          0        0         34         4880          10    71  active+clean     6h       71545'71    89474:97438  [0,4,5]p0  [0,4,5]p0  2023-11-15T01:55:57.633258+0000  2023-11-12T07:28:22.391454+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T02:46:05.613867+0000     
3.f          4         0          0        0    4194880            0           0  4498  active+clean    15h    42287'15098   89474:905369  [0,5,4]p0  [0,5,4]p0  2023-11-14T17:15:38.681549+0000  2023-11-10T14:00:49.535978+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T22:26:56.705010+0000     
4.a          0         0          0        0          0            0           0   274  active+clean    16h      20555'274    89474:91274  [0,1,2]p0  [0,1,2]p0  2023-11-14T16:09:50.743410+0000  2023-11-14T16:09:50.743410+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T18:12:35.709178+0000     
4.1b         0         0          0        0          0            0           0   188  active+clean     9h      20572'188    89474:60345  [0,4,5]p0  [0,4,5]p0  2023-11-14T22:45:32.243017+0000  2023-11-09T15:22:58.954604+0000                   15  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T05:26:22.970008+0000     
26.0         4         0          0        0       2055            0           0     4  active+clean    16h       74696'14    89474:22375    [0,5]p0    [0,5]p0  2023-11-14T16:07:57.126669+0000  2023-11-09T12:57:29.272721+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T17:12:43.441862+0000     
26.3         1         0          0        0        104            0           0     1  active+clean    10h        74632'8    89474:22487    [0,4]p0    [0,4]p0  2023-11-14T21:43:19.284917+0000  2023-11-11T13:26:08.679346+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-16T01:39:45.617371+0000     
27.5         1         0          0        0        154            0           0     2  active+clean    23h        69518'2    89474:22216  [0,4,2]p0  [0,4,2]p0  2023-11-14T08:56:33.324158+0000  2023-11-10T23:46:33.688281+0000                    1  periodic scrub scheduled @ 2023-11-15T20:32:30.759743+0000   
ceph osd perf
osd  commit_latency(ms)  apply_latency(ms)5                   2                  24                   2                  23                   2                  22                   0                  00                   0                  01                   1                  1


ceph 常用命令

bucket 常用命令 查看 realm (区域) radosgw-admin realm list输出 {"default_info": "43c462f5-5634-496e-ad4e-978d28c2x9090","realms": ["myrgw"] }radosgw-admin realm get{"id": "2cfc…...


算法: 如果不考虑完全二叉树的特性,直接把完全二叉树当作普通二叉树求节点数,其实也很简单。 递归法: 用什么顺序遍历都可以。 比如后序遍历(LRV):不断遍历左右子树的节点数,最后…...


目录 1.算法运行效果图预览 2.算法运行软件版本 3.部分核心程序 4.算法理论概述 5.算法完整程序工程 1.算法运行效果图预览 2.算法运行软件版本 matlab2022a 3.部分核心程序 ..................................................................... while(Err < TL…...


模型层 与数据库相关的&#xff0c;用于定义数据模型和数据库表结构。 在Django应用程序中&#xff0c;模型层是数据库和应用程序之间的接口&#xff0c;它负责处理所有与数据库相关的操作&#xff0c;例如创建、读取、更新和删除记录。Django的模型层还提供了一些高级功能 首…...




哈希是一个字符类型字段和值的映射表。 在Redis中&#xff0c;哈希是一种数据结构&#xff0c;用于存储键值对的集合。哈希可以理解为一个键值对的集合&#xff0c;其中每个键都对应一个值。哈希在Redis中的作用主要有以下几点&#xff1a; 1. 存储对象&#xff1a;哈希可以用…...




目录 0 简述1 脚本执行地理处理工具2 在地理处理工具间建立联系0 简述 arcgis包含数百种可以通过python脚本执行的地理处理工具,这样就通过python可以处理复杂的工作和批处理。本篇将介绍如何利用arcpy实现执行地理处理工具以及在地理处理工具间建立联系。 1 脚本执行地理处理…...


刚体&#xff08;Rigidbody&#xff09; 刚体&#xff08;Rigidbody&#xff09;是运动学&#xff08;Kinematic&#xff09;中的一个概念&#xff0c;指在运动中和受力作用后&#xff0c;形状和大小不变&#xff0c;而且内部各点的相对位置不变的物体。在 Unity3D 中&#xff…...


人员基本信息导入函数&#xff1a;HR_MAINTAIN_MASTERDATA 人员其他信息类型导入函数&#xff1a;HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION 不逼逼&#xff0c;直接上代码&#xff0c;这两个函数还是相对简单易懂的 *根据操作类型查找对应的T529A 操作类型对应的值IF gt_alv IS NOT INITIAL.S…...


项目编号&#xff1a; S 004 &#xff0c;文末获取源码。 \color{red}{项目编号&#xff1a;S004&#xff0c;文末获取源码。} 项目编号&#xff1a;S004&#xff0c;文末获取源码。 目录 一、摘要1.1 项目介绍1.2 项目录屏 二、研究内容三、界面展示3.1 登录注册3.2 学生教师管…...


import time # # for i in range(1,10): # j1 # for j in range(1,i1): # print(f"{i}x{j}{i*j} " ,end) # print() #复用&#xff0c;代码&#xff0c;精简&#xff0c;复用度高def j99(n1,max10): for i in range(n,max):jifor j in ran…...


使用vuex完成小黑记事本案例 App.vue <template><div id"app"><TodoHeader></TodoHeader><TodoMain ></TodoMain><TodoFooter></TodoFooter></div> </template><script> import TodoMain from …...




哈希表的概念 哈希表就是&#xff1a; “将记录的存储位置与它的关键字之间建立一个对应关系&#xff0c;使每个关键字和一个唯一的存储位置对 应。” 哈希表又称&#xff1a;“散列法”、“杂凑法”、“关键字&#xff1a;地址法”。 哈希表思想 基本思想是在关键字和存…...


综合实验&#xff08;三&#xff09; 1 实验拓扑2 IP 规划3 实验需求一、福州思博网络规划如下&#xff1a;二、上海思博网络规划如下&#xff1a;三、福州思博与上海思博网络互联四、网络优化 4 配置思路4.1 福州思博配置在 SW1、SW2、SW3 上配置交换网络SW1、SW2、SW3 运行 S…...


熟悉JAVA语言基础语法。 学习JAVA基础知识&#xff0c;推荐阅读书单中的经典书籍。 理解并掌握面向对象的特性&#xff0c;比如继承&#xff0c;多态&#xff0c;覆盖&#xff0c;重载等含义&#xff0c;并正确运用。 熟悉SDK中常见类和API的使用&#xff0c;比如&#xff1…...


int[] arr new int[]{1, 2,8, 7, 5};这是提前准备好的数组 冒泡排序 public static void bubbleSort(int[] arr) {int len arr.length;for (int i 0; i < len - 1; i) {for (int j 0; j < len - i - 1; j) {if (arr[j] > arr[j1]) {int temp arr[j];arr[j] ar…...


线程数:10 ,设置10个并发 Ramp-Up时间(秒):所有线程在多少时间内启动,如果设置5,那么每秒启动2个线程 循环次数:请求的重复次数,如果勾选"永远"将一直发送请求 持续时间时间:设置场景运行的时间 启动延迟:设置场景延迟启动时间 响应断言 响应断言模式匹配规则 包括…...


名录明细云平台摸底1.原有云平台体系&#xff1a;VMware、openstack、ovirt、k8s、docker、混合云系列及版本 2.原有云平台规模&#xff0c;物理机数量、虚拟机数量、迁移业务系统所占配额 3.待补充系统摸底 (适用于物理主机)每一台虚拟机或物理机&#xff1a; 1.系统全局参数…...

解决公网下,k8s calico master节点无法访问node节点创建的pod

目的&#xff1a;解决pod部署成功后&#xff0c;只能在node节点访问&#xff0c;而master节点无法访问 原因&#xff1a;集群搭建时&#xff0c;没有配置公网进行kubectl操作&#xff0c;从而导致系统默认node节点&#xff0c;使用内网IP加入k8s集群&#xff01;如下&#xff…...


Alistair Cockburn是于1953年出生在美国的一位软件开发方法学家。他毕业于康奈尔大学计算机科学专业&#xff0c;并获得了博士学位。 Cockburn在敏捷软件开发领域做出了许多重要的贡献&#xff0c;他被广泛认可为敏捷方法学的奠基人之一。他提出了许多关于敏捷开发的原则和实践…...


1.系统设计 本次基于单片机的智能家居安保系统设计&#xff0c;在功能上如下&#xff1a; 1&#xff09;以51单片机为系统控制核心&#xff1b; 2&#xff09;温度传感器、人体红外静释电、烟雾传感器来实现检测目的&#xff1b; 3&#xff09;以GSM模块辅以按键来实现远/近程…...


网络爬虫过程中三种中文乱码的处理方案&#xff0c;希望对大家的学习有所帮助 一、思路 其实解决问题的关键点就是在于一点&#xff0c;就是将乱码的部分进行处理&#xff0c;而处理的方案主要可以从两个方面进行出发。其一是针对整体网页进行提前编码&#xff0c;其二是针对…...


文章目录 概要uniapp小程序情况解决方法及完整示例 概要 在小程序使用富文本或者在nuiapp&#xff08;小程序的&#xff09;使用富文本都会转为 <rich-text nodes"<p class"p class">内容</p>”></rich-text>如果是这种情况的话在css…...


今天为大家分享的是一款轻量级的流程图绘制软件——Diagrams。 以特定的图形符号加上说明&#xff0c;表示算法的图&#xff0c;称为流程图或框图。流程图是流经一个系统的信息流、观点流或部件流的图形代表。我们常用流程图来说明某一过程。 流程图使用一些标准符号代表某些类…...


条件查询 query&#xff1a;查询 match&#xff1a;匹配 match_all&#xff1a;匹配所有 #第一种 GET /shopping/_search?q名字:张三#第二种 GET /shopping/_search {"query": {"match": {"名字": "张三"}} }#全量查询 match_all G…...


SAP作为接受方 1.JAVA直接配置IP、账号、密码&#xff08;有些人叫SAPWEBAPI&#xff09;调用SAP里面的RFC函数 2.SAP发布RFC函数&#xff0c;配置webservice地址 3.SAP发布ODATA服务 4.SAP发布restful的http服务 5.我不太懂的UI5和FIORI本质好像也是odata服务 6.IDOC SA…...


云计算的发展一直是一个极具活力和创新的领域。随着技术的不断进步和应用场景的拓展&#xff0c;云计算将在未来继续发挥重要作用。以下是云计算发展的一些趋势&#xff1a; 边缘计算的崛起&#xff1a; 随着物联网设备的普及和应用场景的增多&#xff0c;边缘计算成为一个重要…...


考虑到设备部署到现场后有可能需要进行软件升级&#xff0c;之前做过PIC系列单片机的升级&#xff0c;现在想做个国民技术N32G031系列Cortex-M0内核的单片机IAP方案。 因为国民技术系列单片机在很多大程度上都模仿了STM32&#xff0c;所以我想其升级方案极有可能差不多。于是在…...


一、介绍 Pycharm是一款为Python开发者提供的集成开发环境&#xff08;IDE&#xff09;&#xff0c;支持执行、调试Python代码&#xff0c;并提供了许多有用的工具和功能&#xff0c;其中之一就是在Pycharm中添加Python库。 添加Python库有许多好处&#xff0c;比如能够增加开…...

Oracle OCP / MySQL OCP认证容易通过吗

诸多学员在首次考OCP时&#xff0c;不清楚要如何选择。在本文中&#xff0c;我会为大家进行讲解&#xff01; 选择OCP认证时需要考虑的几大项目&#xff1a; 授课老师师资经验 课程大纲 试听课程 考试通过率 业界口碑 服务质量 郭一军老师的OCP培训在业界培训的学员中已…...

flutter web 中嵌入一个html

介绍 flutter web 支持使用 HtmlElementView嵌入html import dart:html; import dart:ui as ui; import package:flutter/cupertino.dart;class WebWidget extends StatelessWidget {const WebWidget({super.key});overrideWidget build(BuildContext context) {DivElement fr…...

使用Spark SQL读取阿里云OSS的数据

读OSS数据 创建一个table&#xff0c;并关联OSS目录路径 CREATE TABLE my_table USING parquet OPTIONS (path oss://my_bucket/my_data_dir/dt20230904, -- 关联OSS路径header true, -- 如果Parquet文件包含列名的头部信息&#xff0c;则设置为true&#xff0c;否则设置为f…...

【0235】修改私有内存(private memory)中的MyBEEntry时,st_changecount值前后变化

上一篇: 【0234】PgBackendStatus 记录当前postgres进程的活动状态 1. pg_stat_activity中xxx实时信息如何实现? 客户端(eg:psql)在连接上postmaster之后,postmaster守护进程会fork()一个后端进场(backend process),之后此客户端的所有操作、交互均有此对应的Backen…...


在Linux中&#xff0c;source命令用于在当前shell环境中执行指定脚本文件中的命令。它通常用于重新加载修改过的shell配置文件&#xff0c;例如.bashrc或.profile&#xff0c;以使更改生效&#xff0c;而不需要退出当前的shell会话。 使用方法为&#xff1a; source 文件路径…...

2342. 数位和相等数对的最大和

我的解法&#xff1a; 对数组进行排序&#xff0c;最大数一定最先进入哈希表进行加和 class Solution { public:int maximumSum(vector<int>& nums) {unordered_map<int, vector<int>> h;int ans -1;sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());for (int i nums.…...

FISCO BCOS 3.0【01】搭建第一个区块链网络

官方技术文档&#xff1a;https://fisco-bcos-doc.readthedocs.io/zh-cn/latest/index.html 我们在官方技术文档的基础上&#xff0c;进行&#xff0c;对文档中一些不清楚的地方进行修正 搭建Air版本FISCO BCOS联盟链 本节以搭建单群组FISCO BCOS链为例操作&#xff0c;使用开…...

UE4动作游戏实例RPG Action解析四:装备系统

导语: 以加血道具为例,详细分析拆解ActionRPG的装备系统,包含装备系统需求和数据结构设计,以及实现 一、装备系统需求: 装备槽: 已获取装备和未获取装备: 当已经装备一个道具时,再次捡到道具,会把道具放在装备库,不会放在装备槽中, 当没有装备道具时,会拾取道具…...

AIGC之Stable Diffusion

AIGC是什么? AIGC:Artificial Intelligence Generated Content,生成式人工智能。通俗一点来讲,对AI下达指令任务,通过处理人的自然语言,自动生成图片、视频、音频等等。 Stable Diffusion 官网:https://stablediffusionweb.com/ 介绍:stablediffusionweb.com is an eas…...


企业微信以xml的形式给服务器发送通知。具体参考&#xff1a;企业微信文档——事件格式 dump(file_get_contents("php://input"));/***string(530) "<xml><ToUserName><![CDATA[ww55ca070cb9b7eb22]]></ToUserName><FromUserName>…...


GB/T 25070-2019 信息安全技术 网络安全等级保护安全设计技术要求 在线预览|GB/T 25070-2019 (gb688.cn) 每一级安全保护环境分为安全计算环境&#xff0c;安全区域边界&#xff0c;安全通信网络。 一级通用安全计算环境 二级通用安全 计算环境 三级 通用安全计算环境 第四级…...


1 注释 1.1 作用 a 方便他人和自己阅读代码 b 告诉编译器这部分内容是不用执行的。1.2 单行注释 # 注释内容1.3 多行注释(引号) 1.3.1 三对双引号 """ 注释内容 """1.3.2 三对单引号 注释内容 1.4 pycharm快捷键使用 ctrl/ 多行注释(以# …...


**单片机设计介绍&#xff0c; 基于单片机智能液位水位监测控制系统设计 文章目录 一 概要二、功能设计设计思路 三、 软件设计原理图 五、 程序六、 文章目录 一 概要 基于单片机的智能液位水位监测控制系统可以用来检测和控制液位的高低&#xff0c;并可以用于水泵的控制和自…...

iOS 添加震动效果

1. AudioServicesPlaySystemSound 较早的系统版本&#xff0c;我们会使用AudioTool.framework。 #import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>一般震动 AudioServicesPlaySystemSound(kSystemSoundID_Vibrate);普通短震&#xff08;类似3D Touch的 Peek 反馈 &#xff09; …...


合并word中的 两部分的参考文献引用 Merge Citations in the Word document Original&#xff1a; A is a big character [78-80] and B is another one [81-85] Modified&#xff1a; A and B are big characters [78-85] Solutions&#xff1a; Remove the space betwee…...

linux(centos7)常用命令 开启关闭防火墙

查看防火墙状态 centos7 systemctl status firewalld.service 运行上述命令后&#xff0c;如果看到有绿色字样标注的“active&#xff08;running&#xff09;”&#xff0c;说明防火墙是开启状态。 开启防火墙 centos7 systemctl start firewalld.service 关闭防火墙 c…...


自己在秋招过程中遇到的数据结构与算法方面的面试题 数据结构 vector vector是⼀种序列式容器&#xff0c;与array唯⼀差别就是对于空间运⽤的灵活性 array占⽤的是静态空间&#xff0c;⼀旦配置了就不可以改变⼤⼩&#xff0c;如果遇到空间不⾜的情况还要⾃⾏创建更⼤的空间…...

数字音频工作站FL Studio21.1中文版本如何下载?

在现在这个数字音乐时代&#xff0c;各种音乐中都或多或少有些电子音乐的影子&#xff0c;或是合成器音色、或是通过数字效果器制作出的变幻莫测的变化效果。而小马丁、Brooks、Eliminate等众多电子音乐巨头便是使用FL Studio来制作音乐的。今天小编就以FL Studio五年的资深用户…...

Linux 无名管道实现文件复制

无名管道 通过一个管道&#xff08;假象&#xff09;进行传输数据&#xff0c;但是这个管道的传输方式是单工&#xff08;半双工&#xff09;的&#xff0c;就是这个管道允许进行发送和接受数据&#xff0c;不过不能同时进行。 创建无名管道 这里用到一个pipe&#xff08;&…...