1 PLinApi.h
2 TLINFrameEntry 结构体
3 自定义函数getTLINFrameEntry
4 TLINScheduleSlot 结构体
5 自定义函数 getTLINScheduleSlot
6 自定义LIN_SetScheduleInit函数
7 自定义 LIN_StartSchedule
8 发送函数
9 线程接收函数
1 PLinApi.h
// PLinApi.h
// Definition of the PLIN-API.
// Principle:
// ~~~~~~~~~~
// The driver supports multiple clients (= Windows or DOS programs
// that communicate with LIN-busses), and multiple LIN-Devices.
// A LIN-Device represents two LIN-Hardware (each channel is a Hardware)
// Multiple 'Clients' can be connected to one or more LIN-Hardware, which
// itself have an interface to a physical LIN-channel of a device.
// Features:
// ~~~~~~~~~
// - 1 Client can be connected to multiple Hardware
// - 1 Hardware supports multiple clients
// - When a Client sends a message to a Hardware, the message will not be routed
// to other clients. The response of the Hardware is routed to the connected
// clients depending on the registered Hardware message filter.
// - each Client only receives the messages that pass its acceptance filter
// - each Client has a Receive Queue to buffer received messages
// - hClient: 'Client handle'. This number is used by the driver to
// identify and manage a Client
// - hHw: 'Hardware handle'. This number is used by the driver to
// identify and manage a Hardware
// - all handles are 1-based. 0 = illegal handle
// All functions return a value of type TLINError
// Authors: K.Wagner / P.Steil
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2008-2019 by PEAK-System Technik GmbH, Darmstadt/Germany
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Last Change: 2019.02.08
///#ifndef __LINAPIH__
#define __LINAPIH__#include <windows.h>#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif// Handle types
typedef BYTE HLINCLIENT; // Client Handle
typedef WORD HLINHW; // Hardware Handle// Invalid Handle values
#define INVALID_LIN_HANDLE 0 // Invalid value for all LIN handles (Client, Hardware)// Hardware Types
#define LIN_HW_TYPE_USB_PRO 1 // PCAN-USB Pro LIN type
#define LIN_HW_TYPE_USB_PRO_FD 2 // PCAN-USB Pro FD LIN type
#define LIN_HW_TYPE_PLIN_USB 3 // PLIN-USB type// Minimum and Maximum values
#define LIN_MAX_FRAME_ID 63 // Maximum allowed Frame ID (0x3F)
#define LIN_MAX_SCHEDULES 8 // Maximum allowed Schedules per Hardware
#define LIN_MIN_SCHEDULE_NUMBER 0 // Minimum Schedule number
#define LIN_MAX_SCHEDULE_NUMBER 7 // Maximum Schedule number
#define LIN_MAX_SCHEDULE_SLOTS 256 // Maximum allowed Schedule slots per Hardware
#define LIN_MIN_BAUDRATE 1000 // Minimum LIN Baudrate
#define LIN_MAX_BAUDRATE 20000 // Maximum LIN Baudrate
#define LIN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 48 // Maximum number of bytes for Name / ID of a Hardware or Client
#define LIN_MAX_USER_DATA 24 // Maximum number of bytes that a user can read/write on a Hardware
#define LIN_MIN_BREAK_LENGTH 13 // Minimum number of bits that can be used as break field in a LIN frame
#define LIN_MAX_BREAK_LENGTH 32 // Maximum number of bits that can be used as break field in a LIN frame
#define LIN_MAX_RCV_QUEUE_COUNT 65535 // Maximum number of LIN frames that can be stored in the reception queue of a client// Frame flags for LIN Frame Entries
#define FRAME_FLAG_RESPONSE_ENABLE 0x1 // Slave Enable Publisher Response
#define FRAME_FLAG_SINGLE_SHOT 0x2 // Slave Publisher Single shot
#define FRAME_FLAG_IGNORE_INIT_DATA 0x4 // Ignore InitialData on set frame entry// Error flags for LIN Rcv Msgs
#define MSG_ERR_INCONSISTENT_SYNC 0x1 // Error on Synchronization field
#define MSG_ERR_ID_PARITY_BIT0 0x2 // Wrong parity Bit 0
#define MSG_ERR_ID_PARITY_BIT1 0x4 // Wrong parity Bit 1
#define MSG_ERR_SLAVE_NOT_RESPONDING 0x8 // Slave not responding error
#define MSG_ERR_TIMEOUT 0x10 // A timeout was reached
#define MSG_ERR_CHECKSUM 0x20 // Wrong checksum
#define MSG_ERR_GND_SHORT 0x40 // Bus shorted to ground
#define MSG_ERR_VBAT_SHORT 0x80 // Bus shorted to Vbat
#define MSG_ERR_SLOT_DELAY 0x100 // A slot time (delay) was too small
#define MSG_ERR_OTHER_RESPONSE 0x200 // Response was received from other station
#define TLINMsgErrors INT32// Client Parameters (GetClientParam Function)
#define clpName 1 // Client Name
#define clpMessagesOnQueue 2 // Unread messages in the Receive Queue
#define clpWindowHandle 3 // Registered windows handle (information purpose)
#define clpConnectedHardware 4 // Handles of the connected Hardware
#define clpTransmittedMessages 5 // Number of transmitted messages
#define clpReceivedMessages 6 // Number of received messages
#define clpReceiveStatusFrames 7 // Status of the property "Status Frames"
#define clpOnReceiveEventHandle 8 // Handle of the Receive event
#define clpOnPluginEventHandle 9 // Handle of the Hardware plug-in event
#define TLINClientParam WORD// Hardware Parameters (GetHardwareParam function)
#define hwpName 1 // Hardware / Device Name
#define hwpDeviceNumber 2 // Index of the owner Device
#define hwpChannelNumber 3 // Channel Index on the owner device (0 or 1)
#define hwpConnectedClients 4 // Handles of the connected clients
#define hwpMessageFilter 5 // Message filter
#define hwpBaudrate 6 // Baudrate
#define hwpMode 7 // Master status
#define hwpFirmwareVersion 8 // LIN hardware firmware version (text with the form xx.yy where:// xx = major version. yy = minor version)
#define hwpBufferOverrunCount 9 // Receive Buffer Overrun Counter
#define hwpBossClient 10 // Registered master Client
#define hwpSerialNumber 11 // Serial number of a Hardware
#define hwpVersion 12 // Version of a Hardware
#define hwpType 13 // Type of a Hardware
#define hwpQueueOverrunCount 14 // Receive Queue Buffer Overrun Counter
#define hwpIdNumber 15 // Hardware identification number
#define hwpUserData 16 // User data on a hardware
#define hwpBreakLength 17 // Number of bits used as break field in a LIN frame
#define hwpLinTermination 18 // LIN Termination status
#define hwpFlashMode 19 // Device flash mode for firmware update
#define TLINHardwareParam WORD// Received Message Types
#define mstStandard 0 // Standard LIN Message
#define mstBusSleep 1 // Bus Sleep status message
#define mstBusWakeUp 2 // Bus WakeUp status message
#define mstAutobaudrateTimeOut 3 // Auto-baudrate Timeout status message
#define mstAutobaudrateReply 4 // Auto-baudrate Reply status message
#define mstOverrun 5 // Bus overrun status message
#define mstQueueOverrun 6 // Queue overrun status message
#define mstClientQueueOverrun 7 // Client's receive queue overrun status message
#define TLINMsgType BYTE// Schedule Slot Types
#define sltUnconditional 0 // Unconditional frame
#define sltEvent 1 // Event frame
#define sltSporadic 2 // Sporadic frame
#define sltMasterRequest 3 // Diagnostic Master Request frame
#define sltSlaveResponse 4 // Diagnostic Slave Response frame
#define TLINSlotType BYTE// Message Direction Types
#define dirDisabled 0 // Direction disabled
#define dirPublisher 1 // Direction is Publisher
#define dirSubscriber 2 // Direction is Subscriber
#define dirSubscriberAutoLength 3 // Direction is Subscriber (detect Length)
#define TLINDirection BYTE// Message Checksum Types
#define cstCustom 0 // Custom checksum
#define cstClassic 1 // Classic checksum (ver 1.x)
#define cstEnhanced 2 // Enhanced checksum
#define cstAuto 3 // Detect checksum
#define TLINChecksumType BYTE// Hardware Operation Modes
#define modNone 0 // Hardware is not initialized
#define modSlave 1 // Hardware working as Slave
#define modMaster 2 // Hardware working as Master
#define TLINHardwareMode BYTE// Hardware Status
#define hwsNotInitialized 0 // Hardware is not initialized
#define hwsAutobaudrate 1 // Hardware is detecting the baudrate
#define hwsActive 2 // Hardware (bus) is active
#define hwsSleep 3 // Hardware (bus) is in sleep mode
#define hwsShortGround 6 // Hardware (bus-line) shorted to ground
#define hwsVBatMissing 7 // Hardware (USB adapter) external voltage supply missing
#define TLINHardwareState BYTE// Error Codes
#define errOK 0 // No error. Success.
#define errXmtQueueFull 1 // Transmit Queue is full.
#define errIllegalPeriod 2 // Period of time is invalid.
#define errRcvQueueEmpty 3 // Client Receive Queue is empty.
#define errIllegalChecksumType 4 // Checksum type is invalid.
#define errIllegalHardware 5 // Hardware handle is invalid.
#define errIllegalClient 6 // Client handle is invalid.
#define errWrongParameterType 7 // Parameter type is invalid.
#define errWrongParameterValue 8 // Parameter value is invalid.
#define errIllegalDirection 9 // Direction is invalid.
#define errIllegalLength 10 // Length is outside of the valid range.
#define errIllegalBaudrate 11 // Baudrate is outside of the valid range.
#define errIllegalFrameID 12 // ID is outside of the valid range.
#define errBufferInsufficient 13 // Buffer parameter is too small.
#define errIllegalScheduleNo 14 // Scheduler Number is outside of the valid range.
#define errIllegalSlotCount 15 // Slots count is bigger than the actual number of available slots.
#define errIllegalIndex 16 // Array index is outside of the valid range.
#define errIllegalRange 17 // Range of bytes to be updated is invalid.
#define errOutOfResource 1001 // LIN Manager does not have enough resources for the current task.
#define errManagerNotLoaded 1002 // The LIN Device Manager is not running.
#define errManagerNotResponding 1003 // The communication to the LIN Device Manager was interrupted.
#define errMemoryAccess 1004 // A "MemoryAccessViolation" exception occurred within an API method.
#define errNotImplemented 0xFFFE // An API method is not implemented.
#define errUnknown 0xFFFF // An internal error occurred within the LIN Device Manager.
#define TLINError DWORD#pragma pack(push, 8) // These Records are 8-Bytes aligned!// Version Information structure
typedef struct { // Size = 8 bytesshort Major; // #0 +0 Major part of a version numbershort Minor; // #1 +2 Minor part of a version numbershort Revision; // #2 +4 Revision part of a version numbershort Build; // #3 +6 Build part of a version number
}TLINVersion;// A LIN Message to be sent
typedef struct { // Size = 13 bytesBYTE FrameId; // #0 +0 Frame ID (6 bit) + Parity (2 bit)BYTE Length; // #1 +1 Frame Length (1..8)TLINDirection Direction; // #2 +2 Frame Direction (see Message Direction Types)TLINChecksumType ChecksumType; // #3 +3 Frame Checksum type (see Message Checksum Types)BYTE Data[8]; // #4 +4 Data bytes (0..7)BYTE Checksum; // #5 +12 Frame Checksum
} TLINMsg;// A received LIN Message
typedef struct { // Size = 40 bytesTLINMsgType Type; // #0 +0 Frame type (see Received Message Types)BYTE FrameId; // #1 +1 Frame ID (6 bit) + Parity (2 bit)BYTE Length; // #2 +2 Frame Length (1..8)TLINDirection Direction; // #3 +3 Frame Direction (see Message Direction Types)TLINChecksumType ChecksumType; // #4 +4 Frame Checksum type (see Message Checksum Types)BYTE Data[8]; // #5 +5 Data bytes (0..7)BYTE Checksum; // #6 +13 Frame ChecksumTLINMsgErrors ErrorFlags; // #7 +16 Frame error flags (see Error flags for LIN Rcv Msgs)unsigned __int64 TimeStamp; // #8 +24 Timestamp in microsecondsHLINHW hHw; // #9 +32 Handle of the Hardware which received the message
} TLINRcvMsg;// A LIN Frame Entry
typedef struct { // Size = 14 bytesBYTE FrameId; // #0 +0 Frame ID (without parity)BYTE Length; // #1 +1 Frame Length (1..8)TLINDirection Direction; // #2 +2 Frame Direction (see Message Direction Types)TLINChecksumType ChecksumType; // #3 +3 Frame Checksum type (see Message Checksum Types)WORD Flags; // #4 +4 Frame flags (see Frame flags for LIN Msgs)BYTE InitialData[8]; // #5 +6 Data bytes (0..7)
} TLINFrameEntry;// A LIN Schedule slot
typedef struct { // Size = 20 bytesTLINSlotType Type; // #0 +0 Slot Type (see Schedule Slot Types)WORD Delay; // #1 +2 Slot Delay in MillisecondsBYTE FrameId[8]; // #2 +4 Frame IDs (without parity)BYTE CountResolve; // #3 +12 ID count for sporadic frames// Resolve schedule number for Event framesDWORD Handle; // #4 +16 Slot handle (read-only)
} TLINScheduleSlot;// LIN Status data
typedef struct { // Size = 8 bytesTLINHardwareMode Mode; // #0 +0 Node state (see Hardware Operation Modes)TLINHardwareState Status; // #1 +1 Bus state (see Hardware Status)BYTE FreeOnSendQueue; // #2 +2 Count of free places in the Transmit QueueWORD FreeOnSchedulePool; // #3 +4 Free slots in the Schedule pool (see Minimum and Maximum values)WORD ReceiveBufferOverrun; // #4 +6 USB receive buffer overrun counter
} TLINHardwareStatus;#pragma pack(pop)///
// Function prototypes//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_RegisterClient()
// Registers a Client at the LIN Manager. Creates a Client handle and
// allocates the Receive Queue (only one per Client). The hWnd parameter
// can be zero for DOS Box Clients. The Client does not receive any
// messages until LIN_RegisterFrameId() or LIN_SetClientFilter() is called.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue
TLINError __stdcall LIN_RegisterClient (LPSTR strName, // Name of the ClientDWORD hWnd, // Window handle of the Client (only for information purposes)HLINCLIENT *hClient); // Pointer to the Client handle buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_RemoveClient()
// Removes a Client from the Client list of the LIN Manager. Frees all
// resources (receive queues, message counters, etc.). If the Client was
// a Boss-Client for one or more Hardware, the Boss-Client property for
// those Hardware will be set to INVALID_LIN_HANDLE.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient
TLINError __stdcall LIN_RemoveClient (HLINCLIENT hClient); // Handle of the Client//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_ConnectClient()
// Connects a Client to a Hardware.
// The Hardware is assigned by its Handle.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_ConnectClient (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Connect this Client ...HLINHW hHw); // to this Hardware//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_DisconnectClient()
// Disconnects a Client from a Hardware. This means: no more messages
// will be received by this Client from this Hardware.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_DisconnectClient (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Disconnect this Client ...HLINHW hHw); // from this Hardware.//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_ResetClient()
// Flushes the Receive Queue of the Client and resets its counters.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient
TLINError __stdcall LIN_ResetClient (HLINCLIENT hClient); // Handle of the Client//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_SetClientParam()
// Sets a Client parameter to a given value.
// Allowed TLINClientParam Parameter
// values in wParam: type: Description:
// ------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------
// clpReceiveStatusFrames int 0 = Status Frames deactivated,
// otherwise active
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterType, errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient
TLINError __stdcall LIN_SetClientParam (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleTLINClientParam wParam, // TLINClientParam parameter DWORD dwValue); // Parameter value//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetClientParam()
// Gets a Client parameter.
// Allowed TLINClientParam Parameter
// values in wParam: type: Description:
// ------------------------- ---------- ------------------------------------
// clpName char[] Name of the Client
// clpMessagesOnQueue int Unread messages in the Receive Queue
// clpWindowHandle int Window handle of the Client application
// (can be zero for DOS Box Clients)
// clpConnectedHardware HLINHW[] Array of Hardware Handles connected by a Client
// The first item in the array refers to the
// amount of handles. So [*] = Total handles + 1
// clpTransmittedMessages int Number of transmitted messages
// clpReceivedMessages int Number of received messages
// clpReceiveStatusFrames int 0 = Status Frames deactivated, otherwise active
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterType, errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient,
// errBufferInsufficient
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetClientParam (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleTLINClientParam wParam, // TLINClientParam parametervoid *pBuff, // Buffer for the parameter valueWORD wBuffSize); // Size of the buffer in bytes//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_SetClientFilter()
// Sets the filter of a Client and modifies the filter of
// the connected Hardware.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_SetClientFilter (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Set for this ClientHLINHW hHw, // within this Hardwareunsigned __int64 iRcvMask); // this message filter: each bit corresponds // to a Frame ID (0..63). //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetClientFilter()
// Gets the filter corresponding to a given Client-Hardware pair.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetClientFilter (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware Handleunsigned __int64 *pRcvMask);// Buffer for the message filter: each bit // corresponds to a Frame ID (0..63) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_Read()
// Reads the next message/status information from a Client's Receive
// Queue. The message will be written to 'pMsg'.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errRcvQueueEmpty
TLINError __stdcall LIN_Read (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleTLINRcvMsg *pMsg); // Buffer for the message//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_ReadMulti()
// Reads several received messages.
// pMsgBuff must be an array of 'iMaxCount' entries (must have at least
// a size of iMaxCount * sizeof(TLINRcvMsg) bytes).
// The size 'iMaxCount' of the array = max. messages that can be received.
// The real number of read messages will be returned in 'pCount'.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errRcvQueueEmpty
TLINError __stdcall LIN_ReadMulti ( HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleTLINRcvMsg *pMsgBuff, // Buffer for the messagesint iMaxCount, // Maximum number of messages to readint *pCount); // Buffer for the real number of messages read//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_Write()
// The Client 'hClient' transmits a message 'pMsg' to the Hardware 'hHw'.
// The message is written into the Transmit Queue of the Hardware.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware,
// errIllegalDirection, errIllegalLength
TLINError __stdcall LIN_Write (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleTLINMsg *pMsg); // Message Buffer to be written//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_InitializeHardware()
// Initializes a Hardware with a given Mode and Baudrate.
// REMARK: If the Hardware was initialized by another Client, the function
// will re-initialize the Hardware. All connected clients will be affected.
// It is the job of the user to manage the setting and/or configuration of
// Hardware, e.g. by using the Boss-Client parameter of the Hardware.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware,
// errIllegalBaudrate
TLINError __stdcall LIN_InitializeHardware (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client Handle HLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleTLINHardwareMode bMode, // Hardware Mode (see Hardware Operation Modes)WORD wBaudrate); // LIN Baudrate (see LIN_MIN_BAUDRATE and LIN_MAX_BAUDRATE)//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetAvailableHardware()
// Gets an array containing the handles of the current Hardware
// available in the system.
// The count of Hardware handles returned in the array is written in
// 'pCount'.
// REMARK: To ONLY get the count of available Hardware, call this
// function using 'pBuff' = NULL and wBuffSize = 0.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errBufferInsufficient
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetAvailableHardware(HLINHW *pBuff, // Buffer for the handlesWORD wBuffSize, // Size of the buffer in bytes int *pCount); // Number of Hardware available//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_SetHardwareParam()
// Sets a Hardware parameter to a given value.
// Allowed TLINHardwareParam Parameter
// values in wParam: type: Description:
// ------------------------- ---------- -----------------------------------
// hwpMessageFilter unsigned Hardware message filter. Each bit
// _int64 corresponds to a Frame ID (0..63)
// hwpBossClient HLINCLIENT Handle of the new Boss-Client
// hwpIdNumber int Identification number for a hardware
// hwpUserData BYTE[] User data to write on a hardware. See LIN_MAX_USER_DATA
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterType, errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient,
// errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_SetHardwareParam (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleTLINHardwareParam wParam, // TLINHardwareParam parametervoid *pBuff, // Buffer for the parameter valueWORD wBuffSize); // Size of the buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetHardwareParam()
// Gets a Hardware parameter.
// Allowed TLINHardwareParam Parameter
// values in wParam: type: Description:
// ------------------------- ---------- -----------------------------------
// hwpName char[] Name of the Hardware. See LIN_MAX_NAME_LENGTH
// hwpDeviceNumber int Index of the Device owner of the Hardware
// hwpChannelNumber int Channel Index of the Hardware on the owner device
// hwpConnectedClients BYTE[*] Array of Client Handles conencted to a Hardware
// The first item in the array refers to the
// amount of handles. So [*] = Total handles + 1
// hwpMessageFilter unsigned Configured message filter. Each bit corresponds
// _int64 to a Frame ID (0..63)
// hwpBaudrate int Configured baudrate
// hwpMode int 0 = Slave, otehrwise Master
// hwpFirmwareVersion TLINVersion A TLINVersion structure containing the Firmware Version
// hwpBufferOverrunCount int Receive Buffer Overrun Counter
// hwpBossClient HLINCLIENT Handle of the current Boss-Client
// hwpSerialNumber int Serial number of the Hardware
// hwpVersion int Version of the Hardware
// hwpType int Type of the Hardware
// hwpQueueOverrunCount int Receive Queue Buffer Overrun Counter
// hwpIdNumber int Identification number for a hardware
// hwpUserData BYTE[] User data saved on the hardware. See LIN_MAX_USER_DATA
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterType, errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalHardware,
// errBufferInsufficient
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetHardwareParam (HLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleTLINHardwareParam wParam, // TLINHardwareParam parametervoid *pBuff, // Buffer for the parameter valueWORD wBuffSize); // Size of the buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_ResetHardware()
// Flushes the queues of the Hardware and resets its counters.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_ResetHardware (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw); // Hardware Handle//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_ResetHardwareConfig()
// Deletes the current configuration of the Hardware and sets its defaults.
// The Client 'hClient' must be registered and connected to the Hardware to
// be accessed.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_ResetHardwareConfig (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw); // Hardware handle//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_IdentifyHardware()
// Phisically identifies a LIN Hardware (a channel on a LIN Device) by
// blinking its associated LED.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_IdentifyHardware (HLINHW hHw); // Hardware Handle//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_RegisterFrameId()
// Modifies the filter of a Client and, eventually, the filter of the
// connected Hardware. The messages with FrameID 'bFromFrameId' to
// 'bToFrameId' will be received.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware,
// errIllegalFrameID
TLINError __stdcall LIN_RegisterFrameId (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleBYTE bFromFrameId, // First ID of the frame rangeBYTE bToFrameId); // Last ID of the frame range//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_SetFrameEntry()
// Configures a LIN Frame in a given Hardware. The Client 'hClient' must
// be registered and connected to the Hardware to be accessed.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware,
// errIllegalFrameID, errIllegalLength
TLINError __stdcall LIN_SetFrameEntry (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleTLINFrameEntry *pFrameEntry); // Frame entry buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetFrameEntry()
// Gets the configuration of a LIN Frame from a given Hardware.
// The 'pFrameEntry.FrameId' must be set to the ID of the frame, whose
// configuration should be returned.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalHardware, errIllegalFrameID
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetFrameEntry (HLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleTLINFrameEntry *pFrameEntry); // Frame Entry buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_UpdateByteArray()
// Updates the data of a LIN Frame for a given Hardware. The Client
// 'hClient' must be registered and connected to the Hardware to be
// accessed. 'pData' must have at least a size of 'bLen'.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware,
// errIllegalFrameID, errIllegalLength, errIllegalIndex,
// errIllegalRange
TLINError __stdcall LIN_UpdateByteArray (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client handleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleBYTE bFrameId, // Frame IDBYTE bIndex, // Index where the update data Starts (0..7)BYTE bLen, // Count of Data bytes to be updated.BYTE *pData); // Data buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_StartKeepAlive()
// Sets the Frame 'bFrameId' as Keep-Alive frame for the given Hardware and
// starts to send it every 'wPeriod' Milliseconds. The Client 'hClient' must
// be registered and connected to the Hardware to be accessed.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware,
// errIllegalFrameID
TLINError __stdcall LIN_StartKeepAlive ( HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleBYTE bFrameId, // ID of the Keep-Alive FrameWORD wPeriod); // Keep-Alive Interval in Milliseconds//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_SuspendKeepAlive()
// Suspends the sending of a Keep-Alive frame in the given Hardware.
// The Client 'hClient' must be registered and connected to the Hardware
// to be accessed.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_SuspendKeepAlive (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw); // Hardware Handle//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_ResumeKeepAlive()
// Resumes the sending of a KeepAlive frame in the given Hardware.
// The Client 'hClient' must be registered and connected to the Hardware
// to be accessed.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_ResumeKeepAlive (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw); // Hardware Handle//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_SetSchedule()
// Configures the slots of a Schedule in a given Hardware. The Client
// 'hClient' must be registered and connected to the Hardware to be
// accessed. The Slot handles will be returned in the parameter
// "pSchedule" (Slots buffer), when this function successfully completes.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware,
// errIllegalScheduleNo, errIllegalSlotCount
TLINError __stdcall LIN_SetSchedule (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware Handleint iScheduleNumber, // Schedule number (see LIN_MIN_SCHEDULE_NUMBER // and LIN_MAX_SCHEDULE_NUMBER)TLINScheduleSlot *pSchedule, // Slots bufferint iSlotCount); // Count of Slots in the slots buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetSchedule()
// Gets the slots of a Schedule from a given Hardware. The count of slots
// returned in the array is written in 'pSlotCount'.
// REMARK: To ONLY get the count of slots contained in the given Schedule,
// call this function using 'pScheduleBuff' = NULL and iMaxSlotCount = 0.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalHardware, errIllegalScheduleNo,
// errIllegalSlotCount
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetSchedule (HLINHW hHw, // Hardware Handleint iScheduleNumber, // Schedule Number (see LIN_MIN_SCHEDULE_NUMBER // and LIN_MAX_SCHEDULE_NUMBER)TLINScheduleSlot *pScheduleBuff, // Slots iMaxSlotCount, // Maximum number of slots to *pSlotCount); // Real number of slots read.//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_DeleteSchedule()
// Removes all slots contained by a Schedule of a given Hardware. The
// Client 'hClient' must be registered and connected to the Hardware to
// be accessed.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware,
// errIllegalScheduleNo
TLINError __stdcall LIN_DeleteSchedule (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware Handleint iScheduleNumber); // Schedule Number (see LIN_MIN_SCHEDULE_NUMBER// and LIN_MAX_SCHEDULE_NUMBER)//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_SetScheduleBreakPoint()
// Sets a 'breakpoint' on a slot from a Schedule in a given Hardware. The
// Client 'hClient' must be registered and connected to the Hardware to
// be accessed.
// REMARK: Giving 'dwHandle' a value of 0 ('NULL'), causes the deletion of
// the breakpoint.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_SetScheduleBreakPoint (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware Handleint iBreakPointNumber, // Breakpoint Number (0 or 1)DWORD dwHandle); // Slot Handle//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_StartSchedule()
// Activates a Schedule in a given Hardware. The Client 'hClient' must
// be registered and connected to the Hardware to be accessed.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware,
// errIllegalScheduleNo
TLINError __stdcall LIN_StartSchedule (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware Handleint iScheduleNumber); // Schedule Number (see LIN_MIN_SCHEDULE_NUMBER // and LIN_MAX_SCHEDULE_NUMBER)//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_SuspendSchedule()
// Suspends an active Schedule in a given Hardware. The Client 'hClient'
// must be registered and connected to the Hardware to be accessed.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_SuspendSchedule (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw); // Hardware Handle//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_ResumeSchedule()
// Restarts a configured Schedule in a given Hardware. The Client 'hClient'
// must be registered and connected to the Hardware to be accessed.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_ResumeSchedule (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw); // Hardware Handle//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_XmtWakeUp()
// Sends a wake-up impulse (single data byte 0xF0). The Client 'hClient'
// must be registered and connected to the Hardware to be accessed.
// Remark: Only in Slave-mode. After sending a wake-up impulse a time
// of 150 milliseconds is used as timeout.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_XmtWakeUp (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw); // Hardware Handle//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_XmtDynamicWakeUp()
// Sends a wake-up impulse (single data byte 0xF0) and specify a custom
// bus-sleep timeout, in milliseconds. The Client 'hClient'
// must be registered and connected to the Hardware to be accessed.
// Remark: Only in Slave-mode. The bus-sleep timeout is set to its default,
// 150 milliseconds, after the custom timeout is exhausted.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponse, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_XmtDynamicWakeUp (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleWORD wTimeOut); // Bus-sleep timeout//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_StartAutoBaud()
// Starts a process to detect the Baud rate of the LIN bus that is
// connected to the indicated Hardware.
// The Client 'hClient' must be registered and connected to the Hardware
// to be accessed. The Hardware must be not initialized in order
// to do an Auto-baudrate procedure.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_StartAutoBaud (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleWORD wTimeOut); // Auto-baudrate Timeout in Milliseconds//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetStatus()
// Retrieves current status information from the given Hardware.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetStatus (HLINHW hHw, // Hardware handleTLINHardwareStatus *pStatusBuff); // Status data buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_CalculateChecksum()
// Calculates the checksum of a LIN Message and writes it into the
// 'Checksum' field of 'pMsg'.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalLength
TLINError __stdcall LIN_CalculateChecksum (TLINMsg *pMsg); // Message buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetVersion()
// Returns a TLINVersion structure containing the PLIN-API DLL version.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetVersion ( TLINVersion *pVerBuff // Version buffer
// LIN_GetVersionInfo()
// Returns a string containing Copyright information.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetVersionInfo (LPSTR strTextBuff, // String bufferWORD wBuffSize); // Size in bytes of the buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetErrorText()
// Converts the error code 'dwError' to a text containing an error
// description in the language given as parameter (when available).
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errBufferInsufficient
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetErrorText (TLINError dwError, // A TLINError code BYTE bLanguage, // Indicates a "Primary language ID"LPSTR strTextBuff, // Error string bufferWORD wBuffSize); // Buffer size in bytes//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetPID()
// Gets the 'FrameId with Parity' corresponding to the given
// 'pFrameId' and writes the result on it.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalFrameID
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetPID(BYTE *pFrameId); // Frame ID (0..LIN_MAX_FRAME_ID)//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetTargetTime()
// Gets the system time used by the LIN-USB adapter.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalHardware
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetTargetTime (HLINHW hHw, // Hardware Handleunsigned __int64 *pTargetTime); // TargetTime buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_SetResponseRemap()
// Sets the Response Remap of a LIN Slave
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalFrameID, errIllegalClient, errIllegalHardware,
// errMemoryAccess
TLINError __stdcall LIN_SetResponseRemap (HLINCLIENT hClient, // Client HandleHLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleBYTE *pRemapTab); // Remap Response buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetResponseRemap()
// Gets the Response Remap of a LIN Slave
// REMARK: The Buffer must be at least 64 bytes length
// the breakpoint.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errManagerNotLoaded, errManagerNotResponding, errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue, errIllegalHardware, errMemoryAccess
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetResponseRemap (HLINHW hHw, // Hardware HandleBYTE *pRemapTab); // Remap Response buffer//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LIN_GetSystemTime()
// Gets the current system time. The system time is returned by
// Windows as the elapsed number of microseconds since system start.
// Possible DLL interaction errors:
// errMemoryAccess
// Possible API errors:
// errWrongParameterValue
TLINError __stdcall LIN_GetSystemTime(unsigned __int64 *pSystemTime);#ifdef __cplusplus
2 TLINFrameEntry 结构体
// A LIN Frame Entry
typedef struct { // Size = 14 bytesBYTE FrameId; // #0 +0 Frame ID (without parity)BYTE Length; // #1 +1 Frame Length (1..8)TLINDirection Direction; // #2 +2 Frame Direction (see Message Direction Types)TLINChecksumType ChecksumType; // #3 +3 Frame Checksum type (see Message Checksum Types)WORD Flags; // #4 +4 Frame flags (see Frame flags for LIN Msgs)BYTE InitialData[8]; // #5 +6 Data bytes (0..7)
} TLINFrameEntry;
3 自定义函数getTLINFrameEntry
TLINFrameEntry PLinApiControl::getTLINFrameEntry(BYTE ChecksumType, BYTE Direction, int FrameId, int Length, int Flags, BYTE *InitialData)
{//关于Flags的解释见下图,一般请将这个数值设置成1。//另外如果将这个值设置成3=1+2,表示同时设置FRAME_FLAG_RESPONSE_ENABLE和FRAME_FLAG_SINGLE_SHOT的flags。TLINFrameEntry pFrameEntry;pFrameEntry.ChecksumType = ChecksumType;pFrameEntry.Direction = Direction;pFrameEntry.FrameId = FrameId;pFrameEntry.Length = 8;pFrameEntry.Flags = Flags;memset(pFrameEntry.InitialData, DEFAULT_DATA, 8);if(Length > 8)Length = 8;for(int i = 0; i < Length; i++){pFrameEntry.InitialData[i] = InitialData[i];}return pFrameEntry;
4 TLINScheduleSlot 结构体
// A LIN Schedule slot
typedef struct { // Size = 20 bytesTLINSlotType Type; // #0 +0 Slot Type (see Schedule Slot Types)WORD Delay; // #1 +2 Slot Delay in MillisecondsBYTE FrameId[8]; // #2 +4 Frame IDs (without parity)BYTE CountResolve; // #3 +12 ID count for sporadic frames// Resolve schedule number for Event framesDWORD Handle; // #4 +16 Slot handle (read-only)
} TLINScheduleSlot;
5 自定义函数 getTLINScheduleSlot
目的:为了获取TLINScheduleSlot 结构体
void PLinApiControl::getTLINScheduleSlot(TLINScheduleSlot *pSchedule, int delay, int ID)
{//TLINScheduleSlot Delay 0 一直发送 -1 只发送一次pSchedule->Delay = delay;pSchedule->CountResolve = 1;pSchedule->FrameId[0] = ID;pSchedule->FrameId[1] = 0x00;pSchedule->FrameId[2] = 0x00;pSchedule->FrameId[3] = 0x00;pSchedule->FrameId[4] = 0x00;pSchedule->FrameId[5] = 0x00;pSchedule->FrameId[6] = 0x00;pSchedule->FrameId[7] = 0x00;pSchedule->Type = sltUnconditional;}
6 自定义LIN_SetScheduleInit函数
bool PLinApiControl::LIN_SetScheduleInit()
{int ret;BYTE CtrCmd[8] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};TLINFrameEntry pFrameEntry = getTLINFrameEntry(cstEnhanced, dirPublisher, ID_SEND, 8, 1, CtrCmd);ret = pSet->m_objPLinApi->SetFrameEntry(pSet->m_hClient, pSet->m_hHw, &pFrameEntry);qDebug()<<"SetFrameEntry ret" << ret;if(ret != errOK)return false;int iSlotCount = 2;TLINScheduleSlot pSchedule[2];//pSchedule_readVal//TLINScheduleSlot Delay 0 一直发送 -1 只发送一次getTLINScheduleSlot(&pSchedule[0], 100, ID_RECV);getTLINScheduleSlot(&pSchedule[1], 50, ID_SEND);ret = pSet->m_objPLinApi->SetSchedule(pSet->m_hClient, pSet->m_hHw, iScheduleNumber, pSchedule, iSlotCount);qDebug()<<"SetSchedule0 ret" << ret;if(ret != errOK)return false;return true;
7 自定义 LIN_StartSchedule
void PLinApiControl::LIN_StartSchedule()
{int ret;ret = pSet->m_objPLinApi->StartSchedule(pSet->m_hClient, pSet->m_hHw, iScheduleNumber);qDebug()<<"LIN_StartSchedule ret" << ret;
8 发送函数
/*** 上位机做主机时* 主机写 检验模式增强 帧方向为发布* 主机读 检验模式增强 帧方向为订阅* 上位机做从机时* 回应主机读 帧方向为发布**/
struct LinFrame
{LinFrame(){}LinFrame(int _fid, int len, TLINChecksumType check_type, TLINDirection dir, BYTE *data){m_nID = _fid;m_nLength = len ;m_nChecksumType = check_type;m_bDirection = dir;memset(Data, DEFAULT_DATA, 8);if(len > 8)len = 8;if(data != nullptr)memcpy_s(Data, len, data, len);}// The CGlobalFrameTable holding this framevoid * m_pParent;// LIN-Frame Identifierint m_nID;// Datalength of the LIN-Frameint m_nLength;// Type of the Checksum CalculationTLINChecksumType m_nChecksumType;// Direction of the LIN-FrameTLINDirection m_bDirection;// Protected LIN-Frame m_nIDint m_nProtectedID;BYTE Data[8]; // #4 +4 Data bytes (0..7)BYTE Checksum; // #5 +12 Frame Checksum};
bool PLinApiControl::LIN_Write(LinFrame sLinFrame)
{if(!pSet->m_objPLinApi->bLoadPLinApi())return false;if(!pSet->bConnectHard())return false;TLINMsg pMsg;BYTE pid = sLinFrame.m_nID;pSet->m_objPLinApi->GetPID(&pid);// Create a new LIN frame message and copy the data.pMsg.FrameId = (BYTE) pid;pMsg.Direction = (TLINDirection) sLinFrame.m_bDirection;pMsg.ChecksumType = (TLINChecksumType)sLinFrame.m_nChecksumType;pMsg.Length = 8;//(BYTE) sLinFrame.m_nLength;// Fill data arraypMsg.Data[0] = sLinFrame.Data[0];pMsg.Data[1] = sLinFrame.Data[1];pMsg.Data[2] = sLinFrame.Data[2];pMsg.Data[3] = sLinFrame.Data[3];pMsg.Data[4] = sLinFrame.Data[4];pMsg.Data[5] = sLinFrame.Data[5];pMsg.Data[6] = sLinFrame.Data[6];pMsg.Data[7] = sLinFrame.Data[7];int err = 1;// Check if the hardware is initialize as masterif (pSet->m_HwMode == modMaster){// Calculate the checksum contained with the// checksum type that set some line before.pSet->m_objPLinApi->CalculateChecksum(&pMsg);// Try to send the LIN frame message with LIN_Write.err = pSet->m_objPLinApi->Write(pSet->m_hClient, pSet->m_hHw, &pMsg);/*qDebug()<<"Write :"<<QString::number(pMsg.Data[0], 16)<<" "\<<QString::number(pMsg.Data[1], 16)<<" "\<<QString::number(pMsg.Data[2], 16)<<" "\<<QString::number(pMsg.Data[3], 16)<<" "\<<QString::number(pMsg.Data[4], 16)<<" "\<<QString::number(pMsg.Data[5], 16)<<" "\<<QString::number(pMsg.Data[6], 16)<<" "\<<QString::number(pMsg.Data[7], 16)<<" m_LastLINErr:"\<<err;*/}else{// If the hardare is initialize as slave// only update the data in the LIN frame.pSet->m_LastLINErr = pSet->m_objPLinApi->UpdateByteArray(pSet->m_hClient, pSet->m_hHw, sLinFrame.m_nID, (BYTE)0, pMsg.Length, pMsg.Data);}// Show error if anyif (err != errOK){qDebug()<<pSet->GetFormatedError(pSet->m_LastLINErr);return false;}return true;
9 线程接收函数
void PLinApiControl::LIN_Read()
{if(!pSet->m_objPLinApi->bLoadPLinApi())return ;if(!pSet->bConnectHard())return ;qDebug()<<"LIN_Read thread id:"<<QThread::currentThreadId();// We read at least one time the queue looking for messages.// If a message is found, we look again trying to find more.// If the queue is empty or an error occurs, we get out from// the dowhile statement.//do{TLINRcvMsg lpMsg;lpMsg.Type = mstBusSleep;if(!bread_start)break;unsigned char data[8] = {0xff};
#if TEST_ONLYLinFrame sLinFrame(ID_TEST, 8, cstEnhanced, dirSubscriber, data);
#elseLinFrame sLinFrame(ID_RECV, 8, cstEnhanced, dirSubscriber, data);
#endif//qDebug()<<"bwrite ===="<<bwrite;if(bwrite){LIN_Write(sLinFrame);}QThread::msleep(read_delay_time);pSet->m_LastLINErr = pSet->m_objPLinApi->Read(pSet->m_hClient, &lpMsg);// If at least one Frame is received by the LinApi.// Check if the received frame is a standard type.// If it is not a standard type than ignore it.if (lpMsg.Type != mstStandard)continue;if (pSet->m_LastLINErr == errOK && lpMsg.ErrorFlags == 0){// ProcessMessage(lpMsg);/**qDebug()<<"lpMsg read:"<<QString::number(lpMsg.Data[0],16)<<" "\<<QString::number(lpMsg.Data[1],16)<<" "\<<QString::number(lpMsg.Data[2],16)<<" "\<<QString::number(lpMsg.Data[3],16)<<" "\<<QString::number(lpMsg.Data[4],16)<<" "\<<QString::number(lpMsg.Data[5],16)<<" "\<<QString::number(lpMsg.Data[6],16)<<" "\<<QString::number(lpMsg.Data[7],16)<<" ";*/if(lpMsg.Data[0] == RECV_READVAL)emit signal_read_data(lpMsg);
#if TEST_ONLYelse if(lpMsg.Data[0] == 2){// 锁定互斥量QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);mSEND_CTRPRM.clear();mSEND_CTRPRM.enqueue(lpMsg);// 唤醒等待的线程m_condition.wakeOne();}
#elseelse if(lpMsg.Data[0] == SEND_CTRPRM){// 锁定互斥量QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);//qDebug()<<"aaaaa ";mSEND_CTRPRM.clear();mSEND_CTRPRM.enqueue(lpMsg);// 唤醒等待的线程m_condition.wakeOne();}
#endifelse if(lpMsg.Data[0] == SEND_CALIBPRM){// 锁定互斥量//qDebug()<<"LIN_Read "<<QThread::currentThreadId();QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);mSEND_CALIBPRM.clear();mSEND_CALIBPRM.enqueue(lpMsg);// 唤醒等待的线程m_condition.wakeOne();}else{QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);mSEND_Other.clear();mSEND_Other.enqueue(lpMsg);// 唤醒等待的线程m_condition.wakeOne();}}} while (pSet->bConnectHard());//while (pSet->bConnectHard() && (!(pSet->m_LastLINErr & errRcvQueueEmpty)));
UDS发送时将 bwrite 设置为false, 并等待接收上一帧报文完成后再发送
目录 1 PLinApi.h 2 TLINFrameEntry 结构体 3 自定义函数getTLINFrameEntry 4 TLINScheduleSlot 结构体 5 自定义函数 getTLINScheduleSlot 6 自定义LIN_SetScheduleInit函数 7 自定义 LIN_StartSchedule 8 发送函数 9 线程接收函数 1 PLinApi.h 这是官方头文件 ///…...
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Unity3D 自定义窗口
Unity3D 自定义窗口的实现。 自定义窗口 Unity3D 可以通过编写代码,扩展编辑器的菜单栏和窗口。 简单的功能可以直接一个菜单按钮实现,复杂的功能就需要绘制一个窗口展示更多的信息。 编辑器扩展的脚本,需要放在 Editor 文件夹中。 菜单栏…...
文章目录 0. 引言1. nacos简介及安装2. 注册中心实现3. 配置中心实现4. 源码5. 总结 0. 引言 之前我们讲解的是dubbozookeeper体系来实现微服务框架,但相对zookeeper很多企业在使用nacos, 并且nacos和dubbo都是阿里出品,所以具备一些天生的契合性&#…...
Pudding 个人博客 比较懒,直接 github page 了,没国内代理加速。 欢迎大佬们,踩一踩 没做留言,觉得很鸡肋。有问题可以在本文底下评论、或者直接邮件...
【STM32 HAL】多串口printf重定向
【STM32 HAL】多串口printf重定向 前言单串口printf重定向原理实现CubeMX配置Keil5配置 多串口printf重定向 前言 在近期项目中,作者需要 STM32 同时向上位机和手机发送数据,传统的 printf 重定向只能输出到一个串口。本文介绍如何实现 printf 同时输出…...
1、按照正常操作新建数据库连接,上传准备好的达梦驱动时,提示如图一需要修改SystemConfig.driverUpload为true才可以。 2、FineDB存储了数据决策系统中除平台属性配置以外的所有信息。详情请参见: FineDB 数据库简介。 3、因此管理员可通过…...
CSS选择器的优先级是如何确定的? CSS选择器的优先级决定了当多个选择器同时应用于一个元素时,哪个选择器将最终生效。CSS选择器的优先级由多个因素决定,主要包括以下几个方面: 特殊性(Specificity) 特殊性…...
1.MySQL基本数据类型 数值类型 MySQL 支持所有标准 SQL 数值数据类型。 这些类型包括严格数值数据类型(INTEGER、SMALLINT、DECIMAL 和 NUMERIC),以及近似数值数据类型(FLOAT、REAL 和 DOUBLE PRECISION)。 关键字INT是INTEGER的同义词,关键字DEC是D…...
以下内容,皆为原创,重在无私分享高质量知识,制作实属不易,请点点关注。 好戏开场了~~~(这关涉及到了加载数据集的代码,下一关,教你们安装机器学习库) 一.数据集 这一关的目标 知道数据集被分为训练集和测…...
数据库学习(进阶) Mysql结构:连接层:服务层(核心层):存储引擎层:系统文件层: 存储引擎(概述):存储引擎特点:InnoDB存储引擎:(为并发条…...
跳表(Skiplist)是一种用于有序数据存储的高效数据结构,它在Redis中用于实现有序集合(Sorted Set,zset)的底层存储。当有序集合中的数据较多时,Redis会选择使用跳表来存储元素,以便在保持数据有序的同时提供高效的插入、删除、查找操作。 跳表的基本结构 跳表是一种多…...
1 备份当前服务器上的 Docker 数据 1.1 停止 Docker 服务 为了确保数据一致性,在备份之前先停止 Docker 服务: sudo systemctl stop docker1.2 备份 Docker 数据 Docker 的数据通常位于 /var/lib/docker 目录。你可以使用 tar 命令将该目录压缩成一个…...
1、概述 逻辑回归本身是一种分类算法,它并不涉及下采样或过采样操作。然而,在处理不平衡数据集时,这些技术经常被用来改善模型的性能。下采样和过采样是两种常用的处理不平衡数据集的方法。 2、下采样 1、概念 下采样是通过减少数量较多的类…...
前置文章: React原理之 React 整体架构解读React原理之整体渲染流程React原理之Fiber详解 -----读懂这一篇需要对 React 整体架构和渲染流程有大致的概念 😊----- 在前面的文章中,简单介绍了 Fiber 架构,也了解了 Fiber 节点的…...
检测异常值是数据预处理中非常重要的一步,因为异常值可能会影响模型的训练效果,甚至导致错误的结论。以下是几种常见的检测异常值的方法: 1. 箱线图(Box Plot): 箱线图是一种简单的统计图形,可…...
导语 Redis是一款高性能的内存数据库,被广泛用于缓存、持久化、消息队列等各种场景。为了确保Redis的高性能运行,评估Redis的性能是非常重要的。本文将介绍如何评估Redis的性能,并从问题解决的角度探讨如何优化Redis的性能。 1. 性能评估指…...
订阅模式Publish/Subscribe 基于API的方式1.使用AmqpAdmin定制消息发送组件2.消息发送者发送消息3.消息消费者接收消息 基于配置类的方式基于注解的方式总结 SpringBoot整合RabbitMQ中间件实现消息服务,主要围绕3个部分的工作进行展开:定制中间件、消息发…...
在Android8.1上面对APK进行Android系统源码环境下的签名,发现签名时出现如下错误: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at org.conscrypt.OpenSSLBIOInputStream.(OpenSSLBIOInputStream. at org.conscrypt.OpenSSLX509Certificat…...
一、单选题 376.根据《机动车运行安全技术条件》(GB7258---2017),每个应急出口应在其附近设有"应急出口"字样,字体高度应大于或等于()mm。 A.20 B.30 C.40 D.50 答案:C 377.根…...
正则化技术 一种防止过拟合,提高泛化能力的技巧,因此算法正则化的研究成为机器学习中主要的研究主题。此外,正则化还是训练参数数量大于训练数据集的深度学习模型的关键步骤。 正则化可以避免算法过拟合,过拟合通常发生在算法…...
wordpress 加密文章/如何自己建立一个网站
一、分包加载: 1、简介 某些情况下,开发者需要将小程序划分成不同的子包,在构建时打包成不同的分包,用户在使用时按需进行加载。在构建小程序分包项目时,构建会输出一个或多个功能的分包,其中每个分包小程序…...
KeepalivedLVSMysql-Cluster(7.1.10)的安装配置NDB Cluster的硬件需求: 管理节点:对硬件没什么要求,差 一点的机器完全能够胜任 数据节点:可以选择大内存,cpu也相对来讲不错 的,尤其是以后ndbmtd对多核Cpu的支持 Mysql节 点&#…...
问题:[多选] 关于LTE子帧的描述,哪些是正确的()A . 下行常规子帧控制区域与数据区域进行频分B . 特殊子帧由三个特殊域组成,分别为DwPTS、GP和UpPTSC . 下行MBSFN专用载波子帧中不存在控制区域D . 上行常规子帧控制区域与数据区域进行频分根据…...
微信支付分 (先享后付) 对接记录:微信支付分对接步骤填写开通支付分的申请表格 此步骤大概需要审核 1-3 个工作日; (模板 - 服务信息配置表 -【先享后付免确认】-【商户名】.xls) 填写商户信息 和回调地址 (支持三套环境)拿到审核结果 对技术而言 需要 serviceId appid appSecr…...
1、亚马逊商品页面链接地址(本次要爬取的页面url) 2、代码部分 import requestsurl ""try: kv {user-agent: Mozilla/5.0} # 修改了发起请求的请求头中的user-agent的值ÿ…...