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学生做网站的目的,seo查询平台,做阅读理解的网站,睢县做网站的公司本次给大家整理的是《Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science》杂志2023年3月第50卷第3期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括18篇SCI论文! 论文1 A new kind of search 一种新型的搜索 【摘要】 ChatGPT (2022) was first launched o…

本次给大家整理的是《Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science》杂志2023年3月第50卷第3期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括18篇SCI论文!


A new kind of search



ChatGPT (2022) was first launched on 22 November 2022, but in only 3 months, it has attracted enormous interest. Reportedly, there are now over 100 million users of the latest system (https://increditools.com/chatgpt-statistics/) that comes from the company OpenAI. It is hard to know if any software has had such an impact over so short a period of time. ChatGPT means Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It is software in which any user can ‘chat’ or communicate using digital media, usually on the Internet, primarily to engage in search which can be quite a creative process. These systems access a much wider range of data than the traditional search engines such as Google which mainly use Page Rank algorithms. Various kinds of machine learning are employed in these Chatbots, and to an extent, search is not their only function.








A spatial autoregressive geographically weighted quantile regression to explore housing rent determinants in Amsterdam and Warsaw



A hedonic approach is typically performed to identify housing rental or sales price determinants. However, standard hedonic regression models disregard spatial autocorrelation of prices and heterogeneity of housing preferences across space and over price segments. We developed a spatial autoregressive geographically weighted quantile regression (GWQR-SAR) to address these shortcomings. Using data on the determinants of residential rental prices in Warsaw (Poland) and Amsterdam (The Netherlands) as case studies, we applied GWQR-SAR and rigorously compared its performance with alternative mean and quantile hedonic regressions. The results revealed that GWQR-SAR outperforms other models in terms of fitting accuracy. Compared with mean regressions, GWQR-SAR performs better, especially at the tails of the dependent variable distribution, where non-quantile models overestimate low rent values and underestimate high ones. Policy recommendations for the development of private residential rental markets are provided based on our results, which incorporate spatial effects and price segment requirements.









Roughness and intermittency within metropolitan regions - Application in three French conurbations



Even though the past three decades have seen numerous crucial investigations on interurban scaling characteristics, there has been less focus on revealing multiscale properties within municipal or metropolitan structures. We demonstrate how a newly developed methodology, the Geographically Weighted Multiscale Analysis (GWMSA) stemming from the theory of multifractal systems, can be used to analyze small-scale urban environments with respect to their intermittency and roughness simultaneously. To this end, apart from the widely used sand-box method, we introduce wavelet coefficients in the multiscale analysis of urban systems. In more detail, the spatially continuous scanning of the three largest French conurbations—Paris, Marseille, and Lyon—over their territories and at length scales ranging from parcel to neighborhood level will allow to derive and compare globally and locally characteristic scaling exponents. Depending on the feature under analysis, the exponents reveal qualitatively distinct structural properties, whereby the viability of our findings is further verified on four exemplary typologies of multiscale behavior in urban systems. To introduce GWMSA, this paper focuses primarily on morphological characteristics and findings provide a compelling alternative to how we capture and define district-scale spatial organization and interdependencies within urban settlements.









Stephane Jaffard出生于1962年的法国布洛涅-比扬古。他毕业于巴黎综合理工学校,并在1989年获得了Yves Meyer指导下的关于小波分析的博士学位。自1995年起,他担任巴黎东部Creteil大学的数学教授,并现在是LAMA(分析和数学应用实验室)的联合主任。他曾于2007年至2010年担任法国数学学会会长,也是法国大学院院士。他属于专门应用于应用小波分析和分形分析的4个期刊和1个专著的编辑委员会。他的研究课题包括小波分析和时间-频率分析、分形、傅立叶级数和多重分形分析。他主要关注这些课题的数学方面与其现实生活应用之间的互动。

Patrice Abry出生于法国Bourg-en-Bresse,于1966年获得物理学和信号处理专业教授资格,并在1989年获得Ecole Normale Supe´rieure de Cachan的物理学系教授资格。他在1993-1994年是信号处理领域最佳博士研究生,并被选为IEEE Fellow于2011年。他撰写了一本关于小波、尺度不变性和流体湍流的法语书籍,也是《分形、小波》专著的共同编辑。他于2011年被选为IEEE Fellow,并担任IEEE SPS信号处理理论和方法委员会的委员。在2020年,他获得了法国科学院的Michel Monpetit—INRIA奖。他目前的研究兴趣包括基于小波分析的对统计无标度动态(自相似性、稳定过程、多重分形、1/f过程、长程依赖性)建模和分析。除了在多重分形分析和随机过程设计方面的理论发展和贡献外,Patrice Abry对现实世界的应用表现出浓厚的兴趣,如流体湍流、计算机网络电信、心率变异、神经科学和艺术研究,以及最近的大流行病监测。


Analyzing the impact of three-dimensional visibility value on shopping center retail unit rental prices



This research examines the effect of a three-dimensional visibility value variable on shopping experience and estimates the contribution to retail units’ rental prices for shopping centers. The visibility value in a three-dimensional scheme is measured by adding storefront area volume to existing two-dimensional calculations. This study utilized an explanatory research design and a quantitative analysis method—a STATA regression test—for 150 store units in Jakarta. All units are permanent physical stores, excluding food courts, anchor, and exhibitions. The results showed that visibility value has the positive effect of increasing the average initial rental price by 6% (IDR15,403). The findings of this research can be useful for shopping center managers when estimating rental rates for retail units and architects when considering the visibility factor when designing shopping centers.






阿哈迈德·贾马尔(Ahmad Gamal)获得了伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校的区域规划博士学位(2016年)和城市规划硕士学位(2010年)。他是一位多产的城市规划师,过去曾为国家规划与发展部(BAPPENAS)撰写过强有力的政策审查。他鼓励进行深入的经济影响评估,以量化实体发展,并对其对减贫的后果进行量化。除此之外,他还进行了其他一些研究,如调查雅加达封闭社区住房的价值捕获机制(2020年)和用于城市增长检测的3-D语义分割方法(2019年)。

努尔·阿伊尼·哈吉娜西(Nur Aini Khairunnisa)在印度尼西亚大学工程学院的建筑系获得了硕士学位(2020年)和学士学位(2017年)。她的论文研究集中在雅加达购物中心的复杂性和城市背景。她曾在国际工程学生会议(2020年)和智能城市创新国际会议(2020年)上展示过她的研究。在决定进一步追求对房地产的热情之前,她曾作为一名咨询顾问为一家印度尼西亚室内设计公司以及定制家具制造公司工作。


COVID-19 impacts on non-work travel patterns: A place-based investigation using smartphone mobility data



The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes to our mobility. It has not only changed our work-related travel patterns but also impacted leisure and other utilitarian activities. Non–work-related trips tend to be more seriously affected by the neighborhood/contextual factors such as socioeconomic status (SES), and destination accessibility, and COVID-19 impact on non-work trips may not be equal across different neighborhood SES. This study compares non–work-related travel patterns between the pre- and during COVID-19 pandemic in the City of El Paso, Texas. By utilizing smartphone mobility data, we captured the visitation data for major non-work destinations such as restaurants, supermarkets, drinking places, religious organizations, and parks. We used Census block groups (n = 424) within the city and divided them into low- and high-income neighborhoods based on the citywide median. Overall, the total frequency of visitations and the distances traveled to visit these non-work destinations were influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, significant variations existed in their visitation patterns by the type of non-work destinations. While the overall COVID-19 effects on non-work activities were evident, its effects on the travel patterns to each destination were not equal by neighborhood SES. We also found that COVID-19 had differently influenced non-work activities between high- and low-income block groups. Our findings suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic may exacerbate neighborhood-level inequalities in non-work trips. Thus, safe and affordable transportation options together with compact and walkable community development appear imperative to support daily travel needs for various utilitarian and leisure purposes, especially in low-income neighborhoods.


新冠肺炎大流行给我们的流动性带来了前所未有的变化。它不仅改变了我们与工作相关的旅行模式,也影响了休闲和其他实用活动。与工作无关的旅行往往更严重地受到社会经济地位(SES)和目的地可达性等社区/背景因素的影响,不同社区SES对COVID-19对非工作旅行的影响可能不相等。本研究比较了德克萨斯州埃尔帕索市COVID-19大流行之前和期间与工作无关的旅行模式。通过利用智能手机移动数据,我们捕获了主要非工作目的地的访问数据,如餐馆、超市、饮酒场所、宗教组织和公园。我们使用城市内的人口普查街区组(n = 424),并根据全市中位数将其分为低收入和高收入社区。总体而言,访问这些非工作目的地的总频率和距离受到COVID-19大流行的影响。然而,非工作目的地类型在其访问模式上存在显著差异。虽然COVID-19对非工作活动的总体影响很明显,但其对每个目的地的旅行模式的影响并不等于社区SES。我们还发现,COVID-19对高收入和低收入街区群体的非工作活动有不同的影响。我们的研究结果表明,2019冠状病毒病大流行可能会加剧非工作旅行中的邻里不平等。因此,安全和负担得起的交通选择以及紧凑和步行的社区发展似乎势在必行,以支持各种实用和休闲目的的日常出行需求,特别是在低收入社区。




Yang Song,德克萨斯农工大学的助理教授。他从事景观建筑、社区规划和城市设计的交叉研究。他的学术活动重点关注公共场所营造对社区健康和复原力的作用。长期以来,他一直对将数字技术和数据科学应用于景观研究和设计感兴趣。他研究城市公共空间的使用,并发展以人为本的设计理论,以增强积极的生活和经济弹性。


Ownership diversity and fragmentation: A barrier to urban centre resilience



Fragmentation of ownership has long been a recognised constraint to UK city centre development, a complexity that is growing in significance as centres try to manage the decline in physical retailing and transform obsolete retail units. Yet, our understanding of the structure of ownership and how that might be facilitating or inhibiting urban change remains weak. In this paper, the objective is to address this gap by examining the structure and diversity of land ownership in five retailing centres - Edinburgh, Glasgow, Hull, Liverpool, and Nottingham – between 2000–2017 using original databases created by linking administrative and commercial property data sets. Overall, the analysis finds property ownership to be spatially complex with ownership richness and diversity generally rising over the study period. The study also reveals that ownership structure has been shifting away from financial institutions towards overseas investors, private individuals and unlisted property companies, implying greater fragmentation of ownership. While the greater diversity in ownership should stimulate competition and innovation in property market practices, the shift in balance from equity-rich larger investors towards smaller and sometimes unknown investors makes urban centre management harder to manage. This suggests policymakers need to rethink the urban governance model to find a better way to galvanise the actions of this increasing disparate group of stakeholders if their visions of more resilient, mixed use city centres are to be realised.











Visual impact assessment of urban developments around heritage landmarks using ULVIA method: (The case of Ark-e-Alishah monument in Tabriz)



Urban intensification and erection of high-rise buildings can affect the visibility of urban landmarks and pedestrians’ viewshed toward important monuments. Current 2D and 3D Isovist techniques use static rather than dynamic and cumulative view sheds to analyze visibility. The purpose of this research is to develop a method called ULVIA to assess the average visibility degree of urban landmarks in urban design process. Several factors such as observer and environmental characteristics as well as the concept of cumulative viewshed (using Nurbs data and ray casting in Grasshopper) have been considered to develop this method. Ark-e-Alishah Mosque in Tabriz was selected as a case study and three alternative 3D urban models were reproduced based on data and aerial photos of the monument and its urban context in 2003, 2020 and a proposed model. The ULVIA is executed in sequential steps. The findings reveal that the 2003 urban fabric creates visibility with normal intensity and distribution in all paths, the 2020 option does not have this balance, and the difference between riding and pedestrian mode is higher. The final proposed alternative has a higher visibility intensity and better distribution in both pedestrian and rider modes than other alternatives and therefore UlVIA has the potential to be integrated into urban design process to assess various development alternatives to achieve the best results in terms of historical landmarks’ visibility from surrounding environments.










Factors influencing vertical urban development at the parcel scale: The case in Brisbane, Australia



Increasing urban density has become an important focus in mitigating the adverse impacts of urban sprawl. A common way to increase urban density is the development of multi-story residential housing, or vertical urban development (VUD). Compared to low-rise detached housing, VUD has been purported to be more effective in mitigating the adverse impact of urban sprawl. This paper examines factors influencing VUD through a case study of Brisbane, Australia. Three types of housing developments – low-rise detached houses, low-rise apartments, and medium- to high-rise apartments – are explored, with the latter two types classified as VUD. Building on the literature that suggests a range of environmental, socio-demographic, built environment, and planning regulations factors driving or constraining VUD, our study further explores how land parcel size and parcel change over time either through parcel amalgamation or subdivision as factors driving VUD. The findings show that parcel size and parcel amalgamation are key factors leading to VUD, particularly in the form of medium- to high-rise apartment development. On the other hand, land use upzoning alone does not appear to be sufficient to drive VUD. Our study enriches the understanding of the scale effects of land parcels and zoning regulation on vertical urban development, and contributes to parcel-based land use planning policies that are targeted at more intensive urban land use.






Yuanyuan Huang,布里斯班昆士兰大学地球与环境科学学院的博士研究生。她目前的研究方向是城市垂直增长和住宅偏好。她的博士研究旨在通过探索居民对住房选择的偏好以及对城市住宅景观的空间影响来增强对垂直住宅发展的理解。


A method to derive small area estimates of linked commuting trips by mode from open source LODES and ACS data



This paper describes a fully customizable open source method to create linked origin-destination data on commuting flows by mode at the Census tract scale by combining LODES and ACS data from the US Census Bureau. With additional work, the method could be scaled to the entire US (with a small number of exceptions) for every year from 2002 to 2019. For demonstration purposes, the paper applies this method to 2015 commuting flows in Cook County, Illinois. At an aggregate scale, the results of this application show that commuting by all modes is dominated by travel to large regional employment centres. However, the pattern is more localised for the walking mode, and focused along corridors of mode-specific infrastructure investment for the cycling and transit modes, as might be expected. The auto and work from home modes demonstrate the most distributed pattern of travel, revealing more instances of commuting to regional sub-centres than the other modes.









Geographies of grocery shopping in major Canadian cities: Evidence from large-scale mobile app data



Socioeconomic and place-based factors contribute to grocery shopping patterns which may be important for diet and health. Big data provide the opportunity to explore behaviours at the population level. We used data collected from Flipp, a free all-in-one savings and deals content app, to identify visitation to grocery stores and estimate home-to-store distances, monthly frequencies and number of unique stores visited in eight Canadian cities during 2020. Grocery shopping outcomes and associations with income, population density and percentage of car commuters were explored using data aggregated at the Aggregate Dissemination Area level in which app users lived. Changes in patterns of grocery shopping following restrictions implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic were also investigated. The median of average home-to-store distances ranged from 4 to 5 km across all cities throughout 2020. Shorter distances for grocery shopping were shown consistently for shoppers living in lower income, densely populated and low car-commuting ADAs. A maximum of three unique supermarkets were visited on average each month. Decreases in the frequency and variability of grocery store visits were shown across all cities in April 2020 following the implementation of restrictions in response to COVID-19, and pre-pandemic levels of shopping were rarely achieved by the end of the year. Ultimately, these results provide much needed information regarding the characteristics of grocery shopping trips in a high-income country, as well as how food shopping was impacted by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. This information will be useful for a range of future studies seeking to characterise access to food retail.


社会经济和基于地点的因素对杂货店购物模式有贡献,这可能对饮食和健康很重要。大数据提供了在人口水平上探索行为的机遇。我们使用从Flipp收集的数据,Flipp是一款免费的储蓄和优惠内容应用程序,用于识别2020年在加拿大八个城市访问杂货店的情况,并估算从家到商店的距离、每月频率和访问的独特商店数量。使用应用用户所在的聚合传播区域(Aggregate Dissemination Area,简称ADA)级别的数据,探索杂货店购物结果和与收入、人口密度和驾车通勤者百分比相关的因素。还调查了COVID-19大流行病应对措施实施后杂货店购物模式的变化。2020年全年所有城市中,从家到商店的平均距离中位数在4到5公里之间。低收入、人口密集和低驾车通勤者百分比的家庭购物距离相对较短。平均每个月最多访问三个独特的超市。在所有城市中,随着COVID-19应对措施的实施,商店访问频率和变化在2020年4月都出现了下降,到年底时,商店访问频率和变化都减少了。最终,这些结果提供了有关高收入国家购物行程特点以及食品购物如何受到COVID-19大流行病的影响的宝贵信息。这些信息将有助于未来一系列研究了解食品零售的可达性。









The impact of geometric and land use elements on the perceived pleasantness of urban layouts



This article presents a model to estimate the impact of geometric and land use elements on citizens’ perception of urban layout pleasantness. An ordinal regression cumulative link mixed model with those elements as regressors is proposed and calibrated using data from an online survey. Results show that landscape building height and density of green areas are the factors that most impact the perception of pleasantness. Based on the model, a methodology to derive pleasantness mean scores for a city is also proposed and applied to a case study. The methodology allows for benchmarking the pleasantness of different cities or comparing neighborhoods within a city. It can be used both as an urban evaluation tool and a decision-aid for city expansion programs.











Measuring and mapping neighborhood opportunity: A comparison of opportunity indices in California



Backed by decades of empirical research, there has been increasing acknowledgment in policy, practice and research of the importance of neighborhood opportunity in shaping well-being. This has led to the proliferation of opportunity maps in cities throughout the United States with the purpose of identifying low opportunity neighborhoods in need of investment and intervention and high opportunity neighborhoods that can offer access to resources and amenities to disadvantaged population groups. By explicitly linking investment to the identification of neighborhoods that are high or low in opportunity, opportunity indices have the potential to help transform local and regional landscapes of spatial inequality. Despite this common goal, indices rely on varying theoretical conceptualizations, data, variables, and statistical approaches. How much these opportunity definitions overlap has yet to be fully examined. In this study, we compared five approaches to measuring neighborhood opportunity in California. We found low to moderate overlap across the indices, with disagreement higher for low opportunity designations. As with any quantitative analysis, opportunity mapping is not a purely technical exercise and requires a series of subjective decisions. The only way to validate these decisions is for opportunity measures to be constructed transparently and vetted by the research community. This study is a first step in this process.










Evaluating the effects of heat vulnerability on heat-related emergency medical service incidents: Lessons from Austin, Texas



Extreme heat exposure and sensitivity have been a growing concern in urban regions as the effects of extreme heat pose a threat to public health, the water supply, and the infrastructure. Heat-related illnesses demand an immediate Emergency Medical Service (EMS) response since they might result in death or serious disability if not treated quickly. Despite increased concerns about urban heat waves and relevant health issues, a limited amount of research has investigated the effects of heat vulnerability on heat-related illnesses. This study explores the geographical distribution of heat vulnerability in the city of Austin and Travis County areas of Texas and identifies neighborhoods with a high degree of heat vulnerability and restricted EMS accessibility. We conducted negative binomial regressions to investigate the effects of heat vulnerability on heat-related EMS incidents. Heat-related EMS calls have increased in neighborhoods with more impervious surfaces, Hispanics, those receiving social benefits, people living alone, and the elderly. Higher urban capacity, including efficient road networks, water areas, and green spaces, is likely to reduce heat-related EMS incidents. This study provides data-driven evidence to help planners prioritize vulnerable locations and concentrate local efforts on addressing heat-related health concerns.






Kijin Seong,德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校建筑学院的博士后研究员。她的研究重点是气候适应能力、灾害恢复能力、减灾和气候变化适应以及环境公平的智慧城市框架。


A data-driven investigation on park visitation and income mixing of visitors in New York City



It is crucial to understand the current pattern of urban park visitation to achieve environmental justice. Current discussions of environmental equity of parks mainly focus on the inequality provision measured by park accessibility, park area, park quality, and park congestion, ignoring the inequity of social benefits through interactions among mixed-income groups. Based on fine-grained mobile phone location data at the census block group level in 2018 and 2019, we explored visitation patterns and the mixed-income levels of visitors in urban parks in New York City. The visitors were divided into five income groups, with the “income entropy” used as a measure of the mixed level of the visitors in terms of income groups. We answered an important question: what factors affect the visitation intensity and the mixed level of income groups in urban park visitors? Our results revealed that the time of year and season, the parks’ characteristics, the built environment, and the socioeconomic characteristics of the park’s surrounding neighborhoods have strong associations with park use patterns. We also offered implications for urban planning and urban design to promote park visitation and income-diverse park use and improve social inclusion and environmental equity.






Xiao Huang,阿肯色大学地球科学系的助理教授。他的研究主要集中在计算社会科学、城市信息学、人与环境相互作用和高级地理空间分析。


Factors influencing the performance of virtual reality in urban planning: Evidence from a View corridor Virtual Reality project, Beijing



Virtual reality (VR) technologies, as new forms of planning support systems (PSSs), are becoming increasingly vital to planning. However, there is a lack of empirical research on factors influencing VR’s supportive role from a user perspective, thus producing barriers to VR’s advancement in planning practices. This neglect motivates the focus of this study, in which we adapt relevant PSS theory to build a conceptual framework that examines factors influencing VR performance in an experience-based environment. Empirical data are gathered predominantly through students’experiences with and evaluation of the “Viewing the Western Hills at Yinding Bridge” (Yinding Guanshan) VR Project—a VR system developed to optimize the view corridor of Beijing’s Western Hills. The results show large variability in factors influencing VR performance. In general, the effects of six factors are significant, including 3D visualization, simulating real-world scenes, user-friendliness, interactivity, inspiring participants’ enthusiasm, and inspiring creative thinking. These factors are attributed to the functionality, usability and innovativeness dimensions of VR systems. This study concludes that to realize the supportive and useful role of VR in planning, at minimum, these six factors should be explicitly taken into account.






Shangyi Zhou,北京师范大学地理科学学院教授。她目前的研究方向包括规划支持系统在地理教育和文化地理学中的应用。


Disadvantaged communities have lower access to urban infrastructure



Disparity in spatial accessibility is strongly associated with growing inequalities among urban communities. Since improving levels of accessibility for certain communities can provide them with upward social mobility and address social exclusion and inequalities in cities, it is important to understand the nature and distribution of spatial accessibility among urban communities. To support decision-makers in achieving inclusion and fairness in policy interventions in cities, we present an open and data-driven framework to understand the spatial nature of accessibility to infrastructure among the different demographics. We find that accessibility to a wide range of infrastructure in any city (54 cities) converges to a Zipf’s law, suggesting that inequalities also appear proportional to growth processes in these cities. Then, assessing spatial inequalities among the socioeconomically clustered urban profiles for 10 of those cities, we find urban communities are distinctly segregated along social and spatial lines. We find low accessibility scores for populations who have a larger share of minorities, earn less and have a relatively lower number of individuals with a university degree. These findings suggest that the reproducible framework we propose may be instrumental in understanding processes leading to spatial inequalities and in supporting cities to devise targeted measures for addressing inequalities for certain underprivileged communities.










Visualizing the uneven accessibility to nucleic acid testing services in Shenzhen under China’s COVID control measures



Under China’s “dynamic zero” COVID-19 policy, Shenzhen required its residents to present a negative nucleic acid testing result within 24 or 48 h to access most public spaces and transit until most recently. The uneven accessibility to testing services could render certain groups vulnerable to mobility disadvantage (e.g., denied access to public transport). Using data of nucleic acid testing services and residents’positioning points, I created a cartogram to capture the spatial distribution of people’s activities and that of testing services in Shenzhen. The cartogram indicates that the nucleic acid testing services were spatially concentrated in a way inconsistent with the distribution of people’s daily activities. Several girds exhibit high presence of activities but low or no provision of testing services that were necessary for residents to accessing public spaces and transport. The cartogram casts light to potential consequence of regular nucleic acid testing on mobility equality.






Zifeng Chen,中山大学地理与规划学院城市地理学副教授。主要研究方向为活动-旅行行为和城市/城市-区域的空间结构。紫峰目前的出版物主要集中在社会经济差异与城市居民对城市机会的空间可达性之间的关系,以及利用人口流动数据描绘城市功能区。


论文概览 |《Urban Analytics and City Science》2023.03 Vol.50 Issue.3

本次给大家整理的是《Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science》杂志2023年3月第50卷第3期的论文的题目和摘要,一共包括18篇SCI论文! 论文1 A new kind of search 一种新型的搜索 【摘要】 ChatGPT (2022) was first launched o…...


VScode一些快捷键 Ctrl/——注释 !——生成html框架元素 *n——生成n个标签 直接书写html的名字回车生成对应的标签 常见标签 span&#xff1a; <span style"color: red;">hello</span> <span>demo</span> span实现&#xff1a; 标题…...


目录 一、今日目标 1.生命周期 2.综合案例-小黑记账清单 3.工程化开发入门 4.综合案例-小兔仙首页 二、Vue生命周期 三、Vue生命周期钩子 四、生命周期钩子小案例 1.在created中发送数据 六、工程化开发模式和脚手架 1.开发Vue的两种方式 2.Vue CLI脚手架 基本介绍…...


深入浅出&#xff1a;Gin框架路由与HTTP请求处理 引言 在Web开发中&#xff0c;路由和HTTP请求处理是构建API的核心部分。Gin框架作为Go语言中最受欢迎的Web框架之一&#xff0c;提供了简洁而强大的工具来处理这些任务。本文将深入浅出地介绍如何使用Gin框架进行路由定义、处…...


目录 1、如何实现一个通用的交换函数 2、函数模板 2.1 函数模板的概念 2.2 函数模板的格式 2.3 函数模板的原理 2.4 函数模板的实例化 2.5 模板参数的匹配原则 3、类模板 3.1 类模板的格式 3.2 类模板的实例化 1、如何实现一个通用的交换函数 void Swap(int& lef…...


文章目录 一、物体编辑器简介1.1 界面介绍1.2 复用(导入导出)1.3 收藏夹(项目资源管理)1.4 对象池二、单位2.1 数据设置2.2 表现设置2.3 单位势力和掉率设置2.4 技能添加和技能参数修改2.5 商店2.5.1 商店属性设置2.5.2 商店物品设置三、装饰物3.1 属性编辑3.2 碰撞体积四、…...


USB 是很常用的接口&#xff0c;目前大多数的设备都是 USB 接口的&#xff0c;比如鼠标、键盘、USB 摄像头等&#xff0c;我们在实际开发中也常常遇到 USB 接口的设备&#xff0c;本章我们就来学习一下如何使能 Linux内核自带的 USB 驱动。注意&#xff01;本章并不讲解具体的 …...

【配置查询】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列

.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列 【开篇】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列【入门必看】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列【实体配置】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列【Db First】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列【Code First】.NET开源 ORM 框架 SqlSugar 系列【数据事务…...


目录 &#xff08;一&#xff09;Cookie概述 1.什么叫Cookie 2.Cookie规范 3.Cookie的覆盖 4.cookie的最大存活时间 ​​​​​​&#xff08;Cookie的生命&#xff09; &#xff08;二&#xff09; Cookie的API 1.创建Cookie&#xff1a;new 构造方法 2.保存到客户端浏…...


更多有关Next.js教程&#xff0c;请查阅&#xff1a; 【目录】Next.js 独立开发系列教程-CSDN博客 目录 1. 动态路由 (Dynamic Routes) 1.1 动态路由的基础 1.2 获取动态参数 1.3 动态嵌套路由 1.4 捕获所有动态路由 2. 并行路由 (Parallel Routes) 2.1 并行路由的基础…...

Backblaze 2024 Q3硬盘故障质量报告解读

作为一家在2021年在美国纳斯达克上市的云端备份公司&#xff0c;Backblaze一直保持着对外定期发布HDD和SSD的故障率稳定性质量报告&#xff0c;给大家提供了一份真实应用场景下的稳定性分析参考数据&#xff1a; 以往报告解读系列参考&#xff1a; Backblaze发布2024 Q2硬盘故障…...

[创业之路-179]:《领先的密码 - BLM核心方法体系与企业实践》主要章节与主要内容

目录 前言&#xff1a; 1、引言或概述 2、BLM方法论的背景与起源 3、BLM方法论的发展与完善 4、BLM方法论的重要性与价值 5、本书的内容与结构 二、BLM核心方法体系 1. 领先的起点 2. 领先的战略 3. 领先的执行 4. 领先之魂 三、本书的核心思想 1、以战略为核心 …...


在 UniApp 中&#xff0c;生命周期函数是指在组件&#xff08;如页面、视图等&#xff09;创建和销毁过程中会自动触发的一些函数。UniApp 提供了多种生命周期函数&#xff0c;帮助开发者在适当的时机进行相关的逻辑处理。 UniApp 的生命周期函数可以分为 页面生命周期 和 组件…...

基于 RNN(GRU, LSTM)+CNN 的红点位置检测(pytorch)

文章目录 1 项目背景2 数据集3 思路4 实验结果5 代码 1 项目背景 需要在图片精确识别三跟红线所在的位置&#xff0c;并输出这三个像素的位置。 其中&#xff0c;每跟红线占据不止一个像素&#xff0c;并且像素颜色也并不是饱和度和亮度极高的红黑配色&#xff0c;每个红线放大…...

L2G3000-LMDeploy 量化部署实践

文章目录 LMDeploy 量化部署实践闯关任务环境配置W4A16 量化 KV cacheKV cache 量化Function call LMDeploy 量化部署实践闯关任务 环境配置 conda create -n lmdeploy python3.10 -y conda activate lmdeploy conda install pytorch2.1.2 torchvision0.16.2 torchaudio2.1.…...


verilog编程规范 文章目录 verilog编程规范前言一、代码划分二、verilog编码ABCDEFG 前言 高内聚&#xff0c;低耦合&#xff0c;干净清爽的代码 一、代码划分 高内聚&#xff1a; 一个功能一个模块干净的接口提取公共的代码 低耦合&#xff1a; 模块之间低耦合尽量用少量…...


飞飞5.4游戏源码&#xff08;客户端服务端工具完整源代码5.3fix5.4patch数据库可编译进游戏&#xff09; 下载地址&#xff1a; 通过网盘分享的文件&#xff1a;【源码】飞飞5.4游戏源码&#xff08;客户端服务端工具完整源代码5.3fix5.4patch数据库可编译进游戏&#xff09; 链…...


目录 前言 &#x1f343;1.表的增加 &#x1f359;1.1增——insert &#x1f359;1.2插入否则更新 &#x1f364;1.2.1影响行说明 &#x1f342;2.表的查询 &#x1f358;2.1查询——select &#x1f358;2.2特殊表查询 &#x1f365;2.2.1添加表达式 &#x1f365;…...

Zabbix监控Oracle 19c数据库完整配置指南

Zabbix监控Oracle 19c数据库完整配置指南 本文将详细介绍如何使用Zabbix配置Oracle 19c数据库监控&#xff0c;包括安装、配置、问题排查等全过程。本指南适合新手独立完成配置。 1. 环境准备 1.1 系统要求 Oracle 19c数据库服务器Zabbix服务器&#xff08;版本5.0或更高&a…...


1.建立网络拓扑 添加2台计算机&#xff0c;标签名为PC0、PC1&#xff1b;添加2台二层交换机2960&#xff0c;标签名为S0、S1&#xff1b;添加2台路由器2811&#xff0c;标签名为R0、R1&#xff1b;交换机划分的VLAN及端口根据如下拓扑图&#xff0c;使用直通线、DCE串口线连接…...


目录 1. 说明2. 主要算法2.1 标记-清除算法2.2 复制算法2.3 标记-整理算法3. 主要回收器3.1 Serial GC3.2 Parallel GC3.3 CMS&#xff08;Concurrent Mark-Sweep&#xff09;GC3.4 G1&#xff08;Garbage-First&#xff09;GC 4. 触发条件4.1 Minor GC&#xff08;Young GC&am…...


OpenLayers是一个开源的JavaScript库&#xff0c;用于在Web上创建交互式地图。它提供了许多地图事件&#xff0c;使用户可以与地图进行交互。以下是OpenLayers常用的地图事件&#xff1a; 1. click&#xff1a;当用户单击地图时触发该事件。 2. dblclick&#xff1a;当用户双…...


背景&#xff1a;不同项目需求&#xff0c;所需要git操作集合&#xff0c;不太一样&#xff0c;这里汇总记录一下。 场景1&#xff1a;给本地项目添加到远程仓库的新建分支上 把本地节点保存在自己库的一个分支&#xff1a; git init git remote add origin xxx.git 远程仓库…...


什么是索引 数据库索引是为了实现高效数据查询的一种有序的数据数据结构&#xff0c;类似于书的目录&#xff0c;通过目录可以快速的定位到想要的数据&#xff0c;因为一张表中的数据会有很多&#xff0c;如果直接去表中检索数据效率会很低&#xff0c;所以需要为表中的数据建立…...

【优选算法 二分查找】二分查找算法入门详解:二分查找小专题

x 的平方根 题目解析 算法原理 解法一&#xff1a; 暴力解法 如果要求一个数(x)的平方根&#xff0c;可以从 0 往后枚举&#xff0c;直到有一个数(a)&#xff0c;a^2<x&#xff0c;(a1)^2>x&#xff0c;a即为所求&#xff1b; 解法二&#xff1a;二分查找 …...


1.打开CSDN文章内容 2.按键盘上的f12键&#xff08;或者右键—审查元素&#xff09;进入浏览器调试模式&#xff0c;点击控制台&#xff08;Console&#xff09;进入控制台 3.在控制台输入以下代码&#xff0c;回车 4.在弹出的打印页面中将布局设置成横向&#xff0c;纵向会…...


一、简介 MinerU是开源、高质量的数据提取工具&#xff0c;支持多源数据、深度挖掘、自定义规则、快速提取等。含数据采集、处理、存储模块及用户界面&#xff0c;适用于学术、商业、金融、法律等多领域&#xff0c;提高数据获取效率。一站式、开源、高质量的数据提取工具&…...


2024年下半年网络工程师案例分析真题及答案解析 试题一(15分) [说明] 公司为某科技园区的不同企业提供网络服务,不同企业的业务有所不同,每个企业因业务需要在不同的地点有多个分支机构。其拓扑结构如图1所示。企业用户通过楼层接入交换机、楼栋汇聚交换机和区域交换机接…...

English phonetic symbol

英语音标发音表-英语48个音标在线读 (jiwake.com) 【英语音标教程】从此学会国际音标|英式音标|BBC音标教程全解_哔哩哔哩_bilibili 元音 单元音 /iː/,/ɪ/ 这两个音不是发音长短的区别&#xff0c; /uː/ /ʊ/ 上面那个就正常读&#xff0c;下面那个她的气大概是往你斜…...


P4568 [JLOI2011] 飞行路线 - 洛谷 | 计算机科学教育新生态 可以设置分层图&#xff1a;(伪代码&#xff09; E(u,v)w;无向图 add(u,v,w),add(v,u,w); for(j1~k){add(ujn,vjn,w);add(vjn,ujn,w);add(ujn-j,vjn-j,0);add(vjn-j,ujn-j,0); } add(ujn-j,vjn-j,0); add(vjn-j,uj…...