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dev_update_off ()
dev_close_window ()
WindowWidth := 800
WindowHeight := 600
dev_open_window_fit_size (0, 0, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, -1, -1, WindowHandle)
set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, ‘mono’, ‘true’, ‘false’)
RawImageBaseFolder :=‘D:/训练图/’+ [‘U’,‘SR’,‘MR’,‘BR’,‘C’,‘D’,‘NG’]
ExampleDataDir := ‘D:/classify_pill_defects_data’

  • Dataset directory basename for any outputs written by preprocess_dl_dataset.
    DataDirectoryBaseName := ExampleDataDir + ‘/dldataset_pill’

  • ** Set parameters ***

  • LabelSource for reading in the dataset.
    LabelSource := ‘last_folder’
  • Percentages for splitting the dataset.
    TrainingPercent := 70
    ValidationPercent := 15
  • Image dimensions the images are rescaled to during preprocessing.
    ImageWidth := 300
    ImageHeight := 300
    ImageNumChannels := 3
  • Further parameters for image preprocessing.
    NormalizationType := ‘none’
    DomainHandling := ‘full_domain’
  • In order to get a reproducible split we set a random seed.
  • This means that re-running the script results in the same split of DLDataset.
    SeedRand := 42

  • ** Read the labeled data and split it into train, validation and test ***

  • Set the random seed.
    set_system (‘seed_rand’, SeedRand)
  • Read the dataset with the procedure read_dl_dataset_classification.
  • Alternatively, you can read a DLDataset dictionary
  • as created by e.g., the MVTec Deep Learning Tool using read_dict().
    read_dl_dataset_classification (RawImageBaseFolder, LabelSource, DLDataset)
  • Generate the split.
    split_dl_dataset (DLDataset, TrainingPercent, ValidationPercent, [])

  • ** Preprocess the dataset ***

  • Create the output directory if it does not exist yet.
    file_exists (ExampleDataDir, FileExists)
    if (not FileExists)
    make_dir (ExampleDataDir)
  • Create preprocess parameters.
    create_dl_preprocess_param (‘classification’, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageNumChannels, -127, 128, NormalizationType, DomainHandling, [], [], [], [], DLPreprocessParam)
  • Dataset directory for any outputs written by preprocess_dl_dataset.
    DataDirectory := DataDirectoryBaseName + ‘_’ + ImageWidth + ‘x’ + ImageHeight
  • Preprocess the dataset. This might take a few seconds.
    create_dict (GenParam)
    set_dict_tuple (GenParam, ‘overwrite_files’, true)
    preprocess_dl_dataset (DLDataset, DataDirectory, DLPreprocessParam, GenParam, DLDatasetFileName)
  • Store preprocess params separately in order to use it e.g. during inference.
    PreprocessParamFileBaseName := DataDirectory + ‘/dl_preprocess_param.hdict’
    write_dict (DLPreprocessParam, PreprocessParamFileBaseName, [], [])

  • ** Preview the preprocessed dataset ***

  • Before moving on to training, it is recommended to check the preprocessed dataset.
  • Display the DLSamples for 10 randomly selected train images.
    get_dict_tuple (DLDataset, ‘samples’, DatasetSamples)
    find_dl_samples (DatasetSamples, ‘split’, ‘train’, ‘match’, SampleIndices)
    tuple_shuffle (SampleIndices, ShuffledIndices)
    read_dl_samples (DLDataset, ShuffledIndices[0:9], DLSampleBatchDisplay)

create_dict (WindowHandleDict)
for Index := 0 to |DLSampleBatchDisplay| - 1 by 1
* Loop over samples in DLSampleBatchDisplay.
dev_display_dl_data (DLSampleBatchDisplay[Index], [], DLDataset, ‘classification_ground_truth’, [], WindowHandleDict)
Text := ‘Press Run (F5) to continue’
dev_disp_text (Text, ‘window’, ‘bottom’, ‘right’, ‘black’, [], [])
stop ()

  • Close windows that have been used for visualization.
    dev_close_window_dict (WindowHandleDict)

query_available_dl_devices ([‘runtime’,‘runtime’], [‘gpu’,‘cpu’], DLDeviceHandles)
if (|DLDeviceHandles| == 0)
throw (‘No supported device found to continue this example.’)

  • Due to the filter used in query_available_dl_devices, the first device is a GPU, if available.
    DLDevice := DLDeviceHandles[0]
    get_dl_device_param (DLDevice, ‘type’, DLDeviceType)
    if (DLDeviceType == ‘cpu’)
    • The number of used threads may have an impact
    • on the training duration.
      NumThreadsTraining := 4
      set_system (‘thread_num’, NumThreadsTraining)

  • ** Set input and output paths ***

  • File path of the initialized model.
    ModelFileName := ‘pretrained_dl_classifier_compact.hdl’

  • File path of the preprocessed DLDataset.

  • Note: Adapt DataDirectory after preprocessing with another image size.
    DataDirectory := ExampleDataDir + ‘/dldataset_pill_300x300’
    DLDatasetFileName := DataDirectory + ‘/dl_dataset.hdict’
    DLPreprocessParamFileName := DataDirectory + ‘/dl_preprocess_param.hdict’

  • Output path of the best evaluated model.
    BestModelBaseName := ExampleDataDir + ‘/best_dl_model_classification’

  • Output path for the final trained model.
    FinalModelBaseName := ExampleDataDir + ‘/final_dl_model_classification’

  • ** Set basic parameters ***

  • The following parameters need to be adapted frequently.
  • Model parameters.
  • Batch size. In case this example is run on a GPU,
  • you can set BatchSize to ‘maximum’ and it will be
  • determined automatically.
    BatchSize := 64
  • Initial learning rate.
    InitialLearningRate := 0.001
  • Momentum should be high if batch size is small.
    Momentum := 0.9
  • Parameters used by train_dl_model.
  • Number of epochs to train the model.
    NumEpochs := 16
  • Evaluation interval (in epochs) to calculate evaluation measures on the validation split.
    EvaluationIntervalEpochs := 1
  • Change the learning rate in the following epochs, e.g. [4, 8, 12].
  • Set it to [] if the learning rate should not be changed.
    ChangeLearningRateEpochs := [4,8,12]
  • Change the learning rate to the following values, e.g. InitialLearningRate * [0.1, 0.01, 0.001].
  • The tuple has to be of the same length as ChangeLearningRateEpochs.
    ChangeLearningRateValues := InitialLearningRate * [0.1,0.01,0.001]

  • ** Set advanced parameters ***

  • The following parameters might need to be changed in rare cases.
  • Model parameter.
  • Set the weight prior.
    WeightPrior := 0.0005
  • Parameters used by train_dl_model.
  • Control whether training progress is displayed (true/false).
    EnableDisplay := true
  • Set a random seed for training.
    RandomSeed := 42
    set_system (‘seed_rand’, RandomSeed)
  • In order to obtain nearly deterministic training results on the same GPU
  • (system, driver, cuda-version) you could specify “cudnn_deterministic” as
  • “true”. Note, that this could slow down training a bit.
  • set_system (‘cudnn_deterministic’, ‘true’)
  • Set generic parameters of create_dl_train_param.
  • Please see the documentation of create_dl_train_param for an overview on all available parameters.
    GenParamName := []
    GenParamValue := []
  • Augmentation parameters.
  • If samples should be augmented during training, create the dict required by augment_dl_samples.
  • Here, we set the augmentation percentage and method.
    create_dict (AugmentationParam)
  • Percentage of samples to be augmented.
    set_dict_tuple (AugmentationParam, ‘augmentation_percentage’, 50)
  • Mirror images along row and column.
    set_dict_tuple (AugmentationParam, ‘mirror’, ‘rc’)
    GenParamName := [GenParamName,‘augment’]
    GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,AugmentationParam]
  • Change strategies.
  • It is possible to change model parameters during training.
  • Here, we change the learning rate if specified above.
    if (|ChangeLearningRateEpochs| > 0)
    create_dict (ChangeStrategy)
    • Specify the model parameter to be changed, here the learning rate.
      set_dict_tuple (ChangeStrategy, ‘model_param’, ‘learning_rate’)
    • Start the parameter value at ‘initial_value’.
      set_dict_tuple (ChangeStrategy, ‘initial_value’, InitialLearningRate)
    • Reduce the learning rate in the following epochs.
      set_dict_tuple (ChangeStrategy, ‘epochs’, ChangeLearningRateEpochs)
    • Reduce the learning rate to the following values.
      set_dict_tuple (ChangeStrategy, ‘values’, ChangeLearningRateValues)
    • Collect all change strategies as input.
      GenParamName := [GenParamName,‘change’]
      GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,ChangeStrategy]
  • Serialization strategies.
  • There are several options for saving intermediate models to disk (see create_dl_train_param).
  • Here, we save the best and the final model to the paths set above.
    create_dict (SerializationStrategy)
    set_dict_tuple (SerializationStrategy, ‘type’, ‘best’)
    set_dict_tuple (SerializationStrategy, ‘basename’, BestModelBaseName)
    GenParamName := [GenParamName,‘serialize’]
    GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,SerializationStrategy]
    create_dict (SerializationStrategy)
    set_dict_tuple (SerializationStrategy, ‘type’, ‘final’)
    set_dict_tuple (SerializationStrategy, ‘basename’, FinalModelBaseName)
    GenParamName := [GenParamName,‘serialize’]
    GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,SerializationStrategy]
  • Display parameters.
  • In this example, 20% of the training split are selected to display the
  • evaluation measure for the reduced training split during the training. A lower percentage
  • helps to speed up the evaluation/training. If the evaluation measure for the training split
  • shall not be displayed, set this value to 0 (default).
    SelectedPercentageTrainSamples := 20
  • Set the x-axis argument of the training plots.
    XAxisLabel := ‘epochs’
    create_dict (DisplayParam)
    set_dict_tuple (DisplayParam, ‘selected_percentage_train_samples’, SelectedPercentageTrainSamples)
    set_dict_tuple (DisplayParam, ‘x_axis_label’, XAxisLabel)
    GenParamName := [GenParamName,‘display’]
    GenParamValue := [GenParamValue,DisplayParam]

  • ** Read initial model and dataset ***

  • Check if all necessary files exist.
    check_data_availability (ExampleDataDir, DLDatasetFileName, DLPreprocessParamFileName)
  • Read in the model that was initialized during preprocessing.
    read_dl_model (ModelFileName, DLModelHandle)
  • Read in the preprocessed DLDataset file.
    read_dict (DLDatasetFileName, [], [], DLDataset)

  • ** Set model parameters ***

  • Set model hyper-parameters as specified in the settings above.
    set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘learning_rate’, InitialLearningRate)
    set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘momentum’, Momentum)
  • Set the class names for the model.
    get_dict_tuple (DLDataset, ‘class_names’, ClassNames)
    set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘class_names’, ClassNames)
  • Get image dimensions from preprocess parameters and set them for the model.
    read_dict (DLPreprocessParamFileName, [], [], DLPreprocessParam)
    get_dict_tuple (DLPreprocessParam, ‘image_width’, ImageWidth)
    get_dict_tuple (DLPreprocessParam, ‘image_height’, ImageHeight)
    get_dict_tuple (DLPreprocessParam, ‘image_num_channels’, ImageNumChannels)
    set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘image_dimensions’, [ImageWidth,ImageHeight,ImageNumChannels])
    if (BatchSize == ‘maximum’ and DLDeviceType == ‘gpu’)
    set_dl_model_param_max_gpu_batch_size (DLModelHandle, 100)
    set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘batch_size’, BatchSize)
  • When the batch size is determined, set the device.
    set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘device’, DLDevice)
    if (|WeightPrior| > 0)
    set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘weight_prior’, WeightPrior)
  • Set class weights to counteract unbalanced training data. In this example
  • we choose the default values, since the classes are evenly distributed in the dataset.
    tuple_gen_const (|ClassNames|, 1.0, ClassWeights)
    set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘class_weights’, ClassWeights)

  • ** Train the model ***

  • Create training parameters.
    create_dl_train_param (DLModelHandle, NumEpochs, EvaluationIntervalEpochs, EnableDisplay, RandomSeed, GenParamName, GenParamValue, TrainParam)
  • Start the training by calling the training operator
  • train_dl_model_batch () within the following procedure.
    train_dl_model (DLDataset, DLModelHandle, TrainParam, 0, TrainResults, TrainInfos, EvaluationInfos)
  • Stop after the training has finished, before closing the windows.
    dev_disp_text (‘Press Run (F5) to continue’, ‘window’, ‘bottom’, ‘right’, ‘black’, [], [])
    stop ()
  • Close training windows.
    dev_close_window ()
    dev_update_off ()
    dev_close_window ()
    WindowWidth := 800
    WindowHeight := 600
    dev_open_window_fit_size (0, 0, WindowWidth, WindowHeight, -1, -1, WindowHandle)
    set_display_font (WindowHandle, 16, ‘mono’, ‘true’, ‘false’)
  • ** INFERENCE **

query_available_dl_devices ([‘runtime’,‘runtime’], [‘gpu’,‘cpu’], DLDeviceHandles)
if (|DLDeviceHandles| == 0)
throw (‘No supported device found to continue this example.’)

  • Due to the filter used in query_available_dl_devices, the first device is a GPU, if available.
    DLDevice := DLDeviceHandles[0]

ExampleDataDir := ‘D:/classify_pill_defects_data’

  • Dataset directory basename for any outputs written by preprocess_dl_dataset.
    DataDirectoryBaseName := ExampleDataDir + ‘/dldataset_pill’

  • File name of the dict containing parameters used for preprocessing.

  • Note: Adapt DataDirectory after preprocessing with another image size.
    DataDirectory := ExampleDataDir + ‘/dldataset_pill_300x300’
    PreprocessParamFileName := DataDirectory + ‘/dl_preprocess_param.hdict’

  • File name of the finetuned object detection model.
    RetrainedModelFileName := ExampleDataDir + ‘/best_dl_model_classification.hdl’

  • Batch Size used during inference.
    BatchSizeInference := 1

  • ** Inference ***

  • Check if all necessary files exist.
    check_data_availability (ExampleDataDir, PreprocessParamFileName, RetrainedModelFileName, false)
  • Read in the retrained model.
    read_dl_model (RetrainedModelFileName, DLModelHandle)
  • Set the batch size.
    set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘batch_size’, BatchSizeInference)
  • Initialize the model for inference.
    set_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘device’, DLDevice)
  • Get the class names and IDs from the model.
    get_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘class_names’, ClassNames)
    get_dl_model_param (DLModelHandle, ‘class_ids’, ClassIDs)
  • Get the parameters used for preprocessing.
    read_dict (PreprocessParamFileName, [], [], DLPreprocessParam)
  • Create window dictionary for displaying results.
    create_dict (WindowHandleDict)
  • Create dictionary with dataset parameters necessary for displaying.
    create_dict (DLDataInfo)
    set_dict_tuple (DLDataInfo, ‘class_names’, ClassNames)
    set_dict_tuple (DLDataInfo, ‘class_ids’, ClassIDs)
  • Set generic parameters for visualization.
    create_dict (GenParam)
    set_dict_tuple (GenParam, ‘scale_windows’, 1.1)

list_files (‘E:/NG’, [‘files’,‘follow_links’], ImageFiles)
tuple_regexp_select (ImageFiles, [‘\.(tif|tiff|gif|bmp|jpg|jpeg|jp2|png|pcx|pgm|ppm|pbm|xwd|ima|hobj)$’,‘ignore_case’], ImageFiles)
for Index := 0 to |ImageFiles| - 1 by 1
read_image (ImageBatch, ImageFiles[Index])
gen_dl_samples_from_images (ImageBatch, DLSampleBatch)
preprocess_dl_samples (DLSampleBatch, DLPreprocessParam)
apply_dl_model (DLModelHandle, DLSampleBatch, [], DLResultBatch)
DLSample := DLSampleBatch[0]
DLResult := DLResultBatch[0]
*获取识别结果 参数:分类的结果,批处理中图像的索引,通用参数的名称,通用参数的值
get_dict_tuple (DLResult, ‘classification_class_ids’, ClassificationClassID)
get_dict_tuple (DLResult, ‘classification_class_names’, ClassificationClassName)
get_dict_tuple (DLResult, ‘classification_confidences’, ClassificationClassConfidence)
dev_display (ImageBatch)
Text := ‘预测类为: ’ + ClassificationClassName[0] + ’ 置信度:’+ClassificationClassConfidence[0]
dev_disp_text (Text, ‘window’, ‘top’, ‘left’, ‘red’, ‘box’, ‘false’)
stop ()
dev_close_window_dict (WindowHandleDict)




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以下是一个关于如何在 Orange Pi 上的 Arch Linux 系统中发现缺失包管理器的问题并解决的详细教程。 发现问题 确认系统类型: 使用以下命令检查当前的 Linux 发行版: uname -a cat /etc/os-release如果你看到类似于 “Arch Linux” 的信息,说…...

在invidia jetpack4.5.1上运行c++版yolov8(tensorRT)

心路历程(可略过) 为了能在arm64上跑通yolov8,我试过很多很多代码,太多对库版本的要求太高了; 比如说有一个是需要依赖onnx库的,(https://github.com/UNeedCryDear/yolov8-opencv-onnxruntime-…...

Vue3 接入 i18n 实现国际化多语言

在 Vue.js 3 中实现网页的国际化多语言&#xff0c;最常用的包是 vue-i18n。 第一步&#xff0c;安装一个 Vite 下使用 <i18n> 标签的插件&#xff1a;unplugin-vue-i18n npm install unplugin-vue-i18n # 或 yarn add unplugin-vue-i18n 安装完成后&#xff0c;调整 v…...


前面装好了之后装pytorch之后老显示gpufalse。 https://www.jb51.net/article/247762.htm 原因就是清华源的坑。 安装的时候不要用conda&#xff0c; 用pip命令 我cuda12.6&#xff0c;4070s cudnn-windows-x86_64- cuda_12.5.1_555.85_windows.…...


今天我们来总结以下大型语言模型面试中常问的问题 1、哪种技术有助于减轻基于提示的学习中的偏见? A.微调 Fine-tuning B.数据增强 Data augmentation C.提示校准 Prompt calibration D.梯度裁剪 Gradient clipping 答案:C 提示校准包括调整提示&#xff0c;尽量减少产生…...

MongoDB - 聚合阶段 $count、$skip、$project

文章目录 1. $count 聚合阶段2. $skip 聚合阶段3. $project 聚合阶段1. 包含指定字段2. 排除_id字段3. 排除指定字段4. 不能同时指定包含字段和排除字段5. 排除嵌入式文档中的指定字段6. 包含嵌入式文档中的指定字段7. 添加新字段8. 重命名字段 1. $count 聚合阶段 计算匹配到…...


在C中&#xff0c;可以有以下两种办法 使用COM接口IThumbnailCache 文档链接&#xff1a;IThumbnailCache (thumbcache.h) - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn 示例代码如下&#xff1a; VOID GetFileThumbnail(PCWSTR path) {HRESULT hr CoInitialize(nullptr);IShellItem* i…...


使用方法 要使用 create-vue 创建一个新的 Vue 项目&#xff0c;只需在终端中运行以下命令&#xff1a; npm create vuelatest[!注意] (latest 或 legacy) 不能省略&#xff0c;否则 npm 可能会解析到缓存中过时版本的包。 或者&#xff0c;如果你需要支持 IE11&#xff0c;你…...

Centos 7系统(最小化安装)安装Git 、git-man帮助、补全git命令-详细文章

安装之前由于是最小化安装centos7安装一些开发环境和工具包 文章使用国内阿里源 cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ && mkdir myrepo && mv * myrepo&&lscurl -O https://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-7.repo;curl -O https://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/Centos-7…...

Golang零基础入门课_20240726 课程笔记

视频课程 最近发现越来越多的公司在用Golang了&#xff0c;所以精心整理了一套视频教程给大家&#xff0c;这个只是其中的第一部&#xff0c;后续还会有很多。 视频已经录制完成&#xff0c;完整目录截图如下&#xff1a; 课程目录 01 第一个Go程序.mp402 定义变量.mp403 …...


-i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple 清华 pip intall 出现 error: subprocess-exited-with-error 错误的解决办法———————————pip install --upgrade pip setuptools57.5.0 ————————————————————————————————————…...




首先&#xff0c;用primetime 抽 timing model 的指令如下。 代码如下&#xff08;示例&#xff09;&#xff1a; #抽lib时留一些margin, setup -max/hold -min set_extract_model_margin -port [get_ports -filter "!defined(clocks)"] -max 0.1 #抽lib extract_mod…...


事情起因 在做docker作业的时候&#xff0c;把卷映射到了宿主机原来的mysql数据库目录上&#xff0c;宿主机原来的mysql版本为8.0&#xff0c;docker容器版本为5.6&#xff0c;导致翻车。 具体操作 备份目录 将/var/lib/mysql备份到~/mysql_backup&#xff1a;cp /var/lib/…...

成功解决:java.security.InvalidKeyException: Illegal key size

在集成微信支付到Spring Boot项目时&#xff0c;可能会遇到启动报错 java.security.InvalidKeyException: Illegal key size 的问题。这是由于Java加密扩展&#xff08;JCE&#xff09;限制了密钥的长度。幸运的是&#xff0c;我们可以通过简单的替换文件来解决这个问题。 解决…...

微服务事务管理(分布式事务问题 理论基础 初识Seata XA模式 AT模式 )

目录 一、分布式事务问题 1. 本地事务 2. 分布式事务 3. 演示分布式事务问题 二、理论基础 1. CAP定理 1.1 ⼀致性 1.2 可⽤性 1.3 分区容错 1.4 ⽭盾 2. BASE理论 3. 解决分布式事务的思路 三、初识Seata 1. Seata的架构 2. 部署TC服务 3. 微服务集成Se…...

测试面试宝典(三十五)—— fiddler的工作原理

Fiddler 是一款强大的 Web 调试工具&#xff0c;其工作原理主要基于代理服务器的机制。 首先&#xff0c;当您在计算机上配置 Fiddler 为系统代理时&#xff0c;客户端&#xff08;如浏览器&#xff09;发出的所有 HTTP 和 HTTPS 请求都会被导向 Fiddler。 Fiddler 接收到这些…...

旷野之间32 - OpenAI 拉开了人工智能竞赛的序幕,而Meta 将会赢得胜利

他们通过故事做到了这一点&#xff08;Snapchat 是第一个&#xff09;他们用 Reels 实现了这个功能&#xff08;TikTok 是第一个实现这个功能的&#xff09;他们正在利用人工智能来实现这一点。 在人工智能竞赛开始时&#xff0c;Meta 的人工智能平台的表现并没有什么特别值得…...


零基础为了学人工智能&#xff0c;真的开始复习高数 这里我们将会学习函数极限的性质。 唯一性 来一个练习题&#xff1a; 再来一个练习&#xff1a; 这里我问了一下ChatGPT&#xff0c;如果一个值两侧分别趋近于正无穷&#xff0c;以及负无穷。理论上这个极限值应该说是不存…...

树 形 DP (dnf序)

二叉搜索子树的最大键值 /*** Definition for a binary tree node.* struct TreeNode {* int val;* TreeNode *left;* TreeNode *right;* TreeNode() : val(0), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {}* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(nullptr), right(null…...


React的生命周期分为三个主要阶段&#xff1a;挂载&#xff08;Mounting&#xff09;、更新&#xff08;Updating&#xff09;和卸载&#xff08;Unmounting&#xff09;。 1、挂载&#xff08;Mounting&#xff09; 当组件实例被创建并插入 DOM 时调用的生命周期方法&#x…...

c# - - - ASP.NET Core 网页样式丢失,样式不对

c# - - - ASP.NET Core 网页样式丢失&#xff0c;样式不对 问题 正常样式是这样的。 修改项目名后&#xff0c;样式就变成这样了。底部的内容跑到中间了。 解决 重新生成解决方案&#xff0c;然后发布网站。 原因&#xff1a; 修改项目名之前的 div 上有个这个自定义属…...

Cannot find module ‘html-webpack-plugin

当你在使用Webpack构建项目时遇到Cannot find module html-webpack-plugin这样的错误&#xff0c;这意味着Webpack在构建过程中找不到html-webpack-plugin模块。要解决这个问题&#xff0c;你需要确保已经正确安装了html-webpack-plugin模块&#xff0c;并且在Webpack配置文件中…...

vue、react部署项目的 hashRouter 和 historyRouter模式

Vue 项目 使用 hashRouter 如果你使用的是 hashRouter&#xff0c;通常不需要修改 base&#xff0c;因为 hashRouter 使用 URL 的哈希部分来管理路由&#xff0c;这部分不会被服务器处理。你只需要确保 publicPath 设置正确即可。 使用 historyRouter 如果你使用的是 histo…...