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Exponential Moving Average (EMA) in Stable Diffusion

1.Moving Average in Stable Diffusion (SMA&EMA)

1.Moving average
3.How We Trained Stable Diffusion for Less than $50k (Part 3)

Moving Average



1.1 Simple Moving Average(SMA,an unweighted MA)

1.2 Exponential Moving Average (EMA,a weighted MA)

In the context of Stable Diffusion, the Exponential Moving Average (EMA) is a technique used during the training of machine learning models, particularly neural networks, to stabilize and improve the model’s performance.

The Exponential Moving Average is a method of averaging that gives more weight to recent data points, making it more responsive to recent changes compared to a simple moving average, which treats all data points equally.

1.2.1 EMA in Stable Diffusion

In the context of Stable Diffusion, EMA is applied to the model parameters during training to create a smoothed version of the model. This is particularly useful in machine learning because the training process can be noisy, with the model parameters oscillating as they converge towards an optimal solution. By maintaining an EMA of the model parameters, the training process can benefit from the following:

  1. Smoothing: EMA smooths out the parameter updates, reducing the impact of noise and making the training process more stable.
  2. Better Generalization: The EMA version of the model often generalizes better on unseen data compared to the model with the raw parameters. This is because EMA tends to favor parameter values that are more consistent over time.
  3. Preventing Overfitting: By averaging the parameters over time, EMA can help mitigate overfitting, especially in cases where the model might otherwise converge too quickly to a suboptimal solution.

代价函数(loss function)是关于参数(weight&bias)的函数,也就是说一个loss值对应一组参数值,loss值表现为震荡,也就是说模型参数也在变化。在训练SD时的MSE Loss在梯度下降过程中是上下震荡的,对应的模型参数也在震荡,可以用EMA取得这些模型参数震荡值的中间值,这个模型参数的中间值也就能更好的代表所有时刻模型参数的平均水平,让模型获得了更好的泛化能力

Stable Diffusion 2 uses Exponential Moving Averaging (EMA), which maintains an exponential moving average of the weights. At every time step, the EMA model is updated by taking 0.9999 times the current EMA model plus 0.0001 times the new weights after the latest forward and backward pass. By default, the EMA algorithm is applied after every gradient update for the entire training period. However, this can be slow due to the memory operations required to read and write all the weights at every step.
EMA t = 0.0001 ⋅ x t + 0.9999 ⋅ EMA t − 1 \text{EMA}_t=0.0001\cdot x_t+0.9999\cdot \text{EMA}_{t-1} EMAt=0.0001xt+0.9999EMAt1
To avoid this costly procedure, we start with a key observation: since the old weights are decayed by a factor of 0.9999 at every batch, the early iterations of training only contribute minimally to the final average. This means we only need to take the exponential moving average of the final few steps. Concretely, we train for 1,400,000 batches and only apply EMA for the final 50,000 steps, which is about 3.5% of the training period. The weights from the first 1,350,000 iterations decay away by (0.9999)^50000, so their aggregate contribution would have a weight of less than 1% in the final model. Using this technique, we can avoid adding overhead for 96.5% of training and still achieve a nearly equivalent EMA model.

1.2.2 Implementation in Stable Diffusion

During the training of a diffusion model, the EMA of the model’s weights is updated alongside the regular updates. Here’s a typical process:

  1. Initialize EMA Weights: At the start of training, initialize the EMA weights to be the same as the model’s initial weights.
  2. Update During Training: After each batch update, update the EMA weights using the formula mentioned above. This requires storing a separate set of weights for the EMA.
  3. Use for Inference: At the end of the training, use the EMA weights for inference instead of the raw model weights. This is because the EMA weights represent a more stable and potentially better-performing version of the model.

1.2.3 Practical Considerations

  1. Choosing α \alpha α:The smoothing factor α \alpha α is a hyperparameter that needs to be chosen carefully. A common practice is to set α \alpha α based on the number of iterations or epochs, such as α = 2 N + 1 \alpha=\frac{2}{N+1} α=N+12 where N N N is the number of iterations
  2. Performance Overhead: Maintaining EMA weights requires additional memory and computational overhead, but the benefits in terms of model stability and performance often outweigh these costs.


class EMA:
# Initializes the EMA object with a smoothing factor (beta) and a step counter (step).def __init__(self, beta):super().__init__()self.beta = beta  # Smoothing factor for the exponential moving averageself.step = 0  # Step counter to keep track of the number of updates
# Updates the moving average of the parameters of the EMA model (ma_model) based on the current model (current_model)def update_model_average(self, ma_model, current_model):# Update the moving average (EMA) of model parametersfor current_params, ma_params in zip(current_model.parameters(), ma_model.parameters()):old_weight, up_weight = ma_params.data, current_params.data# Update the moving average of the parametersma_params.data = self.update_average(old_weight, up_weight)
# Computes the exponentially weighted average of the old and new parameters.def update_average(self, old, new):# Compute the updated averageif old is None:return newreturn old * self.beta + (1 - self.beta) * new
# Either resets the EMA model parameters to match the current model parameters 
# if the step count is less than step_start_ema, 
# or updates the EMA model parameters based on the current model parameters. 
# It increments the step counter after each call.def step_ema(self, ema_model, model, step_start_ema=2000):# Update EMA model parameters or reset them based on the step countif self.step < step_start_ema:self.reset_parameters(ema_model, model)else:self.update_model_average(ema_model, model)self.step += 1  # Increment the step counter
# Copies the current model's parameters to the EMA model to initialize the EMA model parametersdef reset_parameters(self, ema_model, model):# Initialize EMA model parameters to be the same as the current model's parametersema_model.load_state_dict(model.state_dict())


def train(args):device = args.device  # Get the device to run the training onmodel = UNET().to(device)   # Initialize the model and move it to the devicemodel.train()optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=args.lr)  # set up the optimizer with AdamWmse = nn.MSELoss()  # Mean Squared Error loss functionlogger = SummaryWriter(os.path.join("runs", args.run_name))len_train = len(train_loader)
# EMA:Exponential Moving Averageema = EMA(0.995)  # Exponential Moving Average with decay rate 0.995
# At the start of training, initialize the EMA weights to be the same as the model’s initial weights.ema_model = copy.deepcopy(model).eval().requires_grad_(False)  # Create a copy of the model for EMA, set to eval mode and no gradientsprint('Start into the loop !')for epoch in range(args.epochs):logging.info(f"Starting epoch {epoch}:")  # log the start of the epochprogress_bar = tqdm(train_loader)  # progress bar for the dataloaderoptimizer.zero_grad()  # Explicitly zero the gradient buffersaccumulation_steps = 4# Load all data into a batchfor batch_idx, (images, captions) in enumerate(progress_bar):images = images.to(device)  # move images to the device# The dataloaer will add a batch size dimension to the tensor, but I've already added batch size to the VAE# and CLIP input, so we're going to remove a batch size and just keep the batch size of the dataloaderimages = torch.squeeze(images, dim=1)captions = captions.to(device)  # move caption to the devicetext_embeddings = torch.squeeze(captions, dim=1) # squeeze batch_sizetimesteps = ddpm_sampler.sample_timesteps(images.shape[0]).to(device)  # Sample random timestepsnoisy_latent_images, noises = ddpm_sampler.add_noise(images, timesteps)  # Add noise to the imagestime_embeddings = timesteps_to_time_emb(timesteps)# x_t (batch_size, channel, Height/8, Width/8) (bs,4,256/8,256/8)# caption (batch_size, seq_len, dim) (bs, 77, 768)# t (batch_size, channel) (batch_size, 1280)# (bs,320,H/8,W/8)with torch.no_grad():last_decoder_noise = model(noisy_latent_images, text_embeddings, time_embeddings)# (bs,4,H/8,W/8)final_output = diffusion.final.to(device)predicted_noise = final_output(last_decoder_noise).to(device)loss = mse(noises, predicted_noise)  # Compute the lossloss.backward()  # Backpropagate the lossif (batch_idx + 1) % accumulation_steps == 0:  # Wait for several backward passesoptimizer.step()  # Now we can do an optimizer stepoptimizer.zero_grad()  # Reset gradients to zero
# EMA:Exponential Moving Averageema.step_ema(ema_model, model)progress_bar.set_postfix(MSE=loss.item())  # Update the progress bar with the loss# log the loss to TensorBoardlogger.add_scalar("MSE", loss.item(), global_step=epoch * len_train + batch_idx)# Save the model checkpointos.makedirs(os.path.join("models", args.run_name), exist_ok=True)torch.save(model.state_dict(), os.path.join("models", args.run_name, f"stable_diffusion.ckpt"))torch.save(optimizer.state_dict(),os.path.join("models", args.run_name, f"optim.pt"))  # Save the optimizer state


Exponential Moving Average (EMA) in Stable Diffusion

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力扣 459重复的子字符串

思路&#xff1a; KMP算法的核心是求next数组 next数组代表的是当前字符串最大前后缀的长度 而求重复的子字符串就是求字符串的最大前缀与最大后缀之间的子字符串 如果这个子字符串是字符串长度的约数&#xff0c;则true /** lc appleetcode.cn id459 langcpp** [459] 重复…...

MyBatis XML配置文件

目录 一、引入依赖 二、配置数据库的连接信息 三、实现持久层代码 3.1 添加mapper接口 3.2 添加UserInfoXMLMapper.xml 3.3 增删改查操作 3.3.1 增(insert) 3.3.2 删(delete) 3.3.3 改(update) 3.3.4 查(select) 本篇内容仍然衔接上篇内容&#xff0c;使用的代码及案…...



Android 支持的媒体格式,(二)视频支持格式

视频支持格式&#xff1a; 格式编码器解码器具体说明文件类型 容器格式H.263是是对 H.263 的支持在 Android 7.0 及更高版本中并非必需• 3GPP (.3gp) • MPEG-4 (.mp4) • Matroska (.mkv)H.264 AVC Baseline Profile (BP)Android 3.0 及以上版本是 • 3GPP (.3gp) • MPEG-4…...


文章目录 概率分布哈夫曼编码实现julia官方文档建议的变量命名规范&#xff1a;julia源码 熵一、信息熵的定义二、信息量的概念三、信息熵的计算步骤四、信息熵的性质五、应用举例 哈夫曼编码&#xff08;Huffman Coding&#xff09;基本原理编码过程特点应用具体过程1. 排序概…...


初赛A&#xff1a;烟草营销案例数据分析 AB题综合难度不大&#xff0c;难度可以视作0.4个国赛&#xff0c;题量可以看作0.35个国赛题量。适合于国赛前队伍练手&#xff0c;队伍内磨合。竞赛获奖率50%&#xff0c;八月底出成绩&#xff0c;参赛人数3000队左右。本文将为大家进行…...


1新建项目 选择2d模板,设置项目名称和存储位置 在Hierarchy面板右击&#xff0c;create Empty 添加组件 在Project视图中右键新建文件夹 将图片资源拖进来&#xff08;图片资源在我的下载里面&#xff09; 点击Player 修改属性&#xff0c;修好如下 点击Sprite Editor 选择第二…...



LeetCode160 相交链表

前言 题目&#xff1a; 160. 相交链表 文档&#xff1a; 代码随想录——链表相交 编程语言&#xff1a; C 解题状态&#xff1a; 没思路… 思路 依旧是双指针法&#xff0c;很巧妙的方法&#xff0c;有点想不出来。 代码 先将两个链表末端对齐&#xff0c;然后两个指针齐头并…...

高性能响应式UI部件DevExtreme v24.1.4全新发布

DevExtreme拥有高性能的HTML5 / JavaScript小部件集合&#xff0c;使您可以利用现代Web开发堆栈&#xff08;包括React&#xff0c;Angular&#xff0c;ASP.NET Core&#xff0c;jQuery&#xff0c;Knockout等&#xff09;构建交互式的Web应用程序。从Angular和Reac&#xff0c…...

Python实现Java mybatis-plus 产生的SQL自动化测试SQL速度和判断SQL是否走索引

Python实现Java mybatis-plus 产生的SQL自动化测试SQL速度和判断SQL是否走索引 文件目录如下 │ sql_speed_test.py │ ├─input │ data-report_in_visit_20240704.log │ resource_in_sso_20240704.log │ └─outputdata-report_in_visit_20240704.cs…...


1. 概述 UDP&#xff08;User Datagram Protocol&#xff09;是一种无连接的传输层协议&#xff0c;它提供了一种简单的数据传输服务&#xff0c;不保证数据的可靠传输。在网络通信中&#xff0c;UDP通常用于一些对实时性要求较高、数据量较小、传输延迟较低的应用&#xff0c…...


文章目录 引言深度分页问题的原因解决方案方案一&#xff1a;使用主键索引优化方案二&#xff1a;使用子查询优化方案三&#xff1a;使用INNER JOIN优化方案四&#xff1a;使用搜索引擎 最佳实践结论 引言 在处理包含数百万条记录的大型数据表时&#xff0c;使用MySQL的LIMIT进…...


C#类型基础Part1-值类型与引用类型 参考资料前言值类型引用类型装箱和拆箱 参考资料 《.NET之美–.NET关键技术深入与解析》 前言 C#中的类型一共分为两类&#xff0c;一类是值类型&#xff08;Value Type&#xff09;,一类是引用类型&#xff08;Reference Type&#xff09…...