测试环境:hive on spark
- 一、执行时机
- 二、对结果集的影响
- 三、效率对比
- 1.内连接
- 1)on
- 2)where
- 2.外连接
- 1)on
- 2)where
- 四、总结
- PS
bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv表:分区表,总数据量120E+,本次采用分区20240522的数据关联,数据量5900W+,其中 bid like ‘1%’ & pv>100 的数据量120W+
from poi_data.poi_res t1
join (select bid, pv from bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv where event_day='20240522') t2
on t1.bid=t2.bid
and t2.bid like '1%' and t2.pv>100;
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (28)
+- == Final Plan ==CollectLimit (17)+- * Project (16)+- * SortMergeJoin Inner (15):- * Sort (6): +- AQEShuffleRead (5): +- ShuffleQueryStage (4), Statistics(sizeInBytes=5.3 GiB, rowCount=4.57E+7): +- Exchange (3): +- * Filter (2): +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)+- * Sort (14)+- AQEShuffleRead (13)+- ShuffleQueryStage (12), Statistics(sizeInBytes=58.5 MiB, rowCount=1.28E+6)+- Exchange (11)+- * Project (10)+- * Filter (9)+- * ColumnarToRow (8)+- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)
+- == Initial Plan ==CollectLimit (27)+- Project (26)+- SortMergeJoin Inner (25):- Sort (20): +- Exchange (19): +- Filter (18): +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)+- Sort (24)+- Exchange (23)+- Project (22)+- Filter (21)+- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)(1) Scan hive poi_data.poi_res
Output [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317], HiveTableRelation [`poi_data`.`poi_res`, org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe, Data Cols: [bid#297, type#298, name#299, address#300, phone#301, alias#302, post_code#303, catalog_id#304, c..., Partition Cols: []](2) Filter [codegen id : 1]
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#297, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#297))(3) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#297, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=774](4) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: 0(5) AQEShuffleRead
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: coalesced(6) Sort [codegen id : 3]
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: [bid#297 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(7) Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv
Output [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338]
Batched: true
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [afs://kunpeng.afs.baidu.com:9902/user/g_spark_rdw/rdw/poi_engine/warehouse/bi_report.db/mon_ronghe_pv/event_day=20240522]
PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(event_day#338), (event_day#338 = 20240522)]
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
ReadSchema: struct<bid:string,pv:int>(8) ColumnarToRow [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338](9) Filter [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#334) AND isnotnull(pv#335)) AND StartsWith(bid#334, 1)) AND (pv#335 > 100))(10) Project [codegen id : 2]
Output [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Input [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338](11) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#334, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=799](12) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: 1(13) AQEShuffleRead
Input [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: coalesced(14) Sort [codegen id : 4]
Input [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: [bid#334 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(15) SortMergeJoin [codegen id : 5]
Left keys [1]: [bid#297]
Right keys [1]: [bid#334]
Join condition: None(16) Project [codegen id : 5]
Output [5]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, pv#335]
Input [6]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, bid#334, pv#335](17) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, pv#335]
Arguments: 1000(18) Filter
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#297, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#297))(19) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#297, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=759](20) Sort
Input [4]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317]
Arguments: [bid#297 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(21) Filter
Input [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#334) AND isnotnull(pv#335)) AND StartsWith(bid#334, 1)) AND (pv#335 > 100))(22) Project
Output [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Input [3]: [bid#334, pv#335, event_day#338](23) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#334, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=760](24) Sort
Input [2]: [bid#334, pv#335]
Arguments: [bid#334 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(25) SortMergeJoin
Left keys [1]: [bid#297]
Right keys [1]: [bid#334]
Join condition: None(26) Project
Output [5]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, pv#335]
Input [6]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, bid#334, pv#335](27) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, pv#335]
Arguments: 1000(28) AdaptiveSparkPlan
Output [5]: [bid#297, name#299, point_x#316, point_y#317, pv#335]
Arguments: isFinalPlan=true
从物理执行计划可以看到第(2)步中的Filter使用条件Condition : (StartsWith(bid#297, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#297))
在t1表读取源数据时进行了过滤,在第(7)步中通过谓词下推在t2表scan源数据时使用条件PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
from poi_data.poi_res t1
join (select bid, pv from bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv where event_day='20240522') t2
on t1.bid=t2.bid
where t2.bid like '1%' and t2.pv>100;
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (28)
+- == Final Plan ==CollectLimit (17)+- * Project (16)+- * SortMergeJoin Inner (15):- * Sort (6): +- AQEShuffleRead (5): +- ShuffleQueryStage (4), Statistics(sizeInBytes=5.3 GiB, rowCount=4.57E+7): +- Exchange (3): +- * Filter (2): +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)+- * Sort (14)+- AQEShuffleRead (13)+- ShuffleQueryStage (12), Statistics(sizeInBytes=58.5 MiB, rowCount=1.28E+6)+- Exchange (11)+- * Project (10)+- * Filter (9)+- * ColumnarToRow (8)+- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)
+- == Initial Plan ==CollectLimit (27)+- Project (26)+- SortMergeJoin Inner (25):- Sort (20): +- Exchange (19): +- Filter (18): +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)+- Sort (24)+- Exchange (23)+- Project (22)+- Filter (21)+- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)(1) Scan hive poi_data.poi_res
Output [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370], HiveTableRelation [`poi_data`.`poi_res`, org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe, Data Cols: [bid#350, type#351, name#352, address#353, phone#354, alias#355, post_code#356, catalog_id#357, c..., Partition Cols: []](2) Filter [codegen id : 1]
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#350, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#350))(3) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#350, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=908](4) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: 0(5) AQEShuffleRead
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: coalesced(6) Sort [codegen id : 3]
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: [bid#350 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(7) Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv
Output [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391]
Batched: true
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [afs://kunpeng.afs.baidu.com:9902/user/g_spark_rdw/rdw/poi_engine/warehouse/bi_report.db/mon_ronghe_pv/event_day=20240522]
PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(event_day#391), (event_day#391 = 20240522)]
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
ReadSchema: struct<bid:string,pv:int>(8) ColumnarToRow [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391](9) Filter [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#387) AND isnotnull(pv#388)) AND StartsWith(bid#387, 1)) AND (pv#388 > 100))(10) Project [codegen id : 2]
Output [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Input [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391](11) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#387, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=933](12) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: 1(13) AQEShuffleRead
Input [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: coalesced(14) Sort [codegen id : 4]
Input [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: [bid#387 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(15) SortMergeJoin [codegen id : 5]
Left keys [1]: [bid#350]
Right keys [1]: [bid#387]
Join condition: None(16) Project [codegen id : 5]
Output [5]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, pv#388]
Input [6]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, bid#387, pv#388](17) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, pv#388]
Arguments: 1000(18) Filter
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#350, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#350))(19) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#350, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=893](20) Sort
Input [4]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370]
Arguments: [bid#350 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(21) Filter
Input [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#387) AND isnotnull(pv#388)) AND StartsWith(bid#387, 1)) AND (pv#388 > 100))(22) Project
Output [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Input [3]: [bid#387, pv#388, event_day#391](23) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#387, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=894](24) Sort
Input [2]: [bid#387, pv#388]
Arguments: [bid#387 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(25) SortMergeJoin
Left keys [1]: [bid#350]
Right keys [1]: [bid#387]
Join condition: None(26) Project
Output [5]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, pv#388]
Input [6]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, bid#387, pv#388](27) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, pv#388]
Arguments: 1000(28) AdaptiveSparkPlan
Output [5]: [bid#350, name#352, point_x#369, point_y#370, pv#388]
Arguments: isFinalPlan=true
from poi_data.poi_res t1
left join (select bid, pv from bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv where event_day='20240522') t2
on t1.bid=t2.bid
and t2.bid like '1%' and t2.pv>100;
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (28)
+- == Final Plan ==CollectLimit (17)+- * Project (16)+- * SortMergeJoin LeftOuter (15):- * Sort (6): +- AQEShuffleRead (5): +- ShuffleQueryStage (4), Statistics(sizeInBytes=36.5 MiB, rowCount=3.07E+5): +- Exchange (3): +- * LocalLimit (2): +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)+- * Sort (14)+- AQEShuffleRead (13)+- ShuffleQueryStage (12), Statistics(sizeInBytes=58.5 MiB, rowCount=1.28E+6)+- Exchange (11)+- * Project (10)+- * Filter (9)+- * ColumnarToRow (8)+- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)
+- == Initial Plan ==CollectLimit (27)+- Project (26)+- SortMergeJoin LeftOuter (25):- Sort (20): +- Exchange (19): +- LocalLimit (18): +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)+- Sort (24)+- Exchange (23)+- Project (22)+- Filter (21)+- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)(1) Scan hive poi_data.poi_res
Output [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423], HiveTableRelation [`poi_data`.`poi_res`, org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe, Data Cols: [bid#403, type#404, name#405, address#406, phone#407, alias#408, post_code#409, catalog_id#410, c..., Partition Cols: []](2) LocalLimit [codegen id : 1]
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: 1000(3) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#403, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1043](4) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: 0(5) AQEShuffleRead
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: coalesced(6) Sort [codegen id : 3]
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: [bid#403 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(7) Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv
Output [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444]
Batched: true
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [afs://kunpeng.afs.baidu.com:9902/user/g_spark_rdw/rdw/poi_engine/warehouse/bi_report.db/mon_ronghe_pv/event_day=20240522]
PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(event_day#444), (event_day#444 = 20240522)]
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
ReadSchema: struct<bid:string,pv:int>(8) ColumnarToRow [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444](9) Filter [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#440) AND isnotnull(pv#441)) AND StartsWith(bid#440, 1)) AND (pv#441 > 100))(10) Project [codegen id : 2]
Output [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Input [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444](11) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#440, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1067](12) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: 1(13) AQEShuffleRead
Input [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: coalesced(14) Sort [codegen id : 4]
Input [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: [bid#440 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(15) SortMergeJoin [codegen id : 5]
Left keys [1]: [bid#403]
Right keys [1]: [bid#440]
Join condition: None(16) Project [codegen id : 5]
Output [5]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, pv#441]
Input [6]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, bid#440, pv#441](17) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, pv#441]
Arguments: 1000(18) LocalLimit
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: 1000(19) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#403, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1029](20) Sort
Input [4]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423]
Arguments: [bid#403 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(21) Filter
Input [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#440) AND isnotnull(pv#441)) AND StartsWith(bid#440, 1)) AND (pv#441 > 100))(22) Project
Output [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Input [3]: [bid#440, pv#441, event_day#444](23) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#440, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1030](24) Sort
Input [2]: [bid#440, pv#441]
Arguments: [bid#440 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(25) SortMergeJoin
Left keys [1]: [bid#403]
Right keys [1]: [bid#440]
Join condition: None(26) Project
Output [5]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, pv#441]
Input [6]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, bid#440, pv#441](27) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, pv#441]
Arguments: 1000(28) AdaptiveSparkPlan
Output [5]: [bid#403, name#405, point_x#422, point_y#423, pv#441]
Arguments: isFinalPlan=true
from poi_data.poi_res t1
left join (select bid, pv from bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv where event_day='20240522') t2
on t1.bid=t2.bid
where t2.bid like '1%' and t2.pv>100;
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (28)
+- == Final Plan ==CollectLimit (17)+- * Project (16)+- * SortMergeJoin Inner (15):- * Sort (6): +- AQEShuffleRead (5): +- ShuffleQueryStage (4), Statistics(sizeInBytes=5.3 GiB, rowCount=4.57E+7): +- Exchange (3): +- * Filter (2): +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)+- * Sort (14)+- AQEShuffleRead (13)+- ShuffleQueryStage (12), Statistics(sizeInBytes=58.5 MiB, rowCount=1.28E+6)+- Exchange (11)+- * Project (10)+- * Filter (9)+- * ColumnarToRow (8)+- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)
+- == Initial Plan ==CollectLimit (27)+- Project (26)+- SortMergeJoin Inner (25):- Sort (20): +- Exchange (19): +- Filter (18): +- Scan hive poi_data.poi_res (1)+- Sort (24)+- Exchange (23)+- Project (22)+- Filter (21)+- Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv (7)(1) Scan hive poi_data.poi_res
Output [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476], HiveTableRelation [`poi_data`.`poi_res`, org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe, Data Cols: [bid#456, type#457, name#458, address#459, phone#460, alias#461, post_code#462, catalog_id#463, c..., Partition Cols: []](2) Filter [codegen id : 1]
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#456, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#456))(3) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#456, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1176](4) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: 0(5) AQEShuffleRead
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: coalesced(6) Sort [codegen id : 3]
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: [bid#456 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(7) Scan parquet bi_report.mon_ronghe_pv
Output [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497]
Batched: true
Location: InMemoryFileIndex [afs://kunpeng.afs.baidu.com:9902/user/g_spark_rdw/rdw/poi_engine/warehouse/bi_report.db/mon_ronghe_pv/event_day=20240522]
PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(event_day#497), (event_day#497 = 20240522)]
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
ReadSchema: struct<bid:string,pv:int>(8) ColumnarToRow [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497](9) Filter [codegen id : 2]
Input [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#493) AND isnotnull(pv#494)) AND StartsWith(bid#493, 1)) AND (pv#494 > 100))(10) Project [codegen id : 2]
Output [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Input [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497](11) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#493, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1201](12) ShuffleQueryStage
Output [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: 1(13) AQEShuffleRead
Input [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: coalesced(14) Sort [codegen id : 4]
Input [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: [bid#493 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(15) SortMergeJoin [codegen id : 5]
Left keys [1]: [bid#456]
Right keys [1]: [bid#493]
Join condition: None(16) Project [codegen id : 5]
Output [5]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, pv#494]
Input [6]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, bid#493, pv#494](17) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, pv#494]
Arguments: 1000(18) Filter
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Condition : (StartsWith(bid#456, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#456))(19) Exchange
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#456, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1161](20) Sort
Input [4]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476]
Arguments: [bid#456 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(21) Filter
Input [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497]
Condition : (((isnotnull(bid#493) AND isnotnull(pv#494)) AND StartsWith(bid#493, 1)) AND (pv#494 > 100))(22) Project
Output [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Input [3]: [bid#493, pv#494, event_day#497](23) Exchange
Input [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: hashpartitioning(bid#493, 600), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=1162](24) Sort
Input [2]: [bid#493, pv#494]
Arguments: [bid#493 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0(25) SortMergeJoin
Left keys [1]: [bid#456]
Right keys [1]: [bid#493]
Join condition: None(26) Project
Output [5]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, pv#494]
Input [6]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, bid#493, pv#494](27) CollectLimit
Input [5]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, pv#494]
Arguments: 1000(28) AdaptiveSparkPlan
Output [5]: [bid#456, name#458, point_x#475, point_y#476, pv#494]
Arguments: isFinalPlan=true
- 内连接:内连接的两个执行计划中,对t2表都使用了
PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
,对t1表都使用了Condition : (StartsWith(bid#297, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#297))
,因此可以说,内连接中where和on在执行效率上没区别。 - 外连接:还是拿左外连接来说,右表相关的条件会使用谓词下推,而左表是否会提前过滤数据,取决于where还是on以及筛选条件是否与左表相关,1)当为on时,左表的数据必须全量读取,此时效率的差别主要取决于左表的数据量。2)当为where时,如果筛选条件涉及到左表,则会进行数据的提前过滤,否则左表仍然全量读取。
在内连接的物理执行计划中,对poi_res表的过滤单独作为一个Filter步骤(2)Condition : (StartsWith(bid#297, 1) AND isnotnull(bid#297))
,而对mon_ronghe_pv表的过滤在第(7)步scan中PushedFilters: [IsNotNull(bid), IsNotNull(pv), StringStartsWith(bid,1), GreaterThan(pv,100)]
测试环境:hive on spark spark版本:3.3.1 一、执行时机二、对结果集的影响三、效率对比1.内连接1)on2)where 2.外连接1)on2)where 四、总结PS 一、执行时机 sql连接中,where属于过滤条件&#…...
第一步:首先关闭windows自动更新组件 没有更新windows需求,为了防止windows自动更新,挤占C盘空间,所以我们要采取停止Windows Update服务。按下WinR打开运行对话框,输入services.msc, 然后按Enter。在服务…...
PWM全名Pulse Width Modulation中文称呼脉冲宽度调制 如图 这是一个周期10ms、频率是100HZ的波形,但是每个周期内,高低电平宽度各不相同,这就是PWM的本质。 占空比是指高电平占整个周期的比列,上图第一个波形的占空比是40%,第二个…...
在手机的演变历程中,天线的设计和位置一直是工程师们不断探索和创新的领域。你是否好奇,现在的手机为什么看不到那些曾经显眼的天线了呢? 让我们一起揭开这个谜题。 首先,让我们从基础开始:手机是如何发出电磁波的&…...
计算机网络 —— 应用层(电子邮件)
计算机网络 —— 应用层(电子邮件) 电子邮件发送电子邮件的过程SMTP特性工作流程 电子邮件格式MIME关键组件工作方式 POP/IMAPPOP(邮局协议)IMAP(因特网邮件访问协议) 基于万维网的电子邮箱特点优势常见的基…...
一、引言 自1995年Java语言首次亮相以来,它已经成为企业级应用、移动应用和游戏开发等领域不可或缺的一部分。随着技术的不断进步,Java也在持续演化,每个新版本都带来了诸多新特性和性能优化,旨在提升开发者的编程效率和应用程序的…...
当使用Visual Studio Code (VSCode) 连接SSH远程服务器时,可以遵循以下步骤。这些步骤将帮助你设置并连接到远程服务器,包括免密登录的设置(如果需要)。 一、安装并配置Remote-SSH插件 下载并安装VSCode:确保你已经下…...
编程过程中遇到的趣味知识 1 Cpp 1.1 浮点数计算 if (0.1 0.2 0.3) {std::cout << "0.1 0.2 0.3 true" << std::endl;} else {std::cout << "0.1 0.2 0.3 false" << std::endl;}if (0.1 0.3 0.4) {std::cout << &…...
文章目录 1. 数组的基本概念与功能2. C#数组创建数组访问数组元素修改数组元素数组排序 3. C数组创建数组访问数组元素修改数组元素数组排序 4. 数组的实际应用与性能优化5. C#数组示例6. C数组示例总结 数组是编程中常用的数据结构之一,它用于存储一系列相同类型的…...
文章目录 前言docker的基本知识1. docker 的底层逻辑2. docker 的核心要素2.1. 镜像的基本概念:2.2. 容器的基本概念:2.3. 仓库的基本概念: 前言 如果您觉得有用的话,记得给博主点个赞,评论,收藏一键三连啊,写作不易啊^ _ ^。 …...
React Native性能优化红宝书
一、React Native介绍 React Native 是Facebook在React.js Conf2015 推出的开源框架,使用React和应用平台的原生功能来构建 Android 和 iOS 应用。通过 React Native,可以使用 JavaScript 来访问移动平台的 API,使用 React 组件来描述 UI 的…...
前言:开发过程中遇到的一些业务场景,如果第三方不让使用,后端不提供接口,就只能拿到table数据(Array),实现excel文件下载。 废话不多说,直接上代码,方法后续自行封装即可: functio…...
文章目录 设计师如何使用ChatGPT提升工作效率?25个案例告诉你!什么是 prompt?咨询信息型 prompt vs 执行任务 prompt编写出色 prompt 的基本思路撰写 prompt 的案例和技巧1、将 ChatGPT 视作专业人士2、使用 ChatGPT 创建表单3、使用 ChatGPT…...
hadoop服务器启动后无法执行hdfs dfs命令
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Flink 1.19.1 standalone 集群模式部署及配置
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torch.nn.GELU 模块在 PyTorch 中实现了高斯误差线性单元(GELU)激活函数。GELU 被用于许多深度学习模型中,包括Transformer,因为它相比传统的 ReLU(整流线性单元)函数能够更好地近似神经元的真实激活行为。…...
如何编译和运行您的第一个Java程序 让我们从一个简单的java程序开始。 简单的Java程序 这是一个非常基本的java程序,它会打印一条消息“这是我在java中的第一个程序”。 public class FirstJavaProgram {public static void main(String[] args){System.…...
目录 一、创建登录页面 二、构建好登陆页面的路由 三、编写登录页代码 1.添加基础结构 2.给登录页添加背景 3.解决填充不满问题 4.我们把背景的红颜色替换成背景图: 5.在页面中央添加一个卡片来显示登录页面 6.设置中间卡片页面的左侧 7.设置右侧的样式及…...
腾讯云API的调用效率如何优化?怎么使用API接口发信? 腾讯云API作为腾讯云提供的核心服务之一,广泛应用于各行各业。然而,随着API应用的普及,API安全问题也日益突出。AokSend将详细探讨腾讯云API的安全保障措施&#x…...
在建设工程合同争议案件中,如何来认定“竣工验收”? 建设工程的最终竣工验收,既涉及在建设单位组织下的五方单位验收,又需政府质量管理部门的监督验收以及竣工验收备案,工程档案还需递交工程所在地的工程档案馆归档。…...
多线程 线程互斥互斥锁互斥锁实现的原理封装原生线程库封装互斥锁 死锁避免死锁的四种方法 线程同步条件变量 线程互斥 在多线程中,如果存在有一个全局变量,那么这个全局变量会被所有执行流所共享。但是,资源共享就会存在一种问题࿱…...
数据仓库的主题域(Subject Area)是按照特定业务领域或主题对数据进行分类和组织的方式。每个主题域集中反映一个特定的业务方面,使得数据分析和查询更加清晰和高效。主题域通常与企业的关键业务过程相关,能够帮助用户在数据仓库中…...
【简易版tinySTL】 vector容器
文章目录 基本概念功能思路代码实现vector.htest.cpp 代码详解变量构造函数析构函数拷贝构造operatorpush_backoperator[]insertprintElements 本实现版本 和 C STL标准库实现版本的区别: 基本概念 vector数据结构和数组非常相似,也称为单端数组vector与…...
使用 Verdaccio 建立私有npm库
网上有很多方法,但很多没标注nginx的版本所以踩了一些坑,下方这个文档是完善后的,对linux不是很熟练,所以不懂linux不会搭建的跟着做就可以了 搭建方法 首先需要一台云服务器 以139.196.226.123为例登录云服务器 下载node cd /usr/local/lib下载node 解压 下载 wget https://…...
1. 了解自己的兴趣与长处 喜欢擅长的事 职业方向 2. 设定长期目标(5年) 目标内容 建立自己的品牌建立自己的社交网络 适量参加社交活动,认识更多志同道合的小伙伴寻求导师指导 建立自己的作品集 注意事项 每年元旦进行审视和调整永葆积极…...
LeetCode | 344.反转字符串
设置头尾两个指针,依靠中间变量temp交换头尾指针所指元素,头指针后移,尾指针前移,直到头尾指针重合或者头指针在尾指针后面一个元素 class Solution(object):def reverseString(self, s):""":type s: List[str]:r…...
1. 首先准备一下数据 if __name__ "__main__":data np.array([[2, 1, 0],[2, 2, 0],[5, 4, 1],[4, 5, 1],[2, 3, 0],[3, 2, 0],[6, 5, 1],[4, 1, 0],[6, 3, 1],[7, 4, 1]])x data[:, :-1]y data[:, -1]for epoch in range(1000):...2. 实现SoftmaxCrossEntropy层…...
9.vue中的数据代理 通过vm对象来代理data对象中的属性操作(读写),目的是为了更加方便操作data中的数据 基本原理:通过Object.defineProperty()把data对象所有属性添加到vm上,为每一个添加到vm上的属性,都增…...
Maven 介绍
Maven open in new window 官方文档是这样介绍的 Maven 的: Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a projects build, reporting and documentation fr…...
21.1 每对顶点间最短路径与矩阵乘法 考虑矩阵乘法D*D,有: d’’(i, j) ∑(d’ (i, k) * d’ (k, j)) 考虑有向图每对顶点间的距离邻接矩阵。w(i, j)为由i点都j点的路径距离。故此有矩阵W的i行向量为i到点集合{j, 1≤j≤n}的距离。而矩阵W的j列向量为…...
wordpress 注册字段/baidu百度
np.random.permutation 是 numpy 中的一个函数,它可以将一个数组中的元素随机打乱,返回一个打乱后的新数组。 使用方法如下: import numpy asnp# 对一个列表进行打乱 arr [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] np.random.permutation(arr)# 对一个 numpy 数组进行…...
27.Oracle数据库SQL开发之 SQLPlus使用——设置页面、行大小1. 设置页面大小一页中显示的行数可以使用SET PAGESIZE命令来设置。超过这么多行之后,SQL*Plus就要再次显示标题。将页面设置为100行,如下:SQL> set pagesize 100SQL> /PROD…...
用android studio编写2-4个数的简易四则运算,首先新建一个安卓工程,进行页面布局 代码如下: JAVA代码: 运行结果展示: 这个程序进行除法预算时显示不出小数点,并且实现运算的方法过于繁琐…...
最近Jerry在SAP社区上看到一篇博客:Its Steampunk now. 博客原文:https://blogs.sap.com/2019/08/20/its-steampunk-now/ 什么是Steampunk(蒸汽朋克)? 豆瓣上有一篇名为10大蒸汽朋克风格电影的文章,开篇就给出了蒸汽朋克这个合成词的定义&am…...
window.open 参数 经常上网的朋友可能会到过这样一些网站,一进入首页立刻会弹出一个窗口, 或者按一个连接或按钮弹出,通常在这个窗口里会显示一些注意事项、版权信息 、警告、欢迎光顾之类的话或者作者想要特别提示的信息。其实制作这样的页面…...