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git-shortlog - Summarize 'git log' output


git shortlog [<options>] [<revision-range>] [[--] <path>…​]
git log --pretty=short | git shortlog [<options>]


Summarizes git log output in a format suitable for inclusion in release announcements. Each commit will be grouped by author and title.

Additionally, "[PATCH]" will be stripped from the commit description.

If no revisions are passed on the command line and either standard input is not a terminal or there is no current branch, git shortlog will output a summary of the log read from standard input, without reference to the current repository.




Sort output according to the number of commits per author instead of author alphabetic order.



Suppress commit description and provide a commit count summary only.



Show the email address of each author.


Instead of the commit subject, use some other information to describe each commit. <format> can be any string accepted by the --format option of git log, such as * [%h] %s. (See the "PRETTY FORMATS" section of git-log(1).)

Each pretty-printed commit will be rewrapped before it is shown.


Show dates formatted according to the given date string. (See the --date option in the "Commit Formatting" section of git-log(1)). Useful with --group=format:<format>.


Group commits based on <type>. If no --group option is specified, the default is author<type> is one of:

  • author, commits are grouped by author

  • committer, commits are grouped by committer (the same as -c)

  • trailer:<field>, the <field> is interpreted as a case-insensitive commit message trailer (see git-interpret-trailers(1)). For example, if your project uses Reviewed-by trailers, you might want to see who has been reviewing with git shortlog -ns --group=trailer:reviewed-by.

  • format:<format>, any string accepted by the --format option of git log. (See the "PRETTY FORMATS" section of git-log(1).)

    Note that commits that do not include the trailer will not be counted. Likewise, commits with multiple trailers (e.g., multiple signoffs) may be counted more than once (but only once per unique trailer value in that commit).

    Shortlog will attempt to parse each trailer value as a name <email> identity. If successful, the mailmap is applied and the email is omitted unless the --email option is specified. If the value cannot be parsed as an identity, it will be taken literally and completely.

If --group is specified multiple times, commits are counted under each value (but again, only once per unique value in that commit). For example, git shortlog --group=author --group=trailer:co-authored-by counts both authors and co-authors.



This is an alias for --group=committer.


Linewrap the output by wrapping each line at width. The first line of each entry is indented by indent1 spaces, and the second and subsequent lines are indented by indent2 spaces. widthindent1, and indent2 default to 76, 6 and 9 respectively.

If width is 0 (zero) then indent the lines of the output without wrapping them.


Show only commits in the specified revision range. When no <revision-range> is specified, it defaults to HEAD (i.e. the whole history leading to the current commit). origin..HEAD specifies all the commits reachable from the current commit (i.e. HEAD), but not from origin. For a complete list of ways to spell <revision-range>, see the "Specifying Ranges" section of gitrevisions(7).

[--] <path>…​

Consider only commits that are enough to explain how the files that match the specified paths came to be.

Paths may need to be prefixed with -- to separate them from options or the revision range, when confusion arises.

Commit Limiting

Besides specifying a range of commits that should be listed using the special notations explained in the description, additional commit limiting may be applied.

Using more options generally further limits the output (e.g. --since=<date1> limits to commits newer than <date1>, and using it with --grep=<pattern> further limits to commits whose log message has a line that matches <pattern>), unless otherwise noted.

Note that these are applied before commit ordering and formatting options, such as --reverse.


-n <number>


Limit the number of commits to output.


Skip number commits before starting to show the commit output.



Show commits more recent than a specific date.


Show all commits more recent than a specific date. This visits all commits in the range, rather than stopping at the first commit which is older than a specific date.



Show commits older than a specific date.



Limit the commits output to ones with author/committer header lines that match the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --author=<pattern>, commits whose author matches any of the given patterns are chosen (similarly for multiple --committer=<pattern>).


Limit the commits output to ones with reflog entries that match the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --grep-reflog, commits whose reflog message matches any of the given patterns are chosen. It is an error to use this option unless --walk-reflogs is in use.


Limit the commits output to ones with a log message that matches the specified pattern (regular expression). With more than one --grep=<pattern>, commits whose message matches any of the given patterns are chosen (but see --all-match).

When --notes is in effect, the message from the notes is matched as if it were part of the log message.


Limit the commits output to ones that match all given --grep, instead of ones that match at least one.


Limit the commits output to ones with a log message that do not match the pattern specified with --grep=<pattern>.



Match the regular expression limiting patterns without regard to letter case.


Consider the limiting patterns to be basic regular expressions; this is the default.



Consider the limiting patterns to be extended regular expressions instead of the default basic regular expressions.



Consider the limiting patterns to be fixed strings (don’t interpret pattern as a regular expression).



Consider the limiting patterns to be Perl-compatible regular expressions.

Support for these types of regular expressions is an optional compile-time dependency. If Git wasn’t compiled with support for them providing this option will cause it to die.


Stop when a given path disappears from the tree.


Print only merge commits. This is exactly the same as --min-parents=2.


Do not print commits with more than one parent. This is exactly the same as --max-parents=1.





Show only commits which have at least (or at most) that many parent commits. In particular, --max-parents=1 is the same as --no-merges--min-parents=2 is the same as --merges--max-parents=0 gives all root commits and --min-parents=3 all octopus merges.

--no-min-parents and --no-max-parents reset these limits (to no limit) again. Equivalent forms are --min-parents=0 (any commit has 0 or more parents) and --max-parents=-1 (negative numbers denote no upper limit).


When finding commits to include, follow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit. This option can give a better overview when viewing the evolution of a particular topic branch, because merges into a topic branch tend to be only about adjusting to updated upstream from time to time, and this option allows you to ignore the individual commits brought in to your history by such a merge.


When finding commits to exclude (with a ^), follow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit. This can be used to find the set of changes in a topic branch from the point where it diverged from the remote branch, given that arbitrary merges can be valid topic branch changes.


Reverses the meaning of the ^ prefix (or lack thereof) for all following revision specifiers, up to the next --not. When used on the command line before --stdin, the revisions passed through stdin will not be affected by it. Conversely, when passed via standard input, the revisions passed on the command line will not be affected by it.


Pretend as if all the refs in refs/, along with HEAD, are listed on the command line as <commit>.


Pretend as if all the refs in refs/heads are listed on the command line as <commit>. If <pattern> is given, limit branches to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?*, or [/* at the end is implied.


Pretend as if all the refs in refs/tags are listed on the command line as <commit>. If <pattern> is given, limit tags to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?*, or [/* at the end is implied.


Pretend as if all the refs in refs/remotes are listed on the command line as <commit>. If <pattern> is given, limit remote-tracking branches to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks ?*, or [/* at the end is implied.


Pretend as if all the refs matching shell glob <glob-pattern> are listed on the command line as <commit>. Leading refs/, is automatically prepended if missing. If pattern lacks ?*, or [/* at the end is implied.


Do not include refs matching <glob-pattern> that the next --all--branches--tags--remotes, or --glob would otherwise consider. Repetitions of this option accumulate exclusion patterns up to the next --all--branches--tags--remotes, or --glob option (other options or arguments do not clear accumulated patterns).

The patterns given should not begin with refs/headsrefs/tags, or refs/remotes when applied to --branches--tags, or --remotes, respectively, and they must begin with refs/ when applied to --glob or --all. If a trailing /* is intended, it must be given explicitly.


Do not include refs that would be hidden by git-fetchgit-receive-pack or git-upload-pack by consulting the appropriate fetch.hideRefsreceive.hideRefs or uploadpack.hideRefs configuration along with transfer.hideRefs (see git-config(1)). This option affects the next pseudo-ref option --all or --glob and is cleared after processing them.


Pretend as if all objects mentioned by reflogs are listed on the command line as <commit>.


Pretend as if all objects mentioned as ref tips of alternate repositories were listed on the command line. An alternate repository is any repository whose object directory is specified in objects/info/alternates. The set of included objects may be modified by core.alternateRefsCommand, etc. See git-config(1).


By default, all working trees will be examined by the following options when there are more than one (see git-worktree(1)): --all--reflog and --indexed-objects. This option forces them to examine the current working tree only.


Upon seeing an invalid object name in the input, pretend as if the bad input was not given.


Pretend as if the bad bisection ref refs/bisect/bad was listed and as if it was followed by --not and the good bisection refs refs/bisect/good-* on the command line.


In addition to getting arguments from the command line, read them from standard input as well. This accepts commits and pseudo-options like --all and --glob=. When a -- separator is seen, the following input is treated as paths and used to limit the result. Flags like --not which are read via standard input are only respected for arguments passed in the same way and will not influence any subsequent command line arguments.


Like --cherry-pick (see below) but mark equivalent commits with = rather than omitting them, and inequivalent ones with +.


Omit any commit that introduces the same change as another commit on the “other side” when the set of commits are limited with symmetric difference.

For example, if you have two branches, A and B, a usual way to list all commits on only one side of them is with --left-right (see the example below in the description of the --left-right option). However, it shows the commits that were cherry-picked from the other branch (for example, “3rd on b” may be cherry-picked from branch A). With this option, such pairs of commits are excluded from the output.



List only commits on the respective side of a symmetric difference, i.e. only those which would be marked < resp. > by --left-right.

For example, --cherry-pick --right-only A...B omits those commits from B which are in A or are patch-equivalent to a commit in A. In other words, this lists the + commits from git cherry A B. More precisely, --cherry-pick --right-only --no-merges gives the exact list.


A synonym for --right-only --cherry-mark --no-merges; useful to limit the output to the commits on our side and mark those that have been applied to the other side of a forked history with git log --cherry upstream...mybranch, similar to git cherry upstream mybranch.



Instead of walking the commit ancestry chain, walk reflog entries from the most recent one to older ones. When this option is used you cannot specify commits to exclude (that is, ^commitcommit1..commit2, and commit1...commit2 notations cannot be used).

With --pretty format other than oneline and reference (for obvious reasons), this causes the output to have two extra lines of information taken from the reflog. The reflog designator in the output may be shown as ref@{<Nth>} (where <Nth> is the reverse-chronological index in the reflog) or as ref@{<timestamp>} (with the <timestamp> for that entry), depending on a few rules:

  1. If the starting point is specified as ref@{<Nth>}, show the index format.

  2. If the starting point was specified as ref@{now}, show the timestamp format.

  3. If neither was used, but --date was given on the command line, show the timestamp in the format requested by --date.

  4. Otherwise, show the index format.

Under --pretty=oneline, the commit message is prefixed with this information on the same line. This option cannot be combined with --reverse. See also git-reflog(1).

Under --pretty=reference, this information will not be shown at all.


Show commits touching conflicted paths in the range HEAD...<other>, where <other> is the first existing pseudoref in MERGE_HEADCHERRY_PICK_HEADREVERT_HEAD or REBASE_HEAD. Only works when the index has unmerged entries. This option can be used to show relevant commits when resolving conflicts from a 3-way merge.


Output excluded boundary commits. Boundary commits are prefixed with -.

History Simplification

Sometimes you are only interested in parts of the history, for example the commits modifying a particular <path>. But there are two parts of History Simplification, one part is selecting the commits and the other is how to do it, as there are various strategies to simplify the history.

The following options select the commits to be shown:


Commits modifying the given <paths> are selected.


Commits that are referred by some branch or tag are selected.

Note that extra commits can be shown to give a meaningful history.

The following options affect the way the simplification is performed:

Default mode

Simplifies the history to the simplest history explaining the final state of the tree. Simplest because it prunes some side branches if the end result is the same (i.e. merging branches with the same content)


Include all commits from the default mode, but also any merge commits that are not TREESAME to the first parent but are TREESAME to a later parent. This mode is helpful for showing the merge commits that "first introduced" a change to a branch.


Same as the default mode, but does not prune some history.


Only the selected commits are shown, plus some to have a meaningful history.


All commits in the simplified history are shown.


Additional option to --full-history to remove some needless merges from the resulting history, as there are no selected commits contributing to this merge.


When given a range of commits to display (e.g. commit1..commit2 or commit2 ^commit1), only display commits in that range that are ancestors of <commit>, descendants of <commit>, or <commit> itself. If no commit is specified, use commit1 (the excluded part of the range) as <commit>. Can be passed multiple times; if so, a commit is included if it is any of the commits given or if it is an ancestor or descendant of one of them.

A more detailed explanation follows.

Suppose you specified foo as the <paths>. We shall call commits that modify foo !TREESAME, and the rest TREESAME. (In a diff filtered for foo, they look different and equal, respectively.)

In the following, we will always refer to the same example history to illustrate the differences between simplification settings. We assume that you are filtering for a file foo in this commit graph:

          .-A---M---N---O---P---Q/     /   /   /   /   /I     B   C   D   E   Y\   /   /   /   /   /`-------------'   X

The horizontal line of history A---Q is taken to be the first parent of each merge. The commits are:

  • I is the initial commit, in which foo exists with contents “asdf”, and a file quux exists with contents “quux”. Initial commits are compared to an empty tree, so I is !TREESAME.

  • In Afoo contains just “foo”.

  • B contains the same change as A. Its merge M is trivial and hence TREESAME to all parents.

  • C does not change foo, but its merge N changes it to “foobar”, so it is not TREESAME to any parent.

  • D sets foo to “baz”. Its merge O combines the strings from N and D to “foobarbaz”; i.e., it is not TREESAME to any parent.

  • E changes quux to “xyzzy”, and its merge P combines the strings to “quux xyzzy”. P is TREESAME to O, but not to E.

  • X is an independent root commit that added a new file side, and Y modified it. Y is TREESAME to X. Its merge Q added side to P, and Q is TREESAME to P, but not to Y.

rev-list walks backwards through history, including or excluding commits based on whether --full-history and/or parent rewriting (via --parents or --children) are used. The following settings are available.

Default mode

Commits are included if they are not TREESAME to any parent (though this can be changed, see --sparse below). If the commit was a merge, and it was TREESAME to one parent, follow only that parent. (Even if there are several TREESAME parents, follow only one of them.) Otherwise, follow all parents.

This results in:

          .-A---N---O/     /   /I---------D

Note how the rule to only follow the TREESAME parent, if one is available, removed B from consideration entirely. C was considered via N, but is TREESAME. Root commits are compared to an empty tree, so I is !TREESAME.

Parent/child relations are only visible with --parents, but that does not affect the commits selected in default mode, so we have shown the parent lines.

--full-history without parent rewriting

This mode differs from the default in one point: always follow all parents of a merge, even if it is TREESAME to one of them. Even if more than one side of the merge has commits that are included, this does not imply that the merge itself is! In the example, we get

        I  A  B  N  D  O  P  Q

M was excluded because it is TREESAME to both parents. EC and B were all walked, but only B was !TREESAME, so the others do not appear.

Note that without parent rewriting, it is not really possible to talk about the parent/child relationships between the commits, so we show them disconnected.

--full-history with parent rewriting

Ordinary commits are only included if they are !TREESAME (though this can be changed, see --sparse below).

Merges are always included. However, their parent list is rewritten: Along each parent, prune away commits that are not included themselves. This results in

          .-A---M---N---O---P---Q/     /   /   /   /I     B   /   D   /\   /   /   /   /`-------------'

Compare to --full-history without rewriting above. Note that E was pruned away because it is TREESAME, but the parent list of P was rewritten to contain E's parent I. The same happened for C and N, and XY and Q.

In addition to the above settings, you can change whether TREESAME affects inclusion:


Commits that are walked are included if they are not TREESAME to any parent.


All commits that are walked are included.

Note that without --full-history, this still simplifies merges: if one of the parents is TREESAME, we follow only that one, so the other sides of the merge are never walked.


First, build a history graph in the same way that --full-history with parent rewriting does (see above).

Then simplify each commit C to its replacement C' in the final history according to the following rules:

  • Set C' to C.

  • Replace each parent P of C' with its simplification P'. In the process, drop parents that are ancestors of other parents or that are root commits TREESAME to an empty tree, and remove duplicates, but take care to never drop all parents that we are TREESAME to.

  • If after this parent rewriting, C' is a root or merge commit (has zero or >1 parents), a boundary commit, or !TREESAME, it remains. Otherwise, it is replaced with its only parent.

The effect of this is best shown by way of comparing to --full-history with parent rewriting. The example turns into:

          .-A---M---N---O/     /       /I     B       D\   /       /`---------'

Note the major differences in NP, and Q over --full-history:

  • N's parent list had I removed, because it is an ancestor of the other parent M. Still, N remained because it is !TREESAME.

  • P's parent list similarly had I removed. P was then removed completely, because it had one parent and is TREESAME.

  • Q's parent list had Y simplified to XX was then removed, because it was a TREESAME root. Q was then removed completely, because it had one parent and is TREESAME.

There is another simplification mode available:


Limit the displayed commits to those which are an ancestor of <commit>, or which are a descendant of <commit>, or are <commit> itself.

As an example use case, consider the following commit history:

            D---E-------F/     \       \B---C---G---H---I---J/                     \A-------K---------------L--M

A regular D..M computes the set of commits that are ancestors of M, but excludes the ones that are ancestors of D. This is useful to see what happened to the history leading to M since D, in the sense that “what does M have that did not exist in D”. The result in this example would be all the commits, except A and B (and D itself, of course).

When we want to find out what commits in M are contaminated with the bug introduced by D and need fixing, however, we might want to view only the subset of D..M that are actually descendants of D, i.e. excluding C and K. This is exactly what the --ancestry-path option does. Applied to the D..M range, it results in:

                E-------F\       \G---H---I---J\L--M

We can also use --ancestry-path=D instead of --ancestry-path which means the same thing when applied to the D..M range but is just more explicit.

If we instead are interested in a given topic within this range, and all commits affected by that topic, we may only want to view the subset of D..M which contain that topic in their ancestry path. So, using --ancestry-path=H D..M for example would result in:


Whereas --ancestry-path=K D..M would result in


Before discussing another option, --show-pulls, we need to create a new example history.

A common problem users face when looking at simplified history is that a commit they know changed a file somehow does not appear in the file’s simplified history. Let’s demonstrate a new example and show how options such as --full-history and --simplify-merges works in that case:

          .-A---M-----C--N---O---P/     / \  \  \/   /   /I     B   \  R-'`-Z'   /\   /     \/         /\ /      /\        /`---X--'  `---Y--'

For this example, suppose I created file.txt which was modified by AB, and X in different ways. The single-parent commits CZ, and Y do not change file.txt. The merge commit M was created by resolving the merge conflict to include both changes from A and B and hence is not TREESAME to either. The merge commit R, however, was created by ignoring the contents of file.txt at M and taking only the contents of file.txt at X. Hence, R is TREESAME to X but not M. Finally, the natural merge resolution to create N is to take the contents of file.txt at R, so N is TREESAME to R but not C. The merge commits O and P are TREESAME to their first parents, but not to their second parents, Z and Y respectively.

When using the default mode, N and R both have a TREESAME parent, so those edges are walked and the others are ignored. The resulting history graph is:


When using --full-history, Git walks every edge. This will discover the commits A and B and the merge M, but also will reveal the merge commits O and P. With parent rewriting, the resulting graph is:

          .-A---M--------N---O---P/     / \  \  \/   /   /I     B   \  R-'`--'   /\   /     \/         /\ /      /\        /`---X--'  `------'

Here, the merge commits O and P contribute extra noise, as they did not actually contribute a change to file.txt. They only merged a topic that was based on an older version of file.txt. This is a common issue in repositories using a workflow where many contributors work in parallel and merge their topic branches along a single trunk: many unrelated merges appear in the --full-history results.

When using the --simplify-merges option, the commits O and P disappear from the results. This is because the rewritten second parents of O and P are reachable from their first parents. Those edges are removed and then the commits look like single-parent commits that are TREESAME to their parent. This also happens to the commit N, resulting in a history view as follows:

          .-A---M--./     /    \I     B      R\   /      /\ /      /`---X--'

In this view, we see all of the important single-parent changes from AB, and X. We also see the carefully-resolved merge M and the not-so-carefully-resolved merge R. This is usually enough information to determine why the commits A and B "disappeared" from history in the default view. However, there are a few issues with this approach.

The first issue is performance. Unlike any previous option, the --simplify-merges option requires walking the entire commit history before returning a single result. This can make the option difficult to use for very large repositories.

The second issue is one of auditing. When many contributors are working on the same repository, it is important which merge commits introduced a change into an important branch. The problematic merge R above is not likely to be the merge commit that was used to merge into an important branch. Instead, the merge N was used to merge R and X into the important branch. This commit may have information about why the change X came to override the changes from A and B in its commit message.


In addition to the commits shown in the default history, show each merge commit that is not TREESAME to its first parent but is TREESAME to a later parent.

When a merge commit is included by --show-pulls, the merge is treated as if it "pulled" the change from another branch. When using --show-pulls on this example (and no other options) the resulting graph is:


Here, the merge commits R and N are included because they pulled the commits X and R into the base branch, respectively. These merges are the reason the commits A and B do not appear in the default history.

When --show-pulls is paired with --simplify-merges, the graph includes all of the necessary information:

          .-A---M--.   N/     /    \ /I     B      R\   /      /\ /      /`---X--'

Notice that since M is reachable from R, the edge from N to M was simplified away. However, N still appears in the history as an important commit because it "pulled" the change R into the main branch.

The --simplify-by-decoration option allows you to view only the big picture of the topology of the history, by omitting commits that are not referenced by tags. Commits are marked as !TREESAME (in other words, kept after history simplification rules described above) if (1) they are referenced by tags, or (2) they change the contents of the paths given on the command line. All other commits are marked as TREESAME (subject to be simplified away).


See gitmailmap(5).

Note that if git shortlog is run outside of a repository (to process log contents on standard input), it will look for a .mailmap file in the current directory.



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Node.js 渲染三维模型并导出为图片 1. 前言 本文将介绍如何在 Node.js 中使用 Three.js 进行 3D 模型渲染。通过结合 gl 和 canvas 这两个主要依赖库&#xff0c;我们能够在服务器端实现高效的 3D 渲染。这个方法解决了在服务器端生成和处理 3D 图形的需求&#xff0c;使得可…...


前几天我把我的HP Z840的操作系统换成了Win11&#xff0c;在重装VS2022时遇到了麻烦&#xff0c;提示无法安装 Microsoft.VisualStudio.Devenv.Msi。 查看安装日志提示&#xff1a;Could not write value devenv.exe to key \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Featur…...


Dynamic Programming 动态规划&#xff08;Dynamic Programming, DP&#xff09; 是一种算法设计技巧&#xff0c;通常用来解决具有重叠子问题和最优子结构性质的问题。它通过将问题分解为更小的子问题&#xff0c;逐步解决这些子问题并将结果存储起来&#xff0c;以避免重复计…...

小山菌_代码随想录算法训练营第二十九天| 455. 分发饼干 、376. 摆动序列、53. 最大子序和

455. 分发饼干 文档讲解&#xff1a;代码随想录.分发饼干 视频讲解&#xff1a;贪心算法&#xff0c;你想先喂哪个小孩&#xff1f;| LeetCode&#xff1a;455.分发饼干 状态&#xff1a;已完成 代码实现 class Solution { public:int findContentChildren(vector<int>&…...


6月21日&#xff0c;可灵再度进化&#xff0c;正式推出图生视频功能&#xff0c;支持用任意静态图像生成5s视频&#xff0c;并且可搭配不同的文本内容&#xff0c;实现丰富的视觉叙事 。 同时&#xff0c;可灵还发布了业内领先的视频续写功能&#xff0c;可为已生成的视频&…...

【代码随想录】【算法训练营】【第45天】 [198]打家劫舍 [213]打家劫舍II [337]打家劫舍III

前言 思路及算法思维&#xff0c;指路 代码随想录。 题目来自 LeetCode。 day 45&#xff0c;周五&#xff0c;坚持不了一点~ 题目详情 [198] 打家劫舍 题目描述 198 打家劫舍 解题思路 前提&#xff1a; 思路&#xff1a; 重点&#xff1a; 代码实现 C语言 虚拟头…...


在Python的安装目录下&#xff0c;通常会有一个DLLs文件夹&#xff0c;它是Python标准库的一部分。这个文件夹包含了一些动态链接库&#xff08;Dynamic Link Libraries&#xff0c;DLL&#xff09;&#xff0c;这些库提供了Python解释器和标准库的一些关键功能。以下是对这个文…...


要使用Java实现Jenkins持续集成&#xff0c;你可以使用Jenkins的Java客户端库来执行一些常见的操作&#xff0c;例如创建任务&#xff0c;触发构建等。下面是一个简单的示例代码&#xff0c;展示了如何使用Java实现Jenkins持续集成&#xff1a; java import com.offbytwo.jenk…...


ClickHouse安装与下载 目录 1. ClickHouse简介 1.1 ClickHouse优点&#xff1a; 1.2 ClickHouse缺点&#xff1a; 1.3 ClickHouse引擎&#xff1a; 1.3.1 数据库引擎 1.3.2 表引擎 2. ClickHouse下载安装 2.1 ClickHouse下载安装 2.2 ClickHouse使用 1. ClickHouse简…...

【Go语言】Gin 框架教程

Gin 框架教程 1.第一个 Gin 程序 1.1 Gin 安装 # 执行执行如下操作即可&#xff0c;安装Gin前需要安装Go环境 go get -u -v github.com/gin-gonic/gin # -v&#xff1a;打印出被构建的代码包的名字 # -u&#xff1a;已存在相关的代码包&#xff0c;强行更新代码包及其依赖包…...


作者介绍&#xff1a;老苏&#xff0c;10余年DBA工作运维经验&#xff0c;擅长Oracle、MySQL、PG数据库运维&#xff08;如安装迁移&#xff0c;性能优化、故障应急处理等&#xff09; 公众号&#xff1a;老苏畅谈运维 欢迎关注本人公众号&#xff0c;更多精彩与您分享。MySQL运…...


问题阐述&#xff1a; 我们进行CGFloat转NSString可能会遇到一个问题 例如有一个CGFloat的值为2.1&#xff0c;转化成NSString后显示2.1000... 解决办法&#xff1a; 方法一&#xff1a; 如何解决呢&#xff0c;可以使用%g格式符&#xff0c;可以保证传入的不管是2还是2.1…...

UDS服务——TransferData (0x36)

诊断协议那些事儿 诊断协议那些事儿专栏系列文章,本文介绍TransferData (0x36)—— 数据传输,用于下载/上传数据时用的,数据的传输方向由不同的服务控制:0x34服务表示下载,0x35服务表示上传。通过阅读本文,希望能对你有所帮助。 文章目录 诊断协议那些事儿传输数据服务…...

jQuery 基本操作

01-简介 jQuery 是一个功能丰富且广泛使用的 JavaScript 库&#xff0c;它简化了 HTML 文档遍历和操作、事件处理、动画和 Ajax 操作。jQuery 通过其易用的 API&#xff0c;使复杂的 JavaScript 编程任务变得更加简单&#xff0c;并且兼容各种浏览器。 1、jQuery特点 简化 DOM …...

有玩家在2011年的MacBook上成功运行了Windows XP 还安装了触摸屏

我们已经在许多不同的设备上看到过 Windows XP 正在运行。这个古老的操作系统于 2001 年正式推出&#xff0c;现在已经老到其最后一次软件更新是在近十年前。一位好奇的玩家试图在 2011 年的触摸屏 MacBook 上为 Windows XP 打造了一个新家&#xff0c;复古技术探索者 Michael …...


在半导体生产过程中&#xff0c;为避免金属污染对硅器件性能造成不利影响&#xff0c;碳化硅产业链不同阶段产品&#xff08;如衬底、外延、芯片、器件&#xff09;表面的痕量杂质元素浓度表征至关重要。 在实验人员使用质谱法高精度检测第三代半导体碳化硅材料的痕量杂质浓度…...


AudioSep是一种 AI 模型&#xff0c;可以使用自然语言查询进行声音分离。这一创新性的模型由Audio-AGI开发&#xff0c;使用户能够通过简单的语言描述来分离各种声音源。 比如在嘈杂的人流车流中说话的录音中&#xff0c;可以分别提取干净的人声说话声音和嘈杂的人流车流噪声。…...

Prompt 提示词工程:翻译提示

近期在对计算机学习时&#xff0c;许多内容需要看原始的英文论文&#xff0c;对于我这种学渣来说特别不友好&#xff0c;&#x1f937;&#x1f3fb;‍♀️无奈只能一边看翻译&#xff0c;一边学习。 之前有搜到过专门的翻译工具&#xff0c;无奈都是按照字数算费用的&#xf…...

【MySQL 的三大日志的作用】

在管理MySQL数据库时&#xff0c;了解和区分数据库使用的三大日志类型至关重要。这些日志对于确保数据的完整性、提供恢复机制以及维持数据库的稳定性发挥着关键作用。最主要还是小豆前段时间去参加面试被问到了这些内容&#xff0c;下面将详细讨论Redo Log、Binlog和Undo Log的…...


id生成策略 自增主键 一般使用整数类型的id可使用自增主键的策略去生成id 优点&#xff1a; 简单、易于使用和理解。保证唯一性&#xff0c;无需额外的查询操作。提高查询性能&#xff0c;因为ID是有序的&#xff0c;且支持索引。 缺点&#xff1a; 不适用于分布式系统&a…...

SystemVerilog Assertion精华知识

前言 断言主要用于验证设计的行为。断言也可用于提供功能覆盖率&#xff0c;并标记用于验证的输入激励不符合假定的需求。 在验证平台中&#xff0c;通常进行三个主要任务&#xff1a; 产生激励功能检查功能覆盖率度量 在当今的设计越来越复杂情况下&#xff0c;像波形调试…...


PDF作为一种广泛使用的文档格式&#xff0c;已经成为我们工作和生活中不可或缺的一部分。然而&#xff0c;有时候PDF文件内存会比较大&#xff0c;给我们的存储和传输带来了很大的不便。因此&#xff0c;学会压缩 PDF 文件是非常必要的。 打开"轻云处理pdf官网"&…...

Butter Knife 8

// 部分代码省略… Override public View getView(int position, View view, ViewGroup parent) { ViewHolder holder; if (view ! null) { holder (ViewHolder) view.getTag(); } else { view inflater.inflate(R.layout.testlayout, parent, false); holder new ViewHolde…...

AMSR/ADEOS-II L1A Raw Observation Counts V003地球表面和大气微波辐射的详细观测数据

AMSR/ADEOS-II L1A Raw Observation Counts V003 简介 AMSR/ADEOS-II L1A Raw Observation Counts V003数据是由日本航空航天研究开发机构&#xff08;JAXA&#xff09;的AMSR (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer)仪器收集的一组原始观测计数数据。这些数据是从ADEOS-I…...


复制 复制的问题和解决方案 数据损坏或丢失的错误 当一个二进制日志损坏时&#xff0c;能恢复多少数据取决于损坏的类型&#xff0c;有几种比较常见的类型: 1.数据改变&#xff0c;但事件仍是有效的SQL 不幸的是&#xff0c;MySQL甚至无法察觉这种损坏。因此最好还是经常检查…...


如果您觉得这篇文章有帮助的话&#xff01;给个点赞和评论支持下吧&#xff0c;感谢~ 作者&#xff1a;前端小王hs 阿里云社区博客专家/清华大学出版社签约作者/csdn百万访问前端博主/B站千粉前端up主 此篇文章是博主于2022年学习《Vue.js设计与实现》时的笔记整理而来 书籍&a…...


我20年驾校4000多块钱&#xff0c;你呢&#xff1f; 引言Python 代码第一篇 洞见 距离高考出分还剩3天&#xff0c;我却看到有些孩子已经拿了“满分”第二篇 视频新闻结尾 引言 昨天的文章顺利发出 看来“梅西” 这两个字在我们这边 不是敏感词 只是很多个罗粉搞得有点过头了 …...

java-正则表达式 2

7. 复杂的正则表达式示例&#xff08;续&#xff09; 7.1 验证日期格式 以下正则表达式用于验证日期格式&#xff0c;例如YYYY-MM-DD。 import java.util.regex.*;public class RegexExample {public static void main(String[] args) {String[] dates {"2023-01-01&q…...


文章目录 hadoop简单基础面试题1. 请说下 HDFS 读写流程2. HDFS 在读取文件的时候&#xff0c;如果其中一个块突然损坏了怎么办3. HDFS 在上传文件的时候&#xff0c;如果其中一个 DataNode 突然挂掉了怎么办4. NameNode 在启动的时候会做哪些操作5.Secondary NameNode 了解吗&…...


第一章 建档环节造假和不规范 一、 企业行为&#xff1a; 企业为了节约检测费&#xff0c;采取部分建档&#xff0c;部分密封点检测的行为 二、 第三方检测公司不规范行为&#xff1a; 1、台账信息不准确&#xff0c;密封点命名不准确 &…...

Android CTS环境搭建

CTS即Compatibility Test Suite意为兼容性测试&#xff0c;是Google推出的Android平台兼容性测试机制。其目的是尽早发现不兼容性&#xff0c;并确保软件在整个开发过程中保持兼容性。只有通过CTS认证的设备才能合法的安装并使用Google market等Google应用。 搭建CTS测试环境需…...


比较Zig、Rust和C这三种编程语言&#xff0c;我们可以从以下几个关键维度来进行&#xff1a; 设计理念 表格 语言 设计理念 Zig 简洁性、模块化、避免常见错误 Rust 内存安全、并发性、性能 C 性能优化、资源控制、可扩展性 内存安全 Zig通过严格的编译时检查、可选…...


上篇我们讲了vue路由的使用 今天我们来讲vue中路由的嵌套&#xff0c;路由的params参数,命名路由 一.路由的params参数 1.配置路由规则&#xff0c;使用children配置项&#xff1a; router:[{path:/about,component:About,},{path:component:Home,//通过children配置子路由c…...


java&#xff1a;CompletableFuture的简单例子 package com.chz.myTest;import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.uti…...


需求&#xff1a;验证表格同一行的最低限价不能超过销售定价 思路&#xff1a;先获取当前行table的index&#xff0c;然后在做大小比较 1.局部html <el-table-column label"销售定价(元)" min-width"200px"><template slot"header"&…...


在HTML中创建一个分组散点图&#xff0c;可以结合JavaScript库如D3.js或Plotly.js来实现。这些库提供了强大的数据可视化功能&#xff0c;易于集成和使用。下面是一个使用Plotly.js创建分组散点图的示例&#xff1a; 要添加文件上传功能&#xff0c;可以让用户上传包含数据的文…...


在 SQL 中&#xff0c;UNION 和 UNION ALL 都用于将两个或多个结果集合并为一个结果集&#xff0c;但它们在处理重复数据方面有显著区别。以下是它们的详细区别&#xff1a; 1. UNION UNION 操作符用于合并两个或多个 SELECT 语句的结果集&#xff0c;并自动去除结果集中重复…...




&#x1f49d;&#x1f49d;&#x1f49d;首先&#xff0c;欢迎各位来到我的博客&#xff0c;很高兴能够在这里和您见面&#xff01;希望您在这里不仅可以有所收获&#xff0c;同时也能感受到一份轻松欢乐的氛围&#xff0c;祝你生活愉快&#xff01; &#x1f49d;&#x1f49…...


指北君关于另外一条思维路径的发现。 "自以为是"的顿悟时刻 有很多时候&#xff0c;我会"自以为是"的发现/发明一些东西。这种"自以为是"的时刻通常还带有一些骄傲自豪的情绪。这种感觉特别像古希腊博学家阿基米德 在苦思冥想如何测量不规则物体…...


目录 引言第一部分&#xff1a;Groq简介第二部分&#xff1a;Groq的特点与优势1、高性能推理加速2、近存计算技术3、专用ASIC芯片设计4、低延迟与高吞吐量5、成本效益分析6、易用性与集成性7、软件与硬件的协同设计 第三部分&#xff1a;Groq的使用指南1、准备工作2、简单使用样…...


Python学习路线 领取资料 一、Python基础知识 Python入门&#xff1a;了解Python的安装方法、如何运行Python程序以及交互模式的使用&#xff0c;同时学习注释的添加方法。 数据类型&#xff1a;掌握Python中的各种数据类型&#xff0c;包括数字、布尔值、字符串、列表、元…...

C++ std::forward()

在线调试网站&#xff1a; https://wandbox.org/ #include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <mutex> void func(int &&args) {std::cout << args << std::endl; }int main () {int a 10;func(20); …...


时间复杂度O(n^2) 1、插入排序 (Insertion Sort) 从第一个元素开始&#xff0c;该元素可以认为已经被排序&#xff1b;取出下一个元素&#xff0c;在已经排序的元素序列中从后向前扫描&#xff1b;如果该元素&#xff08;已排序&#xff09;大于新元素&#xff0c;将该元素移到…...


使用cmd 中的 go install &#xff1b; go build 命令出现 go cannot find main module 错误怎么解决&#xff1f; go学习-问题记录(开发环境)go: cannot find main module&#xff1b; see ‘go help modules‘_go: no flags specified (see go help mod edit)-CSDN博客 在本…...

vue echarts画多柱状图+多折线图

<!--多柱状图折线图--> <div class"echarts-box" id"multiBarPlusLine"></div>import * as echarts from echarts;mounted() {this.getMultiBarPlusLine() },getMultiBarPlusLine() {const container document.getElementById(multiBar…...

cesium for unity 打包webgl失败,提示不支持

platform webgl is not supported with HDRP use the Vulkan graphics AR instead....

python开发基础——day7 序列类型方法

一、初识序列类型方法 序列类型的概念&#xff1a;数据的集合&#xff0c;在序列类型里面可以存放任意的数据&#xff0c;也可以对数据进行更方便的操作&#xff0c;这个操作是叫增删改查(crud) ( 增加(Creat)&#xff0c;读取查询(Retrieve)&#xff0c;更新(Update)&#xf…...