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package com.icool.command;import java.io.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.pdfbox.Loader;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PageMode;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.destination.PDPageDestination;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.destination.PDPageFitWidthDestination;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDDocumentOutline;
import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.documentnavigation.outline.PDOutlineItem;import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters;
import com.google.auto.service.AutoService;
import com.icool.core.Command;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;import static com.icool.command.CLI.MODIFY_CMD;/*** @Author: 西山口小老头* @Date: 2023/8/4 21:17*/class Bookmark {int pageNo;String title;public Bookmark(int pageNo, String title){this.pageNo = pageNo;this.title = title;}
@Parameters(commandNames = {MODIFY_CMD},commandDescription = "fetch some articles from website."
public class ModifyCommand implements Command{@Parameter(names = { "--pdfFile", "-i" })public String pdfFile;@Parameter(names = { "--output", "-o" })public String outputFile;@Parameter(names = { "--toc", "-t" })public String toc;public List<Bookmark> bookmarks;public ModifyCommand() {bookmarks = new ArrayList<>();}public void loadTOC() {try {BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(toc)));String line = null;int offset = 0;int pageNo = 0;String title = null;while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {line = line.trim();log.debug(line);if (line.length() == 0) continue;String pattern = "";String[] fields = line.split(" ");String lastField = fields[fields.length - 1];if (line.startsWith("OFFSET")) {offset = Integer.parseInt(line.split(" ")[1]);} else {// 有的页码号在第一位,有的在最后一位if (StringUtils.isNumeric(lastField)) {pageNo = offset + Integer.parseInt(lastField);//title = line.substring(0, line.lastIndexOf(" ")).trim() + "............" + lastField;title = line.substring(0, line.lastIndexOf(" ")).trim();} else {pageNo = offset + Integer.parseInt(fields[0]);title = line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1).trim();}bookmarks.add(new Bookmark(pageNo, title));}}} catch (Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();}}@Overridepublic void execute() throws CommandException {loadTOC();try(PDDocument document = Loader.loadPDF(new File(pdfFile))) {PDDocumentOutline documentOutline = document.getDocumentCatalog().getDocumentOutline();if (documentOutline == null) {documentOutline = new PDDocumentOutline();document.getDocumentCatalog().setDocumentOutline(documentOutline);}for (Bookmark bookmark: bookmarks) {PDPageDestination pageDestination = new PDPageFitWidthDestination();pageDestination.setPage(document.getPage(bookmark.pageNo));PDOutlineItem bm = new PDOutlineItem();bm.setDestination(pageDestination);bm.setTitle(bookmark.title);documentOutline.addLast(bm);}documentOutline.openNode();document.getDocumentCatalog().setPageMode(PageMode.USE_OUTLINES);document.save(new File(outputFile));}catch (IOException ex) {ex.printStackTrace();}}


Preface to second edition 1
Preface to first edition 3
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Partial differential equations 1
1.2. Examples 3
1.2.1. Single partial differential equations 3
1.2.2. Systems of partial differential equations 6 
1.3. Strategies for studying PDE 6
1.3.1. Well-posed problems, classical solutions 7
1.3.2. Weak solutions and regularity 7
1.3.3. Typical difficulties 9 
1.4. Overview 9 
1.5. Problems 12 
2. Four Important Linear PDE 17
2.1. Transport equation 18
2.1.1. Initial-value problem 18
2.1.2. Nonhomogeneous problem 19 
2.2. Laplace's equation 20
2.2.1. Fundamental solution 21 
2.2.2. Mean-value formulas 25
2.2.3. Properties of harmonic functions 26 
2.2.4. Green's function 33
2.2.5. Energy methods 41 
2.3. Heat equation 44
2.3.1. Fundamental solution 45 
2.3.2. Mean-value formula 51 
2.3.3. Properties of solutions 55 
2.3.4. Energy methods 62
2.4. Wave equation 65 
2.4.1. Solution by spherical means 67 
2.4.2. Nonhomogeneous problem 80 
2.4.3. Energy methods 82
2.5. Problems 84
2.6. References 90 
3. Nonlinear First-Order PDE 91
3.1. Complete integrals, envelopes 92 
3.1.1. Complete integrals 92 
3.1.2. New solutions from envelopes 94
3.2. Characteristics 96
3.2.1. Derivation of characteristic ODE 96
3.2.2. Examples 99
3.2.3. Boundary conditions 102 
3.2.4. Local solution 105
3.2.5. Applications 109 
3.3. Introduction to Hamilton-Jacobi equations 114 
3.3.1. Calculus of variations, Hamilton's ODE 115 
3.3.2. Legendre transform, Hopf-Lax formula 120
3.3.3. Weak solutions, uniqueness 128 
3.4. Introduction to conservation laws 135
3.4.1. Shocks, entropy condition 136 
3.4.2. Lax-Oleinik formula 143
3.4.3. Weak solutions, uniqueness 148
3.4.4. Riemann's problem 153
3.4.5. Long time behavior 156 
3.5. Problems 161
3.6. References 165
4. Other Ways to Represent Solutions 167 
4.1. Separation of variables 167
4.1.1. Examples 168
4.1.2. Application: Turing instability 172 
4.2. Similarity solutions 176
4.2.1. Plane and traveling waves, solitons 176
4.2.2. Similarity under scaling 185 
4.3. Transform methods 187
4.3.1. Fourier transform 187 
4.3.2. Radon transform 196 
4.3.3. Laplace transform 203
4.4. Converting nonlinear into linear PDE 206 
4.4.1. Cole-Hopf transformation 206 
4.4.2. Potential functions 208
4.4.3. Hodograph and Legendre transforms 209 
4.5. Asymptotics 211
4.5.1. Singular perturbations 211 
4.5.2. Laplace's method 216 
4.5.3. Geometric optics, stationary phase 218
4.5.4. Homogenization 229 
4.6. Power series 232
4.6.1. Noncharacteristic surfaces 232
4.6.2. Real analytic functions 237
4.6.3. Cauchy-Kovalevskaya Theorem 239 
4.7. Problems 244
4.8. References 249
5. Sobolev Spaces 253 
5.1. Holder spaces 254
5.2. Sobolev spaces 255 
5.2.1. Weak derivatives 255
5.2.2. Definition of Sobolev spaces 258
5.2.3. Elementary properties 261 
5.3. Approximation 264
5.3.1. Interior approximation by smooth functions . . . 264
5.3.2. Approximation by smooth functions 265
5.3.3. Global approximation by smooth functions .... 266 
5.4. Extensions 268 
5.5. Traces 271 
5.6. Sobolev inequalities 275
5.6.1. Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality 276 
5.6.2. Morrey's inequality 280 
5.6.3. General Sobolev inequalities 284
5.7. Compactness 286 
5.8. Additional topics 289
5.8.1. Poincare's inequalities 289
5.8.2. Difference quotients 291
5.8.3. Differentiability a.e 295
5.8.4. Hardy's inequality 296 
5.8.5. Fourier transform methods 297
5.9. Other spaces of functions 299
5.9.1. The space Я"1 299
5.9.2. Spaces involving time 301 
5.10. Problems 305
5.11. References 309
6. Second-Order Elliptic Equations 311 
6.1. Definitions 311
6.1.1. Elliptic equations 311
6.1.2. Weak solutions 313 
6.2. Existence of weak solutions 315 
6.2.1. Lax-Milgram Theorem 315
6.2.2. Energy estimates 317 
6.2.3. Fredholm alternative 320
6.3. Regularity 326 
6.3.1. Interior regularity 327 
6.3.2. Boundary regularity 334
6.4. Maximum principles 344 
6.4.1. Weak maximum principle 344 
6.4.2. Strong maximum principle 347 
6.4.3. Harnack's inequality 351
6.5. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions 354 
6.5.1. Eigenvalues of symmetric elliptic operators  354 
6.5.2. Eigenvalues of nonsymmetric elliptic operators  360
6.6. Problems 365
6.7. References 370 
7. Linear Evolution Equations 371 
7.1. Second-order parabolic equations 371
7.1.1. Definitions 372
7.1.2. Existence of weak solutions 375
7.1.3. Regularity 380
7.1.4. Maximum principles 389
7.2. Second-order hyperbolic equations 398 
7.2.1. Definitions 398
7.2.2. Existence of weak solutions 401 
7.2.3. Regularity 408 
7.2.4. Propagation of disturbances 414 
7.2.5. Equations in two variables 418
7.3. Hyperbolic systems of first-order equations 421 
7.3.1. Definitions 421
7.3.2. Symmetric hyperbolic systems 423
7.3.3. Systems with constant coefficients 429 
7.4. Semigroup theory 433
7.4.1. Definitions, elementary properties 434 
7.4.2. Generating contraction semigroups 439 
7.4.3. Applications 441
7.5. Problems 446 
8. The Calculus of Variations 453 
8.1. Introduction 453 
8.1.1. Basic ideas 453
8.1.2. First variation, Euler-Lagrange equation 454 
8.1.3. Second variation 458
8.1.4. Systems 459 
8.2. Existence of minimizers 465
8.2.1. Coercivity, lower semicontinuity 465 
8.2.2. Convexity 467 
8.2.3. Weak solutions of Euler-Lagrange equation . . . 472 
8.2.4. Systems 475 
8.2.5. Local minimizers 480
8.3. Regularity 482 
8.3.1. Second derivative estimates 483
8.3.2. Remarks on higher regularity 486 
8.4. Constraints 488
8.4.1. Nonlinear eigenvalue problems 488 
8.4.2. Unilateral constraints, variational inequalities . 492 
8.4.3. Harmonic maps 495 
8.4.4. Incompressibility 497
8.5. Critical points 501 
8.5.1. Mountain Pass Theorem 501
8.5.2. Application to semilinear elliptic PDE 507
8.6. Invariance, Noether's Theorem 511
8.6.1. Invariant variational problems 512 
8.6.2. Noether's Theorem 513
8.7. Problems 520
8.8. References 525 9. Nonvariational Techniques 527 
9.1. Monotonicity methods 527
9.2. Fixed point methods 533 
9.2.1. Banach's Fixed Point Theorem 534
9.2.2. Schauder's, Schaefer's Fixed Point Theorems . . 538 
9.3. Method of subsolutions and supersolutions 543 
9.4. Nonexistence of solutions 547
9.4.1. Blow-up 547
9.4.2. Derrick-Pohozaev identity 551 
9.5. Geometric properties of solutions 554 
9.5.1. Star-shaped level sets 554
9.5.2. Radial symmetry 555 
9.6. Gradient flows 560
9.6.1. Convex functions on Hilbert spaces 560 
9.6.2. Subdifferentials and nonlinear semigroups .... 565 
9.6.3. Applications 571
9.7. Problems 573
9.8. References 577OFFSET 10
10. Hamilton—Jacobi Equations 579
10.1. Introduction, viscosity solutions 579 
10.1.1. Definitions 581
10.1.2. Consistency 583 
10.2. Uniqueness 586 
10.3. Control theory, dynamic programming 590
10.3.1. Introduction to optimal control theory 591 
10.3.2. Dynamic programming 592 
10.3.3. Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation 594 
10.3.4. Hopf-Lax formula revisited 600
10.4. Problems 603
10.5. References 606OFFSET 9
11. Systems of Conservation Laws 609 
11.1. Introduction 609
11.1.1. Integral solutions 612
11.1.2. Traveling waves, hyperbolic systems 615 
11.2. Riemann's problem 621 
11.2.1. Simple waves 621 
11.2.2. Rarefaction waves 624
11.2.3. Shock waves, contact discontinuities 625
11.2.4. Local solution of Riemann's problem 632
11.3. Systems of two conservation laws 635 
11.3.1. Riemann invariants 635 
11.3.2. Nonexistence of smooth solutions 639
11.4. Entropy criteria 641 
11.4.1. Vanishing viscosity, traveling waves 642 
11.4.2. Entropy/entropy-flux pairs 646
11.4.3. Uniqueness for scalar conservation laws 649 
11.5. Problems 654 
11.6. References 657OFFSET 8
12. Nonlinear Wave Equations 659 
12.1. Introduction 659
12.1.1. Conservation of energy 660
12.1.2. Finite propagation speed 660 
12.2. Existence of solutions 663
12.2.1. Lipschitz nonlinearities 663 
12.2.2. Short time existence 666
12.3. Semilinear wave equations 670 
12.3.1. Sign conditions 670 
12.3.2. Three space dimensions 674 
12.3.3. Subcritical power nonlinearities 676
12.4. Critical power nonlinearity 679 
12.5. Nonexistence of solutions 686
12.5.1. Nonexistence for negative energy 687 
12.5.2. Nonexistence for small initial data 689
12.6. Problems 691 
12.7. References 696OFFSET 8
Appendix A: Notation 697 
A.l. Notation for matrices 697
A.2. Geometric notation 698 
A.3. Notation for functions 699 
A.4. Vector-valued functions 703 
A.5. Notation for estimates 703
A.6. Some comments about notation 704Appendix B: Inequalities 705 
B.l. Convex functions 705
B.2. Useful inequalities 706Appendix C: Calculus 710 
C.l. Boundaries 710
C.2. Gauss-Green Theorem 711 
C.3. Polar coordinates, coarea formula 712 
C.4. Moving regions 713 
C.5. Convolution and smoothing 713 
C.6. Inverse Function Theorem 716 
C.7. Implicit Function Theorem 717 
C.8. Uniform convergence 718Appendix D: Functional Analysis 719 
D.l. Banach spaces 719 
D.2. Hilbert spaces 720 
D.3. Bounded linear operators 721 
D.4. Weak convergence 723 
D.5. Compact operators, Fredholm theory 724 
D.6. Symmetric operators 728Appendix E: Measure Theory 729 
E.l. Lebesgue measure 729 
E.2. Measurable functions and integration 730 
E.3. Convergence theorems for integrals 731 
E.4. Differentiation 732
E.5. Banach space-valued functions 733




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Luma AI如何注册:文生视频领域的新星

文章目录 Luma AI如何注册&#xff1a;文生视频领域的新星一、Luma 注册方式二、Luma 的效果三、Luma 的优势四、Luma 的功能总结 Luma AI如何注册&#xff1a;文生视频领域的新星 近年来&#xff0c;Luma AI 凭借其在文生视频领域的创新技术&#xff0c;逐渐成为行业的新星。…...


讲师&#xff1a;阿里云Hologres PD丁烨 一、产品定位 随着技术的进步&#xff0c;大数据正从规模化转向实时化处理。用户对传统的T1分析已不满足&#xff0c;期望获得更高时效性的计算和分析能力。例如实时大屏&#xff0c;城市大脑的交通监控、风控和实时的个性化推荐&…...

如何在 Windows 上安装 Docker Desktop

如何在 Windows 上安装 Docker Desktop Docker 是一个开放平台&#xff0c;用于开发、部署和运行应用程序。Docker Desktop 是 Docker 在 Windows 和 macOS 上的官方客户端&#xff0c;它使得开发者能够轻松地在本地环境中构建、运行和共享容器化应用程序。本文将详细介绍如何…...


在做项目过程中&#xff0c;需要扫码枪扫描快递单号或者手动输入快递单号时&#xff0c;自动检索该单号是哪个快递公司的&#xff0c;下拉框中自动带出该单号的快递公司。当输入的快递单号不存在时&#xff0c;将数据库中所有快递公司都带出 效果&#xff1a; 通过输入的快递单…...


2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> 配置Nginx服务器端认证配置Nginx客户端认证配置wordpress后台使用证书免密码登录配置Nginx服务器端认证 首先申请一个证书&#xff08;不要玩自签的证书了&#xff0c;不解释&#xff09;&#xff0c;startcom或者wosign…...


64位系统是能安装32位的应用软件和程序的&#xff0c;出现问题&#xff0c;最大可能是没有安装 32位的依赖库&#xff0c;或者是安装的32位依赖库不对。 linux一般都是在/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/路径下有相关的文件 该目录下multiarch文件就记录foreign-architecture 注意&…...


隨着Windows Mobile的没落&#xff0c;WINCE市场也很快萎缩&#xff0c;使得我这样的老牌WINCE程序员也日暮西山&#xff0c;几近无处解决一日三餐。好在天无绝人之路&#xff0c;终于有机会做Win8 Metro界面的开发。现将开过过程中遇到的问题、体会心得一并记录&#xff0c;以…...


文章内容&#xff1a; 以前调试经常是用alert语句输出这个变量的值。 有了谷歌游览器&#xff0c;就可以这样做&#xff1a; 利用终端打印变量。 consloe 也可以在代码中加入&#xff1a;consloe.log(var) 在代码上添加 debugger来设置断点。 其他有助于js开发的用法&#xff1…...


package test1; /*** 该例子演示生产者和消费者的问题&#xff08;设只有一个缓存空间、一个消费者和一个生产者&#xff09;* MySystem类定义了缓冲区个数以及信号量* author HYY*/ public class MySystem {// 缓存区的个数private int count 0;// s1 s2为信号量private MyIn…...


1. 引言 之前介绍的MCMC算法都具有一般性和通用性&#xff08;这里指Metropolis-Hasting 算法&#xff09;&#xff0c;但也存在一些特殊的依赖于仿真分布特征的MCMC方法。在介绍这一类算法&#xff08;指Gibbs sampling&#xff09;之前&#xff0c;本节将介绍一种特殊的MCMC算…...