3、 [多选] 采购部门需要向全球不同的供应商采购项目所需的各种商品,所有采购订单均己发送给供应商并已按要求处理。项目经理后来收到客户提出的变更请求。由于项目经理未及时通知采购部门,运抵的所有物品都是按原来的需求所提供。 项目经理本应做什么来确保该信息按时通知到采购部门?
A procurement department needs to purchase various goods for a project from different vendors around the world. All purchase orders have been sent to the vendors and processed as required. The project manager then received a change request from the customer. Because the project manager did not inform the procurement department in a timely manner, all the items arrived with the original requirements.What should the project manager have done to ensure the information reached the procurement department on time?
A :编制一份状态更新报告,并将之发送给所有相关方 Prepared a status update report and sent it to all stakeholders.
B :直接联系供应商,并将该变更告知他们 Contacted the vendor directly and informed them about the change.
C : 包括变更控制程序和采购过程的登记 Included a change control procedure,registering the procurement processes.
D :与项目团队开会讨论该变更,并将之记录在风险管理计划中 Met with the project team to discuss the change and registered it in the risk management
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
5、 [多选] 某公司先前没有使用项目管理方法的经验,该公司最近为一个新的项目管理办公室(PMO)聘请了首位项目经理。该公司开展业务已有数年时间,一直在开展竞标工作。项目经理该做什么来评估一个新项目的可行性?
A company with no prior experience with a project management approach recently hired its first project manager for a new project Management Office (PMO). The company has been in business for several years and has been bidding. What should a project manager do to assess the feasibility of a new project?
A : 审查并分析该公司过去两年的经验教训知识库 Review and analyze the company’s knowledge base of lessons learned over the past two years
B :与负责投标事务的职能经理开会审查当前的管理过程 Meet with the functional manager in charge of the tender to review the current management process
C :请求项目发起人编制一个项目管理计划模板 Request the project sponsor to create a project management plan template
D :与财务部门开会分析先前投标的成功之处 Meet with finance to analyze the success of previous bids
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
16、 [多选] 项目经理正在制定进度计划,并将所有团队成员何时能够加入项目工作考虑其中。该项目只有一台3D打印机,多项任务同时要求使用该3D打印机。项目经理应如何管理该3D打印机的可用性?
The project manager is working on a schedule that takes into account when all team members will be able to work on the project. The project had only one 3D printer, which was required for multiple tasks. How should the project manager manage the availability of the 3D printer?
A :可按各任务准备就绪时的顺序使用打印机 The printer can be used in the order in which the tasks are ready
B :自由浮动时间最多的任务可先使用打印机 Tasks with the most free float can use the printer first
C : 将3D打印机作为一种资源纳入资源管理计划 Incorporate 3D printer as a resource into the resource management plan
D :将3D打印机记录为组织分解结构(OBS)中的一个要素 The 3D printer is recorded as an element in the organization decomposition structure (OBS)
正确答案:C 你的答案:A
30、 [多选] 项目团队接到开发新产品的任务。团队成员之间并无合作共事的经历,无法就推进项目最有效的方式达成一致。项目经理应该如何推进项目?
The project team was given the task of developing a new product. Team members have no experience of working together and cannot agree on the most effective way to move the project forward. How should the project manager move the project forward?
A :向团队详细介绍如何开发产品 Explain to the team in detail how to develop the product
B :积极管理产生的任何冲突 Actively manage any conflicts arising
C :根据需求重组项目团队 Reorganize the project team as required
D : 开展团队建设活动 Conduct team-building activities
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
45、 [多选] 项目经理正在管理一个项目以实施一个新的客户关系管理(CRM)平台,在制定开发进度计划时,发起人提出,该系统必须具有可处理100万条客户记录的可扩展性。项目经理应在哪一个过程记录该标准?
The project manager is managing a project to implement a new customer relationship management (CRM) platform. When developing a development schedule, the initiator proposed that the system must be salable to handle 1 million customer records. In which process should the project manager document the standard?
A :管理质量 Management of quality
B :持续改进 Continuous improvement
C : 规划质量管理 Program quality management
D :控制质量 Control the quality
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
50、 [多选] 一个团队对如何解决正在建设中的产品的一个功能有不同的想法,虽然两天前开始冲刺,但他们仍然没有达成共识。项目经理应该怎么做?
A team has different ideas on how to solve a feature of a product under construction, and despite starting the sprint two days ago, they still don’t have a consensus. What should a project manager do?
A : 安排一次会议,让每个人都有机会表达他们对每个想法的看法,然后进行投票和决定。 Schedule a meeting where everyone has a chance to express their views on each idea, then vote and decide.
B :对每个想法的优点和缺点提出意见,并试图在一个促进会议上达成共识。 Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of each idea and try to reach consensus in a facilitation meeting.
C :要求作为关键利益相关者的产品负责人在不同的想法中做出选择。 Ask the Product Owner, who is a key stakeholder, to choose among different ideas.
D :向小组提出想法,请大家投票,然后选择最受欢迎的想法。 Submit an idea to the group, ask everyone to vote, and choose the most popular idea.
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:4.2 仆人式领导为团队赋权《敏捷实践指南》第33-37页 当团队成员对产品功能的想法不能达成共识时,项目经理应该以仆人式领导的思维帮助团队达成共识。项目经理成为仆人式领导时,工作重点就会从“管理协调”转向“促进合作”。促进者将帮助每个人各尽所能地思考和工作。促进者鼓励团队参与、理解,并对团队输出共同承担责任。促进者帮助团队创建可接受的解决方案。选项A既是鼓励团队成员尽所能地思考和互相交流,又鼓励团队自己做出决策,符合仆人式领导的原则。 选项B,仆人式领导应该鼓励团队自己做出决策,而非替团队决策; 选项C,团队内部的问题应该由项目经理和团队共同解决,而不是请相关方决策; 选项D,缺少了让团队进行交流互动的环节,不符合面对面交流的原则。
51、 [多选] 一家公司正在执行一个关键的转型项目。其中几个职能经理未被识别为相关方,因此,这些职能经理未被包含进项目开工会议。现在,该项目处于其执行阶段,这些职能经理正在表达对项目进展的担忧,并要求改变方向。项目经理应该做什么?
A company is executing a key transformation project. Several of these functional managers were not identified as interested parties and therefore were not included in the project initiation meeting. The project is now in its execution phase. These functional managers are expressing concerns about the progress of the project. And asked for a change of direction. What should a project manager do?
A :向这些职能经理发送电子邮件,解释说该项目已处于执行阶段 Send an email to these functional managers explaining that the item itself is in the execution stage
B :与这些职能经理分享项目管理计划 Share the project management plan with these functional managers
C : 与这些职能经理一起举行研讨会,讨论该项目 Conduct workshops with these functional managers. Discuss the project
D :要求这些职能经理提出变更请求以解决他们的顾虑 Ask these functional managers to make change requests to address their concerns
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
56、 [多选] 一家公司正在为处于不同国家的几家分支机构部署新的战略利益解决方案。安装该解决方案的团队中受过专门培训的资源有限,无法并行管理多个部署。第一个国家的部署项目抵迟,现在与下一个国家的部署同步进行。项目经理宣布,由于缺乏资源,所有国家的部署都将推迟。若要避免这种情况,项目经理事先应该做什么?
A company is deploying new strategic interest solutions for several branches in different countries. The team that installed the solution had the trained resources to manage multiple deployments in parallel. Deployment to the first country arrived late and is now paired with deployment to the next country. The project manager announced that deployments would be delayed in all countries due to lack of resources. To avoid this, what should the project manager do beforehand?
A :更密切地监控第一个国家部署的进度,并告知所有相关方 Monitor the progress of the first country deployment more closely and inform all interested parties
B :要求每个国家提供额外预算,以便为部署雇佣高级资源 Each country is required to provide an additional budget to hire high-level resources for deployment
C : 在团队中包含额外资源,让他们可以接受产品培训并能够部署产品 Include additional resources in the team so they can train for the product and be able to deploy the product
D :查看每个分支机构的需求优先级,并与他们一起制定新的部署进度计划 Review the requirements priorities of each branch and work with them to develop a new deployment schedule
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
59、 [多选] 你的项目进行到一半时,产品负责人离开了公司。新的产品负责人被分配到这个项目中,但他来自不同的业务部门。你与新产品负责人一起回顾产品待办事项列表时,他要求重新安排一些积压项目的优先级。你应该怎么做?
Halfway through your project, the product owner leaves the company. A new product owner is assigned to the project, but he is from a different business unit. When you review the product backlog with the new product owner, he asks to reprioritize some of the backlog items. What should you do?
A :将矛盾上报给敏捷教练或上级管理层。 Escalate conflicts to an agile coach or upper management.
B :告诉产品负责人,目前的排序是团队和前任产品负责人商定的。 Tell the Product Owner that the current ordering was agreed upon by the team and the previous Product Owner.
C :避免与产品负责人的对抗,要求团队与产品负责人协商一个可行的解决方案。 Avoid confrontation with the product owner and ask the team to negotiate a workable solution with the product owner.
D : 按照产品负责人的要求,重新安排项目的优先级。 Re-prioritize projects as requested by the Product Owner.
正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:《敏捷实践指南》P40-4.3.2 敏捷的角色;知识点:产品负责人;关键词:要求重新安排挤压工作项的优先级;安排工作项的优先级是产品负责人的职责,所以应该遵照产品负责人的意见重新排列优先级,D选项正确。 A,这个冲突并没有到上报的程度,B,之前的产品负责人确定的现任产品负责人可以进行修改,C,团队也没有对工作项优先级的权限。
61、 [多选] 营销团队正在过渡到使用混合方法进行项目。营销总监对混合方法不了解,而项目经理需要总监的支持,因为营销总监是一个关键相关方。项目经理应该做什么来获得支持?
The marketing team is transitioning to using hybrid approaches for their projects. The marketing director is not knowledgeable about hybrid methodologies, and the project manager needs the director’s support as the marketing director is a key stakeholder. What should the project manager do to obtain the support?
A : 向营销总监提供关于混合方法的指导。 Mentor the marketing director on hybrid approaches.
B :培训营销团队并让总监了解情况。 Train the marketing team and keep the director informed.
C :要求营销团队的成员对总监进行指导。 Ask the marketing team members to coach the director.
D :要求营销总监参加日常会议。 Ask the marketing director to participate in daily meetings.
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
解析:《敏捷实践指南》P37- 考虑这些仆人式领导的职责。在仆人式领导的职责里面其中有一点是教育相关方,使其了解为什么要敏捷以及如何敏捷。因此对于场景当中相关方不了解混合方法的情况,项目经理应该向营销总监提供关于混合方法的指导。选项B,题目只提到营销总监不了解,所以没有必要通过培训整个团队的方式来让总监了解;选项C,这是项目经理的责任;选项D,站会更多的是帮助营销总监了解项目的进度;
72、 [多选] 项目经理被指派负责一个为集装箱船建设船坞的项目,项目经理成功提前完成了规划阶段,制定了项目管理计划,并已征得客户和项目发起人批准。项目经理接下来该做什么?
The project manager was assigned a project to build a shipyard for container ships. The project manager successfully completed the planning phase ahead of schedule, developed a project management plan, and obtained approval from the client and the project sponsor. What should the project manager do next?
A : 安排与项目团队全体成员和关键相关方举行现场开工会议 Arrange kick-off meeting meetings with all project team members and key stakeholders
B :通过电子邮件将项目管理计划和项目发起人的批准文件发送给项目团队成员,让他们开始开展该项目 Email the project management plan and the project sponsor’s approval document to the project team members to get started on the project
C :安排与关键项目团队成员一对一谈话,鼓励他们全身心地投入到项目中去 Arrange one-on-one meetings with key project team members and encourage them to commit fully to the project
D :让发起人联系职能部门经理,告知他们项目已经获批,并让他们根据项目管理计划分配资源 Ask the sponsor to contact the functional manager to inform them that the project has been approved and to allocate resources according to the project management plan
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
82、 [多选] 一个处于执行阶段的项目落后于计划,缺少一些材料。由于内部采购过程会造成更多的延误,承包商提交了一份提供所缺材料并偿还费用的报价。项目经理不同意承包商提交的所缺材料的费用。项目经理接下来应该做什么?
A project in the execution stage is behind schedule and some materials are missing. As the internal procurement process would cause further delays, the contractor submitted an offer to provide the missing materials and reimburse the cost. The project manager disagrees with the cost of the missing materials submitted by the contractor. What should the project manager do next?
A :更新采购策略,与承包商进行谈判。 Update procurement strategy, negotiate with contractors.
B : 更新采购管理计划,并与承包商进行谈判。 Update procurement management plans and negotiate with contractors.
C :要求承包商审查报价并降低费用。 Ask the contractor to review the quote and reduce the cost.
D :要求项目发起人拨出更多的预算来支付费用。 Ask the project sponsor to set aside more of the budget to cover the cost.
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
86、 [多选] 一位项目经理一直在管理一个高度复杂的项目。该项目经理已经确保了所有要求的任务都已完成。在最近的一次外部审计中,项目经理被告知该项目因最新实施的模块而被征收重罚。项目经理应该做什么来确保最近的实施没有产生任何责任?
A project manager has been managing a highly complex project. The project manager has ensured that all required tasks have been completed. In a recent external audit, the project manager was informed that the project had been levied heavy fines for the newly implemented modules. What should the project manager do to ensure that no liability has arisen from the most recent implementation?
A : 确保根据组织程序收到所有需要的批准。 Ensure all required approvals are received in accordance with organizational procedures.
B :确保范围内确定的所有必要的任务都顺利完成。 Ensure that all necessary tasks identified within the scope are successfully completed
C :确保在测试期间发现的所有缺陷在实施前得到解决。 Make sure that all defects discovered during testing are resolved before implementation.
D :确保所有的文件在实施后完成,然后关闭项目。 Make sure all documentation is complete after implementation, then close the project.
正确答案:A 你的答案:C
96、 [多选] 在项目的规划阶段,公司进行组织结构变革,项目经理认为大多数相关方已经发生变化。项目经理应该使用哪种工具或技术来验证相关方是否已经发生变化?
During the planning phase of a project, the organization changes and the project manager believes that most of the stakeholders have changed. What tools or techniques should the project manager use to verify that the stakeholders have changed?
A : 问卷调查 Survey
B :决策矩阵 Decision matrix
C :鱼骨图 Fishbone diagram
D :思维导图 Mind mapping
正确答案:A 你的答案:B
97、 [多选] 在某项目中,一些相关方请求对初始工作范围做出几项变更。大家已就这些变更达成一般性共识,但对进度计划和预算的影响尚未得到适当分析和管理。分包商对于这些变更不知所措,当前采用的是总价合同。分包商采用哪种合同降低财务风险?
In a project, several stakeholders requested several changes to the initial scope of work. There is general consensus on these changes, but the impact on schedule plans and budgets had not been properly analyzed and managed. The subcontractor is at a loss as to these changes and is currently using a lump-sum contract. What kind of contract does the subcontractor use to reduce the financial risk?
A :固定总价合同(FFP) Fixed price Contract (FFP)
B :工料合同(T&M) Quantity Contract (T&M)
C : 成本加激励费用合同(CPIF) Cost plus Incentive Fee Contract (CPIF)
D :成本加奖励费用合同(CPAF) Cost plus Incentive Contract (CPAF)
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
110、 [多选] 在执行过程中,一个新的Scrum主管加入了敏捷Scrum之后的软件开发项目。他想知道项目的范围,以及到目前为止完成的工作。他首先应该做什么?
In the middle of execution, a new Scrum Master joins a software development project following Agile Scrum. He wants to know the scope of the project, and the work completed so far. What should he do first?
A :查看项目范围声明。 Review the Project Scope Statement.
B :查看燃尽图。 Review the Burndown chart.
C : 查看燃起图。 Review the Burnup chart.
D :安排与团队的会议,以了解项目范围和已完成的工作。 Schedule a meeting with team to understand the Project Scope and work completed.
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
124、 [多选] 你的组织中的一个敏捷团队收集了对一个特定项目迭代的所有需求。这些需求被转化为设计规格,随后开始进行开发工作。在验收测试过程中,团队意识到一些设计假设不成立,大部分功能需要返工。到底是哪里出了问题?
An agile team in your organization gathers all the requirements for a specific project iteration. These requirements are translated into design specifications, and development work begins. During the acceptance testing process, the team realized that some design assumptions did not hold and most of the functionality needed to be reworked. Where is the problem?
A :没有出错,敏捷团队欢迎返工。 Nothing went wrong and agile teams welcome rework.
B :团队没有把设计规格中的假设记录下来。 The team did not document the assumptions in the design specification.
C : 团队掉进了迷你瀑布的陷阱。 The team fell into the trap of the mini waterfall.
D :需求收集过程可能存在缺陷。 The requirements gathering process can be flawed.
正确答案:C 你的答案:D
解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P39 知识点:敏捷团队 关键词:所有需求,转化为设计规格,开发工作 可以看到题目中的场景更像一种瀑布的模式,团队在给定时间解决所有的需求,然后试图完成所有的设计,继而又去完成所有的构建,就会发生迷你瀑布的情况。使用这个场景,在构建中或构建后测试中的某一时刻,团队可能会意识到,原先的假设已经不再有效。这种情况下,团队解决所有的需求根本是在浪费时间。所以选项C正确。 A,敏捷拥抱变化,但返工是一种浪费。B,敏捷中假设需要不断的和客户验证来防止,单单记录下来并不能解决问题。D,题目没有提及,且项目是不断变化的,需求收集不可能完美。这也是敏捷存在的意义。
125、 [多选] 最近的燃油税增加直接影响了项目的成本,项目经理之前将该问题识别为风险并将其记录在风险登记册中。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
The recent fuel tax increase has directly affected the cost of the project. The project manager previously identified the problem as a risk and recorded it in the risk register. What should the project manager do next?
A :分析成本影响,并更新风险评估矩阵 Analyze the cost impact and update the risk assessment matrix
B : 应用减轻计划,并使用项目的应急资金 Apply the mitigation plan and use the project’s contingency funds
C :重新评估影响,并将结果传达给相关方 Reassess the impact and communicate the results to stakeholders
D :向发起人请求额外资金 Request additional funds from the initiator
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
129、 [多选] 项目经理正在制定一个新项目的成本管理计划,该计划基于已批准的项目章程信息。这是一个创新项目,并且该公司过去没有交付过类似的项目。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
The project manager is developing a cost management plan for the new project based on the approved project charter information. This is an innovative project, and the company has not delivered similar projects in the past. What should the project manager do next?
A :使用项目章程的可交付成果进行类比估算 Analogical estimation using the project Charter deliverables
B : 要求项目团队在公司以外寻找类似项目 Ask the project team to look for similar projects outside the company
C :制定工作分解结构(WBS)以进行自下而上的成本估算 Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for bottom-up cost estimation
D :制定具有应急储备的预算草案,以应对未知因素 Develop a draft budget with contingency reserves in case of unknown factors
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
135、 [多选] 项目发起人授权项目经理可在必要时增加任何资源。销售部门的一位员工被纳入相关方登记册。在执行期间,项目经理注意到,该销售人员数次未参会。当项目经理向该相关方询问其为何未参会时,该相关方说其职能经理为其安排了其他需要完成的任务。项目经理本应采取什么措施来防止这种情况发生?
The project sponsor authorizes the project manager to add any resources as necessary. An employee of the sales department is included in the relevant party register. During the execution, the project manager noted that the salesperson had failed to attend several times. When the project manager asks the relevant party why he/she is absent, the relevant party says that the functional manager has arranged other tasks for him/her that need to be completed. What should the project manager have done to prevent this from happening?
A :根据公司政策将项目目标告知所有相关方 Communicate project objectives to all interested parties in accordance with company policy
B : 将销售部门的职能经理纳入相关方参与计划 Include functional managers of the sales department in the stakeholder participation plan
C :确定适当的沟通渠道,以便与该职能经理和销售人员沟通 Identify appropriate communication channels to communicate with the functional manager and sales staff
D :将项目经理已获授权可为项目增派资源的情况告诉该销售人员的职能经理 Inform the functional manager of the sales person that the project manager has been authorized to add additional resources to the project
正确答案:B 你的答案:D
145、 [多选] 一个项目团队的一些成员对之前在Scrum环境下工作的新成员感到很沮丧。这个新成员不愿与项目组成员接触。项目经理应该怎么做?
Some members of a project team were frustrated with new members who had previously worked in a Scrum environment. The new member was reluctant to engage with project team members. What should a project manager do?
A :告诉项目团队的其他成员继续与新成员合作。 Tell the rest of the project team to continue working with the new member.
B :给项目团队发一封电子邮件,概述沟通策略。 Send an email to the project team outlining the communication strategy.
C :为项目团队安排一次会议,审查沟通管理计划。 Schedule a meeting for the project team to review the communications management plan.
D : 指导新的团队成员遵循团队章程。 Instruct new team members to follow the team charter
正确答案:D 你的答案:C
解析:知识点出处:5.1 项目章程和团队章程《敏捷实践指南》第50页 题目关键信息是团队新成员不愿与其他项目组成员接触,说明问题的原因主要在新成员身上,而非其他成员,因此项目经理应该指导新成员如何与其他团队成员一起工作,所以选项D指导新成员遵循团队章程的做法较为合适。 选项A、B、C均是让团队的其他成员一起解决问题,但题干中描述问题的原因主要是新成员不了解如何与团队其他成员一起工作,因此无需牵扯整个团队一同解决个人问题。
147、 [多选] 项目经理目前正在为一个强制性监管项目制定项目进度计划。项目经理正在接受来自不同相关方的意见,并发现他们中许多人估算的完工时间超出既定的结束日期。项目经理下一步应该做什么?
The project manager is currently developing a project schedule for a mandatory monitoring project. Project managers are receiving input from a wide range of stakeholders and finding that many of them have estimated completion times beyond the stated end date. What should the project manager do next?
A :通知发起人并请求修改结束日期以适应所提出的进度计划 Notify the originator and request modification of the end date to accommodate the proposed schedule
B :向相关方提醒项目制约因素并请求修改他们的意见 Remind stakeholders of project constraints and request modification of their comments
C : 确定一个可以保证项目在结束日期之前完成的新关键路径 Identify a new critical path that will ensure that the project is completed before the end date
D :对项目管理计划进行赶工,以减少对所提出的进度计划进行延期 Work on the project management plan to reduce the delay to the proposed schedule
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
149、 [多选] 相关方识别工作已完成,并且相关方位于许多不同国家,项目经理需要收集基于项目章程中确定的高层级需求所提出的详细需求。为了快速从这些相关方收集信息,应采用的最佳数据收集技术是哪一项?
The identification of related parties has been completed and the related parties are located in many different countries. The project manager needs to collect detailed requirements based on the high-level requirements identified in the project charter. In order to quickly collect information from these interested parties, which is the best data collection technique that should be used?
A :与各相关方召开单独的会议 Hold separate meetings with all interested parties
B :与相关方召开Web会议 Convene Web conferences with interested parties
C :焦点小组会议 Focus Group meetings
D : 调查 survey
正确答案:D 你的答案:B
154、 [多选] 作为项目经理,您正在管理一个项目,该项目有来自外部供应商的14个可交付成果。一个供应商一直在与合作伙伴谈判以获得更多融资,如果他们不同意,可能会导致供应商停止生产您的一个可交付成果?A有传言说供应商的工厂将因这个问题而关闭。您应该采取的最佳行动方案是什么?
As a project manager, you are managing a project that has 14 deliverables from external suppliers. A supplier has been negotiating with a partner for more financing, and if they don’t agree, it could cause the supplier to stop producing one of your deliverables? A rumor has it that the supplier’s factory will be closed due to this problem. What is the best course of action you should take?
A : 联系供应商并讨论这个问题 Contact the supplier and discuss the issue
B :开始联系其他供应商作为备用计划 Start contacting other suppliers as a backup plan
C :一找到供应商就更换供应商 Change suppliers as soon as they are found
D :启动为此供应商创建的风险应对计划 Initiate the risk response plan created for this supplier
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
157、 [多选] 预测性项目管理强调项目整合管理的重要性,希望项目经理能够掌控详细的产品规划,并将项目的不同环节相互融合。在敏捷项目中,谁主要负责整合管理?
Predictive project management emphasizes the importance of project integration management, hoping that project managers can control detailed product planning and integrate different aspects of the project. Who is primarily responsible for integration management in an agile project?
A :敏捷教练 Agile coach
B :服务型领导 Servant Leadership
C :产品负责人 Product Owner
D : 开发团队 development team
正确答案:D 你的答案:A
解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P40 知识点:跨职能团队成员 关键词:谁主要负责整合管理 敏捷团队的属性之一就是跨职能团队成员为完成任务,整合所有工作活动。所以选择D选项。 AB敏捷教练和服务型领导都对整合提供指导和支持,并不进行决定,C产品负责人主要职责在维护产品待办事项列表和代表客户验收。
158、 [多选] 项目经理将项目章程草案提交给运营经理,运营经理就该项目对团队的影响表达了顾虑,并将所顾虑之事上报给项目发起人。项目经理应更新哪个文件来定义与该投诉相关的活动?
The project manager submits the draft project charter to the operations manager, who expresses concerns about the project’s impact on the team and reports those concerns to the project sponsor. Which document should the project manager update to define the activities related to the complaint?
A :效益管理计划 Benefit Management plan
B :资源管理计划 Resource management plan
C : 相关方参与计划 Stakeholders participate in the plan
D :沟通管理计划 Communication management Plan
正确答案:C 你的答案:B
160、 [多选] 项目经理正在为一个首选客户执行一个公司内部项目,该项目的主要可交付成果工作由分包商执行。为满足客户需求,项目发起人不断要求对可交付成果的范围进行变更。若要预防对项目产生影响,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
The project manager is executing an internal company project for a preferred customer whose primary deliverables are performed by the subcontractor. In order to meet customer requirements, project sponsors constantly require changes to the scope of deliverables. To prevent impact on the project, what should the project manager do next?
A :向承包商提交变更,并更新项目计划 Submit changes to contractor and update project plan
B :向董事会升级上报这个问题 Raise the issue with the board
C :拒绝这些变更,因为数量过多 Reject these changes because they are too numerous
D : 与承包商磋商,以分析这些要求的影响 Consult with the contractor to analyze the impact of these requirements
正确答案:D 你的答案:A
167、 [多选] 某关键可交付成果要求具备特定的技能和知识组合,但项目组织中只有一位特定资源具备该技能和知识组合。此人已现疲劳的迹象,竭力按时完成任务。 在这种情况下,项目经理该做什么?
A particular set of skills and knowledge is required for a key deliverable, but only one particular resource in the project organization has that set of skills and knowledge. The man showed signs of fatigue and made every effort to finish the task on time. What should the project manager do in such a situation?
A :增加额外资源,以便按时完成任务 Add additional resources to meet deadlines
B : 评估为完成任务正在应用的方法、技术和工具 Evaluate the methods, techniques, and tools being applied to accomplish the task
C :修改项目管理计划,并调整进度计划,以便反映实际可完成的工作 Modify the project management plan and adjust the schedule to reflect what can actually be done
D :将该项目资源换下,但仍让其留在项目中,作为被分配到项目中的新资源的信息来源 Replace project resources, but leave them in the project, as a source of information for new resources that are assigned to the project
正确答案:B 你的答案:A
175、 [多选] 项目经理所效力公司的项目发起人是一名非常忙碌的高管,经常到世界各地出差,项目经理应如何就项目进展情况与该项目发起人沟通?
The project sponsor of the company where the project manager works is a very busy executive who travels frequently around the world. How should the project manager communicate with the project sponsor on the progress of the project?
A : 定期将项目最新进展情况通过电子邮件发给该项目发起人 Regularly E-mail the project sponsor the latest progress of the project
B :在该项目发起人提出请求后,随即向其发送项目最新进展情况邮件 After the initiator of the project requests, he/she will be sent an email with the latest progress of the project
C :在该项目发起人不出差时与其举行面对面的会议 Hold face-to-face meetings with the project sponsor when he is not on a business trip
D :安排与该项目发起人和项目团队成员举行视频点播会议 Arrange video-on-demand meetings with the project sponsor and project team members
正确答案:A 你的答案:D
177、 [多选] 项目经理正在管理一个在偏远的国际地点运营的项目。在项目的执行阶段,发生了一个全国性事件。项目经理担心项目可能会受到负面影响,并与项目集经理联系,项目集经理同意在项目受到负面影响的情况下提供资源以实施应急计划。项目经理应用了什么管理策略?
The project manager is managing a project that operates in a remote international location. During the implementation phase of the project, a national event occurred. The project manager is concerned that the project may be negatively impacted and contacts the project set Manager, who agrees to provide resources to implement the contingency plan in the event of a negative impact on the project. What management strategy did the project manager apply?
A : 升级上报 Upgrade to
B :转移 transfer
C :减轻 reduce
D :接受 accept
正确答案:A 你的答案:C

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