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  • SimpleSequentialChain:最简单的顺序链形式,每个步骤具有单一的输入和输出,一个步骤的输出作为下一个步骤的输入。
  • SequentialChain:更一般的顺序链形式,允许多个输入和输出。


from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from langchain.chains import LLMChain
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate# This is an LLMChain to write a synopsis given a title of a play.
llm = OpenAI(temperature=.7)
template = """You are a playwright. Given the title of play, it is your job to write a synopsis for that title.Title: {title}
Playwright: This is a synopsis for the above play:"""
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["title"], template=template)
synopsis_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template)# This is an LLMChain to write a review of a play given a synopsis.
llm = OpenAI(temperature=.7)
template = """You are a play critic from the New York Times. Given the synopsis of play, it is your job to write a review for that play.Play Synopsis:
Review from a New York Times play critic of the above play:"""
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["synopsis"], template=template)
review_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template)# This is the overall chain where we run these two chains in sequence.
from langchain.chains import SimpleSequentialChain
overall_chain = SimpleSequentialChain(chains=[synopsis_chain, review_chain], verbose=True)
review = overall_chain.run("Tragedy at sunset on the beach")


> Entering new SimpleSequentialChain chain...Tragedy at Sunset on the Beach is a story of a young couple, Jack and Sarah, who are in love and looking forward to their future together. On the night of their anniversary, they decide to take a walk on the beach at sunset. As they are walking, they come across a mysterious figure, who tells them that their love will be tested in the near future. The figure then tells the couple that the sun will soon set, and with it, a tragedy will strike. If Jack and Sarah can stay together and pass the test, they will be granted everlasting love. However, if they fail, their love will be lost forever.The play follows the couple as they struggle to stay together and battle the forces that threaten to tear them apart. Despite the tragedy that awaits them, they remain devoted to one another and fight to keep their love alive. In the end, the couple must decide whether to take a chance on their future together or succumb to the tragedy of the sunset.Tragedy at Sunset on the Beach is an emotionally gripping story of love, hope, and sacrifice. Through the story of Jack and Sarah, the audience is taken on a journey of self-discovery and the power of love to overcome even the greatest of obstacles. The play's talented cast brings the characters to life, allowing us to feel the depths of their emotion and the intensity of their struggle. With its compelling story and captivating performances, this play is sure to draw in audiences and leave them on the edge of their seats. The play's setting of the beach at sunset adds a touch of poignancy and romanticism to the story, while the mysterious figure serves to keep the audience enthralled. Overall, Tragedy at Sunset on the Beach is an engaging and thought-provoking play that is sure to leave audiences feeling inspired and hopeful.> Finished chain.




Tragedy at Sunset on the Beach is an emotionally gripping story of love, hope, and sacrifice. Through the story of Jack and Sarah, the audience is taken on a journey of self-discovery and the power of love to overcome even the greatest of obstacles. The play's talented cast brings the characters to life, allowing us to feel the depths of their emotion and the intensity of their struggle. With its compelling story and captivating performances, this play is sure to draw in audiences and leave them on the edge of their seats. The play's setting of the beach at sunset adds a touch of poignancy and romanticism to the story, while the mysterious figure serves to keep the audience enthralled. Overall, Tragedy at Sunset on the Beach is an engaging and thought-provoking play that is sure to leave audiences feeling inspired and hopeful.


# This is an LLMChain to write a synopsis given a title of a play and the era it is set in.
llm = OpenAI(temperature=.7)
template = """You are a playwright. Given the title of play and the era it is set in, it is your job to write a synopsis for that title.Title: {title}
Era: {era}
Playwright: This is a synopsis for the above play:"""
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["title", 'era'], template=template)
synopsis_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template, output_key="synopsis")# This is an LLMChain to write a review of a play given a synopsis.
llm = OpenAI(temperature=.7)
template = """You are a play critic from the New York Times. Given the synopsis of play, it is your job to write a review for that play.Play Synopsis:
Review from a New York Times play critic of the above play:"""
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["synopsis"], template=template)
review_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template, output_key="review")# This is the overall chain where we run these two chains in sequence.
from langchain.chains import SequentialChain
overall_chain = SequentialChain(chains=[synopsis_chain, review_chain],input_variables=["era", "title"],# Here we return multiple variablesoutput_variables=["synopsis", "review"],verbose=True)
overall_chain({"title":"Tragedy at sunset on the beach", "era": "Victorian England"})


> Entering new SequentialChain chain...> Finished chain.


{'title': 'Tragedy at sunset on the beach','era': 'Victorian England','synopsis': "\n\nThe play follows the story of John, a young man from a wealthy Victorian family, who dreams of a better life for himself. He soon meets a beautiful young woman named Mary, who shares his dream. The two fall in love and decide to elope and start a new life together.\n\nOn their journey, they make their way to a beach at sunset, where they plan to exchange their vows of love. Unbeknownst to them, their plans are overheard by John's father, who has been tracking them. He follows them to the beach and, in a fit of rage, confronts them. \n\nA physical altercation ensues, and in the struggle, John's father accidentally stabs Mary in the chest with his sword. The two are left in shock and disbelief as Mary dies in John's arms, her last words being a declaration of her love for him.\n\nThe tragedy of the play comes to a head when John, broken and with no hope of a future, chooses to take his own life by jumping off the cliffs into the sea below. \n\nThe play is a powerful story of love, hope, and loss set against the backdrop of 19th century England.",'review': "\n\nThe latest production from playwright X is a powerful and heartbreaking story of love and loss set against the backdrop of 19th century England. The play follows John, a young man from a wealthy Victorian family, and Mary, a beautiful young woman with whom he falls in love. The two decide to elope and start a new life together, and the audience is taken on a journey of hope and optimism for the future.\n\nUnfortunately, their dreams are cut short when John's father discovers them and in a fit of rage, fatally stabs Mary. The tragedy of the play is further compounded when John, broken and without hope, takes his own life. The storyline is not only realistic, but also emotionally compelling, drawing the audience in from start to finish.\n\nThe acting was also commendable, with the actors delivering believable and nuanced performances. The playwright and director have successfully crafted a timeless tale of love and loss that will resonate with audiences for years to come. Highly recommended."}



from langchain.chains import SequentialChain
from langchain.memory import SimpleMemoryllm = OpenAI(temperature=.7)
template = """You are a social media manager for a theater company.  Given the title of play, the era it is set in, the date,time and location, the synopsis of the play, and the review of the play, it is your job to write a social media post for that play.Here is some context about the time and location of the play:
Date and Time: {time}
Location: {location}Play Synopsis:
Review from a New York Times play critic of the above play:
{review}Social Media Post:
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["synopsis", "review", "time", "location"], template=template)
social_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt_template, output_key="social_post_text")overall_chain = SequentialChain(memory=SimpleMemory(memories={"time": "December 25th, 8pm PST", "location": "Theater in the Park"}),chains=[synopsis_chain, review_chain, social_chain],input_variables=["era", "title"],# Here we return multiple variablesoutput_variables=["social_post_text"],verbose=True)overall_chain({"title":"Tragedy at sunset on the beach", "era": "Victorian England"})


> Entering new SequentialChain chain...> Finished chain.


{'title': 'Tragedy at sunset on the beach','era': 'Victorian England','time': 'December 25th, 8pm PST','location': 'Theater in the Park','social_post_text': "\nSpend your Christmas night with us at Theater in the Park and experience the heartbreaking story of love and loss that is 'A Walk on the Beach'. Set in Victorian England, this romantic tragedy follows the story of Frances and Edward, a young couple whose love is tragically cut short. Don't miss this emotional and thought-provoking production that is sure to leave you in tears. #AWalkOnTheBeach #LoveAndLoss #TheaterInThePark #VictorianEngland"}



from langchain.chains import TransformChain, LLMChain, SimpleSequentialChain
from langchain.llms import OpenAI
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplatewith open("../../state_of_the_union.txt") as f:state_of_the_union = f.read()def transform_func(inputs: dict) -> dict:text = inputs["text"]shortened_text = "\n\n".join(text.split("\n\n")[:3])return {"output_text": shortened_text}transform_chain = TransformChain(input_variables=["text"], output_variables=["output_text"], transform=transform_func)
template = """Summarize this text:{output_text}Summary:"""
prompt = PromptTemplate(input_variables=["output_text"], template=template)
llm_chain = LLMChain(llm=OpenAI(), prompt=prompt)
sequential_chain = SimpleSequentialChain(chains=[transform_chain, llm_chain])


' The speaker addresses the nation, noting that while last year they were kept apart due to COVID-19, this year they are together again. They are reminded that regardless of their political affiliations, they are all Americans.'

[1] LangChain官方网站:https://www.langchain.com/
[2] LangChain 🦜️🔗 中文网,跟着LangChain一起学LLM/GPT开发:https://www.langchain.com.cn/
[3] LangChain中文网 - LangChain 是一个用于开发由语言模型驱动的应用程序的框架:http://www.cnlangchain.com/



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Linux: 使用 ssh 连接其他服务器

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MySQL 游标

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ElasticSearch 7.4学习记录(DSL语法)

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软考高级系统架构设计师系列之:论文典型试题写作要点和写作素材总结系列文章四 一、论软件的静态演化和动态演化及其应用1.论文题目2.写作要点和写作素材二、论大规模分布式系统缓存设计策略1.论文题目2.写作要点和写作素材三、论基于REST服务的Web应用系统设计1.论文题目2.写…...


学习目标&#xff1a; 提示&#xff1a;学习如何利用Redisson实现点赞功能 学习产出&#xff1a; 解决方案&#xff1a; 点赞后的用户记录在Redis的set数据类型中 1. 准备pom环境 <dependency><groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId><artifactI…...


概念 组件从被创建到挂载到页面中运行&#xff0c;再到组件不用时卸载的过程。 只有类组件才有生命周期。 分为三个阶段&#xff1a; 挂载阶段更新阶段销毁阶段 三个阶段 挂载阶段 钩子函数 - constructor 创建阶段触发 作用&#xff1a;创建数据 之前定义状态是简写&…...

无涯教程-TensorFlow - 优化器

Optimizers是扩展类&#xff0c;其中包括用于训练特定模型的附加信息&#xff0c;Optimizers类使用给定的参数初始化&#xff0c;用于提高速度和性能&#xff0c;以训练特定模型。 TensorFlow的基本Optimizers是- tf.train.Optimizer 此类在tensorflow/python/training/opti…...


学习AQS写的一个模拟案例 package com.tom.xiangyun.ch04_aqs;import com.tom.tuling.UnsafeFactory; import sun.misc.Unsafe;import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;/*** 使用双向链表实现队列** author 钟棋…...

无涯教程-Perl - time函数

描述 此函数返回自纪元以来的秒数(对于大多数系统,是1970年1月1日UTC,00:00:00&#xff1b;对于Mac OS,是1904年1月1日,00:00:00)。适用于gmtime和本地时间。 语法 以下是此函数的简单语法- time返回值 此函数返回自纪元后数秒的整数。 例 以下是显示其基本用法的示例代…...

CUDA Bug<三>当__global__函数出现里面所有输出的数组都随机赋值了

问题具体描述&#xff1a; eg. __global__ void Updata_HomJm(float* H,float *HJm,float* fr,float *gr,float* ur,float* urgrJm,float*wpd,float *w, float *wJm,int n) { int idx blockIdx.x*blockDim.x threadIdx.x;float t 0.0;//H*zpint idx_Ai idx*n;for (int j…...


代码运行要求&#xff1a;Torch>1.13.1即可 1.数据集介绍&#xff1a; 第一个文件夹是细菌斑叶&#xff08;3460张&#xff09; 第二个文件夹是 健康&#xff08;4024张&#xff09; 2.整个文件夹 data文件夹存放的是未被划分训练集和测试集的原始照片 picture文件夹存放的…...


日志级别&#xff08;由高到低&#xff09; CRITICAL&#xff1a; 严重错误 ERROR&#xff1a; 一般错误 WARNING&#xff1a; 警告 INFO&#xff1a; 一般警告 DEBUG&#xff1a; 调试信息 默认的日志等级是DEBUG 只要出现了DEBUG或者DEBUG以上等级的日志&#xff0c;那么这些…...

微信小程序 echarts 画多个横向柱状图

然后是json {"usingComponents": {"ec-canvas": "../../common/ec-canvas/ec-canvas"},"navigationBarTitleText": "主题活动" } ec-canvas获取方式 在链接里下载代码 然后copy ec-canvas文件夹到自己的项目 https://gi…...

【二叉树】572. 另一棵树的子树

572. 另一棵树的子树 解题思路 遍历二叉树的思路针对每一个节点判断该节点的子树和subtree是不是相等需要编写判断两个子树是否相等的函数 /*** Definition for a binary tree node.* public class TreeNode {* int val;* TreeNode left;* TreeNode right;* …...




1.mfc120u.dll是什么 mfc120u.dll是Windows操作系统中的一个动态链接库&#xff08;Dynamic Link Library&#xff0c;简称DLL&#xff09;文件。它包含了一些用于运行C程序的函数和其他资源。这个特定的DLL文件是Microsoft Foundation Classes&#xff08;MFC&#xff09;库的…...

css 实现电梯导航

实现原理&#xff1a;利用css实现电梯导航很简单&#xff0c;基本原理就是通过a标签绑定跳转目标的id来实现的 html代码&#xff1a; <div class"body"><div class"top" id"top"></div><div class"con1" id"…...