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ui设计35岁就被淘汰了吗,百度小程序seo,转包网站建设做非法事情,网站seo优化技术入门代码 // Copyright 2021 ByteDance Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apach…


// Copyright 2021 ByteDance Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.package asynccacheimport ("fmt""log""sync""sync/atomic""time"sf "golang.org/x/sync/singleflight"
)// Options controls the behavior of AsyncCache.
type Options struct {RefreshDuration time.DurationFetcher         func(key string) (interface{}, error)// If EnableExpire is true, ExpireDuration MUST be set.EnableExpire   boolExpireDuration time.DurationErrorHandler  func(key string, err error)ChangeHandler func(key string, oldData, newData interface{})DeleteHandler func(key string, oldData interface{})IsSame     func(key string, oldData, newData interface{}) boolErrLogFunc func(str string)
}// AsyncCache .
type AsyncCache interface {// SetDefault sets the default value of given key if it is new to the cache.// It is useful for cache warming up.// Param val should not be nil.SetDefault(key string, val interface{}) (exist bool)// Get tries to fetch a value corresponding to the given key from the cache.// If error occurs during the first time fetching, it will be cached until the// sequential fetching triggered by the refresh goroutine succeed.Get(key string) (val interface{}, err error)// GetOrSet tries to fetch a value corresponding to the given key from the cache.// If the key is not yet cached or error occurs, the default value will be set.GetOrSet(key string, defaultVal interface{}) (val interface{})// Dump dumps all cache entries.// This will not cause expire to refresh.Dump() map[string]interface{}// DeleteIf deletes cached entries that match the `shouldDelete` predicate.DeleteIf(shouldDelete func(key string) bool)// Close closes the async cache.// This should be called when the cache is no longer needed, or may lead to resource leak.Close()
}// asyncCache .
type asyncCache struct {sfg  sf.Groupopt  Optionsdata sync.Map
}type tickerType intconst (refreshTicker tickerType = iotaexpireTicker
)type sharedTicker struct {sync.Mutexstarted  boolstopChan chan boolticker   *time.Tickercaches   map[*asyncCache]struct{}
}var (// 共用 tickerrefreshTickerMap, expireTickerMap sync.Map
)type entry struct {val    atomic.Valueexpire int32 // 0 means useful, 1 will expireerr    Error
}func (e *entry) Store(x interface{}, err error) {if x != nil {e.val.Store(x)} else {e.val = atomic.Value{}}e.err.Store(err)
}func (e *entry) Touch() {atomic.StoreInt32(&e.expire, 0)
}// NewAsyncCache creates an AsyncCache.
func NewAsyncCache(opt Options) AsyncCache {c := &asyncCache{sfg: sf.Group{},opt: opt,}if c.opt.ErrLogFunc == nil {c.opt.ErrLogFunc = func(str string) {log.Println(str)}}if c.opt.EnableExpire {if c.opt.ExpireDuration == 0 {panic("asynccache: invalid ExpireDuration")}ti, _ := expireTickerMap.LoadOrStore(c.opt.ExpireDuration,&sharedTicker{caches: make(map[*asyncCache]struct{}), stopChan: make(chan bool, 1)})et := ti.(*sharedTicker)et.Lock()et.caches[c] = struct{}{}if !et.started {et.started = trueet.ticker = time.NewTicker(c.opt.ExpireDuration)go et.tick(et.ticker, expireTicker)}et.Unlock()}ti, _ := refreshTickerMap.LoadOrStore(c.opt.RefreshDuration,&sharedTicker{caches: make(map[*asyncCache]struct{}), stopChan: make(chan bool, 1)})rt := ti.(*sharedTicker)rt.Lock()rt.caches[c] = struct{}{}if !rt.started {rt.started = truert.ticker = time.NewTicker(c.opt.RefreshDuration)go rt.tick(rt.ticker, refreshTicker)}rt.Unlock()return c
}// SetDefault sets the default value of given key if it is new to the cache.
func (c *asyncCache) SetDefault(key string, val interface{}) bool {ety := &entry{}ety.Store(val, nil)actual, exist := c.data.LoadOrStore(key, ety)if exist {actual.(*entry).Touch()}return exist
}// Get tries to fetch a value corresponding to the given key from the cache.
// If error occurs during in the first time fetching, it will be cached until the
// sequential fetchings triggered by the refresh goroutine succeed.
func (c *asyncCache) Get(key string) (val interface{}, err error) {var ok boolval, ok = c.data.Load(key)if ok {e := val.(*entry)e.Touch()return e.val.Load(), e.err.Load()}val, err, _ = c.sfg.Do(key, func() (v interface{}, e error) {v, e = c.opt.Fetcher(key)ety := &entry{}ety.Store(v, e)c.data.Store(key, ety)return})return
}// GetOrSet tries to fetch a value corresponding to the given key from the cache.
// If the key is not yet cached or fetching failed, the default value will be set.
func (c *asyncCache) GetOrSet(key string, def interface{}) (val interface{}) {if v, ok := c.data.Load(key); ok {e := v.(*entry)if e.err.Load() != nil {ety := &entry{}ety.Store(def, nil)c.data.Store(key, ety)return def}e.Touch()return e.val.Load()}val, _, _ = c.sfg.Do(key, func() (interface{}, error) {v, e := c.opt.Fetcher(key)if e != nil {v = def}ety := &entry{}ety.Store(v, nil)c.data.Store(key, ety)return v, nil})return
}// Dump dumps all cached entries.
func (c *asyncCache) Dump() map[string]interface{} {data := make(map[string]interface{})c.data.Range(func(key, val interface{}) bool {k, ok := key.(string)if !ok {c.opt.ErrLogFunc(fmt.Sprintf("invalid key: %v, type: %T is not string", k, k))c.data.Delete(key)return true}data[k] = val.(*entry).val.Load()return true})return data
}// DeleteIf deletes cached entries that match the `shouldDelete` predicate.
func (c *asyncCache) DeleteIf(shouldDelete func(key string) bool) {c.data.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {s := key.(string)if shouldDelete(s) {if c.opt.DeleteHandler != nil {go c.opt.DeleteHandler(s, value)}c.data.Delete(key)}return true})
}// Close stops the background goroutine.
func (c *asyncCache) Close() {// close refresh tickerti, _ := refreshTickerMap.Load(c.opt.RefreshDuration)rt := ti.(*sharedTicker)rt.Lock()delete(rt.caches, c)if len(rt.caches) == 0 {rt.stopChan <- truert.started = false}rt.Unlock()if c.opt.EnableExpire {// close expire tickerti, _ := expireTickerMap.Load(c.opt.ExpireDuration)et := ti.(*sharedTicker)et.Lock()delete(et.caches, c)if len(et.caches) == 0 {et.stopChan <- trueet.started = false}et.Unlock()}
}// tick .
// pass ticker but not use t.ticker directly is to ignore race.
func (t *sharedTicker) tick(ticker *time.Ticker, tt tickerType) {var wg sync.WaitGroupdefer ticker.Stop()for {select {case <-ticker.C:t.Lock()for c := range t.caches {wg.Add(1)go func(c *asyncCache) {defer wg.Done()if tt == expireTicker {c.expire()} else {c.refresh()}}(c)}wg.Wait()t.Unlock()case stop := <-t.stopChan:if stop {return}}}
}func (c *asyncCache) expire() {c.data.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {k, ok := key.(string)if !ok {c.opt.ErrLogFunc(fmt.Sprintf("invalid key: %v, type: %T is not string", k, k))c.data.Delete(key)return true}e, ok := value.(*entry)if !ok {c.opt.ErrLogFunc(fmt.Sprintf("invalid key: %v, type: %T is not entry", k, value))c.data.Delete(key)return true}if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&e.expire, 0, 1) {if c.opt.DeleteHandler != nil {go c.opt.DeleteHandler(k, value)}c.data.Delete(key)}return true})
}func (c *asyncCache) refresh() {c.data.Range(func(key, value interface{}) bool {k, ok := key.(string)if !ok {c.opt.ErrLogFunc(fmt.Sprintf("invalid key: %v, type: %T is not string", k, k))c.data.Delete(key)return true}e, ok := value.(*entry)if !ok {c.opt.ErrLogFunc(fmt.Sprintf("invalid key: %v, type: %T is not entry", k, value))c.data.Delete(key)return true}newVal, err := c.opt.Fetcher(k)if err != nil {if c.opt.ErrorHandler != nil {go c.opt.ErrorHandler(k, err)}if e.err.Load() != nil {e.err.Store(err)}return true}if c.opt.IsSame != nil && !c.opt.IsSame(k, e.val.Load(), newVal) {if c.opt.ChangeHandler != nil {go c.opt.ChangeHandler(k, e.val.Load(), newVal)}}e.Store(newVal, err)return true})


NewAsyncCache 初始化 AsyncCache 实例
返回 AsyncCache 实例
SetDefault 设置默认值
Get 获取缓存
GetOrSet 获取或设置缓存
Dump 转储缓存
DeleteIf 删除缓存
关闭 AsyncCache
触发 Fetcher 获取值
singleflight 处理请求
Range 遍历缓存
Range 遍历缓存

其中的refreshTickerMap, expireTickerMap存放的是每个特定的刷新时间/过期时间对应的sharedTicker


package mainimport ("asynccache/asynccache""fmt""log""time"
)// 模拟一个简单的数据获取函数
func simpleFetcher(key string) (interface{}, error) {log.Printf("Fetching data for key: %s\n", key)time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) // 模拟数据获取的延迟return fmt.Sprintf("value_for_%s", key), nil
}// 打印缓存中所有的数据观察
func showAllCacheData(cache asynccache.AsyncCache) {cacheData := cache.Dump() // 导出cache数据// cacheData map[string]interface{} 类型为interface{},代表任意类型for k, v := range cacheData {// %s代表匹配字符串,%+v代表构造任意类型log.Printf("Fetching data for key: %s, value: %+v", k, v)}
}func main() {// 创建一个 AsyncCache 实例cache := asynccache.NewAsyncCache(asynccache.Options{RefreshDuration: 2 * time.Second, // 每2秒刷新一次Fetcher:         simpleFetcher,EnableExpire:    true,ExpireDuration:  5 * time.Second, // 每5秒过期一次ErrorHandler: func(key string, err error) {log.Printf("Error fetching key %s: %v\n", key, err)},ChangeHandler: func(key string, oldData, newData interface{}) {log.Printf("Key %s changed from %v to %v\n", key, oldData, newData)},DeleteHandler: func(key string, oldData interface{}) {log.Printf("Key %s expired with value %v\n", key, oldData)},})// 设置默认值cache.SetDefault("key1", "default_value_for_key1")// 观察缓存数据showAllCacheData(cache)// 获取值val, err := cache.Get("key1")if err != nil {log.Printf("Error getting key1: %v\n", err)} else {log.Printf("Got value for key1: %v\n", val)}// 使用 GetOrSetval = cache.GetOrSet("key2", "default_value_for_key2")log.Printf("Got value for key2: %v\n", val)// 等待刷新和过期time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)// 再次获取值val, err = cache.Get("key1")if err != nil {log.Printf("Error getting key1 after refresh: %v\n", err)} else {log.Printf("Got value for key1 after refresh: %v\n", val)}// 删除特定的缓存项cache.DeleteIf(func(key string) bool {return key == "key2"})// 关闭缓存cache.Close()// 尝试获取值,应该会失败val, err = cache.Get("key1")if err != nil {log.Printf("Error getting key1 after close: %v\n", err)} else {log.Printf("Got value for key1 after close: %v\n", val)}



代码 // Copyright 2021 ByteDance Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apach…...


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wordpress确实挺好用的 插件丰富 主题众多 收费的插件也很多 国内的做主题的也挺好 但是服务器跑起来各种麻烦伤脑筋 需要花在维护的时间太多了 如果你的网站持续盈利 你就会更担心访问质量访问速度 而乱七八糟的爬虫黑客 让你的服务器不堪重负 突然有一天看到了静态站…...

Python的3D可视化库【vedo】1-4 (visual模块) 体素可视化、光照控制、Actor2D对象

文章目录 6. VolumeVisual6.1 关于体素6.2 显示效果6.2.1 遮蔽6.2.2 木纹或磨砂效果 6.3 颜色和透明度6.3.1 透明度衰减单位6.3.2 划分透明度标量梯度6.3.3 设置颜色或渐变6.3.4 标量的计算模式6.3.5 标量的插值方式 6.4 过滤6.4.1 按单元格id隐藏单元格6.4.2 按二进制矩阵设置…...


码实现了一个简易的物业管理系统&#xff0c;主要使用了以下技术和功能&#xff1a; 1.主要技术 使用的技术&#xff1a; HTML: 用于构建网页的基本结构。包括表单、表格、按钮等元素。 CSS: 用于美化网页的外观和布局。设置字体、颜色、边距、对齐方式等样式。 JavaScript…...