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Efficient anatomical labeling of pulmonary tree structures via deeppoint-graph representation-based implicit fields





考虑到上述挑战,如图2(e)所示,我们希望开发一种优化的自动化解决方案,该方案在计算上高效,并且能够重建具有连续表面定义和拓扑保持的3D模型,特别关注关键结构点。为此,我们提出了一种新方法,使得骨架图上下文可以深入注入到基于点的表示中,并采用隐式方法生成特征场,从而实现高效且去噪的密集体积重建。所提出的 隐式点图网络(IPGN) 包括点和图编码器,结合多个 点图融合 层作为 点图网络(PGN) 进行深度特征融合,并使用 隐式点模块 来建模3D中的隐式表面,允许在任意位置进行快速分类推理。得益于隐式表示的灵活性,经过肺部树标注训练的IPGN可以通过简单修改推理方法(第六节)进一步扩展到肺部分段重建。





Pulmonary diseases rank prominently among the principal causes of death worldwide. Curing them will require,among other things, a better understanding of the complex 3D tree-shaped structures within the pulmonarysystem, such as airways, arteries, and veins. Traditional approaches using high-resolution image stacks andstandard CNNs on dense voxel grids face challenges in computational efficiency, limited resolution, localcontext, and inadequate preservation of shape topology. Our method addresses these issues by shifting fromdense voxel to sparse point representation, offering better memory efficiency and global context utilization.However, the inherent sparsity in point representation can lead to a loss of crucial connectivity in tree-shapedstructures. To mitigate this, we introduce graph learning on skeletonized structures, incorporating differentiablefeature fusion for improved topology and long-distance context capture. Furthermore, we employ an implicitfunction for efficient conversion of sparse representations into dense reconstructions end-to-end. The proposedmethod not only delivers state-of-the-art performance in labeling accuracy, both overall and at key locations,but also enables efficient inference and the generation of closed surface shapes. Addressing data scarcity inthis field, we have also curated a comprehensive dataset to validate our approach.




Given a binary volumetric image of a pulmonary tree (Fig. 6(a)), agraph (Fig. 6(b)) is constructed with VesselVio (Bumgarner and Nelson,

from the original volume following the procedure in 3.2.2, anda set of points (6𝑘) are randomly sampled from the foreground voxelsto construct a point cloud (Fig. 6(c), referred to as original pointcloud). While the original point cloud is a sparse and downsampledversion of the foreground volume, the graph represents a skeleton ofthe pulmonary tree.We first introduce the general notation rule for both point and graphelements. While the coordinates of 𝑀 points and 𝑁 graph nodes arerepresented as P and G, single point or graph element is expressed as pand 𝐠, where P = {p1 , p2 , …, p𝑚}, G = {𝐠1 , 𝐠2 ,… , 𝐠𝑛 }. The superscriptnotation p (𝑖) represents an element’s feature at the 𝑖th network layer.At input, the 3-dimensional {𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧} point coordinates, P ∈ R𝑀×3and graph nodes, G ∈ R𝑁×3 are utilized as initial feature. We use a pointneural network, and a graph neural network as initial feature encoders,from which we extract a 128-dimensional intermediate feature for eachpoint and graph node, expressed as P (0) ∈ R𝑀×128 and G (0) ∈ R𝑁×128 .Subsequently, initial features from both branches P (0) and G (0)are incorporated within one or multiple Point-Graph Fusion layers,which allow for two-way feature integration based on feature propagation (Rossi et al., 2021) and ball-query&grouping (Qi et al., 2017).Let the input to a Point-Graph Fusion layer be defined as P (𝑖−1) andG (𝑖−1), the feature out of the fusion layer is P (𝑖) and G (𝑖) . The last PointGraph Fusion layer outputs P (𝑙) and G (𝑙*) after 𝑙 Point-Graph Fusionlayers for deep feature fusion. Finally, a lightweight MLP network anda GNN projects the fusion feature to 19-dimensional vectors for graph(Fig. 6(d)) and point predictions (Fig. 6(e)).An Implicit Point Module is further introduced to reconstruct thedense volumes, which consists of a feature propagation process and anMLP network. As features are extracted by the Point-Graph Network,the Implicit Point Module leverages the extracted multi-stage pointfeatures for fast dense volume segmentation. We define the points thatare not necessarily in the original point cloud, but are in the foregroundof the tree volume, thus requiring classification, as query points. Givena query point p𝑞 with at arbitrary coordinates, the module locates p𝑞 ’s𝑘-nearest point elements from the original point cloud: {p1 , p2 , … , p𝑘 },and extracts their multi-stage features {𝐳1 , 𝐳2 , …, 𝐳𝑘 } from the backboneNetwork for feature propagation into a multi-stage representation 𝐳𝑞of the query point p𝑞 . After propagating the point feature 𝐳𝑞 , theMLP network  is utilized to make class predictions. By applying thisprocess to all foreground points, we can efficiently generate a densevolume reconstruction (Fig. 6(f)).To avoid naming ambiguity, we refer to the aforementioned complete network as Implicit Point-Graph Network (IPGN), and that sans theimplicit part as the backbone network, Point-Graph Network (PGN).


接下来,我们首先介绍点和图元素的一般表示法规则。点的坐标和图节点的坐标分别表示为P和G,其中单个点或图元素表示为p和𝐠,并且P = {p₁, p₂, …, pₘ},G = {𝐠₁, 𝐠₂, …, 𝐠ₙ}。上标p(𝑖)表示元素在第𝑖层网络中的特征。

在输入阶段,使用三维点坐标{𝑥, 𝑦, 𝑧},P ∈ Rᵐ×3 和图节点G ∈ Rⁿ×3 作为初始特征。我们使用点神经网络和图神经网络作为初始特征编码器,从中提取每个点和图节点的128维中间特征,表示为P(0) ∈ Rᵐ×128 和 G(0) ∈ Rⁿ×128。

随后,来自两个分支的初始特征P(0) 和 G(0) 被整合到一个或多个点图融合层中,允许基于特征传播(Rossi等,2021)和球查询与分组(Qi等,2017)进行双向特征融合。设定点图融合层的输入为P(𝑖−1) 和 G(𝑖−1),经过融合层后的输出特征为P(𝑖) 和 G(𝑖)。最后一个点图融合层在深度特征融合之后输出P(𝑙) 和 G(𝑙)。


进一步引入了一个隐式点模块(Implicit Point Module)来重建稠密体积,该模块由特征传播过程和MLP网络组成。当通过点图网络提取特征时,隐式点模块利用提取的多阶段点特征进行快速的稠密体积分割。我们定义了那些不一定位于原始点云中的点,而是位于树体积前景中的点,需要分类,称为查询点。给定一个查询点pₖ,其坐标为任意位置,模块会定位到pₖ的𝑘个最近邻点元素:{p₁, p₂, …, pₖ},并从骨干网络中提取其多阶段特征{𝐳₁, 𝐳₂, …, 𝐳ₖ},通过特征传播将其转化为查询点pₖ的多阶段表示𝐳ₖ。在传播点特征𝐳ₖ之后,MLP网络被用来进行类别预测。通过将此过程应用于所有前景点,我们可以高效地生成稠密体积重建((f))。




In conclusion, we take an experimentally comprehensive deep-diveinto pulmonary tree segmentation based on the compiled PTL dataset.A novel architecture Implicit Point-Graph Network (IPGN) is presentedfor accurate and efficient pulmonary tree segmentation. Our methodleverages a dual-branch point-graph fusion model to effectively capturethe complex branching structure of the respiratory system. Extensiveexperiment results demonstrate that by implicit modeling on pointgraph features, the proposed model achieves state-of-the-art segmentation quality with minimum computation cost for practical dense volumereconstruction. The advancements made in this study could potentiallyenhance the diagnosis, management, and treatment of pulmonary diseases, ultimately improving patient outcomes in this critical area ofhealthcare.




Fig. 1. Pulmonary Tree Labeling. (a) The pulmonary tree consists of three anatomicstructures (airway, artery and vein). (b) Given a binary volume representing a treestructure as input, we label each voxel into one of 19 classes (18 pulmonary segments1 background out of lung) based on branching regions.

图1. 肺树标注。(a) 肺树由三种解剖结构组成(气道、动脉和静脉)。(b) 给定一个表示树状结构的二进制体积作为输入,我们根据分支区域将每个体素标注为19个类别中的一个(18个肺部分段和1个肺外背景)。


Fig. 2. A Comparison of Data Representation for Pulmonary Tree Labeling. The CNN-based voxel methods are either low-resolution (down-sampled) or local (sliding-window).The standard sparse representation like point and graph is global but it is not trivial to reconstruct high-quality dense volume. Our method that combines point, graph, and implicitfields produces high-quality dense reconstruction efficiently

图2. 肺树标注数据表示的比较。基于CNN的体素方法要么是低分辨率(下采样),要么是局部(滑动窗口)。标准的稀疏表示,如点和图,是全局的,但重建高质量的密集体积并非易事。我们的方法结合了点、图和隐式场,能够高效地生成高质量的密集重建。


Fig. 3. Anatomy of Pulmonary Trees and Pulmonary Segments. Each pulmonarytree branch corresponds to a pulmonary segment. The intersegmental vein is highlightedin red, which lies along the pulmonary segment border.

图3. 肺树解剖与肺部分段。每个肺树分支对应一个肺部分段。红色高亮显示的是段间静脉,它位于肺部分段边界上


Fig. 4. Sample Illustration with Voxel-level and Graph-level Metrics. Due to thelarge number of voxels, voxel-level metric often overlooks labeling at key regions. Giventwo test samples with similar voxel performance, the sample with better graph-levelperformance (Case A and B) tends to perform better at key points than its counterpart(Case A’ and B’)

图4. 体素级和图级度量的示例说明。由于体素数量庞大,体素级度量通常忽视了关键区域的标注。给定两个测试样本,它们具有相似的体素表现,但图级度量表现更好的样本(案例A和B)在关键点上的表现往往优于其对应样本(案例A'和B')。


Fig. 5. Skeleton Graphs Directly from Bumgarner and Nelson (2022) and Two Types**of Imperfections. (1) The centerline (CL) points, which represent the path of thetree branch as discrete and connected coordinates, might contain cliques. (2) Thecoordinates of leaf graph nodes might fall outside the foreground volume

图5. 直接来自Bumgarner和Nelson (2022)的骨架图和两种缺陷类型。(1) 中线(CL)点,表示树分支路径的离散且连接的坐标,可能包含团簇。(2) 叶图节点的坐标可能位于前景体积之外。


Fig. 6. Overview of the Proposed Implicit Point-Graph Network (IPGN) for Pulmonary Tree Labeling. The pipeline pre-processes dense volume to graph and point cloudinput. The Point-Graph Fusion layers enhance point features with graph context with differentiable feature fusion learning, and the Implicit Point Module produces dense predictionbased on the deep sparse representation efficiently

图6. 提出的隐式点图网络(IPGN)用于肺树标注的概述。该流程将密集体积预处理为图和点云输入。点图融合层通过可微分特征融合学习增强点特征,并结合图上下文;隐式点模块基于深度稀疏表示高效地生成密集预测。


Fig. 7. The Detailed Operation of a Point-Graph Fusion layer. The figure only shows the operations for one node, and one point, which are highlighted as Node/Point ofinterest. In reality, this process is parallel for all nodes and points. Here, 1 and 2 are MLP networks while  represents a graph neural network.

图7. 点图融合层的详细操作。图中仅显示了一个节点和一个点的操作,它们被高亮显示为感兴趣的节点/点。实际上,这个过程对所有节点和点是并行进行的。这里,1 和 2 是多层感知机(MLP)网络, 表示图神经网络。


Fig. 8. Implicit Point Module. For any query point, the Implicit Point Moduleconsumes multi-stage features from a Point-Graph Network with feature propagationand a neural network to provide a label

图8. 隐式点模块。对于任何查询点,隐式点模块通过特征传播和神经网络,利用来自点图网络的多阶段特征,为该点提供标签。


Fig. 9. Visualization of Segmentation Results. This figure displays segmentation results using GAT (Velickovic et al., 2017) w/ post-processing (Section 5.1.3), PointNet++ (Qiet al., 2017) and IPGN (with GAT and PointNet++ backbones) methods along with the ground truth. The initial-form predictions (graph or point cloud) before dense volumeprediction are also presented. Below each dense volume reconstruction, we show voxel (V) dice and node (N) dice results

图9. 分割结果的可视化。此图展示了使用GAT(Velickovic等,2017)带后处理(第5.1.3节)、PointNet++(Qi等,2017)和IPGN(结合GAT和PointNet++骨架)方法的分割结果,以及真实标签。还展示了在密集体积预测之前的初始预测形式(图或点云)。在每个密集体积重建下方,显示了体素(V)和节点(N)的Dice系数结果。


Fig. 10. Pulmonary Segments Visualization. A sample reconstruction of pulmonarysegments based on the airway, artery, and vein is presented against ground truth inaxial, sagittal and coronal views.

图10. 肺部分段可视化。展示了基于气道、动脉和静脉的肺部分段重建样本,并与真实标签在轴向、矢状面和冠状面视图中进行对比。



Table 1Notations and corresponding descriptions. This table presents the notations used to represent point and graph elements within the architecture.The notations are organized into two stages: Point-Graph Feature Fusion and Implicit Dense Volume Reconstruction

表1. 符号及对应描述。此表列出了用于表示架构中点和图元素的符号。符号分为两个阶段:点图特征融合和隐式密集体积重建。


Table 2Model performance in dice score at voxel and graph level on the PTL dataset. Baseline methods using different feature representations are presented to compare againstthe proposed methods on the Pulmonary Tree Labeling (PTL) dataset. PGN=Point-Graph Network without implicit fields; IPGN=Implicit Point Graph Network; KP=key point.: Graph-level predictions from Voxel/Point Networks are acquired by inferencing on the node and edge locations.

表2PTL数据集上体素级和图级模型性能的Dice系数。展示了使用不同特征表示的基准方法,以便与提出的方法进行比较,数据集为肺树标注(PTL)。PGN = 无隐式字段的点图网络;IPGN = 隐式点图网络;KP = 关键点。:从体素/点网络的图级预测通过在节点和边位置进行推理得到。


Table 3Inference speed and segmentation metrics for dense volume reconstruction. This table compares the dense volume segmentation test time and dice score across voxel, point,graph-based, and point-graph fusion methods. The test times are measured in seconds while dice score presents segmentation quality.

表3. 密集体积重建的推理速度和分割指标。此表比较了体素、点、图和点图融合方法在密集体积分割测试中的时间和Dice系数。测试时间以秒为单位,Dice系数表示分割质量。


Table 4Impact of input for graph modeling. We show the results using MLP and GAT(Velickovic et al., 2017) backbones on different feature inputs

表4. 输入对图建模的影响。我们展示了在不同特征输入下,使用MLP和GAT(Velickovic等,2017)骨架的结果。


Table 5Multi-stage point feature input for implicit point module.This table presents thedice results using different combinations of concatenated multi-stage features fromthe backbone network as input to the Point Implicit Module. (Point Encoder: PointTransformer (Zhao et al., 2021); Graph Encoder: GAT (Velickovic et al., 2017)).

表5. 隐式点模块的多阶段点特征输入。此表展示了使用来自骨干网络的不同组合拼接的多阶段特征作为输入到点隐式模块时的Dice系数结果。(点编码器:PointTransformer(Zhao等,2021);图编码器:GAT(Velickovic等,2017))。


Table 6Model performance on the original/corrupted data. We present experiment resultson the original and corrupted version (Weng et al., 2023) of the PTL dataset for PointTransformer (Zhao et al., 2021) and the proposed IPGN with voxel-level dice score (%)as metric.

表6. 原始数据/损坏数据上的模型性能。据集上进行的实验结果,比较了PointTransformer(Zhao等,2021)和提出的IPGN模型,使用体素级Dice系数(%)作为指标。


Table 7Model complexity. This table highlights the parameter counts for key competitive methods. The performance is represented as voxel-level dice(%)

表7. 模型复杂度。此表展示了关键竞争方法的参数数量。性能以体素级Dice系数(%)表示。



Title 题目 Efficient anatomical labeling of pulmonary tree structures via deeppoint-graph representation-based implicit fields 通过深度点图表示的隐式场实现肺树结构的高效解剖标注 01 文献速递介绍 近年来,肺部疾病(Decramer等&#xff…...

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1、调出Service窗口 打开View→Tool Windows→Service,即可显示。 2、正常情况应该已经出现SpringBoot,如下图请继续第三步 3、配置Service窗口的项目启动类型。微服务一般是Springboot类型。所以这里需要选择一下。 点击最后一个号,点击Ru…...

OpenCV 图像轮廓查找与绘制全攻略:从函数使用到实战应用详解

摘要:本文详细介绍了 OpenCV 中用于查找图像轮廓的 cv2.findContours() 函数以及绘制轮廓的 cv2.drawContours() 函数的使用方法。涵盖 cv2.findContours() 各参数(如 mode 不同取值对应不同轮廓检索模式)及返回值的详细解析,搭配…...


电机驱动MCU是一种专为电机控制设计的微控制器单元,它集成了先进的控制算法和高性能的功率输出能力。 电机驱动MCU采用高性能的处理器核心,具有快速的运算速度和丰富的外设接口。它内置了专业的电机控制算法,包括PID控制、FOC(Fi…...


人工智能学习框架详解及代码使用案例 人工智能(AI)学习框架是构建和训练AI模型的基础工具,它们提供了一组预定义的算法、函数和工具,使得开发者能够更快速、更高效地构建AI应用。本文将深入探讨人工智能学习框架的基本概念、分类、优缺点、选择要素以及实际应用,并通过代…...


在 Android 中,系统提供了三种常用的字体类型,分别是: Serif(衬线字体): 这种字体有明显的衬线或笔画末端装饰,通常用于印刷品和书籍,给人一种正式和优雅的感觉。示例:Typeface.SERI…...

彻底理解quadtree四叉树、Octree八叉树 —— 点云的空间划分的标准做法

1.参考文章: (1)https://www.zhihu.com/question/25111128 这里面的第一个回答,有一幅图: 只要理解的四叉树的构建,对于八叉树的构建原理类比方法完全一样:对于二维平面内的随机分布的这些点&…...



Buffered 和 BuffWrite

Buffered和BuffWrite是Java IO包中的两个类,用于提高IO操作的效率。 Buffered是一个缓冲区类,可以将一个InputStream或者一个Reader包装起来,提供了一定的缓冲区大小,可以一次读取多个字节或字符,减少了读取的次数&am…...


Demo介绍 利用了 cnchar 库来进行汉字相关的信息查询,并展示了汉字的拼音、笔画数、笔画顺序、笔画动画等信息用户输入一个汉字后,点击查询按钮,页面会展示该汉字的拼音、笔画数、笔画顺序,并绘制相应的笔画动画和测试图案 cnchar…...

泷羽sec-蓝队基础之网络七层杀伤链 (下)学习笔记

声明! 学习视频来自B站up主 **泷羽sec** 有兴趣的师傅可以关注一下,如涉及侵权马上删除文章,笔记只是方便各位师傅的学习和探讨,文章所提到的网站以及内容,只做学习交流,其他均与本人以及泷羽sec团队无关&a…...

FPGA 开发工程师

目录 一、FPGA 开发工程师的薪资待遇 二、FPGA 开发工程师的工作内容 1. 负责嵌入式 FPGA 方案设计,包括仿真、软件编写和调试等工作。 2. 使用工具软件建立 FPGA 综合工程,编写综合策略和时序约束。 3. 进行 FPGA 设计的优化与程序维护&#xff0c…...

【Leetcode 每日一题】3250. 单调数组对的数目 I

问题背景 给你一个长度为 n n n 的 正 整数数组 n u m s nums nums。 如果两个 非负 整数数组 ( a r r 1 , a r r 2 ) (arr_1, arr_2) (arr1​,arr2​) 满足以下条件,我们称它们是 单调 数组对: 两个数组的长度都是 n n n。 a r r 1 arr_1 arr1​ 是…...