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1. 选项ABCD中显示了所创造的商业价值以及在产品中实施各种功能需要进行的开发工作。团队应优先实施哪项功能?
The business value created and the development effort needed to implement the various features in the product are shown in the option ABCD. Which feature should the team prioritize first?
A 功能名称 Feature Name: A 商业价值(单位) Business Value(units):6 开发工作(周数 Development Effort(weeks):2
B 功能名称 Feature Name: B 商业价值(单位) Business Value(units):10 开发工作(周数) Development Effort(weeks):4
C 功能名称 Feature Name: C 商业价值(单位) Business Value(units):4 开发工作(周数) Development Effort(weeks):4
D 功能名称 Feature Name: D 商业价值(单位) Business Value(units):8 开发工作(周数) Development Effort(weeks):8
2. 项目经理正在为一家大公司管理一个创新项目。项目经理计划将电子邮件用作主要的沟通渠道,但产品负责人更喜欢使用另一种经批准的沟通工具,而非电子邮件,项目经理该做什么?
A project manager is managing an innovation project for a bg corporation The project manager is planning to use email as the main communication channel however.the product owner prefers to use another approved communication tool instead of email.lWhat should the project manager do?
A 根据产品负责人的偏好更新沟通管理计划,并将之发送给团队。 Update the communications management plan based on the product owner's preferences and distribute to the team.
B 请求产品负责人使用电子邮件,因为使用另一种工具会增加工作负荷。 Request the product owner to use email because using another tool will increase the workload.
C 建议团队开始使用产品负责人建议的沟通工具。 Suggest to the team to start using the communication tool suggested by the product owner.
D 联系发起人,请求其就项目团队将使用的沟通工具作出指示。 Contact the sponsor to request direction regarding the communication tool to be used by the project team.
3. 某公司非常倚重预测型方法交付项目,而其招聘的新项目经理却习惯于运用混合型方法。项目范围包含很多不清晰的需求。项目经理应该如何规划项目的交付?
A company that is heavily focused on delivering projects using predictive approaches on-boards a new project manager who uses hybrid approaches. The scope of the project contains a number of unclear requirements. How should the project manager plan the delivery of the project?
A 将需求不清晰的问题上报给管理团队,等待最终授权。 Escalate the issue of unclear requirements to the management team and wait for final authorization.
B 将需求分解成迭代型工作包,并确定各需求的优先级。 Break down the requirements and prioritize the requirements into iterative work packages.
C 忽略不清晰的需求,重点关注项目的交付计划。 Ignore the unclear requirements and focus on the delivery plan of the project.
D 等需求更加清晰再针对项目采取任何进一步的行动。 Wait for the requirements to be more clear before any further action is taken on the project.
4. 一个战略计划的项目经理发现一个新相关方对该项目感兴趣,希望确保该相关方充分了解该项目的目的、目标、效益和风险,项目经理该做什么来推动项目取得成功?
A project manager for a strategic initiative realizes a new stakeholder is interested in the project and wants to ensure the stakeholder is fully aware of the goals. objectives,benefits,and risks of the project. What should the project manager do to enhance the success of the project?
A 安排与该新相关方举行会议。 Schedule a meeting with the new stakeholder.
B 将该新相关方增加到沟通管理计划中。 Add the new stakeholder to the communications management plan.
C 向该新相关方分享项目状态。 Share the project status reports with the new stakeholder.
D 更新相关方参与计划。 Update the stakeholder engagement plan.
5. 指导委员会已要求在运用敏捷方法方面经验丰富的项目经理提供某中型项目剩余时间的说明。项目经理可以使用哪些工具提供此信息?
The steering committee has asked a project manager experienced in agile to provide an indication of the time remaining on a medium-sized project. What tools can be used to provide this information?
A 业务需求文档分析。 Analysis of the business requirements document.
B 发布燃尽图。 A release burndown chart.
C 剩余用户故事的故事点。 Story points for the remaining user stories.
D 替代指标。 Surrogate measurements.
6. 一位技术方面的主题专家(SME)发现某事件应被记录为项目的经验教训。该主题专家(SME)让项目经理写下、记录该事情,并将其纳入经验教训登记册中。项目经理应该做什么?
A technical subject matter expert(SME)identifies an occurrence that should be captured in the project's lessons learned.The SME asks the project manager to write,document,and include it in the lessons learned register. What should the project manager do?
A 主动负责将这些信息记录下来。 Take ownership of documenting this information.
B 让该主题专家(SME)记载并记录该事件。 Ask the SME to document and capture the occurrence.
C 请求该主题专家(SME)在项目结束阶段之前耐心等待。 Request the SME to wait until the project closure phase.
D 将记录任务分配给某一项目团队成员。 Assign the documenting task to a project team member.
7. 在项目设计阶段,项目经理注意到进度绩效指数(SPI)为1.8,成本绩效指数(CPI)为0.1,在与高层管理人员召开的每周例会上,项目经理报告了关于这些指标的顾虑。但顾虑最大之人正是项目发起人,他/她说如果这种趋势继续下去,他们将被迫提前关闭项目。项目经理应该怎么做?
During the design phase of a project,the project manager notices that the schedule performance index(SPl)is 1.8 and the cost performance index (CPI) is 0.1.In a weekly meeting with top management,the project manager reports concerns about these indicators.However,the most concerned person was the project sponsor who said that if the trend continues,they will be forced to prematurely close the project. What should the project manager do?
A 停止赶工加快进度计划。 Stop crashing the schedule.
B 关注项目发起人,但要理解在项目设计阶段支出增加非常正常。 Monitor the project sponsor,but understand that it is normal to spend more money in the design phase of a project.
C 运用资源平衡技术。 Use a resource-leveling technique.
D 密切跟进了解项目发起人,并修改项目的资源管理计划,以改善指标。 Manage the project sponsor closely and revise the project's resource management plan to improve indicators.
8. 某公司开始实施Scrum。在第一个冲刺中途,沟通问题开始浮现。有些项目团队成员与其他团队成员步调不一致,出现此沟通差距的原因是什么?
A company starts implementing Scrum.About halfway through the first sprint. communication issues develop.Some project team members are not in sync with other team members. What is the cause for this communication gap?
A 尚未制定沟通管理计划。 The communications management plan has not been developed.
B 尚未更新项目状态仪表盘。 The project status dashboard has not been updated.
C 未举行或强制召开每日站会。 Daily stand-up meetings were not held or enforced.
D 尚未更新项目冲刺板。 The project sprint board has not been updated.
9. 开发团队成员位于三个不同的时区。很难找到合适的时间让所有团队成员参加每日站会,项目经理该做什么?
Development team members are located in three different time zones.It is difficult to find a suitable time to hold the daily stand-up for all team members What should the project manager do?
A 放弃每日站会,代之以每日报告。 Give up the daily stand-up and replace it with a daily report.
B 让团队成员自行决定是否想加入会议。 Let the team members decide themselves if they want to join the meeting.
C 不论定于何时举行,都要求所有团队成员参加每日站会。 Require all team members to join the daily stand-up regardless of the meeting time.
D 鼓励经常与两三名团队成员举行小规模的团队会议。 Encourage frequent,small team meetings with two or three team members.
10. 在某软件开发项目中,产品负责人和开发团队就冲刺未完项达成一致。未完项中优先级最高的事项是开发一个支付模块。在冲刺的前半程,该团队忙于开发该模块,但现在两名开发人员希望在冲刺的后半程调整工作重心,聚焦于重构另一个功能,而这将来可能会产生问题,项目经理该做什么?
In a software development project,the product owner and development team agree on a sprint backlog.The highest priority in the backlog is to build a payment module.The team worked on the module during the first half of the sprint,but now two developers want to spend the rest of the sprint focusing on refactoring another feature that might create issues in the future. What should the project manager do?
A 向开发人员重申聚焦和达到冲刺目标的重要性。 Restate to the developers the importance of focusing and meeting the sprint goal.
B 对开发人员的积极主动性和注重质量予以称赞。 Praise the developers for their proactivity and focus on quality.
C 让开发人员注重于重构工作并在回顾会议上进行讨论。 Let the developers focus on the refactoring work and discuss it in the retrospective.
D 将该问题上报给开发人员的职能部门经理。 Escalate the issue to the developers' functional managers.
11. 客户的项目经理在项目最终阶段发生变动。项目经理该如何避免项目迟延完成?
The customer's project manager changes during the final stage of a project.How can the project manager avoid a project closure delay?
A 更新相关方参与计划。 Update the stakeholder engagement plan.
B 将情况上报给客户管理团队。 Escalate the case to the customer's management team.
C 审视最新项目状态报告,并将最新情况告知相关方。 Review the latest project status report and update the stakeholders.
D 提前向客户签发项目付款发票。 Issue the project payment invoice to the customer in advance.
12. 某公司正在运用预测型方法开发范围管理计划中定义的一个特定组件。由于监管要求会定期变更,开发团队己请求运用敏捷方法。针对开发团队的请求,项目经理应做什么?
A company is using a predictive approach for the development of a particular component as defined in the scope management plan.Due to regularly changing regulatory requirements,the development team has requested to utilize agile approaches.What should the project manager do about the development team's request?
A 上报额外财务资源请求。 Escalate the request for additional financial resources.
B 对需要按所要求的方法予以应对的需求进行分析。 Analyze the requirements that will need to be addressed under the requested method.
C 将该请求转交给项目管理办公室(PMO),并对组织过程资产作出修改。 Forward the request to the project management office (PMO)to amend the organizational process assets.
D 请求项目发起人批准实施该新方法。 Ask the project sponsor to obtain approval for implementation of the new approach.
13. 项目经理被指派领导一个敏捷项目。项目经理希望运用激励机制鼓励团队在整个项目运作期间保持高绩效,项目经理该做什么?
A new project manager is assigned to lead an agile project.The project manager wants to use motivation to encourage the team to perform well throughout the project. What should the project manager do?
A 实施奖励制度,使团队保持敬业度和积极性。 Implement a reward system aimed to keep the team engaged and motivated.
B 动用管理储备为一些团队建设活动提供资金。 Use the management reserves to fund some team-building activities.
C 大幅增加项目估算,为团队活动提供缓冲资金。 Inflate project estimates to provide a financial buffer for team activities.
D 寻找其它方法提高团队绩效。 Find another method to increase the team's performance.
14. 项目经理正在领导一个公司内部项目,该项目正处于早期阶段。该项目与一年前结束的另一个项目很相似,项目经理该做什么来分析涉及到的相关方?
A project manager is leading an in-house company project in its very early stages This current project is similar to another project that ended a year ago.What should the project manager do to analyze the involved stakeholders?
A 参照前一个项目的相关方登记册,因为它与当前的项目很相似。 Refer to the stakeholder register from the previous project as it was similar to the current project.
B 降低相关方参与的优先级,因为相关方已经了解这种项目。 Lower the priority of stakeholder engagement as the stakeholders already have knowledge of this kind of project.
C 将前一个项目的经验教训作为当前项目相关方登记册的指南。 Use lessons learned from the previous project as a guide for the current project's stakeholder register.
D 在风险登记册中载明,当前项目的相关方可能与前一个项目不同。 Document in the risk register that the current project may have different stakeholders than the previous project.
15. 项目经理难以使项目需求获批,因为项目相关方之间存在意见分歧,这一问题正导致项目进度计划面临风险。项目经理首先该做什么来促使项目需求获批?
The project manager is having difficulty obtaining approval of the project requirements because there is disagreement among the project stakeholders. This issue is putting the project schedule at risk. What should the project manager do first to facilitate the approval of project requirements?
A 进行相关方分析。 Perform a stakeholder analysis.
B 识别分歧的缘由。 Identify the source of the disagreement.
C 举办团队建设活动。 Hold a team-building event.
D 查阅项目章程。 Review the project charter.
16. 项目经理正在管理一个混合型项目。在参加完一个迭代审查会议后,一位相关方告诉项目经理他们非常忙,询问如此频繁举行这些审查会议的原因。项目经理该如何应对?
A project manager is managing a hybrid project.After attending an iteration review.a stakeholder tells the project manager that they are very busy and asks why these reviews are held so frequently. How should the project manager respond?
A 与该相关方讨论该混合型项目的效益以及频繁举行审查会议会如何带来价值增值和减少返工。 Discuss with the stakeholder the benefits of the hybrid project and how frequent reviews lead to greater value and less rework.
B 与该相关方磋商其可以减少参加审查会议的方案,并更新相关方参与计划,以反映这种减少参加审查会议的情况。 Negotiate a reduced review attendance with the stakeholder and update the stakeholder engagement plan to reflect this reduced attendance.
C 向该相关方说明相关方参与计划规定他们必须参加所有审查会议。 Explain to the stakeholder that the stakeholder engagement plan requires their attendance at all reviews.
D 将该问题记录在问题日志中,并将该分歧上报给项目发起人,以寻求帮助。 Record the issue in the issue log and escalate the conflict to the project sponsor for assistance.
17. 一位项目经理接受指派,负责将一个新解决方案同时部署到位于不同国家/地区的分支机构。各个国家/地区的部署团队将整合并部署该解决方案。项目经理发现,这些部署团队均遇到类似的问题。但各个团队都是各自为战地应对这些问题。项目经理该做什么来确保这些团队之间加强协作?
A project manager is appointed to simultaneously deploy a new solution to branches located in different countries.Deployment teams in each country will integrate and deploy the solution.The project manager discovers that the deployment teams each encounter similar issues.However,each team addresses the issues separately.What should the project manager do to help ensure more collaboration between the teams?
A 让各部署团队提供非常详细的进度计划和行动计划。 Ask each deployment team to provide a very detailed schedule and action plan.
B 让项目发起人为部署团队委派新经理。 Ask the project sponsor to appoint new managers for the deployment teams.
C 安排由所有部署团队参加的例会,探讨问题和解决方案。 Organize regular meetings with all of the deployment teams to share issues and solutions.
D 建议其中的一些团队推迟在所在国家地区开展部署工作。 Propose that some of the teams delay deployments in their countries.
18. 某敏捷项目正在开展活动,以定义最小可行性产品(MVP),在会议期间,项目经理发现了一些强制性法规,但是否将这些法规包含进MVP中团队尚未达成共识,因为它可能会使项目持续时间延长。项目经理该做什么?
An agile project is running activities to define the minimum viable product (MVP).During the session,the project manager identifies some mandatory regulations, but there is no consensus to include these regulations in the MVP because it may extend the duration of the project. What should the project manager do?
A 让团队承诺将所有必要法规包含进来。 Get commitment from the team to include all of the required regulations.
B 告知与会者需要仅聚焦于产品功能。 Share with the participants the need to focus only on product functionality.
C 按管理层的要求,向团队提供这些新法规方面的培训。 Train the team on the new regulations as requested by management.
D 让项目发起人为项目分配更多时间。 Ask the project sponsor to add more time to the project.
19. 某一项目的团队成员之间彼此已相识多年。一位新团队成员刚从海外归来,但似乎不能很好地融入团队,项目团队变得日益沮丧,因为这位新加入的团队成员在关键路径上工作进展缓慢,项目经理应该做什么?
Team members on a project have known each other for years.A new member of the team has just moved from overseas,but does not seem to be fitting in well. The project team is becoming increasingly frustrated because the new team member has been slow to perform work on the critical path. What should the project manager do?
A 鼓励现有项目团队成员相互包容。 Encourage the existing project team to practice inclusion.
B 策划一场团队建设活动,提高团队凝聚力和包容度。 Plan a team-building event to promote team cohesion and inclusion.
C 重新审视团队沟通策略。 Revisit the team communications strategy.
D 与新团队成员私下谈话。 Speak with the new team member privately.
20. 经过几次发布之后,产品负责人决定推出一个产品,但他/她知道最小可行性产品缺少一些功能。其中一位关键相关方-市场副总裁~对成果不满意,并对发布决定提出质疑。项目经理该做什么?
The product owner decides to launch a product after a couple of releases. knowing that the minimum viable product(MVP)lacks some features.One of the key stakeholders,the marketing vice president,is not happy with the results and questioned the release decision.What should the project manager do?
A 就决策过程对团队进行指导,同时对产品发布运用风险规避的策略。 Coach the team on the decision-making process,assuming a risk- averse strategy towards product releasing.
B 对产品负责人的决定表示支持,并寻求该相关方给予更好的支持,以便将来避免此类问题。 Support the product owner's decision and seek better alignment with this stakeholder in order to avoid this type of issue in the future,
C 承担产品发布的职责,对某项功能何时准备好向客户发布做出最终决定。 Train the team on the new regulations as requested by management.
D 将该问题上报给发起人,就产品发布决定质疑该关键相关方的权威。 Escalate the issue to the sponsor, questioning the authority of the key stakeholder regarding the product launch decision.
21. 某市场团队正在开发思路,改进一个现有产品。市场主管主动联系项目经理,以确保成功推出产品所需的必要措施。项目经理应关注什么?
A marketing team is developing ideas in order to revamp an existing product. The marketing executive reaches out to the project manager to make sure that necessary measures are in place for a successful launch. On what should the project manager focus?
A 确保制定范围管理计划,以涵盖所有相关目标。 Ensuring that the scope management plan is in place to cover all related objectives.
B 确保团队还将聚焦于总体的变更管理计划。 Ensuring that the team is also focused on the overall change management plan.
C 为常规的项目更新作出规划,以涵盖关键可交付成果的状态。 Planning for regular project updates to cover the status of critical deliverables.
D 确定并调整有助于评估产品成功交付的绩效指标。 Determining and aligning performance indicators that will help in assessing successful delivery.
22. 在项目开展过程中,项目经理的直接主管在其不知情的情况下,直接与客户沟通,批准相关变更。这令项目团队非常困惑,因为项目范围的背景正在发生变化,但这只在项目会议中有所提及,项目经理该如何应对这种情况?
During the course of a project,the project manager's immediate director is communicating directly with the client to approve changes without the project manager's knowledge.This is causing confusion in the project team where the scope is changing in the background,but only being mentioned in project meetings. How should the project manager handle this?
A 审视相关方参与计划,并实施相应的行动计划。 Review the stakeholder engagement plan and put in place any existing actions accordingly.
B 直接与主管沟通,使其了解沟通管理计划。 Communicate directly with the director and inform them of the communications management plan.
C 与项目团队讨论这些问题,让其知道项目经理将会处理范围变更事宜。 Discuss the issues with the project team and let them know that the project manager will handle scope changes.
D 直接与客户沟通,表明任何范围变更须经项目经理同意。 Communicate directly with the client stating that any scope changes must go through the project manager.
23. 项目经理被指派负责的一个项目正处于开发阶段,审查项目进展情况时,项目经理发现几项任务落后于进度计划,经过调查,项目经理发现几名团队成员被抽调开展其他任务,这使他们无法全身心地投入项目经理的项目,项目经理可以采取哪两种措施来让团队重回正轨?(选择两项)
A project manager is assigned to a project that is in development As the project manager reviews the project's progress.they find a few tasks that are behind schedule.After investigating.the project manager discovers that a few team members were pulled to work on other assignments which impacted their ability to focus on the project manager's project.Which two actions can the project manager take to bring the team back on track?(Choose two)
A 与团队一起确定可加速交付项目的方案。 Work with the team to identify options to accelerate project delivery.
B 允许团队成员按自己的节奏把进度赶上来。 Allow the team members to catch up at their own pace.
C 与各个职能部门经理讨论项目延误的风险和工作的优先级。 Discuss the risk of project delay and work priorities with the respective functional managers.
D 举行每日站会,以审查项目进展情况,并跟踪可交付成果的完成情况。 Establish daily standups to review project progress and track the completion of deliverables.
E 就进度延误问题,立即提醒业务相关方。 Alert the business stakeholders immediately of the schedule delay.
24. 一位拥有多年经验的高级业务相关方试图迫使一个敏捷团队必须在未来18个月内向客户交付所承诺的多数功能,而非在18个月内分多批增量交付,项目负责人接下来该做什么?
A senior business stakeholder with many years of experience is pressuring an agile team to deliver most of the promised functionality to the customer 18months in the future as opposed to multiple,incremental deliveries over the course of the 18 months.What should the project lead do next?
A 与该敏捷团队共同制定增量交付的时间表,以便更快地向客户交付商业价值。 Work with the agile team to schedule the incremental deliveries to enable delivery of business value sooner to the customer.
B 安排与客户开会,以确定其是否有能力支持多批增量交付。 Schedule meetings with the customer to determine their ability to support multiple incremental deliveries.
C 向该敏捷团队提供该相关方顾虑事项的详细信息,调整其目标,并发布计划,以便遵守该相关方的要求。 Provide details of the concern to the agile team and adjust their goals and release plans to conform to the stakeholder's request.
D 与该相关方沟通,了解其顾虑所在,同时向其解释增量交付的好处。 Work with the stakeholder to understand what the concerns are while,at the same time,conveying the benefits of incremental deliveries.
25. 董事会的一名成员是一个对组织非常重要的项目的发起人。该相关方有诸多其他优先要务,目前没有参与到项目活动中,项目经理应如何促使相关方参与到项目中?
A member of the board of directors is the sponsor of a project that is important to the organization.This stakeholder has many other priorities and is not currently engaged in the project activities. How should the stakeholder be engaged in the project?
A 与该相关方协商,使其提高兴趣度。 Consult with the stakeholder and increase their level of interest.
B 让该相关方参与治理和决策过程。 Involve the stakeholder in governance and decision making.
C 该相关方需要了解项目进展情况。 The stakeholder needs to be made aware of the project progress.
D 让该相关方随时了解相关情况,并根据其需要与其协商。 Keep the stakeholder informed and consult with them based on their needs.
26. 某项目正处于执行阶段。该项目的生命周期被定义为预测型:但一项主要的可交付成果将渐进地移交给客户,所指派的资源经验丰富、非常可靠,而且乐于做出项目经理过去在其他项目中每次增量式交付之后所做的决定。项目经理该做什么?
A project is being executed.The project's life cycle is defined as predictive. However,a major deliverable will be handed over incrementally to the customer. The assigned resources are experienced and reliable and are willing to make decisions that the project manager used to make after each incremental delivery on other projects. What should the project manager do?
A 告知团队虽然这是一个混合型的环境,但必须仍由项目经理负责做出决定。 Inform the team that although this is a hybrid environment,the project manager must still be responsible for making decisions.
B 就让资源做出决定一事与产品负责人商量。 Consult the product owner about letting the resources make decisions.
C 对团队的决定予以支持,并将决策的职责转移给他们。 Support the decisions of the team and transfer the decision making responsibility to them.
D 安排举行指导委员会会议,争取其批准此请求。 Schedule a steering committee meeting and obtain their approval on the request.
27. 某敏捷项目团队正寻求为某项目制定质量标准。项目经理该如何指导他们?
An agile project team is looking to develop quality standards for a project. How should the project manager coach the team?
坚持要求在进行自动测试的同时实施测试驱动开发。 Insist that test-driven development is implemented along with the automated testing.
确保当产品负责人同意针对用户故事的所有验收标准均已达到时会提供定义“已完成”(DoD)。 Ensure that the definition of done (DoD)is provided when the product owner agrees that all acceptance criteria have been met for the user story.
告知团队,为了确保产品负责人接受解决方案,需要进行用户接受度测试。 Inform the team that user acceptance testing is required to ensure that the product owner accepts the solution.
确定适合于该项目的工具和技术,并确保尽早以一贯的方式完成测试。 Determine the tools and techniques suitable for the project and ensure that testing is done early and continuously.
28. 在项目开展过程中,项目经理发现几个障碍正使项目难以向前推进,项目经理该做什么来消除这些障碍?
During the course of the project,several obstacles are identified that are preventing the project from moving forward. What should the project manager do to remove the obstacles?
A 将情况上报给项目指导委员会。 Escalate to the project steering committee.
B 确定这些障碍的优先级,以便予以解决。 Prioritize the obstacles for resolution.
C 实施相关计划,消除这些障碍。 Implement plans to remove the obstacles.
D 让项目团队开展其他活动。 Have the project team work on other activities.
29. 一个新品发布项目处于初期阶段,需求还在不断发展变化。由于市场竞争激烈,客户希望发布产品时保持范国的灵活性,项目团队打算根据对去年交付的一个类似项目所作的预测开始工作。哪种项目方法适合此情景?
A project for a new product launch is in a very initial stage and the requirements are evolving.Due to stiff competition in the market,the customer would like to launch the product keeping the scope flexible.The project team intends to start the work based on the forecast of a similar project delivered last year. Which project approach suits the scenario?
A 将之作为一个有多个阶段关口的项目执行。 Execute it as a project with stage gates.
B 将之作为敏捷项目执行。 Execute it as a Scrum project.
C 运用与参照项目相同的方法执行该项目。 Execute it using the same approach as the reference project.
D 将之作为预测型项目执行。 Execute it as a predictive project.
30. 公司新任项目经理发现,项目可能会错过一个即将到来的截止期限,因为项目之前由于缺少资源而发生过几次延迟,项目经理接下来该做什么?
A project manager who is new to an organization observes that an approaching deadline is likely to be missed because there have been some delays on the project due to a lack of resources. What should the project manager do next?
A 查阅里程碑列表,确定哪些任务可以快速跟进。 Review the milestone list to determine which tasks can be fast-tracked.
B 审视风险管理计划,识别应对策略。 Review the risk management plan to identify the response strategy.
C 组织团队会议,讨论接下来的行动步骤。 Organize a team meeting to discuss the next course of action.
D 将问题上报发起人,向其汇报情况。 Escalate the issue to the sponsor and debrief them about the situation.
31. 与关键相关方一起对项目管理计划审查后,项目经理被告知18个月的发布计划是不可接受的,产品应在6个月内推出,根据新的时间表,项目经理该做什么?
After reviewing the project management plan with key stakeholders,the project manager was told that an 18-month release plan was unacceptable and the product should launch in six months.Based on the new timeline,what should the project manager do?
A 审查项目待办事项列表,查明哪些是高优先级事项,并指出符合预期期限的最小可行性产品(MVP)。 Review the project backlog looking for high-priority items and come up with a minimum viable product(MVP)that fits the expected timeline.
B 与相关方一起回顾关键路径,解释为什么不可能在预期期限内交付范围内的所有成果。 Go over the critical path with stakeholders,explaining why it is not possible to deliver all the scope in the expected timeline.
C 寻求发起人批准将项目预算增至三倍,增加雇佣人员,以弥补被压缩的进度计划。 Seek approval with the sponsor to triple the project budget,hiring more people to compensate for the compressed schedule.
D 制定加班计划,运用赶工和快速跟进方法,并将失败的风险告知项目相关方。 Plan for overtime.apply crashing and fast tracking,and share the risk of failure with project stakeholders.
32. 一位项目经理正在开展一个软件开发项目。一位团队成员抱怨称,由于该项目中的任务都很简单,不需要进行质量控制。项目经理明白,将质量管理计划从项目中砍掉也有助于省钱,这对该客户非常重要。项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is working on a software development project.A team member complains that since the project tasks are very simple,there is no reason to perform quality control.The project manager understands that removing the quality management plan from the project will also help to save money,which is important to the customer.What should the project manager do?
A 制定质量管理计划,因为质量管理与成本和进度计划管理同等重要。 Develop the quality management plan,as quality is as equally important as cost and schedule management.
B 将没有质量管理计划就开始开展项目登记为风险,并将节省的预算分配到管理储备之中。 Register starting the project without a quality management plan as a risk,and allocate the budget savings to the management reserve.
C 获得管理层的确认,团队成员拥有足够的经验,可在不进行质量控制的情况下开发软件。 Get confirmation from management that the team member has enough experience to build software without quality control.
D 让客户在接受项目可交付成果之后安排进行外部质量审计,并减少项目预算。 Ask the customer to order an external quality audit after accepting the project deliverable,and decrease the budget of the project.
33. 一位关键的项目相关方在一个复杂的敏捷项目开始时就表现出兴趣,但随着冲刺的推进,由于需要承担额外职责,该关健相关方参与度下降。几个冲刺过后,该关健相关方拒绝了一项功能方面的可交付成果。下一个冲刺期间,团队需要对被拒绝的可交付成果进行返工,项目经理本应采取什么措施来避免发生这种情况?
A key project stakeholder showed interest in the beginning of a complex agile project,but has become less involved as the sprint has progressed due to additional responsibilities.A few sprints later,the key stakeholder rejected a feature deliverable.The team is reworking the rejected deliverable for the next sprint.What should the project manager have done to avoid this situation?
A 记录项目愿景和目标。 Documented the project vision and objectives.
B 分析相关方属性中的变化。 Analyzed the changes in stakeholder attributes.
C 让关键相关方参与决策过程。 Involved the key stakeholders in the decision-making process.
D 根据相关方的需要对相关方沟通进行定制。 Customized stakeholder communications based on the stakeholders' needs.
34. 某项目团队在完成某任务时发生延误,而结果证明该任务比预估的更加复杂。该任务非常重要,可能会对当前的迭代目标造成影响,以下哪两个方案将有助于团队最初克服该障碍的努力?(选择两项)
A project team is experiencing delays in completing a task that turned out to be more complex than initially estimated.This is a critical task that could impact current iteration goals.What two options will help the team initially address this obstacle?(Choose two)
A 进行根本原因分析。 Conduct a root cause analysis.
B 审查并更新依赖关系。 Review and update dependencies.
C 创建风险管理计划。 Create a risk management plan.
D 将该问题上报给项目发起人。 Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
E 举行回顾会议。 Schedule a retrospective.
35. 在对某国际公司进行文档审计期间,审计人员发现,最新版本的项目进度计划还是一个月前的版本,尽管项目经理知道项目进度计划最近已经更新,项目经理本应如何处理项目文档?
During a documentation audit of an international company,it was identified that the last version of the project schedule was from one month ago even though the project manager knew it was recently updated.How should the project manager have handled documentation for the project?
A 将文档存入项目管理信息系统(PMIS),并与适当的相关方分享。 Kept documentation in the project management information system (PMIS),and shared it with appropriate stakeholders.
B 查阅风险登记册,以确定审计的应对计划。 Reviewed the risk register to identify a response plan for the audit.
C 指派一名项目团队成员,以确保所有项目文档都得到更新。 Assigned a project team member to ensure all project documentation was updated.
D 定期更新项目管理计划,并以安全的方式将之分享给所有相关方。 Updated the project management plan regularly and had it securely shared with all stakeholders.
36. 在某项目的一个迭代中,一项已规划的活动变得越发复杂,相关工作应在最短时间内交付,这种情况下应运用什么样的方法?
During an iteration of a project,a planned activity becomes more complex. The work should be delivered in the shortest time possible. What approach should be used in this situation?
A 产品负责人将该活动载入产品待办事项列表。 The product owner moves it to the product backlog.
B 团队成员引入专业人士提供帮助。 The team members bring in a specialist to help them.
C 跨职能部门的团队成员协同努力完成该活动。 The cross-functional team members work together to complete the activity.
D 团队指导者从外部团队成员获得支持。 The team facilitator gets support from external team members.
37. 某供应商告知项目经理一位关键资源将长时间休假。项目团队对该供应商待交付的可交付成果进行审查后发现了一个替代解决方案,但这会产生额外成本,该项目目前正按进度计划进行,预算略有富余。项目经理接下来该做什么?
A vendor informed the project manager that a critical resource will be on a long leave of absence.The project team reviewed the pending vendor deliverables and identified an alternative solution,but the solution will incur an additional cost.The project is currently on schedule and slightly under budget. What should the project manager do next?
A 进行成本效益分析。 Perform a cost-benefit analysis.
B 实施整体变更控制。 Perform Integrated Change Control.
C 实施风险应对。 Implement risk responses.
D 请求安排替代资源。 Request a replacement resource.
38. 资源管理计划已经拟定,而团队成员位于全球不同的国家/地区,团队成员位于多个时区,使用不同的语言进行沟通,项目经理需要确保团以保特良好秩序,避免发生对项目产生负面影响的误解和沟通失误。项目经理该做什么才能减少对项目的负面影响?
The Resource management plan is already done,and the team is located in different countries around the world.Team members are in multiple time zones. and they use different languages for communication.The project manager needs to keep the team organized and avoid misunderstandings and miscommunication that may produce a negative impact to the project. What should the project manager do to reduce negative impacts to the project?
A 举办文化意识研讨会。 Conduct cultural awareness seminars.
B 举行虚拟会议,讨论政治环境。 Hold a virtual meeting to discuss the political environment.
C 修改沟通管理计划,包含区域差异。 Modify the communications management plan to account for regional differences.
D 安排跨代际管理培训课程。 Conduct a multigenerational management training session.
39. 由于某些活动发生迟延,其中一位项目团队成员在未获得任何批准的情况下扩大了范围。项目经理接下来该做什么?
Due to delays on some activities,one of the project team members has increased the scope without any approval.What should the project manager do next?
A 评估对项目所做变更的影响。 Evaluate the impacts of the changes that were made to the project.
B 用新范围更新项目文档。 Update project documentation with the new scope.
C 删除这些变更,以符合最初需求。 Remove the changes to match the original requirements.
D 增加项目团队成员,以避免屡次发生进度计划迟延的情况。 Add team members to the project to avoid more schedule delays.
40. 推出新财务系统的工作已经进入执行阶段。但上月出现的很多问题正在拖慢项目的进展。一位新项目发起人最近刚刚进入公司,但还没有时何与项目经理见面。在项目现在所处阶段,这些问题正在对项目的交付产生严重影响。项目经理该如何就这些顾虑向该新项目发起人发出提醒?
The rollout of a new finance system is-in the execution phase.A number of issues have surfaced in the last month that are slowing the project down.A new project sponsor has recently started with the company but has not had time to meet the project manager.The project is at the point where the issues are significantly impacting delivery of the project. How should the project manager alert the new project sponsor about these concerns?
A 完成风险分析,概述各种迟延和影响,并通过电子邮件发送风险登记册的副本,督促项目发起人采取应对措施。 Complete a risk analysis outlining the delays and impacts,and email a copy of the risk register,urging the project sponsor to respond.
B 向项目发起人发送电子邮件,总结项目状态和主要顾虑,并请求立即与其当面会晤,讨论这些事项。 Send an email to the project sponsor summarizing the project status and key concerns,and request an immediate face-to-face meeting to discuss them.
C 向项目发起人发送电子邮件,邀请其参加项目团队的所有每周例会,并希望发起人安排时间与会。 Send an email invitation to the project sponsor to attend all of the project team's weekly meetings,and hope the sponsor will find time to attend.
D 继续通过电子邮件发送最新的项目状态报告,重点说明主要风险和问题,并等待项目发起人提出会议请求。 Continue emailing updated project status reports highlighting the key risks and issues,and wait for the project sponsor to request a meeting.
41. 在一个项目的规划阶段,项目经理意识到光靠标准的相关方参与方法是不够的。其中一位客户代表(并非关键决策者)极其固执。鉴于在会议期间人们认为该客户代表威信很高,他/她可能成为项目推进过程中的障碍。项目经理应该如何处理这个问题?
During the planning stage of a project the project manager realizes that a standard stakeholder engagement approach will not suffice.One of the client representatives,who is not a key decision maker,is extremely opinionated.This client representative could become a roadblock to progress due to their perceived level of authority during meetings.How should the project manager handle this moving forward?
A 更新项目进度计划,以迎合该特定相关方。 Update the project schedule to cater to this particular stakeholder.
B 更新风险登记册,将其可能对项目造成的影响考虑进来。 Update the risk register to consider the possible project impacts.
C 在关键的决策会议之前,花时间争取该相关方的以同。 Allocate time to gain buy-in from the stakeholder prior to key decision meetings.
D 要求只有关键决策者才能参加项目会议。 Ask that only key decision makers attend the project meetings.
42. 一位项目经理被指派负责一个新项目,即在年底前交付一款产品。供应商告知项目经理,一个核心组件无法按时发货,这将对进度即刻产生影响。项目经理接下来应该采取哪些措施来最大程度地减轻对项目的影响?
A project manager is assigned to a new project to deliver a product at the end of the year.The project manager was informed by the vendor that a core component could not be shipped on time,which will impact the schedule.What should project manager to do next to minimize the project?
A 查阅并更新问题日志,并确定是否可以提供任何备选组件。 Review and update the issue log and determine if any alternative components can be offered.
B 安排与所有相关方开会,以延长项目期限。 Schedule a meeting with all stakeholders to extend the project deadline.
C 更换该供应商,以能够按时提供该组件的新供应商取而代之。 Replace the vendor with a new vendor who can offer the component on time.
D 在下次状态评估时增加评估事项,让相关方注意到该供应商的问题。 Add an item to the next status review to make stakeholders aware of the vendor issue.
43. 在项目开始执行时,项目经理发现一位关键资源将离开两周,这可能会造成进度延误,项目经理首先应该做什么?
In the beginning of project execution,the project manager finds out that a key resource will be unavailable for two weeks,which could cause a delay to the schedule.What should the project manager do first?
A 相应地更新资源管理计划和资源分配图。 Update the resource management plan and resource allocation chart accordingly.
B 将任务分配给另一位资源,让该资源加班。 Assign the tasks to another resource,and ask the resource to work double shifts.
C 让人力资源部门安排替代资源,并更新风险登记册。 Ask human resources(HR)for a replacement,and update the risk register.
D 更新进度计划,以反映该项目持续时间的变化。 Update the schedule to reflect the project's changes in duration.
44. 一位项目经理被指派负责开展一场新的营销活动。发起人向项目经理提供了一份经批准的项目管理计划,供其查阅,并解释了范围、业务需求、可交付成果和相关方,项目经理请求查阅项目章程,以便对项目有更好的了解。但发起人说该项目太小,也太简单,因此没必要制定项目章程,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager is assigned to a new marketing campaign.The sponsor gives the project manager an approved project management plan for review and explains the scope,business requirements,deliverables,and stakeholders. The project manager asks to see the project charter to gain a better understanding of the project.The sponsor says the project is small and simple so there is no need for a project charter. What should the project manager do?
A 解释说项目章程非常有必要,有助于确保人们就范围和可交付成果达成共识,而且有助于确定项目经理的职责。 Explain that a project charter is necessary to ensure agreement on scope and deliverables and to define the project manager's responsibilities.
B 同意该项目无需制定项目章程,况且可交付成果和里程碑已经包含在项目管理计划之中。 Agree that the project does not require a project charter,especially since the deliverables and milestones are included in the project management plan.
C 与同事讨论是否需要制定项目章程。 Speak with peers about the need for a project charter.
D 制定项目章程,然后将之发送以供审批。 Develop the project charter and send it for approval.
45. 一位项目经理加入了一个团队,该团队向客户提供定制的企业资源规划(ERP)系统。开发团队发现了一个潜在的设计问题,在与项目负责人和团队成员对该问题进行审视之后,所有人均同意对设计进行修改,以避免在部署时出现系统缺陷。该设计已经获批,项目经理接下来该做什么?
A project manager joins a team that is providing a customized enterprise resource planning (ERP)system to a client.A potential design problem is identified by the development team.After reviewing this issue with the project owner and team members,all agreed to revise the design to avoid a system defect when deployed.The design is already approved. What should be the project manager's next steps?
A 提出变更请求,并征得项目负责人正式批准。 Make a change request and get formal approval from the project owner.
B 将问题告知客户,并遵循变更请求流程。 Inform the client of the problem and follow the change request process.
C 修改设计规格,并将之转交给开发团队,以便重新编程。 Amend the design specifications and pass them to the development team for reprogramming.
D 进行概念验证,确保重新修改的设计中不存在任何问题。 Conduct a proof of concept to make sure there are no problems in the revised design.
46. 在项目规划期间,两位职能经理对某项可交付成果的关键特征持有不同意见,项目经理发现,这两位职能经理的需求相互抵触,而且他们也不想会面来寻求解决方案。这一情况已上报至发起人,发起人要求与他们开会讨论。项目经理应采取什么样的策略解决会议中可能会出现的冲突?
Two functional managers disagree on key features of one deliverable during the planning of a project.The project manager discovers that each manager included requirements that contradict each other.The functional managers do not want to meet with each other to find a solution.This situation has been escalated to the sponsor who requests a meeting with them.What strategy should the project manager use to resolve this conflict in the meeting?
A 向两位职能经理说明,这两项要求中只有其中的一项需求可以得到执行,然后提交变更请求。 Explain to the managers that only one of the two requirements can be implemented,and submit a change request.
B 让两位职能经理解释为什么他们的各项需求必须得到实施,并在考虑成本与效益后做出决定。 Request that the managers explain why each requirement must be implemented and decide by considering the cost and benefits.
C 确保这两位职能经理都理解相关需求,并寻求最能满足此可交付成果的解决方案。 Ensure that both managers understand the requirements and search for a solution that best satisfies this deliverable.
D 向这两位职能经理解释正在考虑在项目中实施这些相互抵触的需求。 Explain to the managers that the contradicting requirements are being considered for implementation in the project.
47. 某公司被授予一个在危险地点开展的项目,员工面临几项高等级风险,该公司需要获得帮助,以便就重大安全和健康因素对员工提供培训。该项目正在进行,运用的是混合型方法。该项目将在多个地点进行,几个开发迭代并行推进。项目经理该如何处理这种情况?
A company was awarded a project in a dangerous location that poses several high-level risks for employees.Help is needed to train the employees major safety and health factors.The project is ongoing and uses a hybrid approach. The project will be conducted in multiple sites,with several development iterations running in parallel. How should the project manager handle this situation?
A 为培训之目的,分配并使用项目的部分应急储备。 Allocate and use part of the project's contingency reserves for training purposes.
B 仅雇佣认识到该地区存在的危险的当地资源,仅面向当地社区提供雇佣机会。 Hire only local resources who are aware of the territory's hazards,providing employment to the local community.
C 举行回顾会议,并就必要的培训预算更新风险登记册和资源管理计划。 Perform a retrospective and update the risk register and resource management plan regarding the necessary budget for training.
D 商定合同,并与当地主管机关建立合作关系,以便获得医疗和安全支持服务。 Negotiate a contract and form a partnership with a local authority for medical and security support services.
48. 一位项目经理正在管理一个处于启动阶段的网络项目。该项目经理注意到政府网络安全主任最近发布的一部数据保护条例,项目经理该做什么?
A project manager is managing a web project that is in the initiation stage.The project manager was made aware of a recent data protection regulation that was released by the government's web security officer. What should the project manager do?
A 纳入这一变更,将之视为相关方需求的一个变更。 Incorporate this change and consider it to be a change in stakeholder requirements.
B 对项目做出调整,将组织治理与项目治理联系起来。 Revise the project to link organizational governance and project governance.
C 告知网络安全主任,这属于范围蔓延,将在下一阶段予以考虑。 Advise the web security officer that this is scope creep,and it will be considered in the next phase.
D 告知网络安全主任,该变更将会被视为一项变更请求。 Advise the web security officer that this change will be considered as a change request.
49. 某项目的一位相关方一直因易怒和对项目横加挑剔而被人诟病。项目经理希望尽量降低该相关方行为对开发团队的影响。在这种情况下,项目经理应该为团队选择什么样的培训?
A stakeholder on a project has a reputation for being easily angered and unreasonably difficult on projects.The project manager would like to minimize the impact of the stakeholder's behavior on the development team. What training should the project manager choose for their team to help with this situation?
A 情商培训 Emotional intelligence training
B 沟通培训 Communication training
C 敏捷培训 Agile training
D 谈判培训 Negotiation training
50. 一个全球项目的项目管理计划获批两周后,项目经理意识到,虽然计划已获批准,但对于项目经理提交审批的计划,国际相关方有不同程度的理解。项目经理本应采取什么措施来阻止这种情况发生?
Two weeks after the approval of the project management plan for a global project, the project manager noticed that it was approved based on a different level of understanding by international stakeholders and is not what the project manager presented for approval.What should the project manager have done to prevent this from happening?
A 针对各个文化和时区,分别召开启动会议。 Ran separate kick-off meetings for each culture and time zone.
B 在启动会议上确认各相关方的理解情况。 Validated each stakeholder's understanding during the kick-off meeting.
C 在启动会议后将会议纪要发给各相关方。 Sent the meeting minutes to the stakeholders after the kick-off meeting.
D 在启动会议结束后,立即审查所有批准。 Reviewed all the approvals immediately after the kick-off meeting was over.
51. 某运输公司正在对其运营过程及其运输货物时所使用的主要系统实施变革。范围说明书已经拟定,一种迭代型交付方法已由所有相关方商定,项目经理接下来需要做什么以便帮助团队了解需要完成的工作?
A transportation company is transforming its operational processes and the main system this company uses to move freight.The scope statement is in place.An iterative delivery approach has been agreed by all stakeholders. What does the project manager need to do next to help the team understand the work that needs to be done?
A 开始使用工作包制定项目管理计划,并制定详细的进度计划以及团队成员的工作任务。 Start working on the project management plan with work packages,a detailed schedule,and work assignments for team members.
B 直接与相关方一起编制工作分解结构(WBS),并分配任务,同时提供每名团队成员开始工作所需的时间表。 Work directly with stakeholders on the work breakdown structure (WBS)and assign tasks with a required timeline for each team member to start the work.
C 与团队一起将范围分解为WBS和工作包,以便创建所需的可交付成果和时间表。 Work with the team to decompose the scope into a WBS and work packages in order to create required deliverables and timelines.
D 创建需求管理计划,以便概述项目需求的收集、分析和记录方式,然后将需求分配给团队成员。 Create the requirements management plan to outline how project requirements will be collected,analyzed,and documented,and then assign requirements to team members.
52. 项目经理刚刚开始领导一个项目团队(前任项目经理已辞职),在对该项目快速评估之后,项目经理发现,由于团队成员对如何完成任务一直持不同意见,团队士气明显低落。任务耗费的时间长于预测,项目已偏离进度计划,项目经理该做什么?
The project manager just started leading a project team from which the previous project manager resigned.After a quick evaluation of the project.it is apparent that team morale is low due to continuous disagreement about how to complete tasks.Tasks are taking longer than forecasted and the project is off schedule. What should the project manager do?
A 告知相关方,由于先前团队管理方面的原因,项目将会发生延误。 Inform the stakeholders that the project will be delayed due to previous team management.
B 与项目团队开会讨论并解决发生争执的起因。 Conduct a meeting with the project team to discuss and address the sources of disagreement.
C 提交变更请求,以便根据所识别的延误情况延长项目进度计划。 Issue a change request to extend the project schedule based on identified delays.
D 赶工压缩项目时间表,确保项目重新符合进度计划。 Crash the project timeline to ensure the project is back on schedule.
53. 几个月来,某团队一直在开展一个项目,但何时完成仍不明朗,因为随着新情况的不断出现,项目范围经常变化不定,一些可交付成果已经完成,但当新相关方加入团队时,他们抱怨项目结果不符合业务目标。项目经理如何才能防止未来发生这种情况?
A team has been working on a project for several months,but the completion date is unclear because the scope is changing frequently as new knowledge is gained.Some deliverables have already been completed,but when new stakeholders join the team,they complain that project outcomes are not meeting business goals. How can the project manager prevent this situation from happening in the future?
A 创建详细的工作分解结构(WBS)和里程碑进度计划,并得到所有相关方批准。 Create a detailed work breakdown structure(WBS)and milestone schedule approved by all stakeholders.
B 创建优先级已确定的待办事项列表,并与相关方一起定义迭代审查会议。 Create a prioritized backlog and define iteration review sessions with stakeholders.
C 安排每日例会,以审查团队绩效和障碍因素。 Schedule a daily meeting to review team performance and impediments.
D 安排举行每个项目阶段的启动会,以便向所有相关方分享项目管理计划。 Schedule a kick-off meeting for every project phase to share the project management plan with all stakeholders.
54. 项目执行期间,在每次项目团队会议上,项目经理与其中一位团队成员总会发生冲突。持续不断的冲突正在妨碍各项任务和可交付成果,使其无法完成,项目经理考虑改变其领导风格,项目经理应该做什么?
During project execution,a conflict occurs between the project manager and one of the team members at every project team meeting.The ongoing conflict is preventing tasks and deliverables from being completed.The project manager contemplates changing their leadership style. What should the project manager do?
A 查阅人员技能文档。 Review the personnel skill documents.
B 查看团队成员的职责。 Review the set of responsibilities with the team member.
C 回避该团队成员,以防发生进一步的冲突。 Avoid the team member to prevent further conflicts.
D 将情况上报至项目发起人。 Escalate the situation to the project sponsor.
55. 作为战略计划的一部分,某公司决定实施一个新的软件平台,以便管理一个集中的文档库。一些需求很明确,但一些需求需要更多细节,项目经理应首先做什么来决定如何管理该项目?
As part of the strategic plan,a company decides to implement a new software platform to manage a centralized document repository.Some requirements are clear and some need more detail.What should the project manager do first to decide how to manage this project?
A 确定最适合该项目的生命周期方法。 Determine the most appropriate life cycle approach for the project.
B 将所有需求记录进待办事项列表,以便将来进行详细分析。 Register all requirements into a backlog for further detailed analysis.
C 根据团队的经验选择一个预测型的开发生命周期。 Select a predictive development life cycle based on the team's experience.
D 将相关需求拆分,把它们安排进单独的项目里,并应用不同的方法。 Split the requirements,put them into two separate projects,and apply different approaches.
56. 高级项目经理正在与来自多个国家/地区的众多相关方一起开展一个工业产能扩张项目。相关方对几个项目组成部分意见不一,这正对项目进展产生影响。项目发起人已要求项目经理解决这些分歧。项目经理可采取以下哪三项措施来解决这一问题?(选择三项)
A senior project manager is in the middle of an industrial capacity expansion project with many stakeholders from various countries.Stakeholders are disagreeing on several project components,which is affecting project progress The project sponsor has asked the project manager to deal with these disagreements. Which three things can the project manager do to resolve the issue?(Choose three)
A 创建团队章程。 Create a team charter.
B 积极倾听。 Listen actively.
C 编写精心组织的信息。 Write a well-crafted message.
D 进行相关方映射分析。 Perform stakeholder mapping.
E 鼓励具备文化意识。 Encourage cultural awareness.
57. 某预测型组织最近决定转向敏捷交付方法。正在进行的项目仍将由项目经理领导,由于项目A预算意外超支,高层管理人员对敏捷项目团队是否已做好对项目预算进行自我管理的准备缺乏信心。项目A的项目经理应采取哪两种措施?(选择两项)
A predictive organization has recently decided to switch to an agile delivery approach.The ongoing projects will still be led by project managers.Because of unexpected budget overruns on project A.senior management is not confident that the agile project teams are ready to self-manage the project budget. Which two actions should the project manager of project A undertake?(Choose two)
A 邀请高层管理人员参加站会,向其提供开支方面的状态报告。 Invite senior management to the stand-up meetings to give a status report on the expenditures.
B 与高层管理人员就开支问题确定上报层级。 Develop escalation levels with senior management regarding expenditures.
C 让敏捷教练向高层管理人员提供项目开支周报。 Have the agile coach produce a weekly report on the project expenditures for senior management.
D 邀请高层管理人员参加每个冲刺的回顾会议,以便对开支作出评估。 Invite senior management to the retrospective for each spin evaluate the expenditures.
E 在敏捷教练的帮助下创建信息发射源,使开支可视化。 Establish information radiators with the help of the agile coach to visualize the expenditures.
58. 在一个正在进行的项目中,一位关键资源向项目经理询问项目目的,并询问是否与组织的战略一致,项目经理应向该关键资源分享什么?
During an ongoing project,a key resource asks the project manager about the project purpose and if it is aligned with the organization's strategy. What should the project manager share with the key resource?
A 更新的项目管理计划。 The updated project management plan.
B 更新的沟通管理计划。 The updated communications management plan.
C 更新的效益管理计划。 The updated benefits management plan.
D 更新的范围管理计划。 The updated scope management plan.
59. 某敏捷团队一直在努力保持计划的速度,而这经常导致冲刺失败。项目经理该做什么来避免将来发生这种情况?
An agile team has been struggling to keep up with the planned pace,which is frequently resulting in sprint failures.What should the project manager do to help avoid this situation in the future?
A 让项目发起人批准加班,以便对为改善绩效低下的状况而进行的加班给予补偿,同时对计划做出调整。 Ask the project sponsor to approve overtime to compensate for the lack of performance while adjusting the plan.
B 审查团队在过去几个冲刺中的速度,并相应地对计划做出调整。 Review the velocity of the team over the last several sprints and adjust the plan accordingly.
C 让经验更加丰富的团队成员代替初级团队成员,并就项目范围进行磋商,以弥补预算缺口。 Replace junior team members with more experienced ones,and negotiate the project scope to compensate for the budget gap.
D 转向看板方法,基于“先到先得”原则实施相关功能,形成可持续的速度。 Switch to a Kanban approach,implementing features on a first-come, first-serve basis,fostering a sustainable pace.
60. 项目经理开始了一个新项目,必须确保团队成员和相关方都经过适当培训,在与团队会面之后,项目经理发现,所有资源都拥有不同的敏捷方法方面的经验,项目经理该做什么?
The project manager started a new project and must ensure that the team members and stakeholders are adequately trained.After an interview with the team,the project manager discovers that all resources have experience in different agile methodologies.What should the project manager do?
充分而完整地提供一种敏捷方法方面的指导。 Teach one agile methodology fully and completely.
确保团队对敏捷形成共识。 Ensure the team has a common understanding of agile.
确保团队了解所有敏捷技术。 Make sure the project team is aware of all agile techniques.
不组织培训,因为团队对敏捷已经非常了解。 Skip the training because the team already understands agile.
61. 在某建筑项目的实施阶段,客户要求一个关键分包商提前交付一个工作包,该分包商尚未做好准备,请求项目经理增加预算。项目经理首先应该做什么?
During the implementation phase of a construction project,the customer asked a key subcontractor to deliver a work package ahead of time.The subcontractor was not prepared for it and asked the project manager for additional budget .What should the project manager do first?
A 更新风险登记册和项目日志,并严格管理预算。 Update the risk register and project log,and manage the budget closely.
B 请求上一级管理层增拨资金,并更新项目预算。 Ask upper management for more funds,and update the project budget.
C 相应地修订项目范围,以应对预算变更。 Revise the project scope accordingly to cope with the budget changes.
D 提交变更请求,以便按请求加速推进项目。 Submit a change request to accelerate the project as requested.
62. 项目经理被指派负责一个新组建的敏捷团队。职能部门经理已将任务分配给团队成员,但团队成员却感觉没有自主权项目经理可以如何让团队感觉拥有自主权并充满主人翁精神?
A project manager is assigned to lead a newly formed agile team.The functional manager has assigned tasks to team members,but the team members do not feel empowered. How can the project manager promote empowerment and accountability among the team?
A 根据团队成员的角色单独分配任务,以确保他们具备相关主题方面的专业知识。 Assign the tasks individually based on the role of the team member to ensure expertise on the subject.
B 鼓励团队并为其分配任务,以便向客户演示他们的产品或软件。 Encourage and assign the team to perform demos of their products or software with the customers.
C 赋予团队自主权,使其能够就如何开展任务自行决策。 Give the team autonomy to make their own decision to perform the tasks.
D 鼓励团队在选择解决给定任务的方法时让产品负责人参与进来。 Encourage the team to keep the product owner involved when choosing ways to resolve the given task.
63. 项目经理正与某Scrum团队一起开展一个项目,该团队总是超过最后期限。指导委员会对该项目非常担心,因为它能否交付预期价值尚不清楚,做了一些分析之后,项目经理发现,一名团队成员存在能力错配的情况。项目经理该做什么?
A project manager is working with a Scrum team that is continually missing deadlines.The steering committee is concerned about the project as it is not clear that it will deliver the expected value.After some analysis,the project manager discovers there is a mismatch of competencies in one of the teams.What should the project manager do?
A 接受该错配导致项目在最后期限前无法完成的风险。 Accept the risk of the project missing deadlines due to the mismatch.
B 提供适当培训,对该错配予以弥补。 Provide appropriate training to compensate for the mismatch.
C 更新项目进度计划,以反映该延误。 Update the project schedule to reflect the delay.
D 向团队强调达到商定的最后期限的重要性。 Emphasize to the teams the importance of meeting the agreed deadlines.
64. 项目经理与外部相关方会面,解释一个新项目的目标,并概述对该新项目的期望。其中一位关键相关方似乎支持该项目,但设定了条件,即必须为其他不相关的项目提供财务支持。鉴于文化敏感性,项目经理不愿为此对该关键相关方直言相告。结果,项目在未获该相关方支持的情况下无法继续开展,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager meets with external stakeholders to explain the objectives and outline expectations for a new project.A key stakeholder appears to support the project,with the condition that other unrelated projects will receive financial support.Due to cultural sensitivities,the project manager is reluctant to be direct with the key stakeholder on this matter.The project cannot proceed without the support of this stakeholder.What should the project manager do?
A 在不允许发生“范围蔓延”的前提下,继续开展项目。 Proceed with the project without allowing scope creep to occur.
B 将情况告知发起人,并在相关方参与计划中记录该关键相关方的这一请求。 Inform the sponsor and document the request in the stakeholder engagement plan.
C 取消该项目,因为该相关方的请求超出了范围。 Cancel the project since the stakeholder's request is out of scope.
D 动用应急资金为所请求项目提供支持。 Use the contingency funds to provide support for the requested projects.
65. 在项目执行阶段,风险责任人正在监督一款动力发动机的临界速率,该速率最终会触发已定义的风险应对策略。在风险评估和管理过程阶段中,该款动力发动机被确定具有以下特征:1,600rpm(每分钟转速)→停止工作,系统崩溃1,500rpm(每分钟转速)→允许的最大速率警告1,400rpm(每分钟转速)→降低功率,对发动机进行制动操作。以下哪项表述正确?
During project execution,the risk owner is monitoring the critical speed rate of a power engine to eventually trigger the defined risk-response strategy.During the risk assessment and management process phase,it was defined that the power engine has the following characteristics. 1,600 rpm(rate-per-minute)->stops working and crashes the system 1,500 rpm(rate-per-minute)->warns of max rate allowed 1,400 rpm(rate-per-minute)->reduces the power and brakes the engine.Which of the following statements is correct?
A 1,600rpm是项目问题;1,500rpm是会触发应对策略的事件;及1,400rpm是项目问题。 1,600 rpm is a project issue; 1,500 rpm is an event that triggers a response strategy,and 1,400 rpm is a project risk.
B 1,600rpm是项目问题;1,500rpm是项目风险;及1,400rpm是会触发应对策略的事件。 1,600 rpm is a project issue; 1,500 rpm is a project risk:and 1,400 rpm is an event that triggers a response strategy.
C 1,600rpm是会触发应对策略的事件;1,500rpm是项目问题;及1,400rpm是项目问题。 1,600 rpm is an event that triggers a response strategy 1,500 rpm is a project issue.and 1,400 rpm is a project risk.
D 1,600rpm是项目风险;1,500rpm是会触发应对策略的事件;及1,400rpm是项目风险。 1,600 rpm is a project risk. 1,500 rpm is an event that triggers a response strategy.and 1,400 rpm is a project issue.
66. 项目经理已被指派领导一个部署新系统的项目。相关方对项目的目标和方法意见不一。项目经理该做什么?
A project manager has been assigned to lead a project to deploy a new system. The stakeholders disagree on the project objectives and approach.What should the project manager do?
A 分析这一情况,确定产生分歧的根本原因,然后与各相关方和参与的实体共同确定他们的确切角色和职责。 Breakdown the situation to identify the root causes for the disagreement and then work with each stakeholder and participating entity on their exact roles and responsibilities.
B 根据项目章程创建一个角色和责任矩阵,并让发起人将该矩阵分享给所有相关方,以此彰显该矩阵具有可信的权威性。 Create a roles and responsibilities matrix based on the project charter and ask the sponsor to share it with all stakeholders to provide credible authority.
C 与所有相关方举行全体大会,为他们每个人审查并拟定一份活动清单。 Conduct a general meeting with all stakeholders and review and address a list of activities for each of them.
D 与项目团队举行范围研讨会,以创建工作分解结构(WBS),同时向各实体分配任务,将此情况告知所有相关方,并要求团队按计划完成任务。 Conduct scoping workshops with the project team to create a work breakdown structure(WBS),assign tasks to various entities,share this with all stakeholders,and ask the team to complete their tasks as scheduled.
67. 某产品负责人将待办事项列表提供给团队;由于存在各种障碍因素,团队成员对实施某些功能提出顾虑,项目经理应该建议产品负责人接下来做什么?
A product owner presented the backlog to the team,and the team raised concerns over implementing some of the features due to various impediments. What should the project manager suggest that the product owner do next?
A 估算这些障碍因素的财务影响,并请求额外拨款。 Estimate the financial impact of the impediments and request additional funding.
B 记录这些障碍因素,并告知管理层需要他们的协助才能克服这些障碍因素。 Capture the impediments and inform management that their assistance is needed in resolving the impediments.
C 确保要记录这些障碍因素,并根据价值最高的功能确定这些障碍因素的优先级。 Ensure that the impediments are captured and prioritized based upon the highest valued features.
D 开始消除这些障碍因素,先从最容易处理的着手,培养团队成就感。 Begin to remove the impediments,starting with the easiest ones first,to foster team accomplishment.
68. 一位项目经理向主要相关方介绍了项目进度计划,但他们要求比预定日期提早两个月完成项目,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager presented the project schedule to the main stakeholders.They have requested that the project be completed two months earlier than the scheduled date. What should the project manager do?
A 召开相关方会议,使他们对于项目期限和范围的期望达成一致。 Hold a stakeholder meeting to align timelines and scope expectations.
B 通过剔除某些活动和缩短期限来缩减项目范围。 Reduce the scope of the project by removing activities and shortening the timeline.
C 加快进度计划,在缩短期限的同时使项目范围保持不变。 Crash the schedule to shorten the timeline while keeping the scope unchanged.
D 更新成本管理计划,为该项目分配更多资源,以便提早按原定范围完成项目。 Update the cost management plan to allocate more resources to the project to finish the scope earlier.
69. 在一个混合型项目中,项目经理正作为敏捷专家开展工作,对团队成员之间的冲突予以处理,项目经理应采用什么样的策略处理这种冲突?
A project manager is acting as a scrum master in a hybrid project and is dealing with a conflict between team members. What strategy should be used to handle this conflict?
A 将冲突列入共享的冲突列表,确保大家都能看到该列表。 Place conflicts on a shared conflict list and ensure it is visible.
B 将冲突分为两类:积极的和消极的。 Sort conflicts into two groups:positive and negative.
C 将冲突分为两类:结构方面的和人际关系方面的。 Place conflicts into categories:structural and interpersonal.
D 在每日Scrum会议期间审查相关冲突,以便它们能够得到及时处理。 Review conflicts during daily Scrum so they are handled in a timely manner.
70. 在某项目实施过程中,项目团队发现了一个新机会,在进行内部审查后,项目团队一致认同该机会不在项目范围之内。项目经理决定更新风险登记册并将该机会上报给上一级部门.对于该机会,项目经理接下来该做什么?
During the implementation of a project,the project team discovered a new opportunity.After an internal review,the project team agreed that the opportunity is outside of the project scope.The project manager decided to update the risk register and escalate the opportunity to a higher level. What should the project manager do next with this opportunity?
A 无需采取任何行动。 No more action is required.
B 与另一项目分享该机会。 Share this opportunity with another project.
C 建立应急储备,为该机会提供支持。 Establish a contingency reserve to support the opportunity.
D 进一步监督该机会。 Further monitor the opportunity.
71. 一位新的项目经理在一个项目实施中途被指派负责该项目。在首次风险审查会议上,该项目经理注意到,项目团队成员所用风险登记册的版本与项目经理所用风险登记册的版本不同。项目经理本应采取什么措施来避免发生这种问题?
A new project manager is assigned to a project midway through its implementation.During the first risk review meeting,the project manager notices that the version of the risk register used by the project team members is different from the one the project manager is using. What should the project manager have done to avoid this issue?
A 依从专家判断。 Performed expert judgment.
B 参照沟通管理计划。 Referred to the communications management plan.
C 验证问题日志。 Validated the issue log.
D 验证项目工件。 Validated the project artifacts.
72. 一位项目经理正在一家跨国公司管理一个重要项目。他/她正在与所有团队成员一起举行进度会议,其中一位团队成员在会上指出,他们正面临的一个关键问题将会导致他们无法完成所分配的任务。项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager who is managing a critical project in a multinational company is conducting a progress meeting with all team members.During the meeting. one of the team members states that they are facing a critical problem that will prevent them from completing their assigned task. What should the project manager do?
A 让团队成员提出变更请求,以便对该问题作出详细评估。 Ask the team member to raise a change request to assess the issue in detail.
B 安排与有顾虑的团队成员开会,共同审查并更新问题日志。 Schedule a meeting with the concerned team member to review and update the issue log together.
C 让团队成员遵循获批的沟通管理计划,以便就其问题进行沟通。 Ask the team member to follow the approved communications management plan to communicate their issue.
D 与团队成员一起查阅风险登记册,以找到针对该问题的适当应对措施。 Review the risk register with the team member to find the proper response action for this issue.
73. 在一个敏捷项目中的一次回顾会议上,团队指出在过去几个迭代里问题日益增多,但该团队觉得多数问题本来是可以防止的。项目经理该做什么?
On an agile project during a retrospective,the team comments that issues have been increasing over the last few iterations.However,the team feels that most of the issues could have been prevented. What should the project manager do?
A 创建任务板,以确保对问题的解决方法进行有效管理。 Create a task board to ensure effective management of issue resolution.
B 确保已在项目会议室中记录并定期审查相关风险。 Ensure risks are documented within the project meeting space and are reviewed regularly.
C 确保每日站会得到更有效的管理。 Ensure that the daily standups are more effectively managed.
D 实施可靠的解决方案,以防止问题发生。 Implement a reliable solution to prevent issues from occurring.
74. 几个月来,项目经理一直在管理一个项目,此时一个之前未被登记为风险的问题出现了,该问题可能会对项目产生重大影响。项目经理该做什么?
A project manager has been managing a project for several months when an issue that had not been registered as a risk appeared.This issue may have a big impact on the project.What should the project manager do?
A 与项目团队和有关相关方举行会议,商定管理该问题的最佳方法。 Hold a meeting with the project team and relevant stakeholders to agree on the best way to manage the issue.
B 告知发起人该问题已经出现,而且项目成功可能存在不确定性。 Inform the sponsor that the issue has arisen and that the project's success may be uncertain.
C 将该项目推迟,直至该问题得到解决而且不再是项目的一个风险。 Delay the project until the issue is addressed and no longer presents as a risk to the project.
D 对该问题不给予理睬,因为它未被登记为项目的一个风险,而且并无针对该问题的应对计划。 Avoid managing the issue as it was not registered as a risk for the project and there is no planned response to it.
75. 项目章程获批后,项目经理需要与相关方一起审视详细的项目要求、制约因素和假设。但短期内并非所有相关方都能参会。项目经理该如何从相关方那里收集所需信息?
After the project charter's approval,the project manager needs to work on detailed project requirements,constraints,and assumptions with stakeholders. However.not all of the stakeholders are immediately available for a meeting in the short term.What should the project manager do in order to gather the information needed from stakeholders?
A 上报项目发起人,并非所有相关方都能参会。 Escalate to the project sponsor that not all stakeholders are available for a meeting.
B 分别给各相关方发送电子邮件、打电话或与其会面,征求其意见。 Email,call,or meet with each stakeholder separately to obtain their input.
C 开会与能够参会的相关方共同制定项目管理计划。 Conduct a meeting to build the project management plan with the stakeholders who are available.
D 先与项目管理团队开会制定项目管理计划,然后再咨询相关方的意见。 Meet with the project management team to build the project management plan before consulting stakeholders.
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