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2.langchain中的prompt模板 (FewShotPromptTemplate)

本教程将介绍如何使用 LangChain 库中的 PromptTemplateFewShotPromptTemplate 来构建和运行提示(prompt),并通过示例数据展示其应用。


首先,确保你已经安装了 langchain 和相关依赖:

pip install langchain langchain_core langchain_chroma langchain_community

1. 创建 PromptTemplate

PromptTemplate 用于定义一个模板,该模板可以动态地插入变量。


from langchain_core.prompts import PromptTemplateexample_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template("Question: {question}\n{answer}")


  • PromptTemplate.from_template 方法用于从给定的模板字符串创建一个 PromptTemplate 对象。
  • 模板字符串中的 {question}{answer} 是占位符,将在后续被实际数据替换。

2. 定义示例数据

示例数据是一个列表,每个元素是一个包含 questionanswer 的字典。


examples = [{"question": "Who lived longer, Muhammad Ali or Alan Turing?","answer": """
Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: How old was Muhammad Ali when he died?
Intermediate answer: Muhammad Ali was 74 years old when he died.
Follow up: How old was Alan Turing when he died?
Intermediate answer: Alan Turing was 41 years old when he died.
So the final answer is: Muhammad Ali
""",},{"question": "When was the founder of craigslist born?","answer": """
Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: Who was the founder of craigslist?
Intermediate answer: Craigslist was founded by Craig Newmark.
Follow up: When was Craig Newmark born?
Intermediate answer: Craig Newmark was born on December 6, 1952.
So the final answer is: December 6, 1952
""",},{"question": "Who was the maternal grandfather of George Washington?","answer": """
Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: Who was the mother of George Washington?
Intermediate answer: The mother of George Washington was Mary Ball Washington.
Follow up: Who was the father of Mary Ball Washington?
Intermediate answer: The father of Mary Ball Washington was Joseph Ball.
So the final answer is: Joseph Ball
""",},{"question": "Are both the directors of Jaws and Casino Royale from the same country?","answer": """
Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: Who is the director of Jaws?
Intermediate Answer: The director of Jaws is Steven Spielberg.
Follow up: Where is Steven Spielberg from?
Intermediate Answer: The United States.
Follow up: Who is the director of Casino Royale?
Intermediate Answer: The director of Casino Royale is Martin Campbell.
Follow up: Where is Martin Campbell from?
Intermediate Answer: New Zealand.
So the final answer is: No


  • 每个字典包含一个问题和对应的答案。
  • 答案部分详细描述了求解问题的中间步骤和最终答案。

3. 使用 PromptTemplate 调用示例




Question: Who lived longer, Muhammad Ali or Alan Turing?Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: How old was Muhammad Ali when he died?
Intermediate answer: Muhammad Ali was 74 years old when he died.
Follow up: How old was Alan Turing when he died?
Intermediate answer: Alan Turing was 41 years old when he died.
So the final answer is: Muhammad Ali


  • example_prompt.invoke(examples[0]) 方法将示例数据中的第一个元素插入到模板中。
  • to_string() 方法将结果转换为字符串形式。

4. 创建 FewShotPromptTemplate

FewShotPromptTemplate 用于结合多个示例和一个后缀模板来生成最终的提示。


from langchain_core.prompts import FewShotPromptTemplateprompt = FewShotPromptTemplate(examples=examples,example_prompt=example_prompt,suffix="Question: {input}",input_variables=["input"],
)print(prompt.invoke({"input": "Who was the father of Mary Ball Washington?"}).to_string()


Question: Who lived longer, Muhammad Ali or Alan Turing?Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: How old was Muhammad Ali when he died?
Intermediate answer: Muhammad Ali was 74 years old when he died.
Follow up: How old was Alan Turing when he died?
Intermediate answer: Alan Turing was 41 years old when he died.
So the final answer is: Muhammad AliQuestion: When was the founder of craigslist born?Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: Who was the founder of craigslist?
Intermediate answer: Craigslist was founded by Craig Newmark.
Follow up: When was Craig Newmark born?
Intermediate answer: Craig Newmark was born on December 6, 1952.
So the final answer is: December 6, 1952Question: Who was the maternal grandfather of George Washington?Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: Who was the mother of George Washington?
Intermediate answer: The mother of George Washington was Mary Ball Washington.
Follow up: Who was the father of Mary Ball Washington?
Intermediate answer: The father of Mary Ball Washington was Joseph Ball.
So the final answer is: Joseph BallQuestion: Are both the directors of Jaws and Casino Royale from the same country?Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: Who is the director of Jaws?
Intermediate Answer: The director of Jaws is Steven Spielberg.
Follow up: Where is Steven Spielberg from?
Intermediate Answer: The United States.
Follow up: Who is the director of Casino Royale?
Intermediate Answer: The director of Casino Royale is Martin Campbell.
Follow up: Where is Martin Campbell from?
Intermediate Answer: New Zealand.
So the final answer is: NoQuestion: Who was the father of Mary Ball Washington?


  • FewShotPromptTemplate 结合了多个示例和一个后缀模板。
  • examples 参数是之前定义的示例数据。
  • example_prompt 是之前创建的 PromptTemplate
  • suffix 是一个后缀模板,用于添加到所有示例之后。
  • input_variables 定义了后缀模板中使用的变量。

5. 使用语义相似度选择示例

SemanticSimilarityExampleSelector 用于根据输入问题的语义相似度选择最相关的示例。


from langchain_chroma import Chroma
from langchain_core.example_selectors import SemanticSimilarityExampleSelector
from langchain_community.embeddings import ZhipuAIEmbeddingsembed = ZhipuAIEmbeddings(model="embedding-3",api_key="your api key",
)example_selector = SemanticSimilarityExampleSelector.from_examples(examples,embed,Chroma,k=1,
)question = "Who was the father of Mary Ball Washington?"
selected_examples = example_selector.select_examples({"question": question})
print(f"Examples most similar to the input: {question}")
for example in selected_examples:print("\n")for k, v in example.items():print(f"{k}: {v}")


Examples most similar to the input: Who was the father of Mary Ball Washington?answer: 
Are follow up questions needed here: Yes.
Follow up: Who was the mother of George Washington?
Intermediate answer: The mother of George Washington was Mary Ball Washington.
Follow up: Who was the father of Mary Ball Washington?
Intermediate answer: The father of Mary Ball Washington was Joseph Ball.
So the final answer is: Joseph Ballquestion: Who was the maternal grandfather of George Washington?


  • ZhipuAIEmbeddings 用于生成问题的嵌入向量。
  • SemanticSimilarityExampleSelector.from_examples 创建一个示例选择器,用于根据语义相似度选择示例。
  • k=1 表示选择最相似的一个示例。
  • select_examples 方法根据输入问题选择最相似的示例。


本教程展示了如何使用 LangChain 中的 PromptTemplateFewShotPromptTemplate 来构建和运行提示,并通过语义相似度选择最相关的示例。这些工具在构建复杂的提示和生成高质量回答方面非常有用。希望这个教程对你有所帮助!




2.langchain中的prompt模板 (FewShotPromptTemplate)

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