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网站实名认证流程,百度ocpc如何优化,网站建设专业英文,软件开发手册本文分析一下FunctionScan的源码,加深一下理解。以SELECT * FROM generate_series(2,4);为例进行分析。 postgrespostgres# SELECT * FROM generate_series(2,4);generate_series -----------------234 (3 rows)postgrespostgres# explain SELECT * FROM generate…

本文分析一下FunctionScan的源码,加深一下理解。以SELECT * FROM generate_series(2,4);为例进行分析。

postgres@postgres=# SELECT * FROM generate_series(2,4);generate_series 
(3 rows)postgres@postgres=# explain SELECT * FROM generate_series(2,4);QUERY PLAN                             
--------------------------------------------------------------------Function Scan on generate_series  (cost=0.00..0.03 rows=3 width=4)
(1 row)


--> pg_parse_query--> raw_parser--> base_yyparse
--> pg_analyze_and_rewrite


simple_select:SELECT opt_all_clause opt_target_listinto_clause from_clause where_clausegroup_clause having_clause window_clause{SelectStmt *n = makeNode(SelectStmt);n->targetList = $3;n->intoClause = $4;n->fromClause = $5;n->whereClause = $6;n->groupClause = ($7)->list;n->havingClause = $8;n->windowClause = $9;$$ = (Node *)n;}
from_clause:FROM from_list							{ $$ = $2; }| /*EMPTY*/								{ $$ = NIL; };from_list:table_ref								{ $$ = list_make1($1); }| from_list ',' table_ref				{ $$ = lappend($1, $3); };table_ref:	relation_expr opt_alias_clause{$1->alias = $2;$$ = (Node *) $1;}| func_table func_alias_clause{RangeFunction *n = (RangeFunction *) $1;n->alias = linitial($2);n->coldeflist = lsecond($2);$$ = (Node *) n;}
/** func_table represents a function invocation in a FROM list. It can be* a plain function call, like "foo(...)", or a ROWS FROM expression with* one or more function calls, "ROWS FROM (foo(...), bar(...))",* optionally with WITH ORDINALITY attached.* In the ROWS FROM syntax, a column definition list can be given for each* function, for example:*     ROWS FROM (foo() AS (foo_res_a text, foo_res_b text),*                bar() AS (bar_res_a text, bar_res_b text))* It's also possible to attach a column definition list to the RangeFunction* as a whole, but that's handled by the table_ref production.*/
func_table: func_expr_windowless opt_ordinality{RangeFunction *n = makeNode(RangeFunction);n->lateral = false;n->ordinality = $2;n->is_rowsfrom = false;n->functions = list_make1(list_make2($1, NIL));/* alias and coldeflist are set by table_ref production */$$ = (Node *) n;}| ROWS FROM '(' rowsfrom_list ')' opt_ordinality{RangeFunction *n = makeNode(RangeFunction);n->lateral = false;n->ordinality = $6;n->is_rowsfrom = true;n->functions = $4;/* alias and coldeflist are set by table_ref production */$$ = (Node *) n;};func_expr_windowless:func_application						{ $$ = $1; }| func_expr_common_subexpr				{ $$ = $1; };func_application: func_name '(' ')'{$$ = (Node *) makeFuncCall($1, NIL, @1);}| func_name '(' func_arg_list opt_sort_clause ')'{FuncCall *n = makeFuncCall($1, $3, @1);n->agg_order = $4;$$ = (Node *)n;}


// select语句的抽象语法树表示
typedef struct SelectStmt
{NodeTag		type;// 对应select *List	   *targetList;		/* the target list (of ResTarget) */  // *// 对应         from generate_series(2,4)List	   *fromClause;		/* the FROM clause */  // 保存RangeFunction节点// ...... } SelectStmt;// 范围表:函数类型范围表
/** RangeFunction - function call appearing in a FROM clause*/
typedef struct RangeFunction
{NodeTag		type;bool		lateral;		/* does it have LATERAL prefix? */bool		ordinality;		/* does it have WITH ORDINALITY suffix? */bool		is_rowsfrom;	/* is result of ROWS FROM() syntax? */List	   *functions;		/* per-function information, see above */Alias	   *alias;			/* table alias & optional column aliases */List	   *coldeflist;		/* list of ColumnDef nodes to describe result of function returning RECORD */
} RangeFunction;// 函数调用 ,函数名,参数列表
typedef struct FuncCall
{NodeTag		type;List	   *funcname;		/* qualified name of function */List	   *args;			/* the arguments (list of exprs) */List	   *agg_order;		/* ORDER BY (list of SortBy) */Node	   *agg_filter;		/* FILTER clause, if any */bool		agg_within_group;	/* ORDER BY appeared in WITHIN GROUP */bool		agg_star;		/* argument was really '*' */bool		agg_distinct;	/* arguments were labeled DISTINCT */bool		func_variadic;	/* last argument was labeled VARIADIC */struct WindowDef *over;		/* OVER clause, if any */int			location;		/* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} FuncCall;


--> pg_analyze--> transformStmt--> transformSelectStmt--> transformFromClause  // 处理Function范围表--> transformFromClauseItem--> transformRangeFunction--> transformExpr--> transformFuncCall--> ParseFuncOrColumn // 构造FuncExpr--> addRangeTableEntryForFunction--> get_expr_result_type--> internal_get_result_type--> build_function_result_tupdesc_t--> get_type_func_class--> buildRelationAliases--> buildNSItemFromTupleDesc--> transformTargetList
--> pg_rewrite_query


/* FuncExpr - expression node for a function call*/
typedef struct FuncExpr
{Expr		xpr;Oid			funcid;			/* PG_PROC OID of the function */Oid			funcresulttype; /* PG_TYPE OID of result value */bool		funcretset;		/* true if function returns set */bool		funcvariadic;	/* true if variadic arguments have been* combined into an array last argument */CoercionForm funcformat;	/* how to display this function call */Oid			funccollid;		/* OID of collation of result */Oid			inputcollid;	/* OID of collation that function should use */List	   *args;			/* arguments to the function */int			location;		/* token location, or -1 if unknown */
} FuncExpr;/** RangeTblFunction -*	  RangeTblEntry subsidiary data for one function in a FUNCTION RTE.*/
typedef struct RangeTblFunction
{NodeTag		type;Node	   *funcexpr;		/* expression tree for func call */int			funccolcount;	/* number of columns it contributes to RTE *//* These fields record the contents of a column definition list, if any: */List	   *funccolnames;	/* column names (list of String) */List	   *funccoltypes;	/* OID list of column type OIDs */List	   *funccoltypmods; /* integer list of column typmods */List	   *funccolcollations;	/* OID list of column collation OIDs *//* This is set during planning for use by the executor: */Bitmapset  *funcparams;		/* PARAM_EXEC Param IDs affecting this func */
} RangeTblFunction;



--> pg_plan_query--> planner--> standard_planner   调用标准优化器
--> subquery_planner--> preprocess_function_rtes--> pull_up_subqueries  // 上拉子查询--> grouping_planner--> query_planner--> setup_simple_rel_arrays--> add_base_rels_to_query  // 构造RelOptInfo--> build_simple_rel--> make_one_rel--> set_base_rel_sizes--> set_rel_size--> set_function_size_estimates--> set_baserel_size_estimates--> set_base_rel_pathlists--> set_rel_pathlist--> set_function_pathlist--> create_functionscan_path  // 生成FunctionScanPath--> make_rel_from_joinlist--> apply_scanjoin_target_to_paths
--> create_plan--> create_scan_plan--> create_functionscan_plan--> make_functionscan


FunctionScan *create_functionscan_plan(PlannerInfo *root, Path *best_path, List *tlist, List *scan_clauses)
{FunctionScan *scan_plan;Index		scan_relid = best_path->parent->relid;RangeTblEntry *rte;List	   *functions;rte = planner_rt_fetch(scan_relid, root);functions = rte->functions;   // 函数表达式 /* Sort clauses into best execution order */scan_clauses = order_qual_clauses(root, scan_clauses);/* Reduce RestrictInfo list to bare expressions; ignore pseudoconstants */scan_clauses = extract_actual_clauses(scan_clauses, false);/* Replace any outer-relation variables with nestloop params */if (best_path->param_info){scan_clauses = (List *)replace_nestloop_params(root, (Node *) scan_clauses);/* The function expressions could contain nestloop params, too */functions = (List *) replace_nestloop_params(root, (Node *) functions);}scan_plan = make_functionscan(tlist, scan_clauses, scan_relid, functions, rte->funcordinality);copy_generic_path_info(&scan_plan->scan.plan, best_path);return scan_plan;


--> ExecutorStart--> InitPlan--> ExecInitFunctionScan--> ExecInitTableFunctionResult--> get_expr_result_type--> ExecInitScanTupleSlot--> ExecInitResultTypeTL--> ExecTypeFromTL--> ExecAssignScanProjectionInfo
--> ExecutorRun--> ExecutePlan--> ExecFunctionScan--> ExecScan--> ExecScanFetch--> FunctionNext   // 首先获取函数的结果集保存起来--> ExecMakeTableFunctionResult--> FunctionCallInvoke--> generate_series_int4--> generate_series_step_int4--> tuplestore_gettupleslot  // 第一次执行获得结果集后,每次从tuplestore中取出


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*		ExecFunctionScan(node)**		Scans the function sequentially and returns the next qualifying*		tuple.*		We call the ExecScan() routine and pass it the appropriate*		access method functions.* ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
TupleTableSlot *ExecFunctionScan(PlanState *pstate)
{FunctionScanState *node = castNode(FunctionScanState, pstate);return ExecScan(&node->ss,(ExecScanAccessMtd) FunctionNext,(ExecScanRecheckMtd) FunctionRecheck);
}TupleTableSlot *
ExecScan(ScanState *node,ExecScanAccessMtd accessMtd,	/* function returning a tuple */ExecScanRecheckMtd recheckMtd)
{ExprContext *econtext;ExprState  *qual;ProjectionInfo *projInfo;/* Fetch data from node */qual = node->ps.qual;projInfo = node->ps.ps_ProjInfo;econtext = node->ps.ps_ExprContext;/* interrupt checks are in ExecScanFetch *//* If we have neither a qual to check nor a projection to do, just skip* all the overhead and return the raw scan tuple.*/if (!qual && !projInfo){ResetExprContext(econtext);return ExecScanFetch(node, accessMtd, recheckMtd);}/* Reset per-tuple memory context to free any expression evaluation* storage allocated in the previous tuple cycle.*/ResetExprContext(econtext);/* get a tuple from the access method.  Loop until we obtain a tuple that* passes the qualification.*/for (;;){TupleTableSlot *slot;slot = ExecScanFetch(node, accessMtd, recheckMtd);// ......}
}/** ExecScanFetch -- check interrupts & fetch next potential tuple** This routine is concerned with substituting a test tuple if we are* inside an EvalPlanQual recheck.  If we aren't, just execute* the access method's next-tuple routine. */
TupleTableSlot *
ExecScanFetch(ScanState *node,ExecScanAccessMtd accessMtd,ExecScanRecheckMtd recheckMtd)
{EState	   *estate = node->ps.state;CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS();if (estate->es_epq_active != NULL){// ......}/* Run the node-type-specific access method function to get the next tuple */return (*accessMtd) (node);
}/* ----------------------------------------------------------------*		FunctionNext**		This is a workhorse for ExecFunctionScan* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
TupleTableSlot *FunctionNext(FunctionScanState *node)
{EState	   *estate;ScanDirection direction;TupleTableSlot *scanslot;bool		alldone;int64		oldpos;int			funcno;int			att;/* get information from the estate and scan state */estate = node->ss.ps.state;direction = estate->es_direction;scanslot = node->ss.ss_ScanTupleSlot;if (node->simple){/* Fast path for the trivial case: the function return type and scan* result type are the same, so we fetch the function result straight* into the scan result slot. No need to update ordinality or rowcounts either. */Tuplestorestate *tstore = node->funcstates[0].tstore;/** If first time through, read all tuples from function and put them* in a tuplestore. Subsequent calls just fetch tuples from* tuplestore.*/if (tstore == NULL){node->funcstates[0].tstore = tstore =ExecMakeTableFunctionResult(node->funcstates[0].setexpr,node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext,node->argcontext,node->funcstates[0].tupdesc,node->eflags & EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD);/** paranoia - cope if the function, which may have constructed the* tuplestore itself, didn't leave it pointing at the start. This* call is fast, so the overhead shouldn't be an issue.*/tuplestore_rescan(tstore);}/* Get the next tuple from tuplestore. */(void) tuplestore_gettupleslot(tstore,ScanDirectionIsForward(direction),false,scanslot);return scanslot;}/** Increment or decrement ordinal counter before checking for end-of-data,* so that we can move off either end of the result by 1 (and no more than* 1) without losing correct count.  See PortalRunSelect for why we can* assume that we won't be called repeatedly in the end-of-data state.*/oldpos = node->ordinal;if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction))node->ordinal++;elsenode->ordinal--;/** Main loop over functions.** We fetch the function results into func_slots (which match the function* return types), and then copy the values to scanslot (which matches the* scan result type), setting the ordinal column (if any) as well.*/ExecClearTuple(scanslot);att = 0;alldone = true;for (funcno = 0; funcno < node->nfuncs; funcno++){FunctionScanPerFuncState *fs = &node->funcstates[funcno];int			i;/** If first time through, read all tuples from function and put them* in a tuplestore. Subsequent calls just fetch tuples from* tuplestore.*/if (fs->tstore == NULL){fs->tstore =ExecMakeTableFunctionResult(fs->setexpr,node->ss.ps.ps_ExprContext,node->argcontext,fs->tupdesc,node->eflags & EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD);/** paranoia - cope if the function, which may have constructed the* tuplestore itself, didn't leave it pointing at the start. This* call is fast, so the overhead shouldn't be an issue.*/tuplestore_rescan(fs->tstore);}/** Get the next tuple from tuplestore.** If we have a rowcount for the function, and we know the previous* read position was out of bounds, don't try the read. This allows* backward scan to work when there are mixed row counts present.*/if (fs->rowcount != -1 && fs->rowcount < oldpos)ExecClearTuple(fs->func_slot);else(void) tuplestore_gettupleslot(fs->tstore,ScanDirectionIsForward(direction),false,fs->func_slot);if (TupIsNull(fs->func_slot)){/** If we ran out of data for this function in the forward* direction then we now know how many rows it returned. We need* to know this in order to handle backwards scans. The row count* we store is actually 1+ the actual number, because we have to* position the tuplestore 1 off its end sometimes.*/if (ScanDirectionIsForward(direction) && fs->rowcount == -1)fs->rowcount = node->ordinal;/** populate the result cols with nulls*/for (i = 0; i < fs->colcount; i++){scanslot->tts_values[att] = (Datum) 0;scanslot->tts_isnull[att] = true;att++;}}else{/** we have a result, so just copy it to the result cols.*/slot_getallattrs(fs->func_slot);for (i = 0; i < fs->colcount; i++){scanslot->tts_values[att] = fs->func_slot->tts_values[i];scanslot->tts_isnull[att] = fs->func_slot->tts_isnull[i];att++;}/** We're not done until every function result is exhausted; we pad* the shorter results with nulls until then.*/alldone = false;}}/** ordinal col is always last, per spec.*/if (node->ordinality){scanslot->tts_values[att] = Int64GetDatumFast(node->ordinal);scanslot->tts_isnull[att] = false;}/** If alldone, we just return the previously-cleared scanslot.  Otherwise,* finish creating the virtual tuple.*/if (!alldone)ExecStoreVirtualTuple(scanslot);return scanslot;


PostgreSQL源码分析 —— FunctionScan

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提起PPT&#xff0c;大家的第一反应就是痛苦。经常接触PPT的学生党和打工人&#xff0c;光看到这3个字母&#xff0c;就已经开始头痛了&#xff1a; 1、PPT内容框架与文案挑战重重&#xff0c;任务艰巨&#xff0c;耗费大量精力。 2、PPT的排版技能要求高&#xff0c;并非易事…...


什么是杨辉三角形 本文旨在讨论普通杨辉三角形的两种实现方式&#xff1a;迭代法和递归法。我们不详细讲解杨辉三角形的数学问题&#xff0c;只研究其代码实现。 杨辉三角形大致如下图&#xff1a; 杨辉三角形的规律 通过对杨辉三角形的图形分析&#xff0c;我们可以看到这几点…...


&#x1f680;时空传送门 &#x1f50d;机器学习在AIGC中的核心技术&#x1f4d5;深度学习&#x1f388;生成对抗网络&#xff08;GANs&#xff09; &#x1f680;机器学习在AIGC中的具体应用&#x1f340;图像生成与编辑⭐文本生成与对话系统&#x1f320;音频生成与语音合成 …...

Python - 一个恶意脚本

Python - 恶意脚本 使用此脚本或修改前请注意以下几点&#xff1a; 系统资源&#xff1a;大量模拟键盘和鼠标事件可能会占用大量系统资源&#xff0c;会导致其他应用程序运行缓慢或崩溃。 隐私和安全&#xff1a;如果此脚本在未经用户同意的情况下运行&#xff0c;它可能侵犯…...