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电子商务网站开发与管理,百度产品大全首页,发布信息哪个平台好,专注wordpress开发背景: 阿里云的dts不支持前缀匹配迁移。 调研发现RedisShake可以前缀匹配迁移。 https://github.com/tair-opensource/RedisShake proxy 代理模式 阿里云的redis cluster 默认是proxy 代理模式, 不支持增量迁移。 如果要支持增量迁移需要开启 redis clu…


proxy 代理模式
阿里云的redis cluster 默认是proxy 代理模式, 不支持增量迁移。
如果要支持增量迁移需要开启 redis cluster 的直连模式。 (和阿里沟通 开启关闭 直连模式对现有应用无影响)


因为不能增量迁移 采用了 rump 模式。

恢复(restore):将 RDB 文件恢复到目标Redis数据库。
备份(dump):将源 Redis 的全量数据通过RDB文件备份起来。
解析(decode):读取 RDB 文件,并以 JSON 格式解析存储。
同步(rump):支持源 Redis 和目的 Redis 的数据同步,仅支持全量迁移。采用scan和restore命令进行迁移,支持不同云厂商不同redis版本的迁移。

rump 模式 关键参数

conf.version = 1
id = redis-shake
log.file = /xxxx/redis-shake/logs/redis-shake.log
log.level = infosystem_profile = 9310
http_profile = 9320
parallel = 5
source.type = proxy
source.address = r-xxx.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379
source.password_raw =xxx
source.auth_type = authtarget.type = proxy
target.address = r-ddd.redis.rds.aliyuncs.com:6379
target.password_raw = xxx
target.auth_type = auth
target.db = -1#key_exists = none
key_exists = rewrite
filter.db.whitelist = 0# 配置
filter.key.whitelist = YUEYUE_LEOPARD_ADS_showURLV1_keep_alive = 0
# 配置拉去数据qps
qps = 10000


./redis-shake.linux  -conf ./redis-shake.conf -type rump

扫描了1千万的key ,过滤了1.2w数据

filter.key.blacklis 排查前缀
支持按前缀过滤key,不让指定前缀的key通过,分号分隔。比如指定abc,将会阻塞abc, abc1, abcxxx
filter.key.blacklist =


源阿里云redis需要开启直连地址。阿里直连地址是一个lb,但是redis-shake 需要可以直接链接的master地址或者slave地址(阿里直连模式,只给master节点分了vip)。
获取方式1、找阿里云后台看,控制台看不到 2、配置文件写一个直连地址,运行会报如下错误,提示的ip地址就是master节点的vip地址。3、使用直连地址进入命令行 运行命令CLUSTER NODES 查看到的地址就是master的vip地址。

[root@xxxredis-shake]# ./redis-shake.linux  -conf ./redis-shake.conf -type sync
Conf.Options check failed: mode[sync] parse address failed[[source] redis address should be all masters or all slaves, master:[[]], slave[[]]]


2024/01/12 16:16:12 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] psync connect '' with auth type[auth] OK!
2024/01/12 16:16:12 [PANIC] repl listening-port failed[-ERR command replconf not support for your account]
[stack]: 2   github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/redis-shake/common/utils.go:141github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/redis-shake/common.SendPSyncListeningPort1   github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/redis-shake/dbSync/syncBegin.go:41github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/redis-shake/dbSync.(*DbSyncer).sendPSyncCmd0   github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/redis-shake/dbSync/dbSyncer.go:113github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/redis-shake/dbSync.(*DbSyncer).Sync


# This file is the configuration of redis-shake.# If you have any problem, please visit: https://github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/wiki/FAQ
# 有疑问请先查阅:https://github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/wiki/FAQ# current configuration version, do not modify.
# 当前配置文件的版本号,请不要修改该值。
conf.version = 1# id
id = redis-shake# The log file name, if left blank, it will be printed to stdout,
# otherwise it will be printed to the specified file.
# 日志文件名,留空则会打印到 stdout,否则打印到指定文件。
# for example:
#   log.file =
#   log.file = /var/log/redis-shake.log
log.file =# log level: "none", "error", "warn", "info", "debug".
# default is "info".
# 日志等级,可选:none error warn info debug
# 默认为:info
log.level = info# 进程文件存储目录,留空则会输出到当前目录,
# 注意这个是目录,真正生成的 pid 是 {pid_path}/{id}.pid
# 例如:
#   pid_path = ./
#   pid_path = /var/run/
pid_path = # pprof port.
system_profile = 9310# restful port, set -1 means disable, in `restore` mode RedisShake will exit once finish restoring RDB only if this value
# is -1, otherwise, it'll wait forever.
# restful port, 查看 metric 端口, -1 表示不启用. 如果是`restore`模式,只有设置为-1才会在完成RDB恢复后退出,否则会一直block。
#   查看 redis-shake 使用的配置
# 查看 redis-shake 的同步情况
http_profile = 9320# parallel routines number used in RDB file syncing. default is 64.
# 启动多少个并发线程同步一个RDB文件。
parallel = 32# source redis configuration.
# used in `dump`, `sync` and `rump`.
# source redis type, e.g. "standalone" (default), "sentinel" or "cluster".
#   1. "standalone": standalone db mode.
#   2. "sentinel": the redis address is read from sentinel.
#   3. "cluster": the source redis has several db.
#   4. "proxy": the proxy address, currently, only used in "rump" mode.
# used in `dump`, `sync` and `rump`.
# 源端 Redis 的类型,可选:standalone sentinel cluster proxy
# 注意:proxy 只用于 rump 模式。
source.type = standalone# ip:port
# the source address can be the following:
#   1. single db address. for "standalone" type.
#   2. ${sentinel_master_name}:${master or slave}@sentinel single/cluster address, e.g., mymaster:master@;, or @; for "sentinel" type.
#   3. cluster that has several db nodes split by semicolon(;). for "cluster" type. e.g.,;
#   4. proxy address(used in "rump" mode only). for "proxy" type.
# 源redis地址。对于sentinel或者开源cluster模式,输入格式为"master名字:拉取角色为master或者slave@sentinel的地址",别的cluster
# 架构,比如codis, twemproxy, aliyun proxy等需要配置所有master或者slave的db地址。
# 源端 redis 的地址
#   1. standalone 模式配置 ip:port, 例如:
#   2. cluster 模式需要配置所有 nodes 的 ip:port, 例如: source.address =;
source.address = source password, left blank means no password.
# 源端密码,留空表示无密码。
source.password_raw =# auth type, don't modify it
source.auth_type = auth
# tls enable, true or false. Currently, only support standalone.
# open source redis does NOT support tls so far, but some cloud versions do.
source.tls_enable = false
# Whether to verify the validity of the redis certificate, true means verification, false means no verification
source.tls_skip_verify = false
# input RDB file.
# used in `decode` and `restore`.
# if the input is list split by semicolon(;), redis-shake will restore the list one by one.
# 如果是decode或者restore,这个参数表示读取的rdb文件。支持输入列表,例如:rdb.0;rdb.1;rdb.2
# redis-shake将会挨个进行恢复。
source.rdb.input =
# the concurrence of RDB syncing, default is len(source.address) or len(source.rdb.input).
# used in `dump`, `sync` and `restore`. 0 means default.
# This is useless when source.type isn't cluster or only input is only one RDB.
# 拉取的并发度,如果是`dump`或者`sync`,默认是source.address中db的个数,`restore`模式默认len(source.rdb.input)。
# 假如db节点/输入的rdb有5个,但rdb.parallel=3,那么一次只会
# 并发拉取3个db的全量数据,直到某个db的rdb拉取完毕并进入增量,才会拉取第4个db节点的rdb,
# 以此类推,最后会有len(source.address)或者len(rdb.input)个增量线程同时存在。
source.rdb.parallel = 0
# for special cloud vendor: ucloud
# used in `decode` and `restore`.
# ucloud集群版的rdb文件添加了slot前缀,进行特判剥离: ucloud_cluster。
source.rdb.special_cloud = # target redis configuration. used in `restore`, `sync` and `rump`.
# the type of target redis can be "standalone", "proxy" or "cluster".
#   1. "standalone": standalone db mode.
#   2. "sentinel": the redis address is read from sentinel.
#   3. "cluster": open source cluster (not supported currently).
#   4. "proxy": proxy layer ahead redis. Data will be inserted in a round-robin way if more than 1 proxy given.
# 目的redis的类型,支持standalone,sentinel,cluster和proxy四种模式。
target.type = standalone
# ip:port
# the target address can be the following:
#   1. single db address. for "standalone" type.
#   2. ${sentinel_master_name}:${master or slave}@sentinel single/cluster address, e.g., mymaster:master@;, or @; for "sentinel" type.
#   3. cluster that has several db nodes split by semicolon(;). for "cluster" type.
#   4. proxy address. for "proxy" type.
target.address = target password, left blank means no password.
# 目的端密码,留空表示无密码。
target.password_raw =# auth type, don't modify it
target.auth_type = auth
# all the data will be written into this db. < 0 means disable.
target.db = -1# Format: 0-5;1-3 ,Indicates that the data of the source db0 is written to the target db5, and 
# the data of the source db1 is all written to the target db3. 
# Note: When target.db is specified, target.dbmap will not take effect.
# 例如 0-5;1-3 表示源端 db0 的数据会被写入目的端 db5, 源端 db1 的数据会被写入目的端 db3
# 当 target.db 开启的时候 target.dbmap 不会生效.
target.dbmap =# tls enable, true or false. Currently, only support standalone.
# open source redis does NOT support tls so far, but some cloud versions do.
target.tls_enable = false
# Whether to verify the validity of the redis certificate, true means verification, false means no verification
target.tls_skip_verify = false
# output RDB file prefix.
# used in `decode` and `dump`.
# 如果是decode或者dump,这个参数表示输出的rdb前缀,比如输入有3个db,那么dump分别是:
# ${output_rdb}.0, ${output_rdb}.1, ${output_rdb}.2
target.rdb.output = local_dump
# some redis proxy like twemproxy doesn't support to fetch version, so please set it here.
# e.g., target.version = 4.0
target.version =# use for expire key, set the time gap when source and target timestamp are not the same.
# 用于处理过期的键值,当迁移两端不一致的时候,目的端需要加上这个值
fake_time =# how to solve when destination restore has the same key.
# rewrite: overwrite. 
# none: panic directly.
# ignore: skip this key. not used in rump mode.
# used in `restore`, `sync` and `rump`.
# 当源目的有重复 key 时是否进行覆写, 可选值:
#   1. rewrite: 源端覆盖目的端
#   2. none: 一旦发生进程直接退出
#   3. ignore: 保留目的端key,忽略源端的同步 key. 该值在 rump 模式下不会生效.
key_exists = none# filter db, key, slot, lua.
# filter db.
# used in `restore`, `sync` and `rump`.
# e.g., "0;5;10" means match db0, db5 and db10.
# at most one of `filter.db.whitelist` and `filter.db.blacklist` parameters can be given.
# if the filter.db.whitelist is not empty, the given db list will be passed while others filtered.
# if the filter.db.blacklist is not empty, the given db list will be filtered while others passed.
# all dbs will be passed if no condition given.
# 指定的db被通过,比如0;5;10将会使db0, db5, db10通过, 其他的被过滤
filter.db.whitelist =
# 指定的db被过滤,比如0;5;10将会使db0, db5, db10过滤,其他的被通过
filter.db.blacklist =
# filter key with prefix string. multiple keys are separated by ';'.
# e.g., "abc;bzz" match let "abc", "abc1", "abcxxx", "bzz" and "bzzwww".
# used in `restore`, `sync` and `rump`.
# at most one of `filter.key.whitelist` and `filter.key.blacklist` parameters can be given.
# if the filter.key.whitelist is not empty, the given keys will be passed while others filtered.
# if the filter.key.blacklist is not empty, the given keys will be filtered while others passed.
# all the namespace will be passed if no condition given.
# 支持按前缀过滤key,只让指定前缀的key通过,分号分隔。比如指定abc,将会通过abc, abc1, abcxxx
filter.key.whitelist =
# 支持按前缀过滤key,不让指定前缀的key通过,分号分隔。比如指定abc,将会阻塞abc, abc1, abcxxx
filter.key.blacklist =
# filter given slot, multiple slots are separated by ';'.
# e.g., 1;2;3
# used in `sync`.
# 指定过滤slot,只让指定的slot通过
filter.slot =
# filter give commands. multiple commands are separated by ';'.
# e.g., "flushall;flushdb".
# used in `sync`.
# at most one of `filter.command.whitelist` and `filter.command.blacklist` parameters can be given.
# if the filter.command.whitelist is not empty, the given commands will be passed while others filtered.
# if the filter.command.blacklist is not empty, the given commands will be filtered.
# besides, the other config caused filters also effect as usual, e.g. filter.lua = true would filter lua commands.
# all the commands, except the other config caused filtered commands, will be passed if no condition given.
# 只让指定命令通过,分号分隔
filter.command.whitelist =
# 不让指定命令通过,分号分隔
# 除了这些指定的命令外,其他配置选项指定的过滤命令也会照常生效,如开启 filter.lua 将会过滤 lua 相关命令
filter.command.blacklist =
# filter lua script. true means not pass. However, in redis 5.0, the lua 
# converts to transaction(multi+{commands}+exec) which will be passed.
# 控制不让lua脚本通过,true表示不通过
filter.lua = false# big key threshold, the default is 500 * 1024 * 1024 bytes. If the value is bigger than
# this given value, all the field will be spilt and write into the target in order. If
# the target Redis type is Codis, this should be set to 1, please checkout FAQ to find 
# the reason.
# 正常key如果不大,那么都是直接调用restore写入到目的端,如果key对应的value字节超过了给定
# 的值,那么会分批依次一个一个写入。如果目的端是Codis,这个需要置为1,具体原因请查看FAQ。
# 如果目的端大版本小于源端,也建议设置为1。
big_key_threshold = 524288000# enable metric
# used in `sync`.
# 是否启用metric
metric = true
# print in log
# 是否将metric打印到log中
metric.print_log = false# sender information.
# sender flush buffer size of byte.
# used in `sync`.
# 发送缓存的字节长度,超过这个阈值将会强行刷缓存发送
sender.size = 104857600
# sender flush buffer size of oplog number.
# used in `sync`. flush sender buffer when bigger than this threshold.
# 发送缓存的报文个数,超过这个阈值将会强行刷缓存发送,对于目的端是cluster的情况,这个值
# 的调大将会占用部分内存。
sender.count = 4095
# delay channel size. once one oplog is sent to target redis, the oplog id and timestamp will also
# stored in this delay queue. this timestamp will be used to calculate the time delay when receiving
# ack from target redis.
# used in `sync`.
# 用于metric统计时延的队列
sender.delay_channel_size = 65535# enable keep_alive option in TCP when connecting redis.
# the unit is second.
# 0 means disable.
# TCP keep-alive保活参数,单位秒,0表示不启用。
keep_alive = 0# used in `rump`.
# number of keys captured each time. default is 100.
# 每次scan的个数,不配置则默认100.
scan.key_number = 50
# used in `rump`.
# we support some special redis types that don't use default `scan` command like alibaba cloud and tencent cloud.
# 有些版本具有特殊的格式,与普通的scan命令有所不同,我们进行了特殊的适配。目前支持腾讯云的集群版"tencent_cluster"
# 和阿里云的集群版"aliyun_cluster",注释主从版不需要配置,只针对集群版。
scan.special_cloud =
# used in `rump`.
# we support to fetching data from given file which marks the key list.
# 有些云版本,既不支持sync/psync,也不支持scan,我们支持从文件中进行读取所有key列表并进行抓取:一行一个key。
scan.key_file =# limit the rate of transmission. Only used in `rump` currently.
# e.g., qps = 1000 means pass 1000 keys per second. default is 500,000(0 means default)
qps = 200000# enable resume from break point, please visit xxx to see more details.
# 断点续传开关
resume_from_break_point = false# ----------------splitter----------------
# below variables are useless for current open source version so don't set.# replace hash tag.
# used in `sync`.
replace_hash_tag = false






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参考学习博文&#xff1a; 掌握tsconfig.json 一、tsconfig.json简介 1、tsconfig.json是什么&#xff1f; TypeScript 使用 tsconfig.json 文件作为其配置文件&#xff0c;当一个目录中存在 tsconfig.json 文件&#xff0c;则认为该目录为 TypeScript 项目的根目录。 通常…...


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1.概述 手头有一块RK3568的开发板OK3568-C&#xff0c;但是还没有适配OpenHarmony&#xff0c;用的还是LVDS屏幕&#xff0c;但是官方和网上好像还没有OpenHarmony4.0的LVDS屏幕驱动的通用实现&#xff0c;所以决定尝试了一下适配该开发板&#xff0c;完成LVDS屏幕驱动的适配&…...


Playwright驱动浏览器 安装 Playwright 时&#xff0c;Playwright默认自动安装了三种浏览器&#xff08;Chromium、Firefox 和 WebKit&#xff09;。我们可以驱动这三种浏览器中的任意一种。 使用with上下文管理器 启动chromium浏览器 python # # author: 测试-老姜 交流…...


本文介绍linux中与tcp网络通信相关的POSIX API&#xff0c;在每次调用的时候&#xff0c;网络协议栈会进行的操作与记录。 POSIX API Posix API&#xff0c;提供了统一的接口&#xff0c;使程序能得以在不同的系统上运行。简单来说不同的操作系统进行同一个活动&#xff0c;比…...

互联网加竞赛 基于卷积神经网络的乳腺癌分类 深度学习 医学图像

文章目录 1 前言2 前言3 数据集3.1 良性样本3.2 病变样本 4 开发环境5 代码实现5.1 实现流程5.2 部分代码实现5.2.1 导入库5.2.2 图像加载5.2.3 标记5.2.4 分组5.2.5 构建模型训练 6 分析指标6.1 精度&#xff0c;召回率和F1度量6.2 混淆矩阵 7 结果和结论8 最后 1 前言 &…...

腾讯云 IPv6 解决方案

产品矩阵全覆盖 腾讯云全线产品 All in IPv6&#xff1b;云服务器、私有网络、负载均衡、内容分发、域名解析、DDoS 高防等都已支持 IPv6。 全球 IPv6 基础设施 腾讯云在全球开放25个地理区域&#xff0c;运营53个可用区&#xff1b;目前已有多个地域提供 IPv6 接入能力。 …...

Appium 自动化测试

1.Appium介绍 1&#xff0c;appium是开源的移动端自动化测试框架&#xff1b; 2&#xff0c;appium可以测试原生的、混合的、以及移动端的web项目&#xff1b; 3&#xff0c;appium可以测试ios&#xff0c;android应用&#xff08;当然了&#xff0c;还有firefoxos&#xff09;…...

深入浅出Android dmabuf_dump工具

目录 dmabuf是什么&#xff1f; dmabuf_dump工具介绍(基于Android 14) Android.bp dmabuf_dump.cpp 整体架构结构如下 dmabuf_dump主要包含以下功能 前置背景知识 fdinfo 思考 bufinfo Dump整个手机系统的dmabuf Dump某个进程的dmabuf​​​​​​​ 以Table[buff…...

Guava RateLimiter预热模型

本文已收录至我的个人网站&#xff1a;程序员波特&#xff0c;主要记录Java相关技术系列教程&#xff0c;共享电子书、Java学习路线、视频教程、简历模板和面试题等学习资源&#xff0c;让想要学习的你&#xff0c;不再迷茫。 什么是流量预热 我们都知道在做运动之前先得来几组…...


搭建个人知识库-3 1 大模型开发范式1.1 RAG原理1.2 LangChain框架1.3 构建向量数据库1.4 构建知识库助手1.5 Web Demo部署 2 动手实践2.1 环境配置2.2 知识库搭建2.2.1 数据收集2.2.2 加载数据2.2.3 构建向量数据库 2.3 InternLM接入LangChain2.4 构建检索问答链1 加载向量数据…...

如何看待 Linux 内核邮件列表重启将内核中的 C 代码转换为 C++

如何看待 Linux 内核邮件列表重启将内核中的 C 代码转换为 C 的讨论&#xff1f; 在开始前我有一些资料&#xff0c;是我根据网友给的问题精心整理了一份「Linux的资料从专业入门到高级教程」&#xff0c; 点个关注在评论区回复“888”之后私信回复“888”&#xff0c;全部无偿…...


添加依赖 <dependency><groupId>com.spring4all</groupId><artifactId>swagger-spring-boot-starter</artifactId><version>2.0.2</version></dependency>添加配置类&#xff0c;与服务启动类同一个层级 地址&#xff1a;http…...

代码随想录 Leetcode383. 赎金信

题目&#xff1a; 代码&#xff08;首刷自解 2024年1月15日&#xff09;&#xff1a; class Solution { public:bool canConstruct(string ransomNote, string magazine) {vector<int> v(26);for(auto letter : magazine) {v[letter - a];}for(auto letter : ransomNote…...

上下左右视频转场模板PR项目工程文件 Vol. 05

pr转场模板&#xff0c;视频画面上下左右转场后带有一点点回弹效果的PR项目工程模板 Vol. 05 项目特点&#xff1a; 回弹效果视频转场&#xff1b; Premiere Pro 2020及以上&#xff1b; 适用于照片和视频转场&#xff1b; 适用于任何FPS和分辨率&#xff1b; 视频教程。 PR转场…...

【正点原子STM32连载】第三十三章 单通道ADC采集实验 摘自【正点原子】APM32E103最小系统板使用指南

1&#xff09;实验平台&#xff1a;正点原子APM32E103最小系统板 2&#xff09;平台购买地址&#xff1a;https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id609294757420 3&#xff09;全套实验源码手册视频下载地址&#xff1a; http://www.openedv.com/docs/boards/xiaoxitongban 第三…...


1、拉取镜像 docker pull kartoza/geoserver:2.20.32、创建数据挂载目录 # 统一管理Docker容器的数据文件,geoserver mkdir -p /mydata/geoserver# 创建geoserver的挂载数据目录 mkdir -p /mydata/geoserver/data_dir# 创建geoserver的挂载数据目录&#xff0c;存放shp数据 m…...


双向认证&#xff1a; 1.服务器回验证客户端上报的证书 2.客户端回验证服务器的证书 而证书一般分为&#xff1a;1.受信任的根证书&#xff0c;2不受信任的根证书。 但是由于各种限制不想在libcurl中增加openssl&#xff0c;那么使用默认的winssl也可以完成以上两种证书的双…...

MySQL运维实战(3.3) 管理数据库(database)

作者&#xff1a;俊达 引言 数据库的创建和管理是构建可靠数据的关键&#xff0c;关系到所存储数据的安全与稳定。在 MySQL 这个强大的关系型数据库系统中&#xff0c;数据库的创建与管理需要精准的步骤和妥善的配置。下面&#xff0c;将深入探讨如何使用MySQL 来管理数据库&…...


随着Web3技术的崭露头角&#xff0c;去中心化存储正在成为数字时代云服务的全新范式。传统的云服务依赖于中心化的数据存储架构&#xff0c;而Web3的去中心化存储则为用户带来了更安全、更隐私、更可靠的数据管理方式&#xff0c;重新定义了云服务的未来。 1.摒弃中心化的弊端 …...