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做网站的功能是什么,网站品牌推广策略,网上怎么申请个人营业执照,莱芜区人民政府官网json简介 JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) 是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。 易于人阅读和编写。同时也易于机器解析和生成。 它基于JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999的一个子集,最新的定义可以参考ECMA-404_2nd_ed…


JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) 是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。 易于人阅读和编写。同时也易于机器解析和生成。 它基于JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999的一个子集,最新的定义可以参考ECMA-404_2nd_edition_The JSON Data Interchange Syntax,这份标准只有16页,可以一次性读完。

  • 对象是一个无序的“‘名称/值’对”集合。一个对象以 {左括号\{_{左括号}{左括号 开始, }右括号\}_{右括号}}右括号 结束。每个“名称”后跟一个 :冒号:_{冒号}:冒号 ;“‘名称/值’ 对”之间使用 ,逗号,_{逗号},逗号 分隔。
  • 数组是值(value)的有序集合。一个数组以 [左中括号[_{左中括号}[左中括号 开始, ]右中括号]_{右中括号}]右中括号 结束。值之间使用 ,逗号 分隔。
  • 值(value)可以是双引号括起来的字符串(string)、数值(number)、true、false、 null、对象(object)或者数组(array)。这些结构可以嵌套。
  • 字符串(string)是由双引号包围的任意数量Unicode字符的集合,使用反斜线转义。一个字符(character)即一个单独的字符串(character string)。
  • 数值(number)也与C或者Java的数值非常相似。除去未曾使用的八进制与十六进制格式。除去一些编码细节。
  • 空白可以加入到任何符号之间。
 {"FirstName": "John","LastName": "Doe","Age": 43,"Address": {"Street": "Downing Street 10","City": "London","Country": "Great Britain"},"Phone numbers": ["+44 1234567","+44 2345678"]}



CJSON是一个基于C语言实现的json库,为了兼容更多的平台,使用ANSI C (C89)标准来编写,其项目地址在http://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON。



  1. 使用链接库的方式,先编译成库,之后在项目中使用
  2. 直接将CJSON的源代码(cJSON.hcJSON.c)加到项目中,之后和项目一起编译



/* returns the version of cJSON as a string */
CJSON_PUBLIC(const char*) cJSON_Version(void);/* Supply malloc, realloc and free functions to cJSON */
CJSON_PUBLIC(void) cJSON_InitHooks(cJSON_Hooks* hooks);/* Memory Management: the caller is always responsible to free the results from all variants of cJSON_Parse (with cJSON_Delete) and cJSON_Print (with stdlib free, cJSON_Hooks.free_fn, or cJSON_free as appropriate). The exception is cJSON_PrintPreallocated, where the caller has full responsibility of the buffer. */
/* Supply a block of JSON, and this returns a cJSON object you can interrogate. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_Parse(const char *value);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_ParseWithLength(const char *value, size_t buffer_length);
/* ParseWithOpts allows you to require (and check) that the JSON is null terminated, and to retrieve the pointer to the final byte parsed. */
/* If you supply a ptr in return_parse_end and parsing fails, then return_parse_end will contain a pointer to the error so will match cJSON_GetErrorPtr(). */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_ParseWithOpts(const char *value, const char **return_parse_end, cJSON_bool require_null_terminated);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_ParseWithLengthOpts(const char *value, size_t buffer_length, const char **return_parse_end, cJSON_bool require_null_terminated);/* Render a cJSON entity to text for transfer/storage. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(char *) cJSON_Print(const cJSON *item);
/* Render a cJSON entity to text for transfer/storage without any formatting. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(char *) cJSON_PrintUnformatted(const cJSON *item);
/* Render a cJSON entity to text using a buffered strategy. prebuffer is a guess at the final size. guessing well reduces reallocation. fmt=0 gives unformatted, =1 gives formatted */
CJSON_PUBLIC(char *) cJSON_PrintBuffered(const cJSON *item, int prebuffer, cJSON_bool fmt);
/* Render a cJSON entity to text using a buffer already allocated in memory with given length. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. */
/* NOTE: cJSON is not always 100% accurate in estimating how much memory it will use, so to be safe allocate 5 bytes more than you actually need */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_PrintPreallocated(cJSON *item, char *buffer, const int length, const cJSON_bool format);
/* Delete a cJSON entity and all subentities. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(void) cJSON_Delete(cJSON *item);/* Returns the number of items in an array (or object). */
CJSON_PUBLIC(int) cJSON_GetArraySize(const cJSON *array);
/* Retrieve item number "index" from array "array". Returns NULL if unsuccessful. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_GetArrayItem(const cJSON *array, int index);
/* Get item "string" from object. Case insensitive. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_GetObjectItem(const cJSON * const object, const char * const string);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(const cJSON * const object, const char * const string);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_HasObjectItem(const cJSON *object, const char *string);
/* For analysing failed parses. This returns a pointer to the parse error. You'll probably need to look a few chars back to make sense of it. Defined when cJSON_Parse() returns 0. 0 when cJSON_Parse() succeeds. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(const char *) cJSON_GetErrorPtr(void);/* Check item type and return its value */
CJSON_PUBLIC(char *) cJSON_GetStringValue(const cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(double) cJSON_GetNumberValue(const cJSON * const item);/* These functions check the type of an item */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_IsInvalid(const cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_IsFalse(const cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_IsTrue(const cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_IsBool(const cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_IsNull(const cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_IsNumber(const cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_IsString(const cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_IsArray(const cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_IsObject(const cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_IsRaw(const cJSON * const item);/* These calls create a cJSON item of the appropriate type. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateNull(void);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateTrue(void);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateFalse(void);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateBool(cJSON_bool boolean);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateNumber(double num);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateString(const char *string);
/* raw json */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateRaw(const char *raw);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateArray(void);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateObject(void);/* Create a string where valuestring references a string so* it will not be freed by cJSON_Delete */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateStringReference(const char *string);
/* Create an object/array that only references it's elements so* they will not be freed by cJSON_Delete */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateObjectReference(const cJSON *child);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateArrayReference(const cJSON *child);/* These utilities create an Array of count items.* The parameter count cannot be greater than the number of elements in the number array, otherwise array access will be out of bounds.*/
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateIntArray(const int *numbers, int count);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateFloatArray(const float *numbers, int count);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateDoubleArray(const double *numbers, int count);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_CreateStringArray(const char *const *strings, int count);/* Append item to the specified array/object. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_AddItemToArray(cJSON *array, cJSON *item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_AddItemToObject(cJSON *object, const char *string, cJSON *item);
/* Use this when string is definitely const (i.e. a literal, or as good as), and will definitely survive the cJSON object.* WARNING: When this function was used, make sure to always check that (item->type & cJSON_StringIsConst) is zero before* writing to `item->string` */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_AddItemToObjectCS(cJSON *object, const char *string, cJSON *item);
/* Append reference to item to the specified array/object. Use this when you want to add an existing cJSON to a new cJSON, but don't want to corrupt your existing cJSON. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_AddItemReferenceToArray(cJSON *array, cJSON *item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_AddItemReferenceToObject(cJSON *object, const char *string, cJSON *item);/* Remove/Detach items from Arrays/Objects. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_DetachItemViaPointer(cJSON *parent, cJSON * const item);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_DetachItemFromArray(cJSON *array, int which);
CJSON_PUBLIC(void) cJSON_DeleteItemFromArray(cJSON *array, int which);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(cJSON *object, const char *string);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_DetachItemFromObjectCaseSensitive(cJSON *object, const char *string);
CJSON_PUBLIC(void) cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(cJSON *object, const char *string);
CJSON_PUBLIC(void) cJSON_DeleteItemFromObjectCaseSensitive(cJSON *object, const char *string);/* Update array items. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_InsertItemInArray(cJSON *array, int which, cJSON *newitem); /* Shifts pre-existing items to the right. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_ReplaceItemViaPointer(cJSON * const parent, cJSON * const item, cJSON * replacement);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_ReplaceItemInArray(cJSON *array, int which, cJSON *newitem);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_ReplaceItemInObject(cJSON *object,const char *string,cJSON *newitem);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_ReplaceItemInObjectCaseSensitive(cJSON *object,const char *string,cJSON *newitem);/* Duplicate a cJSON item */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON *) cJSON_Duplicate(const cJSON *item, cJSON_bool recurse);
/* Duplicate will create a new, identical cJSON item to the one you pass, in new memory that will* need to be released. With recurse!=0, it will duplicate any children connected to the item.* The item->next and ->prev pointers are always zero on return from Duplicate. */
/* Recursively compare two cJSON items for equality. If either a or b is NULL or invalid, they will be considered unequal.* case_sensitive determines if object keys are treated case sensitive (1) or case insensitive (0) */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON_bool) cJSON_Compare(const cJSON * const a, const cJSON * const b, const cJSON_bool case_sensitive);/* Minify a strings, remove blank characters(such as ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n') from strings.* The input pointer json cannot point to a read-only address area, such as a string constant, * but should point to a readable and writable address area. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(void) cJSON_Minify(char *json);/* Helper functions for creating and adding items to an object at the same time.* They return the added item or NULL on failure. */
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON*) cJSON_AddNullToObject(cJSON * const object, const char * const name);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON*) cJSON_AddTrueToObject(cJSON * const object, const char * const name);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON*) cJSON_AddFalseToObject(cJSON * const object, const char * const name);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON*) cJSON_AddBoolToObject(cJSON * const object, const char * const name, const cJSON_bool boolean);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON*) cJSON_AddNumberToObject(cJSON * const object, const char * const name, const double number);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON*) cJSON_AddStringToObject(cJSON * const object, const char * const name, const char * const string);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON*) cJSON_AddRawToObject(cJSON * const object, const char * const name, const char * const raw);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON*) cJSON_AddObjectToObject(cJSON * const object, const char * const name);
CJSON_PUBLIC(cJSON*) cJSON_AddArrayToObject(cJSON * const object, const char * const name);/* When assigning an integer value, it needs to be propagated to valuedouble too. */
#define cJSON_SetIntValue(object, number) ((object) ? (object)->valueint = (object)->valuedouble = (number) : (number))
/* helper for the cJSON_SetNumberValue macro */
CJSON_PUBLIC(double) cJSON_SetNumberHelper(cJSON *object, double number);
#define cJSON_SetNumberValue(object, number) ((object != NULL) ? cJSON_SetNumberHelper(object, (double)number) : (number))
/* Change the valuestring of a cJSON_String object, only takes effect when type of object is cJSON_String */
CJSON_PUBLIC(char*) cJSON_SetValuestring(cJSON *object, const char *valuestring);/* If the object is not a boolean type this does nothing and returns cJSON_Invalid else it returns the new type*/
#define cJSON_SetBoolValue(object, boolValue) ( \(object != NULL && ((object)->type & (cJSON_False|cJSON_True))) ? \(object)->type=((object)->type &(~(cJSON_False|cJSON_True)))|((boolValue)?cJSON_True:cJSON_False) : \cJSON_Invalid\
)/* Macro for iterating over an array or object */
#define cJSON_ArrayForEach(element, array) for(element = (array != NULL) ? (array)->child : NULL; element != NULL; element = element->next)/* malloc/free objects using the malloc/free functions that have been set with cJSON_InitHooks */
CJSON_PUBLIC(void *) cJSON_malloc(size_t size);
CJSON_PUBLIC(void) cJSON_free(void *object);



typedef struct cJSON
{/* next/prev allow you to walk array/object chains. Alternatively, use GetArraySize/GetArrayItem/GetObjectItem */struct cJSON *next;struct cJSON *prev;/* An array or object item will have a child pointer pointing to a chain of the items in the array/object. */struct cJSON *child;/* The type of the item, as above. */int type;/* The item's string, if type==cJSON_String  and type == cJSON_Raw */char *valuestring;/* writing to valueint is DEPRECATED, use cJSON_SetNumberValue instead */int valueint;/* The item's number, if type==cJSON_Number */double valuedouble;/* The item's name string, if this item is the child of, or is in the list of subitems of an object. */char *string;
} cJSON;



/*** @file simple-cjson.c* @author your name (you@domain.com)* @brief * @version 0.1* @date 2023-02-19* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023* */
#include "../cJSON.h"
#include <stdio.h>char simple_json[] = "{\\"FirstName\": \"John\",\\"LastName\": \"Doe\",\\"Age\": 43,\\"Address\": {\\"Street\": \"Downing Street 10\",\\"City\": \"London\",\\"Country\": \"Great Britain\"\},\\"Phone numbers\": [\\"+44 1234567\",\\"+44 2345678\"\]\}";int main()
{cJSON* json = cJSON_Parse(simple_json);cJSON_AddStringToObject(json, "ID", "666");char* print_json_str = cJSON_Print(json);printf("simple json: %s", print_json_str);return 0;


simple json: {"FirstName":    "John","LastName":     "Doe","Age":  43,"Address":      {"Street":       "Downing Street 10","City": "London","Country":      "Great Britain"},"Phone numbers":        ["+44 1234567", "+44 2345678"],"ID":   "666"



CJSON使用ANSI C编写的,具有很多的指针操作,如果不注意非常容易产生指针操作相关的问题,这点最好阅读下项目的README和源代码。


  • https://www.json.org/json-en.html
  • https://www.ecma-international.org/wp-content/uploads/ECMA-404_2nd_edition_december_2017.pdf
  • https://github.com/DaveGamble/cJSON



json简介 JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) 是一种轻量级的数据交换格式。 易于人阅读和编写。同时也易于机器解析和生成。 它基于JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999的一个子集&#xff0c;最新的定义可以参考ECMA-404_2nd_ed…...

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Camera Rolling Shutter和Global Shutter的区别

卷帘快门&#xff08;Rolling Shutter&#xff09;与全局快门&#xff08;Global Shutter&#xff09;的区别 什么是快门 快门是照相机用来控制感光片有效曝光时间的机构。 快门是照相机的一个重要组成部分&#xff0c;它的结构、形式及功能是衡量照相机档次的一个重要因素。 …...


title: 模版之AnyType date: 2023-02-19 21:49:53 permalink: /pages/54a0bf/ categories: 通用领域编程语言C tags:C元编程 author: name: zhengzhibing link: https://azmddy.top/pages/54a0bf/ 模版之AnyType 在研究C的编译期反射时&#xff0c;发现了AnyType很有意思。 首…...

【汇编】一、环境搭建(一只 Assember 的成长史)

嗨~你好呀&#xff01; 我是一名初二学生&#xff0c;热爱计算机&#xff0c;码龄两年。最近开始学习汇编&#xff0c;希望通过 Blog 的形式记录下自己的学习过程&#xff0c;也和更多人分享。 这篇文章主要讲述汇编环境的搭建过程。 话不多说~我们开始吧&#xff01; 系统环…...

【博客628】k8s pod访问集群外域名原理以及主机开启了systemd-resolved的不同情况

k8s pod访问集群外域名原理以及使用了systemd-resolved的不同情况 1、不同情况下的linux主机访问外部域名原理 没有使用systemd-resolved的linux主机上访问外部域名一般是按照以下步骤来的&#xff1a; 从dns缓存里查找域名与ip的映射关系 从/etc/hosts里查找域名与ip的映射…...


3.测试分类 系统测试包括回归测试和冒烟测试 回归测试&#xff1a;修改了旧的代码后&#xff0c;重新测试功能是否正确&#xff0c;有没有引入新的错误或导致其它代码产生错误 冒烟测试&#xff1a;目的是确认软件基本功能正常&#xff0c;可以进行后续的正式测试工作 按是否…...

Android 基础知识4-2.9 FrameLayout(帧布局)详解

一、FrameLayout&#xff08;帧布局&#xff09;概述 FrameLayout又称作帧布局&#xff0c;它相比于LinearLayout和RelativeLayout要简单很多&#xff0c;因为它的应用场景也少了很多。这种布局没有方便的定位方式&#xff0c;所有的控件都会默认摆放在布局的左上角。 示例1代…...


xorm xorm是一个简单而强大的Go语言ORM库通过它可以使数据库操作非常简便。 官网: https://xorm.io/ 中文文档: https://gitea.com/xorm/xorm/src/branch/master/README_CN.md 特性 支持 Struct 和数据库表之间的灵活映射&#xff0c;并支持自动同步事务支持同时支持原始SQL…...


19_微信小程序之优雅实现侧滑菜单一.先上效果图 要实现这样一个效果&#xff0c;布局其实很简单&#xff0c;整体布局是一个横向滚动的scroll-view&#xff0c;难点在于怎么控制侧滑菜单的回弹&#xff0c;以及寻找回弹的边界条件? 此篇文章主要是基于uni-app来实现的&#xf…...


本博文源于博主偷偷复习期末的java web&#xff0c;博文主要讲述JDBC API与JavaBean&#xff0c;涉及driver,driver Manager\connection、statement接口、PreparedStatement接口、ResultSet接口&#xff0c;JavaBean包含一些标记介绍。 1.JDBC API JDBC由一组接口和类组成&am…...


工欲善其事&#xff0c;必先利其器。 看到很多客户&#xff0c;搞Android产品开发&#xff0c;用的电脑配置是惨不忍睹。 这些老板脑子有坑吗... ------------ 编译Android9推荐电脑配置&#xff1a; 处理器&#xff1a;酷睿i7 5代系列 8线程以上 内存&#xff1a; 8GB以上…...


上一篇我们介绍了计算距离及到店导航的功能,本篇我们介绍一下今日油价的功能。 如果要按日显示最新的数据,那么我们首先需要有数据源来存放每日的油价数据。这里涉及数据源的时候要考虑你的数据是只录入一条,还是每日录入一条。 录入一条呢,比较简单,但有个问题是如果我…...