为了正确显示 HTML 页面,Web 浏览器必须知道要使用哪个字符集。
ASCII 是第一个字符编码标准。ASCII 定义了 128 种可以在互联网上使用的字符:数字(0-9)、英文字母(A-Z)和一些特殊字符,比如:! $ + - ( ) @ < >。
ISO-8859-1 是 HTML 4 的默认字符集。此字符集支持 256 个不同的字符代码。HTML 4 同时支持 UTF-8。
ANSI(Windows-1252)是原始的 Windows 字符集。 ANSI 与 ISO-8859-1 相同,不同之处在于 ANSI 具有 32 个额外的字符。
HTML5 规范鼓励 Web 开发人员使用 UTF-8 字符集,该字符集涵盖了世界上几乎所有的字符和符号!
HTML charset 属性
为了正确显示 HTML 页面,Web 浏览器必须了解页面中使用的字符集。
这在 <meta>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
Numb | ASCII | ANSI | 8859 | UTF-8 | Description |
32 | space | ||||
33 | ! | ! | ! | ! | exclamation mark |
34 | " | " | " | " | quotation mark |
35 | # | # | # | # | number sign |
36 | $ | $ | $ | $ | dollar sign |
37 | % | % | % | % | percent sign |
38 | & | & | & | & | ampersand |
39 | ' | ' | ' | ' | apostrophe |
40 | ( | ( | ( | ( | left parenthesis |
41 | ) | ) | ) | ) | right parenthesis |
42 | * | * | * | * | asterisk |
43 | + | + | + | + | plus sign |
44 | , | , | , | , | comma |
45 | - | - | - | - | hyphen-minus |
46 | . | . | . | . | full stop |
47 | / | / | / | / | solidus |
48 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | digit zero |
49 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | digit one |
50 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | digit two |
51 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | digit three |
52 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | digit four |
53 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | digit five |
54 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | digit six |
55 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | digit seven |
56 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | digit eight |
57 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | digit nine |
58 | : | : | : | : | colon |
59 | ; | ; | ; | ; | semicolon |
60 | < | < | < | < | less-than sign |
61 | = | = | = | = | equals sign |
62 | > | > | > | > | greater-than sign |
63 | ? | ? | ? | ? | question mark |
64 | @ | @ | @ | @ | commercial at |
65 | A | A | A | A | Latin capital letter A |
66 | B | B | B | B | Latin capital letter B |
67 | C | C | C | C | Latin capital letter C |
68 | D | D | D | D | Latin capital letter D |
69 | E | E | E | E | Latin capital letter E |
70 | F | F | F | F | Latin capital letter F |
71 | G | G | G | G | Latin capital letter G |
72 | H | H | H | H | Latin capital letter H |
73 | I | I | I | I | Latin capital letter I |
74 | J | J | J | J | Latin capital letter J |
75 | K | K | K | K | Latin capital letter K |
76 | L | L | L | L | Latin capital letter L |
77 | M | M | M | M | Latin capital letter M |
78 | N | N | N | N | Latin capital letter N |
79 | O | O | O | O | Latin capital letter O |
80 | P | P | P | P | Latin capital letter P |
81 | Q | Q | Q | Q | Latin capital letter Q |
82 | R | R | R | R | Latin capital letter R |
83 | S | S | S | S | Latin capital letter S |
84 | T | T | T | T | Latin capital letter T |
85 | U | U | U | U | Latin capital letter U |
86 | V | V | V | V | Latin capital letter V |
87 | W | W | W | W | Latin capital letter W |
88 | X | X | X | X | Latin capital letter X |
89 | Y | Y | Y | Y | Latin capital letter Y |
90 | Z | Z | Z | Z | Latin capital letter Z |
91 | [ | [ | [ | [ | left square bracket |
92 | \ | \ | \ | \ | reverse solidus |
93 | ] | ] | ] | ] | right square bracket |
94 | ^ | ^ | ^ | ^ | circumflex accent |
95 | _ | _ | _ | _ | low line |
96 | ` | ` | ` | ` | grave accent |
97 | a | a | a | a | Latin small letter a |
98 | b | b | b | b | Latin small letter b |
99 | c | c | c | c | Latin small letter c |
100 | d | d | d | d | Latin small letter d |
101 | e | e | e | e | Latin small letter e |
102 | f | f | f | f | Latin small letter f |
103 | g | g | g | g | Latin small letter g |
104 | h | h | h | h | Latin small letter h |
105 | i | i | i | i | Latin small letter i |
106 | j | j | j | j | Latin small letter j |
107 | k | k | k | k | Latin small letter k |
108 | l | l | l | l | Latin small letter l |
109 | m | m | m | m | Latin small letter m |
110 | n | n | n | n | Latin small letter n |
111 | o | o | o | o | Latin small letter o |
112 | p | p | p | p | Latin small letter p |
113 | q | q | q | q | Latin small letter q |
114 | r | r | r | r | Latin small letter r |
115 | s | s | s | s | Latin small letter s |
116 | t | t | t | t | Latin small letter t |
117 | u | u | u | u | Latin small letter u |
118 | v | v | v | v | Latin small letter v |
119 | w | w | w | w | Latin small letter w |
120 | x | x | x | x | Latin small letter x |
121 | y | y | y | y | Latin small letter y |
122 | z | z | z | z | Latin small letter z |
123 | { | { | { | { | left curly bracket |
124 | | | | | | | | | vertical line |
125 | } | } | } | } | right curly bracket |
126 | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | tilde |
127 | DEL | ||||
128 | € | euro sign | |||
129 | NOT USED | ||||
130 | ‚ | single low-9 quotation mark | |||
131 | ƒ | Latin small letter f with hook | |||
132 | „ | double low-9 quotation mark | |||
133 | … | horizontal ellipsis | |||
134 | † | dagger | |||
135 | ‡ | double dagger | |||
136 | ˆ | modifier letter circumflex accent | |||
137 | ‰ | per mille sign | |||
138 | Š | Latin capital letter S with caron | |||
139 | ‹ | single left-pointing angle quotation mark | |||
140 | Œ | Latin capital ligature OE | |||
141 | NOT USED | ||||
142 | Ž | Latin capital letter Z with caron | |||
143 | NOT USED | ||||
144 | NOT USED | ||||
145 | ‘ | left single quotation mark | |||
146 | ’ | right single quotation mark | |||
147 | “ | left double quotation mark | |||
148 | ” | right double quotation mark | |||
149 | • | bullet | |||
150 | – | en dash | |||
151 | — | em dash | |||
152 | ˜ | small tilde | |||
153 | ™ | trade mark sign | |||
154 | š | Latin small letter s with caron | |||
155 | › | single right-pointing angle quotation mark | |||
156 | œ | Latin small ligature oe | |||
157 | NOT USED | ||||
158 | ž | Latin small letter z with caron | |||
159 | Ÿ | Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis | |||
160 | no-break space | ||||
161 | ¡ | ¡ | ¡ | inverted exclamation mark | |
162 | ¢ | ¢ | ¢ | cent sign | |
163 | £ | £ | £ | pound sign | |
164 | ¤ | ¤ | ¤ | currency sign | |
165 | ¥ | ¥ | ¥ | yen sign | |
166 | ¦ | ¦ | ¦ | broken bar | |
167 | § | § | § | section sign | |
168 | ¨ | ¨ | ¨ | diaeresis | |
169 | © | © | © | copyright sign | |
170 | ª | ª | ª | feminine ordinal indicator | |
171 | « | « | « | left-pointing double angle quotation mark | |
172 | ¬ | ¬ | ¬ | not sign | |
173 | | | | soft hyphen | |
174 | ® | ® | ® | registered sign | |
175 | ¯ | ¯ | ¯ | macron | |
176 | ° | ° | ° | degree sign | |
177 | ± | ± | ± | plus-minus sign | |
178 | ² | ² | ² | superscript two | |
179 | ³ | ³ | ³ | superscript three | |
180 | ´ | ´ | ´ | acute accent | |
181 | µ | µ | µ | micro sign | |
182 | ¶ | ¶ | ¶ | pilcrow sign | |
183 | · | · | · | middle dot | |
184 | ¸ | ¸ | ¸ | cedilla | |
185 | ¹ | ¹ | ¹ | superscript one | |
186 | º | º | º | masculine ordinal indicator | |
187 | » | » | » | right-pointing double angle quotation mark | |
188 | ¼ | ¼ | ¼ | vulgar fraction one quarter | |
189 | ½ | ½ | ½ | vulgar fraction one half | |
190 | ¾ | ¾ | ¾ | vulgar fraction three quarters | |
191 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | inverted question mark | |
192 | À | À | À | Latin capital letter A with grave | |
193 | Á | Á | Á | Latin capital letter A with acute | |
194 | Â | Â | Â | Latin capital letter A with circumflex | |
195 | Ã | Ã | Ã | Latin capital letter A with tilde | |
196 | Ä | Ä | Ä | Latin capital letter A with diaeresis | |
197 | Å | Å | Å | Latin capital letter A with ring above | |
198 | Æ | Æ | Æ | Latin capital letter AE | |
199 | Ç | Ç | Ç | Latin capital letter C with cedilla | |
200 | È | È | È | Latin capital letter E with grave | |
201 | É | É | É | Latin capital letter E with acute | |
202 | Ê | Ê | Ê | Latin capital letter E with circumflex | |
203 | Ë | Ë | Ë | Latin capital letter E with diaeresis | |
204 | Ì | Ì | Ì | Latin capital letter I with grave | |
205 | Í | Í | Í | Latin capital letter I with acute | |
206 | Î | Î | Î | Latin capital letter I with circumflex | |
207 | Ï | Ï | Ï | Latin capital letter I with diaeresis | |
208 | Ð | Ð | Ð | Latin capital letter Eth | |
209 | Ñ | Ñ | Ñ | Latin capital letter N with tilde | |
210 | Ò | Ò | Ò | Latin capital letter O with grave | |
211 | Ó | Ó | Ó | Latin capital letter O with acute | |
212 | Ô | Ô | Ô | Latin capital letter O with circumflex | |
213 | Õ | Õ | Õ | Latin capital letter O with tilde | |
214 | Ö | Ö | Ö | Latin capital letter O with diaeresis | |
215 | × | × | × | multiplication sign | |
216 | Ø | Ø | Ø | Latin capital letter O with stroke | |
217 | Ù | Ù | Ù | Latin capital letter U with grave | |
218 | Ú | Ú | Ú | Latin capital letter U with acute | |
219 | Û | Û | Û | Latin capital letter U with circumflex | |
220 | Ü | Ü | Ü | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis | |
221 | Ý | Ý | Ý | Latin capital letter Y with acute | |
222 | Þ | Þ | Þ | Latin capital letter Thorn | |
223 | ß | ß | ß | Latin small letter sharp s | |
224 | à | à | à | Latin small letter a with grave | |
225 | á | á | á | Latin small letter a with acute | |
226 | â | â | â | Latin small letter a with circumflex | |
227 | ã | ã | ã | Latin small letter a with tilde | |
228 | ä | ä | ä | Latin small letter a with diaeresis | |
229 | å | å | å | Latin small letter a with ring above | |
230 | æ | æ | æ | Latin small letter ae | |
231 | ç | ç | ç | Latin small letter c with cedilla | |
232 | è | è | è | Latin small letter e with grave | |
233 | é | é | é | Latin small letter e with acute | |
234 | ê | ê | ê | Latin small letter e with circumflex | |
235 | ë | ë | ë | Latin small letter e with diaeresis | |
236 | ì | ì | ì | Latin small letter i with grave | |
237 | í | í | í | Latin small letter i with acute | |
238 | î | î | î | Latin small letter i with circumflex | |
239 | ï | ï | ï | Latin small letter i with diaeresis | |
240 | ð | ð | ð | Latin small letter eth | |
241 | ñ | ñ | ñ | Latin small letter n with tilde | |
242 | ò | ò | ò | Latin small letter o with grave | |
243 | ó | ó | ó | Latin small letter o with acute | |
244 | ô | ô | ô | Latin small letter o with circumflex | |
245 | õ | õ | õ | Latin small letter o with tilde | |
246 | ö | ö | ö | Latin small letter o with diaeresis | |
247 | ÷ | ÷ | ÷ | division sign | |
248 | ø | ø | ø | Latin small letter o with stroke | |
249 | ù | ù | ù | Latin small letter u with grave | |
250 | ú | ú | ú | Latin small letter u with acute | |
251 | û | û | û | Latin small letter with circumflex | |
252 | ü | ü | ü | Latin small letter u with diaeresis | |
253 | ý | ý | ý | Latin small letter y with acute | |
254 | þ | þ | þ | Latin small letter thorn | |
255 | ÿ | ÿ | ÿ | Latin small letter y with diaeresis |
ASCII 使用 0 到 31(以及 127)之间的值作为控制字符。
ASCII 使用 32 到 126 的值表示字母、数字和符号。
ASCII 不使用 128 到 255 之间的值。
ANSI 字符集 (Windows-1252)
对于 0 到 127 的值,ANSI 与 ASCII 相同。
ANSI 有一组专有的字符,其值从 128 到 159。
对于 160 到 255 的值,ANSI 与 UTF-8 相同。
ISO-8859-1 字符集
对于 0 到 127 的值,8859-1 与 ASCII 相同。
8859-1 不使用 128 到 159 之间的值。
对于从 160 到 255 的值,8859-1 与 UTF-8 相同。
UTF-8 字符集
对于 0 到 127 的值,UTF-8 与 ASCII 相同。
UTF-8 不使用 12 8到 159 之间的值。
对于 160 到 255 之间的值,UTF-8 与 ANSI 和 8859-1 相同。
UTF-8 从值 256 继续,包含超过 10000 个不同字符。
如需深入研究,请阅读我们完整的 HTML 字符集参考手册。
@charset CSS 规则
您可以使用 CSS @charset 规则来指定样式表中使用的字符编码:
将样式表的编码设置为 Unicode UTF-8:
@charset "UTF-8";

HTML 字符集
为了正确显示 HTML 页面,Web 浏览器必须知道要使用哪个字符集。 从 ASCII 到 UTF-8 ASCII 是第一个字符编码标准。ASCII 定义了 128 种可以在互联网上使用的字符:数字(0-9)、英文字母(A-Z)和一些特殊字符…...

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Golang-Hello world
目录 安装 Go(如果尚未安装) 编写Hello world 使用Golang的外部包 自动下载需要的外部包...

🐶博主主页:ᰔᩚ. 一怀明月ꦿ ❤️🔥专栏系列:线性代数,C初学者入门训练,题解C,C的使用文章 🔥座右铭:“不要等到什么都没有了,才下定决心去做” …...

# 写在前面此异常非彼异常,标题所说的异常是业务上的异常。最近做了一个需求,消防的设备巡检,如果巡检发现异常,通过手机端提交,后台的实时监控页面实时获取到该设备的信息及位置,然后安排员工去处理。因为…...